#Blood Moon Ball
mono1472 · 1 month
[Blood moon Ball]
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I literally sketched this painting since last week. And I couldn't get myself some free time to paint, I even got to wait till Sunday to have time to line art.
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bananahkim · 1 year
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Making out under the (very unnatural & cursed) moonlight
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polychromatiica · 5 months
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blood moon ball redraw
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sunnyart13 · 5 months
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weebnotheree · 1 year
♡𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒♡ || 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐱 𝐌!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Blood Moon Ball
Tomco moments (CASTOR IS M/N!!) m/n(castor) has golden eyes sometimes, well, born with them, but naturally supposed to have blue eyes.
[Scene 1*s1 ep 8*]
The ground shook as a burst of flames erupted from the ground. There stood a carriage and its horse. ¨Hey, that's a handicap spot,¨ a guy who was laying down, now sitting up, said before playing a few notes on his keytar.
A person stepped out of the carriage, walking with steps of fire into the school. He got stares. Some whispered, and some gawked. He finally reached his destination. Walking straight into the classroom stopping in front of a goth girl who was surprised by his sudden appearance. She was soon lifted along with her desk into the air by fire(which didn't harm her). He floated into the air toward Castor and Star who sat beside each other. Well, the siblings were surprised to see him IN THE MORTAL RELM! He took his shades off and tossed them aside. ¨Hey Castor, I'm here to take you[makes a crescent red moon with fire] to the Blood Moon Ball,¨ he announced with his arm stretched outward to him.
Being pushed outside with a fire trail behind as Castor repeated the word no. His sister followed behind. Star opened the door with her wand.¨You need to leave right now. Take your carriage,[hands him his book] and the fire, and dead horse and go back to the underworld,¨ Castor told him. The horse frowned as he looked at Castor ¨Wait, I'm dead?¨ the siblings put on dissatisfied neutral faces and started to head back to their classroom. But Tome grinned and pulled Castor back with his fire causing Star to stop ¨Tom! Put my brother down, right now.¨
[Aponi meaning Butterfly - since his last name is also Butterfly (^^;)]
¨Oh, come on Aponi. It's the Blood Moon Ball.[floats in the air holding Castor]It only happens once every 667 years¨ he said, dipping Castor. Castor has an instinct of teleporting when he feels like he needs to so he teleported next to Star. ¨We broke up, don't you remember? Or do I need to remind you?¨ ¨Period,¨ Star finished, pulling her brother along with her, and leaving.
¨Wait(x6)[grabs his hand]Castor, hang on. I'm a changed man ok. I've got a coach, Brian{¨Hey¨}he's awesome. A happy bunny and[shows pin] I have been anger free for 53 days,¨ he explained to him. Not gonna lie the siblings were astonished. ¨53?¨ both said at the same time. Tom grinned. ¨ Don't you wanna pet my bunny?¨
[Aponi meaning Butterfly - since their last name is butterfly (^^;)]
Star smiles at the bunny ¨Well, he is adorable,¨ she mentioned. Castor agreed as he was about to pet the bunny but Marco came up from behind them and karate-chopped Tom's hand off. ¨Hiya! Back off demon!¨ ¨Marco!¨ both of the twins exclaimed. Tom looked up evilly at Marco. His eyes lit bright red...¨Oh, no/Uh, oh...¨(both at the same time) Toms therapist went to him and grabbed his shoulders, walking him in a circle, saying ¨Walk it out and talk it out,¨ repeatedly as Tom's head and eyes didn't move from Marco's sight. ¨Marco...you'd better run,¨ Castor told him. ¨Yeah, Castor's right¨ star agreed. The two siblings started ushering Marco away in a different direction.
¨Oh, no(x8)*nervous laugh*That's..why i got my support system.¨ As saying so his hand was playing with the bunny. His hand floated back to his wrist. ¨I'm good. Got the angries out. Everything is [pets bunny fast] whoo, under control.¨ the bunny frizzed up. Both siblings could tell he was trying his best. But Castor could tell he was still mad, just faking it.
¨Marco, don't karate him. This is...Tom,¨ she told him sighing after. Marco's eyes widened a little ¨Demon ex-boyfriend Tom?¨ ¨Tom this is Marco(^^)¨ Castor said so kindly, too kindly. Tom hesitated. ¨Nice to uh meet you..Marco¨ he greeted as he shook his hand..(toms hand was still floating apart from his wrist) ¨Whaaat is he doing here?¨
Castor started answering Marco's question ¨Well he...um¨ (so she finishes it for him)¨-wants to take us to the Blood Moon Ball,¨ she muttered aloud. ¨Star, Castor, never go with a predator to a second location¨ he warned.
¨Look, I can see you're mad. You think I'm a total jerk, I get it. But I have changed,¨ he says looking at Castor before walking up to him as he grabbed his hands. ¨Remember[smiles] I'm not the only one with horns,¨ he mentioned, making the two siblings smile. The skeleton horse(on fire/with a frown) that was pulling the carriage interrupted
¨Why didn't you tell me I'm dead?¨ Marco got in front of the horse's view putting up his hands ready to karate chop Tom again. Tom put his hands up went up to the carriage and opened the door ¨Noo pressure. If you decide you guys are going, just toll this bell.¨ he handed Castor the bell, got in the carriage and it lit on fire. He slid his hand through the fire which created an opening. ¨Whoops[chuckles] almost forgot the little hammer. I hope I see you there¨ he says the last part specifically looking at Castor. After the carriage vanished both sibling frowned and their eyes sparkled.
At Marco's house. He wore a hat as he peered from a door. He squinted his eyes. ¨ You're making a big mistake you guys.¨ ¨Maybe, but it'll be fun,¨
¨Yeah, don't worry Marco¨ both siblings reassured him as went into the dressing room to change outfits.(They're comfortable changing next to each other bc they're siblings) Marco came in
¨Why don't you guys just stayy here where it's alwayys funn? Like [shrugs] guaranteed¨
¨Well, Castor wanted me to go with him. He was the one that was actually supposed to go. He said[mimics]If my sister can't come with me, then I'm not going.' And besides, this is a different kind of fun,¨ she says before pressing a button on the side of her mirror changing it into a dressing screen.
¨ Don't look, we're gonna change.¨
¨No peeking,¨ Castor throwing in a comment on purpose.(dw its not awkward for them-it happens on a regular basis, even ever since they were babies)
Marco put his Mexican hat in front of his face with a wee blush on his face. ¨Whatever. I just don't trust Tom. maybe I should go with you guys,¨ ¨Marco you weren't invited,¨ she informed him, giving Castor a hand gesture to help her with her dress.
¨Besides, you gotta trust us to do the right [gets magic device]thing for mySELLLF.¨ And vwella, her hair was done. ¨Aree you okay Star?¨
¨Yeeah, totally(x3). I just gotta stop using magic on um on my face.¨
Now, Castor..he thought it was ok but wanted to help out..just a little..right. Nah he did her whole outfit and everything...I guess.. He overdid it. But she still loved it. He has good taste you know. His whole fit was already done.
¨All I'm saying is guys like Tom, never change,¨he shakes his head as he sees Star's leg pointing outward to put on her thigh highs. He freaked out an looked away quickly.
¨Where, there's only one way for us to find out,¨ she said as they finished..or Castor helped her finish..then she slid the mirror changing screen over.
¨What do you think?/How do we look?¨ both say at the same time. It's a habit of theirs. Marco peeked from his hat to make sure the coast was clear to look.
(your fit and look and Stars)
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¨You guys look..amazing,¨ he complimented.
¨Thanks, Marco. Castor helped me out with the look,¨ ¨Yeah, thanks, buddy¨
¨Don't gooo,¨ Marco whispered Star whispered back, and both siblings smiled. ¨We're totally goingg,¨ then Castor lifted the bell...and tolled it. [DONGGG]fire shot up from outside. A minotaur (?) with wings flew up to the balcony along with a bar with chains holding up a carriage with no wheels. It opens by itself and smoke clears out.
¨Hmm, smells like burnt toast,¨ she said walking towards it t get in. Castor followed. Marco watched them leave. ¨Let's get this show on the road!¨ she exclaimed, punching the roof of the carriage. ¨Which floor mortals?¨ the minotaur asked looking at them.
¨Um..I guess..the bottom,¨ she answers not sounding sure where they were supposed to go. Oh well, guess they'll figure it out huh? ¨HUH?![ready to get in]Let me just get in with you(UcU),¨ Marco obliged but Stars just shoved him out with her foot.
¨Goodbye Marco¨ they both smiled happily. Castor waved..but that soon turned into a grin after his sister starts a tactic to scare him ¨See you after the Blood Moon Ball~OoooOoo,¨ she says before the doors close themselves. The minotaur flew down as he vanished into the igniting fire.
You guys arrive at this big dance room and another bell rings. And there's Tom. He smiled at the two. ¨Castor and Star Butterfly, don't you guys clean up nice.¨
¨Uh...thank you. I guess,¨ Castor was so quiet..why is he being so quiet today?
¨Um..Castor, I got you this,¨Tom reached out to hand him a gift...a 'pet-looking' spider to be specific. It caught his attention.
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¨Hm? What is it?¨ Castor asked taking it. ¨Its..a hair thing. It goes in your hair. It'll help you fit in down here,¨ he explained.
{Sometimes he calls star Pollux — Castor is a bright star in the constellation Gemini that, along with Pollux, is one of the two main guideposts for the asterism that is sometimes nicknamed "The Twins." At magnitude 1.58, Castor is the 20th brightest star in Earth's night sky}
¨That's nice of you but..can it also be used as a pet?¨ he asked. ¨Oh, yeah, you can do that too,¨ Tom responded so Castor just put it on his shoulder. He didn't wanna ruin his hair. If he would've known Tom was gonna get him something he would've worn it but...nah.
¨Oh, I also got you one Star,¨ Tom says to be generous but she kinda sorta didn't want it..so she dodged it as he was trying to put it on her head. How sweet Tom. But yeah I kinda got my own thing goin' on here. I'm pretty happy with it you know. Castor did it for me can I don't wanna ruin it. Remember how he gets when its accidentally messed up,¨ she explained.
¨Oh, yeah[nervous laugh]right. I forgot,¨
Castor -¨I do not!¨ carrot exclaimed...Tom and Star made a sort of smirk like you sure bout that look.
¨Hey, Tom where'd you put the spider you were about to give me?¨
¨Oh, it's right here,¨ Tom says as he was about to give it to her. ¨Tom, if you put that in her hair I won't forgive you.¨ his eyes were golden with an intense glare. Tom retreated the spide back¨On second thought your hair looks nice,¨
Castor walked past his sister and says ¨Sister don't test my patients¨ she sweatdropped with a nervous laugh, ¨Rigght.¨
¨Let's get going shall we,¨ Tom said to break the tension. So they started walking. ¨Yeah lets go have fun now!¨ Star said excitedly. Tom grunted in a mad-ish manner. His therapist came up with his bunny ¨You can be positive that your anger is negative¨
So back at the house, Marco was super lonely. He was bored..there was nothing to do, he was also eating some tortilla chips. Soon enough he looked at the toll the siblings had left behind. Thinking if he should go or not even though he was told not to.
Back with Tom, Castor, and Star, were in line for a picture. A monster with a red cloak is ready to take the picture of a lovely monster couple. ¨Smmilee¨ [click] and pink blood spatted on them. ¨Beautiffulll¨
Next up, the siblings and Tom. ¨I am so excited to be covered in blood with you,¨ Tom tells Castor with a gentle tone, holding his hand. Along with that, Castor was holding his sister's hand with the other.
¨But don't worry, it's not real. it s from a unicorn,¨
¨My friend is a unicorn,¨ Star says budding in. ¨Well they're not related,¨ he told her. And her stubbornness not to try things his way was frustrating him.
¨I'm- We are not gonna bathe in unicorn blood Tom,¨ she told him. He repeatedly kept moving his hand behind his back grunting. ¨What's that hand doing back there/What're you doing?¨ they asked at the same time before they peeked being his back.
¨Nothing.¨ It was his bunny and his therapist. The therapist was holding the bunny up for him. Star: ¨Oh, wait a second–¨
Castor: ¨–Are you getting angry?¨ 
How was this so far?? I have more but i wanna post the other stories i had an idea for! BYE, I HOPE U ENJOED!!
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loverdude · 7 months
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I dreamt I was wearing this outfit so I had to draw her cuz I still like to sometimessss... Also fun 2 imagine her wand changing with her outfits I feel like...
Don't repost/use 4 anything 💕 COMMISSION INFO
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radiantsmites · 3 months
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more blood moon star
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yahoo201027 · 1 year
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Day in Fandom History: July 20…
When Star’s ex-boyfriend, Tom, asks her out for Demon Prom upon the blood moon, she says yes and heads off, which worries Marco, thinking that it may result in Star getting her heart broken again. “Blood Moon Ball” premiered on this day, 8 Years Ago.
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splatzzlive · 8 months
yall i made a base for svtfoe
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im definetly not the first to do this but i was bored and had no wifi so i did this
please credit me if you use it!
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hibiyapan · 2 years
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Now that I have watched all of them <3 
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invaderalliangel · 2 years
Blood Moon Ball dress
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cheshirepins · 2 years
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bananahkim · 1 year
This is just a WIP!!! It’s not finished but I’m posting it anyway because I might not finish making this animatic. This was super fun to make, Marco and Tom’s interactions and all.
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luluisoff · 1 year
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piro-piroooooo · 2 months
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no new digital art this week but I edited collages of some ink people from my sketchbook. a few of these are requests from my friend Carlos.
the point of this sketchbook is to try to draw as if I were a middle schooler drawing just for the sake of it, no expectations of high quality, lots of colored pencils and crayons, and lots of fun!
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sorcierenacht · 1 year
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A doll doesn’t know pain
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