#Boyle&039;s Law
truphysics · 1 year
Introduction Pressure is a fundamental concept in physics, engineering, and various scientific disciplines. It is defined as the force applied per unit area. In a more general sense, it can also be considered as the measure of the force that a fluid exerts on its surroundings. Basic Definition The basic definition of pressure $P$ is given by the equation: $P = \dfrac{F}{A}$ where $F$ is the…
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paulkiser1 · 5 years
Betelgeuse is NOT Collapsing, It's Expanding
Betelgeuse is NOT Collapsing, It’s Expanding
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Betelgeuse Collapsing? Think Again
The buzz about Betelgeuse is about its sudden and historic fainting (dimming.) Those who have a knowledge of the star and of supernovas have received the news with anticipation. Is this the great moment of Betelgeuse going supernova? Many people already know that immediately before the supernova, the progenitor star (the original star before a supernova)…
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frimleyblogger · 6 years
Gin O’Clock – Part Fifty Nine
Gin O’Clock – Part Fifty Nine
Am I beginning to detect a bit of a kick-back in what hitherto seemed to be the unstoppable wave of the ginaissance?
We have gone through phases of gins boasting many weird and wonderful mixes of botanicals, often losing that unmistakable flavour of the juniper berry along the way, selected as much to give the marketing lads and lasses a good story to spin as to enhance the flavour. Then we have…
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mylauraduque · 6 years
Otitic and sinus barotrauma by flight. Let’s review
Otitic and sinus barotrauma by flight. Let’s review
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Past September 20th, 2018, a Jet Airways B738 presented an event related to sudden changes in cabin pressure. The Civil Aviation Authority reported 30 passengers suffering nosebleeds and/or ear bleeds.
As usual news and media are full of speculations and inexact and, in some cases totally erroneous, statements. The investigation has just begun, therefore there is no factual information available…
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jhcan · 10 years
Robert Boyle born January 25, 1627
Robert Boyle born January 25, 1627
American Minute with Bill Federer
The “Father of Chemistry” wanted to evangelize America?… and warned of the end?
Robert Boyle was born JANUARY 25, 1627.
He studied Bacon, Descartes, and other of his contemporaries, including scientists Isaac Newton and Galileo, philosophers John Locke and Thomas Hobbes, and poet John Milton.
Robert Boyle made contributions in physics and chemistry, especially…
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rc2208 · 11 years
Someone Strange
He was bald, and was somewhat genteel in his manner. He definitely seemed to have loved his subject, and did consider himself to be a master on the subjects and matters that he taught us.
We, in particular, loved imitating him as he walked up and down the…
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