#Birthstone legacy challenge
vintagebluesimsang · 7 months
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Baby on the way✨
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geminipixels · 2 months
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Trading legacy tips and secrets with the Heiress.
As generation 1 comes to an end, Georgino spent the day before the twins aged up with his daughter Azura.
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drowsypixels · 11 months
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Generation 1: Garnet
You’re quite strong, I’ll give you that. A natural warrior and protector at heart, countless people have watched you defend your friends and family to the end. Plus, you can probably count on one hand the number of times you’ve ever gotten sick. You know those kids that dream of becoming a doctor someday? Yeah.. well guess what, that’s you! Time to follow your dreams.
Traits: Brave, Disciplined, Family-Oriented, Ambitious, No Sense of Humor
Career(s): Medical 
Color theme
Reach the top of the medical career track, it’s your dream after all! 
Go to the gym at least 3 times a week. 
Master the athletic skill.
Have at least 5 friends. 
Marry a sim that also has a “protector” career (Ex: firefighter, medical, military, etc.) Perhaps a co-worker would be best for you? 
Have at least 4 kids, you want a big family!
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josefwithanf · 10 months
I just wrote rules for the Birthstone Legacy Challenge!!! I had a lot of fun coming up with them and I hope others will have fun playing it!
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Happy simming!
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agentofmischief · 1 year
Birthstone Legacy Part?
Honestly, I can’t remember what part I was on. All I remember was last time, Aelia and Erik had become teens, and I believe Traeth had just become a toddler. And Will a kid. That means, I’m starting to get work done on Aelia’s Citrine generation, which is:
November stone: CITRINE
    Color: Dark Yellow (almost Gold)
Citrine’s yellow stone radiates happiness, creativity, and wealth. Named for it’s citrus like color, it’s no wonder it’s the stone for a month known for it’s food. Citrine is known also as the Merchant’s stone for it’s golden color.
Traits: Cheerful, Foodie, Creative
-Complete Culinary Career.
-Complete Culinary aspiration.
-Master Cooking and baking skills.
-Own a fruit and vegetable garden with every possible fruit and veggie in your game.
-Own a Bakery or Restaurant.
-Cook an Excellent quality Grand Meal.
-Learn 10 Food Stall recipes.
Also, I had made a small note when I opened this save a few days ago that with the attraction system, Azalea and Gregory found each other unattractive. Well, CAS, as expected fixed that. They now find each other basic, but their relationship is so close, that doesn’t matter. I also added a Home-Ec/cooking class room to my High School, so when Aelia’s at school, she can work on those skills.
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I had a whole weekend before school, though, so I got her cooking and baking skills up before then. 
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She is working on her gourmet cooking skills now alongside her cooking and baking skill. I did have her make her first few meals as a kid with her dad, Gregory, so I think story-wise, she got into cooking because her Dad liked to cook with her, and she likes to emulate him.
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And Aelia’s first day as a Barista to get some money going. Erik is currently also working as a construction worker on the weekends.
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Aelia and Erik’s first day of high school. I feel like Erik is going to drop the renegades, just because his likes and dislikes say he’s a lot more preppy.
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He’s also and excellent older brother.
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Also found out that Traeth and Will had birthdays the same day, meaning Azalea and Gregory were about to have a house full of teenagers!
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New family photo!
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I randomized all likes and traits for everyone except Aelia. Erik is preppy and chill. Will is a bit self-conscious of himself, and likes streetwear. Aelia is just an indie-yellow ball of sunshine with cookies. And Traeth’s favorite colors randomized to Pink and Black, so I think he’s going to grow to be our Punk Prince who likes the ocean.
Of course, I was grinding both Pink Tourmaline Gen (1) and Citrine Gen (2). So here is where I’m at:
Pink Tourmaline Goals:
-Complete the Politician career as a Charity Organizer. (7/10)
-Complete Friend to the World aspiration. (3/4) *I am 2 charisma points away from this though.
-Adopt 2 kids (Do not have to be legacy continuation).
-Max out friendship/be best friends with 4 sims before becoming an Adult. The friendship must be maintained throughout life.
-Have a rose garden.
-Write 5 Children’s books. (4/5)
-Volunteer with family 5 times. (5/5)
Citrine Goals:
-Complete Culinary Career. (Start at YA)
-Complete Culinary aspiration. (1/4)
-Master Cooking and baking skills.
Cooking (5/10) 
Baking (2/10) 
Gourmet Cooking (1/10)
-Own a fruit and vegetable garden with every possible fruit and veggie in your game.
-Own a Bakery or Restaurant. (YA)
-Cook an Excellent quality Grand Meal.
-Learn 10 Food Stall recipes.
So, we are making progress. Soon, I will only be worrying about Azalea’s career. She’d have been promoted if her job worked more days. Gregory just got promoted.
I think my plan for Aelia is to just get her cooking skill and baking skill as high as I can before she becomes a young adult, as well as start collecting Food Stall recipes and cook an excellent Grand Meal in two days on Thanksgiving. She’s not far from the 2nd level of the culinary aspiration either.
Happy simming!
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simmergiu · 2 years
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- adapted from Pelixel rules
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rachellaurengray · 5 months
20 facts about Leo
1. Regal Roots: Leo is associated with royalty and was traditionally linked to kingship and leadership throughout history.
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2. Fixed Sign: Leo is one of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, along with Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius, indicating stability and determination.
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3. Natural Performers: Leos often gravitate towards the performing arts, fueled by their innate desire to entertain and captivate audiences.
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4. Magnetic Presence: Leos possess a magnetic presence that draws others to them, making them natural influencers and trendsetters.
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5. Fiery Temperament: While Leos are generally warm-hearted, they can exhibit fiery tempers when their pride is challenged or their authority questioned
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6. Generational Influence: Leos born in different generations may exhibit varying characteristics influenced by the societal norms and cultural trends of their time.
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7. Astrological Houses: Leo rules the fifth house of the zodiac, which governs creativity, self-expression, romance, and children.
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8. Solar Power: The Sun, Leo's ruling planet, represents vitality, life force, and self-expression, infusing Leos with a radiant energy.
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9. Catlike Grace: Like their symbol, the lion, Leos often possess a catlike grace and agility, both physically and mentally.
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10. Inner Child: Leos have a strong connection to their inner child, enabling them to approach life with a sense of wonder, playfulness, and spontaneity.
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11. Birthstones: The birthstones associated with Leo include peridot, onyx, and ruby, reflecting their bold and vibrant personalities.
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12. Creativity in Crisis: Leos often showcase their creativity and resourcefulness when faced with challenges, finding innovative solutions to overcome obstacles.
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13. Natural Magnetism: Leos exude a natural magnetism that can attract opportunities, success, and admiration from others.
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14. Diverse Interests: While Leos are often associated with the performing arts, many also have diverse interests spanning from sports to politics, reflecting their multifaceted personalities.
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15. Expressive Communication: Leos are skilled communicators who excel in expressing their ideas, emotions, and desires with eloquence and conviction.
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16. Innate Leadership: Even from a young age, Leos display innate leadership qualities and a natural ability to inspire and motivate others.
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17. Fiery Romance: Leo's passionate nature extends to their romantic relationships, where they seek intense, fiery connections filled with love and excitement.
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18. Pride and Prejudice: Leos take great pride in their achievements and talents, but this pride can sometimes border on arrogance if not kept in check.
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19. Loyal Allies: Once you earn a Leo's loyalty, they become fiercely devoted allies who will go to great lengths to support and protect their loved ones.
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20. Legacy Builders: Leos have a strong desire to leave a lasting legacy, whether through their creative works, philanthropic efforts, or leadership roles, aiming to make a significant impact on the world around them.
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charliethesimmer · 1 year
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Birthstone Legacy Challenge: Generation 1 - Garnet 🟥
Name: Tanisha Rodrigues Traits: Brave, Disciplined, Family-Oriented, Ambitious, No Sense of Humour Lifetime Wish: Become a World-Renowned Surgeon Homeworld: Riverblossom Hills
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thesimboneyard · 1 year
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Following suit from @pearlsim I’ve started up a new personal save playing the Birthstone Legacy Challenge. I’m loving it so far, no kids yet which is unusual for me but I have been enjoying my founder Pyrope Briolette alongside the one and only Parker Langerak.
yeah it actually took long enough for me to even look for a spouse for him to have aged up for once.
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vintagebluesimsang · 7 months
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baby bump💕
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geminipixels · 2 months
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Pool Party🎈!
That leisure day, the Twins both wanted to throw a pool party. Sadly Hidden springs doesn't have a beach, as Atlas wanted to swim in the ocean...but the rejuvenating pool was the next best thing.
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kairissimstories · 1 year
Birthstone Legacy S3: Gen. 01 Garnet 👩🏻‍⚕️👨🏻‍🚒
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The Sims 3 challenge of the Birthstone Legacy; follow the first gen until the last gen of the unique family. Starting with Ginger Gardner.
Hey everyone! I wanted to do a Sims 3 Legacy, I was planning on doing the Lepacy but I got;; distracted. So; please welcome the Birthstone Legacy. The rules are here.
Ginger Gardner is a workaholic, brave, disciplined, family-oriented, ambitious, genius. Who wants to be a world renowned surgeon. Her star sign is Capricorn and her favorites are Rock, Tri-Tip Steak and the color Red. She graduated with honors in Science & Medicine Degree and is starting her career finally in the Medical world.
She enlisted a roommate to help play rent, meet Kyle Galloway a daredevil, brave, handy, irresistible, loves the heat, hot-headed firefighter. He dreams of becoming a firefighter super-hero. Kyle’s favorites include Rockabilly, Hamburgers and the color Yellow. He is also a Virgo;; that is compatible with Capricorns. He went straight from Military School Graduate to a Firefighter and agreed to be the roommate with Ginger to help with the rent. 
To help with the protection of the house, Kyle talked to Ginger into getting a dog named Lucky. The two balance each other out, but can they find time to grow together into something more. Or will the two find company else where?
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grayreidgalleryaus · 22 days
Craft a Story, Not Just an Accessory: Unveiling the Magic of Custom Made Jewelry in Melbourne
Melbourne's vibrant art scene extends beyond galleries and theatres. It thrives in the meticulous studios of artisans, where personalized expression takes shape in various forms. Here at Gray Reid Gallery, we celebrate the art of custom made jewelry in Melbourne, offering the unique opportunity to tell your story through a piece you design yourself.
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Beyond the Ready-Made: Unveiling the Benefits of Custom Made Jewelry
While pre-made jewelry offers a convenient option, it often lacks the personal touch – the ability to truly capture a sentiment, a memory, or a unique style. Custom made jewelry in Melbourne offers a multitude of benefits that elevate a simple accessory into a cherished treasure:
A Uniquely You Creation: Custom made jewelry allows you to design a piece that reflects your personality, taste, and style. Choose every element, from the precious metal to the gemstones, creating a one-of-a-kind piece that speaks volumes about you.
A Story Told Through Design: Jewelry can be more than just an adornment; it can be a narrative. Work with our skilled designers at Gray Reid Gallery to incorporate meaningful elements into your piece – a birthstone for a loved one, a hidden inscription with a special message, or a design that symbolizes a significant life event.
The Perfect Fit: Finding ready-made jewelry that fits perfectly can be a challenge. Custom made jewelry ensures a comfortable and flattering fit, tailored to your specific body measurements.
A Sustainable Choice: By choosing custom made jewelry, you're contributing to a more sustainable future. You have the option to use ethically sourced materials and support local artisans who practice sustainable crafting techniques.
Generations of Memories: Custom made jewelry becomes a cherished heirloom, passed down through generations. It can represent a family story, a special occasion, or a beloved individual, carrying a legacy of love and memories.
Gray Reid Gallery: Your Partner in Custom Made Jewelry Melbourne
At Gray Reid Gallery, we're passionate about helping you create custom made jewelry in Melbourne that captures your essence. Here's what sets us apart:
Experienced and Collaborative Designers: Our team of skilled designers possesses extensive knowledge of precious metals, gemstones, and design techniques. They'll collaborate with you closely throughout the process, transforming your vision into a stunning reality.
Wide Range of Materials and Techniques: We offer a vast selection of ethically sourced precious metals, gemstones, and diamonds to choose from. Our experienced artisans utilize a variety of traditional and modern techniques to bring your design to life.
Transparency and Open Communication: We believe in clear communication throughout the design process. We'll keep you informed of every step, from initial sketches to final production, ensuring you're completely satisfied with the final piece.
Competitive Pricing and Flexible Options: We offer competitive pricing for custom made jewelry, working within your budget to create a piece you'll cherish.
A Welcoming and Collaborative Environment: We believe the design process should be enjoyable. Our welcoming studio provides a space to explore ideas, ask questions, and collaborate with our designers to create your dream piece.
Crafting Your Story: The Process of Custom Made Jewelry Melbourne
The process of custom made jewelry in Melbourne at Gray Reid Gallery is designed to be collaborative and fulfilling:
Consultation and Design Discussion: During an initial consultation, our designers will discuss your vision, style preferences, and budget. They'll guide you through the various materials and design options available to create a piece that embodies your unique story.
Sketching and Refinement: Based on your initial input, our designers will create sketches of your proposed jewelry piece. You'll have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions until the design is perfected.
Selection of Materials: Once the design is finalized, you'll be presented with a variety of ethically sourced materials to choose from, ensuring the perfect fit for your vision and budget.
Crafting and Delivery: Our skilled artisans will meticulously handcraft your custom jewelry piece. You'll be kept updated on the progress, and upon completion, your one-of-a-kind creation will be delivered to you.
Embrace the Art of Storytelling: Custom Made Jewelry Melbourne
Custom made jewelry in Melbourne transcends mere adornment; it becomes a tangible expression of your story. At Gray Reid Gallery, we're committed to collaborating with you to create a piece that embodies your essence and leaves a lasting legacy. Contact us today and embark on a journey of crafting a custom-made masterpiece that tells your unique story.
Contact- Web - https://grayreidgallery.com.au/custom-made/ Mail - [email protected] Ph - +61 (0) 3 9650 7700 Address - Gray Reid Gallery 156 Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000
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agentofmischief · 10 months
Birthstone Legacy Part 7
We're coming to the end of Pink Tourmaline and starting on Citrine. A lot happened during this play session, and I'm 2 days from aging up Aelia. So, here we go.
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First, Azalea finished the final children's book and reached level 7 in her career. This was just before Thanksgiving where ...
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Aelia cooked an excellent Grand Meal!
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And the kids dealt with gnomes.
After that, I worked hard on Azalea's charisma, since she was 2 points away from completing her aspiration. And ...
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So, with that out of the way I worked on Azalea's work needs for another promotion (spoiler alert, it hasn't happened yet, even though I've met all needs 3 work days before calling it). So, Azalea and Aelia went to the city so Azalea could gather donations, and Aelia tried some food stall food.
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I also changed the house by building a basement and fixing the upstairs. And updated everyone's looks.
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After that I focused on the teenagers' love lives. You'll notice Will's looking quite different. He's had a glow-up. Well, I changed his hair, because I noticed his beard would grow in much darker than his hair, and it made him look like an npc. When I checked his eyebrows, I noticed his hair is more brown than red. So, I changed his hair to a reddish brown, which works with his complexion better, I think. He's also slimmed down, which was all him. Shortly after growing into a teenager, he began to fall in love with fitness, frequently wanting to either jog or box. He's now obsessed with fitness, and is on level six of the fitness skill. He's done most of that without me telling him to do it.
So, Will was the first to find someone, although not entirely serious. I'm not sure what's up. I said in the previous post, I randomize likes/dislikes/attractions. Neither Will nor Erik find anyone attractive. The most they find their peers is basic looking.
So, Will went on a hangout date with a girl named Nani, which turned steamy.
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However two days after this, Nani aged up into a Young Adult, so this is as far as it went.
Next there was Erik. There was a girl he did find attractive, but then he found out she was evil, and she started trash talking him and Aelia on Social Bunny.
Realizing his taste isn't great, he opted for a blind date from Simda. Her name was Chana Springer. While he found her basic looking, he couldn't deny that they were fairly compatible. So, he asked her to prom as friends, and she agreed.
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Lastly, Aelia. For the longest time, she had a crush on a boy named Alijah and then another boy named Sidney. But, after checking out their attractions, they both turned out to be gay. She had a big crush on Sidney, that took her a while to get over.
Yet, the best love story was slowly unfolding. There was one boy Aelia found strikingly beautiful at school. Jeb Harris.
At the start of their school years, they hated each other. She was shiny and happy, trying to be friends with everyone. Jeb had never met anyone so nice, and assumed she had ulterior motives. Eventually, they struck up a conversation in class, and she told him about the new gourmet recipes she learned in the city, and he admitted that he wouldn't mind trying it, but doubted he could, because his family isn't well off. She immediately offered to make it for him if they hang out. Jeb realized he'd been wrong about her, and she was genuinely friendly.
He agreed to add her on Social Bunny, and they became fast friends. They traded jokes. She told him about her two failed blind dates and resigning to be single forever. She invited him over for that promised meal, and they got to talking. She accidentally let slip he was the cutest guy in school, and he couldn't believe it, because he thought she was the prettiest girl in school.
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So, he asked her out, and she eagerly agreed. He took her to Salty Paws Saloon to get to know each other better.
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She asked him to prom, and he agreed happily, surprised she even asked him. He struggled to find a suitable outfit, and decided for the night to lose the bag and show his face.
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They danced, kissed, and admitted they loved each other, and traded promise rings.
Erik won Prom Jester, while Aelia was made Prom Queen.
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After such a wonderful night, Aelia invited Jeb home, since he didn't want to wake his father so late at night. And ... well ...
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At this point, they are two days away from becoming Young Adults, so I think Jeb is more than just Aelia's high school sweetheart. They are both completely smitten with each other, and consider each other their best friend.
Aelia has already been contemplating him moving in, since he hates his home so much. But that is for later.
We end with Traeth finally becoming a teenager. I had a feeling Traeth was going to be gay, or at least bi, from some of his interests as a child, but as I randomized his attractive interests, his sexuality solidified. He's less punk, and more boho. He likes outdoorsy, family sims, and he's a bit of a prankster. He loves pink and black, and hates blue. And he's attracted to sims with small butts, pink hair, jewelry, and beards.
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So we embraced his identity. He's pretty.
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So, as far as the challenge goes:
Pink Tourmaline Goals:
-Complete the Politician career as a Charity Organizer. (7/10)
-Complete Friend to the World aspiration.
-Adopt 2 kids (Do not have to be legacy continuation).
-Max out friendship/be best friends with 4 sims before becoming an Adult. The friendship must be maintained throughout life.
-Have a rose garden.
-Write 5 Children’s books.
-Volunteer with family 5 times. (5/5)
Citrine Goals:
-Complete Culinary Career. (Start at YA)
-Complete Culinary aspiration. (1/4)
-Master Cooking and baking skills.
Cooking (9/10) 
Baking (2/10) 
Gourmet Cooking (1/10)
-Own a fruit and vegetable garden with every possible fruit and veggie in your game.
-Own a Bakery or Restaurant. (YA)
-Cook an Excellent quality Grand Meal.
-Learn 10 Food Stall recipes. (2/10)
And the family looks like this, for now.
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Again, Aelia and Erik are two days away from Young Adult. Aelia will live with her parents until Azalea completes her career, under the guise of saving up to buy a house, like Azalea did in the apartment. So, should be only one more post for Pink Tourmaline Gen, and next post will be the first official Citrine.
I do have a lot in mind for Aelia and Jeb, from where they'll live to where Aelia will have her restaurant, and when pet they will get when they move into their house. But, until then, Happy Simming!
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drowsypixels · 2 months
so i reinstalled the sims 4 lol. don't look at me. but i have a lot sims stuff happening right now. i'm working on the sims for my bacc. i started the birthstone legacy challenge in ts3. and now i'm gonna make a legacy challenge save in ts4.
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simranseo011 · 5 months
3 Reasons Why Gemstones Are Still On Demand In Today’s Era
Gemstones are the minerals with shining and striking colours and appearance . Surviving in natural settings without any human interference is way harder than we think that too without any damage , here when gemstones come in the picture as they are the most rare and valuables gemstones which are really hard to find in the huge bulk of mineral rocks. This is one of the main reasons that why whenever is going through a tough and challenging time in their life, they are advised by their astrologers to adorn themselves with their birthstone as the legacy of these birthstone jewelry can be traced back to the meldival period. The realm of healing sciences have fostered an intact trust and believe in the efficacy of crystal healing therapies as an precise alternative to other medical therapies. For instance, in the tenure of the last 5 years, google has witnessed a sudden spike in the total searches for gemstones and crystal healing properties that has even been endorsed by many prominent celebrities.
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