neil-gaiman · 5 months
i vaguely remember an ice cream shop in edinburgh being closed for filming good omens? did a scene ever get shot there or was it cut?
That was when we were shooting the 1941 scenes set in the Windmill Theatre.
We weren't shooting in the ice cream shop. We might have been using it as a place to put people.
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ingravinoveritas · 11 months
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So, it is now three days into Pride, and the gayness just keeps on coming. This is a screenshot from 2019 of Michael responding to a piece of Ineffable Husbands fanart of Aziraphale and Crowley at the cinema in the 1980s.
For those who may not know (as I didn’t, not being from the UK), La Scala was a cinema in King’s Cross, an area of London that (pre-Soho) was a haven for all things LGBTQ, and showed many LGBTQ-themed films throughout its notorious run.
But the extra special thing about these gay all-nighters (and which Michael would have undoubtedly known when writing that tweet) was that all sorts of debauchery (a.k.a., gay orgies) tended to ensue among its patrons:
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...So, not only do we know that Michael has thought about Aziraphale and Crowley fucking, we also know that he has thought specifically about when and where they would fuck...and it’s in a place nicknamed The Sodom Odeon. On top of all that, we now have GO season 2 coming out with a scene filmed in the Bo’ness Hippodrome and Michael looking incredibly smug on the day of filming said scene. In a dark cinema. With David. I just don’t even know what else to say...
(Also...What were you doing in King’s Cross in the mid/late ‘80s, Michael? Is this knowledge all from firsthandjob experience? Because I would not be at all surprised...)
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scotianostra · 1 year
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March 14th 1900 saw the birth of Scottish lawyer, Dame Margaret Kidd in Bo’ness. 
Today, there are around 130 practising female advocates in Scotland. Before 1923 there had been none; then along came Margaret Henderson Kidd.  
Margaret was brought up in Carriden, and that over the decade the Kidd family grew.; Margaret lived with her parents and now had five brothers and three sisters.
She educated at Linlithgow Academy, Kidd later studied law at the University of Edinburgh, graduating with an MA and LLB in 1922. Her early training was conducted with Mitchell and Baxter, writers to the signet, in Edinburgh. Although her first choice of career was the Foreign Office, the then Permanent Secretary, Mr Eyre Crowe, ‘was opposed to women’, so instead Kidd decided to follow her father and go into law. 
In 1923, Kidd was called to the Faculty of Advocates and became the first female with the right to plead in the Court of Session, the highest civil court in Scotland. The event attracted great interest from members of the faculty and the legal profession, as well as the media. The Scotsman newspaper, as was typical of press coverage of women in the news, took special interest in Margaret’s outfit, reporting that she wore a ‘coat frock of black crepe morocain, a soft white collar with a narrow white bow tie, and a straw hat trimmed with velvet.’ Later in the day she donned the wig and gown as she formally entered her new role.
Between 1923 and 1948 she remained the only lady advocate. Kidd was the first lady advocate to appear before the House of Lords and before a parliamentary select committee. Kidd also had the distinction of becoming the first woman KC in Britain, preceding Helena Normanton and Rose Helibron who were appointed KC in England and Wales in 1949.
While Kidd appears to have downplayed the significance of her role and career in interviews – “I don’t know what they made all the fuss about” - it is clear that others, including her alma mater, were aware of and followed her progress. In the University of Edinburgh’s records of graduations, Kidd’s entry includes several newspaper clippings tracking parts of her career and life.
In 1930 Margaret married Donald Somerled MacDonald in Carriden Parish Church. Donald was a Writer to the Signet and member of the firm Scott and Glover, Hill Street, Edinburgh. . The couple went on to have one daughter, Anne.
During the Second World War, Margaret played a prominent part in organising Christmas treats and functions for the wives and dependants of men serving with the 14th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, and particularly the 39th Battery, of which her brother Col. J. T. Kidd was then in command.
Margaret’s professional life also led her to sit on the committee of Representatives of Poor Persons in Scotland as a referee under the Widows and Orphans and Old Age Contributions Pensions Act, and to undertake the Assistantship in the class of Public Law at Edinburgh University.
Margaret Kidd spent much of her life in India Street, Edinburgh. Donald had died in 1957, leaving Margaret a widow for over 30 years until her death on 22 March 1989 in Cambridge. A funeral service was held at the Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh. A eulogy by Lord Hope of Craighead echoed what had been printed about her 41 years earlier by the Scotsman:
‘Her success was won by strength of character, courage and integrity and is a mark of her true qualities that, despite what might seem to be the revolutionary nature of her achievements, she always held the affection and respect of others.’ 
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logi1974 · 2 years
Laird Hasenbär in Schottland - Tag 4 Teil 1
Lairds and Ladies!
Heute Morgen wachten wir bei Kaiserwetter auf! Jetzt stellt sich hier auf der Insel natürlich die Frage: heißt das Kaiserwetter hier eigentlich Queenswetter? 
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Egal, wir sind mit Kaiser, Queen oder auch King zufrieden und fahren heute Morgen nach Bo'ness ...
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Bo'ness ist ein Ort in der schottischen Region Falkirk. Der Ort liegt am Südufer des Firth Of Forth, ca. 3km nördlich von Linlithgow. 
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Eigentlich nennt sich der Ort Borrowstounness, der lange Namen wird jedoch allgemein in der verkürzten Schreibweise wiedergegeben. Der Ort nennt sich selbst ganz unbescheiden das "Jewel in the Crown of Falkirk".
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Bo'ness sieht man seine gewichtige Vergangenheit nicht mehr so richtig an. Der Pendlerwohnort war einst ein wichtiger Ort der Schwerindustrie und ein ebenso wichtiger Hafenort.
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Die Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway verläuft nahe Edinburgh am Firth of Forth, dem langen Meeresarm, in den der River Forth mündet. Hier haben die Enthusiasten der Scottish Railway Preservation Society (S.R.P.S.) eines ihrer Lager aufgeschlagen.
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Startpunkt ist der Bo’ness Bahnhof. Teile des Gebäudes wurden einst von der Tay Bridge her transportiert, die sich rund 60 Kilometer nord-östlich befindet.
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Der Zug verband Borrowstounness (heute Bo’ness in Falkirk) mit der Slamannan Railway und dann im weiteren Verlauf mit der Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway.
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1865 wurde es von der Northern British Railway übernommen. Es war damals nicht die beliebteste Eisenbahn, nahm aber bis 1956 weiterhin Passagiere auf.
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Das Scottish Railway Museum wurde 1995 eröffnet und heute können wir mit Dampflokomotiven die Gleise hinunterfahren und in der Geschichte zurückreisen!
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Eisenbahnromantik kann hier durchaus aufkommen. Denn die Liebe zum Detail blitzt überall hervor. Aufmerksamen TV-Zuschauern könnte der Bahnsteig ebenfalls bekannt vorkommen. Denn in der Serie Outlander spielte hier auch eine Szene.
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Die Fahrt nach Manuel – so heißt die derzeitige Endstation der Linie – und zurück kostet nur 13 Pfund. 
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Ein ganzes Abteil kostet gerade einmal 50 Pfund und für das ganze First-Class-Abteil werden gerade einmal 60 Pfund berechnet.
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Für 3 weitere Pfund erwirbt der Fahrgast gleich auch den Eintritt in das nahe Eisenbahnmuseum.
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Eilig hat es hier keiner. Der Weg ist das Ziel. Die Strecke führt zunächst durch das Naturschutzgebiet bei Kinneil.
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Dort hält der Zug bereits nach wenigen Minuten das erste Mal. Einige steigen hier auch schon aus und laufen zurück nach Bo’ness. Es soll sich dabei um einen sehr schönen Spaziergang von etwa einer Viertelstunde handeln.
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Der Zug fährt weiter. Man sieht das große Industriegebiet von Grangemouth. Dann biegt der Zug ab und verlässt den Firth of Forth. Die nächste Station ist Birkhill.
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Auch sie wurde aus den Überbleibseln eines anderen Bahnhofs zusammengestellt. Eigentlich stammen Teile des Gebäudes von der Monifieth Railway Station nahe Dundee. 
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Jedenfalls ist der Bahnhof wunderschön verträumt und reich verziert. Besonders hübsch sieht es natürlich an diesem Wochenende aus, wo alles für das Queen Jubiläum geschmückt ist. Es geht weiter.
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Nächster Halt ist dann schon Manuel, der Endpunkt der Strecke, ein Bahnsteig im Nichts. 
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Hier steigen die meisten Fahrgäste nur deshalb aus, weil die Lokomotive an das andere Zugende gelangen muss. Eine goldene Gelegenheit für Film & Foto. Danach geht es den Weg wieder zurück nach Bo’ness.
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Die ganze Fahrt dauert insgesamt gute 1 1/4 Stunden. Eine 1/2 Stunde hin und 1/2 Stunde zurück und etwa 20 Minuten für das Umspannen der Dampflok.
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Alle Mitarbeiter arbeiten ehrenamtlich und das geschätzte Durchschnittsalter der Protagonisten liegt locker bei 75plus.
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Wer nun noch nicht genug hat von Eisenbahnen, kann sich in den drei Hallen des Railway Museums neben dem Bahnhof herumtreiben. Um dorthin zu gelangen muss man übrigens über die Metallbrücke über die Gleise.
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In den Hallen finden sich dann schottische Lokomotiven, Waggons und andere Gerätschaften aus mehreren Epochen.
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Nicht alle Stücke sind schon fertig. So sieht man zum Beispiel, in welchem Zustand Neuerwerbungen ins Museum kommen und wie viel Restaurationsarbeit dahinter steckt, ehe sie zu Ausstellungsstücken werden.
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Im Museum steht ein alter Postwagen, in dem Fächer für die Briefe angelegt sind samt Aufklebern, wohin diese gehen sollen. 
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Hier lohnt es sich etwas genauer hinzusehen. Denn neben London und Glasgow finden sich hier auch noch Gotham City oder Metropolis und andere Scherze.
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Natürlich dürfen auch ein Souvenirshop und ein Café nicht fehlen. Parkplätze stehen ausreichend und kostenlos zur Verfügung.
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Für uns geht es weiter nach Blackness, das wir nach etwa 15 Minuten Fahrt erreichen ...
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silentlondon · 3 months
Frances Marion for Hippfest at Home
Hippfest approaches! But before the IRL festival in Bo’ness, 20-24 March, the Hippfest at Home programme promises online treats for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own home. And the first event is coming up very soon indeed! Next Friday evening, 26 January, I will be delivering a lecture called Frances Marion: Hollywood’s Favourite Storyteller, with clips accompanied by the brilliant Mike…
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photosbyjez · 4 months
Didn't Make The Post -- AI Artwork in my Fan Of... Series
Step into a new dimension of art with @PhotosByJez's latest Fan Of... challenge! From docks to digital realms, see how AI transforms ordinary into extraordinary. #AIartwork #FanOfSeries #DigitalArtExploration
Hi all 😁 Feel free to join this weekly challenge whenever you think, “I’m a fan of…” (see below for how-to). I know this week was meant to be more re-imaginings of the Bo’ness & Kinneil Steam Locomotive, but I went a different route 😉 This week’s Fan Of… #235 is images that didn’t make my post for Susan’s Spies, Lies & Digital Skies: Clandestine Meeting. One of my thoughts was to have the…
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sleepingswift85 · 4 months
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#CloudGrab captures from the queue at Bo’ness (Falkirk) and Dumfries (Dumfries and Galloway) and these are the final sky captures from 2018 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - 01.06.18 💎 (5 takes) ☁️
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qudachuk · 9 months
Amy Rose Wilson, 27, from the Bo’ness area, died in a two-car crash on New Carron Road on Saturday.
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notesonfilm1 · 1 year
Thinking Aloud About Film: Hippodrome Silent Film Festival 2023 Bo'Ness
Intrepid investigative journalist Richard Layne returns to the Hippodrome Silent Film Festival to report on the films and the glamour of Silent Cinema in Bo’Ness, a model of what place and event can do together: a site of scholarship, restoration, fandom and even the commission of aspects of production, bringing together a cultural intersection of the local and the international. An unmissable…
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onlineantiques · 1 year
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Pair Of Antique Victorian circa 1890’s Bo’ness Pottery Cats eBay item number 234827076706 #cats #bonesspottery #antiques #antiqueshop #antiquesforsale #antiqueshopping #victorian #victorianhome #victorianantiques #victoriandecor #loveantiques #antiquing #antiquestore #etsyfinds #❤️ #catlover #cats_of_instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CmtUD4nojCQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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teesfortims · 1 year
Celtic claim impressive comeback win; MOTM Ben Quinn
Celtic B completed an impressive comeback victory in the Lowland League on Wednesday night, rallying from a goal down to triumph 2-1 over Bo’ness United at the Penny Cars Stadium. Despite a bright start from the young Hoops, Tobi Oluwayemi had to be on his toes early in proceedings to keep out an effort inside the area from the visitors against the run of play. Bo’ness continued to threaten, once…
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kinneil · 2 years
Romans march on Kinneil
Romans march on Kinneil
Roman soldiers are due to march on historic Kinneil House in Bo’ness this weekend. The Antonine Guard re-enactment group will be out in force setting up camp as part of a heritage day. There will also be tours of the mansion and the wider Kinneil Estate, and demonstrations of Roman crafts and artefacts. The Britannia XIV re-enactment group will also provide medieval displays. Saturday’s free…
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heatherandthistles · 3 years
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I just love Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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silentlondon · 1 year
Hippfest 2023: passes, podcasts and more
Hippfest 2023: passes, podcasts and more
Save the date, Silent Londoners, The Scottish silent film festival with the warmest welcome in the world is back in 2023. The Hippodrome Silent Film Festival at Scotland’s oldest purpose-built cinema, the Hippodrome in Bo’ness, will take place Wednesday 22 to Sunday 26 March 2023. The full programme and tickets will be released on Tuesday 7 February. Not too long to wait. But there’s more news.…
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photosbyjez · 4 months
Daisy Bush: FOTD Jan 08 with Magical AI Artistry
🌼 Dive into the warmth of summer with Jez's stunning Daisy Bush photography and AI magic. Witness a floral masterpiece reborn in our latest FOTD feature! ✨ #PhotographyMeetsAI #DaisyBushMagic
Hi all 😃 My latest post for Cee’s FOTD. I am delving into my archives for warm, sunny shots during these frosty days. Daisy bush Any of you following my blog, will know I’m currently working on a project fusing my own photography with AI creativity. For more on my journey with AI, check out my latest post in my Fan Of… series: Bo’ness & Kinneil Steam Locomotive. I’m keeping my AI creativity a…
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sleepingswift85 · 4 months
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#CloudGrab captures of altocumulus looking out at Bo’ness, Falkirk back in the queue 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - 02.06.18 ⛅️ (5 takes) 💎 this was back in May/June when I had trip up to the land of awesome. Another is planned for ’24 🤘
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