#Bludo is one of those old man blabbermouths - the ones that just say what they're thinking all the time
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"Ah, sorry I'm late, Bludo, it took a while to find the right herbs" your apology sincere as you carefully handed the large jar to him. Being a medicinal herb specialist, you were always happy to help the ailing chief with his problems. Admittedly, the Gorons were happy to have you, his original pain medicine beginning to lose its effectiveness after having taken it so many times to soothe his aches and pains. In you would swoop, like an angel with leaves (as Bludo loved to joke) to mix a concoction of Korok fronds, Goron hot spring water and broken-down hearty truffles. The result: a salve capable of relaxing the muscles in the boss's back - only this time with more potency and without the risk of tolerance buildup. The Goron patriarch beamed with joy, knowing he could count on you to fix him up something nice for his awful back was worth the wait, he figured. He was incredibly grateful for your talents, and even moreso that his assistant-turned-entrepreneur legend was the one to introduce you. You'd met Yunobo in your travels, crossing paths in Hyrule post-Ganondorf as you tended to the wounded and the sick. Though you didn't possess the same healing qualities as the Zora did, you were blessed to have the capability of mentally archiving a vast amount of knowledge of plant-life and all of their properties. He was sweetly reserved, that you remembered - but there was fire in him (as you would find out quite literally!) and he often aided you in transporting people since his Goron strength allowed for it with ridiculous ease. From there, his journey back home was at its beginning, and he begged you to come with him - his chief in desperate need of something to relieve his old back of its soreness. The rest was history. "Ha! Ya always know exactly when to show up, kiddo" Bludo guffaws, taking the jar from you and planting his hand over you to rub the top of your head. You laughed softly at the old man's affections. People often warned you he was rough around the edges, but you swore Bludo had been nothing but kind to you. Whether that was because you supplied him with the holy grail of pain relief remains to be seen. "Anytime, Bludo, I'm always happy to help you," you affirmed, matching his grin with your own. "Y'see, and you're nice t'boot," he continues, finally reeling his hand back from your now tousled hair, "Now I know why the boy likes you so dang much, you're a one inna million." You feel your heart initially flutter at this information, but that pales in comparison to the sheer thump you feel in your chest when you look behind Bludo. The "boy" in question - was standing not far off from you both; his initial intention was to welcome you back from herb hunt. As soon as the words left the Boss's mouth, Yunobo froze. You can tell by the way he looks ready to run that this was something you weren't supposed to hear; at least not this way and definitely not from anyone else. His cheeks color several shades of crimson, and although you want to look anywhere else to give him some reprieve, you can't help but have your eyes glued to his humiliated expression. Bludo looks between the two of you, unsure of exactly what's happening. "Yunobo..." you begin, earning a yelp when the Goron hears his name. A few steps forward, only a hair past his mentor do you stand when you ask "...Is that true?" His world is melting all around him as he processes your question. Is it true that he looks forward to your visits every time you come to Goron City? Is true that your laughter dances like a song inside of chest? Is it true that he thinks you're the most beautiful, intelligent, wonderous person he's ever had the pleasure of meeting? Of course it was. It was all true. But he wasn't ready to tell you that yet. Given who he is and the power he wields, he wanted more time. More time for you to get to know him, to feel truly comfortable around him. More time to veer past President Yunobo of YunoboCo, or Sage of Fire Yunobo - but rather simply Yunobo, just a Goron from the city. He swore he planned to tell you. You've been on his mind so much already, he just...he just...! Within a mere second's time, Yunobo curled up into a ball and zoomed out toward Death Mountain - actual fire trailing behind him as he rolled away. Your hand came to your face in surprise, you'd never seen him be so agile before! Once the initial shock of his departure wore off, something sad crept into your heart. For all the long months that you had visited and stayed in Goron City, all the lovely conversations at Hyrule Castle, the shared meals, the many many times you reassured one another through your own individual weariness'... You were honestly hoping it was true.
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