#Bothersome God [Mun Speaks]
‘Everybody hates Jerry. EVERYBODY.’ (universalundernet)
“Uhg *yeah* nobody likes that guy!” Fitz nods in agreement.
//Thanks for reading the rules!
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dboliklover · 7 years
Thank you! (Lol I’m hoping I haven’t asked this before. I’ve asked a couple blogs 😅) Could you do Shu or Laito with a bride who is insecure about her weight? Like... cause she isn’t as small as Yui, for lack of a nicer phrasing, I guess. It can be fluff, or NSFW if you’re up for it (cause you know. Laito) {it depends on who wants to write it. Only if you want to of course. I’m sorry but I can’t remember which Mun prefers what 😓} thank you ❤️
Hope ya like it! I decided to do two prompts one w/ Shu and I might end up doing one for Laito at a later date, though!Also, I know the feeling of being insecure about weight, and this might slightly go somewhat into Eating disorder waters, I’ll try not to do that, though, but I’m sorry if it gets a bit trigger-y. “Fun” fact: yo gurl Roza suffers from an ED so I’m sorry if I make it #SuperTriggering. Warnings: NSFW (Only inplied, but I might write a smut scene later on if y'all sinners want it.)                  Self-hate/(potential development stages of an eating disorder)                                          
Shu:You stared in the mirror, biting your lip as you looked at your body. You weren’t exactly “fat”. Not technically, since you were in the “average weight” Spectrum of your height. Nonetheless, you /felt/ disgusting and fat. And now, you stood in front of the mirror in your room, in your underwear, feeling absolutely sick to the stomach. Your thunder thighs.Your bulging stomachYour fat face and your fat, flabby armsYou /hated/ it. Truly, deeply despised your own body. You knew you weren’t good enough for Shu. You’d known it all along, but it was only recently you finally realised it on a conscious level after Yui had been brought into the manor as a new sacrificial bride. You by no means disliked Yui, she was lovely and sweet and kind. She was /perfect/. Even though you didn’t hate the blonde girl, you envied her like hell. She had the body you always wanted, and it killed you to know that you were being a stupid, selfish and envious bitch. Yui was so kind and you tried being kind too, but you couldn’t help being so incredibly annoyed that he had the body you doubted you’d ever be able to have. You felt bad, you’d been avoiding her recently because every time you look at her, you compare yourself to her and it makes you more and more frustrated and angry with yourself. In fact, you’ve begun to compare yourself to every girl you see, most of them being skinnier than you by a ton. You could only wonder why Shu hadn’t left you to be with Yui or some other girl who was far prettier and thinner than you. Slowly, you got dressed, and tried to pick the clothes that had a slimming effect, it was hard to find such clothes, but you managed. (Timeskip)It had been a few weeks since then, and you’ve decided to lose weight. You’ve started eating less, and only ate if anyone else was around, which was quite easy to do since the boys themselves didn’t need to eat often, or at all really, and you only had Sunday dinner together. You stepped on the scale, smiling proudly as you saw the number on the scale go down. You were already much thinner than a few weeks ago, you were doing well. You still ate, of course, just…perhaps slightly less than you were meant to. But hey, as long as it worked…right?Yui was the first to notice, and she complimented you, noting how your legs looked much more shapely, feminine. After a while, some of the boys noticed, too. Laito was the first to actually notice, but it’s Laito and he notices those things with ease. Kanato and Reiji noticed it too, Rejij complimented you and Kanato just noted it quickly, not really staying on the topic. However what upset you, was that Shu hadn’t noticed, or if he did, then he didn’t say anything. Did he not even really care about you anymore? What if he noticed, but you still aren’t skinny enough? Obviously you were not yet skinny, but still far better than you had been not that long ago…!As time went on, you ate less and less, and at first, you assumed no one noticed since no one said anything about it. Yui was catching onto it, though, based on the sad, pleading looks she sent you and tried to get you to eat meals with her, but you refused, always have some excuse.“I’m not hungry”“I feel ill”“I already ate..!Of course, you were hungry. You ate so little, it was horrible. But it was all for the result. For being skinny. And then maybe you’d be enough for Shu…!
You planned on doing your first fast* tomorrow, and you were nervous. Never before had you fast, so there was a danger of binging. You had just finished taking a bath and checking your weight on the scale, when you noticed you’d gone up a few pounds from a recent binge, causing tears to come to your eyes.You failed..! Maybe the fast would need to last longer? forty-eight hour fast…? Were you ready for that?You left the bathroom, dressed in your nightwear, ready to sleep. It was morning, and you’d all gotten back from the academy not too long ago, and you were tired. You assumed everyone else was asleep already. You couldn’t wait for your head to hit the soft pillows and fall asleep. Your (e/c) eyes widened in mild surprise when you saw Shu sitting on your bed, his deep ocean-blue eyes staring into your very soul. “S-Shu…!” You stuttered out, “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” You asked, nervously. It’d been…a few days since you and he had been fully alone. You spent time together, of course, but it’s been getting less and less since you don’t want him knowing that you haven’t been eating - which he’d know if he was to spend too much time with you. “…” Shu was silent for a moment, before sighing. You froze.
Did he know!?  Oh, Gods, he knew, didn’t he?How…? Did someone tell him!?“…Yui says you haven’t been eating.” He finally spoke up, his face stoic. You cried out internally, of course, Yui would’ve told and snitched on you!“I do eat.” You lied, biting your lip, not looking into his eyes. Shu glared at you, shaking his head slightly. “Don’t lie to me.” He darkly stated, “I can tell when you lie.” He added, crossing his arms. “And look me in the eyes when I’m talking to you.” He demanded.This was…odd. He was usually so care-free, so calm. But now he was so…gravely serious and seemingly angry.Gods, he was angry, wasn’t he!?You could feel the tears gathering in your eyes and your knees getting weak.“Why have you been doing it?” He asked although it sounded much more like an order or question. He was ordering you to answer him. “…I…” You choked on tears, and you couldn’t take it anymore. “…I’m just…” You tried to speak through the tears, “I’m just so F A T!” you cried out loudly, knees giving in as you feel on the ground, crying. “…I-I…I’m sorry!” You exclaimed, shaking your head as you cried, staring at the ground and crying your eyes out. You were so pathetic. He’d probably leave you right now. Suddenly, you felt a warmth around your body and it took you a while to realise it.Shu was holding you. You cried into his chest, whimpering and choking on the tears. After a few minutes that felt like several hours, you heard a somewhat sad chuckle erupt from him, as he spoke up, “You’re such a troublesome woman…” He sighed softly,  his arms tightening around you. His tone wasn’t degrading nor judgeful, but almost…playful. As if he wanted to lighten the mood.“You shouldn’t worry about such bothersome things, (y/n).” He stated softly, /sweetly/, his eyes looking down at you affectionately.This was a side of Shu only you really got to see. His real affectionate side…“If I didn’t want you, I wouldn’t have made you mine in the first place,” Shu assured, and lifted you bridal style, shocking you. “Besides, you’ll always be light to me.” He smugly stated as he carried you to your bed, and placed you down, smiling, pure love and lust into his eyes, “But I think it’s my job to show you how beautiful you are to me as your lover, isn’t it?” He smirked and kissed you softly.
- Mod Rozalia/Sinful Mother
Hope you liked it!
I’ll leave the ending to your imagination~
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maskedzofian-blog · 6 years
nightmares | conrad & eliwood
Eli-mun and I were talking on Discord about Eliwood’s nightmares, and how what would happen should Conrad find him suffering so. Unseen context: Conrad lit several candles and brought an overstuffed plushie to Eliwood before waking him to help ease his nerves upon waking. Thread was trimmed to fit size limit.
E: "I've always relied on taking walks during the night to calm myself," Eliwood admitted, "my retainers do not like it when I wander off at night though. I am beginning to believe that talking is helpful as well. I appreciate your care Conrad, truly."
C: “If it helps, then I’m very glad to do it. There’s no need for thanks.” He sat the bear he’d brought down on Eliwood’s pillow. “Would you like me to stay, or are you alright? I have no issue remaining.”
E: "Pray forgive me, for startling you with such a display," Eliwood replied, running his left fingers over his right knuckles with unease, "it seems no matter how often I have them, I am unable to remain composed when I dream."
C: “Apologies aren’t necessary, my lord. You can’t control how you act when you dream. I’m only sorry there’s no way to ease them.”
E: "I suppose it isn't unfathomable for one to be unable to forget their regrets," Eliwood stated, taking in a shaky breath, "ah, I digress...I mustn't overwhelm you with such details."
C: “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t willing to listen.” He placed a hand on the other man’s shoulder. “You are my friend, Lord Eliwood. Or at least I pray I am not wrong in that. I should like to help as I can.”
E: "Do you remember...when I mentioned my father?" Eliwood asked, averting his gaze.
C: He gave the other a small squeeze before taking his hand back. “I recall you mentioning his death,” he spoke gently.
E: "My goal was to save him. I had journeyed for months in search of him. When I finally found him, I was so happy," Eliwood began, "but I was powerless to save him. I could only hold him as he died." He closed his eyes, his hands trembling as he tilted his head downward. "I...I s-still can't forgive myself." His voice faltered.
C: “Eliwood,” he spoke, softly as possible, not even noticing he’d dropped the title from the other’s name. “You did not strike a blow against him. You are not at fault for something you didn’t do.”
E: Eliwood found himself unable to meet Conrad's eyes as his breathing grew ragged from emotion, "He died because I wasn't strong enough to save him...I couldn't keep my promise to my mother. Had I been stronger, I could have done more..."
C: “No.” Conrad spoke with a strange authority. His hand hovered in the air, considering making the other look at his eyes, but decided against it. “Sometimes, your best will never be enough.” His own voice began to waver. “It is not because you are at fault. It is because as painful as it is, what happens was destined to come to pass.”
E: "Destiny is cruel," Eliwood muttered, for a moment his emotions dampering his idealism, "I was too weak to save my father, but strong enough to..." His words drop off and he places his hands onto his knees, his knuckles white from grip.
C: Conrad could see just how distressed his friend was, and it pained him in turn. What had occurred to make him hurt so? “You needn’t hold back with me, but you should not push yourself too far, either,” he spoke. “Be gentle with yourself.”
E: "Before my wife and I were married," Eliwood paused, feeling hesitation to admit the horrific deed he had done, "...I killed h-her." He gripped his knees tightly. "By mercy of the Gods she was given back to me...only to lose her again." He shifted a hand to his face, willing the tears away.
C: Conrad’s eyes widened, and he bit his lip in nerves as he decided what to say. “I cannot imagine the pain of losing someone twice,” he began, hands fidgeting. “But I know you to be a good enough man where it was never your intention. Mistakes... mistakes happen. But who you are is not what you did, Eliwood.”
E: "I...I cannot forget the sound of her last breaths. Almost every night, I relive those moments...helpless to change the outcome." Eliwood explained, his voice resonating with defeat. He paused for a few moments, brushing a hand over his eyes. He chuckled weakly, almost sensing Conrad's anxiety. "Pray, forgive me. It was never my intention for you to see me in such a state."
C: “Apologies are unnecessary.” He tucked some of his hair behind his ears, looking for anything to do with his hands. “You needed someone, and I am more than happy to do my part. I’m just... so sorry that this haunts you so.”
E: Speaking the words that had been buried in his throat provided him a sense of relief, even if it did not change what he had done in the past. He took in a deep breath, feeling composed once more. His eyes moved to study Conrad and he smiled gently, "You have my thanks. After admitting the details of my dreams, I feel a bit relieved," He paused, "but look at you, your hands are trembling...I did not mean to frighten you."
C: “Frightened is the wrong word.” He smiled, doing his best to look at ease. “I’m just happy to hear I’ve eased your hurt, even if only some.”
E: Eliwood reached forward, placing a hand on Conrad's shoulder, "Thank you, truly. I apologize if I brought you any discomfort." He gave him a friendly pat, before he drew his hand back. "Will you be returning to sleep as well?"
C: “In time.” In truth, probably not. But that was of no importance. “If it’s all the same, I’d like to stay for a time. I would prefer you sleeping soundly when I leave than to go and worry.”
E: A playful glint shone in Eliwood's eyes, "Oh? Are you fond of watching others sleep?" He teased light-heartedly.
C: He laughed quietly. “Certain others, perhaps. You should be proud to have caught my attention.” The teasing was certainly quite a sudden shift in mood, but Conrad was happy to see it.
E: The lord was unable to resist the chortle that escaped him, which quickly transitioned into poorly stifled laughter, dimples forming upon his cheeks. "I hadn't expected you to be witty, Conrad! I must admit I'm pleasantly surprised."
C: “Not always, I’m afraid. Typically I can’t tell when someone is teasing or not.” Eliwood was genuine in his actions - it was easy to know when he meant what he said. Others... well, Conrad mourned for his aloof reputation.
E: "Is that so?" Eliwood asked, a few residual chuckles escaping him. He smiled, "Then I'm happy to know my intentions come across clearly. After worrying you so, I wanted to ease the tension. It seems I may have been successful, given you laughed."
C: “It is only natural to worry. You are my friend, and you appeared terrified. I’m simply relieved I could help, and that you’re feeling better.” He reached to the side, picking up the plush bear. “Why don’t you keep him for a while? Mr. Snuggles is a terrific listener, should I not be around.”
E: "My apologies. Speaking honestly, I was quite distressed," Eliwood relaxed, his shoulders far more loose than they had been just minutes before, "you have my thanks again." He paused, taking the bear that had already been offered to him once before. He rested it in his lap, almost naturally, "Do you perchance sleep with this bear?"
C: Conrad flushed. “Not... always. I am perfectly capable of sleeping on my own.” The bear was only for the times he awoke from bad dreams - it was some semblance of comfort when he needed it most. But it seemed he’d serve Eliwood better.
E: Upon hearing Conrad's reaction, it was Eliwood's turn to become a bit flustered, "Pray, forgive me! It wasn't my intention to tease you," He sputtered, attempting to alleviate Conrad's embarrassment, "my question was rooted in the fact that the bear faintly smells of you." He paused, realizing the oddity of his statement. "A-ah...my, those words registered far less strange in my mind...pray, pay me no mind!" He said sheepishly, a slight pink hue burning in his cheeks.
C: Conrad’s cheeks darkened further. “W-well, I pray it’s at least a pleasant scent and not bothersome! If so, I... probably have another that is less used...”
E: *Oh dear, I am certain I have just made him even more uncomfortable.* Eliwood thought to himself before shaking his head, "Ah, yes! It is quite pleasant, not appalling in the slightest. Peace Conrad, I...Sweet Elimine my words are jumbled," He took a moment to collect his thoughts, still a bit pink from embarrassment, "I intended to ask you if you perhaps used any essential oils. I do myself and the scent reminds me of such."
C: “Ah. That’s not so bad, then.” He rubbed at the back of his neck, nerves easing some. “Sometimes, yes. Burning them helps me to relax.”
E: "That is certainly wise. I am fond of patchouli and vanilla. I often dab a bit along my neck," Eliwood replied, tracing his fingers along his collarbone to describe the location, "right here. In doing so, it remains fragrant for a significant portion of the day."
C: Conrad’s immediate reaction was to trace where Eliwood mentioned, or for his hand to follow his friends’ - but he recognized the oddity of it, and pulled his hand back before making contact, flushing. “Vanilla is nice, yes. I prefer rose the most.”
E: "Rose? My mother is very fond of rose," Eliwood smiled warmly, "for her birthday I have always sought out exotic rose oils for her use. Perhaps I shall have to keep you in mind as well."
C: He laughed. “I like it because of my mother, as well. She used to spend hours in the gardens, and every time she’d bring me back a rose or some petals. It reminds me of her.”
E: "She sounds wonderful. I'm glad you can find comfort in a familar scent," Eliwood replied with sincerity, "my mother wasn't much of a garderner, but she loved to dance. We like to dance in the garden together." He recalled, the memory fond in his heart. "Do you like to dance Conrad?"
C: He shook his head, though clearly amused by the memory the question recalled. “Goodness, no. I tried once, and it didn’t end well. Halcyon almost killed me when he realized how many pieces I managed to break a glass into.”
E: Eliwood couldn't help but to laugh, "Ah, so you have two left feet?" He teased lightly, "worry not! I shall take you under my wing and you'll learn to dance in no time." He encouraged, his eyes full of determination.
C: Conrad gave a small, nervous smile. “I don’t think you understand what a task you’re taking under,” he warned. ”Two left feet is the nice term for it.”
E: Eliwood smiled, "Regardless of the outcome, I think it will be fun. We shall plan it for another day." He replied, before releasing a soft yawn into his hand. He had nearly forgotten how late it was.
C: “You should sleep,” he replied. “If you do not object, I shall come to see you before we go to breakfast. Just to ensure you’re alright.”
E: "Very well. Then I shall see you in the morning," Eliwood replied, looking to the bear in his lap, "I'll take good care of Mr. Snuggles I assure you. Though he may not smell like roses upon his return to you."
C: “So long as he is safe, his smell is quite trivial.” He was hesitant as he began to stand, unsure if his friend was truly alright. “I just wish to be sure you are alright.” He looked Eliwood over, thinking, before finishing standing. “Are you?”
E: "I am certain I will manage," Eliwood replied, running a hand through his hair, brushing the bangs off of his face, "I truly appreciate what you've done for me tonight. Pray, be at peace. Sleep well, Conrad." Eliwood replied, smiling lightly. I am certain I've grown closer to Conrad tonight. May our friendship grow...He thought to himself, patting the bear absent-mindedly.
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ariadnasdiary · 7 years
Ariadna’s Diary. Ariadna’s route: General Prologue.
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*Note before start: I want to ask for patience, since I’m new in all this of writing and if you see something weird (grammar, mistakes, etc), please tell me since English isn’t my maternal language ^^’. Also: I want to say that the first episodes are going to be somehow like Ariadna’s relationships with all the boys~ Then, I will focus on the main pair which is of course Ariadna and Kino :3 I apologize in advance if any boy is a little out of character hehe~Thanks for reading~! Mun Ari~*
Masterlist // next
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I want to tell my story.
For an average person like me…
To have ended up in something like this.
Sometimes I wonder if this was a punishment I needed to pay from my past life.
Whatever the case was, I can’t complain…
Because, in the end, I got myself into this
I choose this, now I must stand it…
Place: ???
*Car sound*
Ariadna: Thank you!
*car leaves*
Ariadna: Well, here I am! Such a pretty house!
Ariadna: (This man sure has a lot of money to own such a big and antique house~)
Ariadna: (And from what this letter said he even has six sons. I hope they won’t mind me living with them…)
Ariadna: (I knew this was a good idea! Since the moment I arrived to Japan I’ve been able to practice my Japanese!)
Ariadna: (I can’t believe I’m here! I’m so excited to learn many things and to end being fluent in Japanese~!)
Ariadna: ……
Ariadna: (Dad…I bet you would have supported me… I’m about to get to know more about my roots…Your roots dad…)
Ariadna: Please both you dad and God take care of me!
Ariadna: Excuse me!
Ariadna: ………
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Ariadna: Hello? Is anyone home?
*Door opens*
???: May I help you miss?
Ariadna: Good evening sir! I was told I’ll live here! I have this letter with this address in it~!
???: I see… Please come in. I'll let a responsible member of the household know.
Ariadna: Thank you very much!
Place: Living room
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Ariadna: (What a nice and elegant room~! I like it a lot!)
Ariadna: (To be received by a butler…guess this man really is important~)
Ariadna: (But…Why are they taking so much?)
Ariadna: (Maybe…they didn’t know I would be coming today?!)
Ariadna: (I hope I didn’t bother them…)
???: Please excuse the waiting.
Ariadna: Oh! No, it’s ok~! I didn’t wait much!
???: My familiar has informed me you would be living here from now on, is that correct?
Ariadna: (What a tall and elegant guy! And the way he speaks is very refine! Is he a noble or something? WOW!)
???: Miss, have you heard me?
Ariadna: *blushing* Y-yes! Please excuse me!
Ariadna: I was invited to live here! I have this letter, would you like to read it?
???: That would be appreciate-…
???B: So that’s why there was a different smell in the mansion…
Ariadna: ???
???: I see you are already up, Kanato.
Kanato: Reiji, why is there a human girl here?
Kanato: It was her smell that woke me up.
Ariadna: (My smell?! Oh God! But I took a bath before coming here!!)
Reiji: Is what I’m trying to find out. She says she’ll be living with us from now on.
Kanato: Ah~!  Another doll came!
Kanato: I feel like you would be a great company
Ariadna: T-Thanks?
Ariadna: *blushing* (He said I was a doll…)
*Kanato gets closer*
Kanato: *sniff* Haa~ You smell so sweet too~
Ariadna: R-really? Thanks? I think it is my shampoo- kya!?
Kanato: *licks* the taste is sweet too! *giggles* I think I’ll like you, ne? let me have more…
Ariadna: (he’s scary…Somebody take him away from me…)
???: Ne, ne Kanato-kun. It’s not fair to make a move first, is it~? nfu~
Kanato: *moves aside*
Ariadna: (Fuu…that was close…)
Kanato: *angry* Laito, who gave you the right to interrupt?
Laito: Don’t get angry Kanato-kun~ I just wanted to have a look to this cute girl that just arrived~
Kanato: ……*grunts*
Laito: Hm~ such a sweet aroma~ Is it true you’ll stay with us~?
Ariadna: Y-yes. It looks like it…(he also told me cute…what’s going on…?)
Laito: How cute~You are shivering~ nfu~
Ariadna: N-no, I’m not!
Ariadna: (Well, it’s obvious since that Kanato guy was very close and licked me, yuck!)
Laito: You don’t look from here. You came here by accident~?
Ariadna: I gave the taxi this address so I think I’m not?
Ariadna: (This guy is intimidating me…he looks like he’s analyzing me…)
Laito: Is that so~? Then, how about we get to know each other~?
Ariadna: I look forward to…? We’ll get to see each other often *nervous laugh*
Ariadna: (Does these guys knows what personal space is?)
???: I had enough of all this noise!!
*loud crash*
Ariadna: ?!
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Ariadna: (There’s a hole in the wall?!)
Laito: Aw~Not again Subaru-kun~
Reiji: I will discount the repairs from your pocket
Subaru: HA?! Don’t mess with me! Those two are the ones to blame!
Kanato: You were the one that made the hole.
Subaru: Tch…
Ariadna: There’s a hole…?!
Ariadna: (how did he do that?! But he took the fedora guy’s attention…so I’m thankful for that)
???: You are all noisy…I can’t sleep…
Ariadna: (Ah!? How he entered so quietly?! Was he there the entire time?!)
???: I want to go back to sleep so let’s get over with this.
???: You are the girl that man told me will be living here?
Ariadna: W-well, that is what this letter says…
Reiji: So you also knew of this girl’s arrival and said nothing again, Shu?
Shu: I was told just yesterday and it was late… it was too bothersome…
???: Oi! What is going on?! To be bothered at this hour…tch!
???B: Wait for me Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Tch…a new girl…it was for her you bothered me?
???: What is-…oh…no…
Laito: Bitch-chan it seems a new girl will be joining us~isn’t that great? kukuku
???: ……
Ariadna: (Is it me or she looks worried and anxious? It looks like she doesn’t want me to be here…)
Ariadna: Eh…Hi!
Ariadna: My name is Ariadna Koizumi Martínez. It’s a pleasure to meet you all!
Ariadna: I’m grateful for accepting me in your home, I mean it.
Subaru: Why you seem so happy? Don’t you know what you came for?
Ariadna: Eh? What you mean?
Ariadna: I came here to continue studying since my school was destroyed…
Ayato: Destroyed? What was it made of? Paper?
Ariadna: I’m pretty sure it was built correctly…But there was an earthquake-
Ayato: An earthquake? It’s a lame excuse for a school to be destroyed.
Ayato: Besides! Couldn’t that man brought us a better looking girl?
Ayato: She’s also a chichinashi…what a disappointment…tch!
Ariadna: Excuse me?!
Ariadna: (What a jerk! For saying such a thing…?!)
Kanato: Ayato. You don’t have a say in this.
Laito: That’s right~ You already have Bitch-chan~
Laito: Even if this girl had a better body, you can’t change Bitch-chan for Bitchii-chan~
Ariadna: (Why they keep taking about my chest?! I’m still here!!)
Ariadna: (Moreover, what is going on? Is that girl his girlfriend or something?)
Reiji: *sigh* Miss Ariadna, would you show me the letter?
Ariadna: O-oh right!
Ariadna: Mr. Sakamaki wrote me to give these two letters.
Ariadna: The first one was mine and is written down how he invited me to stay here.
Ariadna: He also specify not to open the second letter and to give it to Shu or Reiji Sakamaki
*gives the letter to Reiji*
*Reiji reads*
Reiji: Well, it seems what this girl said is true.
Kanato: What does the letter says?
Reiji: That this girl will indeed be staying here with us from now on.
Reiji: Just like Miss Komori Yui, she’s a guest in the same position.
Yui: Oh no…!
Ariadna: Is that bad? I came here to study in the end…
Laito: kukuku oh Bitch-chan~ You’re so naïve~
Ariadna: Why you say so?
Shu: Why don’t you tell her, lewd woman?
Yui: Eh?…I…well…
Ariadna: (I have a bad feeling about this…)
Yui: Is just that…
Subaru: *angry* You’re annoying! Oi you!
Ariadna: Y-yes?!
Subaru: You didn’t came here to study only!
Laito: Exactly~ You see Bitchii-chan you were brought here as a bride, no… more like a sacrifice to us~ nfu~
Ariadna: Escuse me?! A sacrifice?! A bride?!
Ariadna: No! I came here to study! It’s ridiculous!
Ariadna: Getting married at this age?! It’s nuts! Besides I just met you!!
All: ……
Triplets: HAHAHAHA
Ariadna: ?!
Yui: Koizumi-san…is not to be married what a sacrificial bride is for…
Ayato: haha… this girl is so stupid~
Laito: ha…ha… exactly…you are one of a kind Bitchii-chan~
Subaru: You won’t be “marrying ” any of us idiot.
Kanato: You’re here to fulfill a single task…
Laito: *walking towards Ariadna* Bitchii-chan, we are not what we look like~
Ayato: Damn right! Oi chichinashi, why don’t we show her?
Yui: Eh? Kya?!
*Ayato bites Yui*
Ayato: ha…nhm…
Ariadna: Ah! ¡¿Qué demonios?! ¿¡Qué le está haciendo a Yui-san?!*
Ariadna: Stop it! 
Laito:*from behind* kukuku~ You see Bitchii-chan we are vampires~
Laito: Creatures of the night that feed from the blood of young maidens…like you~
Laito: That’s the reason you came into this house~
Reiji: That’s correct. That’s exactly what this letter you gave us says.
Shu: Although you don’t come from the same place she did… you still are in the same situation like hers.
Ariadna: No…That can’t be! There must be a mistake! I didn’t agree to this!
Shu: From what that man wrote down, you did.
Ariadna: No…he told me I could continue study and offered his home…he didn’t mention anything about being vampire’s food!
Ariadna: Please, let me talk to him! I must ask him what is going on!
Reiji: Unfortunate for you, he doesn’t live here. In this mansion we live just the six of us, his sons.
Ariadna: In that case please take me with him! This is a mistake! Maybe this isn’t the correct place!
Subaru: Shut up! Who you think you are to give us orders!?
Kanato: Subaru is right! You should remain quiet!
Ariadna: But…but…¡No! ¡Yo me voy de aquí! ¡No me quedaré sin hacer nada!**
Laito: fufufu Bitchii-chan is quite funny~
Laito: You think is that easy to escape? Once you enter this house…you won’t be able to get away~
Ariadna: ¿Ah sí~? ¡Solo observáme! ¡Iré a ver a Tougo Sakamaki y le pediré una explicación!***
Laito: If you think he’ll talk to you just like that you are very silly~
Shu: What I understood, she’ll try to talk to that man. Good luck with that. *yawn*
Reiji: He’s very busy and won’t be seeing someone as yourself.
Subaru: Why don’t you get this through that thick head of yours?!
Subaru: If you try to escape…you’re dead. It’s simple!
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Ariadna: …¡No lo sabré hasta intentarlo!****
*Ariadna exit the living room*
Reiji: Her manners seem worst that Miss Yui’s. I must train her severely.
Yui: (Poor Koizumi-san…I should have warned her…)
Yui: (I must do something!)
*Yui follows after Ariadna*
Ayato: Oi! Where are you going?!
Place: Entrance
Ariadna: ha…ha…ha…
Ariadna: (There’s the door!)
*Ariadna tries to open the door*
Ariadna: (Oh, no!! It won’t open!!!)
Ariadna: No, no ,no ,no NO! ¡Abre! ¡Abrete por favor!*****
Ariadna: Let this door open *struggles*
???: Fufufu you can’t escape Bitchii-chan~
???: You will be such a great addition to my collection…fufu
???: Stop this already! You can’t escape, deal with it!
???: This is troublesome…just shut up already…
???: This girl lacks the basic manners, how disgraceful she looks. 
Ariadna: (This…what have I done…?!)
Ariadna: (There’s no escape…?! Father!! Mom!! Akane!!! God!! Save me!!)
Ariadna: (Anybody…)
???: Just give up already… *someone grabs her by the neck*
Ariadna: I…can’t…breath…
Ariadna: …Please…Kanato-san…
Shu: Oi Kanato… He also told me not to kill her. I don’t want to deal with him.
Kanato: You’re annoying…
Ariadna: (My consciousness…is fading…)
Ariadna: ……..
Ariadna: (All… is getting…dark …and quiet…is this… my end…?)
*black fade*
???: Stop it please…!
Ariadna’s monologue:
How it ended up like this?
Vampires…are they really vampires?
But the force he applied to my neck…
was unnatural, inhuman…
Vampires are supposed to be fictional creatures…
But right in front of me…there are six.
Now…I think I understand the look that girl was giving me…
Like she was trying to warn me to run away…
But the thing the hurts the most…
Is that I got myself into this…it’s all my fault.
God, father, mom, Akane…I’m scared!
I should have obeyed and listened to you! Please, come and save me!!
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End general prologue
*: Ah! ¡¿Qué demonios?! ¿¡Qué le está haciendo a Yui-san?!
–>Ah! What the hell?! What are you doing to Yui-san?!
**: But…but…¡No! ¡Yo me voy de aquí! ¡No me quedaré sin hacer nada!
–>But…but…No! I’m leaving! I won’t stay here doing nothing!
***: ¿Ah sí~? ¡Solo observáme! ¡Iré a ver a Tougo Sakamaki y le pediré una explicación!***
–>Oh, really? Just watch me! I’ll go see Tougo Sakamaki and I’ll ask him for an explanation!
****: …¡No lo sabré hasta intentarlo!
–>…I won’t know until I try!
*****: No, no ,no ,no NO! ¡Abre! ¡Ábrete por favor!
–>No, no ,no ,no NO! Open! Open please!
In the heat of the discussion:
Yui: Laito-kun, how is it that you understand what Koizumi-san said?
Laito: You want to know Bitch-chan~?
Laito: You see~ she spoke in Spanish which is very similar to French~
Laito: I understood the general idea~
Yui: You know french Laito-kun?
Laito: Who knows Bitch-chan~? Nfu~
Masterlist // next
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*Everybody hates Jerry. EVERYBODY.
//Sorry this took me a moment to get to- Thank you for reading the rules!
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Everybody hates Jerry. EVERYBODY.
“I mean... I wouldn’t say I HATE anybody...” The kindness girl shrugs- “But you’re right, he isn’t our... First choice of company, for sure.” Giggles. //Thanks for reading the rules!
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Everybody hates Jerry. EVERYBODY (I roleplay a "flowerfell" frisk as well uwu)
“Yeah, he fuckin’ sucks.” Nisha seems to agree with your statement.
//Thank you for reading the rules!!
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(( Everybody hates Jerry. EVERYBODY. ))
//Thank you for reading the rules!! <3
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Oof sorry. Um...Let's do Fritz! (Ritz Crackers huhuhu) For the Real Knife question!
//Ur good fwiend! I just didn’t know who to choose at that point, thank you for specifying!!! :3
Real Knife: Are they skilled with any sort of weapon? Did they pick up the skill for any practical reasons or as a hobby? 
He thinks a moment, then shrugs- “Not really? If I need to fight someone I use magic, generally- Or I just kick them, I’m okay at that! I don’t have any formal training, though.”
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//Guys I appreciate the asks but *please* specify muse, especially when sending in ask meme stuff, I have a lot of options :(
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“Everybody hates Jerry. EVERYBODY.”
“You’re right, we do. He’s gross.” Ame sticks his tongue out- Seems he’s fielding the asks for now.
//I have NO idea how old this is and I’m SO sorry thank you so much for reading the rules
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Everybody hates Jerry. EVERYBODY >:3c
//Hi you sent this in a bit ago and I forgot about it I’m sowwy! Thank you for reading the rules!!
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‘Everybody hates Jerry. EVERYBODY.’
//Thanks for reading the rules!
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Fresh Tag Dump :3
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