#Big grumpy bear (3)
holylulusworld · 9 months
Big grumpy bear (3)
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Summary: He’s grumpy. You are sweet. A match made in heaven.
Pairing: Alpha!Walter Marshall x OmegaReader
Warnings: a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, grumpy alpha, scenting, fluff, mentions of injuries
Catch up here: Big grumpy bear (2)
Big grumpy bear masterlist
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You’re out of your mind. 
With a bag slung over your shoulder, a backpack on your back, and a basket full of groceries, you walk toward Walter’s house.
You’re not mad at him per se. It’s just that he got hurt and didn’t call you to ask you to take care of him, as he should.
You had to hear it from one of his colleagues. Rachel. His former lover, as you got to know a few months ago.
You’re fuming as you stand in front of his door and need to take deep breaths to get her stupid smirk out of your mind.
“I gotta take care of my alpha,” you cheer yourself up.
Walter is still a big grumpy bear, and always tells you he doesn’t like all the attention you give him. A lie, of course. In secret he loves that you take care of him, you’re sure about it.
Knocking at his door, you take another deep breath. Walter can say what he wants, but you’ll take care of him. He’s not going to stay alone while injured. 
“What?” Walter opens the door; he huffs and stares down at you, a gruff expression on his face. The alpha didn’t expect you to come to his home. “I got a few days off.”
“I know,” you tut. “I had to hear from Rachel that you got injured.” You walk around him to enter his house. “Come back inside. It’s cold, and raining. I need to check on your injuries. And I’ll cook for you.”
“Y/N…wait,” he closes the door, and follows you back inside, hot on your heels. “I can take care of myself.” Walter watches you place the basket on the kitchen counter before you drop the backpack next to your bag. “What’s all of this?”
“I had to bring a few things here, didn't I,” you smile softly as you unpack the basket. “I need clothes and toiletries while I take care of you. Now, sit on the couch, and I’ll be right there to check on you. I know how to nurse someone back to life.”
“I’m not sick,” he huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. You watch him wince as his ribs are undoubtedly broken. “You can go home. Thanks for the visit, though.”
“I didn’t ask, alpha,” you put your hands on your hips. “I want you to sit on the sofa and wait for me. I’ll take care of my alpha.”
“I’m not your alpha,” he tries again, but his heart beats a little faster when you grab your bag and follow him toward the living room. “Seriously, you don’t have to waste your time.”
“Walter, I’m not wasting my time here.” You place the bag next to him on the couch. “I need you to take off your sweater. Let me check on your injuries. I know you’ve got broken ribs and bruises.”
“How’d you find out?” He grunts. “Did you steal my medical file, or extort my doctor?”
“Don’t be silly,” you giggle, and pat his thigh. “I asked nicely, and they gave me the information because I was worried about my alpha.”
“I’m not…” he sighs deeply. Fighting with you is a lost cause. “Fine. If I let you check on my ribs, will you leave me alone?”
You give him a stern look. “I won’t leave you here all alone while you are hurt. I will take care of you. Now, let me help you get out of your sweater. You are in pain; I can see it.”
“I’m…” Walter gives in. You are already tugging at his sweater, and he simply lifts his arms to let you shove the sweater up his body. “Satisfied?” He asks when you drop the sweater to the ground.
“Oh no! You are black and blue,” you whine while running your fingertips through the soft curls on his chest. You’d enjoy touching the alpha, but he’s injured, and you don’t want to hurt him. “I got my first aid kit.”
“Y/N,” he wrinkles his forehead but allows you to carefully touch him. “The doctor checked on me. He gave me pain meds and told me what to do.”
“I don’t care. To make sure that you don’t strain yourself, I’ll stay here and take care of you. I will ice your ribs to help you with healing and pain relief.” You are unimpressed by his grumpy demeanor. “After I’m done with your ribs, I’ll start cooking. You will rest a bit and let me help you.”
“You won’t leave me alone, right?” Walter cocks a brow. He should know by now that you are determined to take care of him. He grumbles under his breath and watches you rummage in your bag. “Uh-what’s for dinner?”
You smile widely at his question. “I will make your favorite meal, alpha. After, we can watch a movie, or talk. Of course, you need to rest and take your pain meds. But I’ll take care of all of this. You don’t need to worry about a thing.”
Walter grins as you help him put his foot onto the couch. He watches you hover over him, and he can’t deny, having you around is nice…very nice…
Part 4
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red-revival · 1 year
Hi everyone look @ my dnd character <3
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ID: a graphite sketch of one of my dnd characters, Captain Rezan, shirtless and with one arm propped up. Rezan is a hairy muscular man in his early 50’s with very long hair, top surgery scars, and a short beard. He looks very tired and his hair is tied up into a messy bun. End ID.
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retro-plasma · 2 years
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josiah bolton.
answering @rainymoodlet's casting call for kiss me in komorebi.
world-weary retired professor seeks companionship lightyears outside of his comfort zone.
josiah has never been one for reality tv. he isn't much for tv as a whole, honestly. he didn't hate it, he's that crotchety. but there were always books to read, or to write, always adventures to be had, always somewhere to be. so no, he isn't one to sit down in front of the television. unless, of course, it's to watch reruns of "your dad's garage".
god, he loved that show. he's a few years older than daniel, but that show popped into his life during a messy divorce, and he was instantly hooked. he was absolutely devastated when daniel got hurt and the show was cancelled. his prized possession is his collection of vhs tapes of all the seasons.
now, this long-time bachelor who wandered the world had enough adventures that he feels he can settle down and write about them. he was a professor at britechester for awhile, but he's too much of a vagabond to stay in one place for that long. currently, he's calling moonwood mill home; the locals are friendly enough and the town is full of stories. all he's missing is someone to share it with.
who better than the former host of the only tv show he's ever enjoyed?
josiah is 6'4", so definitely not a small man. his traits are bookworm, snob, and genius. he has the bestselling author aspiration, and i set him up with some skills and i think the coffee lover lifestyle? anyway, this bear of a man is a lil rough around the edges but he's really a softie - plus he's an endless supply of wild stories and weird facts. it's basically like dating an encyclopedia.
i hope u like him!!!
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nymphany · 11 months
Fic contains: taboo / dark content please read this warning if you are triggered by any of this material
Reader info:
Referred with: she/her/girl/you
British! Pan! Short! Afab! Feminine! Reader
Coming soon: cat, bunny, mouse, deer, bear, cow, lamb and bird version
♡ callsign: cadaver!
♡ oh where to start with this little ball of energy!!!
♡ shes so dumb </3 but she's good at her job so that's all that matters
♡ it was a surprise to 141 to be presented with the least intimidating hybrid as their newest addition to the team
♡ this bubbly little thing who was practically shaking in excitement, her tail wagging so hard it looked like it was about to fly off
♡ naturally the men were disappointed that they're newest member wasnt some unbeatable tank but instead a tiny thing who was fueled by praise and treats
♡ speaking of praises and treats gaz cant help but spoil you!! Price tells him not to
"she wont listen if you give her so many treats"
"shes a good girl she always listens"
• hes right you do always listen, you're very obedient maybe too obedient
♡ despite his denial of your treats, your favourite man is obviously price <3 something about puppies and grumpy old men is a match made in heaven !!
♡ you like his ear scratches the best especially when you're in his office with your head on his lap
♡ he says he only likes you for your work but everyone knows that's a lie especially when he pays extra attention to you during lunch. Hes just making sure you eat all your food so you're big and strong
♡ you know how some dads pet their dogs my giving their back a good smack and rub? that's what hed do to you <3
♡ he has a wide selection of beef jerky in his office but you only eat it when someone feeds it to you <3 they're not allowed to hand it to you or place it infront of you they must feed it to you directly!! Makes you happy (you try your best not to nip at their fingers when they feed you but you just get so happy you cant help it)
♡ ghost can never be sarcastic around you your dumb brain cant handle it :( "go count every grain of rice in the kitchens if you're so bothered 'bout the numbers" and you do!!! he feels horrible because he knows you suck at counting :(( it must of took you ages to even get to 50
♡ its okay because it gives soap and gaz an excuse to pamper you!! You dont exactly understand why you're being pampered (must be because you're such a good girl for counting all that rice) but you accept it. It does make ghost feel so much worse for making you do things he didnt mean </3
"You're such a good puppy! You're so good at listening and you're so pretty!"
"Gaz that's enough I already said sorry"
"Aw come on Lt you made the poor thing count every grain of rice cant expect us to not rub it in can ya"
♡ ghost does make it up to you eventually, he takes you on walks around the base and points out secrets and tells you their stories
"Oi pup Do you see that dent in the wall?"
"Johnny came back after a night out and rammed himself into it thinking his shadow was an intruder"
♡ they always have atleast one of your chew toys on them at all times after they noticed you chewing the inside of your mouth, your fingers, their sleeves or just anything you could fit in your mouth
♡ your team must smell like you all the time, always, forever !!!! Whenever you get them alone youre immediately licking them!! Sometimes you bite but you're working on it <3
♡ if they come back from somewhere you have to smell them, what if they smell like another hybrid hmm?!?! >:((
♡ which is why you hate baths.
♡ they wipe away all your hard work I mean come on it's not easy to get the scent of your four favourite men nor is it easy to scent them!!! They're constantly around other people >:(((((
♡ luckily you arent the smartest so it's easy to trap and lure you in with kisses <3
♡ some one HAS to be in the bath/shower/ room with you
1. you cant be trusted not to eat the soap (smell nice ≠ taste nice)
2. Its scary in there
3. You get distracted and forget to even get in the bath/shower
♡ they treat you so well though !!! your ears and tail are always so soft when you let gaz wash them, he takes such good care of the soft fur and he never ever let's the bubbles  stay in your ears and he spends a good long time near your tail but you have no idea why <3
♡ soap likes washing your body! He loves watching you relax as he takes his time to make sure you're clean, he loves letting you lean against him as he washes your back and loves watching the suds run down your body. hes so sweet that he makes sure to pay extra attention to your sensitive areas <3
♡ price is the one tasked to dry you off, you seem to only listen to him anyway (of course you do, your dumb doggy brain has to listen to the leader of your pack)
♡ he pulls you against him using your towel as leverage, he so graciously put it in the dryer to warm up so you're all toasty and warm. You sit in his lap while he rubs your body dry whispering praises about your "bravery" to even go into the bath/shower
♡ Which leaves ghost in charge of your skin care!! This big scary man lathering your body in lotions and creams so you're all soft and smooth. He loves the moans and whimpers when he presses down on your weak spots <3
"Oi mutt stop licking the moisturiser"
"No no nooo :((( Say the thing :((("
"....Simons says stop licking the moisturiser"
♡ you never wear clothes after your bath/shower, they're lucky to get underwear on you, you need to be as open to they're scents as possible!! Maybe you'll wear their clothes but only maybe
♡ our puppy wasn't meant to meet Alejandro and Rudy until the mission was over but she said her nose could be put to good use and laswell couldnt help but agree (puppy definitely didn't bribe her or anything puppy hugs do wonders)
♡ at first alejandro didnt even see the girl behind the mountain sized men, assuming it's only ghost and soap coming along
"This is cadaver, our k9 unit she'll be coming along with us"
"Ah un perro! you'll be very useful"
♡ it was a tight squeeze in the backseat, two military men left little room but it's okay you enjoy sitting on their laps so it's not much different
"So they call you cadaver?"
"Yes sir!"
"You good at hunting corpses?"
"Uh huh! very good! The best!"
"Good because we're looking for a dead man walking"
":00?? A zombie :((("
♡ overall you got on very well with alejandro and Rudy <3 whenever they passed you they always gave a light scratch to your ear
♡ you dont understand the language but you like the attention and that's all that matters, they're so nice and help you cool off in the sun,  you just need to get naked so they can help cool you off just let them help dont even worry about it
♡ you liked graves when you met him he got so hyped up on missions the energy traveled to you
♡ although he definitely tries to make you loyal to him and him only (mmm yummy dark! Graves <3<3) hes always been a fan of hybrids especially the vulnerable ones. Hes best at love bombing you, filling you with treats, pets and roaming hands. Hes a sucker for puppy girls
♡ valeria made you cry when you met her :(( well it was actually rudy but he didnt mean to he felt awful :(((
"Perro estúpido, solo eres una perra reproductora, ¿no? no hay pensamientos en esa linda cabeza tuya"
"Thank you :D"
"Dont thank her shes insulting you"
• he gave you so many hugs, treats and kisses after he apologized profusely he forgot how sensitive you are he just didnt want you to thank her for insulting you :((
♡ mommy valeria tho so shes easily forgiven with a few fake compliments.
"You must think twice as hard with that brain of yours"
"Oh no! I dont even think once! :D"
♡ you entertain her, although she does wonder how it would feel to live in your head for a day
"Even the dogs in Las almas know not to bark at me"
"Oh no silly! We're in a shipping container"
"Yes in Las almas"
"Since when"
♡ thinking about how puppy got to keep valeria company while the big strong men go fight, guard dog duties !! Dont ask her how she got naked... and why valerias fingers are pruned... that's not important and you should mind your business
♡ cadaver has a muzzle and harness <3 !!! If you've ever been checked for harness safety you'll understand the feeling of being tugged around and how easy it is to want to jump someones bones
♡ always at odd hours too but you cant help it !! you have a lot of energy and you're too dumb to put that energy to good use :(( so it's only natural you jump on everyone and everything <3
♡ nesting with all of their clothes and belongings and they cant stop you or they'll get viciously attacked (you will cry)
♡ sticker collection (scented ones are the best) + mask decorating with ghost !!!!!
♡ konig is a scary big giant man whose just a silly guy at heart but jesus christ he needs to shrink
♡ the first time you met him you actually didnt see him, assuming the sun had exploded and the solid black mass that obscured your vision was the end of the world only to be corrected by an apology from the wall itself
"ah I'm so sorry I didnt see you there"
"Me neither :D"
♡ so big and scary but so warm and protective!! Ghost doesn't like you near konig he doesnt like sharing his toys with kortac
♡ you still hang out with him whenever you get the chance!! <3 friendship bracelets for all!! You did however underestimate how big these mens wrists were and cried when they wouldnt fit
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ NSFW ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
♡ oral fixation all the way !!
♡ mouth cockwarming!!!! Below prices desk? Yes!! Feeling sleepy and need to suck on something?? Soap is your guy!! Want to learn about the human anatomy? Rudy is there to help
♡ sweaty balls in my mouf
♡ slobbering on them until they scrunch up like raisins, suck the man juice out of them
♡ our puppy has a leash and collar so it's only natural they use it on you, held back by the neck as one of them is pounding into you
♡ puppy likes scent and prefers sex before
and after a work out
♡ listen... piss kink
♡ I just feel like they'd be in a meeting and she tries so so sooo hard to tell someone she needs to pee but they keep telling her to hold it (graves) but she just cant price made sure to keep her hydrated during lunch :(( it's too much and her bladder isnt big enough
♡ whimpers fill the air the sound of dripping water accompanying it their heads turning to face her as sobs bubble out of her mouth along with apologise while she so desperately cover her face to avoid the embarrassment. Her thighs clenched desperately to stop the stream but her attempts were In vain
♡ the first to realise what had happened was soap the fact that he was sitting next to her and had perfect view access to her entire body
"Aw pet don' cry its jus' an accident, happens to the best of us"
♡ :(((( shes so upset but our boys dont mind shes usually so well behaved and she obviously didn't mean to do it on purpose
"Oh puppy you tried so hard to tell us and we completely ignored you didnt we?"
"Uh huh"
"Yeah? And we didnt listen when you said you couldnt hold it did we"
"No i- but I- I did try to hold I really tried hard b-but I couldnt an- and now I've made a mess"
♡ they cant ignore the arousal they get from seeing her soaked and sobbing <3 they know it's wrong, shes upset and embarrassed but they just cant help it
♡ graves is a gross man who looks like fix it felix but dont let that fool you he 100% loves the control he gets from a piss kink especially for our puppy, he likes making you hold it and then mocks you in a high pitched voice but your dumb little brain thinks hes comforting you
♡ I think simon is more one for fucking you until you pee, he usually does it in the shower so he can wash off but he doesnt mind getting dirty, he likes the feeling of your cunt squeezing and gushing around him especially if you try to tell him to stop. Youre gonna pee? Yeah? Do it
♡ gaz is someone who likes to watch you pee he loves the view <3 the fluttering of your cunt draws him in road trip side of road
♡ Johnny, similar to his L.T, is someone who teases you until you pee. Rubbing your clit until its puffy and sore and you cant hold yourself up right let alone your bladder
♡ alejandro and Rudy like watching you wiggle they'll purposefully fill you with liquid and press on your tummy just to watch you squirm, they have bets on who can make you loose it first
♡ price pees in you
♡ theres a reason hes your favourite
♡ you know how I talked about scenting??... I hate to break it to you but she has definitely peed on them/their stuff at some point
♡ you mostly pee on price
♡ "what are you doing"
"Where are you pants"
"I dont know"
"You're not gonna pee on the floor are you"
"That's right you're not because that would be bad"
"Thats right bad"
"Just a little"
♡ heats are always a pain for you :(( so horny and so wet desperate for someone to fill you with the pups you need. You drive the team crazy with your whimpers and cries but they know you cant help it, you're just achey :(((
♡ bullet vibrators are your best bet as they obviously cant fuck you 24/7 so that small buzzing of pleasure keeps you satiated until they can get their hands on you, the first time you had your heat you couldnt get the small thing out :(( your fingers were too small and it was so slippery you couldnt grasp it :((( you're so lucky your captain is kind enough to help you <3 dont think about his fingers wiggling inside you hes just trying extra hard to get it out that's why hes pumping them in and out of you
♡ sometimes they have to keep you in a cage because you wont stop begging to be stuffed, they dont want a rookie to think that they're allowed to overstep their place just because your in heat
♡ you hump everything!!!! Nothing is safe they take their shirt off for one second and it's on a pillow being jumped by no other than you!! You absolute fiend!!!
♡ you follow them around everywhere you love being around you favourite men!!!
♡ when 141 go on a mission you're left with Rudy and alejandro who always give in to you whines and begs <3 they treat you so well always stuffing you full when you need it, letting you have as much cum as you please, it makes the 141 so jealous that they have to fuck you as soon as they get back!
♡ graves probably pimps out puppy to his shadows there I said it
♡ konig isnt to slick with his touches either, he may think hes going undetected but that's only by our dumb mutt the other men are fuming with him. He let's you sit in his lap, his bear like hands inbetween your thighs rubbing along your most intimate areas you dont exactly connect what hes doing and hes completely okay with that just grind yourself back on him.
♡ he probably asks horangi to help him out, probably stretching you to prepare for the brute of the man
♡ definitely think gangbangs are a big part of your heat, vibrators, plugs, rope and muzzles are all items your familiar with. I like to think they just come and go when fucking you it's almost like a brothel
♡ they definitely finger fuck you while doing mindless tasks, brushing their teeth? You're bent over the sink pushing yourself back onto them, doing paperwork? Being cockwarmed by your snug lil cunt, lifting weights? You're bouncing on their cock weighing them down
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gummydummy19 · 5 months
The bear and his honey
Summary: How grumpy Sy won your heart and you won his :))
Content Warnings: Fluff, sunshine x grumpy trope, smut (oral, fingering, piv, creampie, pet names, praise, hint of a size kink)
A/N: Look at that! I wrote another Sy fic! @omgkatinka sent me this: After that fic today I kept thinking about first dates with Sy. And how either epic or awful it would be if your first date was getting stuff from ikea and assembling the stuff together. I feel like that would either forge an unbreakable alliance or doom the connecton right away. But I really like the idea. and I LOVED IT so I included that in here as well :)) It's not their first date but I hope you still like it <3
Word Count: 4k+ (holy shit)
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Like a little girl seeing a big teddy bear at the fair, you were sold when you first met Sy. There was something immediately comforting about him. He was quiet and a little grumpy, but he always treated you with respect. A real Southern gentleman, as they say.
It took a long time before he asked you out. You kept running into him at get-togethers, always being drawn to him from the second you walked in.
In the beginning, you worried you were coming on too strong, always sticking to his side, asking him questions, flirting with him...
One night your entire friend group got together again for a cookout and drinks around the fire. Everyone was perfectly tipsy and content, and when the conversation started taking a more juvenile turn, you heard something that made your cheeks feel warm.
"Oh come on, everyone knows Sy's got it bad for you!", Cory boomed, swinging around his beer.
"Shut up, Cory", you hushed him, dismissing it quickly. You tried to ignore the way your stomach fluttered at the idea of Sy being into you, but when you saw him blushing, (yes, blushing) on the other side of the fire you felt your heart swell.
After that night, you started getting more confident. You loved teasing him, always poking the bear. You tried to get a rise out of him every chance you got, knowing he had a soft spot for you.
Admittedly, you were having a fun time pushing his buttons, but after almost two weeks of flirty comments and hanging under his arm whenever you could, he still hadn't asked you out.
So after another night of teasing, flirting, a couple of debatably too-strong martinis, and what Cory called "canoodling" you finally hit your breaking point.
"Are you planning on asking me out? Like ever?", you blurted out.
Okay, those martinis were definitely too strong.
"Ya want me to?"
Is he joking?
He chuckled and you realised you said that last bit out loud.
That Friday he showed up on your doorstep at exactly 6pm, on the dot, and handed you a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.
You could tell he really made an effort. He was wearing a button-up shirt and what looked like a fresh, new pair of jeans.
"Oh Sy, these are beautiful!", you squealed, before pressing a chaste kiss to his fuzzy cheek, 'Let me go put them in water, and then we'll be on our way!'
He didn't say much, he just grumbled as you skipped about your apartment in your pretty little dress, like you didn't know exactly what you were doing to him.
He took you to the most expensive restaurant in town, where he briefly told you about his job and his family before casually shifting the conversation back to you.
You let your foot wander up his leg while you innocently told him about yourself, loving the way he startled when the waiter showed up.
Afterward, he walked you home and gave you a kiss on your cheek, just as innocent as the one you had given him before. You were a little disappointed when he didn't come in, but you decided to deem his chivalry as charming.
A week and a half later, he took you to the drive-in for your second date. They showed some old James Bond movie, the perfect combination of action and steamy romance as you cuddled closer to him in his truck.
During a particularly spicy scene, you let your hand wander up his thigh, but before you got to his crotch, he stopped you.
You looked up at him with a frown, but to your surprise, his eyes were still glued to the screen.
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, thinking maybe you read the situation wrong. Maybe he just wanted to be friends? Maybe that's why he didn't kiss you last time? Why he didn't wanna come upstairs with you...
The nasty thoughts kept pouring in and you felt yourself spiral down. You shuffled away from Sy's embrace, gently moving to sit as far away from him as possible, half debating just getting out of the car completely.
'What's wrong?' Sy asked as he looked at you, sitting against the door of his truck.
"If you don't want me you can just say that Sy," you said bitterly, staring out the window.
When you heard him chuckle, you angrily snapped your head back to see if you were actually hearing it correctly.
"Oh, you think that's funny?" you spat.
You tried to open the door. You wanted to leave. To get as far away from him as possible, but the door was locked, and before you could protest, he wrapped his big arm around your waist and swiftly pulled you back against him.
You had no time to wriggle yourself out of his grip, because he moved his bearded face down to your ear and whispered, "You can't always get what you want, sugar."
You didn't know what to say. His actions had already confused you and now his words confused you even more.
He grinned at your puzzled look, grabbing your chin in his large paw.
"What do you want?" he asked calmly, looking straight into your eyes.
"You have me," he stated, making butterflies erupt in your stomach
"Doesn't fucking feel like it." you dared, keeping your voice low and your eyes away from his.
"Bratty little thing, aint ya?," he grinned, secretly a little proud at your ballsiness, tho he'd never admit it.
His grasp on your jaw tightened, making your eyes snap back at his.
"If you want something, you gotta ask nicely, sugar." he drawled, leaning in a bit closer, "Now, what do you want from me."
Your whole body felt like it was on fire. Your eyes darted from his gorgeous eyes down to his plush lips and back before you spoke, "A kiss, please."
A cheesy grin spread over his face and he loosened his grip on your jaw, moving his hand to cup the side of your face, gentle but firm.
He leaned in, his breath mingling with yours as he spoke, "Such a polite girl," before finally attaching his lips to yours.
That night you realized Sy wasn't as soft as you thought he was, in fact, he had quite the mean streak...
Another week of sweet texts and teasing phone calls later, you knew you were in deep.
Your third date wasn't even supposed to be a date. He took you for a walk in the park. You started holding his hand about halfway through the walk, with little intention of ever letting go.
It was meant to be a short stroll, just to get some air, but soon the sun started setting and your stomach started rumbling.
'Ya hungry? I know a good place nearby', he stated, pulling you closer against his side.
'Sy...I'm really not dressed for anything fancy...', you replied, knowing Sy's definition of 'a good place' when it came to you.
'Don't you worry sugar, you're dressed just fine', he grinned, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
20 minutes later you were standing at a food truck, being introduced as 'his girl' to one of his old army buddies wearing a 'kiss the cook' apron.
While you munched on your greasy food, Sy told you the truck had been there since last summer, after their last tour. He was there every week.
It wasn't hard to notice the way Sy shifted when he talked about his work. You didn't push or pry, you just listened, letting your thumb trace over his hand as he opened up to you. Funny, how this thing with a man you had only kissed once already felt like the most intimate relationship you'd ever been involved in.
Two weeks after your first kiss, you got Sy to join you for a trip to Ikea. You needed a new bookshelf and your car was too small to fit it, so you convinced Sy to bring his truck. Getting to stroll around with him through the hallways with your hands linked was simply a bonus.
When you first walked in, you could tell Sy was a little uncomfortable. This wasn't exactly his area, fluffy rugs, decorative pillows,...he felt so out of place. But seeing you with a big smile on your face, dragging him around to show him which wineglasses you liked, made it worth it.
You made him feel at ease, but nervous at the same time. The whole thing felt so domestic, so innocent. So, why was the only thought on his mind pushing you onto one of those beds and fucking you six ways from Sunday?
Aside from that kiss in the car and a couple steamy messages, not much had happened between the two of you. It's not like you didn't want to, you just wanted to take it slow and Sy was trying to be a tease gentleman.
By the time you got to the storage place, he was a lot more relaxed. Maybe it was the fact that there were no more soft blankets or colorful couches. This part of the building was definitely more his vibe. Though, being able to show off his strength when it was time to carry the boxes may also have something to do with it...
You were almost at checkout, Sy was pushing the cart, half his view was blocked and he was trying not to crash into anything when he heard you squeal loudly.
"What? What happened?" He peaked past the mountain of cardboard. He was worried something might have happened, but when he saw what you were holding, he grinned in confusion.
"He looks just like you!" you exclaimed happily, holding a big, stuffed bear with dark brown fur. "I'm taking him home with me."
Sy tried to keep a stern look but failed miserably, chuckling while he pulled you into him.
"What, am I not enough for you anymore? Should I be worried?", he joked.
"Don't you worry, baby. You will always be my big bear. The little one is just for when you're not around", you explained.
"Well if I'm your bear, you're my honey", he mumbled, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. God, he always smelled so fucking good... "Oh! I can spray some of your cologne on him!"
You kept babbling happily as you dragged Sy to the checkout. He didn't even know how long he had been smiling, but somehow he just couldn't stop. Fuck, what are you doing to him?
45 minutes later it was your turn to try and suppress your laugh. You were sitting on your couch, sipping a glass of white wine, and watching your man try and prove just how manly he is.
"Sy, honey, I really think if you just looked at the instructions..."
"I don't need no damn instructions, it's a fucking bookshelf", he grumbled.
"Alright, suit yourself...", you sighed, turning the page of your magazine.
Barely a second later you got startled by a loud bang and a string of curses. You looked up to see the damage and were met with a fuming Sy clutching his thumb.
"Not a word", he said.
"M'not saying anything!", you chuckled.
Another ten minutes passed in silence, aside from the occasional grumble coming from the bulky man you were rapidly falling in love with.
You finally dropped down the magazine next to you and put down your wine.
"Would you just let me help?", you asked, standing in front of him.
"I don't need-"
"Yes, you fucking do! Stop being so damn stubborn, Sy! It's not a sin to look at the manual! It's what it's fucking there for!", you finally snapped.
Sy looked at you with an unreadable expression on his face. He straightened himself, towering over you.
"You don't scare me, big guy", you dared, crossing your arms.
He raised his brow, tilting back his head a tiny bit as he peered down at you.
"Alright", his voice was calm and collected. A beat of silence passed and the tension could be cut with a knife.
You were starting to get a little confused, not entirely sure what the vibe was anymore but then, without an ounce of effort, Sy picked you up and swung you over his beefy shoulder.
"Sy! What the hell are you doing? Logan??"
A squeal left your throat when you were dropped down on your mattress. You barely had any time to process what was happening before Sy was on top of you, pinning your arms above your head as his body covered yours.
"You and that damn mouth of yours", he groaned, "always running ain't it? See what happens when you poke a bear?"
"He finally wants to taste his honey?" you spoke softly.
"Oh, honey, you have no idea", he said before he captured your lips with his.
You tried to wriggle your hands free to touch him, but he wouldn't budge, chuckling into your mouth as he felt you struggle.
"What have I told you about asking for what you want, hmm?"
"Sy, please...", you started begging.
'Please what? Use your words"
"C'mon....just lemme touch you, Sy, s'not funny anymore...", you whined, desperately trying to get closer to him, but you were no match for his strength.
Admittedly, feeling how much bigger and stronger than you he was made you drip right through your panties, but that didn't mean you weren't still desperate to get your hands on him.
Sy finally took pity on you and released your wrists. Your hands immediately clawed at his back, trying to pull him impossibly closer as you pulled him in for another breathtaking kiss. One of his big hands semi-gently held your cheek while the other pawed at your body, wherever he could.
It didn't take long before clothes went flying, both yours and his. The sound of his belt unbuckling ran in your ears as your blood pumped faster.
"Fuck, I want you so bad...", you mumbled under your breath, your eyes raking over his furry chest before landing on the tent in his boxers.
"I want you too, baby, so so bad". Blood rushed to your face at the realization that he had heard you. He still had a grin on his face, but this time it was different. Less mean, more dopey.
"Wanna taste you...", he mumbled as he pressed kisses between your breasts and down your stomach.
"Fuck, Sy..."
The first lick between your sticky folds already had him moaning into your pussy. "Sweetest honey I've ever fucking tasted...", he groaned before burying his face back in between your legs.
He ate you out with vigor, swiping his tongue around your clit just enough to drive you crazy before dipping it down to lick long stripes up and down your slit. With all the pent-up tension (and Sy's insane cunnilingus skills), it didn't take long at all before you felt that familiar heat pool down in your belly.
You arched your back off the bed, one hand digging into Sy's scalp as the other frantically grabbed at your pillow.
"Oh fuck, fuck...", you moaned as you felt yourself starting to creep closer to the edge. Sy focussed his full attention solely on your clit now, sucking and nibbling on it while he pressed two of his thick fingers inside you. He curled them up, finding your spot almost immediately and you screamed.
"AH shit! Please please please, don't stop...m'gonna cum!”, you babbled with an unsteady voice.
Usually you don't like to tell your partner when you're about to cum, because for some reason they always seemed to take that as a sign to start doing completely different shit, but you trusted Sy. He clearly knew what he was doing, and to your delight, he kept doing it exactly like that until your thighs were trembling on his shoulders.
You felt the waves of your orgasm roll through your body, your hips mimicking the movement as you bucked against his face. He didn't seem to mind one bit.
He kept his fingers inside you, perfectly stimulating the spongy spot they were nestled against while his lips nursed on your swollen clit, prolonging your orgasm.
Your entire body felt like it was on fire as you waited for Sy to stop, so you could finally breathe again. But to your surprise, the big beast between your legs didn't even show signs of slowing down.
"S-Sy...fuck fuck stop...stop stop stop...", you tried to squirm away from the sensitive feeling, but he kept you firmly in his grip.
"fuck..shit..sensitive...too sensitive..Sy, FUCK!" you moaned when the pain suddenly turned into overwhelming pleasure. The only thing you could do was scream for him. With every knock of his fingers against your spot you felt a pressure build, and when his strong arm pressed down harder on your belly, you swore your vision went white.
You wailed as you came again in a manner that could only be described as violent. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you felt yourself gush all over Sy's mouth and fingers. Your brain was too fuzzy to be embarrassed about it. He helped you ride out the last waves of your orgasm before he finally let up.
"Fucking hell...", he spoke up first. Your eyes blinked open and you sat up a bit to look at him. You were still finding the right words, trying to piece your brain back together, and then you saw it. The drops in Sy's beard, the wet spot on the mattress...oh my god...no no no no no.
It was as if Sy could read your mind, either that or the horrified look on your face was more obvious than you thought it was.
"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen in my entire life", he stated.
"Absolutely", he promised.
You looked at the twinkle in his eyes and you knew he wasn't lying. God damn, where has this man been all your life. Before you could stop yourself, you pulled him forward by the neck and smashed your lips against his, not caring one bit about the wetness of his beard.
He groaned when you pushed him back on the bed. "My turn", you grinned as you straddled him. You gave him one last peck before peppering kisses on his neck and across his chest.
"Fuck, honey...", he mumbled, gently moving your hair out of your face and keeping a gentle hold of it.
You finally shimmied down his boxers. His cock sprung free. Hard, throbbing, and all yours. You grabbed him by the base and pressed a few teasing kisses along the length of him before licking up a stripe and finally taking the head in your mouth.
A low rumble could be heard deep in his chest as you took him deeper, determined to fit him entirely. To your disappointment, you started gagging when he was barely halfway. You wanted to try again, but Sy gently tugged on your hair. "Not necessary, sweetheart"
"But I wanna make you feel good", you pouted.
"You are, feels so good princess, doesn't have to be all the way to feel good", he reassured you.
You took him in your mouth again and gently bobbed your head up and down, glancing up at him to see his eyes droop. You would have kept going for hours if it meant getting to see him like this. Sadly, he pulled you off his dick way too soon for your liking.
"Wha-but you haven't cum yet!", you whined.
"That's 'cause I'm gonna cum in this pretty pussy.", he stated before flipping you over, leaving him on top of you once again.
"Been wanting to fuck you for so long, you know that? Always skipping around in those damn skirts, teasing me...", he kissed you before you could reply. His rough hands traced about your body, squeezing and kneading at your flesh wherever he could.
You let your knees fall open next to his thighs, opening up for him. When the tip of his cock pressed against your entrance, your breath hitched in anticipation.
"You okay, baby?" he asked when he noticed your sudden nervousness.
"That doesn't sound very convincing", Sy spoke, sitting up a little. "We don't have to go any further, you know that right? I'm perfectly content just arguing with you over a bookshelf", he grinned and you felt yourself relax.
You gave him a sweet smile and tugged him down for a kiss. The kiss was slow and meaningful, different than before. When he pulled back, Sy's eyes found yours, "What's going on, hmm?" he asked, his tone calm and caring.
"Just been a while...", you stated shyly.
"Been a while for me too, honey, a long while", he admitted.
"How long?", you asked curiously, making him chuckle. "Seven months.", he replied, "and I can wait another seven if you want me to." It was your turn to chuckle, "Luckily, I don't want you to", you kissed him again.
"Since Cory's pool party...", you mumbled against his lips.
"Cory's pool party, when I first met you. Don't know how long ago that was exactly, but that's how long it's been for me".
Sy stared at you with wide eyes. You couldn't read his expression, but after a few beats, his eyes softened. He leaned in closely, his cock still stiff between your legs.
"Seven months", he whispered, "that's how long that's been."
His words and what they meant hung in the air for a couple seconds and you couldn't figure out what to say, so you settled for, "Fuck me, Sy. Please?"
He grinned and reached in between your trembling bodies to grab his cock, pushing it between your folds. "I'll go slow, sweetheart. Trust me. If I don't, this s'gonna be over real soon".
He slid inside with ease, the stretch was there but bearable. His head dropped to your shoulder when he was fully in, hot breath and scruffy beard tickling your neck. Your legs wrapped around his hips, trying to urge him deeper somehow.
After what seemed like a century (not that you were complaining), he dragged his hips back, sliding almost completely out of you before pushing back in. He repeated his movement a couple times. Your whines turned into moans, getting louder as his thrusts got rougher.
"Fucking hell...best pussy I've ever had", he groaned, pumping into you at a faster pace. He hiked up one of your legs higher over his hip, making him hit inside you deeper while grinding on your still-sensitive clit.
You moaned loudly. Your nails scratched over his biceps and he groaned in your ear. Neither of you was gonna last long and you both knew it.
"Mine", he growled and you almost came on the spot.
"Yours, Sy! Only yours!", you kept babbling while he absolutely destroyed your body, "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!"
"Cum for me, baby, fuck..."
Your final orgasm of the night consumed you. "Cumming! I'm cumming...fuck please cum inside me Sy, OH!", you moaned so loud you were sure the neighbors heard you, but you didn't care. Sy grabbed your hips roughly as he chased his own release, following suit before yours was even over.
He looked godly. His hairy chest was all sweaty, head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut...you swore you got another tiny orgasm just looking at him and feeling his cock throb inside you.
"Shit...", he groaned breathlessly, "I swear I usually last longer...", he started but you stopped him right away. "Sy, you made me cum three times in the last 45 minutes. I don't think I would have survived any longer."
He chuckled as he fell on top of you, squishing you in the process. You hummed happily, stroking his back while his cock was still buried deep inside you. You could barely breathe but you didn't care, if this was how you met your end, it seemed like a good way to go.
@metalbuckaroo @princessayveke @montsepliego @scxrletrecsmarvel @hopelesslyrogers @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @tfandtws @vicmc624 @ahahafudge @enchantedbarnes @wickedravyn @pono-pura-vida @amayaraestyles @matchat3a @fictional-hooman @sebastianexplicit @peaches1958 @avengersfan25 @jamneuromain @tryingtoliveonmywishes @mrsevans90 @daybreak96 @tiredqueen73 @fallingforunrealisticromance @identity2212 @randomweirdoss @ragamuffin285 @juliaorpll78 @geralts-yenn @imjusthereforliam @bangtanstoeart @squeezyvalkyrie @enchantedbytomandhenry @superduckmilkshake @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @missgaygurl @foxyjwls007 @mollymal @urmomsgirlfriend1 @luxeydior @peyton-warren
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c0smoshit · 5 months
hi! i have a request (obviosuly you can choose to do it or not, im not forcing you ^^) with a cloud x fem reader story.
y/n and cloud were togheter for a year now, and cloud returns home after a long time (1 month) and he was really clingy because he missed y/n so much but he was kinda shy doing all these things and let this side of him go out that much. (i'll leave to you adding details or something to the story) basically just a cute fluff story with shy kisses,cuddles and things like that :3
bye and thank you! i LITERALLY LOVE your story "Shy Kisses", and i love the way you write! i would be happy if you did this story for me❤️
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Far Road ミ★
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⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ≫ Cloud Strife/Reader ⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ fluff!! ⋆ ࣪. 𝔸/ℕ ≫ last fic of the year and it had to be a Cloud one, hope you enjoy it and thanks for this adorable request!! ⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ≫ 2.233
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A knock at your door kept you from washing your dishes.
God how you missed him.
Everytime someone knocked, you would run to the door, only to be dissapointed with a plain looking hair and eyes, not your spiky blonde hair mixed with some astonishing mako infused eyes.
It had been such long, lonely and cold nights without his arms warming you up from under the bed, his body so close to you, you could feel his own heartbeat.
You even tried to replace him with some big chocobo plushie he had gifted you a few months ago.
And although they might look alike, no big, fluffy chick could replace your grumpy one.
"I'm coming"
You announced, the glint of hope on your eyes completely vanished now as you placed your plate down the sink. Drying your hands on a towel, you began walking towards the door.
. . .
"Please don't be out there for too long"
Your words caused a crack inside his chest, when he had finally became comfortable with you, with your home, your smell. He had to help his friends once again.
He hadn't even stepped outside the door on that quiet, dark twilight he already was missing you so much. He couldn't bear the fact that he was going to be without you for such a long time, what if something happened to you?
He wouldn't be able to protect you and he did not want to go over that feeling again.
Your shivering hands held your door as your blanket was still wrapped around you, too cold not to hold it close against your body. He hated seeing you shivering, you should be heading back to the bed with him, you even didn't have to work next day so he could've stayed with you.
You also were supposed to be sleeping, it was definitely too early for your puffy eyes to be staring at his own ones in such a melancholic way. He felt guilty, your poor, tired body had been awaken by him shuffling around the appartment, soon coming to see him depart.
"I'll be back soon, promise"
He whispered into the thin air before wrapping an arm around your waist, holding you close to his chest for the last time before a long while. Getting a whiff of your syrupy shampoo, memorizing it's smell.
But on top of it all, he hated saying goodbye after all the times he hadn't got the proper time to verbalize it.
. . .
Opening it up you didn't even see the face of the person that was standing in front of you at first, your eyes peeking at your kitchen for a brief moment to see if you has closed the sink. But when you took a glance at the very man that was standing in front of you, you almost fell down.
Eyes wide as you recognized his almost hollow scent, you quickly searched his eyes, hoping that they had been exposed to a, now familiar, substance.
Oh god.
It was really him.
His eyes quickly closed tight as your arms suddenly enveloped his neck like a scarf, a homemade one. You smelled good, really good. He had been craving that sweet aroma of yours, how it would linger on his pillows for a while after you had gotten off the bed.
And your soft skin finally embracing his own one, tender as he had imagined so many nights out there without you. Your nose hitting his shirt in such a perfect way as you pressed closer into his chest, your short breaths and your tight squeezes against him.
He finally was home.
He got so deep into his thoughts he didn't notice you dragging him into your home, back to the place you had both shared everything. Your socks dragging along his boots as you happily guided him to the living room, not once spliting appart.
"Can't believe you're finally back"
He huffed, rubbing your right arm soothingly as you both sat on the sofa, getting lost in the softness of the couch, you really had done a great job in choosing the pillows.
. . .
He said with half a chuckle as your hands worked on his belt, eager to get inside the bathtub you had made with so much love for both of you.
He first sat down, letting you do the same as you rested in front of him, a relieved sigh coming from your mouth as you leant your head back slightly, careful not to soak your hair up with the blueberry foam.
Both of you getting lost in the feeling of the lukewarm water, a bit too cold for your liking but you knew he liked it just this way. When he opened his eyes briefly he saw you already smiling like a dork at him, almost seeing hearts in your eyes.
"You really did miss me huh?"
You chuckled, of course you had, buying groceries without him by your side and his nonexisent advices over which fruit would taste better or the clothes that would fit you the best.
His afternoon dates of offering you rides around Midgar, the warm afternoon breeze vanishing through your hair as you stared at the dying sun, mind in blank and finally at peace. Listening to the loud roar of the engine, you would always place your hands underneath his jacket, trying to keep them warm as your cheek pressed against his back.
Your homemade meals, god he missed them, nothing could even come closer to the taste of your food, your own personal chocolate smiling faces on your desserts whenever you had the chance.
You nodded in agreement before getting outside the tub, at first he would've asked you where were you going but the feeling of your hands on his wet hair and the smell of his shampoo quickly shut him up.
"Missed you so so much"
You said in a soft tone, rubbing the liquid on his scalp, slowly massaging it around his golden strands, careful not to make knots.
He was in heaven right now.
He desired to wash himself up on his bath once again, the strong scent of his few soaps and some deserved intimacy. But your hands working on his hair was definitely something else.
"Feels good?"
A nod slowly answered your question, smiling as you admired his state: tightly closed eyes, limbs falling over the bath and the sluggish pace of his chest.
You continued rubbing his scalp, your movements soon growing more and more tender and sweet. You had missed him so much you wanted to express your feelings through your touch, your honeyed words and maybe a tasty meal.
When you had finished cleaning up his hair, you motioned him to wash the soap off with some water, giggling as you saw him sliding down the tub, shaking a bit his head under the water. You finally got up, knees feeling slightly numb as you stretched yourself, slowly getting inside the tub again with him.
But this time you had layed on top of him, his eyes shooting wide as he took in the feeling of your body, too blissed out to even notice you getting back up. But he soon wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to his chest as he spread his legs, letting you rest in between them.
There wasn't anything sexual about this, the feeling of your wet skin touching his underneath the water didn't make him feel aroused.
It made him feel loved, warm.
The way your cheek would brush into his before your head lowered down below his chin, your red face thanks to the closiness and the temperature of the room. It was all too much for him to handle so he opted to just admire you as you closed your eyes with a sigh on top of him.
He had his arms wrapped around your waist, sitting upright before his limbs decided to copy your own, relaxing and softening under your body.
Oh how he wishes to do this every day, to hold you until his last breath.
The feeling of your skin wouldn't go away even if the tried to file it down his own skin.
He kissed your forehead, and after you were both satisfied and soaked up enough until your fingers were all wrinkled up. You kissed him on the lips slowly, smiling like a dork and laughing lowly, your breath hitting his mouth as you whispered.
"I love you"
"I'm here with you now"
His deep voice made you giggle like a little girl, you loved his low tone, the first thing you would hear in the mornings and the last thing you would hear before falling asleep. For things like that you loved his quiet self, after a long while of not talking, his voice would naturally lower some tones.
. . .
Wrapped with a towel you looked at him, his hair all ruffled and soaked up just as his body. His towel hung lowly on his hips and you couldn't help but admire your boyfriend's chiseled physique.
How did you get so lucky??
Your mind always gets back to that question, he wasn't only caring, honest and cute but he was ripped off too?!?
And his absolutely angelic face, his gorgerous eyes and his small and cute nose were too much for you to handle. Since the day you had first seen him, you had always thought that his absolutely adorable features didn't match his body. He was just too cute to be that buff!
"Seen enough already?"
He asked with a hidden smirk, he also loved the way you drooled over him, teasing you just to see your blushy cheeks as you had been caught. But he couln't really laugh that loud because, hell, you looked absolutely astonishing too.
"Nah, not yet"
You teased back, walking until you met him as you wrapped your arms around his back, pecking his shoulder as you heard his breath hitching, earning a sly smirk from you.
But as much as you wanted to tease him further, the roles were quickly exchanged as he picked you up suddenly, throwing you over his shoulder as he started to walk off the steamy bathroom. He often did this, picking you up or manhandling you around, trying to avoid your teasing kisses or touches. And you should be already accustomed to it, but you couldn't help the yelp escaping from your lips.
He was the one smirking now.
Playfully kicking his back you told him to put you down, laughing as you felt his shoulder poking your stomach through your towel, your hair fell down and your face was starting to heat up again thanks to your blood travelling downwards.
But soon your giggles were cut off as you landed on the bed, jumping off slightly as you stared at him with fake disbelief.
"Did you loose your maners on that trip?"
You said as you stared at him, resting on your elbows, his back was facing you as he searched some clothes on your closet. His back moved swiftly as his muscles flexed under his skin, huffing out he answered.
You laid your head on the bed, closing your eyes as you breathed out, taking all the space with your extremities. The bed felt extra-soft today and the lavender scent you always sprayed on on top of the mattress seemed to have became stronger.
"But maybe you shouldn't tease me like that"
You almost didn't pick up his words but your pride was much more bigger than just accepting them, so you sat upright, looking at the oversized shirt he was holding on his arms.
"Oh, you love it"
You said in a ludic tone, quickly taking away the piece of clothing as you smiled mischeviously.
"Hey, that was my shirt"
You dropped your towel before putting on the shirt, smelling it like crazy before your head poked out of it. He naturally retrieved his eyes from your back, as if he didn't see you naked just a few minutes ago.
"Well, it smelt too good for you to wear it"
He huffed out, reaching out to grab another shirt before placing it over himself finally and he actually noticed it smelling a bit too much like him. Did you spray his perfume over it?
Well, he couldn't blame you, he was the first one to take a long breath of your hair the moment you hugged him. Press his face on your pillow as he woke up, hell he did even smell your shirts once in a while.
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You mumbled, sighing out for a long while as you finally nuzzled into his neck once again. You had really, really missed his arms around you, well, his everything around you. From his soft skin to his steady heartbeat, soothing you slowly into nirvana.
"I love you"
You lifted your head just so you could kiss him once again, lips you couldn't understand how they were perfectly hydrated always. And it wasn't an exception tonight, moving slowly against yours as his hot breath hit your cheeks.
But you felt yourself slowly falling asleep on him, so he took your face off him, pecking your cheek before his right hand guided you back to his neck. His hand then lifted the mattress, carefully covering both of your entwined bodies.
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
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Sexuality Profile: Ari
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If you had to pick one word to summarize Ari's sexuality, it would have to be: Primal
Other good ones though: gentle, loving, wild, instinctual, hedonistic, lazy, possessive, and dominant
He's a natural guy and loves being naked.
He's the least manscaped of all your guys. You love his hairy chest and belly ... and you put up with everything else.
Due to his untamed forest, he gets the least amount of head out of any of your guys (and you've told him so, too). He doesn't care.
He'd rather be fingering you or having you jerk him off while the two of you kiss, faces close, sharing breath.
He hasn't said so, but you can tell he likes having period sex with you (so does Kemp, but with him it's more in a creepy way)
He knows you're a modern girl, okay? So he doesn't tell you not to shave down there, but he always gets grumpy whenever you return from a few days spent with "The Dolphins" (Lloyd, Kemp).
He makes fun of Lloyd and Kemp's neurotic grooming habits, (calling them "the dolphins" is because they're so waxed)
That's not to say that Ari is dirty, oh no. You probably find yourself in the shower, tub, or natural bodies of water with him more than anybody else.
He loves fucking outdoors, and always keeps blankets in his truck for shielding your delicate lady parts from the elements.
You often call him "Bear" (for obvious reasons)
He uses his teeth a lot (not as much as Kemp, though). He loves claiming you by marking you up with hickeys.
This man is a class 5 clinger: he likes to be plastered to your body when making love. He likes to feel the sweat on your body, the heaving of your lungs, likes to smell you, taste your pulse on his tongue.
so the position always winds up being either Missionary or Doggy style--both with him lying heavy right on top of you.
Though he's occasionally into long, gentle mutual edging sessions, in which case he'll have you sit in his lap, tantra style
He isn't the most "verbal" of all your guys, but he sure is the most animalistic-sounding during sex. You love all of his uninhibited grunts, growls, groans (and occasional roars)
Of all your guys, Ari's the biggest, okay? At 6' 3" and somewhere in the 220 lb range, he's got everybody else beat ...
... in both sheer body size and in what's between his legs (he's hung like a mother effin' beast)
It's both a length and a girth issue: the kind of big where he has to prep you first. Every time. Lube is must, and so is patience.
Luckily he's probably your most patient guy after Bucky. He's gets off hard on the process of getting you ready for him: starting with just the head and easing in to you inch by inch, working you open on his cock until your body can finally accept him.
He's too big to fuck you rough (it hits your cervix and you hate that), so when he wants to go harder, he uses a special ring at the base of his cock called a "penis bumper" (exactly what it sounds like)
He's not rough in bed so much as he is firm: he manhandles you around, putting you where he wants you. His attitude is gentle, his hands are strong and bossy.
Ari's number one specific kink is breeding. He loves anything to do with imagining knocking you up, seeing you pregnant, etc.
To this point, he's super into domestic roleplay, cumming inside you, and creampies
He's the only one of your guys you've never had sex with a condom on (as, before you became exclusive w/ the 5, he hadn't had intercourse with you).
And his one fantasy that he hasn't yet confided/fulfilled? He wants to have a rape CNC experience with you (nothing violent or even cruel, but definitely base: forceful and animalistic like a caveman)
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SugarBaby Series: Imagines masterpost for all five Daddies
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shupito · 2 days
ooooh so i had this idea inspired by your latest post (lovely drawings of chimera jason by the way — the anatomy is gorgeous and the colors are just *chef's kiss* 😩🤌) _______
what if y/n found chimera jason in the forest, all defensive and wary at first because he's been abused as a cub (like irl jason) and hates humans... ...but soon he warms up to them bc of their kindness and gets intensely protective over anything that tries to hurt them like a big mama bear hahaha
like, a leaf would be falling on their head and jason would just be like SWAT no touching y/n's precious head and then get all grumpy when y/n points it out 😂 feel free to ignore this req if its too much or just respond with your own ideas, just wanted to share this little thought with you <3
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Ooooh... love the idea
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anna-proxx · 10 days
♡ dating arthur morgan headcanons ♡ (x female reader)
a/n: currently thinking about this game 24/7, so i wanted to share what i think arthur would be like as a romantic partner :)
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✽ if you sleep longer, he'd not only let you sleep and be careful not to wake you up, but also hush anyone who makes noise around you
✽ he kisses your forehead a lot
✽ and loves when you kiss him on the cheek
✽ when drunk, he’d get flustered around you and flirt with you (and only you) and get excited and giddy when you tell him that you're in fact already dating
✽ he's also still loyal af even when he's drunk
✽ but sometimes drunk arthur includes him snuggling up to you while you two are alone and crying out his pent up emotions while you hold him
✽ he limits physical affection around others, but once you two are alone, he turns into a big cuddly teddy bear
✽ after any argument he always makes sure to resolve it before you two go to sleep (he just treasures you too much to let you go to sleep hurt or mad at each other)
✽ if something came up and he couldn’t talk to you, he couldn’t fall asleep and would overthink that night
✽ sometimes you catch him singing to himself and he gets all embarrassed and flustered when he notices you
✽ he secretly loves any cute nicknames you'd call him but would never admit it
✽ (if you menstruate) he’d be cutely clueless about periods and menstrual cycles but would ask you curious questions and wouldn't shy away from talking about it or getting you supplies you need
✽ he would also get you chocolate (or any other treat you like) and put it beside your bed before you wake up when you're on your period because he knows you get grumpy
✽ speaking of hormonal fluctuations and mood swings, he’d be so supportive and patient with you
✽ you two would stay up late together while the rest of the gang sleeps and chat about silly things or gossip while snacking on stuff
✽ "And so I said- want some chocolate?" "Shoar."
✽ he insists you deserve better but also tries to be better for you
✽ he writes every detail about you in his journal, all the time
✽ you're mentioned on like every second page
✽ he also notes down all things you like for later use.
✽ and he draws you in all different situations
✽ sometimes he leaves one of the drawings of you beside your bed as a gift because he knows you love them
✽ family is everything to him, so he’d be ready to die for you, because you are his family
✽ he makes and brings you coffee as soon as you wake up, whether you're in your camp or in a temporary one in the wilderness
✽ when you're sick, he literally doesn't leave your side or is very reluctant to when he has to (and other gang members tease him for it)
✽ he would peel oranges for you (literally and figuratively)
✽ he would unintentionally do or say things that turn you on and be clueless about it
✽ but once he realizes or you tell him, he starts doing them more
✽ this man would love to make you blush
✽ he'd also praise you a lot
✽ "that's my girl" "good girl"
✽ he'd tease you about drooling or mumbling from your sleep, but grin anytime you do so, because he finds it adorable
✽ he never judges you for what you cry for, even if it's a silly reason
✽ "Yer cryin' cuz you saw a baby squirrel?" "Y-yeah..." "C'mere."
✽ he’s just such a good boyfriend and even better husband and father <3
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Big grumpy bear (4)
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Summary: He’s grumpy. You are sweet. A match made in heaven.
Pairing: Alpha!Walter Marshall x OmegaReader
Warnings: a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, grumpy alpha, scenting, fluff, mentions of injuries, a lil angst, insecure reader, idiots in love (Walter)
Catch up here: Big grumpy bear (3)
Big grumpy bear masterlist
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“No, no. You will give me this and sit down omega. I’ve got this,” Walter almost rips the bags filled with groceries out of your hands. You barely made it inside his house before he took the bags out of your hands. “I’m healthy again. Next week, I can go back to work.”
“The doctor said you are allowed to do desk work, nothing else,” you point out. “Put the groceries down. You are still injured.”
You purse your lips and wait for Walter to follow your order. He smirks as you put your hands on your hips to glare up at him. Walter finds it cute that you are smaller than him but try to dominate the tall alpha sometimes.
“Fine, but you will sit down too. You look tired, Y/N,” he quirks a brow, waiting for you to give in. “Don’t make me use my alpha voice. I’ll put the groceries away, and then I’ll drive you home.”
“Home?” your eyes widen, and you gasp audibly. “You want me to leave? But… I need to take care of you. Why do you want me to go?”
You whimper, and your omega wants to curl into a ball. Walter wants you to leave. Maybe he doesn’t like you at all. What if you only imagined the vulnerable bond forming between you and the alpha?
Walter sighs when you choke out a sob. He places the paper bags on the kitchen counter to explain he didn’t mean to hurt you. He’s simply worried about your well-being. “Y/N, I…” 
The doorbell stops him from explaining things to you. He grunts and turns to open the door. “Just a minute. Let me answer the door.”
“It’s fine…”
You look at the bags filled with groceries, sighing deeply. Is this how rejection feels? You shake your head and choke out a sob.
Maybe it’s better this way. People at your workplace started to spread rumors about you and the alpha.
While you ponder if you should try harder to get his attention, he opens the door, barely greeting his visitor. “Rachel?” Walter furrows his brows when his colleague and former lover stands in front of his door. 
“Walter, I came by to bring you this,” she pushes a food container into Walter’s hands. So far, she didn’t care for the alpha, but she heard that you came to Walter every day to take care of him and tries to make the alpha see she's the better omega for him. “Someone must take care of you.”
“I get it now,” you sniffle. “You wanted me to leave so she can take care of you. I guess you want something else…not me. Never me.”
“Rachel, you shouldn’t be here,” Walter pushes the food container back into Rachel’s hands. “I told you years ago that we are never going to get together again.”
Walter slams the door shut. He exhales sharply before turning his attention to you. 
“I should go…you were right,” you are unsure if you want to fight for Walter or just give up. You cannot compare to Rachel, that much you know. She’s not quirky and bubbly like you. Rachel is all a man like Walter wants.
“Y/N, I…” you run toward the guest room to get your bag, sniffling as Walter follows you. “Wait…please. I didn’t know she would come around. Omega wait!”
You stop in your tracks. Walter just used his alpha voice, and your hindbrain must obey his order. “I-“ you sniffle.
“She’s not the one I want,” Walter steps around you. He gently puts his hands on your arms, running them up and down. “Look at me.”
You whip your head toward his to look up at him, eyes filled with unshed tears. “You’re annoyingly cute, and you don’t take no for an answer. Usually, I don’t like having women at my home for longer than needed…” He smirks when you wrinkle your nose. “But…I kinda like you.”
“You do?” You wonder aloud. Did he just say that he likes you? “You slammed the door in her face.”
“I didn’t invite her,” Walter casually says, but it makes your heart flutter. 
“You didn’t invite me either,” you batt your eyelashes and pout. “Will you kick me out too?” Holding his gaze, you try to play it cool, but your heart is beating out of your chest.
“You’re hard to get rid of, and I can’t let you drive at that time of the day. You look tired too,” he cups your face with one large hand. “I’ll keep you around for a little longer. Maybe it’s time that I take care of you, omega…”
Part 5
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indras-wife · 1 month
If you can, PLEASEE feed us with some Madara Headcanons girlie! I feel you will give some interesting ones both NSFW and SFW *wink wink* I am thirsty for that damn man
Aren't we all anon? That man was my first ever crush from Naruto so he holds a very special place in my heart. He is soo crazy interesting that he fits in EVERY scenario, be it yandere, cute or dirty kinky stuff. Slay man fr.
I had to give general and some romance information in the SFW part, but I went a little into details with the NSWF since its my first time writing it in my blog, had to make it good~ Enjoy reading it sweetie<3<3
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Madara is an extremely protective man! Despite being protective he is also very caring, something he rarely shows to his peers, clan members and friends (if he has any besides Hashirama)
I see Madara, both as a kid and a teen, spending lots of time in the library, reading martial arts books, trying to memorize each and every step and later on practicing them either with Izuna or someone else in the clan. He also uses the war strategies in multiple battles, which lead him to victory every time.
Being in full control of the situation he is in, is very important to him. This man spends hours and days figuring what he will do during a specific event. If he has a meeting, he plans the conversations between him and his guest in his head maybe 100 times. He trains himself to be ready to give an answer to every question, even the not logical ones. He will not be embarrassed by anyone.
One thing he won't ever talk about is how he deeply he misses his mother. Despite not having much contact with her, Madara respects and loves her and wishes he could spend more time with her, getting to know what maternal love was.
Moving into more romantic scenery, this big grumpy man ADORES when his s/o washes his majestic hair. It takes a long time to take a proper care of his long hair, and frankly Madara has no time for that. However, his s/o forces him to the bathroom and washes his hair, which helps him to be rid of the crazy headaches he always complained from. He is never vocal about this, but seeing his s/o take care of his hair and him in general, makes him feel loved and appreciated, something he did not feel for a long time.
He also loves hugging his s/o and sleeping like that. If his s/o wakes up in the morning, she has no way of getting out of bed because of the strong grip he has on her body. He is like a big, warm teddy bear at nights
As a leader of the clan, he expect his wife to respect him always and to always be next to him. For this man, there is no room for disrespect, especially from his wife, so she needs to be respectful no matter what, or else he may become a little...rude (and he wont be bothered by it). However, he would listen his wife if she talks about a topic that displeases her (he is a good husband)
Madara is VERY, VERY, VERY kinky. He is not touchy in public or in front of his clan with his s/o, but behind closed doors he does not hold back. He breaks one or two pieces of furniture each month. He loves tying her, denying orgasms, melting wax on his s/o skin, turning her into a mindless slut who will be nothing but his toy.
This man is HEAVILY into BDSM and every type of kinky things which allow him to assert dominance. This also helps him take his anger out during sex (not in an abusive way), something he is doing quite often but makes it feel so good his s/o doesnt mind the roughness.
He loves receiving oral, especially when he is working. He would have his s/o on her knees, under his desk, sucking him while he fills out the papers. If he is feeling spontaneous, Madara can even hold some meetings for hours, while his s/o is busy pleasuring him under the table. Not only does Madara enjoy getting the pleasure, he also enjoys torturing his s/o, as she cannot make any sound when he is in a meeting. Sometimes he would grab her hair and pull hard if she gets stops sucking him, to make her continue her job.
"You did good~ Time to be rewarded~" His rewards look like long orgasms which he makes his s/o experience with the help of his tongue and fingers. As much as he loves receiving oral, he loves giving it to his partner too. Seeing her face flush, breath becoming slow and her legs shaking is an absolute maddening sight for this man. His s/o begs him to stop as she is extremely sensitive after having 5 and more orgasms, but this man does not stop until he is satisfied.
Madara loves his s/o's moans. In general he loves every sound escaping her lips. They rile him up to do more and show that his s/o is enjoying being intimate with him.
He does not accept NO in sex. If he is in the mood to fuck, then he will get it. Middle of the night? He will either wake his partner or fuck her without waking her up. Early morning? Afternoon? The time doesnt matter for him. If he is horny, he will get his way.
Madara also loves when his s/o rides him. He was hesitant at first, not wanting to give too much dominance to his s/o, but later on after getting used to it, he orders his s/o to get on top of him nearly every night. He loves seeing her bounce up and down on him. That sight alone is enough to make this man release in her.
He may be rude and grumpy with his s/o, but he makes sure to still show her, sexually and not, how much he loves and enjoys her company in his life. She is one of the people who bring him peace, calmness and happiness.
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poopyboiman · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Heavy/Spy, or better yet, Medic/Heavy/Spy?
Also I hope you feel better soon!
personally I prefer to pair spy with engie but I do get the appeal of spoovy, big stoic man x irritable grumpy toothpick will never not be fun :]
I think in the beginning they'd get close because spy could speak Russian and he would help heavy communicate with the others when he struggles and maybe help him learn English. after a while of them knowing each other spy finds out that heavy is much more intelligent than he looks and apart from the initial surprise he would be incredibly relieved to have finally found someone smart to talk to. I imagine they would both be pretty emotionally constipated due to both of them living life on the run never really being able to trust anyone (spy more so than heavy since at least he had his mom and sisters), so it would take both of them ages to admit any kind of feelings towards each other.
as for medi/heavy/spy for me it'a bit above spoovy simply because spy having two bears on a leash is more fun than him only having one >:3
not much more to say about this poly ship other than i think these three would be absolutely unstoppable on the battlefield
also this is them:
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Chung Myung SFW Alphabet
Decided to separate this from the original NSFW post bc I wanted to see how it performs engagement-wise. I'll leave a link to the NSFW one at the bottom, and I'll probably do the same for the rest of them.
TW: Alcohol and mentions losing people
SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I feel like his favorite ways to show his affection would be through acts of service and words of affirmation. His acts of service are domestic acts like making your plate or saving booze for you at the dinner table. When it comes to his words he makes sure to tell you he loves you at least once a day, because you never know what day will be your last.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Mount Hua's most mischievous duo. You can read each other's minds and go out for drinks regularly.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Likes to be the big spoon or to be tangled up with you. He also like being the little spoon when he's feeling vulnerable.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He didn't get to marry or have kids during his past life, so I feel like he'd want to settle down in this one.
When it comes to cleaning he's decent. If I remember correctly his room isn't messy in the webtoon, so he probably cleans regularly. He probably makes his bed after he wakes up too.
When it comes to cooking I feel like he started a couple of kitchen fires when he was learning how to cook. He's a decent cook now though!! I feel like he'd be into meal prepping.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He'd probably be blunt yet respectful. Sorry, but I don't have a lot for this one. I don't like angst.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He's definitely a date-to-marry kind of guy. Hookups and affairs are a waste of time to this old man!! He would probably marry you after around 3-4 years. He really wants to get to know his partner before putting a ring on it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
When compared to other disciples, he's definitely more gentle with you. He's only rough during training because he doesn't want you to get injured in a real fight.
He's also softer emotionally. The disciples think he plays favorites when it comes to you. (They're right)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He gives the big ol' bear hugs. He also hugs you more often when you two are alone. He dislikes it when other people gawk at you two. They just can't fathom the fact that the rabid dog can be soft and affectionate with someone.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Due to his inexperience, it takes him a while to realize his feelings for you. Like he feels them, but he doesn't know what they are. He takes a while to tell you that he loves you because this is new territory for him. After the first time, he won't hesitate to let you know that you're loved and appreciated.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He trusts you to be loyal, but he will get grumpy if you spend too much time with someone else. Again he knows you won't cheat; he just wants all of your attention and some brat is stealing it!
If someone's flirting with you he will get pissed. This situation can end in two ways. Way #1 has him showing off that you two are together via physical affection. He wants to rub it in that you're his, and that this person should back off. Way #2 is just him beating the fuck out of that person unless you want him to stop.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He'll give quick pecks on the forehead and cheeks when in public. When in private, he likes to kiss you anywhere and everywhere.
He likes being kissed on his shoulders and lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's really good with kids, and it shocks everyone around him. He likes to roughhouse with them but knows how rough is too rough. He wouldn't forgive himself if he accidentally hurt a little kid.
He also strikes me as the kind of guy who's a strict parent but loves to spoil his grandkids. Is open to having kids or adopting in the future.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Definitely a man with a routine. We already know that he wakes up early, probably makes his bed, trains, and then washes up. He probably eats breakfast after all of that.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
You probably go to bed earlier than him. He trains by himself before bed, and I headcanon him as someone who showers before bed.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He'll try to open up about his past, but he can't be completely transparent. He just doesn't know how people would react if they found out he was the plum blossom sword saint. Besides that, he tries to be as open as he can without revealing his identity.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This is Chung Myung so we already know he's easily irritated. He has more patience with you than the other disciples. Like he'll actually let you tease him and stuff. You'd have to betray or lie to him to make him genuinely angry. Besides that, he's pretty lenient with you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He's an observant man, so he'd have your favorites, your mannerisms, your opinions, etc. memorized. The kind of guy to remember something you mentioned in passing like two years ago.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
It'd probably be when you get into a fight for him. Like you noticed someone talking shit, things escalated, and you ended up fighting that person and won. He'd like it even more if you defended him on the battlefield. He's probably the kinda guy to get turned on by his s/o fighting.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's pretty protective of you, and would protect you if you couldn't handle things yourself in battle. He rarely needs to be protected but will find it hot if you try to protect him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He likes more casual/domestic dates, and he won't put in much of an effort unless you want him to. Normally he doesn't feel the need to woo you unless it's an anniversary, birthday, or if you guys haven't seen each other in a while. On days like that he'll go all out, take you to town, go shopping, take you to a restaurant and order your favorite foods & booze, and then rent a room at an inn for the night.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
We already know he has terrible manners. His ass does not know how to act at the dinner table. He's probably gone to bed smelling like alcohol multiple times. He also likes to hog up all of your free time and wants all of your attention. It's not bad to me (clingy men <3), but I know some people would get irritated by that.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He's not super concerned with his looks. He's a naturally pretty boy despite not having a skincare/haircare routine. He's the kind of guy that washes his face with water and he still has perfect skin.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
After a long-term relationship absolutely! Hell, even if you two were platonic, he'd still be sad if something happened to you. At this point, he's attached to all of his disciples and you're one of them. If any of y'all died he'd feel like he's lost of piece of himself. If you two were in a long-term romantic relationship that'd be amplified tenfold.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He'd love it if you cooked for him. You know those tiktoks where people make cute lunch boxes for their s/o's? Bring one of those to him after his training and he'll want to marry you on the spot. He also likes it when you feed him. Spoil his ass.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like people who lie with malicious intent. He'd also be turned off if their partner is controlling.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Good luck sleeping with Chung Myung, because he's a chaotic sleeper. You'll go to bed in a cute cuddly position and wake up with multiple limbs in your face. He's also warm-blooded, so he's more likely to cuddle during the winter. If he lived in the modern day he'd be the kinda guy who always sleeps with the fan on no matter the season.
Also, he old man snores.
NSFW side here! (minors dni) Original template here!
Please lmk if you guys want more :'}
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could I request some Arthur Morgan cuddling with a male reader hcs? Please and thank you 🛐
YESSIRRR I've never written for a rdr character before so forgive me if they ain't good 🙏🙏
•Despite how he may act, he's not the biggest cuddle bug in the very beginning of a relationship. He's never been with another man before, so he sure as hell doesn't know what to expect when cuddling you.
•Will just start off with an awkward fatherly shoulder or back pat, the real rough kind, but he doesn't wanna hurt ya.
•After a few weeks, will hug or just hold you you in a more private setting, he doesn't want the rest of the gang to know you two are together, let alone if Dutch found out.
•And after a month+ of dating he will sneak you into his sleeping quarters to spend the night with you, he'll hold you close and just act like a big weighted blanket when you two sleep next to each other.
•Will constantly wanna at least hold something, like your hip, hands, waist, hell maybe even (gently) grab a handful of your hair, just to know youre still there through out the night.
•Youre kinda like an anchor for him, just knowing you're there and following him and touching him in some way just calms him down, especially after a stressful mission...
•Usually rests his head in the crook of your neck, hair, or behind your head if y'all are spooning and he's behind you. Don't ask him to be the little spoon, he gets grumpy and embarrassed:(
•His favorite cuddling position I would have to say is either where your resting your head on his tummy while between his legs, laying back, or having an arm wrapped around your waist while laying on y'all's back.
•Definitely likes to slowly rub your chest in any cuddling position, it's probably his favorite part of a man in general, he just loves it.
•Even if your a bit bigger or smaller, you will be seated in his lap after you've had a hard day or are crying, will almost crush you with that bear hug he gives you on special occasions<3
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reidlita · 10 months
all my riches for her smiles
husband! miguel x wife! reader
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warnings?: afab! reader, maybe ooc miguel? mentions of chubby reader once, breeding kink, mentioned daddy / sir kink, mentions of praise & degration, miguel being ravenous for reader love him!, munch miguel my favourite miguel, angry sex lol my fav, happy wife happy life… idk what else
a/n: 2nd post i’m gagged. um hi! minors dni or i’ll sacrifice you yellowjackets style. i 🤍 miguel. this is self indulgence :) not edited / proofread
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i think miguel would be like the sweetest husband ever. he’s grumpy and stuff but have u seen him with gabi? he’s a sweetheart at his core!!! he’d probably be super corny too, like, dad jokes and all. he’s an old man.
he’s rich… alchemax and all… me thinks. so he’d spoil you. your wedding would be super fancy (or casual, depends on what you wanted!) with the dress and deco of your dreams … i don’t think he would’ve cried but he def would’ve gotten emotional! maybe a small voice crack or misty eyes!
omg? he’s so a girl dad. like i’m sick ab it. he wouldn’t pressure you to have kids but if you wanted kids? he’s jumping your bones, sorry. he wouldn’t be upset if you had a boy, because he’d love your kids either way, but he just loves the idea of having a baby girl. like, dressing them up and being forced to play house ?! imagine your grumpy giant of a husband playing dolls with your baby 😭
imagine how peter is w mayday and then imagine miguel and his baby LMAO. he wouldn’t be so careless (if that’s what you call it?) with his baby, like bringing them on missions and such, but he’d def bring them to the spider-society with your permission. he wouldn’t say he’s showing off his baby, but he definitely is.
produces burning temperatures from his body. you try and cuddle him and suddenly it’s like being smothered by a bear. he’s definitely the big spoon i think, but he wouldn’t mind if you climb onto him like a koala.
MUSCLES!!!!! he’s so strong uhghhhh kill me @_@. he’d be gentle with you but sometimes he accidentally manhandles you and he’s like “😶.” but it’s lowk kinda hot so? like? it’s okay baby 🤍. maybe, if you had a house, he’d have his own small gym. and yk that thing where you lay under them and they give you kisses? that with him. or he’s doing push-ups and your on his back lol
i dont think he’d really care what you look like, but i can imagine miguel as having a preference for chubby people. no reason specifically, but he thinks your thighs and tummy is the most loveable thing ever. he’d totally bite you. not with his fangs ‘cause of the venom, but just a little nom. yk.
… breeding kink :3. he’s not a loser, if you wouldn’t want him to come inside he wouldn’t!! but if you do?… trust he will be all over you. there’s just something about his cum oozing out of you that makes him go just a little bit feral. he’d definitely want kids me thinks, so if you’re not on birth control? hooray!!! if you are? that’s okay too!!
i think his fav position would be a mating press or cowgirl… maybe a little full nelson… bc i want him to chokehold me 😊. mating press so he can see the little bulge in your tummy, and the way you flush when he presses your knees to your shoulder! cowgirl so he can see the way you bounce on top of him, his hands firm on your hips.
pain play / impact play if your also into it. nothing extreme, because he doesn’t seriously want to hurt you. but he’d maybe be into scratching or choking! like? ok chokehold me? idk if he’d bite you, bc he wouldn’t want to like paralyze you, but if your into it he’d be willing to try.
aftercare is very very important for him. he’d do whatever your comfortable with, as long as you’re okay and comfortable afterwards! he’d draw you a bath, make sure you’re hydrated, wipe away any bodily fluids and such… he’d get you snacks if ur hungry! and of course, you get the snuggliest snuggles ever. he’ll always be sure to let you know how much he loves you!!
praise & degration, a mix of both. he’d call you his good girl, telling you how pretty you look. if you’re into it, he’d call you a slut… praise is a must for him, he’s a passionate lover— but if you weren’t into being degraded, he would never say anything mean.
this man is the #1 munch, like i’m dying UGHH. he’d enjoy getting blowjobs and stuff but he’s obsessed with eating you out 😭😭 like it’s insane. he’d kiss ur thighs while doing it and like. ngh. would make u ride his face, like, choke him out. he’d complain when u wouldn’t sit fully. that man wants u to strangle him. wouldn’t like j lick the flaps or whatever… that man knows what to do 😊
is obsessed w seeing you in ur wedding dress? like. put it in on and he’s trying his hardest to be respectful…
soft morning sex i’m SICK. he’d be so gentle… waking u up with kisses and he’d j slowly fuck you😢😢in missionary or spooning. and then he’d have that like sleepy husky voice from when u just wake up, being like, “g’morning baby <3”
he LOVES petnames me thinks… in both spanish and english. would switch to spanglish when he’s pent up. kill me ughhhh. on the recieving end… mayhaps he’d like daddy!! or sir if ur feeling crazy!! but he’d also like hearing his name, just his name, slide out of ur lips :(
obsessed with seeing you in his clothes? like, he’s 6’9, so it’s likely that ur much shorter than him. so seeing you in his clothes, practically drowning in them?… he’s bending u over the counter, fucking you in nothing but his shirt. ugh
gets horny from domestically. maybe your not doing anything special, just cooking in the kitchen or reading a book on the couch. he’s so in love with you that anything you do makes him crazy.
ANGRY SEX????? yeah. not angry at you, but maybe something happened at work or at the spider society. and then he’s fucking you like he hates you— of course, making sure your okay— and groaning in your ear as he lets out his frustration.… omg.
just a thought… but reader with glasses. god. giving him a blowjob and him cumming on ur glasses? it’s so gross i love it like my DREAM. or giving him a bj and he cums in ur mouth. and he does the thing where he pats ur cheek to swallow. hmmmm… i need him
def had sex with u at ur wedding 😭. like bro was going crazy seeing u in ur wedding dress… fucks you and recites his vows. UGH
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I don’t know if you’ve been asked this yet, but is there any particular order you recommend doing the moments for each step in?? I’m trying to figure out what moments should be played when since some of the moments trigger events in others depending on what you played first. Or! Do you guys have a preference for which you do personally?
I would say that mine is more of a preference than a recommendation, especially because I'm still doing a deep, deeeep dive into the code to really see which moments influence another (so while I'm going to give this list anyway, I also will probably redo it later after I see which moments influence one another and in which ways).
For example, if you remember the moment in Shopping where you can ask Cove "why is your dad always giving people money?" it's completely different if you've told Cove about the deal in Sandcastle first, going from Cove being puzzled by the question to understanding why the player is asking.
And speaking of Sandcastle anyway, there are some moments that I just skip altogether, specifically Sandcastle from Step 1, none from Step 2 (unless you count Derek's DLC, in which case I'd skip his version of Soiree, Siblings, and maybe Responsible), and Serendipity from Step 3. Most of it is just due to a lack of agency/choice on the player's part and/or secondhand embarrassment that I get from them.
That said, here's the order I personally go in:
Step 1
Grown Up
Long Day
My reasons are pretty basic. Shopping is a good introductory moment for the MC and Cove's relationship, just as Grown Up is a good one for Lizzie and Cove's. The other two (Long Day and Ghost) being before Runaway is because I wanted all the "negative" experiences Cove has to be before it (so the balloon popping, fighting with Lizzie, getting yelled at by the mean old people, and getting scared by the ghost).
Ghost also has to be pretty far down-ish because the opening kinda implies that you've spent a bunch of time with Cove even if it's the first one you play, so I put it as late as possible to try and make it at least slightly accurate.
And for the moments afterwards, Cove (mostly) either has a slightly better/a neutral relationship with his dad (Library with him asking about a prize, for example, even if he ignores him overall, and Barbecue with the two of them watching the fireworks together) which feels appropriate after Runaway.
The last four are mostly just ranked by how much I like them. I know Fireflies is supposed to be super important because of how much it's referenced, but I find it slightly generic compared to the others.
I also think Sleepover is a really sweet ending to yours and Cove's relationship if you manage to make him stay for the whole night, and Barbecue is just before that since you can convince Cove for eat from your spoon. Library - unlike Grown Up - gives you a choice between spending time with Cove or Lizzie so that's just an extra bonus that I feel the player should have after spending enough time with Cove.
If you play Sandcastle, then, hrm... probably before Ghost? Since Cove mentions his dad "doing whatever he wants" in Ghost so if you tell Cove about the deal in Sandcastle then it adds a bit more context to that line.
Step 2
Road Trip
This is slightly mixed up because I wanted to pace out the moments where either Kyra/Derek appears so it's not all shoved off in one big section. Family is also first because I wanted to try to start the player off with a better impression of Elizabeth since she's usually very grumpy and by the end of Family she's more relaxed with the player.
Birthday being after Mall is because Cove is less embarrassed about sharing stuff with the MC. Some people might question why it's still so early because you lose the gummy bear toss if you have a Mixed/Studious Cove and a non-athletic MC, so it might be best to give them as many opportunities as possible for the MC to up their athletic points, but the only time to do that is in the intro so it doesn't matter.
Summerwork might seem a little late but I also thought it'd be a realistic place whether your MC was actively working on their work over the summer or was just scraping by without much interest (the drama right before the relaxation of Road Trip also feels appropriate).
Escapade before Road Trip is important because if you asked for Cove's shirt in Escapade, then you get to take it with you in Road Trip, and Soiree's placement is just obvious (especially if you play Baxter's route rather than Cove, so you end the summer with getting to meet/dance with the "mystery boy").
Step 3
Late Shift
Hang, Drive, and Boating work as a nice re-introductory thing for Terry+Miranda, Kyra, and Liz+Lee+Baxter respectively.
I also tried to space out the multiple moments with potential drama (Talks, Reflection, and Errands), and Happiness takes place right after Talks since you can argue with Cove in that one and it feels very Cove to immediately jump to overdoing it on making you happy after something like that.
Late Shift is only semi-random since I wanted to space out the moments where you interact with Baxter (things would obviously be different if you're going for his route). Cove also picks from the dessert menu in it which leads nicely into Errands where the MC can buy him fudge.
Though Errands is admittedly 100% personal preference because I just really like it so I put it late on the list.
Charity is obvious, though if the player prefers to date Cove in Charity (rather than dating him in the in-between or confessing at the end of Step 2) and still have moments afterwards then it can be freely moved around.
As for Serendipity if you choose to play it, probably before Boating to add to all the introductory moments?
Again, the list isn't final but this is a rough estimate. Most of them are made for narrative reasons rather than moments that are directly mentioned in others so that'll definitely change.
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