#Bowe Bergdahl media distraction
mondoreb · 1 year
End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 8, 2023
End Times Prophecy Report HEADLINES THURSDAY June  8,  2023 And OPINION “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” —Matthew 24:4 “The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.” —Fyodor Dostoevsky ===INTERNATIONAL UKRAINE: Kyiv says 42,000 at risk from dam flooding as fears grow for missing people RUSSIA: Russia says…
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joeygoespolitical · 7 years
To Those Who Don’t Understand Why the Susan Rice Story is a Big Deal
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I want take this opportunity to speak directly to those who are dismissing the story that broke this week about Susan Rice.
But first, a recap:
Back in March, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) told the press that he obtained documents that show that the Trump transition team were “incidentally surveilled,” meaning individuals associated with Trump were picked up by the intelligence community in surveilled communications of foreign nationals, and that their identities were unmasked and shared in intelligence reports. He added that none of the reports he came across had anything to do with Russia. Unfortunately, the way he handled this development was muddled by poor optics and Democrats and the media made him the story instead of the surveillance of the Trump team. And we know now in more recent reports that the surveillance has been going on long before Trump even became the GOP nominee. 
Normally, US citizens caught in incidental surveillance of foreign nationals are kept anonymous. However, high-ranking officials in an administration can request the unmasking of US citizens for reasons involving national security, a criminal investigation, or the safety and well-being of such individuals. While we currently don’t know the contents of such surveillance, we do know about one classified transcript that was leaked to the press that unmasked General Mike Flynn in communications he had with the Russian ambassador, which ultimately resulted in his firing from the Trump administration as National Security Advisor. And to this day, between all the investigations that are going on in Washington, the only definitive crime that was proven to be committed was the unmasking of Flynn and the leaking of the classified transcript. 
Meanwhile, on an interview on PBS, Susan Rice, the National Security Advisor under President Obama, was asked about Nunes’s claim that the Trump team was incidentally surveilled and unmasked as the story broke. She said she “knew nothing” about it. 
Fast forward to this week, when media outlets were reporting that Rice was the person who requested the unmasking of Trump’s team. This has Republicans and the Trump White House alarmed since Rice was known as Obama’s “right-hand woman” who had a history of stirring controversy during the previous administration and that her requests to unmask the Trump team were politically motivated. She insisted during an interview on MSNBC that her requests were not politically motivated, even though just two weeks ago on PBS she said she had no knowledge about the unmasking to begin with! But after lying about how a video sparked the Benghazi terrorist attacks and that alleged deserter Bowe Bergdahl served “with honor and distinction,” her credibility is shot either way. 
So what does this all mean? Worst case scenario, the Obama administration used legal loopholes and abused the intel community to spy on their political enemies. This is at the heart of government surveillance and privacy rights of US citizens. At this point, the only way that Susan Rice and her former boss can be completely exonerated is to prove that their collection of incidental surveillance of the Trump team had a legitimate reason (like if members of the Trump team were involved in illegal activity... like colluding with Russia). 
Plus, even if her unmasking was legal, Rice may still face legal trouble if she’s remotely linked to the leaking of classified info and the unmasking of Mike Flynn (which she has previously stated she personally has “leaked nothing to nobody”). 
Now let’s talk about why Democrats and the media keep dismissing this story.
It has been almost five months since the election, and to this day, Democrats are still livid that Trump is our president. Many to them firmly believe that had it not been for Russia’s meddling in our election, we’d have a President Hillary Clinton today. And they hate Trump so much, that they’re hoping that it is proven that he and his campaign colluded with the Kremlin so that they could impeach him and/or delegitimize his presidency. So they see this Susan Rice story as a sideshow, a distraction from the one scandal they believe matters when the fact is they both matter. 
Much of that can be said for the media, who are purposefully diminishing the significance of this story. CNN in particular has been going out of their way to even defend Rice. In the end, the media has shielded the Obama administration from almost any criticism for the past eight years, so it’s not a complete shock. And since we all know that the media colluded with the Clinton campaign (thanks WikiLeaks) and they’ve made it clear that they also hate Trump, they will do whatever they can to keep talking about the ongoing investigation involving potential collusion with Russia, which to this day there is still no evidence of. 
I mean, just imagine if the Bush administration “incidentally” surveilled the Obama team during the 2008 election. There’d be scorched earth from Democrats and the media and they’d rightfully treat it as Watergate 2.0. So their dismissal of this potentially growing scandal is inexcusable. 
So whether you voted for Trump or you voted for Hillary, whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, this surveillance scandal is just as important as the Russia investigation. Because digging for the truth no matter what the outcome is better than being ignorant of reality. 
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Can the Army be? This is long but something I wrote a couple of years ago. Save it for later or Trash it. F..k you very much. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the last known American POW, was freed after five years in captivity — an ordeal that began and ended in Afghanistan under a shroud of mystery." The shroud of mystery becomes pretty clear once you read the exchanged emails between the soldier and his dad. In the weeks before he walked away into the shadows, he was becoming more and more disillusioned. Going AWOL in the Afghanistan environment would have to be some kind of dumb move. It is not like an experience I had in Germany with a LT who had orders for Vietnam. I had just come back and he was quizzing me. He left my office, got into his MGB and went to Sweden. Afghanistan ain't Sweden. There are so many issues surrounding this soldier. His email messages are crucial as examples of the type of wars we've been fighting and what role social media plays in them--crazy. Us Vietnam vets can't conceive of being in a firefight at war and it is over, "have to email home." What the heck is this! Unbelievable. Think about it: a lonely, disillusioned emotionally unsophisticated soldier in the wilderness of Afghanistan emailing his Dad these views of what is going on. At best the emails are a distraction and at worse, they often destroy morale or create disillusionment like that of Bergdahl. Bergdahl appears to have brought with him ideas that are wacky (at least to me) and at the same type, "Alice in Wonderland," wakes up in a new world every morning. I've read the Rolling Stone article. Good writing but with RS, always an angle. A Rolling Stone reporter did in General McChrystal. And, who knows about that. My Gen. Chrystal conspiracy theory is that he outsmarted the reporter. McChrystal knew that Afghanistan was a "fast train to nowhere" and this was a chance to escape. How best to do it, criticize the commander. In order to really get it, you have to understand the mindset of soldiers. It is a herd mentality and one that is geared, under almost any circumstance, to bitch and piss and moan as we call it, about their leaders. Look at Bergdahl's emails, putting the bad mouth on "Merica's" approach to the war. (This guy is a private, in military parlance, he is only allowed to breathe, not think). "I am sorry for everything here," Bergdahl told his parents. "These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live." Is this true? Probably, but, his "perception" (a person's perception is his reality but does not mean it is accurate) of what is. He then referred to what may have been a possible traumatic event: seeing an Afghan child run over by an American vehicle. "We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them." According to Rolling Stone, he concluded his e-mail with what, in another context, might read as a suicide note. "I am sorry for everything, the horror that is America is disgusting." Then he signed off with a final message to his mother and father. "There are a few more boxes coming to you guys...feel free to open them, and use them." Bob Bergdahl responded to his son's final message not long after he received it. His subject line was titled: OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE! "Dear Bowe," he wrote. "In matters of life and death, and especially at war, it is never safe to ignore ones' conscience. Ethics demands obedience to our conscience. It is best to also have a systematic oral defense of what our conscience demands. Stand with like minded men when possible." He signed it simply "dad." His dad is also culpable in my opinion. Knowing his son, this is not the message to give hIs son in the wiles of Afghanistan. He gave his son permission to go AWOL. (Absent Without Leave). We too are at fault. It is a sorry war and we have put our soldiers in impossible situations. Did the president do the right thing in getting Bergdahl home? I think so but now Bergdahl has to face the consequences of his actions. I feel sorry all the way around. There are no winners here. We could learn valuable lessons but I doubt we will. An after note: how the Army/generals are often stupid. They could have given him a general discharge, artical 15 and thrown him out. No, they had rather look bad and stupid.
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mondoreb · 4 years
End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 8, 2020
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“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” —Matthew 24:4
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