#Bilbo teaching everyone that smoking is cool
aipilosse · 4 years
For the story prompts, what about 28. 'Odd hobbies' for Celebrimbor and your OC Coroniel?
So I know I said I was trying to do Second Age stuff, but then this perfect Fourth Age idea appeared, and I had to write it! From this list of prompts:
“You’d like to try? Really?” Bilbo was thrilled. Tol Eressëa was a wonderful place. The weather was almost always lovely, there was excellent food and drink that never ran out, and best of all he could speak to many of the legends of the Elder Days himself. In fact, they frequently came to visit him and Frodo in the cottage they had on the outskirts of Avallónë. Just yesterday Finrod Felagund had visited, as wise and merry as Bilbo had always thought he’d be.
Today, he and Frodo had the honor of a visit from one of the greatest elven craftsmen who had ever lived, Celebrimbor of Hollin. Bilbo had briefly met him when they arrived at Tol Eressëa, but those first few weeks had been such a whirlwind of introductions and wonderment that Bilbo hadn’t really had a chance to talk to him until today.
When he’d heard that he wished to visit with his friend, Coroniel of Hollin, he’d been delighted and told him to come over at his earliest possible convenience. They’d had hours of good conversation in the garden over an endless array of snacks and tea. Celebrimbor and Coroniel had as many questions about hobbits as he had about Eregion, and the time had flown by. When he realized that they also could provide another perspective on Gondolin, Bilbo had almost been overwhelmed by the new round of questions he had for them.
“This calls for a pipe,” he announced. Celebrimbor and Coroniel had watched fascinated as he lit up his pipe and blew a few smoke rings. After further interrogation, and a regretful remark from Frodo that it was too bad Meriadoc Brandybuck wasn’t here to share his research into pipeweed, Celebrimbor asked if they could try smoking.
Frodo chuckled. “I’ve been told many times that elves don’t enjoy wreathing themselves in smoke.”
“I’ve spent much of my life surrounded by various fumes; I’m sure at the very least it won’t harm me,” Celebrimbor replied. 
“Well, then. I think we both have a spare pipe, don’t we Frodo my lad?” Bilbo said. “I’ll run into the house and grab them.”
He returned with matches, two more pipes, and more pipeweed. They had brought a whole cask of the stuff to the Blessed Lands, and they had already given some thought into how they could find the same plants in Valinor. The stories clearly said that every plant that existed in Middle-earth also existed in Valinor, but Bilbo was afraid the strains would be different enough that it wouldn’t be the same experience. At the very least, he was very sure they’d never find something as good as Old Toby. As far as he was concerned, that was even more of a reason to share their precious pipeweed with their curious guests — how often could one provide immortal beings with something they had never experienced before?
He helped them fill the bowls of the pipes and lit the leaf as Coroniel and Celebrimbor drew on the stems. Soon they were all puffing merrily away. To his surprise there was no coughing or waving the smoke away from the elves, although they did amuse themselves by blowing smoke in each other’s faces for a time. 
“How did you shape those rings?” Coroniel asked after a few puffs on the pipe.
“Ah, now that is a skill that takes some practice, although I’ve always found your folk to be quite quick on the uptake,” Bilbo said. “I’ll try to show you how. First, draw a full mouthful of smoke.” Two pairs of eyes, one silver and the other brown, watched avidly and drew in their own mouthfuls of smoke.
Bilbo realized at this point that verbalizing the technique would be a bit difficult. He tried anyway from the corner of his mouth.
“Pruss yur tun don,” Bilbo said. Both pairs of eyes widened slightly as they followed his instruction.
“Then shuck yur cheekf in end make an ‘o’ es ye bluh.” He blew a little ring out with the smoke that had managed to stay in his mouth. Celebrimbor and Coroniel just managed to blow out slightly more concentrated clouds of smoke. 
Eventually, with a bit more instruction not obstructed by smoke, the two elves were beginning to blow small rings.
“Well done!” Frodo said, after a mid-sized ring from Coroniel. “You’ll be matching Gandalf soon enough, although I think he cheats with magic.”
“Magic? How does one use magic for this practice?” Coroniel asked.
“I’m not sure, but Gandalf can make all manner of shapes, like ships and dragons and flowers, appear from his smoke.” 
“Oh! I suppose you could just shape the air currents as you blow out,” Celebrimbor said thoughtfully and then proceeded to blow a perfect spiral shape.
Coroniel rolled her eyes. “Don’t mind him. He’s just as much of an outrageous show off as the rest of his family.” She blew a second smoke ring, slightly larger than the last one she’d attempted, with a look of intense concentration on her face. “I will continue honing the practice in the authentic manner of your people.”
Bilbo laughed. “I’m sure you’ll be able to match me in smoke rings in no time. Now tell me about Gondolin. Was it really as beautiful as Tirion?”
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dorkyungsoowrites · 5 years
If I were Y/N, this would be my AU
If you were Y/N in an AU including all EXO members (you choose ot(n) numbers), what roles would each member have in your Y/N life?
Rules: none really? you can change the ‘roles’ and have an ot12 reverse harem for your AU for all I care, that’s cool!but some help:
- pick your ot(n) number
- think about what the members mean to you and what roles you would want them in your AU life
- TELL ME ABOUT THEM ᕦ⁞ ∗ ❛ั ◯ ❛ั ∗ ⁞ᕤ
- tag yo frenz
Tagged by the precious @chogi-wae . Life is too boring this'll be a fantasy AU.
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The Hobbit brothers that are overly cheerful but not in an annoying way that you smoke a pipe with at least once a week to catch up on their shenanigans: Chanyeol and Jongdae because they seem like they'd be cool to chill with and just talk about everything with.
Also, tells you he secretely wishes to be a Dwarf so he can grow a maginificent beard: Chanyeol
Also also, has a thing for dragons. Fascination and wonder, not the other thing. Would probably need brown pants if he ever actually saw one: Jongdae
The Hobbit that does a majority of the shenanigans the previous two get blamed for. Sometimes you compete on craziest adventure stories. They're always ridiculously exagerrated; he never leaves town without you. It's still fun. His favorites are the ones with pirates: Baekhyun because I think we could be really good friends.
The Ranger that's lived a lot longer than his face shows and is done with the Hobbits' shit whydoeshekeepvisitingthesefools. Oh right, it's because you have a level head. Says you're his favorite travel buddy cause of your stories. Just wants someone to invent a comfier saddle: Junmyeon cause he's an old man at heart who I think would be a good listener. A chill companion as a foil to the others.
The Centaur that never knows what's going on and just kinda stands in the background sometimes. Helps move ale barrels then pretends not to be strong enough when you ask to help rearrange the potted plants in your garden: Sehun, for nose reasons.
The Nymph that forgets he's a Nymph sometimes and spooks you. Helps the Hobbits with their games without realizing the trouble he's causing until afterward. Makes the best apples. Gives you the sweetest ones for pies: Jongin because it just seemed to fit. I thought fantasy Jongin, and my mind went straight to tree Nymph. Plus he's sweet and shy.
The Hobbit with the most varied garden. Keeps experimenting with different vegetables, fruits and herbs in his cooking, and you've tried every single dish. Close friends with you for a long time. Everyone keeps trying to set you up together. Actually gets the sweetest apples from the Nymph: Kyungsoo because let's be real he was born to be a Hobbit. His middle name may as well be Bilbo.
The Elf you met because someone jokingly told him he could use a big ball of yarn to help him find his way in the woods and he got lost anyway. Offered his home as a rest point for you on journeys. You bring him delicious food each time as a thank you and cause you care. Admitted he forgot your name after the sixth visit. He got it eventually. A beloved friend: Yixing because he's so sweet it hurts.
The Elf that comes into town every now and then for supplies but otherwise keeps to himself. Knows a little bit of magic. Teaches you small tricks if you ask nicely, smiling at you like it's your little secret. You're mesmerized every time you see his eyes. Wiser than he lets on. Let's you borrow his books. You're horribbly smitten but think he's unattainable: Minseok because he's up there with Kyungsoo for me and it's my au let me live.
Tagging @vampwrrr @sooghostwriter & @kyungwhore because I know I'm not the only crackhead who's gonna have fun with this.
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