#Bluey piracy
blurban-form · 1 year
Three things in Pirate Park
In S1E27’s “Pirates”, Bluey and Bingo are on a playdate with a little multicoloured dog named Missy. Dad and Mum are chaperoning a visit to a park; the kids want to play “Pirates” and a large hammock swing serves as the ship; Dad shakes the swing to make waves, a storm, a whale attack, etc.
Bluey and Bingo like this, but Missy isn’t initially a fan of this game, but finds a way to be brave and power through the challenge.
The park they’re in looks like a small suburban park in a newer community with a private lake. It might be adjacent to a river (like the park in “Spy Game”) but it is hard to tell. I’ll consider it a distinct park, call it “Pirate Park”.
Note there are some large homes backing onto the water.
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The playground has a low-key nautical theme and has a large structure with some rubberized blue surface to represent water underneath, it could serve/be played with as a bridge or a boat.
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Using playground equipment in a way not intended
(This happens occasionally in “Bluey”. I don’t want to be a party pooper but will comment on it anyway.)
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The kids put a small amount of rocks on the hammock swing to represent treasure. I remember doing things like this when I was little but generally it’s not a good idea because the kids could get hurt bouncing with these rocks on there.
Sometimes parks have posted rules.
This is typical of kids, but Mum and Dad don’t stop them.
Some other ways to misuse equipment (just sayin’)
Climb up the slide part of a slide (I don’t think I’ve seen this in an episode yet)
Twist swings to spin occupant ‘round and ‘round. (See “Daddy Putdown” where Dad does this in the backyard, I think it happens in the Turtleboy episode too.)
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Overcoming something you don’t like
Missy isn’t the only one who powers through a mild thing-she-doesn’t-like in this episode.
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This is a (season one) instance where Dad is kind of initially being embarrassed “committing to the bit” and being silly/embarrassing in front of strangers (because he’s involved in a play activity where he has to be silly.) Examples of this are very rare, I think this may be only one of a small handful of times where this has happened.
Contrast this to “Dance Mode” in season two. Usually Dad is “all in” when it comes to a game, be it being a robot or a claw game or being frozen, or whatever, even out in public.
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Note that at the end of the episode, Mum gives him kudos for not being worried about what other people think. This must have stuck with Dad.
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Kids have no mass
Various episodes of “Bluey” have demonstrated it is incredibly easy to loft the kids into the air, fling them around, hold them to the ceiling, etc. (unless they’re pretending they’re super heavy) They have practically no mass.
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Dad can fling the kids up into the air very easily using the hammock swing.
In conclusion
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Yay! Nice little episode. Sort of a similar-but different experience for Missy that Pom-pom had with the seesaw.
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goosters06 · 8 months
Parents I am BEGGING you to not let your kids watch only YouTube all day. BEGGING. Its nothing but brain rot content on there. PLEASE. Keep your child safe. YouTube kids isnt safe either.
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Ngl someone acting like they have to do a massive effort to restrain themselves from reblogging my post about sexualizing piracy with a picture of this guy
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to me has the same vibes as people talking about how hot Bluey's dad is
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
DR Doodle Dump Masterpost
A collection of links to doodles I've done just based on silly jokes or suggestions from asks! Adulthood -- Donuts -- Winter -- Swords -- DW Rudy -- Sisters -- Photograph -- Scrunkly -- Embarrassing -- Azzy -- Temmie Hat -- Toad -- MLP -- Krusie -- Baby goat -- Claimed -- Human!Muffet -- KFC -- Award -- Bot -- Gaming -- Gay Baby Jail -- Reaction --
Robeswap -- Spyro -- Eyes -- SVN -- Clownswap -- Crown -- College -- Injury -- Snowballs -- Cursed -- Googly -- Unskippable -- Goat Monster -- Suselleswap -- Clotheswap -- Snoots -- Shaggy -- Afro -- Shock -- Short hair -- Tangled -- Long -- Haircut -- Long face --
Brushie -- Angel -- Noot Noot -- Swap -- Nailed It -- Human!Queen -- DW Temmie -- Babysitter -- Luck Dragon -- Cake -- Dance -- Dumbasses -- Anti-piracy -- Christmas -- Carry -- Costume -- uwu -- Human!Kiss -- Hot Dogs --
Flexible -- Throwing -- Human!Jevil -- Human!Suselle -- Human!Berdly -- Human!Ralsei -- Chub -- Human!Noelle -- Dino -- Benchpress -- Sweater -- Un-benchpress -- Piano -- Beach Day -- Squeak Toy -- Flowey and MTT -- Pikmin -- Curly Hair -- Asriel and Ralsei -- Capybara -- Hyperdeath --
Wii Sports -- Scene Swap -- Berdly Swap -- Human!Tasque Manager -- Summer Ralsei -- Tucked in -- Beach Asriel -- DR Mettaton -- Ralsei and Flowey -- Graham Crackers -- Teething -- Bluey -- Dress --
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madam-o · 9 months
Buggy's Early Childhood Trauma Revealed (headcanon notes)
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Art by kobmamba on Redbubble
- When Buggy was very small he was sold/given to a circus. Being there is the first part of his life that he recalls, and he thinks of it as his tragic origin story.
- Because of his nose, he was a natural shoo-in for the clown act where, at ages 4-6, he would be pushed around in a baby carriage by a male clown in drag. As "Baby Buggy", he hit other clowns with an oversized mallet when they peeked into the carriage to coochie-coo him. The name Buggy stuck.
- As he got a bit older, he was redubbed "Bratty Buggy" and put in an adorable little clown suit and hat covered in multi-colored satin ruffles. He would parade around the ring while the other clowns performed stunt gags, but he was the crowd's favorite. He would suddenly appear from under a box prop, sneak around, and smash the other clowns on the head, feet, and butt with his mallet. At the end of his bit he did pinwheels and somersaults for the crowd and then bent over, stuck out his tongue, and farted. He had them rolling in the aisles.
- He remembers being ganged up on and tortured by the older kids and some of the younger roustabouts who worked at the circus. They would hold him down or sit on him while they all took turns honking his nose and laughing. They called him Big Nose, Clown Boy, Buggy the Bitch, etc.
- While this was objectively cruel and terrible bullying, Buggy forgets his own behavior at the time. Being who he was, he naturally drew attention. People always expected him to do something funny or at least make them smile. But Bratty Buggy lived up to his name. He had an imperious attitude and a bad temper, and often yelled, "I'M THE STAR! I'M THE STAR! YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE DOING TRICKS FOR ME!" Even though he was small and irresistibly cute and pinchable, he acted like he was a 6 ft tough guy always ready for a fight (I picture him as being a lot like Muffin from Bluey). This only made him even more of a target.
- His former bullies remember him fondly as being entertaining and hilarious, while Buggy only remembers putting each of their names on his Black List. He was around eight when he told his clowning mentor that he wanted to learn how to throw knives. This request was denied as not being appropriate for his age or his act.
- When Buggy was 9, some of Gold Roger's crew came to the circus, mostly for Shanks' benefit. Roger, Rayleigh, and Shanks caught the show under the big top, including the clowns, and then went to check out the midway. Shanks went exploring on his own while his dads played the games. He heard fighting behind one of the tents and found Buggy looking battered but still threatening a group of much larger opponents with his fists. Shanks tried to help Buggy out by joining his side, but Buggy assumed he was just being made fun of again and told Shanks to go get lost, which he absolutely refused to do.
- This resulted in Buggy eventually starting a fight with Shanks himself as the others cheered them on. Roger and Rayleigh heard the boys shouting and came to break up the fight. They had to tear Buggy and Shanks apart. Not knowing who he was talking to, Buggy proceeded to insult the older pirates and challenge them to fight as well. Roger laughed and praised Buggy for being such a fearless and tough little fellow, which immediately won Buggy's heart. It would take him a bit longer to warm up to Shanks, though.
- Once Buggy learned that piracy included training in knife throwing plus treasure and adventure, he ran away from the circus to join Roger's crew and never looked back, vowing never to clown again. That last part didn't stick.
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This Fanfiction Of Sanders Sides Is Called "Bluey" Part 1: Roman
[olivia's note: hi everyone! this is part 1 of a fic submitted by the incredible, incomparable anne onymous! i absolutely adore bluey and this fic is so freaking cute i can't stand it. thank you so much! <;3]
chapters 1 (2) (3) (4)
Despite being a fatherly figure, part of Patton would always be a child at heart. That's probably how he found himself watching "Bluey". Sure, it was for kids but lots of older people love it too, including Thomas. He was watching the show in the living room when Emile walked in. "Good morning, Patty-cakes. Whatcha watching?" he asked. "Morning Emmy, I'm just watching this new show. Well, not exactly new, it's been out for quite a while, but you should watch it with me. It's so cute!" Patton explained. Emile sat next to him on the couch and immediately recognised the Heelers. "Oh, you're watching "Bluey", I love this show! How far have you gotten?" Emile inquired. "Actually, I finished it. Just having a little season one rewatch. Want me to go back to episode one?" Patton asked. "Sure, if it's no trouble." Emile said. Patton paused the episode he was on and went back to the episode guide to select "Magic Xylophone", the first episode.
"Oh yeah, I forgot this was on Disney+. I guess I got too used to watching those free episodes on TikTok." Emile said. "Normally I wouldn't encourage piracy, but it does make it a lot fairer for those who can't afford it or or just don't have access to every episode." Patton confessed. "Yeah, that's how I see it too. You know, if we're gonna have a Bluey marathon, might as well do it properly." Emile said, snapping his fingers. In an instant, he was wearing a Bingo onesie and holding a Bluey plushie, and Patton wore a Bluey onesie and had a Bingo plushie. Patton gasped in delight and squealed. "I love this! You can summon things too?!" Patton exclaimed, squeezing the toy. "Uh-huh. It's just not really needed in Cartoon Therapy. And when I do use it, it's almost unnoticeable." Emile explained, hitting play. After dancing along to the intro, Emile noticed Patton seemed to be fidgeting and blushing. "You ok?" Emile asked. "Yeah, it's just this scene." Patton admitted. Emile looked back at the TV and saw Bandit playing Bluey like a piano. 
"Roman did the same thing to me a few days ago. When I asked him what was that for, he said..." Patton started before clearing his throat and removing his glasses. "Really, Padre? I thought you of all Sides would know half as much about Bluey as I do." Patton continued in Roman's voice. "Oh my god, you sounded just like him!" Emile giggled. "Thanks. Anyway, that's how I started watching Bluey. After the first episode, I was hooked." Patton said, putting his glasses back on. "So you weren't looking for ways to get him back?" Emile inquired. "No, but I guess I could still do that since there's quite a few tickling scenes in this show. After all, no one gets away with tickling the tickle monster in this household." Patton replied. "That's it! We'll watch every episode we can think of that has anything to do with tickling and then that could get you some ideas!" Emile suggested. "Great idea, Emile!" Patton agreed. As soon as "Magic Xylophone" ended, so began the search for inspiration. They watched "Daddy Robot", "Hotel", "Butterflies", "Mount Mumandad", "Ticklecrabs" and even "Perfect". By the time they were finished, Patton had a few ideas in mind but wasn't sure which one to use for Roman. 
"Sure, Ticklecrabs is pretty teasy and that really gets to him, but surprise tickles work really well too and I could definitely surprise him by being a crazy pillow or crazy blanket. But "Poor Little Bug On The Wall" gave me a really good idea for a tickle game. Oh, why is this so hard?" Patton complained, burying his face in his Bingo plushie. Emile frowned. He hated seeing Patton like this and anyone could tell you that decision making can be a nightmare if there's too many options. Surely he can help somehow. Then it struck him. "Why not try all the techniques on me first? Then you can decide based on which ones felt the most fitting." Emile suggested. Patton looked at Emile and smiled. "Ok. If you're sure." he agreed, cracking his knuckles. Emile giggled nervously as he laid across Patton's lap. After almost 20 minutes of testing different methods, Emile's glasses were fogged up and he was a sweaty, giggly, panting mess. "Thanks for the help, Dr Giggles." Patton said, sneaking a few quick pokes to Emile's tummy before leaving. Emile yawned and went to his room for a well-deserved nap.
Patton knocked on Roman's door, ready to put his plan into action. "Come iiiiin!" Roman sang from inside. Patton let himself in, trying to suppress a smirk. "Hi Roman!" Patton greeted. "Hey Patt–aww, cute onesie. Bluey, huh? Thought for sure you'd go for Bandit since, well, you know." Roman remarked. "Well, we are both dads." Patton agreed. In an instant, he changed his onesie from Bluey to Bandit. As Roman looked down at himself, he realised Patton gave him the Bluey onesie. "Ooh. Thanks." Roman said. "You're welcome, kiddo. I thought Bluey suited you. Although there is one character I think suits you better." Patton replied, summoning a new onesie. Roman looked at his onesie and realised it changed from Bluey to Muffin. "Hey!" Roman protested, glaring at Patton who was already hunched over, laughing. "Sorry, Roman! I couldn't resist!" Patton chuckled, changing the onesie back to Bluey as Roman pouted and mumbled grumpily. "Awww, don't be grouchy. I think I know what'll turn that frown upside down, Mr Grumpy." Patton said, taking his phone out and selecting a Bluey episode: Daddy Robot. Roman smiled and the two sat together on his bed as they watched. 
After a few minutes, the scene where Bandit treats Bluey like a banjo was about to play and Patton was ready to strike. Without warning, he grabbed Roman by the wrists and started "strumming" across his belly. "Gah! Patton, what are you do–Ah! Hahahahaha! Pahahattohohon! Whyhyhyhy?!" Roman chuckled. "My oh my, this is one chatty banjo." Patton teased. Roman was internally facepalming right now. How did he forget Patton is the biggest tickle monster in the Mind Palace? He couldn't help himself when he did what he did last week. When he saw Patton napping in his room with his shirt ridden up, his exposed tummy was practically begging for tickles! And all the different laughs he makes when he's tickled are so cute, from his giggles and snorts, to his baby-like cackles. Curse his adorably misleading ticklishness! "Wait a minute, this isn't a banjo. Silly me. It's a piano!" Patton exclaimed as he released Roman's wrists, singing a tune as he started "playing" him across his ribs and tummy. Roman kicked frantically, curled into himself and even attempted to crawl away, but Patton wasn't letting him go. 
"Ladies, gentlemen and esteemed guests, my sincerest apologies. I seem to be having a bit of a struggle with this piano." Patton joked as he dragged Roman back to his lap. Roman tried to groan but was too busy laughing. He should've known that line would come back to haunt him. "Pahahahat, plehehease! I'm sohohohorry! Hahahahaha!" Roman cackled. "What's the magic word?" Patton asked. "Stohohohop!" Roman squealed. "Actually the magic word was "xylophone", but I'll accept "stop" since this is only fun for me when it's fun for you and you're getting tired." Patton said, stopping immediately. As Roman caught his breath, Patton summoned a glass of water and gave it to him. "Thanks." Roman sighed, gulping it down. "So, what have we learned today?" Patton asked. "Always expect revenge when you tickle the tickle monster?" Roman guessed. "That's there's only one tickle monster and it's not you, mister." Patton said, booping Roman's nose on the last word. "Can't you be THE tickle monster and I can be A tickle monster? Roman reasoned. "Are we gonna have to perform an encore?" Patton asked, wiggling his fingers threateningly. "Nope! Lesson learned." Roman assured, covering his stomach protectively. Patton giggled and got up to leave. 
"At least you're not worse than Remus." Roman muttered. "Huh? What does Remus have to do with anything?" Patton asked. Roman froze. "I don't know, what does Remus have to do with this?" he stammered hesitantly. "You just said I wasn't worse than him. What did you mean by that?" Patton inquired. "I didn't say that." Roman denied. "Roman, don't lie to me." Patton said sternly. Roman sighed. "Fine. Sometimes he randomly pops in here out of the blue and tickles me until I nearly pass out or wet myself. He doesn't care if I keep saying "stop" and I usually have to physically pry him off, if I even have the strength to." Roman explained. "That's horrible! Tickling is supposed to be fun, it's practically a game we're born with in our systems. I know Remus goes overboard with a lot of things, but this is where I draw the line. That kiddo needs a punishment and I'm just the dad for the job. Where is he?" Patton ranted. "How should I know? I'm not a dark Side. Ask Virgil, he used to be one." Roman suggested. "Good thinking, I'll go find him. If Remus comes in here while I'm gone, scream for me." Patton said, leaving the room. "Oh, I'll be screaming alright." Roman grumbled.
To be continued...
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endy2eepy · 6 months
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Haiii <333 I'm Ender or Coy (or Rose when I'm regressed!) Welcome to my agere blog 🌙
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✨ Here's (under the cut) some stuff you should know about me before interacting, following, or if you wanna be friends! ✨
The information listed is:
my DNI and a misc important section- you MUST read these before following/messaging/commenting.
a section for if you wanna be friends- you MUST read this if you wanna message to be friends
my wishlists- just for fun but if you gimme gifts I will love your forever and ever
my likes/dislikes- you should read this to make sure there's nothing on my page that may make you uncomfy, but you don't have to
my tags- these will help you find posts you're looking for
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(this DNI banner is free to use if you want, idm)
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DNI List
🌙 Actually, I don't really have much of one but:
⭐ Basic stuff, obviously, like no NSFW (abdl and other kink variants included) and no homophobes/racists/ect on my page.
💛 I'd also prefer AI "art" users stay off my page, but I probably won't block or even notice if you're not heavily interacting!
✨ Other than that, I'll just block anyone who makes me uncomfy... it's usually nothing personal <3
Important About Me
🌙 I like media from problematic creators.
⭐ I won't take it personally if you block me over that, I know it may make some people uncomfy!
💛 I will not, however, let you fight me on it... I'll just block you first.
✨ When I say separate the art from the artist, I don't mean give them money and pretend nothing happened- I mean piracy is easy and bootleg/second hand merch is abundant!
🌙 I will block people who post slander on things I enjoy, but not people who simply hold the creators accountable or are just slightly critical.
⭐ It's hard for me to understand heavy baby talk or typing quirks, especially when I'm regressed.
💛 If you message/comment with them, there's a fair chance I'll ignore it since I can't read it. It's nothing personal, just try to add a translation if I ignore you the first time!
Wanna be my friend?
✨ My DMs are open, but I'm a bit shy and I've never been the greatest at making friends or responding to messages, so please be patient with me!
🌙 I'd prefer only to be friends with people who are 17-21 bodily, and 16 and 25 are my absolute limits (I'm 18).
⭐ If you don't want to be friends with me outside of little space, I'd prefer not to be friends at all. This is a pretty small (hehe) part of my life after all!
Wanna buy me something?
No you don't! Here are my wishlists anyways :3
💛 Big:
Shows: Hazbin Hotel, The Amazing Digital Circus, Don't Hug Me i'm Scared, Boy Meets World
Movies: Dead Poets Society
Games: OMORI, The Sims, Fortnite, Overwatch, Cukt of The Lamb, D&D, MTG (sometimes), Cards Against Humanity
Books/Comics: Boyfriends (WEBTOON), If I Stay, All The Bright Places, The Art of Being Normal
Misc: Reborn Dolls, Character Design, some things not suitable for this account lol
✨ Big and Little:
Shows: The Owl House, Angel Hare (YouTube Series), Centaurworld
Movies: The Velveteen Rabbit, The American Girl Historical Collection
Games: Just Dance, The Wii series, EA Playground, Minecraft, Roblox, Old Flash Games, Candyland, The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Books/Comics: Heartstopper (more big but little too), The American Girl Historical Collection
Misc: Arts & Crafts, Collecting things (sunglasses, sloth stuff, and stickers), American Girl Dolls, MCYT, Playing Dress-up, Fashion Design
🌙 Little: (my little age fluctuates a lot so there's a lot of different age ranges in here)
Shows: Too many to list! Word Party and Bluey for modern stuff, and then 2003-2010 PBS kids and Nick/Disney Jr. The goodnight show with Nina and Star!!! Also, veggie tales!
Movies: N/A?
Games: The Imagine Series
Books/Comics: The Monster at The End of This Book, Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, anything by Kate DiCamilo, Dork Diaries/Diary of a Wimpy Kid/Dear Dumb Diary
Misc: hmmm I don't think there's any
My Tags
#endys sleepy rambles misc (mostly text) posts
#endys dreams little doodles, coloring pages, ect
#endys dreams pt 2 mood boards, playlists, ect
#endys half asleep ideas recipe/game/craft/activity ideas for fellow regressors
#endy shares reblogs/reposts from other sites
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