#Blake gray
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avnj0gia · 1 year
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Ross Butler on Instagram (with Blake Gray)
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the-pretty-boys · 1 year
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BLAKE GRAY via Instagram (21-07-2023)
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7698 · 10 months
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snowdrop-ivy · 1 year
Life With U {Blake Gray AU}
A/N: Hey! It's me again. I have a lot of backlogs of ideas that I need to write but I saw these drafts I made when I was obsessed with the sway boys particularly Blake Gray so sharing it with you and I hope you like it! Summary: Gabriella tackles life, heartbreak, friendship, being a social media influencer, and falling for that hunk named, Blake Gray.
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There's always a boundary about life and internet. Some don't share their life and some do, just like me. I never even imagined it would bloom into a whopping  80M followers. I mean it just started from a single rant about my high school life transitioned to beauty, dance, and music videos. Still grateful tho.
I rolled my eyes at this 4th take of TikTok video. This is the last chance, if this won't work out, I'm done.
"Gab!" Avery, my bestfriend called from downstairs.
"Yeah?" I yelled.
"Imma head out to Taco Bell. Do you want something?"
"No," I answered. "I'm okay. Take care!"
"Okay, Gabriella, this is the last take. If you can't do it perfectly, you're done," I warned myself.
My hands went flying as I screamed when I perfected the dance. I immediately uploaded it then laid on my bed to take a nap. I have this long test tomorrow and I haven't studied anything.
"Gabriella?" Avery's voice getting louder and louder with the knocks on the door. I immediately opened the door. "Let's go skating."
My eyes opened wide. "Excuse me?" I scoffed. "It's 2 in the afternoon."
"Yeah? And?"
I mocked her. "It's blazing hot."
"Don't be a pussy," she dragged me outside, shoved me my board, then we headed out.
I didn't really had a choice because she's my bestfriend and I love her too much to say no. We are skating downtown to get some sun because we don't really get some Vitamin C.
"That's the sway boys," Avery pointed at Kyo's and his friends' making TikToks outside. "We should say 'hi'," she said, I just nodded.
"Hey, Gab!" Kio shouted. We went near them and hugged each other. "How you've been?"
"I'm good," I said and I hugged all of them except for 2 guys.
One brown-eyed tanned one and white blue-eyed one.
"Oh, by the way, this is Noah and this is Blake," Bryce introduced us. New members, I guess I never attend the meetings they asked us to I just ask Griffin to take some notes. I think I saw them here everyday filming TikToks with the boys. I'm not really here much than I'm supposed to because I'm finishing college.
"Gabby," I shook their hands.
We all went inside to hang out because it was blazing hot. Q's doing a live with Anthony that's why Bryce and Griff are so fucking rowdy. Messing up his live in every way they know. I was in the kitchen hanging out with Kio, Josh, Jaden, and the 2 newbies. Kio's cooking pasta with me and the boys are just talking about casual things.
"How is that different?" Blake laughed. They're probably talking about Noah's hairstyle that he said is 'different'.
I really can't believe that these 2 are just 19 years old. Boys at my school, when they were their age, didn't looked like this. Life is really unfair.
The pasta's done and I served them their plating's which they all said 'Thank you' with their mocked kisses.
"Good?" I laughed when I saw Jaden's face full of pasta sauce from slurping. I handed him a tissue. "Careful, babe, you're not in a competition."
"This shit is so fucking good!" Josh slurped more pasta.
Blake and I locked eyes and we both shook  our heads. Damn, those blue eyes. It's very pulling.
"What's that?" Bryce shouted from the hall. He went inside the kitchen with them, still on live. "Here we have, Gabriella, cooking pasta for us because she loves so that much."
I just rolled my eyes and waved at the camera. "Do you guys want some?"
They sat down as I served them more pasta. Griffin does this thing where he pretends he's in a mukbang but this time he did it on a live.
"Today," he cleared his throat. "We are going to eat Gabby's ~special~ pasta."
"Very special," Bryce added.
"So special," Q said. "She only does this for us."
"We're that special to her," Anthony added. "Right, Gab?"
I flipped them off and laughed. My phone rang and it was Tayler calling.
"Hey," I answered. We were supposed to go out and eat but I lost track of time.
"Hype boys are hanging out here. We could just cancel the reservation and hang here."
"Okay," I nodded. "That sounds good. You guys complete there?"
"Yeah," he said. "Well, he's here. Is that okay? We can just hang out in my room."
I shrugged. "No, it's okay. We broke up months ago, I'm okay already."
We both laugh.
"I hate you."
"I love you too, sweetheart. I'll see you here."
I bid goodbye and hung up the phone. I scratched my nose and head back to the kitchen. Q's finished with his live that's why they're just hanging out. Drinking beer and eating pasta.
"I'm gonna go to Hype's. Do you guys want to come?" I asked them.
People think that there's beef between the two houses but there really isn't. We're all good friends and some fans really need to calm down on making false teas.
"Hayes' there, right?" Q asked.
I nodded and scratched my nose once again. It's itching like fuck.
"Is that okay for you?" Kio asked.
Out of them, he's the most protective when it comes to Hayes.
"Yeah," I answered. "I'm going there for Tayler not for him."
"You'd better be," Griffin said. He hates Hayes the most.
"Why'd you guys break up, tho?" Noah suddenly asked. "You two dated for what? Two? Three years?"
"Yeah, three," I said. "He cheated. So we broke up."
"Oh," his face suddenly went aloof. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."
"It's okay, babe, you didn't know anything," I smiled at him.
There were articles surfacing on why we broke up but I didn't give a full answer. It just wasn't right to bring our problems to the public because they're not involved on the breakup.
"You guys coming?" I asked them. They all nodded and get their selves ready while I clean the kitchen.
Avery went home because she said she isn't feeling the Hype. Noah went outside to answer a call. Blake and I cleaned the kitchen while waiting for them.
"You want to do a TikTok after this?" I asked him as he's wiping the island.
He just nodded and smiled. He became timid when it's just the two of us so I thought of the perfect TikTok video to break the ice. I'll probably do the same to Noah.
"What do you want to do?" He asked, while scrolling through his phone.
"Do you wanna do 24 Man?" I suggested.
He nodded. We "practiced" but I made him sat down to "add" some steps.
"What is this?" He laughed, confusedly. I placed his phone to the bar window to start the video.
"Just trust me, Blake-y boo," I laughed.
"Is that my nickname?" He asked. He probably knows what I call the other boys.
I winked and started the timer. Although his phone's useless because I'm going to use my phone.
"Wait here," I said and left to start the music. I'm already laughing my ass off so I don't how I'm going to pull this off.
I slowly made my way towards him, who's busy dancing the steps.
"Jackrabbit when he put the dick in it
How you nut and you barely put the tip in it?
Sixty seconds, got him gone, that's a quick minute
He ain't never felt some pussy with some grip in it
Hair done, nails done like a bad bitch"
We laughed our asses off and kissed him on the cheek after filming it.
"That's one fucking good TikTok," I laughed. "I think that broke the ice, right?"
"That sure broke the ice."
I did that to all of them to ease into it but it didn't change much because we were hanging out already ever since before Sway happened.
We waited for Noah to finish to do an actual TikTok where you're dancing. We did 24 Man, Rags2Riches, and Wet.
Griffin drove my car to the Hype House because I was too lazy to drive. I'm with Bryce, Blake, and Josh. The others are on the other car, obviously.
"I don't have a good feeling about this," Bryce said.
"What do you mean?" I asked, replying to some comments on my latest video on TikTok.
"I feel like he's going to talk to you and beg you to come back together again..."
"Yeah, yeah," Griff nodded. "What if you just hang out with Tyler in his room?"
"And we keep Hayes off of your sight. I know how douche-y he gets when he sees us hanging with you," Josh said.
"Fucking pussy," Bryce joked and they all laughed.
"You don't have to hate him," I rolled my eyes at them. "He made a mistake and owned up to it. We both moved on and you guys should do too."
"He made that mistake three times, Gab," Griff reminded.
Yeah, thanks for the reminder.
"Wait, is that his anniversary gift to you?" Bryce laughed. I just flipped my finger. Such a dickhead.
Some Hype boys are outside when we got there taking some pictures with fans. We got outside and did the same thing before greeting them.
"Are you here for Hayes or Tayler?" a fan asked which made Bryce and Griffin laugh.
"I'm here for Hype, no specific person," I lied because if I said I'm here for either of them some drama is going to happen and I hate that.
"She came here for me guys, #Gabony is fucking real," Tony hugged me from the back and kissed me on the cheek.
This boy really love the drama. "I hate you so much," I laughed and hugged him back.
"You sure do, babe," he chuckled.
Tayler met me at the gate and gave me a hug which made the fans scream.
"Please date already!"
"Tomorrow, we're busy today!" I joked and we both laughed.
"Sure, you hate drama," he rolled his eyes. "We should probably just hang out in my room because Hayes is drunk and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
I nodded, he's right. Hayes' is uncontrollable when  he's drunk.
"That's the best thing you ever said since you were born, man," Bryce shook his hands.
The boys did too. Tyler knows Noah and Blake already and it makes me so left out because I was out for a month due to exams. I'm on my last year before graduating college and after that, take the board exams and we'll see if I have the strength to go to med school.
I greeted the Hype members first before going to Tyler's room. I laid down his bed and he opened the Netflix so we can watch that crime documentary series I've been pleading him to watch with me.
"We should do TikTok after this," he suggested in the middle of the series. 
I nodded because I was so focused on the series. This is the only time I can catch up of the long list of  series that I have to watch because he's the only friend who's more patient to watch it with me and wake me up whenever I start to doze off.
"Hey, what's up, man?" He talked to someone on the phone.
I washed my hands and got outside the bathroom. "Who's that?"
"Hey, who's that?" The guy on the phone asked. He turned the phone to me and it was Jason, "Gabriella Bree! What's up, baby?"
"Hey," I laughed and sat beside Tayler. "I'm good. How 'bout you, man?"
"All good. All good," he replied. "Say 'Hi' to the  fans tho," he said.
My eyebrow arched as I look confusedly at Tayler. I shook my head in confusion when he and Jason laughed so hard. 
"It's FaceTime, right?" I asked him to which he just laughed louder in response.
"You're on Instagram live, Gabby," he said, chuckling.
I gasped in shock. How come that's Instagram live?! I didn't know the new update consisted of that. I am so behind the time now, I feel so fucking old. He scooted over to let me watch in peace while he talks to Jason.
"Are you guys now dating?" Tayler read a comment. He turned to me to let me answer the question.
"Yes, we are. I just asked him to be my boyfriend finally after seven fucking years!" I screamed, raised my hands in Hoo-ray, and chuckled.
"That's the answer guys, the moment of truth. Yes, we're fucking dating."
He ended the live shortly after that. It's these times where I don't care about the drama, I just let people assume what they want because at the end of the day, the people involved in it are the ones who knows the truth. And not the goddamn internet.
>Part 2<
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thestudfarm · 1 year
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Blake Gray
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wehatepaparazzi · 1 year
blake gray with angus cloud 🕊️
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flightlessloxe · 2 months
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peteryr · 1 year
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thirst-for-boys · 2 years
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the-pretty-boys · 1 year
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BLAKE GRAY via Instagram (20-05-2023)
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7698 · 1 year
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snowdrop-ivy · 2 years
Disclaimer: I mostly write fluff and angst. I'm still new here so I'm still learning how to write smut but my suggestion box is open if you have any requests. Thank you!
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Chris Evans and Characters
Ari Levinson:
Ari Levinson was an ego embodied in a man. Yep, he's an asshole. Y/N knows it yet she still married him. How? She doesn't know. And now, she doesn't know how to get him to sign the divorce papers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Sebastian Stan and Characters
Bucky Barnes:
A story between heaven and earth; hot and cold. Ana, a British settler, found her match in the rowdy streets of New York.
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Part 2
Part 3
A letter to Zemo:
Anna Stark is the adopted daughter of Tony Stark so obviously, she's on Team Iron Man. Following them on the battle of Cap and Iron Man, she saw Zemo sitting so she decided to have a little talk.
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Blake Gray
Life With U:
Gabriella tackles life, heartbreak, friendship, being a social media influencer, and falling for that hunk named, Blake Gray.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Jeremy Allen White
Chasing the Clouds: A Journey Back to The Beef:
Mikey left the restaurant to Carmen, Natalie, and you.
Part 1
Part 2
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thestudfarm · 2 years
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Blake Gray
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wehatepaparazzi · 1 year
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angus via blake’s post 🖤🕊️
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