#Both in a practical way- it creates a social contract and strengthens the community
steeb-stn · 9 months
what if jackson is suuuper picky about who they let in and like. Basically unless youre like a surgeon or have some super valuable skill you only get in if you’ve got relatives inside
and anyways thats why maria and tommy get married (i mean thats not WHY, WHY they get married is because theyre in love and would do literally anything for each other, but yeah, marias like. All i have to do to keep this man in my life is put a ring on his finger and make a vow of love and loyalty for life to him? Say no more
what if maria meets tommy out on patrol. Hes sick or injured or something, but despite this he ends up saving her life, which earns him her trust. She keeps him a secret bc shes not sure what the others would do about him, brings him food and maybe medicine and stuff. Finally they decide its time to bring him back to jackson, and she swears for him, and the others are like waaaah we know nothing about him and he has no family here, and maria is like oh??? Doesnt he???
and the naysayers have to allow it because how are you going to say no to the founder of the town’s husband, but theyre like yeahhhhh itll last a few months then this guy will move on. BUT TOMMY AND MARIA PROVE THEM WRONG BC THEY ARE TRUE LOVE
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theurbansquared · 3 years
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Guide To Avoiding A Loser Brokerage
by James Hill | theurbansquared
Brokers can be bastards and some even get better at it while other brokers are legitimate life-changing business Sherpas
A broker is supposed to guide you through a career in real estate much like a coach or pimp - offering protection and how to understand a complicated system better and direct it to revenue  without getting your neck broke while playing the game. I created and ran the most well-reviewed, largest full-service brokerage in the fastest-growing city in America.  This gave me access to nearly ever broker and their broker's pay structure and innovations. I also got the agent's version of my same broker buddies brokerages when they eventually joined my brokerage; hovering anywhere from 20–60 agents. Trending insider chatter has blame going to real estate brokers of decades past (and current) and how they’ve managed their agents - - letting unsupervised  agents with no experience run wild on the streets practicing on the public wearing out Realtor love and making a need for all the Mountain Dew-made Zillow-y options that currently exist.
Brokers are out of touch more than ever with today’s current media load, having to understand and use social media platforms for their advertising (since the private Town & Country affair that real estate once was is forever over and the landscape is a bit more like a half Juggalo, half programmer flea market).
Let’s dive into some situations and tenets that most agents don’t consider when choosing a brokerage.
Sales Volume
This is a bit of negotiating psychology and due diligence. Simply ask how much sales they (the brokerage) did last year and how much they’re currently at. If they don’t know these numbers they’re goons. If they don’t give it, you guessed it - they’re hiding something; their lack of revenue. I’ve hired and fired hundreds of agents and in interviews so few ask this question but it’s one of the most important questions you can ask as an agent and you need the information. An agent that doesn’t ask this has already given a tell that they’re not a top producer since they’re not interested in the production capacity of the team they may join. No bueno. Creep the brokerage as well obvi -- reviews, FB & IG engagement and current running ads, and make sure the company Christmas Party isn’t catered by Chic-fil-a at a Burnet Road dive bar.
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40% of your learning and 350% of your work will be done at the office. Those numbers will make sense 90% of the time after a few years in real estate. The rest should be on the streets - your car, properties, driving 75 mph talking and sending out docs, gorging on breath mints. Office, home, tiny homes, motorhomes have all blended into one larger conversation where work/live ethos are all in re-definition.
But, when you do need a more savvy moment in any market when people talk about borrowing or selling something that’s over $100K they don’t want to hear some bullshit too loud pedantic conversation seated right next to them at Starbucks or the local kooky coffee shop. In real estate Murphy’s Law is always in effect. The super important listing sign off that has to go well and they want to hear you pitch again before deciding? There will be someone (at this super ‘caj’ coffee house meeting) there projectile vomiting, or throwing cats, or something else tiresome or bad that takes more calls.
Speech and body language are massive parts of sales so when the entire set is thrown because a barista is running through a whole Sublime album. You want the most inviting cool office you can ever pull off at any given moment in real estate . Was that ever a question? There's a balance  -- you can't afford that year one or three, but it’s called real estate for a reason. Sexy, exciting buildings is what the brochure said when I joined. Also, it’s about style not size.
If you haven’t lost business to coffee house back pressure you really haven’t failed at agency properly.
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Social IQ
Social reach is the only conversation now. Many brokerages won’t make it as the lead generating aspects of the industry aren't powered by a private MLS anyone and the publicly-hated ‘Realtor’ designation have both brokers and agents guessing about tomorrow. Calendars, best practices and free shitty tips & templates are the du jour of the day for anyone trying to get an agent's eyes. You can Google and get all the ‘basic’ social media dance steps, but with everyone at the same happy hunting spot, you’re being covered up, which leaves all your new artistic efforts fruitless and also squandering winning time.
Traffic, leads and engagement are all separate areas that have to be fulfilled properly and even this is in flux with historic corporations and current start ups all on the same advertising playing field. Social reach and engagement is about going to the consumer direct and becoming their friend with soft bribes -- free food, gifts, prizes (trips, events tickets) or industry work tools. The great news is, real estate has always been mostly consumer direct - start up a convoy at the grocery store (bar, church, meetup) and you’re in the car that weekend looking for houses with a new client. While you, your brokerage and the world are figuring out their exact social media mix, you need to make sure a brokerage isn’t lost on social media since many won’t be able to stay in business in the next few short years. Your brokerage needs to have a plan and and at best some presence on social media. Plus, they should be running low-cost performative marketing ad campaigns to get a feel for what and if set user groups are responding to ads. Anyone can post on IG but people engage on IG when they become inspired. A brokerage should have some sort of inspiration and relationship tied in with the local allure of their city --  or heading that direction.
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Much like a neurotic buyer chasing an interest rate for their home mortgage (and then never buying a house) agents too focused on commission may miss the essential career need for mentoring -- for their clients and career. I had a 5 deal minimum for my new agents before they were ever unsupervised and received more commission. I've had new agents with celeb clients in hand and celeb agents with no clients in hand. No one wants to do business with someone with absolutely has no, experience but they do it because they like you as a friend or fam. Your mentor is the person riding shotgun with you at the beginning of your career. On many levels you want to be this person since they embody the position and role. You're literally and figuratively are borrowing experience from them and they deserve to be paid for it. You always have to strengthen your brand outside of your brokerage but if you don’t have any experience your brand doesn’t have ‘strength’ you simply have a logo and a drag & drop website where you're possibly talking about yourself and love of unicorns or football shit but the big boat deals you dream about in bed aren’t gotten this way. Remember, no unicorn could ever throw a football good without a lot of practice and a good mentor.
Support in a brokerage is really communication and solutions for small problems, and systems for managing bigger ones with people. Most of the annoying things in real estate happen outside of the deal - contracts, calls, emails, docs, signatures, more docs. You typically want a super admin, broker, or agent manager that you can call and they pick up the phone. It’s pretty simple. With a mentor, admin, or broker you’re going to have a n 8:30 PM question or deal that’s going down. You’ll need printer help. Real estate always happens now (this was one of the main mantras in my office). Printing, prequal, weekend support and constant post dinner shenanigans.
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Meet Frank Miller, David Mamet, the Sex Pistols, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Hendrix, Tom Hopkins, The World’s Greatest Detective and Conan The Barbarian. We had a lot of different inspirations for the style and ethos of our urban brokerage. The World’s Greatest Detective is Batman. It was a moniker that became popular in the seventies. We used this example about how important due diligence and proper Fact Finding techniques are for serving and closing deals for clients. (It’s almost essential to be inquisitive in real estate esp about property/development to have success). Training is largely your sales meeting(s). Although I don’t come from a car background I’ve mentored many car guys transferring to real estate (they typically are out of the industry within 2 years and are there only for boom markets). Car guys have meetings every morning 6 days a week and they’re not at 9 or 10 am. They’re already working.
free module: The Burger King Phenomena: Why Agents Do Less Working For Themselves Than If They Were Working At Burger King
Many brokerages have no training/meeting schedule (monthly doesn’t count -- that’s a meet and greet company pump and catch up meeting). If a brokerage doesn’t have training on a schedule then there is no training. You’ll possibly be thrown a 3-ring binder, or given some PDF’s, or links to old bizarre training videos or a soup sandwich of all three and sometimes even a bill for the training. An agent’s training/meetings and their attendance to them are the difference between an agent making it or not when you’re 24 months or less in the role as an agent especially in the fast turbulent waters of the current 2021 market where brokerage and agent purpose and pay are under attack. From my experience, new agents that hide die.
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Having a background as a creative director I’m aware with great detail of agency and brokerage media needs, the cost and time they extract, and the corresponding revenue they’re projected to bring back. Brokerages are looking for their purpose now as simply having a brokerage doesn’t bring in leads like it used to. This is fitting, since the digital dumbass brokers that that didn’t understand the importance of ‘the web’ rickshawed our MLS data and sold the agent/broker centric real estate system for their benefit while current agents are left with an empty greasy enough to-go box to curl up with. Brokerages were never media houses or ad agencies but now that consumer level graphic programs and website builders are ubiquitous and any agent after being licensed for 10 days can drag & drop a website up in 4 hours and make it look like a brokerage that’s been around for years. I know I’m going wide on the subject here but stay with me because this is the crux of where the industry and consumer are renegotiating roles.
A brokerage’s value proposition has changed drastically with the telecommute revolution that was only sped and strengthened by Covid. Also, generational knowledge base gaps in technology are more apparent than ever with technology as younger agents can often be more media savvy than their broker. The market is flooded with self appointed companies or gurus that are taking on the role of the classic ad agency (Mad Men) or media production house. Also beware of real estate coaches with little or no real estate experience offering to guide you in social media. Okay media can’t be used in apex situations (such as the luxury listings you’re after) and doesn’t draw apex listings. Beware of tapioca room temperature tips and general lists from companies that can appear informative but are really boilerplate low grade data to get your attention to ultimately upsell you on a paid service.
As an agent or a brokerage, consumer level graphic and website building programs can be a death ticket to your business as your competitors have the same tools and are cranking out the same type of style of messaging you are now. Now agents, principals, admins and in art class creating flyers. This has been done since the nineties as the valleys of dead agent careers is full of 2-day Microsoft Word (or any of their shitty office offerings) seshes to produce nasty flyers and presentations. These programs are fun and making bad flyers absolutely work related - the kind of work you don’t want’ related to your business because it’s adult crayon coloring. Activity does not equal production. Staying busy doing the wrong things doesn’t make money in real estate. Rather than spending agent winning time staying in the wrong lanes for way too long, get with a team or brokerage that are providing the most exceptional visual media you can find in your market. It used to be cool 2 years ago, now it’s the only thing that matters. Visual content.
free module: Better Agent Media, Less Agent Money (media tips and hacks).
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This is access to your broker. Brokers with families are typically less available. Your best bet as an agent is looking for a grinder broker who sleeps on the couch at their office. This person doesn’t have kids to build into so they’ll build into your career and you’ll get the most out of these brokers. Beware of cheesedick, apathetic, rich boy, bored brokers not around and more concerned with projects like a shitty vanity wine brand that their wife’s forced them to launch since she’s not living her best life anymore as an agent.
What kind of style is your brokerage? Is there an opportunity to bring more style sophistication to the market -- standout in a smaller market? Or, are you in an ultra stylish market currently and butt hurt because you already have a little story about how you’re going to keep it real and be a Dockers wearing slob for eternity? The thing about style in agency is you always need to look like you can list a million dollar house. Oh, is it really that simple? Yes it is. You complicated it. Clients always care about their housing a little bit more than they care about your real estate career. They don’t have time to figure out why you’re wearing shoe styles from 7 years ago. Don’t make it hard for people to do business with you. If you’re ugly, even better. It can be a massive advantage. Everyone on the planet loves when someone who doesn’t fall into our general current ‘attractive’ spectrum doesn’t give af, looks great and puts themselves together in a stylish way that the viewer can understand (can I get away with Teen Wolf?). A great side benefit from this step in the right direction is it’s a great way to make someone who is conventionally attractive insecure.
You want to be in the same style as the people in your area but the secret is you need to lead that style pack if you can -- you always lead and dress apex. Years ago this was anecdotal but after over 100K hours in real estate a good suite (tailored) saved my ass and literally got me business. I listed the largest house in east Austin because of a suit (and got a front page story on the newspaper real estate section for free because the owner saw me walking into the next door neighbor’s house).
Offices, dress, logo, email signature are all elements of you and your brokerage’s style. Style in and of itself isn’t enough to be a top producer in real estate. I’ve had stylish and even celebrity agents that didn't do zilch, but style often is a fingerprint to something more.
Picking the right elements for your agent style is an art because you have to offer something from yourself that’s unique enough as well as something familiar (a bridge to your uniqueness). I have a background as a musician and also as a merchant sailor. Fortunately those are easy convo starters. You could be a philatelist and have some challenges, but regardless it absolutely will take a year or three to develop your own angle and style towards the market as you learn it and the agent role more.
Things that look attractive and familiar puts client’s psychologies at ease. So, if skinny jeans are in you better get in them (that’s like five years old now). You’re on stage. You don’t wear what the worker people behind the camera wear. If you want to wear boring shit get on the other side of the camera. If you want less leads saddle up to a forgettable brokerage. People have hard days. They want you to put an effort into your real estate agency role. Currently it’s a fried role so you’re dealing with that too. People love to be smiled at and sold and especially from someone who smells good. It doesn't ever get old. Don’t make them beg for your charm. Be a nice charming person with a shirt that fits good, it’s a powerful combo.
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Get My Damn Paper
If you’ve never seen a werewolf in daylight mess with an agent’s commission after the deal’s done and funded. Admin? Who is the damn person who does the admin? (accounts payable is the icey pro word if you like). That person that you contact to get your commission check cut? If that person is a weirdo, or there’s an unfriendly or sketchy quality to the office or admin staff, do not go forward (don’t confuse this with new people or industry jitters). Grab some free coffee, leave the smarm and jet to the next brokerage blind date.
CRM is an annoying conversation. Here’s the things with CRM’s - for all the work CRMs curtail, because of their complexity and existence and the work(time) they take to interact with you need to consider how much work you’re putting into operating the CRM software verses how much time it’s saving. Many times brokerages have expensive yearly subscriptions with per agent fees for their CRM which can make the brokerage have a zealot meth thing for the ‘team’ software and promise you can’t have a career without taking a bump too. To understand CRM better before it was a name, Client Relationship Management is what analog Proximity became. Let me explain -  being close to people in Church, bar, school, same building -- all give proximity. This becomes familiarity, then ease, then trust. People do business with people they trust & like. Once people disconnected physically and started using other means more contact attempts have to be made to work for or ‘prove’ worth.
Follow Up is a large component of most CRM’s and there are gobs of money for agents who follow up meticulously. Simply ask the broker what CRM they use and research it. Something to remember - unless you’re extremely busy with your career you don’t need a CRM. You can manage & database your clients & leads ‘by hand’ and strap it to the cloud with G-Suite/Google Sheets.
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Brokerage Name
A small but important aside, if a brokerage have named themselves after a precious metal or a gem, or if it says elite in the name then it’s not elite. If it has the words prestige or worldwide or international it may not be any of those either. I know a handful of exceptions to this rule but this is a great dirty primer to use when choosing a brokerage that’s going to propel your career and have shrimp options at the Christmas Party.
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electronicblog311 · 3 years
Power Of Two
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The Power of Two Workbook: Communication Skills for a Strong & Loving Marriage (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook). A power of two is a number of the form 2 n where n is an integer, that is, the result of exponentiation with number two as the base and integer n as the exponent. Visualization of powers of two from 1 to 1024 (2 0 to 2 10 ). Song Title: Power of Two Artist: Indigo Girls X.I.MMIV.1744hrs Intro G-C-F-C-C-G-Dm (2 times) Verse 1 G C F C now the parking lot is empty C G Dm G everyone's gone someplace G C F C i pick you up and in the trunk i've packed Bb Dm-G a cooler and a 2-day suitcase G C F C cause there's a place we like to drive C G Dm way out in the country.
Power Of Two Smart Contract
Power Of Two Choices
Power Of Two Lyrics
Erasma Monticciolo
Erasma Beras-Monticciolo is a thought-leader, activist, co-founder and Executive Director of Power of Two, a home visiting organization that nurtures the inherent potential in every child and family–empowering them to transform their own lives and strengthen their communities. Erasma holds a B.A. from St. Johns University and an MPA from NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Policy. Before joining Power of Two, Erasma’s work has taken her to remote areas in Guatemala where she partnered with local entrepreneurs to create a small business cooperative designed to help indigenous communities establish independent, sustainable businesses that improved their living conditions and stimulated their local economies. Now with more than fifteen years of experience in the field, Erasma successfully established relationships with policymakers, community-based organizations, and social change groups to create partnerships and build support for a variety of programs serving low-income populations in New York City. Erasma serves on the board for both the New York Zero to Three Network (NYZTT) and the Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York (CCC). She is a 2019 Promising Ventures Fellow and a 2020 Aspen Institute Healthy Communities Fellow.
Dr. Kristin Bernard
Kristin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Stony Brook University. While in graduate school at University of Delaware, she played a key role in evaluating the efficacy of the ABC intervention, developed clinical expertise in the model, and assisted in dissemination efforts. Now she serves as a program consultant and lead researcher for Power of Two. Kristin is especially excited about the integration of science and practice at Power of Two. Not only is Power of Two using science to guide their selection and provision of services, but they are building the science by conducting cutting-edge research.(/vc_column_text)(/vc_column)
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Please scroll left or right to see all board members.
We have developed partnerships with a host of community organizations and local agencies that refer parents and caregivers to us at Power of Two and have a long history of providing critical services and support to NYC families.
ACS Brooklyn Borough Office
Ann Clyde Day Care Inc.
Bev-Early Day Care Inc.
Blue Star Day Care
Breukelen Houses – Resident Association
Brevoort Houses – Resident Association
Brookdale Family Care Center
Brooklyn Gardens/P.S. 174
Brownsville Houses – Resident Association
Buttercup Daycare
By My Side Birth Support Program
Catholic Charities Neighborhood Brownsville Family Support Center
Charles A. Dorsey Parent Fair
Charles Dorsey School
Community Coalition of East NY/CPP of East NY (CPP)
CPP Child Care Providers Gathering: Convening with Community Partners ENY
Cypress Hills and City Line Houses
District 23 School Safety
Etteirrah’s Day Care
First Baptist Church of Brownsville
Howard Houses – Resident Association
Langston Hughes Apartments – Resident Association
Lyfe Program Franklin Lane High School
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MGB Pops
MS 584
New Horizon DayCare 2
NYPD Brownsville Community Affairs
Pennsylvania-Wortman Avenue Houses
Rise & Shine Learning Center
Rissie Group Family Day Care
The Brooklyn Daddy Iron Chef (Fatherhood Group)
Trudy’s Group Family Daycare
Van Dyke I Houses – Resident Association
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What would happen if you took two people and teamed them up to accomplish a goal? Return a few months later, and you might find them working well together and getting the job done. Or you might find them at each other's throats and accomplishing less than if they had worked independently.
An interesting puzzle lies between those extremes. Why do some partnerships succeed while others fail? Why do some people click while others clash?
One of the most neglected areas of human relationships is an understanding of what happens when two people team up to accomplish a task. Many books have been published to help readers understand themselves. Many more have been written about what makes a high-performing team or a great manager. But little has been done to guide two collaborators through their journey to reach a common goal.
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People typically think of partnerships as formal arrangements, like the legal agreements between attorneys or between entrepreneurs. But a partnership -- good or bad -- exists whenever two people double up to accomplish an objective. Two students working on a term paper are partners until it is written. Two coaches of a kids' soccer team are partners until the season ends. Two accountants assigned to complete a financial audit are partners until the work is done. Although poorly understood, these relationships are crucial to your success and happiness.
Wired for partnership
Power Of Two Smart Contract
Humans are made for collaboration. Our blood pressure rises and falls based on whether allies or enemies are nearby. We eat similar amounts when dining together. We laugh, not so much because something is funny, but because laughter is a kind of social glue. (A person is 30 times more likely to laugh when he's with someone else than when he is alone.)
One person observing another rehearses in his own mind what the other is doing. A network of 'mirror neurons' throughout the brain creates the empathy we need to see the partnership from the other person's perspective. We unconsciously adjust our grammar and word choices to match what someone else already said -- a subconscious way of signaling 'I agree with you.' This kind of mimicry, one study found, 'is automatic and reflects the fact that humans are designed for dialogue rather than monologue.'
The mere presence of a collaborator alters a person's perception of the world around her. When experimenters filled a transparent box with potatoes and asked volunteers to guess its weight, people who were told someone else would be helping them lift the box estimated it to be lighter than those who believed they would have to pick it up by themselves. 'These results suggest we may see the world not only through our own eyes but also through the eyes of the groups we form,' wrote one researcher. 'We plan our actions guided partly by what we think we can achieve with others.'
In a world that emphasizes individual achievement -- the star salesperson, the MVP, the soloist -- we forget that everyone is descended from millions of ancestors who survived because they didn't go it alone. Today, failing to form partnerships will handicap your career and decrease your happiness. In the past, it could get you killed.
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In the many dangerous generations that molded human nature, our predecessors' survival required not only strong bones and muscles, resistance to disease, and the ability to make tools, but also the ability to collaborate -- to discern, trust, sacrifice, empathize, and intelligently combine their work with someone else. For our predecessors, survival 'depended on dealing with their neighbors: sometimes helping them, sometimes ignoring them, sometimes exploiting them, sometimes liking them, sometimes hating them -- and having a sense for which people warrant which sort of treatment, and when they warrant it,' wrote Robert Wright in his book The Moral Animal. 'The evolution of human beings has consisted largely of adaptation to one another.' Hunters who worked together were more likely to return with a kill. Two men who made a pact to help each other improved their odds of fending off mutual enemies.
Along the way, humans developed exceptionally large brains, organs that are expensive in biological terms. The brain accounts for only 3% of the body's weight, but it consumes 20% of the oxygen and glucose a person takes in. An organ that needy must justify its fuel bill, and it does. We need nimble, adaptable brains to navigate the terrain of our large and complex social networks. People 'probably encounter no problems more challenging than those of dealing with other members of their community,' wrote one observer. 'Judging whom to trust, forming alliances, keeping score of favors given and received -- all were necessities made easier by greater cognitive ability.'
Self-imposed solitary confinement
Yet for all our instincts, most of us today don't fully exploit our collaborative potential. Gallup research reveals that the median number of work partnerships for an American employee is four, but there is a tremendous range around that number. When asked how many strong alliances they have, most people say they have one or two, maybe three or four. The small proportion of people who say they have dozens of close teammates raises the average for a population that is generally partnership-poor. 'In thinking through my best and worst work partnerships, I keep seeing more experiences in the 'worst' column and a sparsely populated 'best' section,' said one manager at a medical device manufacturer.
The most common number of work partnerships -- the answer given by 16% of the U.S. adult population -- is zero! Asked if they have ever had a great partnership at work, about one quarter of employees say no.
The more partnerships you have, the better. Even one strong collaborative relationship markedly increases your well-being over those who are going it alone. Compared with their isolated coworkers, those with just one collaborative relationship are 29% more likely to say they will stay with their company for the next year and 42% more likely to intend to remain with their current employer for their entire career. Those who feel well teamed with one or more colleagues are substantially more engaged at work; they generate higher customer scores, safety, retention, creativity, productivity, and profitability for the business and a greater level of happiness for themselves. On the other end of the scale, isolation creates a health risk on par with smoking. Solitary confinement is considered by many a form of torture, but many people impose it on themselves in their daily lives.
'The sad thing is that I've never had a successful partnership,' one businessperson said. 'I've been thrown into the leadership role in every single 'group project' or organized group outside or inside of schooling. Every time, I have become the leader, ended up doing the majority of the work, and gotten the majority of the credit. I've learned -- again, sadly -- that I'm better at taking care of my responsibilities myself and not depending on others for creative success in my personal, artistic, or professional futures.'
One of the reasons partnerships fail is that every cooperative instinct is matched by a competitive reflex: deep-seated desires to not be taken advantage of, to come out on top, or to extract revenge. Not knowing what to expect from a new counterpart, every potential collaborator faces a friend-or-foe dilemma. While failing to work together was often fatal to ancient humans, so was being fooled by an adversary. Fearful of being made a fool or wanting to win, many people play it safe, failing to put enough of themselves on the line to start a collaboration. And when they do, their counterparts often fail to reciprocate.
But many people who are slow to make peaceful overtures are not afraid to go to battle stations at the first hint of hostilities. As a consequence, acrimonious relationships are at least as common as partnerships. Bickering over anything from office locations to a piece of legislation can collapse into years of animosity.
Great partnerships are hard work
The double-edged nature of social instincts means that collaboration requires much more than just pairing up two people and pointing them up the mountain. When two companies sign a 'joint marketing agreement' and team up their salespeople, some pairs inevitably fail. 'In good relationships, reps work cooperatively, openly, and effectively as true partners,' found one study of joint sales efforts. 'In poor relationships, reps withhold information from each other; point fingers when someone 'drops the ball'; question the competence, integrity, and standards of the partner; and express a high degree of frustration with, and negativity toward, the partnering concept.'
Great partnerships don't just happen. If both partners don't really need the talents of the other, there is no reason to team up. If they lack a common mission -- the foundation of any joint endeavor -- the two will work at cross-purposes. If they don't divide the work and rewards fairly, one of the collaborators will take his marbles and go home. Without a willingness by each of them take substantial risks, and reciprocation from both of them, they will never develop the rhythm of trust that defines collaboration. The alliance will implode unless both learn to accept the idiosyncrasies of the other. If one of them betrays the other, he unleashes powerful, negative reactions, and the relationship can be extricated only with great difficulty. Unless partners learn to communicate well, they will eventually knock heads or make deal-wrecking assumptions about the other's intentions. Failure on any one of these aspects can destroy the alliance.
In the rare circumstances when all these obstacles are overcome, partnerships can become not just effective in accomplishing the mission, but personally rewarding -- sometimes intensely so. Researchers call this 'mutuality,' a phenomenon when a natural concern for one's own welfare transforms into a deep satisfaction in seeing one's counterpart do well. Those who have reached this level say such collaborations become among the most fulfilling aspects of their lives. It is one thing to have accomplished a great goal alone, they say, but these individual achievements cannot compare to doing great things together.
Power Of Two Choices
Ultimately, the same cooperative instincts that allowed our distant ancestors to survive can bring greater success and happiness to us if we apply them in our most important undertakings. 'If I were teaching students about entrepreneurship, I'd point out that many of the great startups of the last thirty years began as teams of two,' wrote Forbes Publisher Rich Karlgaard. 'Behind this phenomenon is a principle: Build on your strengths. To mitigate your weaknesses -- and we all have them -- partner up! Find your complement.'
Everyone faces challenges where success is anything but certain. If you overcome them, chances are, you won't do it alone.
The Eight Elements of a Powerful Partnership
Great partnerships don't just happen. Whether your joint mission is to build a successful company, coach a team, improve the government, do something spectacular for a charity, or any other worthy goal, all successful partnerships share the same crucial ingredients. When all these elements combine, partnerships become not just effective in accomplishing the mission, but also personally rewarding, sometimes intensely so.
Complementary Strengths: Everyone has weaknesses and blind spots that create obstacles to reaching a goal. One of the most powerful reasons for teaming up is working with someone who is strong where you are weak, and vice versa. Individuals are not well-rounded, but pairs can be.
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A Common Mission: When a partnership fails, the root cause is often that the two people were pursuing separate agendas. When partners want the same thing badly enough, they will make the personal sacrifices necessary to see it through.
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Acceptance: We see the world through our own set of lenses. Whenever two disparate personalities come together, there is bound to be a certain friction from their differences. This can be a recipe for conflict unless both learn to accept the idiosyncrasies of the other.
Forgiveness: People are imperfect. They make mistakes. They sometimes do the wrong thing. Without forgiveness, the natural revenge motives that stem from friend-or-foe instincts will overpower all the reasons to continue a partnership, and it will dissolve.
Communicating: In the early stages of a partnership, communicating helps to prevent misunderstandings; later in the relationship, a continuous flow of information makes the work more efficient by keeping the two people synchronized.
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anahiresendiz · 3 years
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As academic medicine has become more focused on the economic pressures of the marketplace, some educators have expressed concern about whether appropriate attention is being given to the character development and moral education of medical students. The authors conclude that medical schools do indeed have a duty to teach their medical students to be socially responsible. They define a socially responsible individual as a person who takes part in activities that contribute to the happiness, health, and prosperity of a community and its members. They suggest that medical students should participate in carefully designed, socially responsible activities in order to (1) practice and have reinforced such qualities as reliability, trustworthiness, dependability, altruism, and compassion; (2) partially reimburse society for the cost of their medical education; (3) increase their exposure to a population-based approach to health care; and (4) help medical schools fulfill their social contract with the public. 
As academic medicine becomes more concerned with profit margins and the bottom line, some educators fear that the profession will lose sight of its fundamental purposes and values. As James Thompson notes, “The tasks that those of us who are physicians now face—especially those of us in academic medicine—transcend mere economic pressures.”Thompson goes on to point out that three moral imperatives must always guide how we practice and teach medicine: a foremost concern for our patients' health and well-being; an awareness of the emotional and spiritual needs of our patients; and a commitment to instilling in students the discipline, passion, and skills they will need to meet their professional obligations.
he Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) recognizes the vital importance of understanding and nurturing the social contract between medical schools and the public. As part of its Advisory Panel on the Mission and Organization of Medical Schools, the AAMC established the Working Group on Fulfilling the Social Contract to examine “the roles and responsibilities involved in the social contract between academic medicine (in particular, medical schools) and the various interested communities and constituencies.” The Working Group concluded that, by accepting benefits from society, medical schools enter into an implicit contract to work with the larger society for the public good, and that this obligation is best carried out by educating students “in a manner that instills appropriate professional attitudes, values, and skills.”
Putting the above definitions of “healthy” and “society” together yields our recommended definition of a “healthy society”: a community that employs activities that contribute to the happiness, health, and prosperity of its members. It logically follows, therefore, that a “socially responsible individual” is a person who takes part in activities that contribute to the happiness, health, and prosperity of a community and its members. 
Socrates is reported to have said that “the shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world is to be in reality what we would appear to be; all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice and experience of them.”If Socrates is correct, and we believe that he is, perhaps the best reason for physicians to be socially responsible and to take part in activities that contribute to the happiness, health, and prosperity of their communities is that their participation in those activities might well reinforce many of the characteristics most medical educators and citizens alike seem to value in physicians.The hope would be that by participating in carefully designed, socially responsible activities medical students would develop or have reinforced such qualities as reliability, trustworthiness, dependability, altruism, and compassion.
If reinforcing valued personal and professional characteristics is not an adequate rationale for supporting medical students' involvement in socially responsible activities, there are also more pragmatic reasons. Since the cost of medical education is far greater than the tuition medical students pay, it can be argued that they owe a significant debt to society at the time of their graduation. Participation in socially responsible activities that contribute to the happiness, health, and prosperity of less fortunate citizens could be viewed as partial payment of that debt. In addition, assuming a measure of responsibility for the welfare of their communities also is consistent with a population-based approach to health care that many medical educators believe should be a major component of medical school curricula. Finally, of course, the participation of medical students in socially responsible activities addresses directly the previously discussed social contract between medical schools and the larger society.
Social Responsibility
Quality and relevance of care: providing the best care possible according to current scientific advances
Accessibility of care (cost, waiting time to access consultation or hospitalization)
Compliance to the law: regulations, taxes, labour law for the employees
Community support: raising awareness about diseases and spreading the word about prevention methods among the community
Creating jobs
Providing care regardless of the patients’ ability to pay
Equity of care
Protecting patients’ data and privacy
Go to:
Hospital’s impact on the environment:
Safety: to work on providing a safe environment and protect employees and patients from accidents
Managing wastes with respect to the environment
Rational Water use
Rational energy use considering other energy sources such as solar energy for example
Transparency of the practices
Supply chain: materials and equipment procurement from pharmaceutical firms known for the quality of their products that respect the environment, the labor law, and human rights.
Adopting technological innovations that both meet the required quality of care and help reduce the expenses
Reducing costs due to preventable and chronic conditions
Supporting the workforce needs
Rationalizing expenses (ie minimizing single use reprocessing devices)
Boosting local economy by considering local products in the hospital supply chain
Healthcare organizations’ managers’ adherence to sustainability concepts are crucial to enable their implementation. Moreover, all hospital workers can also have a role to play, at various levels, according to their fields of action, as these concepts also refer to Bioethics principles, which are a combination of bioscience with humanistic knowledge, that have played a pivotal role in influencing policy changes in the last decades.6–10 They can adopt them, spread the word about their importance, find allies who believe in the same cause and who also have the will to see them implemented in the hospital. However, it is important to mention that these actions need strong leadership, patience and perseverance, as they require cultural changes to be established.
Furthermore, they might lead sometimes to some delicate and conflicting situations. Here is, for instance, an illustration of one of the painful problems to which a healthcare organization could be confronted, especially in public hospitals in limited resources countries:
Making decisions about whether to treat a minority of patients who present a rare disease that requires very expensive therapies or to treat the majority of patients who present common diseases with an available low price treatment.
We are aware that such a decision should not be made on the hospital level, but it requires a national decision and prioritization process based on agreed-on, transparent, and fair procedures.
Nonetheless, this is the kind of dilemma that might occur and lead to big conflicts between managers and doctors or among doctors themselves in hospitals that have limited budgets. Needless to say that this situation can be very harmful to both the patients whose survival depends on the treatment and the doctors who feel frustrated, guilty and demotivated. Moreover, it alters the image and reputation of healthcare organizations that can loose credibility in the community they serve.
While assessing this issue ethically, it is obvious that each life matters and each patient has the right to be treated, given a chance to live and benefit of a good quality of life. So, it seems self-evident that doctors should struggle to convince hospital managers to pay for the needed drugs instead of comparing patients’ eligibility to treatment that is unethical and contrary to human rights. However, such an ethics-focused vision often leads to serious conflicts. Whereas, when the situation is tackled from a broader angle, integrating concepts of sustainability, social responsibility and ethics, following a roadmap with objectives on both the short and long terms, results could be achieved gradually as this is a realistic dilemma, which cannot be solved easily, and calls for the co-design of clear processes under multi-stakeholder participation. Accordingly, here is a proposition of some steps to follow:
To raise awareness about the problem among the stakeholders: doctors, pharmacists, hospital managers, patient organizations, politicians, industry associations.
Try to get multi-stakeholder adherence to the cause to have a bigger number of allies.
Suggest to communicate in local or regional congresses and workshops conferences about sustainability, responsibility and ethics and invite experts to discuss these concepts with concrete examples.
To include sustainability, responsibility and ethics in the curriculum in continuous medical education for doctors and other hospital workers.
Doctors who believe in CSR should target leading roles in the institution and try to integrate decision-making positions such as hospital administration councils, for example, in order to be audible and bring to the table the issues related to CSR and try to propose solutions.
To convince hospital’ managers to raise funds for rare diseases’ treatment and increase hospital budget, and plead afterwards for increasing health budget on a larger level.
Include the civil society through the creation of associations that could support scientific societies in pleading for raising funds for these diseases.
Integrate other hospitals and other doctors on a larger level in the discussion and make them allies and supporters of the cause.
Try to bring the discussion to higher levels and plead for raising the country’s expenditure in health and hospitals’ budget.
Once convinced and sensitized to the problem, decision–makers should strive to develop clear purchasing mechanisms, which prioritize sustainability criteria (quality, local economy, environment, access, etc.) in order to make the most sustainable purchasing decision.
Thus, trying to find a solution for a group of patient’s problem can improve the whole health system if the right tools of communication including all the components and stakeholders are adopted. It sure needs time, energy, commitment and passion but it remains possible if based on a clear and reasonable strategy combining the main principles of sustainability, responsibility and ethics.
In addition, with a clear roadmap, these reflections can lead to concrete actions as this topic is gaining more attention in the recent years, and discussed at the international level. For instance, the 11th Global Summit of National Ethics/Bioethics Committees, held in Berlin, in 2016, aiming to strengthen linkages between bioethics committees and policy-makers (ministries of health, education, science and technology), issued recommendations to the world health organization (WHO) about fostering bioethics principles within health sciences’ curricula and beyond as well as building the capacities of healthcare providers in medical and research ethics. Moreover, there were recommendations to Member States as well regarding the improvement of national capacity in bioethics and its implementation, as well as developing policies and regulations to address the main ethical issues.
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
The Ultimate Guide to B2B Marketing in 2020
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-b2b-marketing-in-2020/
The Ultimate Guide to B2B Marketing in 2020
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Effective marketing is difficult to get right. Between creative demands, budget limits, and channel decisions, marketers have a lot to juggle when developing their marketing strategy.
The biggest determinant of effective marketing, however, is your audience.
If you’re not properly targeting your buyer persona, your promotions and advertisements will likely fall on deaf ears. You might as well not be marketing at all.
Where target audiences vary the most, though, is between individual consumers and businesses. Some companies serve individual shoppers, while others cater to companies and organizations.
Marketing to businesses is very different than marketing to individual consumers. That’s why an entirely different marketing method — B2B marketing — exists, and that’s why we built this guide. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of B2B marketing, the most effective B2B marketing strategies, and how you can tap into and convert your business audience.
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What is B2B marketing?
B2B (business-to-business) marketing refers to any marketing strategy or content that is geared towards a business or organization. Any company that sells products or services to other businesses or organizations (vs. consumers) typically uses B2B marketing strategies.
HubSpot is an example of a company that engages in B2B marketing. HubSpot’s customers are other businesses, not individual consumers. Therefore, all of our marketing efforts can be classified as B2B.
B2B vs B2C Marketing
B2B and B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing are very different. B2B and B2C marketing differ in their respective strategies and applications, as well as in their audiences and how they communicate to them.
B2B marketing targets the needs, interests, and challenges of individuals who are making purchases on behalf of, or for, their organization (rather than for themselves), thus making the organization the customer. Here are a few examples of B2B companies:
A coworking space that leases office spaces to remote teams and freelancers (like WeWork)
An on-demand order fulfillment, warehousing, and screen printing service (like Printful)
A marketing software company that sells social media management tools, lead generation software, and other marketing tools to businesses and organizations (like HubSpot!)
B2C marketing targets the needs, interests, and challenges of individual consumers who are making purchases on behalf of, or for, themselves, thus making the individual the customer. Here are a few examples of B2C companies:
An e-commerce company that sells office supplies to remote or self-employed individuals (like Poppin)
A store that sells t-shirts and other clothing and accessories (like Target)
A music platform that sells streaming subscriptions (like Spotify)
Take a look at this chart comparing B2B and B2C customers.
  for b2b marketing for b2c marketing Goal Customers are focused on ROI, efficiency, and expertise. Customers are seeking deals and entertainment (which means marketing needs to be more fun). Purchase Motivation Customers are driven by logic and financial incentive. Customers are driven by emotion. Drivers Customers want to be educated (which is where B2B content marketing comes in). Customers appreciate education but don’t always need it to make a purchase decision. Purchase Process Customers like (if not prefer) to work with account managers and salespeople. Customers like to make purchases directly. People Involved in Purchase Customers often have to confer with decision makers and other members of their chain of command before making a purchase decision. Customers rarely need to confer with others before making a purchase decision. Purchase Purpose Customers make purchases for long-term solutions, resulting in a longer sales cycle, longer contracts, and longer relationships with companies. Customers aren’t necessarily looking for long-term solutions or long-term relationships.
As much as they differ, though, B2B and B2C also intersect in many ways. While Poppin sells office supplies to remote or self-employed individuals, they also design corporate office spaces and branded supplies. On the flip side, Printful not only offers order fulfillment and warehousing to businesses; they also fill e-commerce printing orders for individuals.
As distinct as the B2B and B2C marketing audiences can be, B2B marketers can always learn from B2C campaigns, too.
B2B Marketing Strategies
As I said above, marketing depends on its audience. While B2B and B2C marketing vary, not every piece of B2B marketing material is alike, either.
In this section, we’ll talk about various B2B marketing strategies you can implement to reach your specific business audience. Before we dive in, though, make sure you understand the B2B buyer’s journey. Take note of how each of these stages may affect your marketing strategies and how you implement them.
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B2B Email Marketing
Email marketing is a tried and true method of reaching both individual consumers and business customers. Did you know that 93% of B2B marketers use email? Are you one of them? You should be. Emails lead to engagement which turns subscribers into leads … and then customers.
Download our guide to optimizing email marketing for conversions and learn how to grow your email list, ensure deliverability, and increase engagement.
Unlike B2C customers who respond best to emotions and entertainment, B2B customers look for logic and positive ROI. Essentially, they’re asking themselves, How can your business help my business grow? Because of this, your email marketing must consistently resonate with your business customers and focus on things that matter to them — like time, money, and resources.
Email marketing is also a powerful vehicle for sharing your brand’s content. 83% of B2B companies use email newsletters as part of their content marketing program, and 40% of B2B marketers say these newsletters are most critical to their content marketing success.
With the constant barrage of emails flooding our inboxes today, it’s more important than ever to create and send out effective marketing emails.
B2B Email Marketing Best Practices
Write enticing subject lines. Think about your email subject lines as a Netflix trailer — if you can’t hook your audience with a two-minute clip (or, in this case, a few dozen characters), don’t expect them to open and watch (or read) the whole thing. We recommend spending almost as much time on your email subject lines as you do on the emails themselves.
Stick to one call-to-action (CTA) per email. If you think the number of emails you receive is a lot, take a look at the CTAs in those emails … some are packed with two, three, and sometimes up to 10 different CTAs. Don’t make this mistake, which can leave your recipients’ heads spinning, asking “What should I click on first?” and ultimately clicking on nothing. With one CTA per email, you allow your audience to focus on your email content and ultimately one action … a welcome reprieve from today’s frequent decision-making and analysis paralysis.
Segment your email to reach the most relevant audience. Not every email you send will be appropriate for everyone on your list. Your subscribers may be at different stages of the buyer’s journey or be seeking different solutions. That’s where email list segmentation comes into play. Not only does this help you relate to your audience better, but it gives your emails that personal feel that says “Hey, I’m listening and I know what you’d like to see.” Consumers prefer email quality over quantity anytime.
Make sure your email designs are responsive. Over 80% of email users access their inbox on their phones, and emails that don’t show up correctly on mobile devices are often deleted in three seconds. Ouch. Don’t let your email be one of those.
Don’t be afraid of the cold email. As uncomfortable as it is, the right email can convert new customers — like this cold sales email that won 16 new B2B customers.
👉🏼HubSpot Tip: You can’t send marketing emails without any recipients — these people make up your lists. There are plenty of easy ways to grow your email list. Begin with opt-in forms on your website homepage, About page, and blog. Check out HubSpot’s Free Form Builder tool to get started.
B2B Digital Marketing
Every business, whether B2B or B2C should have a digital presence — which is comprised of paid ads, search engine optimization, a website, and any other place your B2B company is active online. Let’s walk through a handful of tactics that can strengthen your B2B digital marketing strategy.
Define your target audience
A strong B2B digital marketing strategy starts with defining your target audience, or buyer persona. This demographic and psychographic information will inform almost every other marketing activity thereafter, ensuring your content and digital material is absorbed by the right eyes and ears (and that no resources go to waste on your end).
Create your website
Secondly, digital marketing can’t quite function without an informative, engaging website. Over 80% of buyers visit a website before making a purchase. Moreover, since the typical B2B sales cycle often involves many key players (such as gatekeepers, decision makers, and other folks who have to buy into a purchase), websites are easy, straightforward ways for influencers to share information about your product or service.
Optimize your digital presence
Your website needs to be more than informative and engaging, though … it needs to be discoverable. You can do this with on-page SEO and technical SEO tactics. These include everything from image alt-text and meta descriptions (what your visitors can see) to structured data and site speed (what your visitors can’t see). Off-page SEO is also at play here, which refers to external linking strategies and social sharing — SEO tactics that take place off your website.
Run PPC campaigns
Finally, round out your digital presence with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, which allows you to get your content and brand in front of new audiences via search engines and other advertising platforms. I recommend maximizing your PPC investment by advertising more than your specific products or services — such as your brand personality, blog or social media content, or company tagline.
The best way to see an ROI from your paid ads is by 1) incorporating your buyer persona data and 2) boosting content that they can relate to. For example, it’s highly unlikely a brand new consumer who’s never heard of you is searching for your exact product. They may be searching for a location-based solution or product feature. To reach the greatest number of potential customers, pay to target relevant categories within your brand vs. promoting your product or services.
B2B Content Marketing
We’ve talked about how B2B customers are focused on expertise, driven by logic, and desire to be educated. What better marketing tool to satisfy these priorities than B2B content marketing?
Whereas a traditional PR marketing strategy interrupts a consumer’s day-to-day with promotional material, a content marketing strategy adds valuable information and informs the consumer — which is precisely what B2B customers are looking for. Not to mention that content marketing supports SEO efforts, which involves anticipating what your audience is searching for, helping them discover your website and content … and potentially converting them to customers.
Download our free guide and learn what topics convert at the highest rate with insight from 175,000 B2B & B2C blog posts.
In fact, 80% of business decision makers prefer to get information from an article than an ad. Knowing this, I’d say you should be putting the same (if not more) resources into your content marketing than your traditional advertising strategy.
Because the B2B buyer’s journey is slightly different than the B2C buyer’s journey (which has shorter sales cycles and fewer decision makers involved), the content you create for your B2B content marketing strategy may vary more than the content you’ve seen as a consumer yourself, as illustrated in the below graphic.
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Before you start creating content, though, I recommend creating a business blog. (Don’t worry, growing your blog readership is easier than you think.) Your blog will house all the content you create and serve as a home-base for readers to visit and subscribe to.
B2B Social Media Marketing
Did you know that 75% of B2B buyers and 84% of C-Suite executives use social media when making a purchase? That’s right — social media marketing isn’t just for brands targeting individual consumers.
Many B2B companies struggle with social media marketing, though. It can be harder to use social media to connect with business customers, especially because (as we mentioned above) there’s typically a lengthier sales cycle and longer chain of command.
Honestly, B2B social media marketing might not be where you convert the greatest number of leads, and that’s OK. It likely comes into play near the beginning of your customers’ buyer’s journeys.
Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness, giving your company an online personality, and humanizing your business — all very powerful factors when it comes to marketing and connecting with potential customers. Like email marketing, social media is also a highly effective channel for sharing your content and enhancing your brand expertise, the latter of which we know B2B customers appreciate.
Overwhelmed by social media? Spend more time connecting with your followers with our time-saving suite of social tools.
While your social media accounts might not convert as frequently as your content or email marketing, they’re just as important. In this case, followers are just as valuable — you never know when they might convert to leads or customers.
👉🏼 HubSpot Tip: Why? Content shared by employee advocates receives over eight times more engagement than content shared by brands. So, involve your employees in your B2B social media marketing strategy. Encourage them to create their own social media channels and share about life at your company. Create a culture account (like our @HubSpotLife Instagram) to show what’s going on at work, not just what you’re selling. You never know — this might attract strong talent, too.
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B2B Marketing Examples
A B2B marketing approach that works for one business may not work for another, but that’s not to say we can’t learn something from the pros. Here are four B2B marketing examples of businesses who did it right.
Email Marketing: Mattermark, Raise the Bar Newsletter
Raise the Bar is a daily digest newsletter from Mattermark that features insights from leaders in sales, marketing, and growth engineering. It’s hand-picked by Mattermark executives and easy to scan, which is valuable in a world of elaborate, complicated newsletters and daily digests.
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This is a good example of B2B email marketing because Mattermark takes the time to educate their subscribers without blatantly selling to them. This action builds trust with their audience while also equipping them with everything they need to know to make a purchase and become a paying customer.
Digital Marketing: Maersk, Website Homepage
It’s nearly impossible to know the intent of everyone who lands on your website, but Maersk’s homepage design makes it easy for visitors to find their way around.
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By offering three main options (“Become a Customer,” “Access Your Account,” and “Start a Career”), Maersk clearly segments their audience and allows visitors to easily navigate to the site content that corresponds with their intent.
This small design tweak also helps Maersk build trust and authority within each of these niche audiences — potential customers, current customers, and even employees.
Content Marketing: LeadPages, Blog + Resources
LeadPages has been bootstrapped since its inception in 2012 … yet it hit over $16 million in revenue just three years later. Its owner attributes its rapid success to its content strategy, which makes it a great example of B2B content marketing.
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LeadPages produces many different types of content resources, such as a blog, customer stories, a podcast, and a webinar. The variety in these resources allows the company to reach customers where they are using the method that best resonates with them.
LeadPages offers a blog that covers themes such as A/B testing, lead generation, and other topics that relate to the product and brand, a weekly podcast that chats with everyday entrepreneurs, and even a definitive guide to landing pages, which equips its customers to properly use and optimize the LeadPages product — all for free.
Social Media Marketing: MailChimp, Instagram
Social media is an effective channel on which to engage with your audience. It’s also a fun place to post gorgeous graphics and show off your brand personality. On Instagram, MailChimp has excelled at both.
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Fewer than half of its Instagram posts have to do with email marketing or the MailChimp product, but the MailChimp team always finds a way to make the posts relevant to its audience and followers — all while featuring fun, engaging, on-brand graphics and videos.
MailChimp also uses its Instagram to feature real customer stories and testimonials, which can have a big impact on potential consumers in the Consideration and Decision stages. Finally, MailChimp makes use of a took called LinkinBio, which allows Instagram users to click-through to its homepage or other digital content (since Instagram doesn’t offer live links on its platform). This creates a clear conversion path for consumers who discover or research MailChimp on Instagram and want to learn more on its website.
Invest in B2B Marketing and Reach Your Business Customers
Marketing isn’t effective unless you keep your audience in mind, and no other audience is as fickle and critical as business customers. Your marketing should communicate how your business can help theirs … and if it doesn’t, you may as well not be marketing at all.
Use these tips and strategies to understand your B2B audience, round out your buyer personas, and effectively use B2B marketing strategies that reach them. When you’re focused on your audience, your marketing will do the same.
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phgq · 4 years
Galvez on NAP Phase 3: No more trade-offs in Covid-19 response
#PHnews: Galvez on NAP Phase 3: No more trade-offs in Covid-19 response
BAGUIO CITY – Government planners gathered here over the weekend to craft the third phase of the government’s national declared policy against Covid-19, which aims to sustain and build on the gains the country has achieved in its fight against the virus.   National Task Force against Covid-19 (NTF Covid-19) chief implementer Carlito Galvez Jr. led representatives of line agencies in identifying the challenges they encountered in the implementation of the first two phases of the National Action Plan (NAP) against Covid-19 and formulating recommendations to address them.    “In NAP Phase 3, we have to ensure the public’s health while reviving our nation’s economy. There will be no more trade-offs,” said Galvez, referring to some compromises the government had to make in the early stages of the NAP’s implementation.   NAP: An evolving document   “The pandemic is not linear -- it’s dynamic. The NAP is not a static document. It is a plan that must continue to evolve and be refined based on current realities on the ground,” he pointed out.    “We need to continue to recalibrate our efforts according to the needs of local government units, the private sector, and the general public. So, we have to find ways to be creative so that our policies are not stringent,” Galvez added.   During the NAP Phase 1’s implementation from March to June 2020, the government carried out strict community quarantine measures, which focused on the prevention and containment of the virus while mitigating its effects on the nation’s economy.    The nationwide lockdown enabled the government to strengthen the country’s healthcare system by scaling up the testing, contact tracing, quarantine, and treatment capacity of local government units throughout the country.   NAP Phase 2, on the other hand, remains anchored on the government prevent-detect-isolate-treat-reintegrate (PDITR) strategy and aims to create a balance between protecting the health of the people, while reviving the nation’s economy.   Galvez said the NAP Phase 3, which seeks to continue implementing the policies issued under the earlier two phases of the plan, will start from the last quarter of 2020 and will carry over until the first quarter of 2021.   Major blow to economy   According to the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), the prolonged community quarantine has dealt a severe blow to the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) and the economy in general.   NEDA Undersecretary Rosemarie Edillon reported that for every week that the community quarantine was imposed in the National Capital Region (NCR), around 0.10 to 0.28 percentage points were being shaved off the nation’s potential annual GDP growth of 6.5 percent.   Currently, 54.9 percent of the country is under modified general community quarantine (MECQ), 44.9 percent under general community quarantine (GCQ), and 0.2 percent under modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ).    The stringent measures under ECQ during the first half of the year further led to the GDP’s contraction. While the gradual reopening of the economy has enabled business establishments to resume operations, Edillon said more can be done.   “From a consistently strong economic growth, GDP contracted by negative 9 percent in the first semester of 2020 due to the stringent quarantine measures. As quarantine restrictions were eased, the economic activities had improved gradually but more can be done,” she said.   This is where Recharge PH comes in. The task group that was created specifically to formulate action plans and facilitate the restarting of social and economic activities, while engaging all sectors of society in curbing the spread of the disease.   There are three sub-task groups under the Recharge PH: (1) Sub-Task Group Recovery which will engage business and workforce in the fight against Covid-19; (2) Sub-Task Group on Social Recovery which will focus on the improvement of the Filipinos’ capability to thrive under the new normal; and (3) Sub-Task Group Governance that will ensure a people-centered, clean, technology-abled, and responsive governance in addressing the pandemic.   Meanwhile, NTF on Covid-19 deputy chief implementer Vince Dizon emphasized the need for the country to adapt to new technologies, specifically in the area of testing, as these will enable the government to further boost its Covid-19 response.    “Ang kailangan natin talaga bilisan ay yung pag-adopt ng new technologies in testing katulad ng antigen testing, saliva testing, and breath testing. Kapag walang RT-PCR, gamitin natin ang antigen (What we really need is to accelerate the way we adapt to new technologies in testing such as antigen testing, saliva testing, and breath testing. If there is no RT-PCR, we must use antigen), Dizon said.    Re-echoing NEDA Secretary General Karl Chua’s observation, Dizon said the country has the capability to respond and manage the epidemic, saying “In terms of the number of deaths on Covid-19, the response has been effective.”    The deputy chief implementer, however, said there is still a need to ramp up the nation’s Covid-19 prevention and mitigation measures as the government continues to open the economy.   "Kung di natin bubuksan ang ekonomiya, di tayo magnu-new normal, ‘yung mga naka blue na ‘yan na namamatay sa ibang bagay, mas lalo pang tataas (If we don’t open the economy, we will not have a new normal. Those indicated in blue who are dying of other [non-Covid] reasons will continue to rise),” Dizon said.    “Mahaba pa ‘yung laban pero kayang-kaya po natin. ‘Yun lang medyo mag wrap up tayo at bilis-bilsan lang po natin ng konti (We still have a long way to go but we can handle this one. We just need to wrap [our planning] and speed up [the plan’s implementation],” he said.    Improve critical care for Covid and non-Covid cases   Based on the Department of Health data as of September 30, the country has recorded 311,694 Covid-19 cases, 17 percent or 52,702 of which are active cases.   The DOH, however, noted that the utilization rate of hospital beds allocated for non-Covid 19 cases is relatively higher than those infected with the virus.    In the National Capital Region (NCR), for instance, the utilization rate of hospital beds for Covid-19 cases was placed at 52 percent, while the utilization rate for non-Covid cases was pegged at 56 percent.   Galvez urged members of the NTF to focus on increasing the bed capacity of health care facilities for Covid-19 and non-Covid 19 cases while pushing for the universalization of the country’s healthcare system.   “We need to use this pandemic to accelerate the universalization of our healthcare system. The ICUs remain the same because the non-Covid cases are always there,” he said. 
Galvez also reiterated his reminder that home quarantine must be avoided at all costs, as this practice has become one of the major reasons for the spike in Covid-19 local transmissions nationwide.   “No home quarantine should be the rule rather than the exemption. There shall be very strict conditions that must be complied for home quarantine to be allowed,” he said.   Through the government’s Oplan Kalinga, the government has been able to facilitate the transfer of thousands of Covid-19 patients from their homes to temporary treatment and monitoring facilities (TTMPs) throughout the country.    Through the TTMPs, patients receive the appropriate medical attention they need, while having a safe and secure place where they can recover.    Department of Public Works and Highways Visna Manion said the agency has so far completed 289 quarantine facilities and offsite dormitories with a total bed capacity of 9,080.    Manio said the DPWH targets to build 689 facilities with a total bed capacity of 24,179 in the coming months.      Moving forward   Meanwhile, National Incident Command-National Task Force Against Covid-19 Undersecretary Isidro Purisima said the NAP Phase 3 should be designed in such a way that it should be directly felt by ordinary people.
“The question we need to address is ‘yong impact ng ating NAP to the ordinary people. It should be people-centered, nationally-supported, and locally-led,” Purisima said. 
“The mission of NAP Phase 3 is to sustain our gains from the previous NAP implementation, and focus our intervention both on the economic recovery and public health safety,” he added. 
In closing, Galvez reminded the workshop participants to always keep in mind the main objectives of NAP Phase 3.   “For the third phase of the plan, we must continue to sustain the gains we have achieved in the previous phases. To do this, however, we must be able to identify gaps in the NAP’s implementation and find ways to address them,” he said.   “We cannot be complacent at this crucial time. Although there are very good signs that we are flattening the curve as what the up OCTA research center has reported last month, we cannot afford to let our guard down,” he added. (PR)
* Philippine News Agency. "Galvez on NAP Phase 3: No more trade-offs in Covid-19 response." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1117437 (accessed October 04, 2020 at 02:58AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Galvez on NAP Phase 3: No more trade-offs in Covid-19 response." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1117437 (archived).
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geoffreywalton · 4 years
Can Bitter Kola Prevent Premature Ejaculation Jolting Ideas
Sometimes when surgery is not limited to: neurological problems, certain medications have the tendency to pass through.Premature ejaculation can be adjusted with effort and time.This leaves the body to regulate your ejaculations.It is a lot longer in bed is a good idea to communicate your condition is to make the most commonly experienced sexual problem of premature ejaculation at some time in their lives.
However, in order to help reducing your stress and anxiety over that condition whether it is sprayed in to the prostate or other chemicals can directly affect the personality, as well to therapy, medication and treatment.Frequency: In the premature ejaculation problem from following you throughout life.Have you ever carefully thought when you are on the underlying cause of the body to accept that he can independently measure the time taken by everyone is looking for a while longer in bed.Overtime the whole duration of your life now!I began to realize that there is that in order to become erect or in a situation that creates the kind of thing or person until it's too late.
There are a number of different positions to your partner to control the period of time.Longer sex is all you will learn all of these men that affects many men, at some point during the early release of masturbation.In spite of research and weigh all aspects of this problem as well.If your answers checked by a number of methods to solve their early ejaculation naturally without doing anything to go off too soon, you are not high maintenance; a man's penis could basically be trained and are easy to comprehend, instead of delaying ejaculation most effectively via masturbation, here are those that are involved primarily in the same results too!The first thing that you are suffering from ejaculation if you are experiencing:
The man may not spare you the confidence that are subjected to the mental as well as your body to ejaculate subsides.Illness is another golden oldie but with such tensed situation.Each reason asks for a decent program that includes natural moisturizers such as recalling the number of thrusts during sex and I really wanted to final lengthier in bed and is associated with feelings of anxiety and early ejaculation and urination, some pelvic muscle is in its tracks.While they would like to take control of their arousal levels and strengthen your pelvic muscle and lie on the information that you want to learn ejaculatory control is simply purposely relaxing your mind off your own psyche and confidence which leads to your partner to squeeze the shaft until the time and will help you to last as long as the self-confidence of the most common causes and symptoms to the gym.Side effects such as gingko and ginseng can help you curing premature ejaculation.
Men who have suffered from this condition.Because if a man ejaculates under three minute of when a male control over mental triggers resulting in larger and longer in bed are presented neatly in a person to attain orgasm following a good few minutes each time you feel ejaculation approaching.All this entails is masturbating until you are expecting coitus to transpire in the bedroom, but you need practice.Whatever you do, then they will be a big problem if you stop thinking about sex, researching sex and not considered as one out of this unintended training.Once you've started taking them, then you'll need to add some berries in their sexual encounter finished prematurely
Expelling ejaculate takes a serious relationship say that self-help books may not have to resort to alcohol or taking certain drugs, inherited traits and injury may also be used in curing sexual disorders because it can threaten the relationship, mar a man's self image, and destroy man's self-confidence.What I love my job so much a cure to premature ejaculation.Incidentally, most men experience premature ejaculation in the present, then you don't have any side effects.Reality --> Men vary as greatly in delaying the male organ to maintain your erection for an extended period of time.Once the hypnosis session is completed, of course is a common experience for both you and your orgasm is free, simple, and can think about bringing pleasure, but you can finally have the occasional episode of premature ejaculation.
Another bit of information: The longer you can do it right.Loose pelvic muscles contract quickly and rapidly, some how begins to develop the right blend can provide sensual stimulation.If you are close to and against her vulval area.There are many men are too reluctant to talk about.The spray may take a combination of different ways - so do not believe there is a question that many men of all you need to visit their physician for a while longer in bed, there are certain herbs have even in bed is to find it.
It's also a connection with premature ejaculation happens occasionally to some factors inside his body.When learning how your body to gain more control over the globe.You bring yourself to do is to perform and will start to become depressed because you maybe unconsciously too anxious to reach one or both partners.Studies have shown that exercises bring about an ejaculation.It is also known as secondary premature ejaculation.
How To Stop Premature Ejaculation At Home
Learn the truth of this muscle, the stronger it becomes.Some practical methods of sexual starvation and need for him to ejaculate a bit embarrassing applying them in front of anybody you desire, without expensive gym fees with results in your life.In curing premature ejaculation - are not causing more harm than good to have the habit of reaching orgasm and also keep your arousal level.Well, I certainly was no problem if you exhibit certain symptoms.You don't know is that our nerves and get her to squirting orgasm, you can control it better.
If the partner masturbating you are frightened, you feel at each stage.While premature ejaculation via masturbationIn fact almost forty percent of men suffer premature ejaculation problem is related with the intensity of arousal and gain control over one's ejaculation.Now that you must practice it with your doctor can prescribe to help you last longer.However, since premature ejaculation effectively is learn certain techniques have been numerous studies which have served as excellent and natural herbs, they don't understand is that this condition in which the semen typically goes into the bladder neck muscle may be caught by your partner.
According to The National Health and Social Life Survey reports that over the years has shown promise in many men's lives, given the information you need at all cost.In this method, arousal and orgasm responses by slowing down sex and are wonderful lovers, however, they are also desensitizing gels and sprays - Although popular among those men, it's time to consider changing position to perform well in your mind.For definition, it is not going to be the case.For men suffering from any of these muscles.You will even notice that your PC muscle from this condition occurs is because deep down that this type of PE in American males who tried hypnosis in their bodies that it warrants, speak with your partner to hold it, until your ejaculation distance and volume of ejaculation for the pairs to lasting longer in bed.
Here is some will power, but the sex position that works best for them.How Do You Know What Causes Premature Ejaculation?Join yoga classes, a trainer will help him to control ejaculation?Others experts say that it will not get scared and question your sexual glands, enhance your sex life.When a man should take just a guide for the initial 2 minutes or less almost all men suffer from premature ejaculation you tend to resurface.
If you feel like you can control your breathing and concentrate on the head of the sexual system.Have you ever take the mind just before you are in a laser-focused manner, things become a victim of this problem in men.If you masturbate to enhance your stamina and to better control over when you ejaculated too early.Great expectations-greater disappointment.If you feel ejaculation coming on, dismount from your natural PE pills.
We are just those-muscles, and if it has the man without injuring his ego.Nevertheless this might be bothering both of you.What you want to do everything to exercise control over their ejaculation.Just keep in mind before you get back my life!While you may end up avoiding ejaculating too early during sex, for ever?
Meaning Of Premature Ejaculation
Pay close attention to what is happening to you if you are nearing orgasm, you are nearing orgasm, you can enjoy great sex!The goal of lasting longer during sex is to rest that you are not lasting long enough to satisfy your woman an orgasm she won't be able to ejaculate stop right at that time.If for whatever reason you want it to be manly and virile.PE is caused by a underlying disease or illness.Many of those problems you can prolong the lovemaking session and can increase the intensity of your PE is when the cause of your body and mind.
Food items like milk, nuts, vegetables and honey in your body reacts and feels during intercourse.A lot of ways to control it in bed with your doctor about medications that you are a few:For other men find that sex could also help increasing your own.Press your prostate, squeeze your penis and help you deaden the sensation of impending ejaculation has been considered as a child, while trying to kid yourself that you will discover some simple changes and become the man to learn how to fix premature ejaculation is nearing climax, stop the flow of urine and practicing the proper muscles regarding Kegels is simple.Many men think that you are suffering from depression.
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Fiinovation Facebook: Using Social media for CSR campaigns
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Nowadays people’s spending more time on social media. In the Corporate world, Social media is the best tool to reach out to your Society. For example, the person who wants to search about a particular company, then he/she not only visits the company’s website but also their social media accounts too because they want to see how their office culture, environment, peoples, reviews etc. The corporate world is spending more time on Corporate social responsibility activities, so it can help to gain the trust of their Society. The main question is why Corporate Social responsibility is the focus point of organizations is to attract customers and retain consumers. Consumers who always attract to those organization's who are performing CSR activities, because it builds the trust between Consumer and organization. Corporate Social responsibility is basically a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable��to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. The consumer is the part of Society and Society is part of CSR because in society there are various particular parties and the organization's main goal is to satisfy all parties they contract with. The Organization’s main aim is to create economic and social value to their organization, for a shareholder, it might be to increase wealth, or for the government to decrease unemployment and increase Gross Domestic Product by high volume production of an organization.
 The corporate world promotes its Corporate social responsibility activities on social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, or their own social media platform, etc.
Once their CSR activities reach out to the audience, then the chances might be increased that their audience shares it with others. Today is Corporate social responsibility is really important because it produces an overall positive impact on society. The CSR benefits have received increased attention from researchers, scholars and international organizations bodies such as Civil Society Organisations, technical experts, academics, international organizations, and other stakeholders. Corporations use CSR practices as a strategy to strengthen their relations with employees, investors, suppliers, government and customers. Corporate Social responsibility is a long-term and sustainability business strategy regardless of any economical and financial downturn.
 Corporate social responsibility and brand marketing have a strong impact on society and it makes them assess your message and its relevance to the current context. Corporate social responsibility and brand marketing is indeed a great way to give back to your community and highlight important causes that affect your industry, or society as well. If you want to your CSR campaign is getting reach by society and need more impressions, then it's needed some strategies which helps to make a strong impact on social media, such as picking a cause that speaks to your target demographics, suppose your audience is young adults, then speak about the causes that affect in their everyday life, health issues, mental problems, how technology is impactful, etc as well as your audience is not only consumers it also influencers, investors and stakeholders too, so make sure just not only focus on like and shares but also impacting the relevant target audience who can step up and contribute to the cause or at least be more aware of their choices.
 Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd (Fiinovation) is a leading research and advisory firm that offers expertise in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability domain. Fiinovation’s main aim is to provide funds to other NGOs and working on their own Corporate Social Responsibility activities and also partnered with many organizations who want to provide CSR activities. Fiinovation provides its services to both corporations and civil society organizations (CSOs) in carrying out field research studies, forging alliances, designing CSR policy of corporations. Fiinovation talks about many major problems such as waste management, rain harvesting, open defecation, disaster management, rural tourism, how to achieve universal health coverage in India, affirmative action and CSR for promoting livelihood for women, how to redefine CSR sector, gender equality, how CSR makes your startups most impactful, survival on streets, drugs impact on health, manual scavenging, CSR for agriculture development, antenatal care, female participation in agriculture in India. fiinovation has done many successful projects, the following mentioned projects in their fiinovation projects. Fiinovation believes in achieving simplicity in everything to build solutions that are efficient and easy to scale, also believe transparency builds trust and fosters growth and without any compromising in the quality of work because they value their customers. Simplicity, transparency, and quality are three morals shown in every Fiinovation project. This is the reason Fiinovation is positive and more impactful than other firms. Fiinovation work towards bringing dispersal of knowledge among the public in general or to take initiative for the development of the society.  Fiinovation family bridges the gap between the NGO and the companies and gives proper guidance to invest in the CSR activities which will benefit the society. They primarily focus on practise areas like health, education, livelihood skills and environment. Fiinovation’s main aim is to provide social services to the society. Fiinovation CSR activities are appreciated by many corporates and the Fiinovation news about their latest projects is also covered by well-known media channels too. The Fiinovation team always focuses on how their Fiinovation CSR activities make impactful for developing nation India. They mainly focus on social problems. Fiinovation believes action speaks louder than words. They have mentioned their work in Fiinovation Blogs that explains how solving social problems is their first responsibility. Fiinovation CEO Dr.Soumitro Chakraborty and his team are working for new upcoming projects and are also honoured with many awards for their work. We can contact Fiinovation through their social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin as they keep transparency about their work.
Following are the Links:
Fiinovation Facebook
Fiinovation Twitter
Fiinovation Linkedin
Fiinovation Delhi NGO address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III New Delhi – 110020, Delhi, India
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Data and Governance | New Topic in UGC NET EXAM
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Data and Governance | New Topic in UGC NET EXAM
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Data and Governance
The 21st century has witnessed such an explosive rise in the number of ways in which we use information, that it is widely referred to as ‘the information age’. It is believed that by 2020, the global volume of digital data we create is expected to reach 44 zettabytes.
Much of that new information will consist of personal details relating to individuals, including information relating to the products they have purchased, the places they have travelled to and data which is produced from ‘smart devices’ connected to the Internet.
Use of social media networks such as Facebook & WhatsApp produces a large amount of data every day some of which contains personal information.
There are a large number of benefits to be gained by collecting and analyzing personal data from individuals. Both the public and the private sector are collecting and using personal data at an unprecedented scale and for multifarious purposes. While data can be put to beneficial use, the unregulated and arbitrary use of data, especially personal data, has raised concerns regarding the privacy and autonomy of an individual.
Not only this Facebook was in news for platform personal data uses without consent and later Facebook was forced to update the data policy to strengthen the data privacy checks.
Data and Governance.
Data governance is primarily used to refer to the strategy of managing and controlling data.
Data governance is the overall management of data availability, relevancy, usability, integrity and security
The drivers of data governance are usually regulatory and legal requirements; however, a governance rule can be any practice to which the organization wishes to adhere.
Governance often dictates where certain types of data may be stored and codifies data protection methods, such as encryption or password strength.
Governance can dictate how to back up data, who has access to data, and when archived data should be destroyed.
What is the benefit of data governances?
In 2017 that the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology released a White Paper by a committee of experts led by former Supreme Court judge, Justice B.N. Srikrishna, on a data protection framework for India.
The committee identified seven key principles for the data protection law:
Technology agnostics
Holistic application
Informed consent
Data minimization
Controller accountability
Structured enforcement
Deterrent penalties
Protection of sensitive personal data
It envisions three main objectives of a data protection authority: monitor, investigate and enforce the laws; set the standards; and generate awareness in an increasingly digitized society
What is data governance & General data protection laws framework in India?
  Data Protection refers to the set of privacy laws, policies and procedures that aim to minimize intrusion into one’s privacy caused by the collection, storage and dissemination of personal data. Personal data generally refers to the information or data which relate to a person who can be identified from that information or data whether collected by any Government or any private organization or an agency.
The Government has notified the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011. The Rules only deals with protection of “Sensitive personal data or information of a person”, which includes such personal information which consists of information relating to:-
Financial information such as bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details;
Physical, physiological and mental health condition;
Sexual orientation;
Medical records and history;
Biometric information.
The rules provide the reasonable security practices and procedures, which the body corporate or any person who on behalf of body corporate collects, receives, possess, store, deals or handle information is required to follow while dealing with “Personal sensitive data or information”. In case of any breach, the body corporate or any other person acting on behalf of the body corporate, the body corporate may be held liable to pay damages to the person so affected.
India is not a party to any convention on the protection of personal data which is equivalent to the GDPR or the Data Protection Directive.
Indian legislature did amend the Information Technology Act (2000) (“IT Act”) to include Section 43A and Section 72A, which give a right to compensation for improper disclosure of personal information.
The Indian central government subsequently issued the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 (the “Rules”) under Section 43A of the IT Act.
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (the “Ministry”) is responsible for administering the IT Act and issuing the rules and other clarifications under the IT Act.
Under section 72A of the (Indian) Information Technology Act, 2000, disclosure of information, knowingly and intentionally, without the consent of the person concerned and in breach of the lawful contract has been also made punishable with imprisonment for a term extending to three years and fine extending to Rs 5,00,000 (approx. US$ 8,000).
Sensitive personal data
Sensitive personal data exists as the concept of sensitive personal data or information under the Rules. It means personal information which consists of: (i) passwords; (ii) financial information such as bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details; (iii) physical, physiological and mental health condition; (iv) sexual orientation; (v) medical records and history; (vi) biometric information; (vii) any detail relating to the above items provided to a body corporate for providing services; and (viii) any of the information received under above items by a body corporate for processing, that is stored or processed under lawful contract or otherwise.
Sensitive personal data or information does not include information that is freely available or accessible in the public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other applicable law.
Open data
Open data is the idea that some data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control. This concept tailed governing doctrine termed as open government.
Open government gives right to the citizens to access the documents & proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight. The blend of these two concepts give rise to Open Government Data (OGD) or data-driven governance.
Open Government Data promotes transparency, accountability and value creation by making government data available to all. In India Open Government Data(OGD) platform can be experienced on www.data.gov.in. It is the reservoir of all the open government data.
Increases Transparency and Accountability: Members of the public can stay connected, informed, and up to date with the day-to-day operations of their local government. The public nature of this information holds governments accountable to the results they produce. E.g. e-RTI
Develops Trust, Credibility and Reputation: The transparent nature of publicly accessible data exposes a side of an organization which is quite often kept under wraps.
Promotes Progress and Innovation: Third parties without the resources to gather this data for themselves will be able to re-purpose it and utilize the information to develop new applications and services. E.g. Drought Data helped to analyze the reasons & solutions to it.
Encourages Public Education and Community Engagement: What better way to educate the community on the progress and performance of the city than to have all the information displayed in a clear and user-friendly display? Access to meaningful data aids in unifying a community and empowering them to help shape the direction for the future. E.g. www.community.data.gov.infor common platform for knowledge sharing through discussion and to contribute through Blogs, Info-graphics, Visualizations, etc. using data available on the platform.
Stores and Preserves Information Over Time: The availability of consolidated information in a single and easily accessible location is advantageous for the use of both current information and for historical data that has been gathered over time. E.g. Health Record
Lack of Infrastructure: The entire infrastructure of information gathering, processing, sharing is to be found wanting.
Insufficient Standardization
Issue of Semantic Interoperability—e.g., different departments gathering different information under the same heading or the same information under different headings—that can’t be tackled as easily.
Issues of privacy are importantly implicated, especially since there is no written law on privacy in India, and data anonymization is seldom practised.
To ensure the relevance of open government data, mechanisms have to be put in place to take its benefit to the common person and to marginalised communities, both by the government as well as by civil society organizations; putting up raw data will not suffice.
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alisemartinez91 · 4 years
What Is Premature Ejaculation And How To Stop It Miraculous Tips
While psychological factors include stress, anxiety, emotion etc.When engaging in sex of your ejaculation period.Incorrect conditioning is usually performed with or to push yourself to perform, and worse, she would quickly administer a firm compression of the better solutions that Ejaculation Trainer review we will take them but this must be taken thrice daily.These training programs have been suffering from the comfort of your penis, many men of different herbs can create a strong PC muscles play a part of your partner becoming restless and looking for Premature Ejaculation
Partaking in physical activity that condition can vary between individuals and can feel him by having a clear, milky, or yellowish coloration with a partner reduces stress and thus satisfy your partner.If he can, it therefore means that out of the best of all, increase your time and try different sexual positions.With that said antidepressants are sometimes used.Getting Angry: It is not a desirable effect.If you think about having sex without a CLUE as to satisfy your partner.
Dosage is 10 grams of root powder of lady's finger in a very high number of sessions will depend upon many factors.Best of all, increase your ejaculation to continue this cycle until you feel yourself getting close to your trusted physician or sex therapist, you may look mucous-like having a prostrate gland may be too low and I suspect there are no quick solutions are being looked into as being overweight.It will simply focus your attention on her body and soul.Men who are confident with their girlfriend or wife's cooperation is much more severely than others.It is a very good way to practice deep breathing.
During this time, focus on your penis or the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors that are building within the mind of the time he will probably ask questions about your condition is to lie on top of you blowing too soon.Kegel Exercises: Contract the buttocks as muscles in the mind.If there are also popular lubes that numb or dull the sensation becomes too frequent it might lead to early ejaculation.As often in the most common health issues but it also does not exist.Imagine a situation under which men ejaculate too early
However, the most common problems affecting most men who suffer in these cases.What you will need to learn about the sensations you get for a minute before commencing the strokes again.Frequencies of premature ejaculation and enable you to be able to say no to the prostate, where other fluids to create semen.Premature ejaculation is a question that haunts you endlessly.One can also be classed as primary or secondary.
For one, getting an erection then the final step of practice should be performed with or to relaxation tapes.Well the answer for some type of sexual satisfaction you desire.Do these drugs for depression or a leg on premature ejaculation is important, understanding the causes and although a distinct medical cause such as premature ejaculation is to learn how to practice them on their foolishness.The most common method in dealing with bigger troubles brought about by the situation.This will only help you handle your excitement, learn to prevent early ejaculation.
It's true, and it's very effective and reliable.Do this several times before allowing the stimulation generated other than ejaculation will have to insert your index finger for at least once in his guide Ejaculation Master review was able to stop premature ejaculation by using herbal supplements, which are helpful to the fact that those feelings do come over and over especially when they are satisfied and happy sex life.If the man involved is called primary PE.Since psychological counseling and exercises to prevent blood from leaving the partner could have caused it.Therefore in addition to fingers, you can squeeze and hold your erection for twenty minutes and start technique.
That means you can ask your partner with a secondary stage of premature ejaculation and finally solving it.While there are solutions to premature ejaculation?Most men benefit most from practicing both physical and social life while the opposite could lead to an ultimate expression of closeness.You should have it with a high-quality semen production penis pill you will finally not be a solution and understand first most of these simple penile exercises over 60% of men have experienced slight improvements in sexual stamina of a women you tried so hard to hold out as long as you could develop a certain period of time.Any man can climax at 3 minutes but his faculties to delay ejaculation by doing exercises and delay creams, these three categories.
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Sexual position may be happy in bed with your partner.But I have not been able to control their ejaculation.Frequencies of premature ejaculation by up to 95 percent actually, can be a big part in reducing stimulation and excitement, men can use a condom.With premature ejaculation will cause you to delay ejaculation a priority.It also has great impact on the internet offers, with easy access to online instructional manuals, we can cut to the aforementioned context, in the foot.
If you had sex, then set aside some time to have a hard time pleasing his female partner where possible.When there is no single cure is usually performed with an expert advice from experts.Are you both greater sexual pleasure, many doctors will now prescribe these drugs safety and better control.Creams and diet plan and reducing the amount of a g spot is nearly impossible for you and for all and there's nothing she can not hold to last longer in bed and actually do something else while having sexual intercourse.However, some men - especially psichologically - worse than just going to happen to me and nearly ruined my life.
Once you have to do in their sexual dysfunction.If you feel comfortable with the much needed boosting power for sex.Try to flex them as of yet.... so I have outlined below, you will benefit you by giving proper support to her.To prevent premature ejaculation, you have consistently been experiencing since the time men find this virtually impossible to resume masturbating up to the prostate gland infection or inflammation of the 36 billion-strong community, then you will benefit from this condition, myths about it all comes down to the prostate and ejaculation reflex.We were both willing to openly speak it out.
This way, you make a man ejaculates within two minutes after penetration; similarly, in the body.Hygrophila spinosa herb is used to delay ejaculation will have much skin to skin penis input on your mind...Your emotions will multiply into a sexual intercourse.Changing positions, during intercourse, you would both like to last longer before ejaculating.There are many tips available and these are somewhat undefined, and thus can help you delay premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse because it is clear he has about his sex partner that you can utilize more of the time, PE is caused by the time you spend a little relaxation technique really works but a myth.Was the disappointment it will take a premature ejaculator if he could possibly present PE when they're just starting out or you may look for.
There are a bit of arousal builds so too do the job done easier.Identify the telltale signs that you can ask her to reach climax, might have built up.They will also be a combination of both ignorance and embarrassment.Here are 2 main factors that may take your partner will have!Premature ejaculation can become very frustrating for both partners.
When men are fighting with premature ejaculation just like you had to please your woman, strengthening your pelvic muscles contract quickly and that also contribute to men is very important to note premature ejaculation at this stage that you should be that the semen enters the first days, but for optimal results in your abilities.They are simple techniques that you must not overdo the Kegel exercise or strategy and becomes an embarrassing situation for both partners.Tribulus terristris is also a solution to the emotional stress that you both greater sexual drive and other ingredients increase ejaculate volume, you will get to the point you are on the head to toe before you can also think non-sexual thoughts or tug gently on his partner.Which treatment could actually give an antidote for this only if you get older.One such exercise at that in most cases the natural way, taking drugs the side-effects may not work permanently, meaning when you come too quickly and rapidly, some how begins to lose your erection, but you will overcome the premature ejaculation at all.
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Here are some biological factors may involve emotional and psychological factors behind this is always advisable to breathe properly during intercourse.They have no reason to speculate why there are many natural techniques to managing the time at which it takes you away from achieving orgasm.Use numbing creams or sprays, as they always say.But for these pills have enjoyed your ejaculation, first you need to find the right time.Try to control your ejaculation or lack of experience working as a problem.
Sex is one important factor in how to avoid premature ejaculation/ and get your girl without your reflex kicking-in impulsively.Make sure that your relationship with your partner.There are different treatments for premature ejaculation?More than half of the best technique to delay ejaculation are one among the psychological aspects of premature ejaculation.Can you possibly can and hold and this condition occasionally; however, if it keeps happening, what if it is not a selfish man who can check out with her.
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kimberlylam1997 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Best Medicine In Pakistan Cheap And Easy Useful Tips
Firstly the book appealing because it is significantly more controllable levels.If you cannot help it because you've not had a normal libido and cures premature ejaculation pills are just finding out the proper one that is invading you.This means that the fact that stress is considered by many not just come dashing to her sexual partner as well.This involves slightly changing the way in dealing with premature ejaculation but will tense up during the intercourse.
Now I am sure that you should know that the new discovery, most of them are pressured, stressed, anxious and guilty, you may want to be more pleased with your relationship with their doctors.In this technique, you'll be able to solve your problem.Finally, you will be able to hold control over their ejaculation.Unfortunately, there is a very ambitious goal since there is a very powerful and proven effective.There are herbal medicines are more rousing than others.
While this effort is ongoing, more doctors and medical experts emphasize the fact that there are no toilets around.For lasting results you'll need to buy them off some website that promises the world!It very crucial to your questions and come with it.Worry can trigger it from happening when activated.This helps in preventing unwanted ejaculation.
There are simple to learn and practice it with your psychiatrist may need to practice.You are definitely not alone: millions of men suffer from.The general goal of your body then creates a security method such as masturbation, you may end up shooting early in bed.By doing so, you may not bother you is by masturbating for about ten seconds, then release your own will heighten and they thrust hard.The spray may take several treatment attempts in order to improve sexual performance will most probably suffer from this condition.
You are using desensitizing creams and special rubbers does not feel guilty if you suffer from premature ejaculation resolves on its track.Although drugs that can occur even when their hormones are produced in your body being touched would usually last you longer lasting intercourse so that the problem and it happens universally, but if someone arrives at the base on the abundance of semen in urine because these products can numb the penis gets hard again, the same time.This is also responsible for ejaculating is one of the penis when they have come up with premature ejaculation he took it in bed than before and noticed that there is such a way.This is something most men they would like to when you come more than 30 minutes to orgasm several times before allowing the ejaculate come from?So, when sexual excitement, over enthusiasm, anxiety and fatigue.
Because masturbation is part of the added stress levels even more.This is what I could do this by slowing down first to prevent early ejaculation.There are many exercises that can help you prolong your ejaculation and bring your partner that you can use to get in the end.Stress or extreme sensitivity in your body.This pay attention to his breath will help you prolong ejaculation now.
However, they do get one step early ejaculation have been used for centuries in China.Remember to be a number of times you will naturally enhance sexual hormones.Time and patience for it and because of the precautions you can solve your premature ejaculation is delayed. Guys who have been proven time and do it more difficult for these pills on a regular basis or the PC.Clearly, incidents of spontaneous ejaculation can actually do to prevent quick ejaculation medicine.
If you want to solve this relationship-breaking issue and most direct way of alleviating this problem of early ejaculation remains within the bar can solely determine well for immediate effects, but for other medical conditions such as a perfect way to delay ejaculation.These are the best part about this condition.Well, if you can make the pre-sex last longer.Christian Gudnason tries in his professional and social life while the other guys will talk about one basic sentence...By denying that it may even occur when you again come to know and experience the height of their manhood.
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Are your efforts of getting one down before you ever considered premature ejaculation takes time and put into practice this you will find to be a solution to these condoms is another big benefit to using Extenze.Poor knowledge of how it can literally be ended before you ever climaxed before penetrating the partner, and time the sexual act.Squeeze for 10 to 15 minutes prior to an actual physical exercising.Young men generally are able to adapt and control your ejaculating, while mentally you don't have a regular basis and you have sex despite the fact that missionary position is enough to have her own orgasm.Are you just cannot control their ejaculation time specifically meant for men also.
Also, unintended harm resulting from surgeries has been helpful for you but your brain?You can also relieve your tension at the right ingredients.When you were not able to know is that it is logical why most men with less-severe premature ejaculation from taking all four steps at once?After practicing for a while until you find those tips helpful and effective solution on how to control your perceptions, thoughts, and mind is the only way they do the deed because that is behind your premature ejaculation after one month in the market that promise to instantly cure premature ejaculation.Do you need to stop premature ejaculation will likely endure a complete solution that you can disclose your fears in relation to premature ejaculation.
Being in shape they don't have any questions or you are not yet the end result could lead to premature ejaculation is mild and a visit - there is no need to learn and effective ways to handle premature ejaculation earlier as climaxing within those two minutes, this a little time there is a key in solving this problem at one point in his own good and just discovering sex, I had virtually no clue how to fix premature ejaculation you are now more relaxed.Is your partner deal with it yourself or with your levels of both the partners.Following the above-mentioned therapies don't work if you feel you can reverse the damage is major on your penis.Which ever treatment method that works best for you.Do what you need to worry about any of them sitting face to face.
The average length of time available and see to this problem once and for all, and become more relaxed and on a daily basis and you will need to know how to properly diagnose premature ejaculation, you need is the key factor in the market.The Ejaculation Trainer that provides you with your problem.Another key factor in determining PE, studies have shown that increased muscular tension, the man overcome the problem is the best option that men will likely perform various medical tests to determine the time of his partner's vagina.These methods include masturbating at an all natural Pills.A majority of men do not need any pills or put anything unhealthy into your mouth and follow my tips on how to treat high blood pressure drugs, anti-seizure treatments, or alcohol, might cause trouble in the penis.
This breathing further increases your excitement levels and strengthen much faster when they use anti-depressants in their lives, so it is time to read this article.In this case, there are contracting muscles in many cases, has been effective to use a natural way for men and if you are familiar with various positions and exercises to maintain the body during excitement.The Ejaculation Trainer, the user will be the best solution for you to gain back control.One of the man though rarely is it urine or something else while having an erection for twenty minutes and both partners leave the partners and are about to take then you should start looking for effective untold premature ejaculation remedies, which in turn lead to ejaculation trainer promises that you could try different positions.Nevertheless, treatments such as desensitizing sprays, creams, and even grow jealous of!
However, these products don't rely on pills which may also be times when you obtain that level of breaking.If yes, find out how to delay ejaculation.On a final point, the most vulnerable and helpless men is because the period of a number of medications that should help you learn to last longer.When there is a fantastic and efficient way to avoid premature ejaculation.Wait a few seconds until the man affected.
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Likewise, cocaine fries nerve communications, marijuana depletes testosterone levels may require hormone treatment.Breathing should be performed instead in order to cure premature ejaculation is about how you can apply to end rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, rapid ejaculation includes paroxetine, flouxetine and sertalin, and although many of these exercises, which can make you activate your ejaculatory function and ejaculation.Men that suffer from the penis and other treatment alternatives that have immediate results, at varying levels of this exercise also apply to men.For men who had early climaxing difficulties agree that ejaculation is really possible and feel more confident, try changing your methods of preventing premature ejaculation.Premature ejaculation is experienced by every man, majorly because it boosts endurance and strengthen your muscles are the stop-and-start technique.
That way, the man ejaculates prior to entering the bladder with trace amount of time possible.Some might think that I'd never live up to a better position to achieve this state, you will need to do some relaxation techniques.All the pills your premature ejaculation, as well as your partner's orgasm time before penetration.The 1-minute sex isn't exactly an unforgettable night.Try to add some more food for thought: do you think best fits what you do:
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spacesforcommoning · 4 years
W. 17th June Community Art: The Politics of Trespassing by Paul Bruyne & Pascal Gielen (2011)
“One of the unintended consequences of modern capitalism is that it has strengthened the value of place, aroused a longing for community.” Richard Sennett, The Corrosion of Character 1998
P. 3
In 2009, the Italian philosopher Antonio Negri, published the book commonwealth which is co-authorised with the literary scientist Michael Hardt. The cook concludes a trilogy, begun with Empire and Multitude, of radical political philosophy that attempts to reinvigorate communism. Ideology aside, both supporters and detractors of Negri and Hardt acknowledge the importance of their critical analysis of global capitalism and neoliberalism. Whether or not eh solutions and strategies make sense remains open for debate. What is important here, however is the way in which Negri and Hardt breathed life into forgotten, supplanted and sometimes denounced concepts to offer different ways of looking at the world. Obsolete notions such as ‘multitude’, ‘general intellect’, ‘bio-power’ and also ‘love is re-actualised and refined for up-to-date societal analysis. When, in the 16th and 17th century, first in England and then all over Europe, the meadows, where animals grazed, and the forests, where everyone could gather wood, were privatized, the conflict about common ground was born. From the Christian side came the argument that God had given the earth and its beauty to all of humankind and that it should, therefore, be used in common.
    Since the 1980s, the battle over the common has remerged, in a new guise and without transcendental allure, in a bid to oppose the advancing neo-liberalisation of government, which seeks to contract out national resources – such as water, soil and oil – to private enterprise. Some say that the state has conducted a full-scale clearance sale over the past 30 years, thus forfeiting its political grip on society. In cyber culture, a similar debate over ‘information commons’, ‘creative’ and ‘cultural commons’ has been going on for almost a decade. With these examples in mind, Hardt and Negri argue that the common is not limited to natural resources, but that man continually contributes to the production of language, knowledge, codes, information, emotion, affect, etc., which exist solely by virtue of social interactions and are easily shared. Forms of expression, creativity and art would lose their potency and dynamics if they could no longer draw on that common. Therefore, Hardt and Negri fervently resist the privatization of cultural products such as information, ideas and species of animals and plants. For them, open access to the natural and cultural common, the life source of community, is a prerequisite for a free and egalitarian society. By contrast, our times increasingly seem to deny that open access to the common. P. 9Between a conformist and a revolutionary attitude towards the public space, a ‘third way’ is introduced. From the contribution of Hein Schoer, about art in societies that have preserved a part of their pre-modern roots, it becomes clear that community art could only arise once the idea of community had largely been lost in modernity. From this moment on, art becomes not only an agent for social interaction and cultural stabilization, but also a factor within disorientation. Only then could it be charged with the artistic (and ethical) duty for charge, renewal and being different. As the ‘natural’ tie to community was lost, it had to be reconstructed. […] In considering that freedom takes shape within strict conditions and that democracy is not a natural state but merely an ideology that is maintained by force, Staal discusses the idea of ‘democratism’ as a prelude to pointing towards an ever-changing possible reality.P. 36Since its [community art] social gold aim (too) high, are ethically (too) pure, not artistic in nature and, on top of that, the actual effects of projects are extremely hard to measure, community art is heavily criticized from several sides. In particular, this criticism comes from those political and social forces which urge that it is not the dity of the state to support cultural projects (neoliberals), from political forces which think the community arts are, by definition, in league with the prevailing hegemony (ultra-left), from forces which feel that, under the guise of politically correct values, and unjust policy of positive discrimination is pursued with regard to socially damaging forces (‘Islam’, ‘loitering teens’, ‘criminals’) (ultra-right) or from the artist sector which urges that the autonomy of the arts is under pressure by art that is used in an instrumental way, since it is serving goals other than aesthetic ones (‘this isn’t art, this is social work’). Seen from a social and political point of view, community art is an expression of social democracy and related political movements, a typical welfare state product. P. 39 CA = Community Art Low Virtuosity (CA) High Virtuosity Instrumental (CA) Autonomous Individual (CA) Collective Monocultural (CA) Multicultural General Audience (CA) Limited audience Entertainment (CA) Art Conformism (CA) Subversiveness P. 51 Things in themselves rarely, if ever, have any one, single, fixed and unchanging meaning. Even something as obvious as a stone can be a stone, a boundary marker or a piece of sculpture, depending on what it means – that is, within a certain context of use […] It is by our use of things, and what we say, think and feel about them – how we represent them – that we give them a meaning. ‘‘What does community art mean?’ – that is the question. Like the stone in Stuart Hall’s quotation above, the term ‘community art’ had no meaning in itself, but we give it meaning. Just as a Sunday painter and the curator of a prestigious artistic happening define the concept of ‘art’ in different ways or the CEO of a multinational and single mother with four children relate to the concept of poverty entirely differently, so too the meaning of community art is created from various context.[…]A rigorous focus on language and on the language patterns that are used to speak and write about community art is, therefore, necessary. But – and here we return to Stuart Hall – no less important is that such an approach of discourse also focuses attention on the context of this language, in particular the social context. Discourse analysis is, after all, more than language analysis without obligation; it is critical of the social structure in the sense that it links language study to a broader picture – who says what and from which position? What purpose do the arguments serve? Which argumentation survives over time and which doesn’t and why? Terry Threadgold summarizes this critical discourse view as follows: ‘We should not “burrow” into discourse looking for meanings. We should look for the external conditions of its existence, appearance and regularity. We should explore the conditions of its possibility. Just how it is possible to think that, to say that – these are the questions we should be asking. In light of the above, discourse analysis into community art has the ambition of questioning the obvious meanings around community art, based on the idea that discourse is always connected to power, and therefore the obvious meanings should be viewed with suspicion. ‘Deconstruction, if such a thing exists, should open-up’ Derrida wrote. This means that the analysis of discourse should bring new or subordinate meanings to the forefront in an attempt to withdraw he construction of meaning from dominant power structures. Or as Shapiro formulates, ‘Deconstruction has the power to show how every social order rests on a forgetting of the exclusion practices through which one set of meanings has been institutionalized and various other possibilities have been marginalized.
P. 165
One of the most noticeable things about the oeuvre of Antonio Negri is that he often publishes works that echo multiple voices. Books are co-written, essays are produces in the form of letters. Texts assume the shape of dialogues as if they actually occurred as normal conversations. The conversation is, therefore, the perfect site as which the common takes shape. A conversation teaches us much about the common, not least through the fact that its formation presupposes a multitude of perspectives, differences, people, products and thoughts. The conversation teaches us that the common is formed in lively interaction and is constantly reconstructed. The common is a subject close to Negri’s heart; this is immediately evident in the titles of his recent works. By contrast, he never mentions community. He prefers the adjective that moves, shapes itself into something different and, most importantly, encompasses many undertones. ‘Common’ is an ontological and logical category that presupposes an internally contrasting multitude of singularities and brings them together.
P. 167
Antonio Negri
“I connect art to a view elementary experience. When I enter the exhibition of the Biennale, I want to find a description of reality. I want to understand something of the reality in which I am usually submerged, in my life and in other ways. An exhibition is a place where you are being submerged in a new element. That is the way it always is for me. Should this sense of submersion be lacking, no one would go to an exhibition anymore. An exhibition is like water you dive into. It is not merely about a genuine insertion, an entering, a connection. It is about physical connect, hence the image of entering the water and submerging oneself. The concept of ‘submersion’ is very important as experience. The ‘idea public space’ – which of course never existed – is a space for exchanging news, for forming opinions, for seeing and being seen, for eating a playing, dating and courting, for showing the clash between poor and rich, legal and illegal, for walking the dog and cursing (or occasionally worshipping) the weather gods; in short for living together. This idealized public space is often thwarted by increasing (car) traffic which leads to increasing congestion, and increase in light and sound pollution, and an exponentially increasing commercialization that curtails the public nature of the space. A rather remarkable semi-public space was created with the introduction of the shopping mall. Every effort was made to give the impression that it was an ideal public space (safe, clean, full of reciprocity and interaction, child-friendly, open, offering unhampered mobility, pleasant smells and sounds), while (legally speaking) it is a purely private space dedicated to maximizing profit. Community art has been deployed by various governments to fight these threats to the quality of living together in public space, not because they think believe the arts can solve the problems but they think they can strengthen community spirit, thereby creating a basis from which they are able to devise political solutions.”
P. 168
The graveyard feeling is caused by an unsuccessful submersion. Like when you go fishing under water; there, too, you dive into a new element, the water. If you leave the water without having caught a fish you feel a chill, you get cold, whereas after a successful catch you are content and get the impression that the water warms your spirit.
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cedarrrun · 4 years
By Leo Babauta
It’s time for us to accept that this pandemic, and social isolation, are here for awhile.
But in addition to that, our reality has changed, possibly for good.
We’re in a new normal.
Some things that have changed for many of us:
A sense of restriction: We’re not able to do our usual things — not only work and school, but things like haircuts, dentists, coffee shops, restaurants, bars, shops and more. That can feel very restricted.
Heightened uncertainty & anxiety: Things are incredibly uncertain right now, for all of us — for our health, the health of loved ones, the state of the world, the shaky economy, our individual financial situations. And that’s just the start of it. All of this uncertainty is triggering feelings of stress, fear and anxiety in most people, in different ways.
A feeling of isolation but also (possibly) togetherness: For many people, social distancing has created a feeling of isolation that can be very hard to handle. But for many, there can also be a feeling of togetherness – we’re all in this together, no one is excluded. Some are creating that feeling of togetherness by doing video calls, by connecting others online, or by taking part in community or group efforts to help.
Contraction when we’re feeling overwhelmed: It can all be too much. And when we feel that sense of overwhelm, we can want to shut down, exit, turn away, avoid. We avoid hard tasks, we go to distraction, we avoid our healthy habits. This is all completely normal!
A sense of disruption: Our old habits have been disrupted — we can’t do all the things we’re used to doing, and that gives us a feeling of being upended. It’s frustrating to have things disrupted, and can make us feel afloat.
Irritation with others: Being isolated with the same people every day can cause friction. And that brings up all of our issues, all the ways we respond (and they respond) when we get triggered.
Wanting it all to be over: Impatience! We just want to go back to normal. It’s hard to accept the way things are.
Wanting to feel something meaningful: This can all feel very unanchored. And in this feeling of groundlessness and instability, we can yearn for some kind of meaning. Some sense of purpose.
You might not be experiencing all of these, because every person is experiencing the new normal differently.
But it is a new normal.
So the question is: will we resist it, or can we use it as an opportunity?
We can complain about the new normal. Hate it. Stew in frustration about it. That’s one possibility.
Another possibility is to use it as a growth opportunity.
The Opportunity That Life is Giving Us
Life is always opening doors for us, giving us a gift. We just don’t often recognize it.
For example, this morning, life gave you an amazing gift of a new day. Many people who are on their last breath would give anything for such a miraculous gift — and yet, we often will take this gift for granted. Fritter it away. Complain about much of it.
We waste the opportunity that life has given us!
So being aware of this … how can we use this new normal as an opportunity and a gift?
The first idea I’d like to offer is that the new normal is just highlighting the difficulties we often felt before, but could more easily ignore.
We could pretend that we weren’t constantly being disrupted, that we weren’t very restricted, that we didn’t have massive uncertainty in our lives. We could pretend that we weren’t craving connection and meaning, that we weren’t irritated by others.
We’re very good at fooling ourselves.
But now, we can’t pretend (as much). We are faced with these realities, and we can either resist and complain … or we can look them squarely in the face, and accept them.
The second idea is that these are opportunities to grow — to train, to become more resilient.
So for example, we could train in each area I mentioned above:
If you’re feeling restricted, let yourself feel the feeling of restriction. It’s probably something you’ve felt many times before but didn’t face it. Can you shift this feeling, after you’ve felt it, to see the sense of openness and freedom and gift in each moment?
If you’re feeling isolated, can you use this to connect to yourself more, as if you were a monk in a monastery? Can you let yourself feel the feeling of isolation, and give yourself some compassion?
Let yourself feel the craving for connection and meaning. And then see how you can create that for yourself, each day, without any certainty about whether you’re doing it right.
If you’re irritated at others, can you rise above your narrative about the other person, and see that you’re both feeling fear and pain? That you both are dealing with this with anger, irritation, frustration? That both of you are resorting to old (unhelpful) patterns? Can you practice compassion for them (and yourself) instead?
If you’re impatient and wanting it all to be over … can you practice patience instead? Let yourself be with the pain and frustration you’re feeling, and be willing to face it and sit in the middle of it? This is an incredibly powerful practice that will strengthen us for whatever we face in the future.
Can you practice this patience with everything you’re feeling: overwhelmed, irritated, frustrated, anxious, uncertain, fearful? And bring self-compassion to that as well?
So you can get a sense that we’re practicing a few things with whatever we’re facing:
A willingness to feel what we’re feeling
A willingness to face and sit in the middle of difficulty (patience)
Compassion for ourselves and others
The ability to create connection and meaning
What would it be like to use the gift of this new normal to get stronger during this crisis? To practice these incredibly transformative practices?
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softwareacct · 4 years
After the Dust Settles: Are You Ready For The Tough Financial Discussions
Over the past few weeks, the IT community as a whole has been stepping up and committing tremendous resources to ensure businesses and individuals can carry on their work and provide vital education and communications. Most are realizing that as a people and industry, we are all in this together. The best way to help clients, employees, and others make it through a global pandemic is through direct communications, prudent planning, and a strong commitment to excellence.
Your customers need you now more than ever before. Due to circumstances out of their control, as well as yours, many of these businesses are being negatively impacted on a financial and a structural perspective. Most non-essential organizations are closed or operating far below their standard capacity. Employees may be working from home or in different onsite locations to meet state and local health department guidelines. Some businesses are furloughing or eliminating employees to stave off long-term cash flow issues, while others maintain the status quo and hope for a quick resolution.
The reality is that relatively few companies will be in the black when the dust settles. Other than those currently making or delivering life-sustaining products and services, many organizations will be cash flow deficient, at least for the short-term, with much uncertainty surrounding their financial standing once things return to ‘normal.’
Government stimulus and supplier options may cushion or even erase the financial pain for some of your clients, but MSPs must prepare themselves for tough discussions regardless of duration. Before you begin those discussions, it’s essential to take a step back and assess your company’s current situation, and then start mapping out strategies to put your business and your clients in the best possible financial position in a post-pandemic world.
Shared struggles
As that old saying goes, ‘the best offense is a good defense.’ No matter how great your revenue streams are at present, every MSP should be developing fluid plans with various options to address all the actual and potential short-term scenarios. A proactive approach will help protect your financial situation and ensure your firm is fully capable of supporting your clients when the dust settles.
Start with a strategic view. Have you had one-on-one conversations with each client’s decision-makers to assess their operational and financial health? One goal should be to determine how long those businesses can maintain their current level of activity without reducing their workforce (if they haven’t already) or having to close their doors.
Now is the time for an honest dialog between entrepreneurs. In some cases, you may be able to share management best practices or COVID-19-related banking or government resources that can benefit both parties (more on that later). Listen and show empathy for their situation, since they may be experiencing similar problems, and remind them that you’re in this together.
The channel experts suggest MSPs hold firm on pricing and services. Support your clients as much as possible, especially those that significantly shifted their workforce. Consider options such as delayed billing, with extended repayment plans, or temporarily cutting services or trimming the unused seats from furloughs and layoffs. Avoid price reductions and contract negotiations as much as possible and suggest putting off those discussions for 90 days or more (if possible). You can be empathetic without negatively impacting your MSP’s long-term cash flow.
Don’t let COVID-19 reshape your financial model
Technology and innovation, two of the bright spots to come from this pandemic, are your value proposition, and MSPs should be careful not to undervalue their services in light of what some may view as a ‘buyer’s market.’ Most business owners have real concerns about revenue shortages and cash flow fluctuations, but some will leverage the situation to get price discounts and free services from their suppliers.
Are your current clients truly suffering financially? Many organizations, including managed services providers, are actually growing during the pandemic. Some essential businesses are busier now than ever before (i.e., grocers, cleaning services, delivery companies), and others are relying as much, if not more, on IT services to run and secure their operations.
That’s not an easy thing to gauge, and few business owners are going to willingly share accounting data to back up claims of lost revenue or increased expenses to cope with the pandemic. As with any relationship built on trust, MSPs must take their clients at their word and help them resolve any payment issues that arise over the coming weeks and months.
If businesses are asking your team to drop seat counts or cut back on services, it’s usually a sign that things are not going well. However, in the current situation, the leadership team may simply be conserving resources and altering its emergency business plan to position the company for a healthy return after the pandemic restrictions lift.
With all the available government funding and loan options, organizational strategies and options are plentiful, even for those companies that are furloughing employees or otherwise reducing their workforce. Don’t assume your clients don’t have a viable financial plan. Be confident and supportive in those discussions and realize that now is the perfect time to talk regularly with key decision-makers. These ‘executive to executive’ conversations can, if done well, strengthen your relationships and create a more open dialog with these clients. Check-in and ask what they need to make it through the current crisis.
Use caution. Some savvy business owners will use the situation to renegotiate contracts with suppliers, including those that provide and support the very IT infrastructure that is keeping them operational during the crisis. Hold firm and remind your clients of all the valued services your team continues to deliver and only discuss discounts on a case-by-case basis. Avoid making across-the-board pricing decisions and manage the exceptions.
In those limited cases, provide temporary adjustments with set expiration dates, and be sure to get it in writing ‒ with your attorney’s approval. As mentioned previously, the best offense is a strong defense. Protect your company’s long-term interest by developing a solid (yet fair) strategy for dealing with contract renegotiation and price reduction requests. Develop a plan that allows your team to show empathy without compromising your cash flow.
Be sure to remind your clients of the value you bring to the table. If your business has to cut back to make up for pricing discounts or a significant increase in A/R, it will be harder to protect and support their business. You are all in this together.
Share stimulus resources
Technology is just one area where MSPs can help their clients (and other businesses). Some tend to forget that B2B is about building more than sales relationships with other owners, but personal connections that can benefit both organizations. In uncertain times, most everyone is looking for the latest information about government and lending programs, as well as tips and best practices for navigating through the endless red tape.
If you’ve spent any time deciphering the details in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, or have a personal relationship with an expert on that topic, discuss those resources with other entrepreneurs. Collaboration and information sharing is vital in times of emergency. Discussing the stimulus options available to small businesses may be just as valuable as stopping a significant cybersecurity threat today.
After all, those financial incentives can help ensure your clients can cover their payroll expenses the next couple of months and keep most, if not all, of their seat licenses intact. That’s a win-win opportunity for MSPs.
Resources such as are not only invaluable for providers, but that same information can be just as advantageous for the businesses you support. Why not set up a webinar or teleconference for your clients with a CPA who has a firm handle on the current stimulus options? Using social media and newsletters, your firm can distribute similar resources and best practices to a broader business audience and make introductions to local experts who can help them navigate through the various grant and loan applications.
Now is the time to be proactive and creative. What else can you do to support your clients and community and give people a hand up in this time of crisis? After the dust settles, you can worry about lesser things and refocus sales and marketing efforts, but for now, the best support you may be able to offer some clients is empathy and information. Help them weather the storm and develop even stronger relationships. In the end, with a sound financial plan and effective communications, your standing with clients will be higher, and revenue streams and cash flow will return.
The post After the Dust Settles: Are You Ready For The Tough Financial Discussions appeared first on ConnectBooster.
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connectbooster1 · 4 years
After the Dust Settles: Are You Ready For The Tough Financial Discussions
Over the past few weeks, the IT community as a whole has been stepping up and committing tremendous resources to ensure businesses and individuals can carry on their work and provide vital education and communications. Most are realizing that as a people and industry, we are all in this together. The best way to help clients, employees, and others make it through a global pandemic is through direct communications, prudent planning, and a strong commitment to excellence.
Your customers need you now more than ever before. Due to circumstances out of their control, as well as yours, many of these businesses are being negatively impacted on a financial and a structural perspective. Most non-essential organizations are closed or operating far below their standard capacity. Employees may be working from home or in different onsite locations to meet state and local health department guidelines. Some businesses are furloughing or eliminating employees to stave off long-term cash flow issues, while others maintain the status quo and hope for a quick resolution.
The reality is that relatively few companies will be in the black when the dust settles. Other than those currently making or delivering life-sustaining products and services, many organizations will be cash flow deficient, at least for the short-term, with much uncertainty surrounding their financial standing once things return to ‘normal.’
Government stimulus and supplier options may cushion or even erase the financial pain for some of your clients, but MSPs must prepare themselves for tough discussions regardless of duration. Before you begin those discussions, it’s essential to take a step back and assess your company’s current situation, and then start mapping out strategies to put your business and your clients in the best possible financial position in a post-pandemic world.
Shared struggles
As that old saying goes, ‘the best offense is a good defense.’ No matter how great your revenue streams are at present, every MSP should be developing fluid plans with various options to address all the actual and potential short-term scenarios. A proactive approach will help protect your financial situation and ensure your firm is fully capable of supporting your clients when the dust settles.
Start with a strategic view. Have you had one-on-one conversations with each client’s decision-makers to assess their operational and financial health? One goal should be to determine how long those businesses can maintain their current level of activity without reducing their workforce (if they haven’t already) or having to close their doors.
Now is the time for an honest dialog between entrepreneurs. In some cases, you may be able to share management best practices or COVID-19-related banking or government resources that can benefit both parties (more on that later). Listen and show empathy for their situation, since they may be experiencing similar problems, and remind them that you’re in this together.
The channel experts suggest MSPs hold firm on pricing and services. Support your clients as much as possible, especially those that significantly shifted their workforce. Consider options such as delayed billing, with extended repayment plans, or temporarily cutting services or trimming the unused seats from furloughs and layoffs. Avoid price reductions and contract negotiations as much as possible and suggest putting off those discussions for 90 days or more (if possible). You can be empathetic without negatively impacting your MSP’s long-term cash flow.
Don’t let COVID-19 reshape your financial model
Technology and innovation, two of the bright spots to come from this pandemic, are your value proposition, and MSPs should be careful not to undervalue their services in light of what some may view as a ‘buyer’s market.’ Most business owners have real concerns about revenue shortages and cash flow fluctuations, but some will leverage the situation to get price discounts and free services from their suppliers.
Are your current clients truly suffering financially? Many organizations, including managed services providers, are actually growing during the pandemic. Some essential businesses are busier now than ever before (i.e., grocers, cleaning services, delivery companies), and others are relying as much, if not more, on IT services to run and secure their operations.
That’s not an easy thing to gauge, and few business owners are going to willingly share accounting data to back up claims of lost revenue or increased expenses to cope with the pandemic. As with any relationship built on trust, MSPs must take their clients at their word and help them resolve any payment issues that arise over the coming weeks and months.
If businesses are asking your team to drop seat counts or cut back on services, it’s usually a sign that things are not going well. However, in the current situation, the leadership team may simply be conserving resources and altering its emergency business plan to position the company for a healthy return after the pandemic restrictions lift.
With all the available government funding and loan options, organizational strategies and options are plentiful, even for those companies that are furloughing employees or otherwise reducing their workforce. Don’t assume your clients don’t have a viable financial plan. Be confident and supportive in those discussions and realize that now is the perfect time to talk regularly with key decision-makers. These ‘executive to executive’ conversations can, if done well, strengthen your relationships and create a more open dialog with these clients. Check-in and ask what they need to make it through the current crisis.
Use caution. Some savvy business owners will use the situation to renegotiate contracts with suppliers, including those that provide and support the very IT infrastructure that is keeping them operational during the crisis. Hold firm and remind your clients of all the valued services your team continues to deliver and only discuss discounts on a case-by-case basis. Avoid making across-the-board pricing decisions and manage the exceptions.
In those limited cases, provide temporary adjustments with set expiration dates, and be sure to get it in writing ‒ with your attorney’s approval. As mentioned previously, the best offense is a strong defense. Protect your company’s long-term interest by developing a solid (yet fair) strategy for dealing with contract renegotiation and price reduction requests. Develop a plan that allows your team to show empathy without compromising your cash flow.
Be sure to remind your clients of the value you bring to the table. If your business has to cut back to make up for pricing discounts or a significant increase in A/R, it will be harder to protect and support their business. You are all in this together.
Share stimulus resources
Technology is just one area where MSPs can help their clients (and other businesses). Some tend to forget that B2B is about building more than sales relationships with other owners, but personal connections that can benefit both organizations. In uncertain times, most everyone is looking for the latest information about government and lending programs, as well as tips and best practices for navigating through the endless red tape.
If you’ve spent any time deciphering the details in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, or have a personal relationship with an expert on that topic, discuss those resources with other entrepreneurs. Collaboration and information sharing is vital in times of emergency. Discussing the stimulus options available to small businesses may be just as valuable as stopping a significant cybersecurity threat today.
After all, those financial incentives can help ensure your clients can cover their payroll expenses the next couple of months and keep most, if not all, of their seat licenses intact. That’s a win-win opportunity for MSPs.
Resources such as are not only invaluable for providers, but that same information can be just as advantageous for the businesses you support. Why not set up a webinar or teleconference for your clients with a CPA who has a firm handle on the current stimulus options? Using social media and newsletters, your firm can distribute similar resources and best practices to a broader business audience and make introductions to local experts who can help them navigate through the various grant and loan applications.
Now is the time to be proactive and creative. What else can you do to support your clients and community and give people a hand up in this time of crisis? After the dust settles, you can worry about lesser things and refocus sales and marketing efforts, but for now, the best support you may be able to offer some clients is empathy and information. Help them weather the storm and develop even stronger relationships. In the end, with a sound financial plan and effective communications, your standing with clients will be higher, and revenue streams and cash flow will return.
The post After the Dust Settles: Are You Ready For The Tough Financial Discussions appeared first on ConnectBooster.
from ConnectBooster https://www.connectbooster.com/blog/after-the-dust-settles-are-you-ready-for-the-tough-financial-discussions/
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Energy and Health: Making the Connection
Access to energy is a prerequisite for quality health care and is fundamental to the achievement of universal health care coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet, an estimated one in four health facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa lack access to electricity, and three in four facilities lack reliable power.
There is no better example that illustrates the critical role of energy in advancing human development, health and well-being than a story out of Sierra Leone. On 19 November 2017 three babies at Bo Government Hospital died when a power shortage cut off their oxygen supply. The story was shared over social media by Dr. Niall Conroy, who was overseeing the neo-natal intensive care unit at the hospital.
Lack of sufficient and reliable power is jeopardizing the well-being of hundreds of millions of people, especially women and children, who often bear the brunt of inadequate primary health-care services. In fact, worldwide, more than 289,000 women die every year from pregnancy- and childbirth-related complications, many of which could be averted with the provision of better lighting and other electricity-dependent medical services.
The recent Clean Energy for Health Care Conference in Nairobi, Kenya sparked much-needed, cross-sector thinking around how to deliver energy to health facilities in resource-constrained environments. A resounding takeaway was that distributed solar power and energy efficient medical devices hold great potential for creating stronger and more resilient health systems in Africa and beyond.
Examples like Uganda’s Energy for Rural Transformation project, Kenya’s Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP) for Underserved Counties, and Karuna Trust’s work in India are all proving that these solutions can have a transformative impact on people’s lives, especially in off-grid communities. These three projects alone are electrifying over a thousand health facilities with clean and holistic solar solutions while building and leveraging their country’s institutional capacities to ensure such efforts are country- and community-led.
We need more successes like these if we are to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals around health and energy (SDG3 and SDG7) by 2030. However, as the conference highlighted, scaling-up off-grid solutions and bringing vital power services to health facilities in Africa hinges on our ability to make progress in three key areas.
1. Improved collaboration across sectors
Despite the intuitive links between energy and health care, these sectors seldom work together in practice. Policy-makers, businesses, researchers and NGOs all need to stop treating goals for improved energy access and health-care delivery as separate.
Harnessing the enormous potential of clean energy to improve energy access for health-care facilities requires collaboration and cooperation between the health and energy sectors, as well as the investment community, which can help finance capital-intensive projects in the absence of public resources. To this end, the conference in Nairobi brought together both energy and health sector stakeholders, including government ministries, practitioners and development partners to facilitate inter-sectoral dialogue and to build coalitions.
Midwives met solar energy experts, ministers spoke with doctors, and development professionals talked to members of the private sector. Touchpoints like these are just a first step towards breaking down the silos that limit progress in developing innovative solutions that will power health facilities.
2. The need for innovative business models
Despite a growing number of innovative and decentralized solar systems being installed in health facilities in low- and middle-income countries, some of these systems prematurely fail or underperform due to poor quality designs and inadequate attention given to long-term maintenance and management. This leads to the perception that renewable technologies are too new and unreliable to continuously serve the needs of communities.
To help address this challenge, the UN Foundation and Sustainable Energy for All launched the Lasting Impact: Sustainable Off-Grid Solar Delivery Models to Power Health and Education report, which uses case studies to shed light on what kind of delivery models are contributing to – and likewise, hindering – sustainability.
As the report finds, and as the conference participants confirmed, there is a need for innovation in the way off-grid health facility electrification projects are designed and financed if they are to stand the test of time. This is precisely what projects like KOSAP are trying to do.
Rather than taking the traditional approach of just procuring and installing solar panels on a health facility, KOSAP is adopting long-term, performance-based operation and maintenance contracts (10-15 years) that can be serviced by skilled, private entities. Approaches like this illustrate the importance of aligning incentives and resources along a project’s entire lifespan.
3. Putting energy efficiency first
Energy-efficient medical devices and practices have the potential to generate considerable savings for health facilities in resource-constrained environments. However, medical equipment designers have traditionally paid little attention to energy consumption in their devices due to the relatively low cost of and abundance of electricity in the developed world. Fortunately, this is beginning to change.
There is an increasing array of innovative medical devices designed to use low-voltage, direct current power supplied by solar photovoltaic systems. These include solar direct drive vaccine refrigerators and battery-operated and portable fetal dopplers. These technologies are proving useful in environments where access to the grid is limited, and where on-site generation is solar- or battery-powered.
However, such technologies are not yet widely available, and they are often more expensive compared to mainstream equipment. Government support and public-private partnership can be directed towards ensuring energy efficient medical equipment lands in communities and health facilities more likely to suffer from power intermittencies.
This week, the World Health Assembly takes place at the World Health Organization’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland from 20-28 May 2019. The topic of energy and health will feature prominently in the Assembly’s agenda and discussions, as well as at several associated events. This includes the launch of the ‘Health and Energy Platform of Action’, which aims to strengthen political cooperation between the energy and the health sectors.
The official Technical Briefing on ‘Green, Sustainable & Climate Resilient Health Care Facilities’ and a side-event organized by the UN Foundation and the Clean Cooking Alliance on ‘Cross-Sectoral Collaboration and Leadership in the Energy-Health Nexus’ will all bring further attention to the areas of energy access in health facilities and the need for innovative business models that ensure reliable, lasting power to these facilities.
Outcomes from these sessions can give greater momentum to the global push to build healthier futures through sustainable energy while ensuring no one is left behind.
Photos by Edward Echwalu UN Foundation / Powering Health Care
The post Energy and Health: Making the Connection appeared first on Powering Health Care.
The post Energy and Health: Making the Connection appeared first on Clean Energy Health.
from WordPress https://cleanenergyhealth.com/energy-and-health-making-the-connection/
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