#Density of Bluey
blurban-form · 1 year
Three things in Pirate Park
In S1E27’s “Pirates”, Bluey and Bingo are on a playdate with a little multicoloured dog named Missy. Dad and Mum are chaperoning a visit to a park; the kids want to play “Pirates” and a large hammock swing serves as the ship; Dad shakes the swing to make waves, a storm, a whale attack, etc.
Bluey and Bingo like this, but Missy isn’t initially a fan of this game, but finds a way to be brave and power through the challenge.
The park they’re in looks like a small suburban park in a newer community with a private lake. It might be adjacent to a river (like the park in “Spy Game”) but it is hard to tell. I’ll consider it a distinct park, call it “Pirate Park”.
Note there are some large homes backing onto the water.
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The playground has a low-key nautical theme and has a large structure with some rubberized blue surface to represent water underneath, it could serve/be played with as a bridge or a boat.
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Using playground equipment in a way not intended
(This happens occasionally in “Bluey”. I don’t want to be a party pooper but will comment on it anyway.)
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The kids put a small amount of rocks on the hammock swing to represent treasure. I remember doing things like this when I was little but generally it’s not a good idea because the kids could get hurt bouncing with these rocks on there.
Sometimes parks have posted rules.
This is typical of kids, but Mum and Dad don’t stop them.
Some other ways to misuse equipment (just sayin’)
Climb up the slide part of a slide (I don’t think I’ve seen this in an episode yet)
Twist swings to spin occupant ‘round and ‘round. (See “Daddy Putdown” where Dad does this in the backyard, I think it happens in the Turtleboy episode too.)
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Overcoming something you don’t like
Missy isn’t the only one who powers through a mild thing-she-doesn’t-like in this episode.
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This is a (season one) instance where Dad is kind of initially being embarrassed “committing to the bit” and being silly/embarrassing in front of strangers (because he’s involved in a play activity where he has to be silly.) Examples of this are very rare, I think this may be only one of a small handful of times where this has happened.
Contrast this to “Dance Mode” in season two. Usually Dad is “all in” when it comes to a game, be it being a robot or a claw game or being frozen, or whatever, even out in public.
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Note that at the end of the episode, Mum gives him kudos for not being worried about what other people think. This must have stuck with Dad.
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Kids have no mass
Various episodes of “Bluey” have demonstrated it is incredibly easy to loft the kids into the air, fling them around, hold them to the ceiling, etc. (unless they’re pretending they’re super heavy) They have practically no mass.
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Dad can fling the kids up into the air very easily using the hammock swing.
In conclusion
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Yay! Nice little episode. Sort of a similar-but different experience for Missy that Pom-pom had with the seesaw.
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It Takes a Mob pt. 5
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Bill steeled his breath as he looked around the room,
“Everyone in position? On sync.”
There was a rigid atmosphere as they all took on final deep breath.
The tabs were opened quickly.
The plan fell apart equally as fast.
“The legs? What the fuck do you mean lift ‘im up by his legs? How the fuck am I supposed to deal with the diaper?!”
“I don’t know man that’s what the wiki says!”
Marv started to put down the trash can,
“No man I think you godda put both of ‘em in one hand Bill.”
Bill glared at as Marv took a step forward,
“Don’t abandon your post dumbass! What do you mean both in one hand?”
“I dunno man, they’re small! Just one hand ‘em!“
“But what if I-JESUS!!”
The diaper was eventually replaced but Bill could feel a couple gray hairs that were not there that morning.
“I guess we need to add density shifting to the list now, nice catch Ken!”
Ken for his part thumped on the wall in the bathroom and over the sound of the shower yelled, “Aye fuck you!” Much to the amusement of his cohort.
Danny had calmed down after he was cleaned up and happily shaking his rabbit on the couch at this point. Bill watched him in mild amusement as he packed the to-go bag back up with a snicker.
“Be lucky that you’re cute kid, Ken would’ve put a cap in anyone else’s ass for that stunt you did.”
Marv slammed back into the apartment with theatric gasp holding something fabric in his arms.
“What the fuck is that?”
“A boba wrap.”
“A what?”
Bill made a grab for the babe as Marv unceremoniously plopped himself on the other side of the couch and sheepishly gave an apologetic smile at Bill’s glare.
“A boba wrap. Gwen thought the best way of move around with Danny would be to jus’ carry him so there wouldn’t be any chance of snatchers. An’ if we use this wrap correctly, we can just tie him on as we work!”
Gently bouncing the boy, Bill looked over the cloth, as Ken joined them in the living room with a towel around his neck.
“And your sister isn’t going to be mad if we use this right?”
“Oh nah, she doesn’t have no more use for it since the nibblings are older. She just says to wash it if we give it back.”
Ken shook his hair like a wet dog with a snort,
“Bless that lady. How’s she handling the news?”
“About as good as you can expect when one of your younger brothers calls you at noon asking ‘bout diaper changing.”
Bill took a seat with a sigh,
“Ok gentlemen, we got about six hours before we need to clock in. You two have been up since yesterday so go take naps. I can handle the squirt.”
Ken squinted,
“You sure Bill?”
“Don’t make me regret letting you two into my room. I will know if you go snooping. But other than that, go, I’ll wake you two up half an hour beforehand so we can figure out this wrapping situation.”
Bill watched as the two lumbered away before focusing his eyes back on the tyke.
“Welp, you and me kid. What do you think we should do?”
“I don’t know about that, but we do have Hulu.”
Grabbing the remote, Bill put his feet up and settled back.
“I heard this Bluey fella has some good ratings. What do you think?”
“Bluey it is then.”
@reinluna,@confused-moose-child,@mimilikey,@emeraudesfateandfandoms, @dolfay, @boredomfarie, @aconitewolfsbane, @withoutcontxt, @onyxlightdragon, @satanicrutialspecialist, @phoenixdemonqueen, @vixen-uchiha, @skulld3mort-1fan, @bytheoldwillowtree, @illusionwolfwriter24r8, @thewondersoflebanon, @vipower001, @autumnwulf, @alice-hazelwood, @fisticuffsatapplebees, @f4nd0m-fun, @markus209,  @dolfay, @basilf1res, @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair, @skirter01, @bun-fish, @ascetic-orange, @thegatorsgoose, @sunflowershine03, @ladythugs, @firegirl108, @glitchedchaos, @rangerhorsetug, @mimilikey, @booberrylizard, @lehana37, @dragongoblet, @flamey-comet, @mandyne-1001, @starscreamlover, @moonfirearc, @bae-graphomaniac, @mewzaque​, @wolfeyedwitch, @idfk-man10, @demon-cat-goes-woof, @undead-essence, @jaguarthecat, @scythegal​, @dolfay​, @boo-ghosties​, @8-29pm​, @alixanterm, @aria7silver, @cyber-geist​, @alice-hazelwood, @littlefeather345, @terzatheunderscorerima, @emeraldcorpral, @raspberry-muffin, @wolfjackle​
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typosandtea · 6 months
Prototype Person Pattern 0.4 COMPLETE
Made this one into one of the guys from the Avatar
(0.3 for scale)
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Patch (hehe) notes below the cut :)
- decreased hook size to 2.5mm from 3mm
- greatly increased number of stitches for more "pixels" to work with (bluey is 11in / 28cm tall)
- improved the arm and leg shape to be better defined
- new hair style
Planned improvements for 0.5:
+ rebuild the pattern in single crochet for increased stitch density, have been using half double crochet even at high tension and small hook size its got gaps im not happy with
+ decrease hook size again to 2mm for better density
+ increase the number of stitches again for even more "pixels"
+ fix weird rugbyneck that bluey here has
+ better chin
+ bigger everything in relation to head / fix overall proportions
The whole point of this:
I like to crochet and I also really like fallout! I was looking for fallout patterns a while ago and the only ones I could find was vault boy. Sad but then realised 'oh wait I can make my own' and here we are!
The immediate plan is to make a solid base pattern for me to modify from to make characters! Once I've got the Average Guy* pattern good then i'll make alternate versions with different body shapes and outfits! *Then* i'll make a specific character patterns! (Likely the fallout 4 companions first)
Once I am happy that each pattern is properly written and repeatable ill post them!
Average Guy* will be 1.0, and Basic Body Types will be 2.0. and from there ill make specific characters / outfits / accessories ?
3.0 will hopefully be a cohesive 'make your own' master pattern to picking and choosing parts and connecting them !! A mod guide of sorts. Continually updated with outfits and mods until total cohesion requires a 4.0!
(and maybe eventually power armour but that will be an entirely new and much more complex pattern)
High priority:
- 0.5, 0.6? (hopefully one of the last prototypes)
- 1.0-2.0 series Basic Body Types ie. Thin/average/fat/ muscular on one scale and tall/average/short on the other, maybe more. Possibly mix and match parts ie. very muscular torso and arms with skinny short legs ? Having different shapes locked down will simplify making characters.
- bos outfit
Low priority but still planned:
- common fallout outfits like vault suits, armours
- normal clothes like jeans.
- outer clothes like jackets.
- power armor
- non-modifiable non-human fallout companions (ie Codsworth, strong/super mutants, other robots)
- dnd modifications to base pattern i.e. half orc, tabaxi/khajit, dragonborn, KOBOLDS
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jessicasland · 1 year
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Here is my take on Marvel’s Power Pack.
For my take, I decided to make Alex and Katie adopted children while Julie and Jack are biological siblings and I gave them each different eye colors instead of them all having the same eye color.
Created with Adobe Illustrator.
Name: Alexander "Alex" Timothy Powers
Age: 11
DOB: August 11th, 2012
Gotcha Day: August 24th, 2014
Skin: Light Medium Golden
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Main Color: White
Power(s): Gravity Manipulation
Occupation: Sixth Grader, Leader of the Power Pack
-He was adopted by the Powers Family when he was two years old
-He’s three years older than Julie
-Has a fear of failure
-Made himself the leader of the Power Pack simply because he’s the oldest
-He and Katie have a close brother/sister relationship
-Captain of the schools boys soccer team
-He’s the peacemaker of the family
-Will do anything to protect his siblings
-Plays the keyboard piano
-Known to be an active artist and seen sketching and doodling from time to time
-He has a crush on Caitlin Johns
Name: Julia "Julie" Meredith Powers
Age: 8
DOB: December 18th, 2015
Skin: Light Golden
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Main Color: Red
Power(s): Flight, Rainbow Trail, Super Speed
Occupation: Third Grader, Member of Power Pack
-She was born the Friday before Christmas that year
-She’s known to be the brains of the family
-She’s well advanced academically for her age and has a higher IQ than anyone else in her class
-Never once got detention or sent to the principals office
-Leader of the schools mathleetes team
-Made the honor roll four times
-She’s a second leader of the Power Pack
-Known to be an active reader
-Sometimes she’s so smart that it’s scary for the others
-She and Jack don’t often get along as any typical brother and sister would
-Had a fear of snakes
-Plays the violin
-She has a channel where she does all kinds of science experiments
-Her best friend and lab partner is Gregory "Greg" Thompson
Name: Jackson "Jack" Andrew Powers
Age: 7
DOB: March 2nd, 2016
Skin: Light Golden
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Main Color: Blue
Power(s): Manipulation of Molecular Density
Occupation: Second Grader, Member of Power Pack
-A year younger than Julie
-The only one in the family with freckles
-Has a massive crush on Jean Grey
-Doesn’t take school seriously
-Known to be the class clown and jokester of the family
-A fan of the “Ninja Master” TV show
-He has a channel where he makes videos of him practicing his skate tricks, playing pranks, and video game commentary
-LOVES to ride his skateboard
-Plays an electric guitar
-He wants to be a rockstar when he grows up
-The messiest of his siblings
-Always doing something to try and impress the ladies
-He’s on the school basketball team
-He is terrified of spiders
-One of the members of his “gaming gang” is a girl named Chrissy Fletcher who is obsessed with him
Name: Katelyn “Katie” Marie Powers
Age: 5
DOB: June 9th, 2018
Gotcha Day: September 15th, 2018
Skin: Very Light Almond
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Main Color: Yellow
Power(s): Power Balls
Occupation: Kindergartner, Member of Power Pack
-Adopted by the Powers when she was three months old
-A big fan of cartoons (especially Spongebob, Wild Kratts, and Bluey)
-Has a special crochet plush turtle that was a gift to her from the court on her adoption hearing day
-Loves stuffed animals
-Her favorite animals are ponies and penguins
-Has a fear of clowns and the dark
-Often gets picked on because she’s the smallest of her siblings
-She can’t sleep unless the light in the bathroom is on
-Her favorite thing in the world is chocolate milk
-She can’t read very well yet so the others have to help her
-Plays the tambourine
-She takes ballet classes three days out of the week
-Her very best friend is Franklin “Frankie” Richards
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Bluei PB-0158 20000 mAh Li-Polymer Power Bank (White), USB Type C and Micro USB Ports Fast Device Charging | Multi Device Charging at Same time High Density Durable Battery Charging Bank
Bluei PB-0158 20000 mAh Li-Polymer Power Bank (White), USB Type C and Micro USB Ports Fast Device Charging | Multi Device Charging at Same time High Density Durable Battery Charging Bank
Price: (as of – Details) Bluei PB-0158 Power Bank High Performance- With 20000 mAh battery capacity and dual ports for input and output, it’s a powerbank with no hassle and only great performance and experience. Dual Outputs – The power bank has dual output available to charge your devices. Any device that supports USB output is rechargeable from the powerbank. When two devices are being charged…
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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Every year we extract our sales data for family tents to determine which are our best sellers. Our customers seem to find the resulting list extremely useful.
So we figured we would expand our horizons, delve a little deeper, and create a list of our best swags.
Starting at number 10, here are our best-selling swags for 2015.
We’ve updated this list for 2016, check out our latest swag reviews here.
10. Companion Rhino Ridge 380 Swag
Popular on account of its freestanding design, the Companion Rhino Ridge 380 Swag comes without compromise.
An ultimately roomy double hoop swag with a ridge pole that negates the need for guy ropes, with sleeping space for the tallest of people on a comfortable 7 cm thick mattress, and finished off with a tough PVC base and a host of storage options. The Rhino Ridge Swag has it all.
9. AOS Tracker Swag
Available in both King Single and Double sizes, the AOS Tracker Swag is made with superior quality 1 Oz canvas and a full mesh inner which makes it great for our hot Australian climate.
Complete in its own carry bag, the Tracker is self-sufficient with built in peg and pole storage, attached webbing buckles, 
The Jolly Swag Company is based right here in Adelaide. The locally-designed Shiralee is made from soft-feeling yet heavy duty 100% cotton canvas and features a unique progressive density mattress that reduces packed size without reducing comfort.
The Shiralee is a classic 2 hoop design available in king single and double sizes with unbreakable fibreglass poles that are backed by a lifetime pole warranty.
A popular choice based predominantly on the quality materials and components. All backed by a 5-year warranty.
7. Oztrail Kokomo Swag
How good it that, a pink and purple swag making it into our top 10?
Available in two colours, the Oztrail Kokomo provides comfort and weather protection with a touch of pizazz for ladies who want to make a statement at the campsite. At least you won’t forget which swag is yours!
3 poles, a thick mattress, and a full-length top opening. Everything you need in a swag with bonus style!
6. True Blue Bluey Bigfoot Dome Swag
Another Aussie-made swag, the Bluey Bigfoot Swag is a 3 pole swag made from 100% cotton canvas in a simple design, making it a tough swag at an entry level price.
The Bluey Bigfoot, with proper care, will last a lifetime. Making it a great choice for young campers and seasoned outdoors people alike.
5. Oztrail Cooper Swag
Available in both single and double sizes, the Cooper Swag is for those who want to keep things simple.
A classic ‘envelope’ design, the Cooper swag is ideal for warm to mild weather camping with a full-length zip around a cover that will keep you warm in the cold and dry in mild rain events.
When it’s warm enough you can unzip the cover completely and get the ultimate ‘sleeping under the stars’ experience. The Cooper swag is a compact and humble shelter.
. Darche Dusk Till Dawn Swag
The Dusk Till Dawn Swag was new to us in 2015 and pretty much hit the floor running, putting it in the position by the end of the year.
Available in three widths, the Dusk Till Dawn has a freestanding design with huge side openings. It also has tonnes of internal height, large weatherproof awning, and a heavy duty PVC floor.
And to complete it, there’s a trigger lock ridge pole and carry bag. This swag can easily be pitched wherever you camp and offers a setup to suit any climate.
3. Oztrail Lachlan Swag
An affordable swag with all the bells and whistles, the Lachlan Swag is made with heavy duty 380 gsm canvas and features a hard wearing vinyl tub floor for added water protection.
The Lachlan swag has a three a hree-pole design with a full-size top opening. This provides access to a comfortable 7cm thick mattress, protective head and foot awnings and finished off with a removable doormat.
A great option for all weather conditions, the Lachlan offers a little more comfort and durability than its Oztrail siblings.
2. Oztrail Mitchell Expedition Swag
Available in King Single and Double sizes, the Oztrail Mitchell Expedition swag piggybacks on the reputation of the Mitchell Swag and comes with a PVC Vinyl base for added water protection.
It’s got a  comfortable 6cm mattress is housed in a three pole dome design. All this comes at a price that cannot be overlooked, making it one of our most popular swags.
1. Oztrail Mitchell King Single
Backed by years of reliably providing shelter for campers across the country, the Oztrail Mitchell is the swag we at Snowys go to when a customer simply wants the best value for money.
This model is available in 3 colours and armed with all the features you need in a swag. The Mitchell offers the durability and longevity seen in ‘top shelf swags’, only at an outstandingly good price.
It’s the confidence we have in the Mitchell swag that made it our number one selling swag in 2015. No wonder Oztrail have labelled it “Australia’s Favourite Swag”.
Finally, looking for something a bit lighter for those multi-day hiking or cycling trips? We’ve listed off the best hiking tents of 2016.
So that’s the range from Snowys’ perspective, but we want to hear your experience too. If you own any of these swags or have one that’s worthy but not on this list, let us know in the comments section below.
The post Best Swags of 2015 appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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blurban-form · 2 months
Nondescript Commercial Corridor
So I think I’ve possibly pinned down the corridor of commercial buildings that the Heelers always drive past.
(When there’s a driving sequence, we often pass this squat multi-unit commercial building. I call it the “Pinup” building because some of the stylized signage on it looks like it spells “Pinup”.)
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Considering some other sources and acknowledging some of the local landmarks that place Bluey’s home neighborhood in tge Paddington area of Brisbane, I did a bunch of looking around using mapping tools & I think this is an amalgamation of some of the commercial buildings along Given Terrace, a commercial street in Paddington. I took some screenshots off my iPhone of the buildings here.
Not exact matches but close enough I’d say they’re an inspiration?
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blurban-form · 5 months
Future Brisbane
So, at the end of “Surprise”, we get to see future-Brisbane, maybe 25-30 years in the future? A grown-up Bluey brings her child to visit her parents’ house, so her kid can blast Dad with tennis balls like she did.
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Compare future Brisbane with current Brisbane
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First of all, nice to see the house hasn’t fallen down, Dad and Mum have kept it in good repair (thanks Hammerbarn) and it now has solar panels, as do a number of other homes.
Many things have changed:
An incredible increase in land use density; multiple medium and tall towers (like in downtown) now are common in the suburban area. Assuming this means much more multifamily housing.
Roads much less dominant/conspicuous in the hills
Look how the trees have grown.
The communications towers on the hilltops are less conspicuous.
Three waste/recycling bins (addressing the green waste recycling issue)
Drone transport (for deliveries?)
Some things haven’t changed:
Sky is blue. That’s good.
The whole area hasn’t flooded from rising sea levels…
Adult Bluey drives, or at least is using a private vehicle, rather than something like an on-demand transit service. (Maybe the drone deliveries mean less congestion on the roads but traffic has never been a big issue in Bluey-Brisbane 😉)
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Inside the house is not crazy-futuristic, some electronic gadgets, like a Roomba. (I was expecting more high-tech like a Mr. Fusion from “Back to the Future” but that’d probably be by the kitchen or by the garbage wheelie-bins.)
I know my parents still have the same stereo they had 30+ years ago, and much of the same furniture.
Note that 30 years of progress has not improved how Roombas dock with their charging stations.
Some other new tech in the front hall:
Electronic digital picture frames with weird floating connections to the wall.
Wifi router thing on ceiling
Spherical thing (maybe something like an Alexa?)
New comfy chair, replacing the red one.
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Density Increase
The increase in land use density in the Brisbane suburbs where the Heelers live is one of those dreams of land use planners; more density in already developed areas is generally considered a plus, assuming the infrastructure can accommodate it. Higher density means more people in a given area making public transit more efficient and reducing costs to serve the homes with utilities.
Is that kind of growth possible in only a few decades? Yes, here’s a North American example… this is where I grew up, in the early 1980s it looked like this in Mississauga, ON around the Square One shopping centre…
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…and now it looks like this in the 2020s.
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So that’s growth over about 30-40 years, which is a little longer than how much time has apparently elapsed in “Bluey”, but not a lot. It’s possible, and this kind of thing can snowball / accelerate once initial projects get underway.
Public opposition (NIMBY) can prevent this kind of thing from occurring in many cities.
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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Choosing a swag… where do you even start? Our purchasing guru goes through a similar dilemma when deciding which products we recommend to our customers. And our warranty guy wants him to get it right so a stack of bad products don’t end up on his ‘fix-it’ pile.
The lucky thing for us is that we have fantastic customers who provide valuable feedback on their swags. That way we can scrap any swags that create too much work for our warranties department, and instead we can buy and recommend based on popularity and reliability. We’ve put this info on a list to help you decide too.
This list is just a snippet of our swag range. We introduced Burke & Wills Swags in 2016, and our  didn’t make it on this list but you’ll find them along with a stack of swag bags and accessories on our website.
So to back up our Best Swags of 2015 list, and to help you find your perfect swag, here are our 10 best selling swags of 2016.
For the latest and greatest in swags, check out our latest swag review here.
10. Jolly Swagman Matilda Swag
Available in Jolly Swagman Matilda Swag is an apex style swag that can be used as a traditional envelope with the cover loosely laid over the top, or pitched with the addition of an optional head pole.
The Matilda is Australian made with tough, high-quality polycotton canvas and long-lasting insect mesh. This makes it perfect for the camper looking for basic, reliable shelter.
9. True Blue Bluey Bigfoot Swag
Also made in Australia, the Bluey Bigfoot Swag appeared on our list last year and rightfully appears in the 2016 list too. It’s made from 100% cotton canvas making it a tough and breathable swag that comes at an entry-level price.
A great choice as a first swag, or for those looking for an excellent balance between price and quality.
8. Darche Ridgedome Swag
Darche swags are made with all the bells and whistles, and the Ridgedome Swag is by no means any exception to this. It has a 3 pole free-standing design made with tough canvas and a PVC base. The Ridgedome also features 3 entrances, 2 windows and exceptional ventilation.
This not the cheapest swag in our range. But if you’re willing to invest upfront, then the Darche Ridgedome Swag will provide a lifetime of restful sleep in the outdoors.
7. Oztrail Cooper Expedition Swag
An envelope swag is basically a fabric box with a mattress inside, just like the Cooper. It’s the perfect choice when you need a swag for occasional use without all the extra features.
The Cooper Expedition swag comes in both single a
A roomy high-quality swag, the Jolly Swagman Shiralee has a large top opening, ventilation at the head end and it comes in single and double sizes. It’s Australian made with poly cotton canvas sourced from India and Pakistan. This canvas provides exceptional tear strength, abrasion resistance and breathability.
The mattress is a high-density foam with exceptional memory. This means the foam will keep springing back to its original thickness for years before it needs replacing. The Shiralee is well priced for a high-quality swag with all the functionality most people expect.
5. Oztrail Kokomo Swag
It’s on our list again this year, the Kokomo offers predominantly female campers the option to add a little colour to their campsite. Available in pink and purple, the Oztrail Kokomo Swag is a 3 pole swag with a thick mattress and a full-length top opening.
4. Oztrail Biker Swag
As the name suggests, this one is for motorcycle touring. It features a narrow mattress for a smaller packed size. This makes it easy to strap it to the back of your motorbike. Enveloped in SatProof canvas, the Darche Ranger Solo has just landed on our shelves as a specced up alternative.
Although popular amongst motor and trail bike tourers, the Oztrail Biker Swag is also ideal for horseback adventures or even for campers with limited vehicle space.
3. Oztrail Lachlan Swag
The Oztrail Lachlan Swag comes with creature comforts. You get a 3 pole design with a 7cm mattress, PVC base, heavy-duty canvas, and a full panoramic opening at a very affordable price. It’s a perfect mid-range swag with the features and space of high-end models.
2. Darche Dusk to Dawn Swag
New to our range this year, the Dusk To Dawn swag has quickly gained traction to become one of our best-selling swags.
It offers liveability not found in many swags thanks to large side doors that can be pitched as side awnings with an optional pole set to create a rain-proof space on each side of your swag. These door panels can also be rolled open for excellent views of the night sky, or for superb ventilation.
A freestanding design in three sizes made with thick poly-cotton canvas and insect proof mesh. The Dusk To Dawn Swag has large internally accessed weatherproof awnings, a PVC base, internal storage and integrated roll straps. All of which can be stored in the included heavy duty canvas storage bag.
1. Oztrail Mitchell Swag
It is and probably always will be our best selling swag, simply because is is great value for money. There are 2 versions of this swag. The original Mitchell King Single is the model that has been around for years, it’s a 3 pole dome swag with a canvas base and all the basics you need, in 3 different colours.
We think the canvas used for this version has a more durable feel than the recently introduced Mitchell Expedition which came into the Oztrail swag range mid-2015. The Expedition version is available in King Single and Double sizes and apart from what we feel is a difference in the fabric, shares all the same dimensions and features as the original King Single, only with a PVC base.
So which do you choose, the original Mitchell King Single or Expedition? Well, if price is your deciding factor, then the Expedition wins out. Price aside, you would choose the expedition if you spend most of your camping hours in wet environments.
This is because the PVC offers better water protection, especially during transport. If you just want an all-rounder, you can’t look past the original King Single.
These are the best swags we’ll continue to recommend to our customers in 2017. We’d love to know what keeps you protected from the elements and sleeping soundly in the outback.
The post Best Swags of 2016 appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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We’ve been publishing our best-selling swag list for a number of years now and for the most part, the swags that made the list have been much the same.
Burke & Wills have shaken things up a little this year, with two of their swags making it to the top 10 knocking Jolly Swagman from the top of the pile.
OZtrail has once again taken out the top two spots, this time they have managed to take out another two positions making them by far the most prominent brand on the list.
Enough waffle though, that’s not what you came here for… starting at number 10 let’s look at the best-selling swags for your adventures in 2019.
10. True Blue Bluey Big Foot 100% Cotton Canvas Swag
A quality swag without the frilly bits. The True Blue Bluey Bigfoot swag, at under $200, is the best value 100% cotton canvas swag in our range.
This swag uses 10Oz cotton canvas for both the upper and the floor, and finished with quality trimmings including Aussie made poles that are backed with a lifetime warranty. The Bluey Bigfoot swag is one shelter that, if well looked after, will likely last a number of lifetimes.
Ideal for those that want quality at a budget price.
If you’re searching for great value, you can’t go past the Bluey Bigfoot. Image: True Blue
9. Darche Nebula 1550 Swag Tent
The jury is out on whether this is a swag or a tent, I think I’ve even previously dubbed this a ‘swent’…but that term hasn’t caught on yet!
It’s definitely got the pole structure of a tent and a sturdy one at that – 25mm alloy to be precise. Yet, it’s made from a tough 420gsm canvas, has a PVC floor, includes a mattress and boasts dimensions akin to a swag.
However, you may interpret this shelter one thing is for sure – the Nebula 1550 is about as close as a swag has come to a bomb shelter…I’d feel comfortable sleeping in this no matter what the weather threw at me.
Ideal for 4WD touring in all conditions.
This ‘swent’ features a very roomy design. Image: Darche
8. Burke & Wills Coolabah Weathertight Swags
Having previously made all their swags in Australia, Burke & Wills recently moved to manufacturing offshore, but you can rest assured that the quality is still fantastic and the price more affordable. This combination has led to Burke & Wills making it to our best swags list for the first time.
The Coolabah Swag is a 3 pole design that is available in three sizes – King Single, X-Large and Double. It has two entrances with sand-fly proof mesh and comes complete with a waterproof boot bag and doormat.
It’s likely popular on account of the 18Oz heavy duty canvas it’s made from combined with a top half-length entry, a waterproof boot bag and doormat, all of which make the Coolabah about as weatherproof as a swag can get.
Ideal for high-country and cold weather campers.
Being very weatherproof, the Coolabah is a very reliable choice. Image: Burke & Wills
7. OZtrail Ridgeback Discovery Freestanding Swag
The OZtrail Ridgeback Discovery Swag came into the OZtrail range a little over a year ago as one of three models in their top end Discovery Series swags. It’s made with tough 400gsm canvas and has a PVC bucket floor.
Its popularity is likely due to its versatile freestanding design. A centre ridgepole is included and its full-length doors can be opened completely or extended as awnings of you were to grab yourself some additional poles.
Ideal for warm weather outback touring.
The freestanding design of the Ridgeback is probably why it’s so popular. Image: OZtrail
6. Darche Dirty Dee Touring Swag
A durable, free-standing all-season swag, the Darche Dirty Dee offers a multitude of doors and windows for superior ventilation and boasts loads of internal headroom, a comfortable 5cm mattress and comes in three sizes.
It’s made with 420gsm canvas for durability and features a tough PVC base for moisture protection and longevity. The three hoop, two ridgepole design is a breeze to set up and with the addition of a few optional awning poles, the doors can be extended as awnings to create a sun and rain protected entry.
Ideal for all weather 4WD touring.
The Dirty Dee from Darche is the ultimate freestanding model for touring. Image: Darche
5. Burke & Wills Redgum Signature Swag
The Redgum is Burke & Will’s flagship swag. It features a classic three hoop design and is made with Burke & Will’s Stormguard 500gsm canvas throughout, along with sand fly mesh panels in the doors and windows.
The mattresses in Burke & Will’s swags sets them apart from the rest as they use a high-density 7.5cm foam that offers a comfortable sleep no matter where you’re swagging for the night. And just to top it off it comes with a PVC boot bag to keep your shoes dry.
Ideal for pretty much anyone camping anywhere.
For all kinds of outdoor expeditions, you can rely on the Redgum. Image: Burke & Wills
4. OZtrail Cooper Expedition Envelope Swag
The fact that the Cooper Swag consistently makes it into our top 10 swags each year is a testament to the fact that there are a lot of people who still like to keep things compact, lightweight and simple.
The Cooper is an envelope style swag with small poles at the foot end. This provides just enough height for you to comfortably slide into. A protective awning can be tied to a nearby tree to protect your head and the PVC vinyl base protects from the damp ground.
Ideal for minimalist and budget-conscious campers.
The classic Cooper from OZtrail never goes out of style. Image: OZtrail
3. Darche Dusk To Dawn Swags
With two huge full-length doors that roll completely open, the Dusk To Dawn Swag from Darche is the perfect accommodation for campers who like to feel the cool breeze across their face at night.
The storm flaps on each side can be rolled up, or, with a couple of optional awning poles, be extended as awnings. This leaves large mesh doors on each side for virtually unimpeded views of the night sky. It has an easy pitch two-hoop design with a ridgepole that makes it freestanding and is made with Darche’s tough 420gsm canvas with a PVC floor.
Ideal for those seeking uniterrupted views from inside their swag.
Fall asleep to the twinkle of the stars in the Dusk To Dawn. Image: Darche
2. OZtrail Mitchell Discovery All-Rounder Swags
Formerly known as just the Mitchell, the Mitchell Discovery swag comes in a range of colours and is a true all-rounder in the OZtrail swag range.
With a 3-pole design with full-length top entry, the Mitchell can be adapted to any climate. It’s made with a 330gsm canvas and features a PVC base which comes together to create an excellent balance of weight and durability.
Ideal for anyone who wants a good value swag with some bells and whistles.
Value for money and easy to set up – the Mitchell Discovery is a fantastic all-rounder. Image: OZtrail
1. OZtrail Mitchell Expedition Affordable Swags
Once again, our best-selling swag. The OZtrail Mitchell Expedition swag is available in three sizes and arguably offers far more than its price tag suggests.
It has the 3 pole design of a high-end swag, head and foot awnings, a PVC vinyl floor and is ridgepole compatible for optional freestanding set-up. The main difference is that it’s made with a lighter weight, albeit tried and tested canvas.
Ideal for first time or occasional campers looking for reliability without spending the earth.
The Mitchell Expedition has topped the list again. Image: OZtrail
Honourable mention – The Oztent RS1 Swag
This one is another ‘swent’. Based on the design of their popular and reliable RV Tents, Oztent released the RS1 Swag in late 2017 and it’s been the topic of campfire conversation ever since.
When packed, it’s much longer than your average swag and you can’t pack your bedding up inside. But when pitched, it shares similar dimensions to most swags and has more pole structure making it one sturdy little shelter.
This year’s honourable mention is the RS1. Image: Oztent
What’s even better is that like its RV tent counterparts, it sets up and packs away in just seconds. It also has a large front awning that either creates a sheltered space at the swags entrance or doubles as a flysheet for condensation management and temperature control inside.
The RS-1 Swag is ideal for Oztent enthusiasts or just those looking for something unique.
  How did you gear hold up over the last 12 months? Is it ready for another year of adventure or is time for an upgrade? 
The post Best Camping Swags for 2019 appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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