ace-of-anunnaki · 1 year
Part 2: 1/3 "Crossing the Threshold"
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undri72 · 4 years
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Hversdagsleikurinn Lífið á miðlum samfélagsins okkar er annað en það sem hversdagurinn geymir. Í fjölmiðlum lesum við og sjáum helst það sem aflaga er, það sem þarf að bæta, það sem er úr takti. Á samfélagsmiðilum birtum við myndir og segjum frá einstöku augnablikunum, gleðistundum, afmælum og ferðalögum. En hversdagurinn er alltaf fyrir augum okkar og fær sjaldan athygli. Þó er hann mikilvægasti hluti lífsins. Til að njóta lífsins til fulls er mikilvægt að okkur takist að njóta þess hversdagslega. Finna og sjá fegurðina í því sem við þurfum að gera fyrir aðra, svo líf okkar verði betra. #einfaldaralíf https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qCLa_gABA/?igshid=139oo2frtn4xj
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lapparicom · 7 years
Fréttatilkynning - WKonnekt ehf fær umboð fyrir Nokia
Fréttatilkynning - WKonnekt fær umboð fyrir Nokia á Íslandi
Lappari.com fær oft fréttatilkynningar um hitt og þetta sendar víðsvegar frá og ef þær vekja áhuga okkar, þá birtum við þær eins við gerum hér.
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manorlegal-blog · 7 years
Veistu hvað þú afskrifar mikið?
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Flestir afskrifa tíma af ýmsum ástæðum en fæstir hafa yfirsýn yfir umfang og verðmæti þess tíma sem tapast. Í Manor er sérstök greining á afskriftum sem hjálpar lögmönnum að lækka afskriftir og auka þar með tekjur sínar.
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Eitt af því sem stjórnendur á stærri stofum vildu geta séð voru afskriftir eftir starfsmönnum. Með því er hægt að sjá hvaða starfsmenn valdi oft afskriftum og hvernig þróun er á því yfir tíma.
Eðlilegt er að nýr lögfræðingur eyði meiri tíma í tiltekin verk en réttlætanlegt er að rukka og því komi til afskrifta en eðlilegt er að þau áhrif minnki með tímanum. Manor gefur stjórnendum góða yfirsýn í þessum efnum.
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Sumir viðskiptavinir gera oftar athugasemdir við reikninga og hafa lært að þannig geti þeir losnað við nokkra tíma í hvert sinn. Þetta gerist hugsanlega á löngum tíma og erfitt að átta sig á þróun afskrifa. Í samantekt Manor er þægilegt að sjá afskirftir eftir viðskiptavinum svo hægt sé að bregðast við og minnka afskriftir.
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Hvort sem það er með lifandi skýrslum í Manor eða handvirkum aðferðum í gömlu bókhaldskerfunum þá er fyrsta skrefið að hafa skýra mynd af stöðunni. Þegar hún er komin er hægt að hefjast handa við að breyta vinnulagi svo draga megi úr afskriftum.
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yamayuandadu · 2 years
Weekly Wikipedia repairs roundup
Birtum, the deified shackles. Yes, really. The name is grammatically feminine but it doesn’t seem the deity is.
Manungal, the prison goddess.
Allani, the Hurrian underworld goddess whose existence answers an important and deeply philosophical question, “what if Ereshkigal was nice?”
Ishara, described as “independent lady of love associated with the scorpion and cannabis.” Impossible to top this description. I reworked an article I wrote a few months ago to be in line with my current standards.
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yamayuandadu · 2 years
Weekly Wikipedia repair roundup: sukkal week edition
Amasagnudi - Papsukkal’s wife. Might be an epithet of Ninshubur “borrowed” for this purpose. Not exactly the most thrilling deity (the population of Seleucid Uruk presumably agrees since she appears in 0 theophoric names).
Kakka - three gods for the price of one: healing goddess from Mari associated with Ninshubur, male god from Mesopotamia who you may or may not know from Enuma Elish, and Ningal’s elusive sukkal. I should note that before my intervention the page used Zecharia Stitchin as a source and claimed Kakka was associated with Pluto (the celestial body) which, you know, would be a bit weird since Mesopotamians pretty obviously were not aware of its existence.
Alammush - Nanna’s sukkal. Has his own sukkal! And a twin brother!  Page created from scratch.
Ilabrat - one of Anu’s sukkals. Sort of like a male equivalent of Ninshubur though it does not seem like he is responsible for her downfall. Appears in the myth of Adapa.
Sukkal - makeover of one of my very first articles, with even more obscure finds, ranging from Iqbidamiq, a sukkal of a sukkal, to Nēr-ē-tagmil, “kill not, spare not,” sukkal of a deified nondescript river, Id. As far as I am aware, this is the only list of this sort, whether online or offline. More rewrites and new sukkal articles coming soon - I plan to create pages for Alla and Lammashaga, rewrite Nuska’s and and expand Ishum’s. Note that most of the pages of sukkals which already exist were my work too, including both Hurrian sukkals. Also, this is my longest wikipedia article yet. The only thing not written by me here is the “see also” section.
Papsukkal - “literally who” tier deity from Kish turned Ninshubur’s male counterpart, which in this case did result in her (and Ilabrat and Kakka) disappearing for good. Shows up in a list of vanquished mythical antagonists alongside Enmesharra. Probably one of my least favorite Mesopotamian deities, but I did the best I could here nonetheless.
Nirah - Ishtaran’s most recurring courtier, but not actually a sukkal, as it turns out. I admit this is one of the cases where I got confused myself - I thought him, the “divine daughters” pairs and Ninatta-Kulitta were all sukkals for a long while. Nirah was sometimes confused and/or conflated with personified cosmic river Irhan, wikipedia page forthcoming.
Bizilla - Nanaya’s presumed Sumerian counterpart, Ninlil’s sukkal. Her name might mean “she who is pleasing” which one of my fave authors, J. G. Westenholz, summed up with the words “a lovely name for a loving lady,” and I can’t really add anything better. Page created from scratch.
Gazbaba - another c list Inanna courtier, the name is quite literally derived from the word “sexual attraction.” Conventionally assumed to be Nanaya’s daughter but there is actually no direct evidence. Page created from scratch.
Also I have slightly expanded the Birtum article thanks to the hunt for sukkal information. Check out his twin brother and sukkal! And his slightly pathetic cameo in a late version of the Anzu myth!
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yamayuandadu · 3 years
who do you think would count as a malewife in mesopotamian mythology
Well, there's Ninsikila, who got to be BOTH a male god and a wife: Ninsikila was originally husband, then wife of Lisin (originaly a goddess, then a god) whose only notable feature is that his gender was swapped around with his wife's every now and then, probably due to confusion between him and the goddess Meskilak from Dilmun (Bahrain), whose name was "Sumerified" as Ninsikila too (see here for details). That aside, I suppose you could apply it this label in cases where a god was considerably less prominent than his spouse. Dumuzi is the obvious #1: never a major god, not even associated with every manifestation of Inanna, not really transferred to any of her foreign equivalents, mostly relevant due to being her husband. Outside of dying he basically shows up almost exclusively in love poetry some of which by modern standards arguably has slight femdom vibes. Also, he gets multiple goofy nicknames like “well watered lettuce” and “honey man,” the latter of which is apparently a foreplay euphemism (no, really). To my knowledge he’s basically absent from the “adventure” myths about Inanna tricking or stealing from other gods or about her fighting mountains, monsters and whatnot. Note that for the most part this marriage was depicted as harmonious and the Descent myth is an outlier (see here and here). In Inanna and Bilulu, for example, Inanna instead tracks down the eponymous killer of Dumuzi in an almost Tarantino-esque rather violent narrative. Another one who fits the bill is Pabilsag, the husband of the goddess Ninisina (or sometimes of her equivalents instead). Ninisina was herself rather major, and on top of being a popular medicine goddess at one point even managed to acquire some of Inanna’s characteristics like being the symbolic source of kingship. Meanwhile Pabilsag’s only claims to fame other than being the husband of his wife were getting conflated with Ninurta relatively late on, and his association with what came to be known as the constellation Sagittarius. His marriage to Ninisina was described as happy, but little info about him is available otherwise, and he is largely absent from his wife’s medical ventures (their children do follow her as, I assume, orderlies, though). Maybe he stayed behind to do domestic chores (this is, of course, a half joking personal speculation). Also out of much more minor gods: the only references I can think of to Nindara assign no role to him other than that of the husband of waterfowl and social justice (yes, you read that right) goddess Nanshe, some goes for the husband of the prison goddess Nungal, Birtum/Birdu. A friend suggested to list Nergal but I think Nergal is merely a so-called “wife guy,” especially in Underworld Vision of an Assyrian Prince. Much of the information here comes from the open access book Goddesses in Context which I really cannot recommend enough.
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lapparicom · 7 years
Hvernig hljómgæði berast yfir myndlykla hjá Vodafone og Símanum?
Hvaða hljómgæði berast heim í stofu, yfir myndlykla hjá Vodafone og Símanum?
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lapparicom · 7 years
Internetveitur - hvernig líkar okkur við þær?
Fyrir skemmstu birtum við viðhorfskönnun hér á Lappari.com. Við spurðum nokkurra spurninga sem tengjast internetveitu lesenda okkar og hvaða viðhorf þeir höfðu til þeirra.
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