#Boss Battle Gamecast
scottsdesignblog · 8 years
2016 Scott Fine game Design Year in Review
Whoa! Time does fly! It’s already been a few years since I started this blog. Just like last year, I’m doing a 2016 year in review! Today I’d like to take a look back at some of my favorite post from the last year.
I’d like to highlight three articles which I believe are my best work of the year. Additionally, I’d like to give an honorable mention to one of the most exciting moments of my year.
1.       Pokemon GO! Series
Okay, I know I’m cheating right out of the gate but technically I think these should be highlighted as a group. In this four part series, we start by understanding the basic functionality and mechanics of Pokemon Go. In part two, we discuss gym battles and the problems plaguing them. Part 3 is one of my most popular posts of the year, it deals with how Pokemon are distributed and located around the planet. We finish up discussing the economy of Pokemon go and how it affects the players.
Part 1 - Basic Pokemon GO
Part 2 - Pokemon Go: Gym Battles!
Part 3 - Where's that Pokemon?
Part 4 - Pokemon Go: Economy
2.       Game Design Analysis – Disney Magic Kingdoms
This analysis breaks down the game Disney Magic Kingdoms. We discuss everything from the basic mechanics and to quest functionality to the economy and rewards. This is one of the most popular pieces on the site today.
Disney Magic Kingdoms - Design Analysis
3.       The Dark Zone Versus the Prisoner’s Dilemma
This piece discusses the Division, more specifically the dark zone and how it relates to the Prisoner’s Dilemma. This is the piece I’ve had more comments and heat over than any other piece I’ve written.
The Dark Zone Versus the Prisoner's Dilemma
Honorable mention:
Boss Battle Gamecast Guest – Ep. 48
This was an exciting opportunity for me! I had the honor of being a guest on the Boss Battle Gamescast. We discussed the industry, what I’m up to now and so much more. Check it out when you get some time!
If you don't have time to stream it now, feel free to download it for future listening at the Raptor cow website HERE
With that said I’d like to thank you. Your comments have helped me to improve these posts. I’d like to give an extra big thank you to everyone who stuck around since 2015.  I know I haven’t been the most active over the course of the last few months. I appreciate your patience and thank you for sticking around. I’ll be doing more posts in the New Year and I should have some big news in the coming months. I hope you had an excellent 2015 and that 2016 will be even better.
I’ll see you guys next time,
P.S. If you're new (Welcome!) and wanted to check out 2015's year in review it can be found HERE
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