artastic-friend · 4 months
Made some Bolur OCs!! 😁😁😁
World and species created by @ntls-24722
This first one is Atzurae, they’re a zebraelf that just loves painting and creating their own little works of art through experimentation with different pigments!
And no! They definitely don’t like to eat the pigments sometimes because they get a little peckish when they paint. I don’t know why you had to bring that up🙄 /j
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I love this guy. Ngl I sorta see them as a self insert almost?? But not fully, if that makes sense.
They also have no gender I don’t think??? But I wanna ask NTLS about that first before I know for sure bc I know that he had some stuff about the genders of zebraelves but i can’t find the post so I’m just gonna edit this later after I ask them about it lmaoo
The thing about the founding Debu of Serendipolis being Badlands Debu really spoke to me…
So I basically made a “Tough Biker Guy with a tiny kitten/Pomeranian puppy that he loves very much” type dynamic via a very tough Badlands Debu with many sick battle scars, and a little goofy artist zebraelf that the Debu just decides is now their best friend.
The Debu is Kofruth, who.. I like to imagine is sorta genderfluid in a way that she doesn’t really care much about his gender identity? But some days just feels like shaving off his back hair and other days feels like she wants to keep it.
Here was my initial idea sketch of Her,
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but then I apparently went all out and decided to just draw a full body and color everything 💀💀
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I love these guys
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Anyway, i don’t have a huge amount of info on these guys yet but wanted to share these drawings nonetheless 😁😁
And definitely go check out @ntls-24722 ‘s awesome art and worldbuilding RRARAGHH!!!
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ntls-24722 · 2 months
gamers what if i made drohnen literally just the Fae Cities and the immobiles/steeldrakes
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defnekalbim96 · 1 year
Bu yaz sadece sanal arkadaslarımla bulusursam güzel gecebilir tyt bitse süper olur okullar acılınca da kursuma devam etmeyi düşünüyorum şimdilik owyeah
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bichambered-reservoir · 4 months
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i do NOT know how to tag this one folks. it is schrödinger's v,ore; you can only find out if it's fatal or safe when you look inside the stomach. If you are offput by anything resembling fatal, don't take the chance
Full image + backstory under the cut [Gore (mild visual depiction, explicit description) warning, description/mention of suicide, drug use]
+ DOOZY of a ramble
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This is Moe and Perrai from my m,usic man speculative biology project: Homo mousike. The reason why I have no idea what this counts as, safe/fatalwise is because the prey in question(Perrai) did get digested, which is why his bones are exposed, but he's not digesting now. Because he's already dead. He's reliving the event that killed him in the afterlife, knowing he can't die from it again.
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Okay so. Moe and Perrai were disowned+kicked out from home when their families found out they were in a relationship. Perrai was first, and Moe could support him, but when Moe was disowned shit hit the fan really quick.
A big problem in the modern era of Bolur where everywhere is now a triad society is the problem of purchasing power. Zebraelves are always at a slight advantage because they need less of everything on account of being 2 feet tall, but Debu are usually at a disgusting disadvantage because they need WAY more of everything when they're the size of a small house. Debu in modern societies are often disadvantaged and are in cultures of poverty, where there often has to be a seperate circle of government to actually work with their needs, but while these two are in their modern era, they're not in the social equivalent of our modern day, more like in their 1960's while technologically they're comparable to our late 90's-early 2000's.
This is all to say; When Moe, the 20 ton mammoth became homeless in a time where a combined Debu and Zebrapeople society was just barely working to actually support their debu, they very quickly became shit outta luck, especially with the tension on interspecies and homosexual relationships (both zebrapeople and debu look down on interspecies relationships, but debu are unique for homophobia) barring them from what limited help that there was for the both of them. Unfortunately they turned to making a suicide pact to escape their situation.
The both of them had this... fantasy? Fantasy has a sexual connotation but that's what it was? Their species' are very incompatible when it came to kissing or any sort of intimacy and the method they did for "making out" was just Moe ravenously stuffing Perrai into his mouth, and that sort of escalated to the respective desires to eat and be eaten by the both of them. What made it even more potent is that Debu actually practice mortuary cannibalism; When Debu die, the deceased are decapitated to preserve the consciousness inside the head, bled out to preserve the medium for their new bodies in the underworld (their blood), and then the rest of the body is prepared and eaten. Debu culture is based around scarcity, and when a Debu is lost the entire community will be worse off, and this way they give one final contribution to their loved ones, whom a part of them will always live inside. The fact that this is a legally recognized and accepted form of cannibalism will be important later, but know that whole spiritual jar of bees where Moe believes Perrai would be one/live within him is making their v,orey desires (and future issues) all the more potent.
Moe and Perrai took this poisonous stimulant both to kill Moe and help Perrai with the pain of, yknow, digesting alive (and to also overdose if digesting was too slow), but what Perrai also did was bring a camera in there.
Perrai proceeds to create the most infamous footage in Bolur's modern era, a 4 hour long manifesto against what lead him and Moe to this point also containing the rarest perspective on the most difficult death to record.
Debu cannibalism is a war crime since they have evolved osteophagy, they digest everything and don't leave any body or keepsake of the victim behind, and unfortunately there were already videos depicting this. However, these other videos were comparably dogshit because 1. it's very hard to get a camera in there 2. victims of murder are not focused on staying still to get a video, and are generally focused on trying to survive. Perrai took care of the camera problem, and alongside being a willing participant, he also stayed incredibly still because he had a message to send, anger to express, and that he did because Moe underdosed.
Moe overdosed, but didn't die, and was arrested for possession of possession fruit (lol), but while he was held in jail, he passed the camera, revealing a whole war crime but more importantly: a dilemma. Usually cannibalism as a war crime would be punishable by death but there was documented enthusiastic consent and since mortuary cannibalism was legal, why couldn't this be allowed?
... This dilemma, which was only delaying his actual proper trial and sentence, was to the dismay of Moe, who was desperately trying to get the death penalty to the point he was famously confessing to outrageous fake crimes like eating babies and running over the elderly. Partially because, yeah, he was suicidal and was already set on death that day, but also because of the fact that Moe wanted Perrai to be his last meal, and was incredibly tender to the fact that he would be. If his death was prolonged for much longer, that might not be the case anymore, and that's exactly what happened. Debu are also known for being dead last when it came to establishing laws in war and illegalizing torture, and Moe was forcefed during his fast, only making him more desperate. The whole thing only became more sensationalized when he was interviewed, providing the whole context and, to Moe's further dismay, charming those who were following along with his monotony.
After many pleads, though, Moe got the guillotine like he wanted. Bittersweet ending.
They did it again as ghosts so Perrai could focus on experiencing it, since the first time Perrai was just kind of letting out the accumulation of months of emotions in the 4 hours leading up to his death.
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fallenfromabovee · 1 year
ya biraz gizem yapalım amaaa
tamam yapalım ama sherlockculuk oynayalim isye sadece ip ucu nolur nolur bolur
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begolas · 2 years
sarjoşş oldum konuşamam mesah atmayıb bolur
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ladyddnight · 7 months
Galiba benim üzülmeye yıpranmaya ve ağlamaya hakkım yok. Herşey üst üste gelmeye başladı ve ben dayanamamaya başladım. Allahım bolur azıcık mola istiyorum. Nefes alayım dertlerden
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drakifakca · 8 months
Abdurehim Heyit - Bilim Işqida (Bilim Aşkında)
 Söz: Nim Şehit
Müzik: Abdurehim Heyit
 Cahan ranaliri içre bilimdek bir güzel yar yoq
Bilimdin özge tutqan yar bolur u gahida bar-yoq
 Kirip nepsiñniñ keynige bilimdin özge yar tutsañ
Béşiñge kelse bir künler u çağda sen kebi xar yoq
 Parağet izdiseñ esla bilimdin özge yar tutma
Séniñ qedriñni saqlaşta bilimdek yaxşi hemrah yoq
 Qara qaşliq tolun aylar saña bir neççe kün hemrah
Eger sen puldin ayrilsañ şu'an taşlaydu héç ar yoq
 Guman qilma pelekni her qaçan bextiñge çörgilimes
Bügün bay, ete sendek héç gaday yoq belki qerzdar yoq
 Dünya güzelleri içinde bilim gibi bir güzel yâr yok
Bilimden başka tuttuğun yâr olur o bazen her şey
 Düşüp nefsinin peşine bilimden ayrı yâr tutsan
Başına gelse bir günler o vakit senin gibi hor yok
 Rahatlık istersen asla bilimden başka yâr tutma
Senin değerini korumakta bilim gibi iyi yoldaş yok
 Kara kaşlı “dolunaylar” sana bir kaç gün yoldaş
Eğer sen puldan ayrılsan o an terkeder seni hiç ar yok
 Şüphen olmasın felek her zaman senin bahtına dönmez
Bugün zengin, yarın senin gibi fakir yok, belki borçlu yok
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bozusuruz · 2 years
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askokussko · 3 years
karsimq surekli olen kedi videosu cikiyo
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artastic-friend · 4 months
I keep thinking about Debu grandma
Species and world of Bolur belongs to @ntls-24722
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She and Kofruth having a “little guy” playdate while they chat and hang out
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Yummy snack to share as a treat!
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ntls-24722 · 4 months
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It's about time I made new refs for these 3 c:
They're this polyamorous trio of Debu who I love dearly. Lepit fled to Lewes, their village, to escape his death sentence, Rinkalla fled to Lewes to escape her fame and adoring fans, and Sindeer's... always been here. Now they're all dating eachother, under the scrutiny of everyone, making stupid bank as an iron trio with Sindeer bringing in lionfleas, Lepit making never-before seen dye out of them, and Rinkalla using them in her artwork that would become prized artifacts of the modern world.
Breakdown of designs and general loredump below the cut:
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*rated on how easy they are to acquire, not how common they are in Debu art/fashion
So, a big thing with these 3 is that they've gotten famous for dealing with their last competent predators - the lionfleas (bottom of post), these bipedal pack-hunting bugs that take advantage of their enourmous size, and their dye isn't just desired because it's made from lions but also because the color is valuable in general, similar to how purple was prized and usually reserved for royalty because of how difficult it was to get.
The first 2 sections of colors are really common with the first one being found constantly in the rocks they're constantly quarrying to make their caves, and the second one being a really prominent color in their plants' "flowers." Yellows, greens, and cyans aren't usual plant/organic colors, so they're very hard to get as pigments, at least for Debu who need a lot more of it. Usually they can only get it through trading Zebrapeople who can create these pigments much more efficiently than Debu, as zebrapeople have domesticated bugs who create them. But these lionfleas' shells produce a surprising golden yellow hue from the vesigial wings that got incorporated into their elytras, and this dye is used in the fabric Sindeer makes as a huge moneymaker and a giant ass flex in their stoles.
Speaking of which, Valley Debu have 3 big ideals - heritage, your in-group, and history/recordkeeping. The second of which I'm about to show off rn:
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*The right side is the right side of all of their stoles to show they're all a part of the same group, and each of their left sides show their role in it.
Also, the fertility symbol - I went over this in the first try of this post, but the debu fertility symbol is kinda universally known as this centermost circle within the object it's on, since it's supposed to resemble a yolk from an egg. A lot of societies have a specific sigil but it's very easily recognized from the aforementioned center circle thing. The damn thing is everywhere on account of fertility being a very big ideal for Debu - their environment is harsh, arid, and susceptible to frequent famine, and prospering crops and other Debu is something they look forward to.
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Valley Debu really like grouping themselves, establishing and aligning themselves with communities, on the broader and individual scale. Yes they're very nationalistic, but they're also extremely proud of even just friendgroups, they love to show the pride and demonstrate their exclusivity within groups as niche as possible(which leads to a LOT of polarization and wars within Valley Debu). These 3 are no different and when they're out and around other Debu they wear a stole around their hump+shoulders showing off how they're the freaks who keep surviving their equivalent to lions and live to make them into dye. Usually though, around the house they're just naked :P
Also, Extra notes on some of the stuff I added as their professions!
Sindeer is a huntress but she's specifically a whistleblower one, and also carves whistles, and here's why. On Bolur, all 3 species domesticated cloes instead of something like a dog, these bird-like creatures who originally were domesticated to keep bugs off them and their crops, who can often be trained to respond to specific whistles that mimic the ones they use naturally. The cloes Debu domesticated act a lot like hunting hounds for Debu, they can locate and kill game. So basically, she hunts with flying dogs and makes dogwhistles.
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Then there's Rinkalla, who among other things, makes cement?
On Bolur, they have have land coral, these photosynthetic things with a soft, marrow-y pith and a hard limestone outside. The homo mousike (3 sapient species) really like using it in their cement and concrete since it's really widespread, and Rinkalla... does that! The original reason was because Bolur didn't have wood, but I'm realizing that wood as a concept for plants is so incredibly simple that I don't think I can make it Not canon, even though it was a fun design constraint.
Also, last names: Valley Debu societies are generally patriarchal, but their love of recordkeeping extends past this - they prefer the mother's last name to be passed down since the mother is the most reliable parent. If someone gives birth, no matter what they say who's the father, you can never be sure. But whoever gave birth is DEFINITELY the parent, you know? Their last name also doesn't change even with marital status.
Lepit made his last name up
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444names · 2 years
the entire page for a conlang using all letters of the english alphabet generated in vulgarlang
Abitene Accoun Actiod Aculack Adjecon Adnerj Alves Amekh Apaqy Appeire Appeive Appell Aqawùm Araam Ardion Argam Assion Aviet Bable Babroqo Bacce Bawuth Bawù Beamen Beareal Behide Behit Belbow Beral Besse Bewen Beyopemi Beyoqo Biqix Biqoqe Bolurn Bolurs Bomen Boorima Boten Bowom Broqix Buqan Buwally Byeqont Cadject Capkinj Casku Catex Caùpuls Cessits Chagence Chans Chave Chaving Chavive Choutu Chyake Chyeqewo Chyewi Chyit Chyity Chyitym Chyop Chyopel Chyoper Chyoqi Chyoqo Chyoqok Chyoqoqo Chyoun Chyunt Chyuqu Chyuqukh Chyurans Chyution Chyutive Chyù Chyùn Chyùqu Chyxa Ciall Cieth Cipix Clevel Clieves Cling Clive Clook Conce Conukh Corld Correlay Coulsess Craam Crempokh Crove Cuppokh Cusese Dalecant Dapulark Dapup Deass Decouser Defieve Defind Defory Dekha Dermink Dimire Dinflur Dinist Dinqu Dinve Dionon Diwet Doery Dogive Drepipi Dreqe Dripount Droural Ecial Emzoro Eparem Eqextix Eqoqox Ergam Ergan Extion Fabially Facero Factics Fation Fawùm Feposit Firekh Flatim Flogʼs Flookh Fluese Foonde Forde Fountor Fourech Fratood Froduns Frowint Frown Frowo Fukham Fùpax Gatim Gativer Gicter Giqex Gired Girem Girld Glogy Gloosity Gooks Gosit Grazy Greal Grecting Guale Gualikh Guiright Gularux Haremest Hasible Hastral Hatheme Heelinit Heract Hernect Herst Hince Histion Hitim Holearn Hours Hyeqo Hyokh Hyùkh Icepacce Inguam Inguamit Inity Intook Intry Inverj Ipean Iposi Iposity Irectim Ittakh Jouns Jourat Jural Keyon Keyop Khans Khistry Kindet Knois Kuransfe Kurne Labight Lablen Laccent Laculay Lamerst Laram Latax Latir Limance Locial Lookh Maing Maniwix Marge Marthang Mashon Mater Matiolse Mened Mestry Mesùn Mitir Mometha Moullim Mouruld Moxistal Mustike Muway Nallawym Nataqux Natente Nater Nduce Nokher Nokhop Nonom Noqept Norry Noteart Noule Noung Nouru Noxemake Numbeqon Nunct Nuqax Nuqux Objecop Offint Olutù Onoweant Opente Oposs Oqokhain Oqonam Ousity Panters Paquest Patax Patelato Pecounce Peirs Peolind Perneve Piete Pintle Plart Platim Plats Pluck Poror Poses Posible Posite Posiva Possist Prearn Premi Preqikh Prinize Proade Progs Pronate Pronem Proqe Proqoqem Prowo Pyring Qamomekh Qante Qaùqan Qawùtù Qekhicat Qememen Qemzon Qemzoro Qimen Qiwor Qomess Qomim Qonneran Quagene Qukhond Raccogn Racky Raction Rallawu Raqake Raqangun Recax Reciewo Rective Remarly Repokh Resting Rexam Rintalk Ronown Roqomits Rorrim Ructick Ruldroba Ruraam Sadjecon Saile Secti Serbs Sethnip Sight Sinipixo Sionta Sistrept Sitho Skularym Slara Slatax Smand Smate Sorekh Sorld Specip Specor Speepox Spentem Speralk Spere Squkh Sququˌam Stled Stood Strywym Subjece Supii Syllwax Tally Taqùkh Tenal Tentable Thareld Thelly Themes Theqi Theqon Thicleve Thind Thinguam Thish Tical Tinguld Toodefix Topeokh Toˌons Tracce Trans Trazy Trekh Treve Trick Tright Trize Tuqùqu Tuqùtam Tùral Uquag Uqung Uqùkh Usestle Ustanse Utive Uvultym Ùqaˌxam Ùqumb Ùturnen Ùwù Vanum Vaquage Varanize Vatase Vawan Velly Verbsort Vides Vionoter Viver Voqemic Voqoqo Votta Voyerb Vuldiat Vurem Vuùwa Wakhage Waqund Warat Warearux Weanum Weapu Weectim Weeneves Weligh Wellooks Whelam Wheqiqi Whight Whist Whoqo Wingue Womide Worrepok Xiewen Yerang Yimas Yitics Zonoqem Zùqun
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qumuqlar · 9 years
Namaz qılmaq
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Namaz qılmaq – Yaratğan Allahına inanağan har busurmannı iñ de aslu borçudur. Ozoqda, bizin arabızda namaz qılmayğanlar yoğuna biz gerti küyde inanabız. Amma, namaznı biz tüz küyde qılabızmu, Alhamnı wa Attahiyatnı tüz oxuybuzmu eken Köpler giççiden namaz qılma qurdaşlarından, tanışlarından, kağız geseklerde kiril alfawitge göre yazılğan tekstlerden taba üyreñyen. Alhamnı wa Attahiyatnı Quranda yazılğan qaydalağa göre, xatalarsız oxuma görsete. Allahğa şükür, bugün bizin tüz oxuwğa üyretme bolar yimik bilimli adamlarıbız az tügül. Şolaylardan bilimler alayıq, Qurannı tüz oxuma üyreneyik. Üç günlük bu dünyadağı har neden de, axıratıbızğa şo artıq paydalı bolur!
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byerr0r · 8 years
Olay, İzzet Baysal Caddesi’nde saat 11.00 sıralarında meydana geldi. E.Ö. adlı kişi, iddiaya göre caddede yürüyen Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi’nde eğitim gören kız öğrenciye sözle tacizde bulundu. Kızın E.Ö.’ye tepki göstermesi üzerine çevredekiler duruma müdahale etti. Esnaf ve çevrede bulunanlar tarafından yakalanan E.Ö., çağrılan polis ekiplerine tesilm edildi. E.Ö., karakola götürüldü.…
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kevkebus-subh · 5 years
“Özünü alçak gören serdâr bolur / ‘Enelhak’ da’vi kılan berdâr bolur / Er oldur Hak yoluna baş oynaya / Döşekte ölen yiğit murdâr bolur” (Kendini alçak gören başbuğ olur. Ben Hakkım davsında bulunan Hallac-ı Mansur gibi darağacına çekilir. Er, Hak yolunda başına oynayan, onu feda etmekten çekinmeyen kişidir. Döşekte ölen yiğit, murdar olur...”
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