valkyriamonsterblog · 2 years
Sí, ayer vi por primera vez el documental de Elisa Lam en Netflix o mejor dicho el documental de el Hotel Cecil... 🙄 Voy al grano, la manager del hotel me parece sumamente sospechosa. Porqué? Mi teoría es la siguiente...
Desde el primer momento en el documental podemos notar el verdadero interés que siente por el hotel, a medida van avanzando los minutos podemos notar que no sólo es interés, al momento que le asignaron el puesto ella se describió como la mujer de las perlas, es decir, la que siempre iba a tener una buena imagen, y además agregó que sentía que el hotel era un reino. Ok, hasta acá tenemos esto. Pero si seguimos avanzando se puede notar al observar su forma de actuar y hablar que realmente no se muestra muy empática con el caso de Elisa, sino que hasta se puede ver que en muchos momentos parecería que se burla y hasta sonríe. Sinceramente me parecieron rasgos muy psicópatas.
Y a qué quiero llegar con todo esto? Creo que la manager del hotel se obsesionó a tal magnitud con el hotel y con su poder en el puesto durante 10 años que al ver que el lugar estaba en su peor momento y recibiendo las peores críticas del público quizo hacer "algo" para que el hotel esté nuevamente en boca de todos. Y creo que lamentablemente vió la oportunidad en Elisa. Todo cuadra a la perfección. Una chica con problemas mentales, que se suicidó o se murió accidentalmente a causa de su enfermedad. Punto final de la historia. El hotel y su personal están libres de cargos, y finalmente se cierra el caso con el informe final de la autopsia.
Pero... Hay cosas que sinceramente no me cuadran...
Que Elisa tenía problemas de salud mental, eso está claro y no lo dudo. Pero que "alguien" se aprovechó de su situación, no me cabe la menor duda.
Punto 1: En el capítulo uno, cuando comienzan la búsqueda por el edificio, junto con los perros rastreadores, y los HELICÓPTEROS supuestamente dicen que no encontraron nada. Peroooooooo en el capítulo final el de mantenimiento dice que cuando la encontró la puerta del tanque de agua estaba abierta... Entonces.... ¿Si el tanque de agua estaba sin la tapa y el cuerpo estaba flotando, CÓMO EL HELICÓPTERO DESDE ARRIBA Y CON LOS REFLECTORES NO NOTARON ESTO? ¿CÓMO?
Punto 2: El de mantenimiento primero dijo que cuando fue a ver el tanque de agua LO ABRIÓ Y LA VIÓ. En el último capítulo dice que "el tanque de agua YA ESTABA ABIERTO".????????????? ¿Qué está pasando acá? ¿El tanque estaba abierto o estaba cerrado?
Porqué es tan importante esto??
Porque si el tanque de agua estaba abierto primero, desde el helicóptero lo hubieran visto. Segundo si dicen que estaba abierto es más creíble la teoría de que Elisa cayó accidentalmente a causa de su enfermedad y su crisis.
Si dicen que estaba cerrado, entonces es IMPOSIBLE la idea de una muerte accidental. Porque si se hubiera caído por accidente, ¿cómo hizo Elisa para cerrar la tapa del tanque? Además estamos hablando de que supuestamente estaba bajo una crisis tras varios días de no tomar sus medicamentos, entonces... ¿Una persona en este estado luego de caer accidentalmente, ¿podría cerrar la tapa? La respuesta es un rotundo NO.
Alguien llevó a Elisa ahí y se aprovechó de su estado mental, porque claro, "era normal que ocurran esas cosas en el hotel"... Y no la llevaron muerta, la llevaron viva y se ahogó ahí dentro. Es por eso que no se puede saber con exactitud en el informe forense si realmente murió por ahogamiento. Eso no lo dejaron claro. Y es por eso que no tiene marcas en su cuerpo. La intención no era golpearla, ni violarla, ni drogarla. La intención era llevarla a ese tanque aprovechando su estado, y dejarla ahí dentro hasta su muerte. Era el plan perfecto.
Culpaban a Elisa por sus problemas mentales, ocultaban su cuerpo en un lugar "extraño" de hallar, el caso tomaba conocimiento público, el hotel obtenía la atención que tanto deseaban, retrasaban su hallazgo para que se haga más conocido el misterio de la desaparición de Elisa y finalmente al encontrar el cuerpo, el hotel queda absuelto de cualquier cargo porque la chica se murió accidentalmente a causa de su enfermedad mental. Fin. El hotel se hace famoso y todos felices.
Sí, creo que la policía tuvo algo que ver y también el forense y creo que el de mantenimiento está bajo amenaza y no puede decir nada. Y sí, al final lograron su objetivo, el hotel se hizo famoso. Pero a costa de una vida, de una vida llena de sueños, de una familia que perdió una hija y una hermana y no hay fama que se la devuelva. Para ellos, fue el plan perfecto, para la familia la peor historia de terror que van a vivir por siempre. No moriste Elisa, nunca lo hiciste. ❤️
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airestoration · 24 days
Crime Scene Cleanup Services Near Myrtle Beach, SC
A&I Fire and Water Restoration provides a range of specialty services to homeowners and business owners. As a part of our Crime Scene Cleanup Services Near Myrtle Beach SC, we can remove fingerprint dust, blood stains, and other related items. Call us at (843) 448-8485.
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usacleanit · 9 months
Need Crime Scene Cleanup in Washington
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Why We Need Crime Scene Cleanup in Washington State 
Crime scene cleanup is necessary in Washington, as it is in other places, for several reasons. First and foremost, a crime scene is likely to contain hazardous materials, such as blood, bodily fluids, and other potentially infectious materials that can pose a serious health risk to anyone who comes into contact with them. Crime scene cleanup professionals are trained to safely and effectively clean up these materials and dispose of them in a way that minimizes the risk of exposure.
In addition to the health hazards, crime scenes can also be emotionally traumatic for those who are left to deal with them. The cleanup process can be particularly difficult for family members of victims or witnesses to the crime. Crime scene cleanup professionals are trained to handle these situations with empathy and sensitivity and to provide support and resources to those who are affected by the crime.
Furthermore, crime scene cleanup services are necessary in order to restore the affected area to a safe and habitable condition. Depending on the severity of the crime, a crime scene may require extensive cleaning and restoration in order to remove any traces of the crime and make the area safe for future use.
Overall, crime scene cleanup is an essential service that helps to protect public health and safety, support those who have been affected by crime, and restore affected areas to safe and habitable conditions.
Biohazard Cleaning Laws, Regulations, and Reasons in Washington 
In Washington State, there are several laws and regulations that govern biohazard cleaning and disposal. These regulations are designed to protect the public from exposure to infectious diseases and other hazards associated with biohazard waste.
The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) is responsible for regulating the handling and disposal of biohazard waste. L&I enforces the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA), which includes specific regulations related to biohazard cleanup and disposal. 
Some of these regulations include:
Bloodborne Pathogen Standard: This standard requires employers to provide training and personal protective equipment to workers who may be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials. It also requires the use of specific cleaning procedures and disinfectants for surfaces contaminated with blood or bodily fluids.
Hazardous Waste Regulations: Washington State follows the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which regulates the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. This includes biohazard waste generated by crime scene cleanup activities.
Infectious Waste Regulations: The Washington Department of Ecology (DOE) oversees the management of infectious waste, which includes biohazard waste generated by crime scene cleanup. These regulations require the proper segregation, packaging, labeling, transportation, and disposal of infectious waste.
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories: This regulation sets standards for the safe handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals in laboratories, including those used in crime scene cleanup activities.
Overall, these regulations ensure that biohazard cleanup activities in Washington State are conducted safely and in compliance with state and federal laws. It is important to hire a professional biohazard cleanup company that is trained and certified to comply with these regulations to ensure that the cleanup is done properly and safely.
Why Blood Cleanup in Washington is Important 
Professional blood cleanup is important in Washington, as it is in other places, for several reasons. First and foremost, blood is a biohazardous material that can contain infectious diseases and pose a serious health risk to anyone who comes into contact with it. Professional blood cleanup technicians are trained to safely and effectively clean up blood and other bodily fluids and to dispose of them in a way that minimizes the risk of exposure to disease. We offer blood cleanup in several locations 24 hours a day.
In addition to the health risks, blood cleanup can be emotionally traumatic for those who are left to deal with it. Whether it is the family members of a victim, witnesses to a crime, or first responders, dealing with blood cleanup can be a difficult and distressing task. Professional blood cleanup technicians are trained to handle these situations with sensitivity and compassion and to provide support and resources to those who are affected by the trauma.
Furthermore, professional blood cleanup is important in order to restore the affected area to a safe and habitable condition. Blood can seep into porous surfaces such as flooring, walls, and furniture, and can be difficult to completely remove. Professional blood cleanup technicians have the expertise and equipment necessary to ensure that all traces of blood are removed and that the affected area is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Overall, professional blood cleanup is an essential service that helps to protect public health and safety, support those who have been affected by trauma, and restore affected areas to a safe and habitable conditions. It is important to hire a professional blood cleanup company that is trained and certified to properly handle biohazardous materials to ensure that the cleanup is done safely and effectively.
Website : https://washingtoncleanit.com/
phone no. +18886291222
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IndianaCleanIt Cleanup Services Company
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We Provide 24-hour Crime Scene Cleanup & Forensic Cleanup in Indiana 
When an Indiana Police Department completes its investigation at a crime scene we are called in to clean and decontaminate the home where the crime was committed.   By being an authority in Forensic scene cleaning we are usually called in by families who have a need for crime scene cleanup in Indiana.  Our efforts are centered around removing any biohazardous materials found at a scene of a crime as well as forensic evidence collection methods such as fingerprint dust that will often be used in crime scene investigations.  We make every effort to provide our crime scene cleanup services to every community in Indiana.  By having extensive regional offices in cities throughout Indiana we make it easy for you to choose your location to access our closest office to your home.  Our teams are always trained to know how to clean crime scenes as well as how to safely decontaminate them.  This means any bloodstains, fingerprint dust, tear gas or human debris will be cleaned.  The cleaning may include sterilizing and deodorizing the crime scene. 
Why Don’t the Police Do The Crime Scene Cleanup 
The Police Departments are in charge of the crime scene investigation but they are not trained to deal with biohazards.  When blood and human material are left at a crime scene that material is considered a biohazard.  To deal with this you need a biohazard cleanup company like ours.  It’s important to understand that although the Police Detectives may recommend our crime scene cleanup company in Indiana they are not the people who actually clean the crime scenes.
Unattended Death Cleanup & Undiscovered Deaths in Indiana 
Decomposing dead body tissue happens within a day of a person’s death.  If the temperature of the room is warm the undiscovered dead body can decompose within a couple of hours.  In Indiana, an unattended death is not a crime scene but our training allows us to provide the most effective methods for cleaning a room after the corpse is removed.  When we are called in to assist a family or property owner with any unattended death clean up we typically are cleaning up the blood and decomposed human material as well as remove any odors that are permeating.  If you have discovered an unattended death at a relative’s property in Indiana it is important to first contact the local Coroner’s Office or Medical Examiner’s Office.  Once they have removed the dead body and there is no evidence of foul play involved or need for a crime scene investigation they will recommend you have a biohazard cleanup company like ours come in and remediate or clean the home of any hazardous items left behind such as bloodstains and decomposed human tissue. 
Blood & Biohazard Cleanup When Results Matter Most
The aftermath of a death can leave behind a lot of blood and other human debris that can pose health risks to anyone they come in contact with.  Due to the serious nature of bloodborne illness and disease, it is important to ensure proper decontamination and sanitizing is done to any surfaces where a person has had a major medical incident or death in which blood is left behind at the scene.  By being one of Indiana’s most prominent biohazard cleaning companies we have the talent and skills as well as equipment that can provide the best results.  We also provide blood cleanup services to and bloodstain removal services to over 100 communities in Indiana.  Call us now and find out how we can help assist you with your biohazard cleaning. 
Contact us now: +18886291222
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A former "Crack Cocaine" addict, shares her story of the dark life of addiction, to her triumph in overcoming that dark time in her life. She shares the steps and procedures for recovery, along with a good support system from her older sister. Slater is now an entrepreneur of her own Crime Scene Cleaning service; Simply Mo' Cleaning loated in N.E. Louisiana.
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‘Suddenly unwoke’: AOC mocked for not wanting migrants in her district
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christophernuness · 7 months
Scene Cleaners LLC
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Owner Name: Christopher Nunes Address: 111 Middlesex Turnpike #1106  Burlington, MA 01803 USA Phone:  1-800-469-7369 website: https://www.scenecleaners.com/ Email: [email protected] Description: Offering decontamination and biohazard remediation services to the Boston area. We hope you never have to call us. Working Hours:  24/7 Tags: crime scene cleanup, crime scene, crime scene cleaner, crime scene cleaning, crime scene cleaning decomp, death scene,#crime,true crime, crimescenecleanup, crimescenecleaning, crimescenecleaners, #crimescenecleaning,
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sisterserenade · 2 years
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vignalistudio · 3 years
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First cartoon of the year! Happy 2022. I’m sure after the holidays and the new year there’s a lot of clean up. And, Ms Voorhees found herself a couple little helpers. . . . #pamelavoorhees #drloomis #springcleaning #jasonvoorhees #michaelmyers #haddonfield #fridaythe13th #halloween1978 #suburban_slaughter #marcelovignali #crimescenecleanup #crimescene https://www.instagram.com/p/CYRfx7-lfHL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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entergalacticsworld · 3 years
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they say i did something bad,, why's it feel sooo good?😏
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airestoration · 1 year
A Step-by-Step Guide to Crime Scene Cleanup in Wilmington, NC
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When faced with the prospect of cleaning up a crime scene on your property, it may be tempting to attempt the clean-up process yourself. People can hire A & I Fire and Water Restoration which offers the best services on Crime Scene Cleanup near Wilmington NC. Contact us at 888-881-3473.
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yaspacegirl · 3 years
I will want to have a talk with my boyfriend about what pictures to use on the dateline if one of us are accused of something. And that he swears to fill my cups with cola as I sink deeper into the on going cases of Steven Avery and Brandon Dassey, if he loves me a little more he'd sit with me too.
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hebrew-han · 4 years
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Crime Scene Cleanup Services in Winston Salem North Carolina
Could Police do Crime Scene Cleaning? First let's make sure we discuss some of the basics to explain exactly what crime scene cleanup is and why people call it exactly what they do. The business started by all reports by business leaders realizing when an extreme trauma happened in their hometown that no one was helping clean the home from the biohazard blood left following the crime scene investigators abandoned. At that time little was known about biohazard cleaning but one thing was a popular topic in the news and that was blood borne disease and pathogens. It was the midst of the AIDS disaster and nobody needed to help clean this home that happen to just needed a murder in it. 
The business leaders got together and figured out what was required to securely clean the home. They figured out that which was necessary and how to disinfect against disease. From that moment on they requested the city officials when they could perform the cleaning. The city was more than okay and were really pleased these business leaders were assisting, but for the licensing they needed to know what to call this kind of company. The team thought about it for a minute and because this was a crime scene and it had to be cleaned, they opted to call the business crime scene cleanup, and thus started the biohazard cleaning sector of crime scene cleaning. That was only the beginning of the narrative and we are going to be doing an article going into more detail shortly, but for today let's figure out why Police do not wash the crime scene. 
Well they used to, but about this exact same period in the early 80's major unionization took place and public health concerns. Many of the Police and rightfully so, didn't wish to clean up blood. It wasn't within their job description and many said it should not be. We do not disagree, it is very much outside the responsibility of the Authorities to have to clean a crime scene. They never caused death or damage and much more importantly, they're not trained to know how to properly and safely wash it. For the most part the police are called to other death scenes too, like a suicide, and the exact same rule applies. What exactly do people do when they have a death and need cleaning? These companies are licensed to deal with hazardous waste and fluids. They also understand how to transfer and dispose of the items removed. Finally and most importantly they do much more than just clean, they actually sanitize and purge the area the death happened in.
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blueguydoescrap · 4 years
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96sth · 4 years
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Crime Scene Cleanup Services in Pasadena California
First let us make sure we discuss some of the basics to explain exactly what crime scene cleanup is and why people call it what they do. The business started by all reports by business leaders realizing when an intense trauma happened in their hometown that no one was helping wash the home by the biohazard blood left following the crime scene investigators left. At the time little was known about biohazard cleaning but one thing was a popular issue in the news and that was blood borne disease and pathogens. It was the midst of the AIDS disaster and nobody needed to help wash this home which occur to just had a murder in it. 
The company leaders got together and figured out exactly what was needed to securely clean the house. They figured out that which was necessary and the best way to disinfect against disease. From that moment on they requested the city officials when they could perform the cleaning. The city was more than okay and were very pleased these company leaders were helping, but because of its licensing they had to understand what to call this type of company. The team thought about it for a moment and since this was a crime scene and it had to be washed, they chose to call the company crime scene cleanup, and thus started the biohazard cleaning sector of crime scene cleaning. This was only the beginning of the story and we are going to do an article going into more detail shortly, but for today let us figure out why Police do not wash the crime scene. They used to, but around this exact same time from the early 80's important unionization took place and public health concerns. 
Many of the Authorities and rightfully so, didn't wish to clean up blood. It was not within their job description and many said it shouldn't be. We don't disagree, it's quite much outside the responsibility of the Authorities to need to wash a crime scene. They caused death or damage and much more to the point, they're not trained to learn how to properly and safely clean it. For the most part the police are called to additional death scenes also, like a suicide, and the same rule applies. What exactly do people do when they have a death and require cleaning? Well it's much easier today than it used to be, in fact may cities now have businesses which do biohazard and crime scene cleanup. These companies are licensed to deal with toxic waste and human fluids. They also understand how to transport and dispose of the items removed. Finally and above all they do much more than simply clean, they actually sanitize and purge the room the death occurred.
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Licensed Crime Scene Cleanup Chesapeake Virginia Interviews
As an essential business in  Chesapeake Virginia STATE the branch office for crime scene cleanup in  Chesapeake Virginia STATE will stay open. All safety protocols will be followed but it's important that people understand that companies like CSCS crime scene cleaners in  Chesapeake Virginia are available for business.The services they will be offering during the pandemic will be marginally decreased and will pertain primarily to suicide cleanup, crime scene cleaning, and any medical incident or accident requiring blood cleanup in  Chesapeake Virginia. https://crimescenecleanupservices.com/chesapeake-va-crime-scene-cleanup/
If you've watched some of the videos we have published recently you see that all our crime scene and trauma cleaners go to extensive lengths to guarantee safety. Any contractor or worker going to a death cleanup in  Chesapeake Virginia STATE, will be sporting complete hazmat suits. Included is a full shield mask which is enclosed to the suit and gloves that zip into the suit. This avert any means,for blood or the external atmosphere to be troublesome for the worker. We in many cases will utilize our very own oxygen tanks to make sure the air being breathed isn't contaminated but also to stop the breathing from bad odors which are often present in a death scene. Considering the dangers a crime scene cleanup company in  Chesapeake Virginia STATE is taking through the covid-19 outbreak, it is crucial to take all precautions.  Scheduling crime scene cleaning remains 24 hours.
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