#Black Slug Cup Moth
rattyexplores · 9 months
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Black Slug Cup Caterpillars
I originally thought there was only one caterpillar on the tree's trunk, but looking at the photo months later, I spotted others.
I presume they're all ready to pupate.
Doratifera casta
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messengerhermes · 2 years
Please Don't Touch Hairy Caterpillars
Random PSA but-- Many fuzzy/hairy caterpillars are stinging and it will hurt like the devil himself came and slapped you if you touch them with your bare skin. If you need to relocate one, please use the paper/cup method, or grab a pair of gardening gloves. Seriously. Encourage kids to be cautious too. Caterpillars are really cool, but if you don't know what variety you're looking at, touching one bare handed is gambling on a bad time. Some stinging varieties from my neck of the woods: buck moth caterpillar
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[ID: a Buck Moth Caterpillar: a long green speckled caterpillar that kind of resembles a skinny pickle with a bunch of little thorny branches sticking out of it. It's head and rear are a bright red orange] spiny oak slug caterpillar
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[ID: A spiny Oak Slug Caterpillar: A short, thick bodied bright green caterpillar with two orange stripes along its back. It has tree like spines all over it's body]
hickory tussock moth caterpillar
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[ID: a hickory tussock moth caterpillar. It is a long fluffy white caterpillar with black flecks along it's body. The hairs at both ends of it's body are longer]
saddleback caterpillar
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[ID: a saddleback caterpillar, it's head and rear are orange with two large spined antennae sticking out of them. It's middle is bright green with a red dot in the center and its lower body is ringed with small spiny appendages] io moth caterpillar
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[ID: an io moth caterpillar. It is bright green with a long white and red stripe running along it's side. it's body is covered in bright green bristles. ] southern flannel moth caterpillar ( also known as the asp or puss caterpillar)--Seriously, these fuckers sting like the devil and I'm terrified of them ever since one fell on the inside of my skirt and I got stung in the leg.
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[ID: A stinging asp/southern flannel moth caterpillar: a small extremely fluffy brown caterpillar. it's body is rounded on one end, the hairs on the other end come together into a little pointed tail] These fuckers also come in a pale white. Basically, if it looks like a little tiny ball of fur, *do not* touch it with your bare skin. They have the same venom some jellyfish do and while it isn't deadly or severe past "holy hell that throbs" most of the time, for some folks it can make you nauseous or cause breathing issues. They tend to fall out of trees, so check park benches and picnic tables before you sit so you can move them.
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mothgallery · 3 years
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Hello, sorry for the wait! Once again, no new named characters in Chapter 4. So instead, let’s focus on the Gryphea royal family. Rayed Slug is Falcogona Gryphea’s late wife, and it is she and her husband who founded the Gryphea kingdom together. Together they had six heirs, Mustilizans Andracoides, Blue-Stripe Nettle Grub, Andraca Oliviacea, Perola Clara, Black Cup Slug, and finally Kentish Glory. 
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sailorvinusmoved · 4 years
“I want to know what your hobbies are.” - From Mama Haines :D
🌙 @vendettacanons. meme. still accepting!
“I want to know what your hobbies are.”
❝Lately, I've taken up watching birds at 5:30am. I can't tell you the names of each bird, I'm not that deep into the lore. But, I can tell you that the little white bird with black wings sing quiet songs composed of a rhythmic series of short trills, rasps, and buzzes mixed with clear, often descending notes.They scold and, like, stutter. And, some of them click their bills. I know stuff like that. I don't know the bird's name. Sometimes, I'll use my art degrees and coordinate really big, nice events at performing arts centers. I may act and model, now... But, like, art is my first love. I like to showcase talent that may get overlooked. Last month, I held a show for Singaporean contemporary artists.❞
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He popped the lid of his boba with a thick straw and took a sip; rose black tea was a good choice. Then, he took a closer look at Penelope's cup, wondering what she bought. Apparently, it was her first time in this restaurant. An adorable, lovely, Taiwanese owned joint with do-it-yourself bubble tea and plenty of choices for food. Savory, sweet, everything in between. It was nice. ❝I'll take classes, sometimes. Sculpting, flower arrangement, photography. Like, when my schedule allows. I like learning! Love cooking. I can't bake for shit, but I love making food from home. Collecting jazz records, studying moths. I love moths! Slugs, too. I like both of those. That's about it, these days... The busier I get, the less time I have. So, you know, like, I have a lot of throwaway interests. I'll pick up subjects for a week or two before I drop them. I know a lot about cryptocurrencies and beekeeping because of this. Now, Penelope, what about you?❞
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sinobug · 5 years
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Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Mahanta sp., Limacodidae) "Snickers" Most species of Limacodid caterpillar will be found on the underside of leaves, with their head end directed downwards aligned with the leaf margin where they have been feeding. This poses technical and postural difficulties for photography, as well as an orientation which makes appreciating the subject awkward. In the majority of cases, I will invert the leaf to present a more traditional point of view. This individual, however, is pictured au naturel, moreso because the nighttime setting provided an uninterrupted black backdrop. The bottom image is shot from below, looking straight up into the night sky. This is a night time spotting. Many varieties of Limacodid larvae fluoresce under a blacklight (ultraviolet), making them exceptionally easy to spot on nocturnal photography missions with a handheld UV torch. Once located, I switch to my lens-mounted LED ring light and flash for illumination. by Sinobug (itchydogimages) on Flickr. Pu'er, Yunnan, China View my other images of Limacodid Caterpillars from China in my Flickr photostream HERE….
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floggingink · 5 years
Riverdale, “Chapter Forty-Seven: Bizarrodale”
the print on Josie’s bomber jacket? confounding
“If there’s no wedding reception, it means the Gargoyle King has won.”
Ms. McCoy in bright blue? confounding
have Moose’s eyebrows gotten thicker? he...he fine
Cheryl’s sheaths: like a true gay icon, Cheryl wears both a satiny demi-cup bustier and a flannel in bed with Toni, who’s rocking a sort of cottony Aerie bralette
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Hermione’s earrings look like divining rods, which makes sense
“dangerously unhinged,” in this day and age? UNHINGED?
Cheryl is “legacy” in Riverdale’s version of Smith College
Cheryl’s pins: in her droopy 1920’s lady-reporter tie, Cheryl has a pin that is probably a bee but is POSSIBLY a giant frightening moth like in the Silence of the Lambs poster
Moose’s hair is longer or something and he’s like? I don’t know but I’m a gay boy all of a sudden, like let me at All That
I like how he pauses but goes in for more kisses after Kevin tells him he wants to ask him something
he’s like…..so tall….and he has this a little mole on his cheek….
(RIP Midge)
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: you look me in my pale astigmatic eyes and tell me the little snitch canary “told you they were in here sir” smug Malfoy stool pigeon ISN’T a pillow queen and I’ll give you this money RIGHT NOW. THAT thin-lipped smirk? with THAT cleft chin? he’s a gay, your honor
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: oh fuck!!!! Sweet Pea has a VERY vulnerable, soft-masculinity speech about his heartspace and emotional boundaries and he’s so fluffy-haired and trying to be gentle with himself……….SWEET PEA……..
Best costume bit: don’t miss the two-second shot of a Prostitute in a turquoise pencil skirt and red velvet blazer and pearls AND GLASSES leading a man by the tie down the Maple Club hallway
“Damn good coffee”: also this jazz music and Cheryl’s short pantsuit
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The Blossom spawn: I know Penelope Blossom is not out here suggesting there are no lesbians in what I assume is a women’s college. I remember when I got into My Women’s College one of the nuns at my church was like, Ha ha! Don’t let the drug-dealing lesbians get you! and I was like, How do you already know the plot of Riverdale season 3? but then I was also like, Ma’am why did you join this monastery?
Fifth period is AP English: “THIS IS THE PRICE OF SALT.”
Lawyer McCoy is right, Ex-Sheriff Keller IS a snack and this bitch’s blood sugar is low
I love Sierra and Whatsit playing Lawyers in bed because it happens to be my thing too and I want to be there with them
Certified pedigree: his name’s Tom right? he’s SO HANDSOME. everyone is so handsome right now!!!!!!! (I’m ovulating)
this is the same fancy hotel room Jughead and Betty stayed in when he sort of proposed to her? this is just the upscale version of the sex bunker
Kevin eats when he’s stressed, as you will recall from the drive-in S1 episode
“an epaulette to cry on”
Cheryl’s hair: and Cheryl’s sleeves!!!!!!!
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Sixth period is Intro to Film: “looking like a community theater production of The Talented Mr. Ripley” is the SECOND time handsome bicurious Tom Ripley has been name-dropped (also the drive-in S1 episode)
“I can’t go back to Fox Forest” is like the most tragic thing. HE CAN’T GO CRUISING AGAIN
“Oh, sullen, tenderhearted Kevin.”
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: “RAPTUROUS”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like that Cheryl continues to use words like “whilst” and “amongst”
is Moose wearing a denim Henley? MOOSE?
the closed captioning renders it “O shutterbug of my dreams.” “O,” LIKE CHERYL IS SHAKESPEARE
I absolutely buy that Cheryl would ask if this was their first fight mid-fight
only Toni among us could wear that many necklaces at once
I did get a little confused when Toni confronts Cheryl in the bathroom, like at first it was about how you shouldn’t out people but then it was about her not being in the Serpents? let’s focus, ladies
The 2001 Josie and the Pussycats movie was a masterpiece: Josie’s commitment to keeping her eyeshadow coordinated with her jackets over her commitment to boys is aspirational
Every triangle has three corners, every triangle has three sides: I LOVE ARCHIE’S SIDE-EYE, LIKE………“SWEET PEA?”
Reggie on kneecapping: “Does that really happen?”
Reggie’s voice cracks me up. he’s just a big gorgeous squeezable side hustle dummy bro, so down for the ride, remember when he slugged Jughead? neither does he
“You can be my Baby Driver” uuuuuugggghghhhhhkkhhhhhhhhh REggggeieiee
“JUST PLEASE DON’T SCRATCH MY CAR” has more sexual energy than I think Archie has ever manufactured with anyone EXCEPT BETTY when they kissed that one time you know?????
why do you think Reggie is such a good doofus boyfriend while Archie was such a bad doofus boyfriend? is it because Archie tried to think for himself? or has Reggie just not been given the chance to fuck something up yet
I like Penelope bringing up Sierra and Tom getting married not to shade them but to just be like, They should be happy if they want. I was like, Damn, Penelope! You’re right!
“He is a vicious and petty god.”
lol oh yeah Hiram got shot
Gay?!: as has been discussed, Veronica is reading some classic lesbian pulp fiction for no other reason than I suppose she fucking likes it, and that is BDE
Summer + Blair = Veronica: Veronica would wear those shoes to baby drive
Archie > Dawson: Archie is a hot-or-cold boyfriend but he is an EXCELLENT beard!!!! GOOD, ARCHIE
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: Reggie takes the same positive attitude towards getting shot and surviving that I hope I would have, which is “at least I can say I got shot”
Moose is like, out and THEREFORE dtf, as if they couldn’t have secretly been having sex this whole time
Toni conceded to Highsmith’s business formal dress code insofar as she wears a black vest over a plaid tie and that’s it
Veronica’s blue plaid coat SHOCKS me
Veronica was rich: Gladys admires Veronica and Reggie’s gumption showing up with only half the money
is it a coat or is it a miniskirt with a matching jacket?????
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God bless jingle-jangle Moose: Moose is so excited that he just absolutely tells Cheryl he’s finally going to have sex. I know the show needs him to say it so Cheryl can tell him to BYOS, but it’s still cute of him, himself. is Moose kind of precious?
remember when Moose got gunned down in that car? Christ
I love when people take off their whole belt, as if you can’t just undo it and still take your jeans off
dope deer skull! plus: everyone’s fucking
Mädchen Amick, MÄDCHEN AMICK: I’ve lost track a little bit of whether or not Alice KNOWS Betty and Jughead are literally/colloquially sleeping together in Betty’s bedroom, or are they taking advantage of her being gone?
The female gaze: Reggie’s chest is the new Archie’s chest
Moose is MASSIVE like, do you see those arms?
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Fwoopy hair is the best hair: HIS BEAUTIFUL FLIPPY HAIR ON THE PILLOW
Dilton Doiley Ethel Muggs The Gargoyle Children: the RROTC guy is Chris Cooper in American Beauty???
Gay.: Sierra was halfway right about “the jealousy thing”
even FP, conducting his interview in his flannel, is like, bruh
These students are legally children: his “Man, the Sisters did a number on you” feels like Riverdale’s version of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’s “The Catholics really fucked you up”
Jughead doubts it: Jughead makes a good point. is there one costumes everyone keeps using or is it that easy to DIY your own Gargoyle King?
oh I can see Jughead about to be disillusioned by his family coming a mile away
Archie’s soft soft sweater? confounding
at least Moose isn’t moving to Toledo, am I right
What damn high school in America: Cheryl’s girl gang is 100% Teddy girls and I love them
THE WHITE STRIPE ON REGGIE’S SWEATER and the little black birds on Veronica’s shirt!
Gladys & JB are already a more powerful duo than FP & Jughead could ever hope to be
wait Moose is moving to Glendale? SABRINA-GLENDALE? MOOSE WAIT A SECOND?
NEXT WEEK: Gladys tells Veronica to pray, OH BOY
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venomouscritters · 6 years
Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillars (Cup Moths, Parasa sp., Limacodidae) "Triple Streak" by itchydogimages Via Flickr: Pu'er, Yunnan, China see comments for additional image (a different group)...
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rattyexplores · 3 years
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𝑬𝒖𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒂
Order Lepidoptera Superfamily Noctuoidea Family Lymantriidae “Tussock Moths”
The Adult moth Is pictured above
The Larval stage has yet to be photographed. The caterpillar is black, hairy with one white stripe running along its back. It also has a hunch towards the head, and its thick body resembles a slug or cup moth caterpillar.
THE HAIRS ARE DANGEROUS they can cause Urticaria and Dendrolimiasis in sensitive individuals. Handle the caterpillar with care.
The larvae has been reported to feed on:
Tridax procumbens “Coat Buttons”
Begoniaceae “Begonias”
Myosotis arvensis “Forget-me-not”
Rosa odorata “Roses” 
This species is occurs in these Australian states:
It’s possible the moth occurs in New Guinea as well.
18/12/20, source - RatteJak
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sinobug · 5 years
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CATERPILLARS from Yunnan, China Click on and scroll through images for individual IDs….. by Sinobug (itchydogimages) on Flickr. Pu’er, Yunnan, China See more Chinese caterpillars on my Flickr site HERE...
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venomouscritters · 6 years
Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Limacodidae) "Bindi" by itchydogimages Via Flickr: Pu'er, Yunnan, China see comments for additional view...
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venomouscritters · 7 years
Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Limacodidae) "Icicle"
Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Limacodidae) "Icicle" by itchydogimages Via Flickr: Pu'er, Yunnan, China see comments for additional view....
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