#Bi-Han’s redemption depends on us!!
laismoura-art · 1 year
I can now sleep happily knowing that
There are plenty of realities where Bi-Han is a good guy!🩵
Look at ma boy in the front line!
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Get away Quan Chi, I want to see the pretty boy!
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Look at him and Scorpion! (Also tits out Scorpion!)
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Two more!
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If you take a closer look you will find at least 5 of him!
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Also, also also! Have you guys taken a good look at his outfit?
This one:
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Doesn't it look oddly familiar to...
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You know what that means folks???
Whenever Bi-Han speaks Spanish, he's a good guy!
Kuai Liang, clan war is cancelled! Pay your brother a good Spanish course and a new era of peace will be upon you!
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edenianprincess · 9 months
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INTRO !!      ❤︎ ׄ                                              Dialogues Intros .ᐟ
Dialogues intros about characters’ relationships with a gender neutral!reader. Characters chosen are Johnny, Bi-Han, Kenshi and Kitana. Content warning: very slight suggestive theme in 2 dialogues. There’s a small bonus angst part for Bi-han but the rest of his dialogues is taking place in a world where he didn’t betray his brothers. Please, respond to the poll at the end!
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Johnny ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Two of us? There can only be one. You: Yeah, if Johnny see this he’ll go nuts.
You: Jo-Johnny?! But how?! You: Hollywood makeup, darling.
Johnny: Let’s be real, Y/n would totally prefer me. Johnny: You got balls to say this as a copycat.
Johnny ! At each other
You: Are you ready to show me off your skills in kombat? Johnny: Real question is, are YOU ready to be impressed by my skills?
You: Just because I’m your partner doesn’t mean I have to watch every of your movies. Johnny: Who said the only thing we were going to do is watch?
You: The model who talked to you, she wanted what? Johnny: Who cares, is someone jealous?
Johnny: Win this, Doll, and I’ll show my biiiig surprise for you. You: Let’s not waste time then, and just show me it now.
Johnny: I’ve got to say, I never went on a date as odd as this one. You: Could you please focus, Johnny.
Johnny: I may be the outlaw, darling. But you're the one stealing my heart. You: From which movie did you steal the line this time?
Johnny ! With other characters
Mileena: How can you have a partner with your pride is beyond me. Johnny: You know how many people wish to be at their place?
You: Why do you want to train with me that much? It has been a week now. Smoke: I just need to work on my technique, and you’re the best fighting partner!
Smoke: I don’t think I can hold on much longer, they’re starting to doubt something. Johnny: Please Smoke, my man, I just need a bit more time.
You: How is working with Johnny? Kenshi: Even the Yakuza didn’t make me work that much.
Johnny: Will you accept to be my best man for the wedding if Y/n says yes? Kenshi: It would be an honor.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu are in need of members. You: I can advise you Johnny’s paparazzis, they sneak into your privacy without your knowing.
Liu Kang: I’m glad to see your heart has open again. Johnny: I’m thankful for what Cris taught me but Y/n is without a doubt my soulmate.
Kung Lao: How is it like to live in a big celebrity’s house? You: Depends which house are we talking about.
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Bi-Han ! Mirror Dialogues
You: There’s still a chance of redemption for your Bi-Han. You: Wait, what happened to yours?
You: Bi-Han wouldn’t be able to handle two of us. You: That’s why there should only be one left.
Sub-Zero: Y/n made you soft. Sub-Zero: We’ll see who is soft when your face meets my cold fist.
Bi-Han ! At each other
You: I don’t ask you to abandon your duties, just show that you care for me. Sub-Zero: Everything I do is for the Lin Kuei and you.
You: Do we really need to fight? I wouldn’t want to ruin that handso- Sub-Zero: Not in front of the new recruits.
You: Do I really need to train that much? Sub-Zero: I won’t gamble on your life to know the answer.
Sub-Zero: You’re spending too much time with the actor. You: You know he isn’t cooler than you.
Sub-Zero: You’re not my Y/n. You: I’m here to stop you before the shadows take over you.
Sub-Zero: How dare you call me with your foolish names in front of the champions?! You: *laughs* Let it go, Bi-Han.
Bi-Han ! With other characters
Kung Lao: Should I go easy on Babi Han? Sub-Zero: I’ll put your head on an ice stake!
Johnny: Seriously, him?! What does he has that I don’t? You: It’s more about what you have that he doesn’t.
Raiden: You… having a partner. That’s quite the amazement. Sub-Zero: And what is that supposed to mean?
Smoke: He didn’t even yell this time, how did you pacify him? You: A magician never reveals their secret.
Kitana: I see that this cold heart has finally melt. Sub-Zero: Don’t think this made me weak.
Liu Kang: You kept Bi-Han away to deflect towards the wrong path. You: I’m always looking out for him.
Scorpion: I’m really happy for you to have found your one, brother. Sub-Zero: With them by my side, the Lin Kuei can only flourish.
You: I am concerned for Bi-Han, do you think he’ll stay stable? Geras: This will depend on your actions.
Bi-Han ! Angst part
You: How could I feel a part of the Lin Kuei, when you reject your own brother? Sub-Zero: Tomas won’t be the one to insure the clan’s future.
You: You put more trust in this sorcerer than in me. Sub-Zero: It’s not about trust, it’s about glory.
Sub-Zero: We could have ruled together. You: Indeed, and you ruined everything.
Scorpion: You were lucky to have found someone like them, and you had to crush their feelings. Sub-Zero: They were lucky I deemed them as worthy.
You: I'm sorry for his words, I'm trying to resonate with him. Smoke: I've stopped caring about what he says a long time ago.
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Kenshi ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Do you think if we switch places he’ll notice? You: We have to try that!
You: Your Kenshi has lost his sight too? You: This man really should try to protect his eyes better.
Kenshi: My Y/n died in my timeline. Kenshi: And you think I’ll let you this one?
Kenshi ! At each other
You: You may have lost the tournament but you’re the champion of my heart. Kenshi: *laughs* Since when did you become that cheesy?
You: Here comes the man in black. Kenshi: I know you love it when I wear that suit.
You: I wish I could have been here to protect you. Kenshi: You already do a lot for me, and I can’t be more grateful.
Kenshi: Wait, it’s not Johnny who told everyone I’m the best swordsman in Earthrealm? You: I’m simply sharing my honest opinion.
Kenshi: Don’t go easy on me. You: So, just like last night?
Kenshi: I feel like my past with the Yakuza is haunting me again. You: This time, we will fight together against them, mentally or physically.
Kenshi ! With other characters
Johnny: Have you seen the new hottie? Totally would sm- Kenshi: You don’t want to finish that sentence.
Kung Lao: So, I conclude it wasn’t love at first sight with Kenshi, eh? You: Very funny, Kung Lao.
Johnny: I swear, I didn’t know they were your spouse. Kenshi: Hmp.. as if you care for that.
You: Are you sure you’re up to fight? I wouldn’t want to match my husband. Mileena: Why, wouldn’t that be adorable?
Reiko: Should I steal your magic sword to see how quick you’d die? Kenshi: An angry spouse is deadlier than Sento and believe me, you don’t want that.
You: You’ll pay for what you did. Shang Tsung: I wasn’t the one to blind your lover.
Ashrah: I can only sense sincerity in your lover’s heart. Kenshi: They have helped me in many ways.
General Shao: Once I find your partner, he’ll lose more than his sight. You: Too bad you’ll have to pass over my dead body first.
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Kitana ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Do you really think Kitana would fall for your tricks, Shang Tsung? You: I just need to make sure I’m the only one remaining, first.
You: I don’t think I want to share Kitana even with another me. You: How strange, I was thinking the same thing.
Kitana: Y/n doesn’t exist my timeline. Kitana: I wouldn’t be able to imagine a life without them.
Kitana ! At each other
You: How about we go at Madam Bo’s after this fight? Kitana: It will be a pleasure to go with you. I’ve heard only great things.
You: Your fighting is just as graceful as your look. Kitana: Flattery will get you nowhere, beloved.
You: How about a double date with Mileena and Tanya after this fight? Kitana: Are you suggesting that I should date my sister and her lover..?
Kitana: I have lost sight of you in the fight against the titans. You: Don’t worry, we can’t get rid of me that easily.
Kitana: Leading the army can sometime become overwhelming. You: Rest is important even for someone as competent as you.
Kitana: *laughs* Do not fret, my sister does not bite. You: Yes, she does.
Kitana ! With other characters
Mileena: While I respect you if I learn that you’re toying with my sister, I’ll- You: Rip my face apart?
Kitana: Sister, please, trust my judgment on Y/n. Mileena: I’m just making sure of that.
You: Your daughter is truly a wonder. Sindel: She takes a lot from her mother.
Sindel: Is this lover of yours worthy to be by your side? Kitana: I deem them as so, mother.
Raiden: I’m really happy for you and the Princess. You: Is that so? Why do I hear disappointment in your voice.
General Shao: I’ll exploit you and your partner’s weaknesses that is you both. Kitana: You cannot be more wrong, General. We are each other’s strength.
You: Sorry, Cage. Kitana is off limits. Johnny: Not even a small place for a third person?
Kitana: Should I thank you for putting me with Y/n in this timeline? Liu Kang: I did nothing, it was you both who found each other.
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evilbihan · 7 months
Bi-Han's grim future
I'm not sure why some people are convinced that Bi-Han will have a redemption arc when the writers have already shown how little they care for his character by turning him into their punching bag. In fact, looking at what we know so far, it seems much more like things will take a turn for the worse, not the better.
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If the leaks turn out to be true, Bi-Han will lose everything. His clan and his position as grandmaster, his cryomancy, the loyalty of Cyrax on top of losing his brothers, his youth, years of his life... He will have nothing left to come back to and therefore he will also have no reason to seek redemption. Most people won't forgive him, his own brother left him to die and the only thing keeping Kuai Liang from just murdering Bi-Han on the spot when he's the most vulnerable is Liu Kang.
Bi-Han will depend on Liu Kang more than ever which is the exact opposite of what he always wanted. He will help save the timeline, only to be locked up inside the Temple of the Elements for who knows how long with the possibility that he might be restored in several years. Even if that happens, he will have to relearn his cryomancy, if he gains it back at all, the Lin Kuei will have gotten used to serving a new grandmaster and Bi-Han would have to earn their respect and loyalty all over again. That is, if he's not already an old man by the time Liu Kang manages to restore him. His life's work will be undone completely.
According to a leaked dialogue between Takeda and a currently unknown character (possibly Noob), Kuai Liang is looking for the Arctikan Hailstone. I assume it's either to keep Bi-Han from ever getting his cryomancy back or to find a way to transfer it to either Hanzo, making him the next Sub-Zero or himself, leaving Hanzo to be the next Scorpion. Bi-Han's mantle will be passed on to someone else in his absence. He will lose more than just a fight, he will lose his entire identity. Bi-Han as Sub-Zero will no longer exist at the end of this dlc and will possibly never exist again.
Liu Kang: You will not enter the Temple of the Elements. Bi-Han: I will have the power you've locked away inside.
What I believe will happen is that Bi-Han, having nothing left to return to, will simply embrace what he became as he did in previous timelines. Instead of Sareena helping to redeem Bi-Han, I think they will work together to steal whatever powerful magic they can find within the Temple of the Elements and take it back to Quan Chi.
Reptile: I worry Sareena is falling back into evil. Ashrah: We can't let her, Syzoth.
Syzoth is worried about Sareena returning to her old ways and that could mean she's up to no good. Instead of trying to help redeem Bi-Han, Sareena might try and convince him to aid Quan Chi's cause instead. If that does happen, Noob could try and take vengeance on Kuai Liang for leaving him to die by handing him over to Quan Chi which could lead to Scorpion becoming a spectre yet again. Both brothers could then serve under Quan Chi like Bi-Han and Hanzo did in the past. There's also the possibility of Smoke joining them if he becomes corrupted by the Enenra.
Judging by leaked dialogues, it's heavily suggested that everything is set up towards Bi-Han's doom/demise, with one of the dlc characters (possibly Homelander) calling him a "deadman" in one of their intros. I can't speak much on this myself, but I've also seen a reddit user claim that Scorpion's VA himself, upon being asked why Scorpion doesn't forgive Bi-Han, responded that Kuai Liang will never forgive his brother, so that rules out the possibility of the brothers ending their rivalry as well.
The only person who has ever been able to save Bi-Han from corruption was Kuai Liang in his MK11 tower ending, but Kuai Liang in this new timeline hates his brother and wants him dead, which means the only person who successfully saved Bi-Han in any timeline is now no longer willing to save him. Bi-Han is doomed and I believe Kuai Liang's cruelty and hatred will backfire, causing the downfall of both, if not all three Lin Kuei brothers, Smoke included. A lot of things imply that there might be a new Scorpion and a new Sub-Zero (the existence of a young Hanzo who could become Scorpion and Frost who could take Bi-Han's mantle).
At the end of the day, MK1 is just a slightly different but fundamentally similar retelling of the story we already know. I'm not sure why they even bothered calling it the New Era when history seems like it's going to repeat itself.
Of course, all of these are just theories and speculations, but I doubt Bi-Han's story will end well. I'm sickened by this dlc and the thought of all the suffering Bi-Han will go through. The most disgusting part is that I know the fandom will enjoy seeing Bi-Han get tortured and paying for things he didn't do while the real culprits who caused Sindel's death and the near destruction of Earthrealm (Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, etc.) will get away unscathed.
Geras: Your future has been damaged beyond repair. Sub-Zero: Are you here to end it?
To me, this dialogue already potentially rules out the possibility for a "redemption arc" or even the chance of being saved for Bi-Han. I suggest reading this very interesting analysis by @inflamedrosenkranz in addition to my post as it's, as always, beautifully worded and very insightful.
Bi-Han's tragedy in MK1 is heartbreaking and upsetting and no matter from which angle you look at it, the dlc is depressing and just another slap in the face to Bi-Han fans.
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thunderdilf · 4 years
What your MK OTP says about you
(based on ships I enjoy and/or have seen in passing)
[feel free to rebagel and add—ship hate will mean insta-blockage, for whatever that’s worth! I’m using the ship names I’ve krafted, and ballparking with others. I hope they give ye a giggle. If your ship isn’t here, PLEASE add it! I just went from memory. I love y’all.]
Caged Heat (Liu/Johnny): you’re here for a good time, not a long time—you like good tiddies and the word “angorny” means something to you. There is passion in both kombat and throwing someone’s luggage off a dock. Sparks, I tells ya.
Sonya/Johnny: you appreciate pegging and Cassie Cage (who doesn’t?). You like the story of a jerk with a heart of gold showing his true colors to a woman who is NOT easily impressed—and who also tops.
Shaolin Rowdy Boys (Liu/Lao): you’re here for a good time, not a long time… literally—you crave childhood friends to unexpected lovers and secret banging in temple broom closets! You see the value of a best friend who’ll go to bat for you, even against a 10,000 year old turboprincess, or maybe you ARE that friend.
Jadetana (Jade/Kitana): Kitana bottoms for NO man, but for Jade, she’d do anything. You love that dynamic of unswerving loyalty which secretly hides deep, abiding admiration and maybe a little lust—or a lot! Who knows what freaky shit Edenian gals can get up to in their private time? You. YOU know and may The Elder Gods™ bless you for producing kontent.
Thermodynamic Equilibrium (subscorp): old guy love is just the ticket—you crave the maturity of years, but you don’t want it boring; someone is getting speared because the love is more intense with age. Kombat to lovemaking is your kryptonite.
Warring Exes (Shang Tsung/Raiden): old guy love, but make it fashion—opulence meets chastity in a clash for the ages; you want an emotional roller coaster of “what if” and “why not”, where a mortal may teach a god to love himself, and love being loved… or perhaps not. Tragedy abounds. There’s enemies to lovers and then there’s this roller coaster. Do you really want good things for Raiden? Debatable.
Faraday Cage (Johnny/Raiden): old guy love, again, but this time it’s two dads finding comfort in a time when they need it most—you REALLY just want good things for Raiden and honestly, who doesn’t? Johnny is, decidedly, a good thing and you’ve decided that nicknames like “1.21 gigawatts” and “electric slide” are acceptable forms of foreplay. 
Cassie/Raiden: Faraday Cage 2: Electric Boogaloo—you might be a spite shipper (rock on) or you just dig visible age gap (because you know that every ship including Raiden or Fujin is EXTREME age gap) and you just want Cassie and Raiden to have nice things.
Jacqueda (Jacqui/Takeda): you watched them grow over the course of X and you were smitten. You’re convinced love really can bloom on the battlefield and kombat spouses appeal to you. The idea of Jacqui throwing down with Scorpion for Takeda’s hand appeals to you as well. Same.
Liutana (Liu Kang/Kitana): all those voice lines and character endings mean something to you—in fact, you may have cried; they’ve been fiddling about since 1995, goddammit, you just want good things for them! Is that so much to ask? I say make it happen.
Royal Pain (Shao Kahn/Sindel): the term “power couple” means something OTHERWORLDLY to you—you took one look at this terrible twosome and went “get me a freak like that” but no one was sure which one you meant and that was okay with you. You’re enamored with their grisly Gomez/Morticia aesthetic. They are awful and you LOVE it. Good on you!
Windwolf (Nightwolf/Fujin): you played Aftermath. ‘Nuff said. JK I’m never done. You love the dynamic of middle-aged person and deity falling in love, which is bizarrely specific, but you’ve found your niche goddammit and you’re going to fill it. You appreciate the koncept of the “god” not always being on top of things, or put-together and the idea of a mortal comforting such a being titillates you. The way Nightwolf stands, holding his belt buckle is, you’re convinced, what sold Fujin; it’s also what sold YOU. 
Windserpent (Shang Tsung/Fujin): you played Aftermath and while you didn’t think of it at the time, you’ve seen some REALLY nice art and batted the idea around a while and then settled on “yes this is for me”. The appeal is in the danger, from both sides—a nigh-immortal soul sorcerer and a god. Perhaps you crave a redemption arc, or a corruption arc; either way, this ship has serious potential and you intend to exploit it. How Shang Tsung of you.
Honor among thieves (Erron Black/Kung Jin): you dig age gap, unironic cowboys, and the idea of a couple of people who haven’t always been on the right side of the law finding themselves and their points of strength in the Kourt of an Outworld emperor. 
Kotal/Jade: you only needed a few cutscenes to tell you that these two are MADLY in love; what we lacked in pure kontent (after all, the game didn’t CENTER on them), they made up for in passionate exchanges. You appreciate the dynamic of respect between them and pegging is NEVER off the table.
Kano/Raiden: the aesthetic of filth-meets-purity appeals to you something fierce. The dynamic is unique and you love the potential for a redemption/corruption arc(s?). 
Shang Tsung/Kano: you saw the club scene in MK95 and you went “yes they’re boning”. Whether there is actual affection or not varies with your mood. You love the idea of disaster gay and refined gay coming together to make something dastardly. 
Bi-Hanzo (Bi-Han/Scorpion): you crave old wounds and aches and angst, drowning in memories of what never could have been, and regrets of what might have been prevented. This is an angst fest and it is YOUR cup of tea; drink that shit down, my friend, no sugar, no cream. Have at it.
Sonya/Jax: team mom and dad aesthetic appeals to you on a spiritual level. Someone’s gotta be in charge of this chicken shit outfit. AMERICA.
The Storm (Fujin/Raiden): your aesthetic includes the difficulty of a mortal’s inability to truly connect with and understand immortals and immortals finding themselves and each other in that realization. These entities who have existed since the beginning of all things understand each other better than anyone else could. Shine on.
Sindel/Raiden: this is team parents aesthetic on ‘roids. You’re probably a fan of the brainwashed Sindel theory and you’re of the opinion that only the love of a god is remotely worthy of the ultimate scream queen. Honestly, you’re probably right. Body worship is on your list of goals, right alongside worthy equals in a relationship—kinky. That being said, pegging is always a possibility.
Mileena/Scorpion: your aesthetic is danger—but alongside that is “lost souls finding love” and “shared burdens of infinite AGONY”. You dig angst and the potential for star-crossed lovers, meeting each other’s eyes across the arena of kombat. The idea of Scorpion as a consort (Kahnsort?) for Mileena might also appeal to you.
Rain/Mileena: the song “hatefuck” by the Bravery is probably your jam. You know there’s little love lost between these two, but perhaps kombat will bare their souls in such a way that they find some redeeming quality in the other—and the sex is VICIOUS. That’s what you’re looking for and by The Elder Gods™ you’ve found it.
Fanblade (Kitana/Sonya): you saw MK95 and went “I can fix this”. Kombat futch meets ancient warrior princess futch—this feels like hardcore xenabrielle vibes with a side of GORE because it’s mortal kombat, let’s be real. You feel as if Kitana would be foolish not to claim Sonya as her lover after watching her snap Kano’s neck with her thighs. You would be right.
Taleena (Tanya/Mileena): rebel, rebel—we love a good usurpation, don’t we? Power struggles are hot, both politically and in bed. Your kinks include overthrowing the bourgeoisie (even though you ARE the bourgeoisie) and seizing the means of production (meaning the flesh pits, probably). 
Shaiden (Shinnok/Raiden): your motto is fight and fuck—or enemies to lovers, for the more refined shipper. Maybe you prefer enemies AND lovers. Go hard or go home, I say.
Nightwolf/Erron Black: old guy love, but make it reformed criminal. The appeal here is that, very likely, someone has to convince someone else that he really IS out of the woods, to show him his true worth, and maybe give him some time off from the violent grind of kombat life.
Kablam (Kabal/Erron Black): black dragon buddies! In the depths of mercenary work, there isn’t time for love, not really, so you want to see these two assholes find some semblance of peace and pleasure amidst illicit activities. Whether or not Kano knows depends on what kind of quickie sex appeals most to you.
Jacquass (Cassie/Jacqui): military lesbians, friends to lovers, BFFs, this ship has it all. You’re in love with the idea of a couple of people who grew up together, suffered and fought and bled together, stumbling away from a battlefield, carrying each other and finding that perhaps they can keep carrying the other, maybe forever.
Kotal/Erron: The idea of watching someone go from bad to the bone, to actually CARING about something other than himself thrills and excites you. That kind of loyalty can’t be bought, even though you keep pretending that’s all it is. Very tsundere.
Kano/Kabal: “he’s a lowlife, piece of shit scumbag; you’re gunna love ‘im.” Nuff said.
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sasorikigai · 3 years
bi-han stands a few feet away with nowhere to run to , his attackers are his own brother and hasashi himself with a long katana and his sweet rage . but before the older man can launch at him , liang had drawn his own gun and aimed for hanzo's leg ; eventually causing him to drop on the ground before he's taken any steps closer to bi-han . cruelest of ways to reveal ab ugly face , liang stands behind him with the gun pointed at his face . no emotions swimming in a gaze that trembles , jaw clenches repeatedly ; he's always been terrible at mimicking his father's and bi-han's cold façade .  ❛ you can't kill him , hanzo . no . ❜ / liang to 🔥 .
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ANGST FEST || @frozenbreath || always accepting
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💥 || There are harrowing ghosts haunting these dilapidated concrete walls, memories staining Commander Hasashi’s pages. They speak in unfurling washes of color, ocean torrential surges without waves of light. How his conscience would wobble on the thin white line, as his rage and vengeance runs hot on the black pavement with its embedded heatwaves emanating from the surface. Hope had long died, along with the part of his soul; Hanzo has already slowly became the darkest, the most unwanted calamitous mishap as as he lives like a nonexistent specter amidst the evermore grounded and solidified visage. Dichotomy of his life represents the regular conflict between the two inner selves - the law-abiding Commander of the Special Forces and the vengeful vigilante who sought incessantly after Harumi and Satoshi’s killers - that plague his head. How his PTSD and depression long had taken him down, fading into murky abysmal waters as he too, would eventually plummet the precipice where he will breach through the zugzwang of his lifetime. 
How he dissolves into stifling rage that shakes and shatters all bonds that nurture and create. Connections that are meant to last lifetimes as long as his magnanimous warmth suffocates it all down. However, the anger bombs the inkling of his mercy and compassion down, eroding the map of delight where Hanzo Hasashi can finally find peace and tranquility, to rest and rejoice, and to carry on with his life. Nothing will become impotent and irrelevant, lest Bi-Han’s death comes from the taut grasp of his katana; handed down from his ancestors. Even every heartfelt promise of redemption and change, every earnest apology - which would never come - seems frivolous and vague. Nothing will serve as the panacea of his disintegrated heart and soul. For Hanzo dreams a memory that will never fade; whether a day, a month, or decade passes, the stark clarity of gruesome brutality remains all the same. It’s a story that will never get old, a moment that will never age. For time stands still and never changes. It is a history captured and eternally embedded in his cranium, framed in a lasting memory. Even his own death would never erase such chagrin done to the Hasashi name, and that is what he seeks. 
The serrated arrow of a roaring gunshot penetrates through his thigh, just above his left knee. A sharp hiss escapes him, dazzles him and melts him. His face a burning sun, desire a destructive conflagration that could never be extinguished. The familiar muzzle of the glock remains point-blank against his temple as his own trembling hand poises the glinting silver of the blade at Bi-Han’s abdomen. Hanzo Hasashi’s parched roots are set on the arid heart, and only deathly revenge and righteous justice addles his intoxicated mind as trickle of sanguine become steady rivulets, as the sunk teeth continue to sink into his flesh and muscle and threaten to sever his artery. There are no good endings for him. Hanzo Hasashi does not deserve them. For the grenade grudges blow up, and there are two casualties. One will end up dead tonight, and one’s life hangs on the precipice depending on Kuai Liang’s decision. 
“The very man before us brutally killed my wife and son, and lived as if nothing has happened, while I suffocated and drowned in staining despair and torment,” Hanzo’s knees may be bent, but the indomitable will and resolve will never shatter even beneath the chasm of his excruciation. With the poised sting of his blade as scorpion’s mighty tail, the haunted Commander of the law breaks the very cradle he had held with all of his heart and soul to extend his strong limb, decisively sweeping the blade to sever Bi-Han’s jugular as every breath pushes deeper into the crest of his deadened being. What happens with the noose around his neck depends on the paradox of Kuai Liang’s decision; let the killer of one’s blood and flesh live, to have him join the realm of the dead. Or let him further plunge into the voidlike depth of his tribulations as Death will follow him everywhere. 💥 || 
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My Star Wars Shipping Hot Takes
Finn/Rey should have been endgame, or at least brought up by Finn instead of the BS non-committal "I've got something to tell you" line they play with for the rest of the movie. Bring it into text and acknowledge it fully instead of using it for a few cheap gags and leaving it hanging.
They had great chemistry in TFA. They bonded really easily and got along really well, it seemed like Finn was chatting her up a little at times and by the end of the movie they're incredibly close. Finn puts his life on the line and gets fucked up by a lightsaber to defend her. John Boyega and Daisy Ridley played off each other really well, they had really good chemistry. I really ship it.
The only hitch, imo, is the total lack of screentime they have together in TLJ. Finn's plot just kinda went nowhere and he got a rehash of his "running away" arc in TFA, and I think the Rose Tico kiss was really lame and forced. While I can appreciate their eventual reunion, and within the scope of the movie it's not unreasonable for them to not meet again until the end, I really don't dig how much time they spend apart in TLJ from a shipping perspective and I don't think the Finn/Rose pairing is very good.
To address the elephant in the room, I'm not the most positive person about Rose Tico, but I'm chill with her and I think her character would have been fine with better material than she had in TLJ. Not trying to chud things up, here. The most extreme thing I have to say about Rose Tico, within the scope of this post I'm making, is that I didn't think the actors had that much chemistry to justify a romance, the kiss was goofy with the laser going off behind them, and while I don't disagree that Kelly Marie Tran got screwed over in TRoS, I'm ultimately glad that her and Finn are good buddies in that movie instead of partners. I'm not saying her reduced role is fine, just saying I'm glad that this pairing doesn't seem to be canon. I'm glad they're still close, though. Finn is definitely the heart of the group, pulling everyone together.
The thing about Finn/Rey in TRoS is that while the chemistry isn't there on the same level as TFA - partially due to the hatchet-job editing of the first half where people are barely able to vocalise a single coherent thought before the plot ushers them along to the next point - I felt like it still existed for a while. They teased it with the "I've got something I need to tell you" line from Finn, and then they never bring it up again. Like what the fuck, wrap up the plot point instead of dragging it out for the most painful humor of the movie and failing to resolve it.
This brings me into the Reylo portion of my post.
While I don't ship it, I refuse to hate Reylo. I've got a great write-up of my Reylo opinion on my main blog which explains why, if you search for "reylo". Basic point is that a lot of the initial backlash was predicated on assumptions that people were adamant would be proven true in the next movies, and those assumptions turned out to not be the case 4 years later in 2019, so I refuse to treat it like the pariah it was in 2015 for those reasons.
I'll admit that I really enjoyed the ending with Ben Solo. Adam Driver sells the difference between Ben Solo and Kylo Ren so well, and while I understand that he did a lot of bad shit and wiped out planets and committed space genocide and stuff - Darth Vader also committed space genocide and killed hundreds of people, and his body count continues to rise in supplemental materials. And yet he was redeemed by Luke, and was able to return as a force ghost despite the genocides and mass murders he committed as Darth Vader. There is a precedent for people redeeming themselves just before they die in the Star Wars universe, even when they do some really heinous shit. As such, I am not against this happening for Kylo Ren. Star Wars is just that kind of series, for better or worse.
My opinion of Reylo is that it's kind of like fanfic mode a lot of the time. It got really wacky in TLJ, and it got way more pronounced in TRoS. That's not necessarily a detriment, but it was what it was. I don't buy Kylo Ren and Rey as romantic interests necessarily, especially when I think their relationship is really, really odd and reminiscent of fanfiction cliches, but there's enough subtext for people to read into it and I don't really care if people like it or not.
If Reylo is the endgame ship, then that's fine. I don't necessarily like it, even as I acknowledge that problematic ships will always have their audience. A ship can be used as a force for good, as long as it isn't being used to actively promote abusive tendencies or like really gross shit.
Some ships are off limits, straight up. Reylo is dicey, but I don't think it's worse than a lot of villain shipping is - there's been room for edgy villain shipping before, and I think Reylo occupies that space now and has every right to. As long as people aren't encouraging people to engage in abusive practices through their storywriting, or pushing alt-right talking points and fucked up things like that through their writing, Reylo has enough wiggle room to be a perfectly ordinary pairing in the fanfiction community.
Saying that, though - here's why I prefer Finn/Rey.
He's a close, friendly and positive force in Rey's life, they shared the start of their journeys and they helped each other grow into the heroes they became. Poe spent most of TFA missing in action, and he only meets Rey at the end of the movie. Rey and Finn spend the bulk of their character moments together, and it's the character development from these interactions - spurred along by Han and Chewie, of course - that fuels their ascent into hero figures at the end of the movie.
Why don't I like Reylo more? Because the Kylo Ren stuff seemed like essential backstory stuff, whereas Finn and Rey's characters naturally got along like a house on fire. Kylo Ren also spends most of the time getting rain on his gloves through inter-force touching in a bunch of weird, forced, fanfic-tier scenes, whereas Finn and Rey hug and celebrate and bond through conversation, not trite, rigid backstory.
I can buy Rey kissing Ben Solo at the end of TRoS. I can buy her feeling love for Ben Solo, and finding it frustrating that she can't break through Kylo Ren to get to him. Fuck, in that ending scene where Kylo is explicitly Ben Solo again, Rey and Ben have actual, honest to god chemistry, and it's cute as fuck. But that moment took a lot of catching up to get to, and before her and Kylo showed any hint of affection together, Finn was her comrade in arms, someone who shared her victories and helped to further her growth, and vice versa.
Reylo has a pretty solid conclusion, I will certainly give it that. But I feel like the Reylo conclusion is steeped in that classic "I can redeem the bad guy through love" trope like the original Star Wars, except with a romantic angle this time. Ben's redemption didn't have to be with a kiss - it could still happen without the romance angle, but the romance is added in to distinguish it from the other Star Wars examples.
Ultimately, I think having Ben's redemption spurred by romantic love is broke, whereas Rey finding a buddy in Finn, having their ups and downs together, shielding each other from harm and becoming close through mutual shared experiences and proximity is woke.
What about Finn/Poe? Ship it if you want, it's all good. I understand why this ship was initially so popular, and while I don't ship it, I'm not the shipping police and I get the premise behind it. Poe/CrimeGirl? This was shoehorned tf in, but if you think it's neato, it's neato. Poe/Rey? I think they would make a terrible couple, but whatever. Poe/Finn/Rey? Everyone wins. Add Kylo Ren anywhere into the mix and you can have yourself a party, depending on your stance on the character. Make any of the characters gay, bi, pan, ace - literally whatever, outside of a few significant parameters just about every ship is valid. I'm not a hard-ass, shipping is fun and outside of some really bad shit I'm generally down for people having a good time. I just like Finn/Rey the most.
Also, Maz Kanata is really neat and I hope she gets more screen time. If her lifespan makes it squicky to ship her with the younger characters, that's your business and I understand and respect that, but frankly I would write a romance story about Maz Kanata falling in love in a heartbeat - I just don't know who. I've written Doctor Who fanfic where a 2000 year old alien woman dates a 21 year old policewoman from Sheffield, so as long as the right boundaries are respected, I think a Maz Kanata story could be pretty fun and non-problematic like with a Doctor Who story.
Anyway that's my Hot Takes post
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sasorikigai · 5 years
☾ - sleep headcanon ☆ - happy headcanon ✿ - Sex headcanon ♡ - romantic headcanon ☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon ▼ - childhood headcanon (For both)
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send my muse one of the following... || @ustrinamor || accepting
☾ - sleep headcanon 
Scorpion and Sub-Zero; both are inclined to be disturbingly quiet and immovable when they’re in a deep slumber, minus the visible ebb and flow of their chests. But those nights are extremely rare as they both suffer from lack of sleep (the most they get is around 4-5 hours, divided two or three times in the course of day, depending on their rigorous schedule) and even less when they have nightmares (both) and night terrors (Scorpion). Both are cuddlers and will often curl their arms around their s/o and bury their face against the crook of their s/o’s neck. 
☆ - happy headcanon
Scorpion; He doesn’t smile very often, as his lips would almost always remain dour and straight, but it’s his eyes that will give away everything. All the genuine mirth, contentedness, happiness will ooze beneath the honeyed flame of his gaze. 
Sub-Zero; Tries, absolutely tries his best to flirt, goof around and make his companion to relax around. This is especially true when he sheds the mantle of the Grandmaster and regresses to his Tundra days. Even in the years of loss and grief that has hardened and frozen his heart, he is not without the bright human side of Kuai Liang. 
✿ - Sex headcanon
Scorpion; Extremely sensitive with touch. With the exception of generic erogenous zones, he especially likes it when his partner strokes his beard, tugs his hair and trails the length of his torso and spine. 
Sub-Zero; Body worshipping! Especially likes when his s/o is on top, so he can adore and revel at his s/o’s form. 
♡ - romantic headcanon
Scorpion; The Hanzo side of him comes out, with all his compassion and softness. Not Scorpion. Just Hanzo. A rawer side of him. One that has lived, loved and lost. Who wants to be loved and have redemption more than the air he breathes.
Sub-Zero; Has a dry sense of humor when he feels more relaxed around his s/o and is extremely inquisitive. And also flirts a lot. 
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Scorpion and Sub-Zero; Even when they don’t like something, they are extremely proper and polite in their deliberation. They both have the mindset of trying everything at least once, because they do not have much outside experience when it comes to entertainment and luxuries. They may be resolute and defiant in trying it out first, but they secretly like it when they’re invited to something that they have never tried before. 
▼ - childhood headcanon
Scorpion; The majority of the Shirai Ryu members train with kunai, for it has been the clan’s definitive weapon for centuries. Hanzo Hasashi is the forerunner of actually attaching the kunai at the end of the chain rope, utilizing it as not only a short-distance weapon which could enhance and amplify his punches, but a long distance where he could strangle, impale, slash and use it as a blunt weapon, instead of simply using it as a long-range weapon to thwart advancing enemies. 
Sub-Zero; It’s not unusual for Kuai Liang to be troubled by the past. While he hardly considers himself to be tied down by it, there are times it clouds his vision and tugs at something deep within. And among the haze and chaos that is Bi-Han’s return. Smoke would definitely be in his thoughts, every step of the way. Gnawing at something locked away as he recalls hellish times of torture and repression, despair and hopelessness as he fought both for sustenance and developing his cryomancy. 
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