#Black Swan Honkai Star Rail
la2yn0va · 3 days
Hello Sensei! In celebration of me finally beating Shadow of Feixiao. Can i humbly request some Shadow the hedgehog like male reader x yandere kafka, Robin, Firefly, Black Swan and Feixiao? The reader was not born really. More like made to be the ultimate lifeform. The reader is one of the top strongest in the universe, being soo powerful that he has to wear special bracelets to contains his powers. He has access to chaos magic and has a few more powers that only he can use. The reader is a loner and doesn't trust anyone reader being someone hard to approach
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CW: Yandere Characters.
Note: This. Is my favorite request to date. Yes, it’s because of shadow the hedgehog 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Also you disrespectful bastard! Those ‘bracelets’ are called Inhibitor Rings! Respect the lore, damnit!!
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She first learned about your existence from General Yueyu. Some creation made years ago that was given the title of ‘ultimate life form’
A creation made to perfectly counter all abominations on the xianzhou, someone so powerful it would take an aeon or two too defeat. Or so she said.
To say little feixiao was interested was a major understatement. If this were true, where were you? What ship were you in? Why hasn’t she heard of you anywhere else?
When she asked yueyu this, the general had a face of regret and sadness, before saying the information was classified.
Years later, she met you, the fabled ‘ultimate life form’ was an enemy of the xianzhou. She couldn’t believe it, Yueyu spoke so highly of you, so why’re you an enemy?
And just like general Yueyu said, you were STRONG. Hell, possibly the strongest being in the entire xianzhou and universe.
But, as a general, it was her duty to stop you. So you two fight, and she gets utterly defeated. She’d never known defeat like this, power like yours. Just WHAT were you?
For the next days, every general and the astral express crew, even the marshal of the xianzhou had confronted to stop you, all the generals were forced to play a supporting role, as the marshal was the only one able to deal damage to you.
However, it didn’t matter, your plan had been successful. Inputting 7 ancient gems into the core of the xianzhou and causing it to self destruct while having some biological monster protecting it.
Feixiao couldn’t believe YOU were meant to be the great savior Yueyu talked so highly about. But then, once the gems were entered, a video began to play on everything and anything that had a screen, reveling the dark truth.
Your creator was betrayed, his granddaughter killed by the xianzhou military! And the marshal herself being the one who betrayed the great doctor. Showing long lost and thought to be destroyed footage of the dark incident Hundreds if not thousands of years ago. (Not doing the 50 years ago, cause why not)
It was at the point everyone lost hope. The marshal herself was a traitor to one of the greatest scientists and ally to the xianzhou, even the generals will were shaken. And the astral express couldn’t help but feel sorrow for you.
But, with a powerful speech from the marshal, everyone’s will and hope were restored and the generals, the nameless, large almost unending numbers of cloud knights, and the marshal went down to stop you.
But, the bio-lizard got in their way. It would see its creators plan through the very end. It was a monster, all cloud knights were flies it swatted dead, the generals focusing all their strength to defeat the lizard.
Only feixiao and the marshal were able to get past the impossibly defense of the lizard, who was luckily for them, to distracted to notice. The two ran down the hallway and saw you, watching the fight through a holographic screen.
Feixiao tried to move towards you, but the marshal stopped her before taking a piece of fallen debris and throwing it towards you, seeing an invisible death shield surrounding you.
Marshal: M/n!! Stop this madness!!
M/n:…you’ve got some nerve. To betray my creator, get Maria killed! And lock me away for years upon years!!
Feixiao: Tsk…! M/n, we need you! Please help us!
Feixiao blurted out, much to the shock of the marshal and m/n.
Feixiao: You were made to be the strongest force for the xianzhou!! Why are you so intent on destroying it!!
M/n:….Doesn’t matter. It's all going according to plan. There's no reason for me to help them. Besides, there's no way to save anyone. All of them are unsaveable, pathetic, and childish. Only then will the marshal feel the consequences of her betrayal!
Feixiao: Forget the marshal! Hate her all you want, but not the people of the xianzhou! There innocent! Was this maria’s last wish!? For you to become the enemy! Hated, feared, a boogeyman!?
Marshal:….I know what I’ve done to you is unforgivable. I know that you’ll never forgive me. Even if you kill me, you’ll never forgive me. But the people of the Xianzhou are innocent. I know that people fight over the most trivial things. Some people may be selfish, like the professor said... but they're good, if they try their best and never give up on their wishes. They always have a reason to be happy; that's why you should help them out! Saving them is a good thing! M/n, I beg you, please do it for them! Give them a chance!
The marshal pleaded, bowing to you much to the shock of feixiao. To see the marshal like this was almost… fictionally impossible. However, Feixiao’s words seemed to strike you, as you remembered Maria’s true last words.
You said as the marshal and feixiao looked up seeing a horrified and saddened realization dawn on you, a single tear falling down from your face, before you forcibly ripped out one of the ancient gems.
M/n: I…I have to stop this! I have to keep my promise to her!!
You declared before using your monstrous strength to rip out all the emeralds and jump down from the platform, running towards the biolizard.
The biolizard stopped its killing blow on Yanqing and March as it felt a shift. Something had changed, the xianzhou wasn’t shaking… you had betrayed your creator!!
The biolizard released a horrific shriek of rage, shaking the very soul of everyone who heard it. The lizard turned to see you running towards it with the chaos emeralds, as you focused on your sadness, Maria, the professor, and your promise to her—turning super.
Everyone could only watch as the lizard and you fought, each impact shaking the universe itself. A beautiful spectacle infront of them as your speed and strength left them in awe, wondering if your power could rival that of the aeons.
Eventually, the lizard couldn’t contain its rage nor its own existence as you ripped off the machinery that kept it alive, as it expanded, ready to nuke this whole stellar system. But, you saved them, using chaos control to teleport yourself and the lizard away, FAR away. Managing to somehow teleport it to IX itself, having the lizard be swallowed whole by the black hole of the end as it released its final explosion of energy.
—Okay now that the story is over, let’s get to the point of this request—
Your body was blasted away as IX swallowed the biolizard, killing it as its explosion blasted you away. Your body crashed through multiple planets, destroying the rock and any life forms on it before it crashed down onto the xianzhou’s outer ship.
The ship shook and spun horizontally 5 times before stopping. Everyone was confused at what could’ve cause this. The marshal went outside and saw you. You were still alive! After 50 years!?
She took you in and decided to keep your existence a secret for now. She cared for your body until you awoke. After punching the marshal in the face, she began to fill you in on everything that happened after the Great War with you 50 years ago.
Although you’d never forgive her, you needed to keep your promise to Maria. So, you tell her your joining the cloud knights, not to serve her, but to keep maria’s promise.
She agreed and asked what ship you wanted to join. You remembered that foxian/borisin general. Being the first general you fought, and being…unique, you wanted her ship.
Feixiao was then informed of this which shocked her. But, surprisingly, she accepted with what seemed like… joy? Nevertheless, you ran to the yaoqing and met her at the cloud knights headquarters, where she greeted you with friendliness.
Feixiao would have you on the four front of battles, leading a platoon, but you declined. You refused to work with anyone and you would only work alone.
Feixiao felt a little pang hit her but agreed. You were strong enough anyway, so she allowed it. And over the years, she grew close to you.
The battles and bloodshed you two would spill from the borisin was beautiful, watching as your guard slowly but surely lowered around her, seeing you smile only to her made her feel special.
She keeps you as close as she can. Letting you sleep in her house and bed, cooking for you and even wanting to bathe you. Daily trainings with you at the gym, along with hundreds of spars and competitions a day.
To feixiao, you two were already in a relationship. After all you lived together! And you only smiled at her! Of course you loved her back…!
And since you’re completely distrustful of everyone else, the thought of someone stealing you away was laughable and fictional. It’ll never happen.
So, feixiao never overreacts when someone ogles at you or tries to get close to you. Cause 10/10 times, you’d just teleport away from the area.
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Kafka heard of you from Elio. Apparently you’re supposed to join the stellaron hunters as its final member.
With the help of Sam, she used her webs to catch you and Sam used his mech suit to slow your pace. Simply trying to stop you from falling took all her strength along with firefly’s mecha suit, which made her even more curious about you.
They’d take you back to their little hideout and nurture you until you wake up. Which would only be a month. You wake up and look around, not recognizing the area around you.
Kafka is there though, and she introduces herself to you, along with the entire deal with the ‘stellaron hunters’
Seeing as it was apparently ‘destiny’ that they saved you, and that this would possibly be the best way to up hold your promise, you accept their invitation.
You go on missions and learn about what’s changed in the cosmos since the battle at the xianzhou. Apparently a lot has changed, but none that you care about.
Kafka slowly begins to become infatuated with you, you were just so adorable. The ‘loner’ demeanor of yours that hid the cutie you were was so addicting to her.
She ain’t afraid to show it. She’s blunt with her desires and romantic at the same time. Oh how your adorable face lights up with a blush due to your emotional inexperience~
Kafka LOVES to dress you up and do your hair. Also, she sleeps in your room with you. She knows you love it despite your cute little struggles.
On missions, kafka takes the time to rub her thighs and tits against you, to show everyone exactly who you belong to.
Kafka likes to puppet you closer to her, making you sit on her lap and bringing you in for a HEAAATED 1 hour make out session. Purposefully leaving lipstick on your lips, chin, jawline, and neck.
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Robin like everyone else, had heard of you. How your power was rumored to rival that of the aeons. At first, she couldn’t believe it, someone so strong existing as a mortal? No way, right?
But then she saw you at the main lobby of penacony. Your appearance matched to what she heard of you, down to your hairstyle and the small details of your clothes.
She was amazed by your beauty, and the fact that you were real. She approached you with Sunday, who had his own interest in you.
You blew them off, not interested in some pop star and her brother. They were slightly put off but decided to chase you, still having some questions of their own.
Inside the actual penacony, robin acts as your tour guide. She doesn’t try to dig into your life, as it’s none of her business. But she does want to stick around you.
Your whole dynamic is her wanting to stick around you, and you trying to get away. Let’s skip to when you two eventually get close enough for others to consider you to in a relationship.
Robin is clingy but will let go of you if you ask, and you never ask her to let go as you don’t want to hurt her feelings.
Sunday, much to his dismay, uses robin to get you closer to him and the family’s goal. He plans to use you to successfully enact his plans.
But, you’re extremely distrustful of him and the family. Something about them is just, off. Sunday and the family grow increasingly annoyed at your intuition.
So, they decide to take you by force. They try to use a smaller type of the Harmonious Choir to make you submit. But you easily destroy the mission and go to kill Sunday, only for Robin to step in, begging you to not hurt her brother.
Your eyes grow feral, robin…. How could you be so stupid!? She was in on this! So, you punch her into her brother, spitting on them and declaring them pathetic and a blight of Xipe before leaving forever.
Robin desperately tried to stop you, make you stay with her, but it was no use. Your mind was made up and you couldn’t care less about penacony, Sunday, the family, or robin.
So with one more punch, you leave penacony forever, and Sunday runs to his sister cursing at himself for his failure and for getting his sister hurt.
Robin wasn’t able to be herself for a full month. How could she? The person she loved had left her and hurt her! And her brother was a catalyst to that.
Sunday desperately tries to make it up to robin, but she just can’t bring herself to forgive him. Why did he try that? Why did her hurt YOU. And she hates herself for it.
She hates how weak she is, not being able to stop you, not being able to clear up the obvious misunderstanding between you and the family/her brother.
So, she leaves penacony. She can’t live with the knowledge that you hate her. She’ll track you down and bring you back to her, even if she has to get in her knees and beg.
Black Swan
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Black swan teleported you to her little dimension, watching as you crashed into the ground and made the whole place shake.
She’s so interested in you. Your genetical structure, your story, your memories, and your prowess.
Black swan keeps you with her. As she wants to learn a lot about you. She’s patience, and doesn’t try to read your memories, shockingly.
After all, what would happen to her if she tried to pry the memories out of an…. ‘Aeonling?’ It’s just too risky.
She loves to watch you from a far though. You’re just so adorable. That little ‘loner’ demeanor of yours made you even more of a cutie.
Trying to hide your personality from her made her fall harder for you. Also seeing you try to ‘call out her fraudulent divination’ was cute.
She helps you with your trauma while making you more reliant on her. Making you face your trauma in a healthy manner while also manipulating your memories and putting some memories that never happened into your head.
Such as you two going on dates, playing some games, cuddling. Little did you know, she’d cuddle you everytime you went to sleep.
These memories make you ease up to her much quicker, just as she predicted. She holds you close and hums a lullaby for you, while playing with your hair like Maria did.
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This one short, cause it’s just like kafka, except she’s much more nervous and reserved as firefly, yet more confident as Sam….
Yes, this is the laziness and tiredness catching up to me…. I’m so sorry. I’m just so tired of this and other shit making my anxiety rise.
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pawnyao · 6 months
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chattematsu · 6 months
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Acheron my beloved
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strawbunyy · 8 months
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The Memokeeper
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zahauku · 6 months
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I finished it wooo, tomorrow I play 🥳
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minkyrats · 8 months
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yea i think thats a good omen
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5spot4fterdark · 4 months
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my mothers
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b1adie · 8 months
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Destiny's course is becoming apparent. What meaning does this journey hold for you?
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kiochisato · 8 months
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♡ # 𓂃 Black Swan Tumblr Layouts ! ❥ . ➶  requested by anon. enjoy ! ─ psd used. / inspo ( 4 header 1. ) transparents by @yuumebow :3 gonna cry bcuz i forgor the border in the 7th gif ,,
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m1rabillis · 1 month
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t-aepies · 15 days
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗻 ⠀𝗈𝖿 ⠀𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗈𝗅𝗅𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇⠀﹔⠀🔮
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍⠀⎯⎯⎯ ⠀ 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗌
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✸⠀⠀⌇⠀⠀" 𝗋𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾 "⠀⠀
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angelic--kitty · 3 months
oh my god as soon as i read the arlecchino post i followed immediately. if you see the notifs you probably know who i am but-
i saw that requests are open so could i request a black swan fic? 👉🏾👈🏾
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❝ 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖊 𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖇𝖊𝖎𝖓𝖌 ❞
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dom!black swan x sub!fem reader
warnings: smut (minors/ageless blogs dni), wlw content, cunnilingus, finger sucking
a/n: hi there!! thank you for all the sweet tags on your rb 😁 also, i recognize you from my old blog haha. you're very sweet, and i'm glad to see you again! ♡
dividers from @saradika-graphics
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"aren't you such a pretty girl, hm?" she grins, resting her chin on her fist, the other occupied by petting your head repeatedly.
her thighs stay spread, your own hands holding them open while your lips wrap around her clit. she sighs, nails digging into your scalp when your tongue laves over her sensitive nerves.
"mmm, you're doing so good for me, sweetie." she laughs, tossing her head back with a soft moan when you whine into her cunt. "hah- so desperate. it's adorable."
she watches with adoration as you practically worship her pussy, treating her as if she was your aeon. how delightful you were, indeed. it was her favorite thing about you. so devoted to her.
her hips grind onto your tongue, holding your head steady as she uses you to chase her pleasure. "that's- it- ah- stay still for me-!" she sighs, moans turning breathy the closer she gets to the edge.
tears prickle at the corners of your eyes, wanting so desperately to please her as you watch her ride your tongue.
when she cums, it's messy, spilling onto your tongue, smearing over your chin and cheeks, leaving a glossy finish on your skin. she pants, relaxing into her chair slowly, hand falling away from your head.
she laughs softly, out of breath as she pets your cheek, lifting your chin to look at the mess she's left on you. "so pretty like this." she sighs, swiping her thumb across your skin to collect the slick before sliding it into your mouth.
the way you instantly wrap your tongue around the digit makes her heart skip a beat. your mouth felt so warm and soft, tongue covered with her essence.
you look up at her with a sweet expression, begging for more praise. "oh, don't be greedy. you did well, you'll get your reward soon." she chastises, sliding her thumb a little deeper. "you should get started on slicking my other fingers up. make it a little easier for me to reward you."
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arlcchin · 8 months
Black Swan icons! + banner
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honeydrrop · 6 months
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how to defeather a swan
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zahauku · 6 months
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Ship acquired 😤🙌
Triple nihility 5 star women team completed 💃
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la2yn0va · 22 days
Hello! Can i request some yandere black swan, Robin, Sparkle and Robin (non self aware) x male reader who has an insane willpower and cannot be control, please? In other words they have resistant or are semi-immune to mind control and cannot be really manipulated, not only that the reader is extremely good at advoiding them to the point that makes them extemely frustrated.
Where’s my good luck you little shi…— wait a minute… “Can i request some yandere black swan, Robin, Sparkle and…” ROBIN AGAIN!!? OH HELL NO!! YOU GREEDY LITTLE BASTARD! YOU WANT ROBIN TWICE BUT WONT GIVE ME GOOD LUCK OOORRR MAKE A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL/GOD FOR ME TO HAVE E6S5 FEIXIAO!!
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She first sees your power when you get interrogated by Sunday. She didn’t like it, but it was for the greater good. She watched as Sunday spoke the magical words and…! You were… resisting!
Everyone who saw this stared in shock. No one had been able to ever resist the words of harmony (I forget what it’s called)
Despite this revelation, it was decided that you were innocent and you were let go. Robin wanted to talked to you, to apologize first and find out how you were able to resist the truth of harmony.
But, you didn’t want a thing to do with her. Having your time wasted and taken into interrogation with less then substantial evidence. And now Sundays sister wants to talk? Yeah, no.
This little game of cat and mouse slowly fills robin up with guilt. She doesn’t want you to hate her or Sunday! But she also doesn’t want that experience to be your overall opinion on her and her brother.
She wants to find you to apologize and learn more about you, but you don’t a squat to do with her or the family anymore.
Robin is also pretty frustrated but even more enamored with you by how well you avoid her. It’s frustrating that you’re this stubborn but also impressive in a way.
Eventually, she uses her social platform/music to reach out to you and ask for a meet up. Which eventually you cave in and meet her.
She’s fulled with complete relief and joy when she sees you walking towards her. She immediately takes your hand and bows, apologizing profusely for her brothers actions, being taken into questioning, and her persistent chasing of you.
You accept and the rest of the day is spent with you two getting along. But not Sunday. Fuck Sunday.
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She had recently gotten a new toy from penacony. A gun that’s rumored to control the minds of those who get shot from it.
Seeing the potential fun in it, she shoots random people with it. Pepeshi’s, Woman, Men, Intellitrons, pretty much anyone she sees.
Oh fucking not how fun it was!! From making her newly acquired helpers to cook for her to making them put up a large poster in the middle of penacony saying ‘Aha sends their regards~!’
She quickly got bored of it though. But then she bumped into YOU. Her intuition said you were interesting, that something fun was right infront of her. So…she shot you.
She saw as you jerked forward slightly, watching as you turned to her, your pupil’s slowly morphing into spirals before returning back to their dark circular form.
She smiled wildly, seeing you somehow being able to reject the mind control! Well count yourself lucky good sir cause now you’re caught her attention!
But..you don’t wanna talk to her… huh… a Challenge!! Finally!! She instantly runs after you, but your… already gone!? Oh this is gonna be fun!
Sparkle thrives in this game of cat and mouse. She enjoys how you can skillfully avoid her! I makes this whole trip to penacony worth it.
But when she eventually does find you, she demands an answer to her questions. And now that she has you in her grasp, she ain’t letting go until you answer.
This is how your little friendship starts. From you being completely uninterested and annoyed to enjoying being the mouse and skillfully/stealthily avoiding your psychotic friend.
Black Swan
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Black Swan as a memokeeper does have some techniques to make people…’willingly’ tell her the information she needs to know.
So when she was indeed of some information, she decided to use this method of hers. But much to her shock, the person she used it on was resisting it!
That immediately caught her attention. Someone, strong enough mentally to resist a memokeepers mental attacks? That’s most certainly an abnormal person.
She keeps you in her mind while she looks for the information she seeks. And as if fate was taunting her, YOU were the person with the info she needed.
So, she does want any normal person does and tracks you down. But surprisingly, your much harder to find then she thought.
Honestly, it annoyed her but also heightened her interest in you. What or WHO are you exactly?
She looks everywhere yet your not in the golden hour area nor the child’s dream area. Which leads her deeper into penacony.
The dreamscape. She managed to find her way into the secret area and look around for you. Eventually, she found you in the lobby area of the dreamscape.
Just casually sitting down on the couch and staring into the celling. She sat down next to you and you two began to chat.
Eventually she managed to get the information she needed from you and left the dreamscape with you. She decided to take you with her, after all, you had caught her interest.
Now where’s my good luck 🔫
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