#Bible Lessons
dress-this-way · 8 months
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Speaking Like The Father - StoneGable
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biblegumchewontheword · 2 months
Let us use our words to bring light and love, just as Jesus did. He offered comfort, forgiveness, peace, and hope. Let us share the good news and bring faith and life to those around us.
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O God, help us to speak in a way that reflects our faith in Jesus. May our words be a witness to others of our commitment to Him. We pray as Jesus taught us: "Our Father in heaven, may Your name be honored, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today what we need for this day. Forgive us our debts, as we have also forgiven those who owe us. And don't let us be tempted, but save us from the evil one." Amen.
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twiststreet · 7 months
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igate777 · 2 years
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sammy24682468 · 2 years
As we near the close of this world’s history, the prophecies relating to the last days especially demand our study.
The last book of the New Testament scriptures is full of truth that we need to understand. Satan has blinded the minds of many, so that they have been glad of any excuse for not making the Revelation their study. But Christ through His servant John has here declared what shall be in the last days, and He says, “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein.” Revelation 1:3. COL 133.2
To the rich, God has given wealth that they may relieve and comfort His suffering children; but too often they are indifferent to the wants of others. They feel themselves superior to their poor brethren. They do not put themselves in the poor man’s place. They do not understand the temptations and struggles of the poor, and mercy dies out of their hearts. In costly dwellings and splendid churches, the rich shut themselves away from the poor; the means that God has given to bless the needy is spent in pampering pride and selfishness. The poor are robbed daily of the education they should have concerning the tender mercies of God; for He has made ample provision that they should be comforted with the necessities of life. They are compelled to feel the poverty that narrows life, and are often tempted to become envious, jealous, and full of evil surmisings. Those who themselves have not endured the pressure of want too often treat the poor in a contemptuous way, and make them feel that they are looked upon as paupers. DA 639.4
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biblehistoryusa · 2 months
Timeless Wisdom: Key Bible Principles for Spiritual Growth
Embracing Eternal Wisdom: Exploring Key Bible Principles for Life
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In a world often fraught with uncertainty and moral ambiguity, the search for timeless Bible Principles to guide our lives is more crucial than ever. For centuries, the Bible has served as a beacon of moral and spiritual guidance, offering a rich tapestry of principles that resonate across cultures and generations. These Bible principles, rooted in divine wisdom, provide a roadmap for navigating life's complexities with integrity, compassion, and purpose. Let us delve into some of the key Bible principles found within the pages of the Bible and explore how they continue to shape and enrich our lives today.
1. Principle of Love
At the heart of the Bible's teachings lies the principle of love. Jesus Christ himself declared love as the greatest commandment, urging his followers to love God with all their heart, soul, and mind, and to love their neighbors as themselves. This Bible principle transcends boundaries of race, religion, and ideology, calling upon individuals to cultivate a spirit of compassion, kindness, and empathy towards others. Through acts of selfless love and service, we embody the essence of this principle, fostering unity and understanding in a world often fractured by hatred and division.
2. Principle of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is another fundamental Bible principle underscored throughout the Bible. From the Lord's Prayer, where Jesus instructs his disciples to forgive those who trespass against them, to his own example of forgiving those who crucified him, the scriptures emphasize the transformative power of forgiveness in healing broken relationships and restoring peace. By letting go of resentment and embracing reconciliation, we emulate the divine mercy extended to us and pave the way for healing and restoration in our own lives and communities.
3. Principle of Integrity
Integrity, defined as the quality of being honest and morally upright, is a cornerstone principle espoused in the Bible. Proverbs 10:9 states, "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out." This Bible principle underscores the importance of living with honesty, sincerity, and moral uprightness in all our dealings. By upholding integrity in our words and actions, we cultivate trust, respect, and credibility, thereby enriching our relationships and contributing to the greater good of society.
4. Principle of Compassion
Compassion, often depicted as a central theme in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, is a guiding Bible principle that calls upon individuals to show kindness, empathy, and concern for the suffering of others. Whether it be feeding the hungry, healing the sick, or comforting the grieving, the Bible extols the virtues of compassion as a hallmark of true discipleship. By extending a helping hand to the marginalized, the oppressed, and the downtrodden, we embody the spirit of compassion and bear witness to the transformative power of love in action.
5. Principle of Humility
Humility, characterized by a modest and unassuming demeanor, is exalted as a virtue throughout the Bible. Philippians 2:3-4 admonishes believers to "do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." This Bible principle challenges us to set aside our pride and ego, acknowledging our limitations and embracing a posture of humility before God and others. By esteeming others above ourselves and serving with humility, we emulate the example of Christ and cultivate unity, harmony, and mutual respect within our communities.
As we reflect on these key Bible principles gleaned from the pages of the Bible, we are reminded of their timeless relevance and enduring impact on our lives. Whether it be the principle of love that binds us together in fellowship, the principle of forgiveness that liberates us from the chains of bitterness, the principle of integrity that upholds our moral compass, the principle of compassion that compels us to alleviate suffering, or the principle of humility that fosters unity and harmony, these principles serve as guiding lights illuminating our path through life's journey. May we embrace them wholeheartedly, allowing them to shape our attitudes, inform our decisions, and inspire our actions as we strive to live lives of purpose, integrity, and service to others.
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biblehistory · 2 months
Unveiling the Rich Tapestry of Bible History: From Genesis to Revelation
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The Bible stands as one of the most influential and enduring texts in human history, shaping the beliefs, cultures, and moral frameworks of societies across the globe. Its pages are not merely a compilation of religious teachings but also a chronicle of human experiences, struggles, triumphs, and divine interventions. To understand the impact of the Bible, one must embark on a journey through its rich tapestry of history, from the very beginning in Genesis to the prophetic visions of Revelation.
Genesis: The Beginning of All Things
The journey through Bible history begins with Genesis, often referred to as the book of origins. Here, the narrative unfolds with the creation of the universe, the emergence of humanity, and the establishment of the covenant between God and His people. From Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to Noah and the great flood, Genesis lays the foundation for the rest of biblical history, introducing themes of sin, redemption, and the divine plan for humanity.
Exodus: Liberation and Covenant
The story of Exodus marks a pivotal moment in Bible history, recounting the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt under the leadership of Moses. This narrative not only highlights the power of God's intervention but also establishes the covenant relationship between God and His chosen people. Through miraculous events such as the parting of the Red Sea and the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, Exodus underscores the importance of faith, obedience, and the pursuit of justice.
Kings and Prophets: The Rise and Fall of Nations
As Bible history progresses, the focus shifts to the rise and fall of kingdoms and empires, as documented in the books of Kings and Chronicles. From the reigns of David and Solomon to the divided kingdom of Israel and Judah, these accounts provide insights into the political, social, and religious dynamics of ancient civilizations. The prophets emerge as crucial figures, delivering messages of warning, repentance, and hope amidst periods of turmoil and disobedience.
The Life of Jesus: Fulfillment of Prophecy
Central to Bible history is the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, whose teachings and miracles are recorded in the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. His birth, death, and resurrection fulfill centuries-old prophecies, demonstrating God's love and redemption for humanity. Through parables, healings, and encounters with diverse individuals, Jesus embodies compassion, forgiveness, and the Kingdom of God, inviting all to follow Him and experience abundant life.
Acts and Epistles: Spreading the Good News
Following Jesus' ascension, the early Christian church emerges as a vibrant community fueled by the Holy Spirit, as depicted in the book of Acts. Through the missionary journeys of apostles such as Paul, Peter, and others, the message of salvation spreads beyond Jerusalem to the ends of the earth. The Epistles provide practical guidance and encouragement to believers, addressing theological questions, moral challenges, and the enduring hope found in Christ.
Revelation: The Culmination of History
The final book of the Bible, Revelation, offers apocalyptic visions that unveil the ultimate triumph of God's kingdom over evil and injustice. Through vivid imagery and symbolic language, it depicts the return of Christ, the defeat of Satan, and the establishment of a new heaven and earth. Revelation serves as a reminder of the divine sovereignty, justice, and mercy that shape the course of human history and offer hope for the future.
Conclusion: The Enduring Legacy of Bible History
As we traverse the landscape of Bible history, we encounter a tapestry woven with threads of faith, perseverance, redemption, and divine providence. From the creation of the world to the promise of a new creation, the Bible reflects the human experience in all its complexity and diversity. Its narratives inspire, challenge, and transform lives, transcending time and culture to speak to the hearts of individuals across generations. In exploring Bible history, we discover not only the past but also the present and future significance of its message, inviting us to journey deeper into the timeless truths it contains.
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happy2bmyownboss · 2 months
Douglas Talks - Bible Lessons for Kids
I always try to post links to things that we find helpful in our daily lives and this is one YouTube channel that we go back to a lot as my kids really enjoy listening to the lessons that they have. Douglas Talks is a green puppet who loves explaining the Bible to kids in a fun and entertaining way. My kids can really relate to some of the stories that he tells and it really helps them to…
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abasilence-ministries · 3 months
What Kept Jesus from KNOWING the Ministers Referred to in Matthew 7:21-23?
I initially began writing this on 01/01/2024, but life happens, so I’m glad to be allowed to get back to this one today, 02/21/2024, as a reminder for  myself. Join me as I meditate upon Matthew 7:21-23 So… You know that verse in Matthew where Jesus said “Not everyone saying to me Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of the heavens but those who do my Father’s will.” Remember how Jesus…
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randomnestfamily · 6 months
What Is The Special Mission Of A Bible-believing Christian?
***Today's Devotion*** "What Is The Special Mission Of A Bible-believing Christian? Be encourage by today's devotion! Matthew 16:1-4 NKJV #Godswill #notofthisworld #faith #bible #Inspiration #devotion #dailydevotion #todaydevotions #daily #God #Jesus
“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. 36But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. 37Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the…
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krishmanvith · 8 months
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virtualcoach-blog · 1 year
How to Enhance Your Bible Study
No matter what your regular Bible study might be today, you can use some of these tools and methods to both enhance and enrich your time studying the Bible.
I will study your commandmentsand reflect on your ways. Psalm 119:15 (NLT) Through Bible Study Help and Live @ Lunch Bible Study, I’ve started a series on methods for enhancing and enriching one’s person Bible study. No matter what your routine or regimen for regular Bible study might be as it stands today, you can use some of these tools and methods to both enhance and enrich your time…
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biblegumchewontheword · 3 months
Books of the Bible
Here is a detailed list of the 66 books of the Bible, divided by the Old and New Testaments, along with their divisions and categories:
**Old Testament:**
**Pentateuch (5 books):**
1. Genesis
2. Exodus
3. Leviticus
4. Numbers
5. Deuteronomy
**Historical Books (12 books):**
6. Joshua
7. Judges
8. Ruth
9. 1 Samuel
10. 2 Samuel
11. 1 Kings
12. 2 Kings
13. 1 Chronicles
14. 2 Chronicles
15. Ezra
16. Nehemiah
17. Esther
**Poetry/Wisdom Books (5 books):**
18. Job
19. Psalms
20. Proverbs
21. Ecclesiastes
22. Song of Solomon
**Major Prophets (5 books):**
23. Isaiah
24. Jeremiah
25. Lamentations
26. Ezekiel
27. Daniel
**Minor Prophets (12 books):**
28. Hosea
29. Joel
30. Amos
31. Obadiah
32. Jonah
33. Micah
34. Nahum
35. Habakkuk
36. Zephaniah
37. Haggai
38. Zechariah
39. Malachi
**New Testament:**
**Gospels (4 books):**
40. Matthew
41. Mark
42. Luke
43. John
**History (1 book):**
44. Acts
**Pauline Epistles (13 books):**
45. Romans
46. 1 Corinthians
47. 2 Corinthians
48. Galatians
49. Ephesians
50. Philippians
51. Colossians
52. 1 Thessalonians
53. 2 Thessalonians
54. 1 Timothy
55. 2 Timothy
56. Titus
57. Philemon
**General Epistles (8 books):**
58. Hebrews
59. James
60. 1 Peter
61. 2 Peter
62. 1 John
63. 2 John
64. 3 John
65. Jude
**Apocalyptic (1 book):**
66. Revelation
This list represents the traditional order and grouping of the books of the Bible in most Christian denominations.
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These are the 66 books that make up the Bible.
Title: The Significance of Each Book of the Bible
The Bible is a collection of 66 books that together form the inspired Word of God. Each book has its own unique message, themes, and significance that contribute to the overall story of God's redemption and love for humanity. Let's explore the importance of each book of the Bible.
Lesson Points:
1. The Old Testament:
- Genesis: The book of beginnings, detailing creation, the fall, and the establishment of God's covenant with His people.
- Exodus: The story of the Israelites' liberation from Egypt and the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai.
- Psalms: A collection of songs and prayers that express a range of human emotions and provide a guide for worship.
- Proverbs: Wisdom literature that offers practical advice for living a righteous and wise life.
- Isaiah: Prophecies about the coming Messiah and God's plan of salvation.
2. The New Testament:
- Matthew: Emphasizes Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and the establishment of the kingdom of God.
- Acts: Chronicles the early spread of the Gospel and the growth of the early church.
- Romans: Explains the doctrine of justification by faith and the implications of salvation through Christ.
- Corinthians: Addresses issues within the church and provides practical guidance for Christian living.
- Revelation: Offers apocalyptic visions of the end times, the victory of Christ, and the establishment of the new heaven and earth.
3. Themes and Messages:
- Each book of the Bible contributes to the overarching themes of God's love, redemption, forgiveness, and salvation for all humanity.
- Together, these books provide a complete narrative of God's work in the world and His plan for His people.
- Take time to explore and study each book of the Bible, seeking to understand its unique message and significance.
- Reflect on how the themes and stories in the Bible can impact your own life and faith journey.
- Consider how the teachings and examples in the Bible can shape your beliefs and actions as a follower of Christ.
The books of the Bible are not just separate entities but are interconnected parts of the larger story of God's redemption and love for humanity. Each book has its own importance and contributes to the overall message of God's plan for salvation. May we approach the study of the Bible with reverence and openness to the wisdom and guidance it offers for our lives.
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godiscallingus · 1 year
God does not hate sinners
     A very common mistake some Christians make is preaching that God hates sinners, that is not true. In fact, the reason Jesus died was to save us sinners from sin. Now, I am not saying we should sin, in fact, we shouldn’t sin at all (Galatians 5:13, John 8:11, 1John 1:6-7, Romans 6:1-2, Romans 8:6, Ecclesiastes 12:13, Galatians 5:24, Romans 8:1, 1 John 3:6, John 14:21). God despises sin but that doesn’t mean God hates us or sinners or anybody.
      I ask loving parents, do you hate your child when they are rude, steal or lie, and wish them death and destruction? Or do you hate the bad things they do and discipline them to correct them instead?
      God does not hate sinners (Ezekiel 33:11), and neither should we. We are to love everyone (John 15:12, 1 John 4:7,11), which means we should not judge, harm or kill anybody, whether they are Christians or not (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Instead, we are to correct with love.
      I am not saying sin will not take a person to Hell or make God punish them, it most definitely will, but please, let us not preach hatred when we are supposed to be preaching love and salvation (2 Timothy 4:2, Jude 1:22-23, Romans 10:14-15, Daniel 12:3).
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U.S. Army Releases Creepy Recruitment Video ‘PSYWAR’
FEATURED VIDEO: ANAKRINO, This Solved EVERYTHING , Even Who WE ARE Backup Video Links: kleckfiles.com | koofr.net | Youtube | Odysee | Brighteon | Archive  Show-Notes Gallery Link: https://www.show-notes.net/thisistheend/index.php?/category/163 Transcription Link: http://www.kleckfiles.com/scribe.html?220519 Description: 350 anakrínō (from 303 /aná, “up, completing a process,” which intensifies…
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reality-detective · 2 months
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It's going to be biblical 👇
The only conclusion here is: AMERICA....REPENT!
Think the coming eclipse is nothing? I did, too, until I discovered all these FACTS!
I don't claim to know what all of this means, exactly, but I believe it's important enough for all of us to be aware that this is happening and pray for wisdom.
On April 8th, 2024, there will be an eclipse. One eclipse is already amazing but this one is actually the last in a 3-part series that has SO much meaning behind it. It is important that we recognize that God said that He would use the sun, moon and stars to communicate with us:
Genesis 1:14- "Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years..."
Luke 21:25 - "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea."
So now we know that God said that He would use the sun, moon and stars to communicate with us, so let's break down this 3-part eclipse series:
1) With the path of this last eclipse, combined with the first 2 eclipses (one in 2017 and the other in 2023), it will create the Hebrew letter over America that is "Aleph Tav" and in Greek it is the "Alpha and Omega" - both means "The beginning and the end." God said in Revelation 21:6 that He is the beginning and the end and this Aleph Tav is like His signature. Why would He use an eclipse to put His signature over America? Let's dig deeper:
2) God has used eclipses to warn nations of coming judgement so that the nation can repent of their sinful ways and come back to Him. This happened with the story of Ninevah. God told Jonah to go to the wicked nation of Ninevah and warn them about coming judgement. Jonah ran away from the assignment and while out at sea got swallowed up by a huge fish and was in its belly for 3 days. Jonah repented of running away so the whale spit him up. He then went to Ninevah and warned the people but there was something that also happened while he was warning the people...an eclipse came over the land.
In the 19th century, ancient tablets were discovered that described an eclipse called the Bur-Sagale eclipse where the totality of the eclipse landed right over Ninevah while Jonah was there preaching of the 40 day warning before the coming destruction. Because of this, the people realized that this was a sign from God that what Jonah was saying was true and they repented and God spared their nation.
It is amazing how much America mirrors Ninevah. (If you don't see it, you may be part of the problem.) To make this even more clear, this last eclipse on April 8th will be going over 7 cities here in America called - yep you guessed it - NINEVAH! I honestly didn't even know that we had any city here in the U.S. named that but here we are - with this eclipse going over these cities (and there will be an 8th one that it goes over also called Ninevah in Canada.)
Here are the cities: 👇
Nineveh, Texas
Nineveh, Missouri
Nineveh, Indiana (this will be the highest magnitude of eclipse Mag 1.023, the local time predicted for it to occur is at 3:07 PM)
Nineveh, Ohio
Nineveh, Pennsylvania
Nineveh, Virginia
Nineveh, New York
Nineveh, Nova Scotia (Not in the US)
Could this be that God is warning us just as He warned Ninevah? There have been many "Jonahs" in the past few years warning the nation that we need to repent and add in this sign above our heads - we can't turn away from the fact that it is not a coincidence. But if you need more proof, let's keep going...
The first part of this 3 part eclipse series was in 2017. The path of that eclipse went over 7 cities named Salem, which is short for Jerusalem (Ps. 76).
Salem, Oregon
Salem, Idaho
Salem, Wyoming
Salem, Nebraska
Salem, Missouri
Salem, Kentucky
Salem, South Carolina
The mathematical "chances" of there being 7 Salem's with the first eclipse and then 7 Ninevah's for the 3rd eclipse is unthinkable. But what about the 2nd part of the eclipse?
4) Perhaps the most striking piece of the 2nd eclipse is that the precise center-line of eclipse path exits the USA directly over Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi means the "Body of Christ" and is one of the only towns named that in the world!
But let's go back to this upcoming eclipse and dig even deeper...
4) Jonah was giving a 40 day warning to Ninevah during the eclipse. If you look at our April 8th eclipse and fast forward 40 days then you will get to May 18, 2024 - the day before Pentecost. The history of Pentecost is that is the last Spring Feast that the Lord has given us (there are 4 in the Spring and 3 in the Fall). This is the day that the Lord sent the Holy Spirit down to all those who have accepted Christ. We are told that the "Restrainer" (many believe this is the Holy Spirit) will be removed before the Tribulation could it be that this is a warning for that? I'm not sure as that is a worldwide event and this eclipse will be just over North America but it is something definitely to think and pray about for more clarity and wisdom. No matter what, there are too many things lining up for it to not be nothing and so my job is to get the information out to you all so that you can at least be aware of these signs that God is giving us so that you can pray about it.
But let's keep going...
5) From the start of this 3 part eclipse to the end, it will be 7 years. God uses numbers a lot to communicate with us, and 7 has a ton of meaning. A few examples are - He created the world in 7 days, there will be a 7 year tribulation, 7 is used for completion, etc.
) Going back to how this correlates with Jonah & Ninevah's story -at the time of this eclipse, there will be another sign in the sky...it will take place under the constellation, Cetus, which is the whale constellation! And not only will it pass through the 8 cities in North America named Ninevah, it will also pass through Jonah, Texas! Speaking of other towns that it will pass through, these are some of the other city names that it will go right over:
Rapture, Indiana
Williamston, Kentucky - this is where the Ark Encounter is located. The Ark Encounter is a full size replica of Noah's Ark.
Eagle Pass, Texas - where we are having so many border issues.
And the point where it crosses the 2017 eclipse to mark the center of the X is an area in southern Illinois called Little Egypt. What is even more fascinating about this is that Little Egypt is sandwiched in between 2 other cities called Alpha, Kentucky and Omega, Illinois - both having the 2017 eclipse come over their cities. Furthermore, the intersection of the 2017 and 2024 solar eclipses occurs directly over the New Madrid Fault Line, a major seismic zone. An earthquake along this fault line could potentially destroy the U.S., making it one of the most perilous fault lines in the country. I have no idea if this will happen or not, but there are too many things here that are all literally lining up to not share with everyone.
7) One more interesting fact is that there are 2,422 days in between the 2017 eclipse and the 2024 eclipse. If you look up 2422 in Strong's Concordance, an Bible concordance that has every word of the KJV, takes us to Exodus 1:19 which says,
"The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive."
Why would this be of any significance? Well, to me, it reminds me of how Jesus said that His return would be like a woman in labor with the signs of His coming growing stronger and closer together. We are at a point in history where we are seeing all of the signs that He gave us happening before our eyes. In fact, we are even seeing things that will happen during the tribulation get setup now. If we are seeing those things being setup now, that must mean that we are super close to it actually happening. Going back to God saying that He uses the sun, moon and stars to show us signs - and then Jesus saying that the signs of His coming will be like a woman in labor, well this information leading us back to Exodus 1:19 explaining that the Hebrew women have labor fast is so interesting to me! Could we be on the brink of the rapture and tribulation!? I don't know exactly when it will happen but Jesus did tell us that we would know the season and I do believe that we have been in that season for the past few years and are pushing closer and closer to it!
It is no secret that this world has gone mad and everyone knows that there is something happening behind the scenes that feels really uncomfortable. If you have that feeling, you are right! There is a major push for things to happen that were predicted to happen over 2,000 years ago. Most people seek their understanding in the wrong place though. They look to the news and the world to guide them; however, these sources will only bring more questions, not answers. It causes people to live in fear, anxiety and depression. However, Jesus didn't want us to live that way. He gave us the information so that we would know what is happening when we see these things. The first piece of living in His knowledge is accepting that God sent His son, Jesus, to die for our sins and on the 3rd day, Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death. The second piece is to repent to God of your sins and turn away from your sins. Most churches only teach how God loves you but don't teach repentance anymore and that is a HUGE part of your faith. Jesus said that there will be many who come to Him and say, "Lord, Lord, I knew you." But because they didn't repent of their sins and seek Jesus' ways instead of their own, He will reply, "Get away from me, I never knew you." We cannot just live however we want without any consequences. Even little children understand this concept, but it has been lost on most adults. This is why Ninevah was going to see destruction - because they were a self- serving, sinful nation - just like America is today. You can't change the heart of this nation, but you can change your heart and lead your homes to do the same. Third, pray for wisdom in these areas.
I know this has been incredibly deep but just like Proverbs 25:2 says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." This sign in the sky will be right over your head in just a few weeks - will you have the eyes to see what it really means?"
You Decide 🤔
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