#First Law of Thermodynamics
bitform · 10 months
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Swamp Thing dropping some hot knowledge.
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greentempleblog · 5 months
Tenet 2: On Women's Voices and Bodily Autonomy
In the hallowed teachings of Liva, She who breathes life into the void and nurtures the cosmos with Her boundless love, there is a destined reverence for women’s guidance. For in the dawn of creation, when the stars were yet to be lit in the infinite dark, Liva, in Her wisdom, wove the principle of balance into the fabric of existence. It is said, "As the Earth cradles the seed and brings forth the bounty, so must communities value the contributions of women, for their voices are like the rain upon parched land, vital and life sustaining.”
In the temples and groves dedicated to Liva, women and other previously marginalised people shall stand as pillars of strength, their voices echoing the divine wisdom that guides us all toward enlightenment and harmony. Leadership, rooted in the essence of Liva, fosters a society where every soul can flourish under the canopy of compassion and empathy. Women, having been victims of conflict for much of history are therefore more likely to not endorse or instigate such conflict and imbalance. 
Liva, in Her infinite grace, champions the sacredness of personal freedom and the sovereignty of the individual, particularly in matters that touch upon the very wellspring of life. "For each being is a reflection of Her divinity, endowed with the right to govern the temple of their own body. For their choice is Liva’s choice, which was determined from the beginning” declares this, The Sacred Way, Liva's word.
All people but especially women, as bearers of life and the keepers of ancient innate wisdoms, are entrusted by her, with the freedom and autonomy to govern their own bodies, including the act of motherhood. This tenet is a cornerstone of this faith, affirming that the freedom to choose is not merely a right but a reflection of Liva’s divine will, ensuring that every human life is brought forth in love, safety, preparedness, and joy, so that it may thrive, not suffer. 
Let it be known, every person is the sole sovereign of their own body. A woman’s body is her own property and native land and she solely thereby has the right to evict any unwanted settler. This is a religious right of this faith. Any violation of this right is an act of religious discrimination and persecution. 
Moreover, the doctrine of The Sacred Way extols the virtues of bodily autonomy and reproductive rights as expressions of Her divine love. "Let no one usurp the sacred temple of another, for in the sovereignty of the self lies the gift of peace and balance between all people“ Liva teaches. This principle underpins the nature of those who walk in Her light, and is only to be overruled if someone is an obvious danger to themselves or other people. We must create a world where people’s personal autonomy is honoured, for it is Liva's will. 
The Sacred Way
The Green Temple
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doesgodexist · 3 months
Entropy and Disorder in the Universe
The second law of thermodynamics can be stated in many ways. The usual physics statement is that heat cannot move from a lower-temperature reservoir to a higher-temperature reservoir. With any action involving matter, there is always a loss of energy to a state from which it can not be recovered. Actions involve a loss of energy, and we call that entropy.Heat will move from a warmer area to an…
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truphysics · 1 year
Introduction Pressure is a fundamental concept in physics, engineering, and various scientific disciplines. It is defined as the force applied per unit area. In a more general sense, it can also be considered as the measure of the force that a fluid exerts on its surroundings. Basic Definition The basic definition of pressure $P$ is given by the equation: $P = \dfrac{F}{A}$ where $F$ is the…
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
a lil brain dump here but i just realized how it mustve been so much worse for darling if they found out yan chrollo is a leader of the most deadliest group ... like just thinking of the horror of not being aware u were getting on chrollo's trap on making u stay with him forever ....
there's no denying the terror of this realization crashing down on you.
it's... a lot, to put it lightly. chrollo considers what's likely one of the most traumatizing instances in your life to be a "taking the bandage off" situation. chances are he'll tell you if he has to leave your area for more than a few weeks, that's the cutoff point for how long he can go without you. while he can logically understand that this is going to be a rough conversation, the compassion isn't really there. what shreds of empathy he does have center around the fact you'll be upset. not just upset, but upset with him, and he's confident that won't be going away anytime soon. it's not a great feeling.
he errs more toward how he acts as a boss of the troupe than the chrollo you thought you've gotten to know. the initial revelation goes about as well as he expected, but honestly, that's the worst part. the remaining fallout doesn't eat at him too much. his tone and body language have this clinical edge that isn't making you feel much better. deep down in your soul, you know he means business, that there's a gravity in the room you can only comprehend a fraction of.
there's a good chance the confession's full weight won't sink in for a few weeks. especially if he introduces you to the concept of nen. (which he's lowkey dying to do because he knows some part of you will be impressed at watching a book materialize from nothing).
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tonguetyd · 10 days
Everything dies, baby, that’s a fact
But maybe everything that dies someday comes back
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terry-the-insane · 1 year
My favorite g/t trope is when T is scared of falling off high places even though being really small means your terminal velocity (maximum speed at which you can fall) is greatly decreased and T could probably fall off the roof of a 5 story building and only get scratched.
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lovelanguageisolate · 2 years
A thermodynamicist notices a friend has gotten hotter. "Well, they are a closed system," the thermodynamicist says of the friend, "so they must have had some work done."
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mxrstar · 14 days
so funny to me that in general i have a very good memory, and yet i am Very Bad at remembering names / expressions / short concepts
it's a silly problem that only ever pisses me off in two situations
every time i have ever had an exam of any kind and it has taken me a stupid amount of time to painstakingly get into my head a bunch of names and concepts that would self-delete weekly
all conversations about my special interests. i love physics my guy. truly, believe me, i love it. i truly wish i could tell you what the third law of thermodynamics is.
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corpsecoded · 3 months
girl that enjoys reading major character death fics to get rid of death anxiety
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theflashjaygarrick · 2 years
Science-fair-gate from ATOTS Gravity Falls is actually a representation of how American society encourages lateral blame and infighting in order to acknowledge the systemic barriers and bigotry actually responsible for limiting the successful social mobility of disadvantaged groups. In this essay I will...
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greentempleblog · 7 months
Tenet 1
On the Interconnectedness of All Things
In the Sacred Way of Liva's eternal wisdom, it is written that all creation is but a tapestry, woven from the threads of matter and energy, which vibrate in an endless dance of transformation. "From the core of stars to the heart of every being, all is connected, all is one," thus proclaims the Sacred Way. This divine interconnectedness reveals that nothing in the universe is truly separate; the red iron of our blood, coursing through our veins has journeyed from the fiery crucibles of ancient suns, and the breath that fills our lungs has been exhaled by forests and seas through the eons of the past. In this profound unity, we come to understand that our essence is eternal, part of a cosmic continuum where creation and dissolution are but facets of the same unending cycle. 
Liva, in Her boundless majesty, has ordained the laws that govern this eternal dance, decreeing that no matter or energy may ever be created anew, nor can it be destroyed; it merely takes new form, echoing the rhythms of the universal song. This tenet holds the key to the mystery of existence, illuminating the truth that what we perceive as death is merely a transition, a changing of state within the cycle of life.
You have been here since the beginning and you will be here till the very end. Everyone you have ever loved and lost is still here with you, and always will be. Nothing is ever lost, it is merely changed. "Behold the sacredness in all transitions, each life, a continuation of what was and a prelude to what will be,” Liva teaches. Our very being, composed of stardust and the remnants of cosmic fire, is a testament to the cycle of renewal that defines the universe. In this understanding, we grasp the illusion of finality, recognising that in Liva's realm, all is perpetual, we are all immortal.
Thus, it falls upon us humans to honour the sacredness of this eternal cycle, to live with reverence for the interconnectedness that binds us to all existence. As keepers of the flame of consciousness we are called to cherish Liva’s work like no other animal can. Understanding that our actions ripple across the fabric of the universe. In this awareness, we find our purpose and our duty; to act as agents of harmony, guiding the destined flow of energy and matter in ways that honour the balance of life. “Honour the world I have given you and all other species” She instructs “for it is part of you as you are part of it”. By embracing our role in Liva's work, we pay homage to the divine artistry of her universe, committing ourselves to the preservation and sanctification of her cosmic miracle. In this commitment, we acknowledge the inherent sacredness of all transitions, all forms, and all life, becoming active participants in the unfolding of Liva's grand vision—a vision of unity, continuity, balance and eternal metamorphosis.
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analyticallyminded · 1 year
tag drop 1/?
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truphysics · 1 year
Introduction Heat is a form of energy that is transferred between systems or objects with different temperatures, flowing from the higher temperature system to the lower temperature one until equilibrium is reached. Heat and Thermodynamics In the context of thermodynamics, heat is described as the energy transferred across the boundary of a system due to a temperature difference or a change in…
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hawnks · 2 years
Maybe helpful maybe not but instead of alchemy maybe use chemistry type concepts like entropy and enthalpy, those are talking about energy gained or lost in the system? Idk if it’s helpful but I just thought maybe 🥹
ooohhhhhh u are so smart thank u for this <3
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nateconnolly · 1 year
40,000 years ago, early humans painted hands on the wall of a cave. This morning, my baby cousin began finger painting. All of recorded history happened between these two paintings of human hands. The Nazca Lines and the Mona Lisa. The first TransAtlantic flight and the first voyage to the Moon. Humanity invented the wheel, the telescope, and the nuclear bomb. We eradicated wild poliovirus types 2 and 3. We discovered radio waves, dinosaurs, and the laws of thermodynamics. Freedom Riders crossed the South. Hippies burned their draft cards. Countless genocides, scientific advancements, migrations, and rebellions. More than a hundred billion humans lived and died between these two paintings—one on a sheet of paper, and one on the inside of a cave. At the dawn of time, ancient humans stretched out their hands. And this morning, a child reached back. 
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