umbrellamedic · 7 months
"Trust me, this is for your own good."
"I fail to see how." Normally, Bertha doesn't pay any mind to the cleaning staff. In this instance, one- she does not recognize this one any more than she would any other one- is blocking her entrance to the cafeteria. "Is this because you are actually cleaning, or is this to do with whoever has been stealing Beltway's pastelon?"
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umbrellacleanupduty · 6 months
[ TOWEL ]:          the sender uses a towel to carefully dry the receiver’s hair.
Usually Lijah lets time and nature dry his hair because it's not a single person job. In this case he is fresh out of a decontamination after cleaning out some recently vacated containment cell, but needs to be able to help clean the vents in cold storage. Lijah passes the task to Petrov when his arms are too tired to continue.
He's not sure if it's surprising that the Russian is actually really good at this task.
"I've got two more towels at the ready and one to wrap it in when it's dry enough. We'll need them." He closes his eyes and wonders if he would be purring if he were a cat. Probably. He hums softly, "I bet the Wampus cat purrs. Probably didn't need to be towelled off though; they're short haired, I think."
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IndianaCleanIt Cleanup Services Company
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We Provide 24-hour Crime Scene Cleanup & Forensic Cleanup in Indiana 
When an Indiana Police Department completes its investigation at a crime scene we are called in to clean and decontaminate the home where the crime was committed.   By being an authority in Forensic scene cleaning we are usually called in by families who have a need for crime scene cleanup in Indiana.  Our efforts are centered around removing any biohazardous materials found at a scene of a crime as well as forensic evidence collection methods such as fingerprint dust that will often be used in crime scene investigations.  We make every effort to provide our crime scene cleanup services to every community in Indiana.  By having extensive regional offices in cities throughout Indiana we make it easy for you to choose your location to access our closest office to your home.  Our teams are always trained to know how to clean crime scenes as well as how to safely decontaminate them.  This means any bloodstains, fingerprint dust, tear gas or human debris will be cleaned.  The cleaning may include sterilizing and deodorizing the crime scene. 
Why Don’t the Police Do The Crime Scene Cleanup 
The Police Departments are in charge of the crime scene investigation but they are not trained to deal with biohazards.  When blood and human material are left at a crime scene that material is considered a biohazard.  To deal with this you need a biohazard cleanup company like ours.  It’s important to understand that although the Police Detectives may recommend our crime scene cleanup company in Indiana they are not the people who actually clean the crime scenes.
Unattended Death Cleanup & Undiscovered Deaths in Indiana 
Decomposing dead body tissue happens within a day of a person’s death.  If the temperature of the room is warm the undiscovered dead body can decompose within a couple of hours.  In Indiana, an unattended death is not a crime scene but our training allows us to provide the most effective methods for cleaning a room after the corpse is removed.  When we are called in to assist a family or property owner with any unattended death clean up we typically are cleaning up the blood and decomposed human material as well as remove any odors that are permeating.  If you have discovered an unattended death at a relative’s property in Indiana it is important to first contact the local Coroner’s Office or Medical Examiner’s Office.  Once they have removed the dead body and there is no evidence of foul play involved or need for a crime scene investigation they will recommend you have a biohazard cleanup company like ours come in and remediate or clean the home of any hazardous items left behind such as bloodstains and decomposed human tissue. 
Blood & Biohazard Cleanup When Results Matter Most
The aftermath of a death can leave behind a lot of blood and other human debris that can pose health risks to anyone they come in contact with.  Due to the serious nature of bloodborne illness and disease, it is important to ensure proper decontamination and sanitizing is done to any surfaces where a person has had a major medical incident or death in which blood is left behind at the scene.  By being one of Indiana’s most prominent biohazard cleaning companies we have the talent and skills as well as equipment that can provide the best results.  We also provide blood cleanup services to and bloodstain removal services to over 100 communities in Indiana.  Call us now and find out how we can help assist you with your biohazard cleaning. 
Contact us now: +18886291222
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forenasocdis-blog · 5 years
Here's why you shouldn't remove and dispose of bodily fluids by yourself.
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umbrellacleanupduty · 6 months
"You come to your senses on your own. You only needed such small reminder. Take pride in this. And ... only take his meals quartlery. You do not want to seem ... suspicious." A more scathing review about is saved for breaktime in the custodial area. And scathing it will be. His smile foretells it.
"What if I only steal quarterly, but feed his key card to the sentient blob? I've named him Blobert and I think Blobert would enjoy eating another key card." Lijah isn't sure if Petrov's expression is directed at him or not, but he's trying to play it cool.
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umbrellacleanupduty · 7 months
"Can I have a cup of coffee, please?"
"Fuck yeah you can! One of the lab coats brewed it and it's so good and I'm on my third cup and I can hear colors!! How much sugar do you want??"
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umbrellacleanupduty · 7 months
"Why are you so worked up over this?"
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"When you're right, you're right; it's not worth shit. Don't worry about it. But next time he says that shit I'm stealing his lunch for a month."
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umbrellacleanupduty · 7 months
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A side blog to mcnomanimetus written by Lore.
Who cleans up the messes Umbrella makes? If you mean actual, day to day messes and not geopolitical or human rights violations kinds of messes, then it's the Clean Up Crew: @biohazardremoval @janitorialevil and this guy right here.
Rules and About below the cut
- Rules -
This is a side blog that follows back through mcnomanimetus. any asks sent from this blog will be sent with an @ to this blog attached
This is a Resident Evil RP/Ask blog for funsies; the usual don't god mode and mun =|= muse, don't be a dick stuff apply
I am the worst at tagging and hardly remember to do it. This blog will contain nsfw (mostly for gore) and triggering subjects including canon typical body horror, gore, violence, and language. I do not tag triggers. Please do not follow this blog if this is a problem for you.
- About - Under Construction-
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Name: ELijah Lenore Estati
DoB: 1-23-xx (33)
Height: 5'5"
Estati's attention to detail, and ability and willingness to crawl into tight spaces make him an asset as a cleaner. He considers himself an amateur cryptozoologist and ufologist, and openly subscribes to many conspiracy theories; this does not affect his job duties, but does ensure any information he may leak will not be believed, which could prove useful to the company.
Background research has found that Estati has no close friends and keeps no contact with any living relatives. This lack of anyone who might notice or miss him makes Estati ideal for dealing with Umbrella's more hazardous situations.
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