#cafeteria Christianity?
mondoreb · 1 year
End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 8, 2023
End Times Prophecy Report HEADLINES THURSDAY June  8,  2023 And OPINION “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” —Matthew 24:4 “The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.” —Fyodor Dostoevsky ===INTERNATIONAL UKRAINE: Kyiv says 42,000 at risk from dam flooding as fears grow for missing people RUSSIA: Russia says…
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heresylog · 2 years
what's a cafeteria catholic
A Catholic who picks and chooses from the Catechism like they’re picking a meal from the cafeteria
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shoutsofmybones · 2 years
i've been doing some research on trans acceptance in religious traditions, and i saw something really interesting! so in a study published in 2019, they found that not only did the majority of Catholics self-report becoming more accepting of trans people recently, of Christian denominations in the USA, Catholics as a group are more likely to report being accepting of trans people in their lives! when asked if they'd accept a trans friend, a trans elementary school teacher, a trans child, etc, Catholics keep on winning, even when compared to Protestant denominations with more accepting doctrine. to me it really shows the way that Catholic laypeople tend to have a rather loose idea of how much they need to listen to the doctrine and/or hierarchy members they disagree with. like it doesn't matter if the Pope is openly comparing trans acceptance to nuclear weapons (as he was at the time). lay Catholics follow their own consciences.
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felka360 · 1 year
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emperornorton47 · 2 years
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Not all Christians are assholes who never read their Bibles.
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Attention Christians - THIS is what Jesus would do. Put his body on the line, speak truth to power, and demand justice for the starving and oppressed. 🙌
Thank you, @christiansforafreepalestine, for being an example of true decency and faith in action.
“Our scriptures say ‘woe to you, who eat while others go hungry!” they called out to senate staff.
Saying “Congress won’t eat until Gaza eats,” over 60 Christians from across the U.S. are nonviolently blockading the Senate Cafeteria to pressure the Senate and their staffers to support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, restore aid to UNRWA, and end military funding to Israel. #CFPAction
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sataniccapitalist · 6 months
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jhsharman · 2 years
Decarlo and His Detours
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Wide ranging taste in music. Decarlo and His Detours sound nothing like P.O.D.
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facts-i-just-made-up · 6 months
Who was Paracelsus?
Paracelsus was the screen name of Philippus Bombastus Romastus Fantastus Supercalafragalisticexpialadastus von South-Stuttgart-Next-To-The-University-Cafeteria-With-The-Zig-Zag-Roof. His name Paracelsus literally means "Better than Celsus." We do not know who Celsus may have been, but the name is likely a reference to St. Jerome Para-Ezra of Baton Rouge, who was known in his time to have been far better than Ezra.
Paracelsus invented many of the medical techniques used from medieval times to the modern medical revolution, including bleeding, leeching, exsanguination, draining blood from the patient, and ultra-hemorrhagic-cleansing. He also coined the phrase "Only the dose determines the poison," as well as its corollary, "You can eat anything, just some things you can only eat once," and the less impressive but better known, "He who smelt it, dealt it." This was all considered an advancement over the old theory of bodily humors, which is why Paracelsus's friends all said he was a humorless bastard, or so he kept claiming.
Paracelsus was married in a Rosicrucian ceremony based on the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, which was of course preceded by Chemical Engagement and a Chemical Romance involving a black parade, the theatrical faking of several deaths, and a great deal of sodium (a mass scientifically abbreviated as Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na). To whom he was married is a matter of much debate, with potential spouses speculated to include Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth II, Martin Luther, Galileo, Ivan the Terrible, Thomas Hobbes, John Calvin, Catherine Di Medici, the Popes Alexander V-VIII, or possibly all at once.
Paracelsus died in the 1540s after suffering a minor splinter which he treated with his own experimental technique known as "setting the patient on fire and stabbing him with a fork in his balls until he barfs then laughing at him." He was then cremated with his urn displayed at the University of Hohenheim for several centuries, until he was accidentally misplaced during an American tour and is presumed to have been used as ash in some Humboldt Fog Cheese, which was considered an affront to his Swiss heritage.
Also he apparently invented Zinc. Good job.
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whereisten · 11 months
To Be Forgiven
FT: Suguru Getou & Nanami Kento
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Pairing: Suguru Getou x Nanami Kento x reader Genre/Themes: sMUT! Convent (nuns and priests), angst Warnings: Threesome - F/M/M, vampire priests, loss of virginity, praise kink, light BDSM (rope use, spanking) overstimulation, multiple orgasms, oral sex (m and f receiving), rough sex, blood mention, gaslighting, devotion, voyeurism, degradation, dumbification, creampie, character death, vampire priests Word Count: 8.8k
A/N: WELL... this is probably the dirtiest thing i've ever written, and I know its not kpop or nct based so im sorry for that. It was HEAVILY inspired by these two posts: https://x.com/polariae/status/1722684591079673876?s=20 https://x.com/kimmy_art0912/status/1721731893622714594?s=20 (so please take a look to get a good image in your mind before you start reading hehe the artists are amazing) Also, this in no way is meant to offend Christianity or the world of Catholics, the theme is only used for fantasy. Sorry if it's a little messy, i just had to get it out of my system. Dont forget to leave a comment if you like it! Thank youuuu xoxo
Freedom felt good. That’s what you thought to yourself the moment you stepped off the bus and onto the new convent you’d be living the rest of your life in. You’d finished college, graduating as you set out to do and now came the next step: devoting your life to Christ. 
Your parents didn’t understand your desire to live this way, but they supported you nonetheless. With tearful eyes, they bid you farewell and swore to stay strong until the next time they’d see you.
You drag your luggage to your room and sit down on your bed, inhaling and exhaling the fresh air slowly. 
“Hi! You’re new here!” A woman dressed in her holy tunic stands in the middle of your open doorway, her hands placed in front of her as she smiles.
You smile back. “Oh..yes! I just got here actually.”
“That’s wonderful, welcome to our home, my name is Khadija and I hope I can help you at some point, my room is a few doors down if you ever need anything!” She waves as you nod. 
“Thank you, my name is Y/n.”
She nods as well and walks away.
A few days later, you’ve started speaking with other nuns in an effort to gain an understanding of how things normally operate. 
“At 8 A.M, we have breakfast together and then continue our studies in our assigned classrooms. Should you need anything, I am always here.” Sister Nancy, your neighbor, walks with you to breakfast. She guides you through the convent and provides helpful information.
While at breakfast you try to get to know her better. “How long have you lived here?”
“Hmmm…time has sort of..run away from me…” she looks puzzled as she stares at her bowl of oatmeal. Almost as if lost in thought, her voice trails off and eventually becomes silent.
“Sister Nancy?”
“Oh! Yes..about 5 years.” She nods and looks back up at you. Once at the end of your breakfast you stand up and bring your trays to the cafeteria where you can toss any trash.
“Sister Y/n..” Nancy says quietly while walking beside you.
“Yes?” You look at her curiously.
“I must tell you..when you study, when you learn how to best serve God here..please be wary..”
“I’m not sure what you mean..” your brows bunch together.
“Well..the priests here are great, devoted and caring..but there are some who..may not have good intentions.”
You place your trays down and walk together in the hall towards your rooms.
“Men of the cloth are always good, Sister Nancy, what do you mean by this?”
“They should be good..but they are not, be careful and stay steady in your faith, do not lose sight of your goal..”
She stops while you continue walking. 
“But Sister, who-?” You turn to look at her, but suddenly, she is gone, not even the breeze from her departure surrounds you.
You stare into the hall. “Sister Nancy?” You call out, but it is empty and eerily quiet. You turn back towards your room and bump into a large chest.
You stumble backwards, but the tall, sturdy figure grabs your arms to hold you still.
“I am so sorry..”
You look up slowly. 
The man has long black hair, feline-like eyes and a tempting smile. You quickly look away and onto the floor as your mind starts to desire more than just this embrace.
He chuckles and it’s like angels have started to sing from heaven. “My apologies, I should’ve walked more carefully.”
He finally lets you go.
“You’re new here, right?” 
You look back up at him, a strand of hair gracing his beautiful face perfectly as he smiles. 
“Y-yes..I’m Sister Y/n..please forgive me for-“
“Ahh no need, Sister Y/n..please continue..my name is Suguru by the way, if you need anything, just let me know..” He steps to the side to let you pass, but never lets go of your wide eyes.
You wondered how such a young man could become a priest. He looked dark and mysterious, unlike any of the other priests you’d seen before.
[The Next Day]
You’re heading to your first class where you’ll be taught by Father Nanami. You sit down in your chair comfortably before looking around to see if you can find Khadija and Nancy. To your disappointment, they aren’t there.
Then, he walks in. The blonde man with small glasses makes your jaw drop. He is just as tall and young as Father Suguru, but he looks stern and serious.
He places his books down and looks around at the class. “Welcome, let us begin, please open your pages to the verse written on the board.”
He sounds just as strict as he looks, no “good morning” or “how are you?” He jumps straight into business.
He is also your personal counselor, but you aren’t sure if you’ll be visiting him often.
Later that day, you go apple picking with Sister Khadija. 
“Would you like to tell me of your life before you chose Christ?” Khadija asks, gently picking a ruby red apple from above her head.
“Sure! I was happy..I graduated college and felt I’d done it all..but somehow, I still felt empty. Then one day, I overheard a sermon on the radio..and I felt..I felt this urge, a calling, rather. I felt the need to participate in something much bigger than myself, and so I decided to devote my life to Him.”
Khadija smiles. “That’s very nice.”
“And what about you?”
“Oh..I..don’t quite remember, but yes, I did feel the calling as well.”
You nod slowly, then smile quickly to cover up your worry. How could she not remember?
“That’s great!”
As you’re walking back with baskets full of apples, you turn to her. “I didn’t see you in Father Nanami’s class today, do you have a class with another priest at that time?”
Khadija stops, dropping her basket as her eyes widen. “Wh-who’s class?”
You kneel down and begin to gather the apples that fell out. “Father Nanami..is everything okay, Khadija?”
She dips down to pick her basket up. “I’m sorry, Sister Y/n, how clumsy of me.”
“It’s okay! I-“
“But Y/n, Nanami is not a great instructor..I would recommend another professor..”
She looks into her eyes as your hands touch while reaching for the same apple.
You frown. “He seems to be very serious about his work, I feel I can learn a lot from him.” 
Khadija shakes her head. “He..is dangerous.”
You stand up straight and laugh. “Are his exams that bad? I figured he’d be a harsh teacher, but I look forward to the challenge!” You grip your basket and continue walking.
Khadija looks at you with a worried expression. She wished Nanami was a harsh grader, and nothing more, but unfortunately, this wasn’t the case.
[One Week Later]
You step into Nanami’s office to ask a quick question.
“Father Nanami-“
Suguru stands next to Nanami’s desk, flipping through one of his books before gazing up at you slowly. 
“Hello, Sister Y/n.”
You nod. “Hello! I’ll come by later.”
“Wait a moment, you can speak with me if you’d like.” He says smoothly before sitting in the chair.
“Oh..is Father Nanami not available today?”
Suguru smirks when he senses your unease. “He will be back in about an hour, what is it you’d like to ask him?”
“I-I’ll ask him tomorrow, it really is no problem.” You turn to leave, but he stops you.
“Are you enjoying your time here, Sister?”
He intertwines his fingers in front of him and places his chin on top.
You turn back to him and smile. “Yes..but to be honest with you, father, I’m not sure if I’m worthy to be here.”
He tilts his head slightly, a dark glimmer presents itself in his eyes..or are you just seeing things? “What makes you say that, Y/n?”
The absence of “Sister” from his sentence and the way your name rolls off his tongue makes you shudder, but the feeling quickly leaves you as you clear your throat.
You look to the floor. “I don’t know, it’s probably nothing more than nervousness.”
Suguru leans back. “Of course you are worthy, Y/n. Do not worry, Christ lives through you at all times.”
You look back up at him and return his smile. “Thank you, father.”
You leave and release a deep breath you'd been holding. Something about him made you..unsettled. You didn’t know why, but as you walk back to your room, you shake the feeling off, never noticing his eyes on you from the doorway.
A few weeks pass and you notice that you often see Father Nanami walking about the halls and chatting with other Priests or Nuns. Suguru is hardly ever around, but honestly, you didn’t mind it. The long-haired temptress reminded you of the sin that still resides in your heart. The sin of lust. You couldn’t deny it anymore, and it forced you to visit the chapel more often.
You could resolve this impure feeling if you just prayed and believed in your Lord.
Apart from that, your time at the convent was going well. You bonded with your Sisters, and learned from Father Nanami as well as your Bible.
Some nights, however, you wake up randomly with the doomed feeling of being watched. 
“Hello?” You say quietly as you turn your bedside lamp on and peer out into the corners of the room. There’s nothing, there’s no sound. You only hear your trembling breath. There’s a slight chill in the air and it makes you grip your blanket tightly. 
This would happen around the same time every night, but you brushed it off to you being nervous. After all, you’re in a new home, surely it would take some more time for you to get used to your new bed and room. You tried to brush off the thought that part of these strange occurrences had to do with your room being just a few feet away from a cemetery.
You couldn’t go back to sleep most nights so you’d stay up and read your Bible until the sun rose.
To make matters worse, you didn’t see Nancy or Khadija as often, you couldn’t talk to them about how your nights had been going.
[One Week Later]
You run into Father Suguru for the first time in a while. He was just leaving Father Nanami’s office when he collided with you while turning the corner.
“Oh!” He laughs, his smile causing his eyes to crinkle. Your heart weakens at the sight.
No. Remain firm.
“I am so sorry, Father Suguru.” You step back and bow slightly.
“It’s alright, Sister Y/n, how have you been doing? You look tired.” His smile falls when he notices how dark your eyes have gotten since the last time he’d seen you.
“Oh! Really?” You rub the side of your neck and look to the floor. “Is it that obvious?”
He nods. “What’s wrong? Are you having a difficult time here?”
You shake your head. “No..no it’s not that..it’s just-“
He steps closer, looking down on you intently with knitted brows.
“You see..I’ve been waking up…in the middle of the night..feeling strange.”
Suguru smiles slightly. “How so, Y/n?”
And once again, you felt anxious about his tendency to omit your title.
“It’s nothing, Father..I’ll be-“ movement behind him catches your eye. You see a nun now down the hall quickly.
“Sister Nancy! Wait!”
You call out, but she doesn’t stop.
You look back at Father Suguru. “I apologize, sir. I must be going.”
He nods and watches as you walk by him.
You run after Nancy who quickly turns a corner. “Wait!” You try to call after her again, but once you turn the corner, she’s gone.
Things were getting weird and you didn’t know why. The sudden disappearances, the disturbing stillness and chill at night, it all made you worried.
That night, you wake up as usual, but this time, you finally see a figure. You aren’t sure if you should feel relieved or frightened at the sight.
You turn your lamp on before turning back to her. “Sister..is everything okay?”
Sister Khadija stands at the foot of your bed with dark circles under her empty eyes. Her lips are gray and her hair is unkempt. You’d never seen her like this before.
“W-what’s wrong?” You sit up in your bed.
She only raises her hand and points to the window behind your headboard.
You stand up and look outside of it, but nothing is there, only darkness.
“Sister Khadija, what’s going-“ you turn back to look at her, but she’s gone.
Goosebumps engulf your skin as the room suddenly feels much colder. You open your door quickly to see if she has gone to her room, but no one is there.
You’re seeing things. You just need to sleep more, that’s all.
You close your door again and climb into bed. You clutch your blanket then reach for your Bible, praying that Sister Khadija is sleeping soundly in her room.
The next night, the same thing happens, but this time with Sister Nancy. 
“Nancy-“ you wipe your eyes and focus on her face.
“You have to leave.” She says softly then runs out of your room. 
You jump out of the bed and run after her, ignoring the fact that you’re inappropriately dressed in just your nightgown and running through the halls of the convent.
You run fast, trying hard to not lose her this time. You needed answers. Why were they both visiting you at night? What did she mean by “you have to leave?”
But after running for nearly 4 minutes, you finally lose sight of her. You stop and look around in hopes of figuring out which dark, gloomy hall you’re in. The walls are lit by candles, making it difficult to figure out, but you’re sure that you’ve never been in this particular corridor before.
Your head flicks toward the end of the hall where a loud banging sound comes from.
You walk towards it and hear it again.
As you get closer, you also hear soft groans and whispers.
Your hand hovers over the door knob. Should you enter? What do you expect to see? Someone that could help you get back to your room?
Without much thought, you turn it and push the door open slowly.
Your eyes widen at the sight.
It’s Priest Suguru on a bed. 
You gasp. He’s tied up with thick rope and completely naked. His head hangs low as he watches a nun’s head move on his lower half.
“Slower..yes..just like that.” His intoxicating voice fills the room. You step back and the sound of your foot just barely dusting the wood causes his head to snap up.
You cover your mouth.
His eyes are red and glow in the dim lighting of the candle lit room.
But what’s even more frightening is the blood that drips from the corners of his mouth. His chest heaves as he smiles wickedly. You tremble at the sight of two large fangs in his smile. 
“Y/n…” he calls out softly to you. Your eyes refuse to leave his body. Your knees feel weak as a mixture of emotions flood you. Fear, confusion, lust- you become too overwhelmed to speak.
The Sister below him releases his dick from her mouth, causing a ‘pop’ sound to echo. She turns around to face you, her mouth drips with blood and her eyes glow as well. She wipes her mouth with her fist before standing up and walking towards the door. 
You stumble backwards, your eyes still focused on Suguru behind her.
And then, the door slams in your face.
You snap out of your gaze, feeling your body experience a shock unlike anything you’ve felt before. What did you just see? Was it real? No, you had to be dreaming. Suguru, a holy man, would never—
The gorgeous sounds of his moans fill your head.
“Stop!” You say to yourself as your eyes grow teary.
You start running away from the door. You had to find your room, you had to repent immediately. How could your lustful mind conjure up such a degrading image of a priest? You’re disgusting, you’re unworthy of the Lord.
You pray you can be forgiven for your sin, but the sudden wetness in between your legs tells you that it may be too late.
[One Week Later]
Fortunately, you hadn’t seen Suguru since that night. You still weren’t sure if you dreamt it or not, but you begged God every night that it wasn’t real. 
“Are you okay, Sister Y/n?” Father Nanami interrupts your thoughts. You look around the classroom to see you’re the only one still there.
“Oh! Yes, Father, I apologize..I’ll get going.”
“You look tired, get some sleep tonight.” He says before grabbing his briefcase and leaving.
“Yes, Father.”
That night, you tossed and turned. You had vivid dreams of the halls and the people you saw every day. Your dreams were more realistic  than ever before.
You then start to dream of that dreaded night..but there is something different.
You feel your wrists are tied to your head board, your legs are pulled apart by large hands as you wiggle on your bed. Your nipples are perky, peeking through your gown, and you can feel your slit leaking.
You look down and see him. His hair is tied up and his upper half is naked.
Suguru crawls over you slowly.
You moan when you see his low gaze on your body.
He lifts your gown up and kisses your stomach with his pillowy soft lips. He works himselfvall the way down to your entrance. You can feel his hot breath fanning it.
“Father..please.” You close your eyes tightly and beg, and with just the sound of this one desperate plea, Suguru licks in between your slit.
Your back arches instantly. 
His mouth on you feels amazing, you can’t stop moving your hips in an effort to get more from him.
He grips your thighs tightly, pushing them even further apart to lick and suck all parks of you.
Your moans grow louder, your breathing becomes quicker, you’re so close.
He reaches up with one hand under your gown and caresses your breast.
“Look at me.” He demands.
You look down as he drapes your leg over his shoulder and licks at a faster pace.
You lock eyes with his red ones.
“Faster..faster..please..I need more.” You cry out.
And Suguru follows your commands all while watching you writhe under him.
And with one final flick of his devilish tongue, you cum.
Your eyes fly open, you jump out of your sleep while panting.
Another lustful dream.
How could you betray God like this? You can't control your urges, it’s becoming a distraction and a serious problem that needs to be dealt with.
You start to cry quietly and decide that it’s time to get help.
You get on your knees and begin to pray until the sun comes up for only God could banish these cravings and impure thoughts.
[The Next Day]
You visit Father Nanami after class.
“Hello..do you have a moment?”
“Yes, come in.”
You close the door behind you and sit in front of his desk.
“How can I help you, Sister Y/n?”
In your time at the convent, you’d never seen him smile, and you certainly didn’t expect to see it today.
He looks sternly at his laptop, awaiting your reply.
You swallow hard, where should you start?
“Father Nanami..I saw..Suguru the other night..he was..he was tied up and in a strange position and he…he was partaking in scandalous activities with another Sister..”
He stops typing and looks up at you over his screen.
“But father..the strangest thing of all is that his eyes were red and his mouth dripped with what I think was..blood..it was..it was terrifying.”
“And yet..you couldn’t look away..could you, Sister Y/n?”
Your eyes grow. Nanami saw right through you and instantly knew of your sins.
“Father..I’m so sorry, I must beg for forgiveness.”
He takes his glasses off and places them onto the desk. He shrugs. “Why?”
You’re confused. “Because..because I saw the devil and had impure thoughts, Father! I’ve sinned, I’m unworthy of being here.” You bring your hands to your face and start to sob in them.
“Shhhh..no need to cry, Y/n..simply beg for forgiveness and do as he says..”
You nod. “Yes, father, I will visit the chapel right away and live as God tells me to, I-“
Nanami chuckles. “No..no Y/n..beg him for forgiveness..”
“..him?” You look up slowly.
“Father Suguru is the one whose image your impure mind has desecrated without reason..surely, you don’t think what you saw was anything more than your lust taking form in a dream? You imagined Suguru as something completely opposite of who he is, and you need ask for his forgiveness as he is the human embodiment of God..we all are, isn’t that right, Y/n?”
“Oh..I see, I apologize for not understanding..I will go to him right away.”
Nanami nods. “Good girl.”
You look to the floor to not see his smirk. But you can feel it in his tone and it’s strange.
You go to Suguru’s office in the evening when everyone is leaving to prepare for bed.
“Father Suguru..?” you say softly, but feel worried as you stand in his doorway.
“Oh. Sister Y/n..it’s nice to see you.” He gives a sly smile.
You nod.
“Close the door.” He sets aside a few books and sits down.
Like before, you find it hard to get started, but know you must in order to become a better Christian.
“Father..I must confess and with this confession I hope that you will not change your perception of me..I-I hope you will forgive me and allow me to continue to grow in this establishment.”
“Sister Y/n..you don’t believe you are worthy of being here, so why should I believe it?”
Your mouth falls open.
A smug look crosses his face. “You’ve come here to ask for my forgiveness, but have you forgiven yourself?”
“Father..I-I don’t follow.”
“What is it you’d like me to forgive you for? For watching..for craving..for..wanting to not only feel the devil but to taste him as well?”
You step back and gasp. “Father! I would never-“
“Oh, Y/n..sure..I’ll forgive you, but I know that’s not the only thing you desire.” He stands behind his desk and holds his hands together in front of him, his grin never leaving his face.
“Father, I only wish to absolve myself of my sins and live purely. It is the goal that I-“
He waves his hand. “Sure..sure..but tell me Y/n..how did it feel?”
“H-how did “what” feel?”
He walks closer to you, making more and more hairs on the back of your neck raise with each step.
“The lust, the desire…the craving..”
“I-I don’t know..it felt..”
“Strange, right?” He smiles widely.
”I’ll forgive you if you’ll allow yourself to indulge in your fantasies tonight.”
“No!” You back away from him.
“My dear Y/n..these thoughts will only go away if you give in for just a moment.”
“So what I saw the other night..was real?”
“It’s as real as you want it to be, Y/n. Tell me..do you want to feel what it’s like to be tied up and at the mercy of another?”
You tremble.
“Hands can roam along your skin, press into your thighs and collect the slick building in between your slit..fingers part it to allow way for my tongue to taste you and draw out your long withheld moans. But I won't stop, not until you’ve really felt me inside, making you the perfect size for me, pushing every breath out of your body. Not until our bodies become one and you’ve cried out to God for release.”
“Father..” you breathe heavily, his lips just inches from yours.
“And with your hands tied behind you, you’ll have no choice but to bounce on me until I’ve said I forgive you..even if it takes all night..you’re mine to control. In every position, in every hour..we’ll gain a brief moment in heaven together..only then can your sins be absolved.”
You swallow hard.
“You watched the devil and you liked what you saw..are you ready to fuck him too?”
Suguru’s eyes become a deep shade of red.
“How can you say such obscene things? What are you?” You stare into his eyes.
“A servant of God..of course…but I’m also the one that can make you feel so..so good.” he places a hand on your neck and tilts his head.
“But you..you’re..”
“Yes..Y/n..go on..say it.” His eyes follow your lips.
“A demon..”
He chuckles and his eyes float downwards. “And you’re as wet as you were that night..so shall we?”
“How can you..live in the house of God?” You look up with wide eyes.
Suguru lifts one corner of his mouth. “You see..I use my abilities for good Y/n..just one night and I shall remove the impurities from your blood, would you like me to?”
You hesitantly nod. He takes you into his arms and cranes down to your neck.
You grunt at the sudden move.
He then digs into your neck, causing you to yelp, your head falls back over his shoulder. The pain quickly turns into a pleasurable feeling as he sucks your blood. Your body relaxes in his arms. He pulls away and tilts your chin toward his to kiss you deeply. It’s your first kiss, so he leads you into it, caressing your lips slowly, mixing your spit with your blood. 
Your eyes close as you feel his tongue dance over your bottom lip. You relax more and more into his arms and embrace the feeling of his broad chest against your back.
He pulls away and looks into your eyes. “Do you wish to feel more? Do you wish to indulge your sins and be absolved of them thereafter?”
You nod, feeling your willingness to leave dissipate after his kiss. He smiles. 
“Very good, Y/n.” He says before sucking again.
He takes you to a room lit with only candles.
He carefully removes your head cover and dress, then pulls his rope out from a closet. 
He ties your hands behind your back, and continues to create intricate patterns across your body, making sure to kiss you every now and then. His cold fingers brush against your skin, sparking fires.
You feel vulnerable, but follow his every move and command as you kneel on the bed.
He removes his collar and lets his holy robe drop to the floor. You stare at his magnificent body causing him to laugh out. “The lust in your eyes is delicious” he puts his hair up in a bun, but a part of you wishes he’d let it stay down so you could run your hands through it.
You turn away in embarrassment. “I’m sorry father, I-“
He turns your face back to his and continues to kiss you. When he pulls away he runs his thumb along your bottom lip. “Are you ready?” 
You nod.
He lays down under you, fixes his face between your thighs and begins to eat you out as you cry out his name. 
With his hands on your ass, he forces you to move back and forth onto his face. Your ankles are tied to the same rope that binds your wrists, forcing you to stay open.
“Father!” You cry out when you feel the tip of his nose rub against you. You rock your hips back and forth on your own. 
More, you need more. That’s all you can think as his tongue explores you.
He groans against you, sending amazing vibrations through you.
“So sweet..your scent has driven me insane since you first stepped foot inside this convent..”
He groans and begins to buck his hips into his own cuffed hand.
He can’t wait to feel you around him, he can’t wait to drain you as you tremble and lose it all to him.
Suguru sucks your clit harder at the thought.
You yell out at the unexpected action and move faster.
Just then, Nanami walks in and stands at the end of the bed to watch.
“You really are trying to let God hear..”
You jump up and look at him, but Suguru digs his fingertips into your thighs to keep you still.
“Father Nanami! Please..forgive me.” You shut your eyes tightly, holding back your tears while cumming all over Suguru’s mouth.
Nanami palms himself through his jeans.
The casual look suits him very well, but you’re still embarrassed to let him see you like this.
He walks over to you, caressing your face with one hand and zipping his pants down with the other. “Shhh..open your mouth and all will be forgiven.” 
He rubs his thumb along your bottom lip, gently pushing downward.
You do as he says, doing your best to fit all of him into your mouth. Laying your tongue out underneath it, you push forward and taste the saltiness from the precum leaking out.
Suguru kneels beside you on the bed and watches.
“Yes, good girl, you follow instructions so well.” Nanami removes his collar and shirt now too.
You choke slightly after feeling him hit the back of your throat, but you keep going, bobbing slowly as your spit builds.
Suguru now licks your nipples, eventually biting into one and sucking your blood once more. You groan from the pain, sending vibrations onto Nanami who grunts and curses. 
He puts a hand to the back of your head and begins to thrust into you. Tears prick the ends of your eyes, you can barely breathe. If your hands were free, you’d use them to cover a few inches. If you could talk, you’d tell him to be gentler on you. But you take it all, knowing that you’d be forgiven if you bring both men satisfaction.
You moan as you feel your throat become raw.
“She’s being such a good girl..” Suguru smiles wickedly before licking up the blood around your wound.
Nanami finally releases along the bottom of your throat, choking you as tears fall onto your cheeks and your eyes become red.  You wish he’d tell you you were a good girl, but the stoic man simply says “Swallow.” And looks down on you through laser eyes.
You do as he says, swallowing every drop and hoping that it will somehow purify your soul like holy water or wine.
He pulls out. “Ahh good girl..” he finally smiles, using his thumb to collect the spit that escaped and putting it back into your mouth. Suguru kisses you to taste yourself as well as Nanami. Nanami caresses his hair and your head as well.
“Am I forgiven, father?” You look up at him with wide eyes.
He looks down at your breasts and neck, aching to bite into you so he can grow hard again.
Suguru then kneels in front of you and begins to cup his hand around his member. The tip is red and dripping with precum, you stare but Nanami grabs your hair to pull your neck back.
“There’s so much greed and lust in your eyes, you’ll have to do much more than that to gain forgiveness.”
He pushes you down so you now face Suguru’s member. 
“Open that filthy mouth of yours again.”
Nanami kneels on the bed behind you and begins to eat you out.
His tongue is lighter than Suguru’s, just applying kitten licks, but that somehow makes it hotter. You can’t help but move more in an effort to get closer to his lips.
Meanwhile, Suguru’s head falls back as you take him into your mouth. 
He isn’t as patient as Nanami thrusts into you while groaning, causing a yelp to escape you. Your throat, still raw and irritated from being pounded into by Nanami, still closes around him well. He whimpers and places his hand onto the back of your head.
Nanami adds his fingers to open you up more and you throw your head back. “Father!”
“So wet and pretty..this tight pussy of yours needs to be made ready.” 
He pushes in and out faster. You pull away from Suguru as Nanami’s fingers stretch you out.
“Slower, Father..please!”
“Focus on me, Y/n. It’s my forgiveness you should be seeking.” Suguru takes your chin in his hand and forces you to look back at him.
Nanami bites into your thigh, sucking harder and faster. You’re shocked to see that Nanami is the same as Suguru, but your focus shifts to the amazing feeling of being sucked from the area closest to your opening.
You quiver and clench around his fingers before moving up and down on them on your own.
Your moans send vibrations onto Suguru, and combined with the sight of your ass being up, he quickly cums in your mouth, leaving you a crying mess as he forces your head down. You choke while feeling the strings hit the very back of your throat once again.
You cum along with him, Nanami continuously pressing into a sweet spot. It feels too good to explain, but you know you’re too sensitive for more.
When he pulls out, you flick your head back to Nanami who continues to finger you.
“Father! I can't take any more.” You beg Nanami to leave your aching opening be.
You collapse into the bed and pant. Suguru laughs 
“We’re just getting started sweetheart. You’re ours tonight, then you’ll be God’s forever.” He says as he ties a collar around your neck. He then unties the rope around your legs. He hands the leash to Nanami who sits against the headboard. He tugs you back, wasting no time to grab your thighs and spread you apart over his lap. 
He forces you down onto him as you face Suguru. Suguru smiles again then flicks a thumb against your nipple.
In one move Nanami starts to enter you, causing you to squeal and attempt to run from the penetrative object , but he is just too strong. 
“You know it’s her first time, be gentle, Father.” Suguru chuckles.
Nanami tugs your collar hard, “how could I forget? This pussy is reserved for God, isn’t it? the blood will be even sweeter if I go harder, don’t you think?”
“Hmm only one way to find out.”
Nanami pulls you down hard, burying everything inside you at once. You lift yourself up while in tears, but he grabs you again.
“Where are you going? You have work to do..take me in as you take God into your heart.” He smirks. “This is the Godly dick you’ve been craving, isn’t it?”
“T-too much, Father Nanami, I can’t take it.” Heated skin against heated skin, fingertips digging into your skin to leave a permanent impression and the way you can’t stop dripping for them, it’s unlike anything you’ve felt before.
You should feel shame, but you don’t.
“Tsk tsk..you need to prove yourself worthy, Sister Y/n..need I remind you of why?”
You shake your head, tears leaving your eyes as you are stretched out. “It’s my first time, father, I do not know-“
“Just relax and move..”
His hands are stable on the inside of both knees. He begins to bring you up and down onto him. “Yes..just like that.”
You’re wide open for Suguru to see, with just rope around your body. You should feel embarrassed, but there’s something building in the depths of your stomach.
Suguru looks you up and down and sucks your neck as you move. His large hands rest inside your knees to help you move up and down. 
Nanami’s hand reaches around your waist, his fingertips part your folds and rub circles into your clit. 
It feels amazing, you moan louder and bounce faster. “Father! I’m..I’m going to—“
“Yes, sweetheart, cum for me…”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, you want to stay still as you feel your climax rush over you, but Nanami continues to thrust into you.
Suguru releases and begins to touch himself again. “Ahh you taste so good.”
“Does she? Let me try.” Nanami pulls your collar, forcing your neck backwards. He bites in hard, still bringing you up and down on his member.
You whimper at the feeling, but shake soon after, cumming twice with just a few seconds between. You feel dizzy, you might pass out. But you also don’t want the men to stop. 
Nanami keeps moving as you cry out, your head falling back even more.
You move faster to get his orgasm, he pushes you forward once he's done sucking, kneeling behind you to rail you from behind.
You feel the collar tighten as he pushes harder, forcing your face down into the bed.
“You should feel shame for cumming before me, the holiest servant of God, what makes you think you are higher than me?”
He pushes even harder, making you cry out loudly. “I’m so sorry, father! I didn’t mean to!” You turn your face to the side to breathe.
Nanami spanks your ass hard, causing a breath to leave you and you clench around him.
“All the more reason for this exorcism to take all night, isn’t that right Y/n?” Suguru looks at your strained arms, feeling himself grow unbearably hard with your sweet blood still on his tongue.
“Yes, father, I will do whatever you wish me to!”
Nanami pulls the collar and spanks your ass again. You grunt and close your eyes, you can’t stop clenching around him.
“More father..please, I deserve this.”
A snicker escapes him and spanks you repeatedly as he fucks into you hard, leaving you gasping for air with each thrust.
Suguru kneels beside him and watches while touching himself.
“I’m going to cum inside you, if you let a drop escape, you will have disappointed God. Do you understand?”
You nod. “Yes father. I will keep you in.” You squeal.
He holds your warm ass onto his pelvis as he cums deep inside you.
“Fuck..so fucking good.” Nanami curses while listening to your whimpers.
He then pulls out and leans down to make out with you. You’re enraptured by his aggressive kiss, it’s as if he wants to take every breath out of you.
Suguru licks up the blood that trickles down your leg and moans. “You were right, Nanami. It’s sweeter than the apples and berries outside.”
Nanami pulls away, watching the string of spit that connected your lips drop onto your chin.
“Then she’s ready for you. You’re welcome.”
Suguru laughs then wastes no more time to enter you.
“Suguru!” You cry out, hoping that he’d give you a moment to recover, but he only laughs harder.
“Come on, Y/n, you’re supposed to be ready for me.”
You cry into the sheets, but Nanami lays under you. He hugs your upper body tightly as Suguru fucks you just as hard as he did.  
He sucks your neck, his fangs digging into another vein to pull out your impurities.
Your opening is silky and easy to move in, so it doesn’t take long for Suguru to cum again. 
“Ah-ah…father!” You climax with him, seeing stars while Nanami drains you.
Suguru pushes everything inside you as well, cursing as he watches you clench around nothing and shake. 
Nanami slides out from under you and leaves the bed. You pant and roll over onto your back, hoping that you’d finally be forgiven and welcome into the convent after tonight.
Suguru unties your rope, allowing your body to be free.
However, he can’t get enough of your blood, sucking your wrist while you gather your sanity.
Nanami then pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his jeans pocket. He sits 
 on the bed with his back on the headboard.
“Ride my thigh, sweetheart.” 
You shakily get on your knees and put your hands together in a prayer position.
“Father..please grant me forgiveness..”
He blows smoke into the air and smiles. “It wasn’t a question. Come over here.”
You do as he says, crawling over his impressively muscular thigh and grinding against it. He watches you through half lidded eyes and the sight makes you clench. Something about his disheveled blonde hair and the cigarettes he presses in between his swollen peachy lips makes it all hotter.
Suguru lays down beside him and smokes his cigarette as well. “Look at her, a whore that thinks she will be absolved of her sins.” Suguru chuckles.
“In all my 300-something years of life I’ve never pitied anyone more.” Nanami takes a drag.
You continue to move back and forth, but a sense of worry crosses you. “Father..I..what must I do?” You whine.
Nanami looks down at his hard member, having grown quickly since drinking your blood. 
You hurriedly move over it and grasp it in your hands. You may have grabbed it a little too hard as Nanami grunts. “Careful, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” You carefully align it with your opening, but you’re too nervous to bring it any closer.
Nanami hands the cigarette to Suguru. He swats your hand away and grabs your waist, pulling you onto him with ease. You whimper, trembling as you adjust to his large size once more.
Your hands find his broad shoulders. 
You begin to bounce slowly. “Is it good, sir? Can you forgive me?” It’s a genuine question but you can’t help but feel ridiculous after hearing the desperation in your tone.
Nanami’s eyes are focused on the way your bitten breasts move. Your velvety pussy glides onto him easily, but he needs more. More of your blood, more of your essence.
He flips you over onto your back and sucks your right breast as he fucks into you hard, moving the entire bed as you squeal. 
“Too big!” You cry out after his animalistic move. He pounds into you without hesitation. Not caring if anyone heard the lewd sounds created by his thighs hitting yours, or the creaking bed hitting the wall repeatedly. The rush of your blood flowing from your tender breast and into his mouth as well as the sight of the muscular man in between your bender, sweaty legs makes you quiver.
“Now this!” thrust “..is how you take dick, Sister Y/n.” He smirks, pounding hard again. 
“Oh God!” Your head falls back as you are stretched out. It’s painful, but you cannot escape Nanami. He sucks your breast and places one hand around your throat. 
Your nails dig into his back as he drives you crazy. 
“Yes, Y/n, tell God how good your sins feel.” He pushes harder. 
You shake your head. “It is wrong to feel this good while sinning.” Your tears flow in a steady stream, you feel as though he may just rip you in two.
“Says who?” He grins wickedly. 
Your mouth falls open, you don’t know what to believe anymore.
He stops moving, you look down with furrowed brows. “Do you want me to stop, Y/n?” The corner of his lip tilts up slightly as he already knows your answer.
“No-no, Father, please contin- Ah!”
Before you can even finish, he’s back inside your depths again, molding your pussy around him like he will forever own it.
“Open your mouth wider Y/n..” Suguru takes the cigarette out of his mouth and kneels beside your head, pushing his member into your mouth.
He enters your mouth, thrusting in just as deep as he did before. You gag and Nanami smiles. “I much rather hear you gagging like this.”
Suguru smokes nonchalantly as you are ruined by both of them. You feel open and raw, your mind is mush and you are beyond sensitive. Your hips hurt from being open and your arms hurt from being bound before, but somehow you feel amazing.
They both watch you lose your innocence, your purity, and are happy to be at the center of it all. The sorrowful look on your face as you do anything for forgiveness, your eyes wet with tears and your mouth open, chin covered in a mix of spit and their cum drives them both crazy. There is nothing on your mind except how to please them and yourself.
“Cum with me, let us enjoy this moment together.” Nanami squeezes his hand around your throat then rubs your clit with his fingertips again and you both cum. 
Your voice becomes hoarse from yelling out their names all night. You press onto his abs as your eyes roll. Suguru pulls out to watch your wet lips overflow with a mixture of cum and spit.
“You fucked her stupid, Nanami.” Suguru giggles.
Nanami pulls out of you quickly before taking the cigarette from him.
“She’s even cuter now, isn’t she, Suguru?”
He sits back and watches as Suguru flips you over and grabs your leash, pulling your neck back as he fucks you from behind like a wild animal, moving so fast, all you feel is a vibration against your sweet spot.
“Mhmm our cute slut..don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll take care of you. Just keep gripping me..fuck..that’s my girl.”
He pushes in and pulls out completely, watching as his dick drips with so much slick.
Nanami blows smoke out and leans back. “Ask the slut a few questions, see if she even knows her own name.”
Suguru pushes back in. 
“Think you can just dream of these things and be forgiven, sweetheart?”
“Yes, father.” You grip the sheets beside your head, feeling as though you may lose consciousness at any moment. But the way Suguru makes you feel is too good to miss. You hope you can climax with him just one more time. Your body needs him, your pussy needs him.
“How badly do you want to be forgiven, will you please us all night long, is this pussy ours?”
“Yes, father.”
“You’re good at obeying, aren’t you?”
“If you keep yourself from cumming, you’ll be forgiven, how does that sound?”
Your eyes widen, you look back at him and shake your head. “Sir..I don’t know if I can-“
He thrusts harder and pulls back.
“What was that?”
He leans over you, grabbing both of your wrists in one hand and pinning them above your head.
“Obey..me..Y/n..or spend an eternity in hell.”
“Yes..father I will obey you!”
And this would’ve been possible had his fingers not been playing with your clit, you’re in tears as you try to hold back.
You feel his sweaty abs flex against your back, you hear his low and loud groans.
His hot breath fans the back of your neck.
You can’t possibly hold back.
Then, he bites into you, sucking your neck, drawing out blood to cause even more pleasure. “Father! Please! No more! If you do, I’ll-“
He moves his fingertips faster. 
You cum and shake, unable to hold yourself back. Suguru laughs and cums as well, holding your ass fast against his hips.
“Ahh I guess we’ll just have to keep going until she proves she is worthy of forgiveness, Father Suguru.” Nanami smiles.
Suguru falls back onto the pillow while Nanami drags you by the waist and down into the bed beside him.
You hang your head low in embarrassment. 
“Why so sad Y/n? We’ve got all night to absolve your sins.” Nanami says as he enters your sopping entrance once more. Suguru lights another cigarette and blows the smoke into your face before kissing you and fondling your breasts.
“Huh?” He thrusts into you from behind. “Can’t hear you..”
“Father-“ you go weak, your eyes closing tightly as you are overstimulated.
Nanami holds you close, thrusting into your weak body while he chases another high.
“Yeah..sound it out, baby.” He chuckles lowly into your ear.
He bites into your shoulder, not caring just how much blood they’ve taken from you tonight, only caring for the euphoric feeling that comes from it. Blood rushes into his mouth and straight to his dick every time, the ecstatic feeling is just as good..maybe even better than an orgasm.
He moves his fingers onto your clit and you let out a high pitched moan.
You cum again with him, this time ruining the sheets, but he only touches your chin covered in drool. 
“Good girl..”
Suguru drags you back over his lap, “Move pretty girl..don’t disappoint God..again.”
He angles you over his dick and slides you down.
You move up and down onto him despite being so tired you might pass out.
Suguru only drags a smoke and hands it to Nanami as they both watch your tired body bounce, your fucked out face, swollen breasts and neck riddled with bite marks.
“Tell us how good it feels.”
“So good..father.” Your hands run down his chest, caressing the soft bricks under his skin. 
“Is that why you can’t stop cumming like a slut?”
“Yes father.” Your head falls back, you move faster, the building in the pit of your stomach grows.
“Are you gonna cum again for me?”
“Yes father”
“Beg for it.”
“Let me cum with you father!”
“I wish to rid myself of sin with you.” 
He can’t help but laugh.
“Please father, I need you.”
“Of course, Y/n.” He grabs your wrist, sucking hard while still watching your breasts move.
You both climax hard, shaking while still being attached.
You lay down in between them, feeling Suguru’s lips on yours and his fingers inside you, pumping in and out as you squirm from the oversensitivity. 
You try to close your legs but Nanami forces them apart by placing them on the outside of his strong hands. 
“Tell God how good you feel.” Nanami bites into your thigh and sucks as Suguru bites into your neck. Your eyes roll to the back of your head. “So good..” The combination of the two along with Suguru’s long fingers makes you cum so hard you black out.
[The Next Morning]
You’re back in your room with your nightgown on.
“What happened..was it real?” You rub your eyes and turn to sit on the edge of your bed.
You feel your body, but don’t feel any bite marks. You don’t feel any difference in your private area either.
“Oh..it was just a dream.” You hang your head low and look to the floor, you then see two feet as someone stands just in front of you. Your head flicks up. “Sister Khadija?” 
She wears her nightgown and displays a sad expression. She was the same one who pointed outside that one night, but you never did see her again.
“I told you..” she points outside the window again. You turn to look, “told me what?”
You turn back to her, but she is gone again.
You get up and look outside the window, trying hard to see what she is pointing to. The cemetery that you always prayed over before going to sleep looked the same as always, except..there was a freshly dug grave.
You run outside and decide to look at the headstones and sure enough, the names of the two Sisters you met are there. 
Nancy and Khadija. 
They've been dead..for 5 years. 
“No..no this can’t be true.”
You stumble back, tripping over a pile of dirt and falling to the ground. When you look at the headstone behind you that the dirt has been dug from, you see your name.
Khadija appears. “Sister Y/n..they killed you, just as they killed us and now you are here forever..” she tears up as she watches you cry.
“No..no that can’t be true, they helped me purify my soul, I am good, I am worthy now.”
She shakes her head. “Sister Y/n..a night with the devil will not absolve you of your sins…you know this..”
You look to the ground.
“But..but why did they-“
“No, Sister, the question is why did you?”
Suguru and Nanami fed on your body until you dried out, leaving you for dead, and now..this is your hell.
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entities-of-posts · 2 months
do you have an idea for what a domain or ritual for the Dull could be?
An office job with a perfect grid of grey cubicles, bright halogen lights and hidden ceiling speakers that play only a quiet drone of white noise. Each come with a small, perfectly identical plastic plant and the same empty corporate motivational poster as only decoration. You are not allowed to decorate them yourself. There is a strict business formal dress code. You are always busy, but the purpose of your work is inane and vague. You fill forms. You push your pencil. The workload is not necessarily enough to make you feel crushed, but enough that you don’t have time to chitchat. Enough that you stay a little late every day. It’s strongly encouraged by the blankly smiling faces of the managers. You start to feel like you never have time for yourself when you get home, even though you work perfectly reasonable hours on paper. The cafeteria is free, but everything tastes so bland. Everything you cook yourself starts to taste the same way. On your days off the weight of the week that passed and the week that’s coming oh so soon keep you glued to your sofa, apathetically scrolling social media or watching empty reality tv, until it’s time for another week, again, again, again. But you’re lucky to have a job that pays well enough, and you won’t find any better. Your coworker Carlos’ name is spelled as “Carl” on his cubicle. But it doesn’t matter, you hardly know him anyway.
An idyllic suburbia. 2,5 children per home, good Christian marriages. An HOA that makes sure no one breaks the dream with any colorful paint outside the identical house, any colorful paint inside them, anything less than a perfectly manicured turf lawn, any decoration, anyone out walking past sunset or other irregular hours, any car too cheap or too old or in another color than a pleasant muted grey or an unapproved model, any children’s lemonade stand, any children drawing in chalk on the sidewalk, any children yelling, any children outside the houses, any fruit tree, any flowers, any bird, any bug, any pet, any backyard party, any inside party, any overnight visitors, any daytime visitors, any flag but the star spangled banner, any words but the right kind of English uttered, any lights on past nine, any unusual outside furniture, any unusual inside furniture, any unhappy faces, any noise, ever, ever.
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crazychaoticizzy · 1 year
Slutty Red Dress
The very second Eren saw that purity ring on your finger, he knew he needed to have you for himself. Lucky for him, you're trying to figure out the perfect way to piss off your parents.
CONTENT: MINORS DNI, all characters are of age, modern au, college au, fuckboy!Eren, Catholic!Reader, drinking, Fem!Reader, brief mentions of homophobia, smut, oral (f receiving), public fingering, exhibition, virginity loss, dirty talk?, unprotected sex, creampie, light choking, degradation (kind of?), praise, mating press, probably unrealistic but that's fine, definitely not beta read, proof read or even reread by me, let me know if I missed anything
AOT masterlist
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The moment Eren Yeager saw that purity ring sparkling on your finger was the moment he knew he was the one that needed to take your virginity.
He didn't even know you all that well—you were just an awkward acquaintance that sat beside his best friend all four years of high school. He only ever saw you in passing, be it walking past you in the hallways or across the cafeteria laughing with your friends.
He never paid you any mind until one day, the day you turned sixteen, you walked into school with a ring on your finger.
You wore it everyday, and Eren eventually asked around and found out it was a purity ring your parents had given you.
Since then he'd been doting on you, finding reasons to sit near you or talk to you. He'd started greeting you in the hallways and waving to you in the lunchroom.
He practically stalked your Instagram page to see if you had a boyfriend and learn any other information about you. That was how he found out you were a devoted Christian waiting to give yourself away until marriage. To his knowledge you remained single throughout all of high school, hardly showing an interest in anyone.
That same routine had gone on for years, but the effort proved to be fruitless because you always either sneaked away before he had a chance at a proper conversation or were surrounded by your friend group.
When the first year of college came around he prayed to God that you hadn't moved out of the city to attend some fancy ivy league school. You had always been a million times smarter than everyone in your graduating class and he knew the list of extracurriculars you'd participated in over the years went on for miles. Any college would be lucky to have you.
But when the first semester came around, you were there, coming out of the campus Starbucks holding a mystery drink.
With that fucking purity ring on your finger.
He was almost surprised—he remembered you saying towards the end of your senior year that you had planned to go to Stanford, he'd even heard later in the summer that you had been accepted. What baffled him was why you would choose Paradis University over the dozens of much better schools you applied to and (most likely) got accepted into.
After he digging around he found out that your parents had hidden all your acceptance letters and forged rejection letters instead. Apparently they didn't want you going where they couldn't keep a close eye on you.
It piqued Eren's interest, especially because from what he had seen you'd never shown interest in a romantic relationship.
The first couple weeks you had seemed pretty down, but soon enough you were back to the smiling, innocent girl Eren was used to.
He often saw you at parties, standing in the corner drinking from a plastic water bottle while you either scrolled on your phone or observed from the side. You never wore anything too out there or revealing, normally going for a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. He knew you were the designated driver for your friend group, and had tried multiple times to approach you only to be dragged back into the crowd by the girl he'd been talking to before you arrived.
He remembered the first time he saw you at a party, actively rejecting a guy hitting on you while you scrolled on your phone. It had been the first college party Eren had attended, and he remembered leaning over to whisper, "I'm gonna fuck her," in Armin's ear.
His gaze never left you, and when Armin turned his head to see who Eren was talking about he laughed.
Eren had raised his eyebrows at Armin as if to ask what was so funny.
Armin slowly nodded, softly chuckling. "Good luck with that. Have you met her?"
"Of course I have. She seems easy enough."
Arming laughed again, taking a sip of the off-brand beer in his hands. "Seems. She definitely isn't. Y'know how many guys have hit on her in the past? Plenty during the classes we've had together alone. She always rejected them, but not just that. She would destroy their egos, dude. Not to mention her parents are fucking psychos."
"Right, they forged rejection letters from ivy league schools just so she would have no choice but to stay where they could watch her," Eren said absentmindedly. Truth be told, he wasn't listening to a word Armin said, instead watching as you continued to give curt responses to whoever hit on you.
"They don't let her out of their sight. Ever. See her over there?" Armin vaguely motioned to the couch across the room, where a redhead wearing a tight green dress sat. "She's someone her parent's hired to follow her around and keep an eye on her."
Eren glanced over at the girl before his gaze returned to Armin. "And how do you know all this?"
Armin shrugged. "I'm the only person she talks to that isn't a church friend or was introduced by her parents. She tells me stuff she wouldn't dare tell them."
"So she knows she's being watched?"
"Of course she does. She doesn't know about the letters, though." Armin took another sip of his beer as Eren hummed, glancing back at you. He gently slapped Eren's arm when he was drifting from reality again. "Don't try anything. She's a sweet girl and doesn't need shit like you getting her in trouble with her parents."
Eren held his hands up in mock defense. "I wasn't even doing anything!"
Armin glared at him, the same scolding face he'd been giving Eren for years when he did something wrong. Eren rolled his eyes, dragging Armin to go play beer pong.
Three years later Eren was surprised your parents hadn't married you off already, purity ring still sparkling on your finger.
This was the year. He was determined to sleep with you at some point. Whether it be during the fall or spring semester, it would happen.
And it finally did one night when you were wearing a lovely red dress.
Imagine the look of surprise on Eren Yeager's face when he saw you—the sweet, innocent, Catholic girl that never wore or did anything to purposely arouse men—wearing the sluttiest red dress he'd ever seen, drink in hand and grinding your ass against some random guy.
He was so taken aback he froze, standing in the doorway as he watched the way your hips smoothly moved. He wondered where you learned to move like that for a moment before being pushed out of the doorway.
He tore his gaze off you, turning his head to give a half-assed apology to whoever had pushed him. When he turned back to look at you, your arms were wrapped around a woman, feeling her up before kissing her.
Eren's eyes widened. Oh, dear, what were you up to? Showing up to a frat party dressed in what you wore was one thing, he could assume you simply wanted to try it out for once, but kissing a girl? Especially when your parents were very publicly homophobic.
He's not exactly sure what, but something inside him knows tonight is the night.
And, dear God, with the way you're grinding against everyone but him makes him feel so hot and heavy.
You're still wearing your purity ring, but Eren takes note of how you so obviously make sure its seen. You're practically waving it in front of everyone's faces with the way you flip your hair behind your shoulder and exaggeratedly put your hand to your chest.
And Eren definitely doesn't miss the hungry look in his classmates' eyes as you do so. He had pushed the jealousy down, instead asking around to see if anyone knew what you were up to. No one knew, but he knew that he was going to be the one you did something with.
He sees the woman Armin pointed out to him years ago, the redhead hired to watch you, holding a red solo cup to her lips as she watched you. You definitely knew she was watching you, but that didn't stop you from feeling up and kissing more people.
Once, the only time he had taken his eyes off you that night, Eren turned back to find you pressed against a wall, legs wrapped around his friend Jean as he sucked on your neck. Eren couldn't hear you, but he saw your lips open to moan in Jean's ear.
You were making direct eye contact with Eren, and you smirked when he turned back to you. His cock had already been semi-hard, but dear god that look you gave him just made his ache for you stronger.
You knew exactly what you were doing.
You'd found out earlier that week what your parents had done to your acceptance letters before you even started college. You had been looking for something in their closet, and found a long forgotten box that held the letters inside.
You grew even more pissed as you read each one. This is what you could have had instead of attending some general college that accepts anyone that applies. You could've been at the ivy league school of your dreams instead of cooped up inside your parents' house all day.
Reading the letter from Stanford is what blew your fuse. You knew your parents were protective, but this was a lot more than necessary. This was the kind of bullshit psycho helicopter parents who set up hidden cameras in their children’s room pulled.
You decided that you needed to get them back some way.
You figured being an active participant in a college party would be enough to make them blow up, but while you were staring at Eren from across the room, pressed against the wall by one of his closest friends, you knew you wanted to do more.
You'd known Eren had the hots for you since your mother gave you the purity ring that sat on your finger. You knew that the reason he started talking to you so randomly was because he wanted to get into your pants.
You had hoped to get away from it when you were across the country, attending the school of your dreams.
And when your dad handed you the forged rejection letter, you hoped Eren's little obsession with taking your virginity would fizzle out once the first semester started.
You were very wrong about that. But you suppose that's a good thing, now. Especially since recently he seemed to have a different air about him, and suddenly your intention to make your parents as pissed off at you as you were at them seemed like a piece of cake. Losing your virginity—to a non-Christian at that—would definitely do that.
It's not like you genuinely wanted to wait until marriage, or even a committed relationship, anyway. You always figured that if the opportunity arose you'd take it, and it never did. Not with anyone you kind of liked, at least.
You gently pushed Jean away, making up some excuse about needing to go check on a friend. He nodded, kissing you once more before letting you go.
Jean was nice, but definitely not who you wanted your first to be.
You approached Eren with swaying hips, leaning on the kitchen counter beside him and innocently smiling up at him. You propped yourself on your arms, making sure to make your boobs look bigger by pushing them together.
"What are you doing, Miss Catholic?" he asked before you even got a chance to say anything. He offered you a drink from his cup, to which you politely declined.
"I don't think I know what you're talking about," you replied. You slowly licked your lips, watching as his eyes followed your tongue.
"Well the first thing I see walking in is yourself in this lovely little number." He gently grabbed your hand, making you straighten yourself out before making you spin for him. "And then I see you kissing a woman."
"Is there something wrong with that? I'm a supporter of the LGBT community, you know." He stopped spinning you, which gave you an opportunity to stand closer to him.
"I knew that you were, you're just not one publicly. Your parents hate that community and you would never do something that goes against their morals."
You softly hum. "What else am I doing?"
Eren's hand travels, finding itself resting on the small of your back. He pulls you against him, smiling down at you. "Well you're grinding and switching guys to make out with like a fucking whore. Trying to get attention, sweetheart?"
He leaned down, your noses nudging each other. "Jealous I've done that with everyone but you?"
"And what if I am?" Eren's voice is low and sultry, almost like he's trying to seduce you. Which he really doesn't have to do since you're already soaking your panties.
You let out a breath of amusement, smiling up at him as you bring a hand up to trail down his chest. “Listen, Eren, I know what you’re after.”
“What am I after?”
You meet his gaze. The emerald green of them reminds you of sin and evil, especially with the way Eren looks at you like you’re a piece of meat meant to be devoured.
Your hand tightens in his shirt, pulling him so close your lips nearly lock together. “You want to corrupt me,” you whisper. “You want to be the one that takes my virginity, don’t you?”
The way he grins and hums tells you everything you need to know. He’s still obsessed with that. Before, back in high school, you never would’ve dreamed you’d be in this position, but here you are, standing in a borrowed dress desperate to lose your virginity.
“I’m willing to give it to you,” you say in his ear. “If and only if we make a big deal of it first.”
Eren raises an eyebrow. “Oh? What do you mean by that?”
You softly hum. “I need to piss my parents off, and nothing will get them going more than knowing their little girl allowed herself to sin so willingly and have sexual intercourse before marriage. I need them to know that I did it. If we just go up to a room they can assume I didn’t give myself away like that. Their little assistant they hired to spy on me wouldn’t follow us to confirm whether or not I did it, so we need to do something she can report in her line of sight.”
Eren nodded, his fingers spreading across your back. “I can work something out for that.”
He smiles, a beautifully devious smile, and looks down at you. You return the smile, finally pulling him in for a passionate kiss.
Your soft intake of breath doesn’t go unnoticed. The redhead in green sits across the sitting area from where you and Eren are sat. You notice her eyes dart away from her phone towards you, her hands still pretending to scroll through social media.
You exaggerate another moan as he kisses your neck, spreading your legs even more to allow his fingers to slip inside of you instead of grazing over the insides of your thighs.
“You’re making it sound fake, sweetheart,” Eren whispers in your ear. He eyes the woman in green, watching as she crosses her legs and leans back on the couch. “Don’t force it.”
“Well sorry.” You roll your eyes. “I’ve never done this before.”
Your breath hitches when you feel the tips of his fingers softly graze your clothed pussy. God, you just know he can feel how wet you are. You don’t think you’ve ever felt so embarrassed about anything.
“God, you’re fucking wet. All this for me?”
Not exactly, you think. You had unintentionally turned yourself on while grinding against multiple people, allowing yourself to imagine for just a moment what it would be like to fuck them.
“Of course it isn’t. Because you’re nothing but a whore desperate to displease her parents.”
His words alone were enough to make you softly whine, but mixed with the way he delicately moved your panties to the side and ran his middle finger up to your clit had you moaning his name.
It wasn’t a secret what you two were doing, but no one cared. They were either too shit-faced to remember or were too focused on other things. The two of you were almost free as birds where you sat.
You sharply inhale, hand gripping the navy chair’s arm as he slowly slipped a finger inside your folds.
You softly gasp, letting your head drop back onto his shoulder as you close your eyes. You’re on display for anyone to see, but that thought gets put on the back burner once you feel the cold metal of Eren’s rings press against you.
He starts leaving kisses along the side of your neck, his free hand slowly traveling up and down your torso.
“You like this, huh?” Another moan slips from your lips as he adds his ring finger. “Never would’ve taken the pretty Catholic girl to be so into something like this.”
“Eren, please.” It’s pathetic, really, the way he easily managed to turn you to putty in his lap. The way you quietly beg for him to move his fingers faster was humiliating, but you couldn’t help the way it made you feel.
“Please what?” You couldn’t see it, but you could feel Eren's condescending gaze burning through you. “You need to speak up.”
You softly grunt as his other hand moves down, gliding across your clit. You press your lips together to suppress a moan. "You know what, asshole."
He laughs in your ear, thrusting his fingers into you just a bit faster. His other hand moves up to softly squeeze one on your breasts, moving your dress down.
He stops just as your tits are about to spill out, moving his hand to place a firm hold on the base of your neck.
"We move at my pace, sweetheart. Got that?"
You sigh in frustration, your grip on the chair tightening as you roll your hips against his hand.
His hold on your neck tightens and he removes his fingers from inside you, making you whine out at the loss.
"My pace."
He's gone back to teasingly rubbing your entrance, always just barely missing the spot you need his most. When you let out a sigh of defeat and relax in his hold, he slips his fingers back inside.
You moan at the sudden intrusion, your legs involuntarily moving to close.
Eren moves his free hand to your thigh, forcing your legs to stay apart. "Don't fucking run. You asked for this, remember?"
His words go in one ear and out the other, but you nod anyway. You don't think you'd be able to find it in yourself to disagree with anything he says—not with the way his fingers slowly drag across your walls, making you desperate for more.
This time when you start rolling your hips he doesn't stop you. He lets you slowly rub yourself on his hand because he's too distracted by the way your ass grinds against his cock.
God, this needs to hurry up so he can fuck you already.
The way his fingers suddenly speed up has you keening his name, pressing yourself further into him. You weren't sure if the redhead had been watching you before, but you're sure of it now because you see her stand up and leave.
You smile, turning your head to whisper, "Okay, she saw. We can-"
You moan, his long fingers grazing a spot you didn't even know was there as his thumb drew slow circles on your clit.
"We're finishing what we started. Now be a good girl and sit still."
His free hand splayed across your stomach, keeping you from squirming or moving away as his fingers increase their speed. You grip the arms of the chair, attempting to muffle a moan. It seemed to suddenly occur to you that there could be people watching. It didn't matter how high or wasted they were, they would still be drawn to the show.
Eren whispered something in your ear. You didn't understand what he'd said, but the tone of voice had the knot in your stomach pulling tighter and your pussy clenching around his fingers.
He condescendingly hummed in your ears as you came undone with a cry of his name. He let out an amused breath, slipping his fingers out of you and readjusting your panties. He gave your cunt a soft pat before gently pushing you off him.
Your legs slightly shook as you stood and fixed your dress, not used to the amount of pleasure you had just received. You fixed your hair, letting out a heavy breath before turning back to Eren.
You almost told him goodbye, your original plan completely slipping your mind. Now that your parents' redheaded employee had seen you and walked away from the party, it completely slipped your mind that you'd promised Eren could be your first.
Even if you'd forgotten, you most certainly didn't mind when he grabbed you by the elbow and began dragging you upstairs.
The two of you were hardly dressed when Eren kicked the bedroom door behind him. You're not sure whose room you were in, but you guessed it was a guest room based on the monochromatic color scheme and lack of personality.
Whose room it was didn't matter, though. Not when you didn't even know whose house you were currently in, and especially not when Eren's hands were hot against your skin, desperately trying to remove that slutty red dress from your frame.
He tossed it to the ground once he'd gotten it off, taking only a couple seconds to admire your body before picking you up. Your lips connected in a heated kiss before he started trailing his lips along your jaw and neck.
"God, you have no idea how long I've wanted you," he moaned into your ear. He dropped you onto the bed, quickly removing his clothes. You didn't even get a chance to look at him before he was on top of you, body pressed to yours. "How long I've wanted you under me like this."
His breath was hot against the column of your throat, planting open mouthed kisses along your shoulders and chest. One of his hands held him up, the other leaving a burning trail behind as it drifted to the hem of your panties.
You lifted your hips slightly as he pulled them off, haphazardly tossing them somewhere in the room to be found later.
He continued trailing kisses across your body before you felt something poking at your hole.
You suppressed a soft gasp, immediately being shushed by Eren's soft lips on yours. It was the gentlest thing he'd done all evening, the kiss being chaste and sweet compared to everything else.
"This might hurt a bit, sweetheart. I'll be gentle."
You softly nodded, keeping your eyes closed as you braced yourself for what was to come.
He gently pushed into you, your sharp gasp of surprise enough to make him pause until you told him to continue.
He was so big, though it shouldn't be surprising considering the reputation he has. The rumors that he has the best dick on campus should've set different expectations for you, and though you have nothing to compare it to, you can't imagine ever getting fucked better than this.
Once he's bottomed out inside you he stops, waiting until you give him the green light to go.
He might have been hoping this would happen for years, but it was still your first time. He wanted to make it enjoyable.
"You can move now," you whispered. He gave a single nod, taking your hands in his and pinning them above your head before pulling back, slowly thrusting forward.
You gasp, breath hitching in your throat as your eyes shut in pleasure. Eren leaves kisses along your neck as he continues his slow, languid thrusts.
While you're enjoying what he's doing, it's not enough. You need more. You half expected him to fuck you like a crazed animal, thrusting into you with reckless abandon as you beg him to go slower. You never imagined you'd be begging him to be rougher.
Your request is met with a soft chuckle. "You sure, sweetheart?"
You nod. "Yes, I'm sure. I can handle it."
He tilts his head, slightly shrugging. "Alright then."
His hands release yours, moving down your body. He pushes your legs to your chest, making you hold them there.
The new angle makes his thrusts reach deeper inside you. Eren's thrust are long and hard, making you cry out with each one. When one of his hands traveling to where the two of you were connected and stimulating your clit.
All of that combined with the way a sudden, desperate moan slips from him has you seeing stars, clenching around his cock.
His breaths are heavy, soft grunts leaving his lips. "Jesus fucking Christ," he breathes. Your eyes are just barely open, enough to watch his head drop to your chest. You can tell he's fighting the urge to ram into you, which you greatly appreciate.
"M'gonna fill this pussy up, yeah?" You barely process his words but you're nodding anyway, too far gone to care about much else. The way you tighten around him at the words has his groaning as he leaves open mouthed kisses on your body. "You like that idea, huh? How d'you think your parents would react when they find out?"
He knows damn well you can’t answer with the way his cock hits all the right spots inside you. You give a cry of his name instead, orgasm racing to the finish line as his thrusts become sloppier.
“Fuck.” He bites his bottom lip, eyes screwing shut as he suppresses a moan. His orgasm reaches the edge first, his warm cum filling you to the brim. He’s determined to make you finish, too, though, so he fucks into you faster, pushing his cum deeper into your womb.
Your moans are music to his ears, hands still trying to hold your knees against your chest so desperately. The squelching of your mixed fluids is all that fills your ears before your breath hitches, pussy clamping down on his cock as you gush around him.
You release your legs as Eren falls on top of you, panting heavily as he laughs.
“What?” Your voice is hoarse, and you can feel your throat starting to get sore.
“That was the best pussy I’ve ever had,” he simply says.
You laugh as well, shaking your head. “You’re only saying that because I’m a virgin.”
He shakes his head into your chest. “You’re not the only virgin I’ve fucked. You have the best pussy ever.”
Eren lifts his head, flashing you his perfect teeth as he smiles. He leans back, pulling out of you and turning you onto your stomach.
“Now ass up, pretty. We’re no where near done.” He grabs you by the hips and lifts them, pushing your front down. “And while you’re at it, let’s take this off.”
He reached for your hand and removes your purity ring, setting it on the nightstand.
The following Monday when you’d see him on campus he’s talking to Jean, fidgeting with a silver chain he’s wearing.
When he meets your gaze you smile and wave, finding yourself walking closer to him.
His lips curl up into a devious grin, and as you get closer you can see the object on his necklace more clearly. You aren’t entirely sure what it is until he holds it up, almost showing it off to Jean.
It’s your purity ring, being paraded around on his neck.
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honestly have no clue what this is but I’m not rereading sorry
also this was my first smut work to let me know what y’all think of it
as always i hope y’all enjoyed. likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated
-Izzy <3
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dwuerch-blog · 2 years
Living With an All-You-Can-Eat Mindset
Living With an All-You-Can-Eat Mindset
What happened to all those all-you-can-eat buffets like Furr’s, Ryan’s and Golden Corral? Those cafeteria-style restaurants were where we could indulge in every variety and choice of meats, veggies, salads, and desserts. The answer to my question came when I googled. Many all-you-can-eat chains found out that feasting customers ate their restaurants out of business. And, with so many who are…
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sereh624 · 3 months
highschool sweethearts david and angel headcanons, kind of rambly, amab implied? long, nonsensical, unedited, supposed to be just a thought dump
dedicated to my vannah MWAH
at the beginning of their relationship, angel would find an excuse to leave class two minutes early and bolt to whereever david was in the school, just to escort him to his locker during changeover. they'd be stood right outside the door, cheesing to themselves about seeing their endearingly grumpy boyfriend again. one day, david decides to be a good boyfriend (thats a first JUSTJOKES) and meet angel at their class first, wanting to escort them for a change. unbeknownst to him, angel had already begun their hurried journey to his class three minutes prior, which led to a fifteen minute chase around the school, the two wandering around like lost little children calling eachother's names. after that (and a scolding from gabe about being ten minutes late), david decided to just let angel meet him instead of vice versa.
david who for during a short-lived emo phase, decided to form a band with asher, milo and christian, himself as the drummer (and against his will, a backup singer). he only ever performed once at a pack solstice, but angel acted as if it was some big-shot, world-renowned metal band, whistling and squealing the whole time. at the end of the last song, they were jumping up and down and clapping, waving their hands wildly at david. one particularly hard month, angel found themselves spending their lunchtimes crammed up in the cubicle, gnawing on their tear-soaked sandwich and trying not to make their presence known amongst the gossiping assholes right outside their stall. after a couple weeks of this happening, angel dragging themselves back to class dejectedly with reddened eyes they blamed on the paint fumes of the art room, david decided to do something about it. mid-lunch the next day, angel's fifty minutes of wallowing in self pity was interrupted by a curt knock on the door, followed by an even more curt "open up, snot." if angel was going to spend their lunches crying in a tiny stall, david would be squeezed in right beside them, sharing earbuds and passing a ham and cheese sandwich between him and angel.
david who when he gets his first job, is now appointed the "sugar daddy" of the group (a name given by asher, of course) and is forced to spend at least half of his pay on the cafeteria. on the good food days, angel would be right up against david, twirling their hair and trying to play innocent while pointedly glaring at his wallet. "hey, you know how you love me right.." "no." "please!" "fine."
@davidsstarr @huxleaf @skunkox @totallynuwonhere
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ghosttotheparty · 2 years
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love me softly p3
@acitytokeepyoursecrets tags on this post she gets it god bless
@urmomification @legitcookie @deleataecount :)
Eddie doesn’t like that he’s into Steve Harrington, so he does what he does best: acts like a dick and annoys Steve into hating him even more than he already did.
But it’s doesn’t even seem to be working. Even when he stands on cafeteria tables and shouts about pompous rich kids and their shiny cars.
Steve just looks up at him, while the others sneer and throw insults and fries at him. He almost smiles a lot of the time, his expression light. Amused. He just watches, eating quietly while Eddie shouts and yells and cackles when Tommy H throws something at him and misses. (Steve covers his mouth. Eddie thinks he’s laughing too.)
When Eddie sits again, Gareth is almost glaring at him, his elbow on the table, his fingers to his forehead, like he’s watching a house fire. He tells Eddie it’s a bad idea. The others don’t know what they’re talking about but they don’t really care.
Eddie knows it’s a bad idea to taunt Steve and his friends. That he’s just painting a bright red target on his own back. But he can’t really help it.
Especially not when Steve starts responding, flipping Eddie the bird while Eddie’s up on a table, tilting his head adorably when Eddie comments that he looks like a Christian summer camp counsellor.
Tommy just comments that at least Steve can buy new clothes. Eddie just fires back that money can’t buy better taste, bitch. Steve snorts even though it’s a dig on him.
It goes on for a while. The teasing. The stares. The suppressed smiles and laughter.
But it actually starts on a Friday.
Eddie has detention. (Shocker.) The only reason he actually goes is because Mr Peterson isn’t an asshole. He’s friendly, even to Eddie.
Greets him as “Mr Munson,” looks at the pink detention slip before raising a single eyebrow at Eddie and tells him to sit with a soft shake of his head and a smile.
And Eddie turns to find Steve sitting in the back, watching him. Eddie’s grin falters and then widens, his head tilting as he raises his eyebrows, and Steve’s face turns red. He looks away. Eddie goes to sit with him, still grinning.
The room is quiet. There aren’t many others here, a few of them doodling on tables or sleeping. Peterson doesn’t care. (Another reason Eddie likes him.)
“What’d you do?” Eddie asks quietly, sitting too close to him.
Steve just looks down at his notebook. It’s closed, a pen laying on top of it. Eddie wants to flip through it.
“Steve Harrington is in detention,” Eddie says dryly. “You did something.”
Eddie snorts. Steve glances at him. He’s smiling, and his cheeks are still flushed, and Eddie might die.
“What’d you do?”
“Ste-e-e-eve, what’d you do?”
“Oh, we’re on a first name basis now?”
Eddie blinks. He’s only called him Harrington. Steve’s never called him anything.
“Yeah, I guess. Tell me what you did.”
“…Called Collins a jackass. In front of him.”
Eddie drops his head to the table.
“What did you do?”
“Forgot my homework.” He lifts his head. “Seven times.”
Steve snorts.
“Of course.”
They’re not allowed to talk during detention. It’s too quiet for them to even whisper with Peterson hearing, the room silent except the scratching of someone’s pencil and the occasional cough or sigh.
Eddie lowers his head to the table, ready to take a nap or zone out or something, but Steve opens the notebook. Eddie turns his head to look, his cheek pressing against the cold surface, and Steve doesn’t notice.
Eddie sits up to watch. Steve flips through the pages, and Eddie catches a glimpse of a drawing, so he reaches out and take the notebook wordlessly. Steve makes a small indignant ugh. Eddie shushes him.
Eddie flips through the pages slowly, looking at Steve’s handwriting. It’s pretty. Almost girly. Every page has random, half-understandable notes, without any kind of indicating header that might include the subject or date.
He thinks he’s getting closer to the drawing, because Steve reaches out to take the notebook again. Eddie swats his hand away, and Steve drops his head to the table with soft groan.
Eddie grins.
He finds the drawing. It’s a messy pencil sketch, scratchy snd scribbled and smudged and shitty, but easily recognisable.
His grins falters, and he blinks, his eyes tracing the lines of his own curls, the angle of his own nose, the curve of his eyelashes.
He turns to look at Steve, who’s now hiding his face in his shirt, looking away from Eddie.
Eddie lays back on the table, his chin propped on his arms as he gazes at the drawing again.
Steve lets him keep the notebook until the end of detention.
part four
read the whole thing ao3
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tiny-buzz · 26 days
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1) Secret stash of Nacho Cheese Bugles in your locker, unknown even to bae.
2) That feel when a school improvement which everybody knows is stupid is instantly vandalized to the point of destruction.
3) Blink-182 as your ringtone for when Bae calls. Green Day as your ringtone for when back-up Bae calls. Red Hot Chili Peppers for when your step-dad Randy calls. He calls constantly and you never pick up so you can listen to the cool, modern music of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the band that all teens love.
4) Local news weatherman comes to your Fellowship Of Christian Athletes after-school sesh to talk to you about how things “might get overcast in a teen’s life” sometimes, but there’s an “80% chance of kicking drugs for good when you turn to methadone and prayer coupled with rigorous physical activity, like swimming”
5) That feel when best friend gives you good news: you made the team!
6) Army recruiter standing outside cafeteria tells you to do a pushup, but the only thing you want to "push up" are your stats in your favorite video game, Digimon.
7) That feel when no pizza and homework and bae.
8) That feel when a kid literally gets put into a locker and the fire department has to come to literally cut him out, which takes two hours.
9) Senior prank. . . . . . . enough said.
10) That feel when another student body president's empty promise to make Pet Dances into a reality
11) Substitute teacher makes you watch "My Cousin Vinny" teacher comes back the next day and you watch "My Cousin Vinny" again
12) That first time you heard Bohemian Rhapsody. Mind = blown.
13) Bae ate all your pizza. You post about this, on Tumblr.com.
14) Why does the pizza always have to be square? Student body presidential candidate promises circle pizza, fails to deliver... AGAIN.
15) Janitor looks sad, sick.
16) Constantly tempted to drive your convertible filled with friends at high speed along Dead Man's Curve
17) Beef stew for lunch? Again?
18) Everyone has faint memory of kid who accidentally threw frisbee into woods during out-door gym class, went to retrieve it, and was never seen again
19) Caught forging bae's mom's signature on failing report card, again.
20) Pension funds are missing
21) Getting detentions for thinking about bae and BH ideas in class.
22) No vending machines because Randy punched one and stole all the Fritos and got blood everywhere and then joined the army
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