#Br 2700
slowtraincomingsoon · 2 months
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DE 2700 02 bei Archsum 02.07.2024
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merpmonde · 1 month
Tilting Diesels!
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In June, we said さようなら to Japan's first tilting electric multiple unit (see that post also for why you'd want tilt in the first place), launched in 1973. For some reason, adding tilt to Diesel multiple units needed a bit more time - my guess is engine vibrations play a part. Nonetheless, in 1989, JR Shikoku did it, launching the 2000 series tilting DMU. The company has continued with the technology, and the latest generation, the 2700 series shown above, is 5 years old this month.
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The 2000 series is still in service, but I haven't yet seen any. However I have seen and ridden two derivatives of the 2000: the JR West KiHa 187 above, which reminds me of trains in England with its yellow front, and the streamlined Chizu Kyûkô HOT7000 below.
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These trains run intercity services along the picturesque San'in coast - the Super Matsukaze and Super Oki in Yamaguchi, Shimane and Tottori prefectures -, and between the San'in and San'yô coasts - the Super Hakuto and Super Inaba in Hyôgo, Okayama and Tottori prefectures, which is how the HOT7000 got its name.
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With these trains, Tottori to Himeji is done in under two hours, a similar time frame to what electric tilting trains can do between Okayama and Yonago. The mountains are also quite scenic, and the HOT7000 has a feature that I don't think I've seen anywhere else: a live cab cam.
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Another country worked to develop tilting DMUs: Germany. This culminated with the high-speed ICE T, which I'm yet to encounter, but in the late 1990s, at a similar time to the Japanese examples above, Adtranz built the RegioSwinger, officially Baureihe 612. These yellow and white examples work in the South-West corner of Germany, along the Rhine between the Bodensee and Basel, with a couple of incursions into Switzerland.
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Riding a tilting train is peculiar. 8° of tilt doesn't sound like much, but it adds up with the camber of the tracks to produce a visually impressive experience. The tilt is really noticeable, and it does what it's supposed to do, compensating the G-forces so you don't feel the pull to the side through corners. The downside of DMUs is that they tend to be quite noisy - the engines sound like they're giving 110% all the time! On the whole, I really like them.
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ikeromantic · 2 years
Jealousy Becomes Him
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A Keiji Maeda story featuring OC Tomoyo, written as a (belated) Valentine's gift for @scruffymctee - in this spicy story Keiji has a bout of severe jelly-boy syndrome which resolves in the best (and spiciest) way possible. Approx. 2700 words.
Keiji wasn’tgoing to be caught by surprise this year. No sir. Last year Tomoyo had popped up with a box of handmade candies and a little painted card with a poem on it. And he’d been empty handed. Caught flat-footed by this ‘Valentine’ holiday. Not this time! This time, he had it all planned out. 
Flowers, dinner, a special box of sweets and a new kind of tea . . . it would be perfect. As he left the tea shop, he caught sight of his princess a few stalls down. Tomoyo looked beautiful today. Her dark hair was caught up in a bun held with a jade comb that complimented her eyes and the brightly colored kimono she wore. 
She hadn’t noticed him yet. She was leaning over a display, her focus intense. Keiji had it in mind to sneak up on her but just as he began to approach, someone stepped beside her and took her arm. Not just any someone. Tokugawa. 
Tomoyo smiled up at Ieyasu and gestured for him to look as well. The two of them stood at the display for a few breaths and then Ieyasu said something that Kaiji could not hear. Tomoyo laughed and patted his arm. Then they walked on together.
Keiji felt a sick burning in his gut. A thick, bitter bile of jealousy. He could not imagine why his princess was out with that fluffy-headed sourpuss. Leaning on his arm. Laughing with him. Part of Keiji yearned to march over there and grab Ieyasu. Challenge him. But he knew his beloved Tomoyo would not appreciate that kind of machismo.
She was a woman with her own mind and she did not appreciate anyone making choices for her. 
The smart thing to do would be to leave. And then talk with Tomoyo later. But Keiji wasn’t feeling smart right now. So he grabbed a straw hat and a plain haori from a clothing stall and slouched along behind them, following close enough to catch some of their conversation but far enough to be hard to notice.
“What about these?” Tomoyo gestured at something spread on the vendor’s table in front of her. Some sort of cloth? Keiji strained to make it out, but he was at a bad angle.
“It would look good on you.” Ieyasu reached forward, touching whatever it was. 
“You think so?” She laughed. “I don’t think it’s my color.”
Ieyasu’s cheeks flushed. “Every color is your color.”
Tomoyo smiled widely. “That’s nice of you to say.” She glanced again at whatever it was and then tugged Ieyasu on.
Keiji stopped at the vendor table as they moved on. He squinted at the vendor. “What was that lady pointing at?”
“This, my lord.” He gestured at an inrō on his table. The wallet was worked silver and wood, shaped like some fantastic bird. The ojimi that fastened it was coral and carved to look like a flower. The bright salmon color of the flower-carved bead drew the eye and the workmanship on it was perfect. 
“How much?” 
After a brief few moments of haggling, Keiji purchased the wallet she liked and then scanned the market to locate them again. He noticed they were at a shop with a bunch of little accessories. Odds and ends, really. Clasps and ties, decorative beads, combs and pins for hair. 
Ieyasu was bent down over the blanket, pointing out a few items. Tomoyo’s brow was creased in thought as she looked them over. 
Keiji thought they were looking at some clothing pins with red agate beading and a carved and inlaid tsuba for a small sword. Was Ieyasu trying to buy her gifts today? He scowled. Of course Tomoyo deserved every good thing but . . . he wanted to be the one to give it to her. The one to see her smile of surprise and pleasure. 
After a little discussion, the two of them moved away from the accessories stall and headed toward a nearby tea house. Keiji quickly sped over and purchased the red agate pins. They were very nice, he thought. The sort of thing he might wear with his brightly colored haori. 
It was a little harder to stalk them at the teahouse. If he sat close enough to hear their conversation, Tomoyo might notice him. He settled for a spot where he could see them clearly, but he was too far away to make out their conversation. This made his afternoon so much worse. 
Tomoyo and Ieyasu sat there drinking tea and ordering sweets for hours. Talking, laughing . . . Ieyasu even smiled once. And Keiji could not hear a word that was said. For all he knew, his lady love was pledging her heart to that - that dandelion headed, sour faced infant. It was only his years of acting and work as a spy that allowed him to stay seated and simply watch. 
Under his annoyance and jealousy lurked fear and hurt. He loved Tomoyo more than life. She was smart and pretty, stubborn and idealistic. A woman he thought of as a partner and friend, one that held his heart. And he’d thought he held hers. Dark thoughts trickled through his mind as he sat there, stewing. 
Ieyasu had money and titles. Keiji had nothing. Could he really blame Tomoyo for choosing more wisely? His emotions ran a wild track through his heart. He was so caught up in them that he almost didn’t notice when Tomoyo took a box from the tea shop owner and left with Ieyasu in tow.
Keiji pulled himself together enough to ask after what she bought. A box of bean paste dumplings, apparently. The dango she asked for were not one of her favorite foods, Keiji knew. He wondered darkly if they were Ieyasu’s favorites. He left the teashop in a funk, still trailing after his lady love.
It seemed her day out with Ieyasu was drawing to a close. They went to Ieyasu’s manor. Still chatting and talking as they went in and the door closed behind them. Across from the manor, in a narrow alley, Keiji stared at the closed door. His heart was pounding with jealous passion but he wasn’t sure what he ought to do.
He couldn’t just charge in. Such disrespect to an Oda alliance member, one with higher standing than him, would be disastrous. Keiji took a deep breath, steadying himself. It wouldn’t be that hard to sneak into the manor. He could figure out what room they were in and then listen from a window or even slip into the ceiling to spy from above. 
The job turned out even easier than he expected. Ieyasu’s office was on the first floor, with a wide garden window. And that was where the two of them were. He was somewhat relieved to note it was not where Ieyasu slept. And there was no futon or cushioned couch for them to - to - he cut that thought off before it finished. From where he crouched, he couldn’t see them very well, but he could hear everything.
Tomoyo was giggling, while Ieyasu’s low voice scolded her. 
“You really don’t take care of yourself,” the blonde griped.
“I do too!”
“Then why ask me about this? Didn’t you promise me -”
“I know, I know.” Tomoyo wasn’t giggling now. She sighed. “Look, I meant to but I got busy.”
“Busy like we were today?” Ieyasu’s voice was sharp and bitter. 
Keiji wasn’t sure what they were talking about. What was this and why was Ieyasu so sour right now?
“Maybe? Don’t be so grouchy about it. There’s nothing wrong with spending the day shopping. Surely you had just a little fun?”
 “Fine. Yes. Now don’t look at me like that. Just . . . undo your obi. Let’s get this over with.” Ieyasu sighed heavily.
There was a rustling of cloth and Tomoyo’s voice, breathless. “Thank you!”
“Don’t thank me yet. Just hold still. I’ll be quick so pay attention.”
Tomoyo gasped and Keiji’s heart sank even lower. “That’s so cold! Why is it always cold?”
“I could hold it in my hands to warm it up first,” Ieyasu grumbled. 
Keiji strained to peek over the window sill. He had to see what was happening, but if he could see them, they would be able to see him. He just couldn’t manage. All he could do was listen.
“That would be nice of you.”
“Here. You warm it up then.”
More sounds of cloth rustling, wood creaking. Then another breathy gasp. “Ah! Much better when it’s warmer.”
“Whatever. Just stop wriggling.” 
Tomoyo tsked. “I wasn’t wriggling! Anyway, thank you for this. It helps a lot.”
“Good.” Ieyasu paused. “You know . . . I really did enjoy today. With you.”
“I had fun too.” 
Another sigh, this one just as heavy as the last. “We could have more days. Like this. The two of us.”
Tomoyo laughed softly. “Of course we can. We’re friends, right? We can hang out whenever you like.” 
“Friends.” The way Ieyasu said it made it a barb. 
“Yes. Friends. I care about you, Ieyasu. Very much. You are dear to me and I like spending time with you.” Tomoyo’s words next were faint, barely audible from where Keiji was eavesdropping. “You’re very sweet and for the right girl . . . Oh Ieyasu . . . you are going to make her so happy.” 
Ieyasu took a short, pained breath. “I - I need to check on something.”
Keiji wanted to climb through the window and lift Tomoyo up and kiss her breathless. But he thought she might be a tad angry that he’d been spying on her. He slipped away, almost humming with happiness. 
He felt giddy, almost as if he was drunk from hearing her confession. Silly for ever having doubted her. Foolish for being jealous of poor Ieyasu. And lucky. Damn lucky. A man like him did not deserve a woman like her, but she’d picked him anyway.
Tomoyo came home a little while later, looking pleased if tired. The moment she came through the castle gate, Keiji was on her. His big hands wrapped around her waist and he spun her in the air, before pulling her close for a hug. 
She gave a squeal of surprise and then her arms were around his neck and her fingers tangled in his hair. She loved to tug it loose from his bun. 
He kissed her, unrestrained and passionate. Her lips were soft as satin, playfully yielding to his hunger. Her teasing tongue pushed into his mouth. Keiji growled low in his throat, suddenly feeling more than just glad to see her. His hands slid slower, caressing her firm rear and the backs of her thighs. 
Tomoyo broke the kiss with a gasp. “Keiji! What if someone sees us?”
“Then someone sees.” He kissed her again, delighted with the way her body responded to his touch. Eager, despite her protest. Her legs wrapped around his hips, her hands clutched at his shoulders. “Let’s take this to our room,” he said hoarsely, not entirely sure he could make it but certain he would die from wanting her if he didn’t.
She laughed, high and sweet and breathless. “What did I do to deserve such a welcome home?”
“You don’t need to do anything. I just love you.” 
Tomoyo’s cheeks heated and she looked away, as if she could pretend to be demure when her thighs were gripping his hips as they were now. 
“No need to be bashful, princess.” He nuzzled the sensitive spot on her neck, just below her left ear. 
Keiji shut the door behind them with his foot, his hands were entirely too full of Tomoyo and there was no way he was letting her down. Not yet. He used his mouth to start untying her kimono, which made her laugh again. 
“Are you so eager? You know this would be faster if you put me down?”
“Who says I want it to be faster?” He grinned. Then with sensual slowness, he tugged the tie loose and began placing kisses along her now-exposed collarbone. There was a smell there, something new. It was sharper than her usual perfume, and something about it reminded him of summer. He pressed his face closer, and used his tongue to taste her skin. 
Tomoyo giggled. “What - what are you doing?”
“Mmmm trying out this new . . . flavor . . .” It was an oil, he decided. Something herbal. He traced the light application of it across her collarbone and flipped her around to kiss down the expanse of her back. 
“K-Keiji! Th-that’s my lotion!” She wriggled deliciously in his arms. 
He pressed close against her and nipped the lobe of her ear. “Tastes pretty good.”
She made a little pleased gasp of pleasure as he began to massage her shoulders and back with his large, calloused hands. Her kimono fell to her waist. “O-oh, that’s . . . mmmm . . . yes . . .” 
He could see now where Ieyasu had applied this new ointment. “What is it for, princess?”
“Hm? What?” She blinked at him over her shoulder, lost in the feel of his hands on her. 
“The lotion.”
Tomoyo smiled. “Supposed to help. With. The stiffness. From . . . spear . . . training.” 
“You know, I could probably help you apply it. If you need some help to put it on your back.” He used his thumbs to gently work out the tension along her spine.
“Y-yeah. Ok.” She took a shivering breath as his hands moved to her lower back. Her hips were pushed back against his and all Keiji could think about was how much better this would be if both of them lost the rest of their clothes. She must have been thinking the same, because she undid her obi and the ties on her hakama, letting everything puddle to the floor at her feet. 
It wasn’t the first time Keiji saw her naked. Nor the fifth or even the fifteenth. But every time he found himself in awe. She was gorgeous. The round swell of her hip, the little dimple on her right ass cheek, the turn of her thigh and calf . . . he wanted to kiss every bit. Caress and hold her. He ran a finger lightly down her side. “You’re beautiful.”
He could not keep his voice from cracking on the compliment. The raw passion he felt for her was more than a simple word could encompass. Keiji wanted to love her and to make love to her, to drown himself in everything that was her until Tomoyo was all he could taste and touch and see. 
“When you look at me like that, I feel like I must be,” she said softly. 
“I’ll have to do a better job of letting you know.” He placed a kiss on her low back and let his lips trail down lower. “If you only feel like that now . . . I must not show you enough.” Keiji gently turned her back over. His lips brushed the line of her pelvic bone. 
She arched into his touch, her breathing thready and rapid. “Sh-show? Me?”
He wasn’t sure if it was a question or a request. To be fair though, he didn’t care. He wanted her so badly now that he almost shook with the need. Like an addict in sight of his fix, the answer in his grasp. At the tip of his tongue, both literally and figuratively. 
Keiji forced himself to go slow. To savor the feel of her heat against his mouth, the satin of her thighs trapping his head between them. Holding him in place, her heels pushing him in and urging him on as if her throaty cries were not enough encouragement. His world shrunk to the music of her pleasure, his own heartbeat, the slick sweet taste of her. 
Like music or poetry, there was a rhythm to this. An art. To read the instrument and audience of one, to know when and how to quicken the pace or slow it down. And when he’d teased enough. 
Her legs tensed and her heels dug hard into his back. Tomoyo’s hips rocked forward, until he could not breathe for being bound in her. Not that he minded - this was how a man could die happy - besides which, the tension lasted only a moment before she found release. His name on her lips, her body quaking with pleasure. 
Keiji could not suppress smug satisfaction at her undoing. “I hope that wasn’t too much, princess. Because I have a whole night planned.” 
“Not . . . even . . . close,” she breathed. “It’s my turn next.”
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feigeroman · 2 years
My NRM Visit
The other day, me and my mum embarked on a grand adventure to the National Railway Museum. Having previously tried and failed to visit on two previous occasions, we naturally made the most of our day there. I in particular took many, many photos, and there now follows but a small sample of these:
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It wouldn’t be a Tumblr post without a crab, and so we start with an LMS Crab 2-6-0 - this is in fact the first of the class, LMS #13000 (later #2700).
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LMS Royal Saloon #799. Originally built in 1941 as an armoured saloon for the Queen Mother, who used it to travel around the country to boost morale during the War. This saloon was used by the Royal Family right up until 1977, when the present royal train came into service.
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GNR J13 0-6-0ST #1247. This was the first steam engine ever to be privately purchased direct from British Railways, in 1959. Mum for scale.
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Waterloo Station 1967 by Terence Cuneo. Exactly what it says on the tin. As with all of Cuneo’s paintings, this one is crammed with all sorts of little details and cameos (including his trademark mouse, who is sitting on top of the Johnnie Walker advert to the right).
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SECR D Class 4-4-0, #737. Not a whole lot to say about this one that hasn’t been said already. I just included it here to provide context for the next photo. Speaking of which:
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Pullman coach Topaz, with whom #737 currently shares exhibition space. Rather than the traditional chocolate-and-cream, this Pullman carries its original crimson livery, which seems to have been the inspiration for that worn by the Pullmans seen in Thomas.
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BR (SR) Merchant Navy 4-6-2 #35029, Ellerman Lines. As you can see, she’s been cut in half to more easily demonstrate how a steam locomotive works. Which is pretty neat, even if it does make for a rather grisly spectacle.
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Furness #3 0-4-0, Coppernob. Also known as that engine who used to be on display in Barrow-In-Furness, and still carries literal battle scars from a 1941 air raid on that town. Also also known as Nobby, if you’re @mean-scarlet-deceiver​ or any of their followers.
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LNER A4 4-6-2 #4468, Mallard. I couldn’t not take a photo of the world’s fastest steam engine (whose 126mph record was quantified by the dynamometer car just visible in the background).
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And finally, the little blue bugger himself - specifically an RG Mitchells kiddie ride from about 1994.
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indiasarkarinaukri1 · 3 months
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Tuesday November 22, 2022 – Senior Performance
 ELDOAs – 5 min
400 – sw/k/dr/sw
2x25 – 5 sec. wall k to 15m uw FAST/10 scull @:45
50 – 25 ch. drill/25 Build to MAX @1:10
75 – breathe every 3,5,7 @1:10
50 – 15 MAX EFFORT/35 drill @ :50 (work uw + breakout)
50 – Middle 25 MAX EFFORT @ :55 (work turn + breakout)
50 – 200RP @1:00
50 – 25 ch. scull/25 ch. drill @1:05
 200 choice prep
2x100 – 50fr/50fly where fr = Gr3; fl =Gr4 @1:40
2x75 – 50bk/25br @400IM RP @1:10
3x50 – 25 br/25 fr @400IM RP @:50
2x50 – fr @200IM RP @1:00
2x100 Gr3 @ 1:30
200 recovery @4:30
51 min
 Distance Group
2x100 Gr3 @1:30
2x100 @LCM 800 RP -1 @1:40
2x100 Gr3 @1:30
2x100 @LCM 400 RP -1 @1:50
2x100 Gr3 @1:30
200 recovery @4:30
1 hour
 Stroke Group
2x100 @1:30
3x50 @200LCM RP -1 @:50
2x50 @200 LCM RP -2 @:55
1x50 @200 LCM RP -3 @1:00
2x100 @1:30
200 Recovery @4:30
0 notes
longpharmacy · 2 years
Bruno fernandes fifa 21
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Bruno fernandes fifa 21 how to#
Bruno fernandes fifa 21 upgrade#
Don’t forget about his 91-rating for penalties either, there’s a reason why he’s nicknamed ‘Penandes’!ĭe Bruyne has been one of the best midfielders in the Premier League for ages! He’s got a 94-rating for vision, short passing and crossing, so he’ll pick up tons of assists for your team. United, there’s no doubt that you’ll already have the 25-year-old midfielder in your team! He’s got some awesome attributes which allow him to dominate in the middle of the park. City ballers are two of the best midfielders in the Premier League, but how do they measure up on FIFA 21? Which one would you rather pack? Bruno Fernandes has got a 4-star skillmoves rating. And in the seconds after Salah made things nervy for United by making it 2-1, Bruno Fernandes desperately tried to halt the visitors’ momentum with some time-wasting tactics. His overall rating in FIFA 21 is 88 with a potential of 91. The two of them are still higher than Mason Greenwood (89), Aaron Wan-Bissaka (88), Anthony Martial (87), Dean Henderson (87), Donny van de Beek (87).The 22-year-old megastar was named in EA’s Team Of The Year a few weeks ago, but continues to receive plenty of other epic cards! After scoring four net-busters in Ligue 1 in February, EA rewarded him with this insane 92-rated Player Of The Month! He’s been given 98 pace and 93 dribbling which makes him unstoppable as a LW! FIFA SHOWDOWN – FERNANDES v DE BRUYNE He is currently 27 years old and plays as a Attacking Midfielder for Manchester United in England.
Bruno fernandes fifa 21 upgrade#
The latest FIFA 21 upgrade puts Bruno Fernandes on par with Marcus Rashford in terms of potential. Manchester United midfielder Bruno Fernandes has been given a significant new trait on FIFA 21, with EA SPORTS releasing the latest player database update.
Bruno fernandes fifa 21 how to#
His FIFA 21 upgrade put him higher than David De Gea (86), Paul Pogba (86), Marcus Rashford (85), Alex Telles (84) and Edinson Cavani (84).Īnother aspect of the upgrade is the improved potential. Subscribe, Like & Comment for More How to create Bruno Fernandes face in fifa 20 pro clubs.Como criar Bruno Fernandes fifa 20 clubes pro.Como hacer Br. Bruno Fernandes is the best player in Manchester United with his newly improved overall rating. 32 SL Benfica 24 SL Benfica Bruno Miguel Duarte Paixao Bertino Cunha Miranda 28. To put this into context, the rest of the best players in Manchester United are now falling behind him. 58 Apartado postal 24013 LISBON 1250-012 PT Telefono: +351-21/325 2700. His overall rating has gone up to 88 from 87, and his potential increases from 90 to 91.Ī few of the his skills that have been increased are:īruno Fernandes FIFA 21 Upgrade in context of Manchester United He has 4-star weak foot and 4-star skill moves, He does have a real face in-game. His average user review rating is 4.9 out of 5. Taking all of this into account, EA have increased the OVR rating for few of his attributes and skills in the latest upgrade to the popular videogame FIFA 21. Bruno Fernandes's TOTY card is rated 97, he is 179cm 5'10' tall, right-footed Portugal midfielder (CAM) that plays for Manchester Utd in Premier League with High/High work rates. 9 The highest-scoring FPL player in the 20/21 campaign was Bruno Fernandes. He has also found the back of the net 4 times in the Champions league 2020-2021 season. starter David 0404 FIFA 21 best CM - the best Central Midfielders in FIFA. FIFA 22 Bruno Fernandes VS De Bruyne VS Dybala FIFA Evolution from FIFA 10 to FIFA 22 FIFA Players in Every FIFA FIFA Ultimate Team History of these 3 play. The former Sporting CP player has scored 11 goals & created 7 assists for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in his 16 premier league matches. Alexander-Arnold Neco Williams Andy Robertson Kai Havertz Bruno Fernandes. EA sports have taken note of his significant contribution to the Red Devils this season, and it reflects in the latest upgrade they released for all platforms on 11 January. FCB17 FIFA 21 Facepack 3 This release includes 40 head replacements for high. Manchester United are on top of the table in the Premier League, and Bruno Fernandes' contribution has been invaluable.īruno Fernandes has played a monumental role in Manchester United's rise to pole position of the Premier League table. His average user review rating is 3.8 out of 5. In the latest FIFA 21 upgrade for PC, PlayStation & Xbox, the Red Devils mid-fielder Bruno Fernandes has gotten a considerable upgrade. Bruno Fernandes's card is rated 87, he is 179cm 5'10' tall, right-footed Portugal midfielder (CAM) that plays for Manchester Utd in Premier League with High/High work rates.
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yalnzardc · 3 years
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Mttb Kudüs enstitüsü          5-2-2022
Konu : Gönül başkentimiz Kudüs
Konuşmacı : Ahmet Turgut
1917 yılında aralıkta Kudüsü kaybetmiştik.
Sancaklar düştükleri yerden kalkar tekrar bir izzete yükseleceksek bunun merkezi Kudüs, Kudüsle beraber tekrardan ayağa kalkacak ümmet olacağız.
15 yıl ilk kıblegah Kudüs
Biz 21. Asırdayız Ehli kıblemiyiz? Elhamdülillah fıkhi yönden öyleyiz ama sosyolojik açıdan ehli kıble olmadık 1.5 milyar Müslüman aynı meselede müşterek davada bir arada hareket edemiyoruz, bir şekilde kıblemizi yitirdik ve yeniden ehli kıble olmamız lazım Rasûlullah zamanında nasıl 15 yıl Kudüs üzerinden kıble talimi yapıldıysa bu gün de 1.5 milyar Müslüman Kudüs üzerinde yeniden kıble talimi yapması lazım.
Müslümanlar Kudüsü kurtarmıcak Kudüs şuuru ve ahlakı müslümanları kurtaracak.
Kudüsün şahsı manevisine sorsak ey Kudüs sen ne iş yaparsın neye yararsın uzun uzun anlatır... İlk olarak uzunca bir haçlı seferlerini anlatır ve dip not batıl bir dava uğruna milyonlarca kişi bir araya geldi 11. Asrın hristiyanları Kudüs için bir araya gelebildi bu gün 14. Asır Müslümanı Kudüs için bir araya gelmiyorsa anlatacak çok da bir mazeretimiz yok.
Kudüs Müslümanların ibret aynası.
Kudüs de beni en çok etkileyen şey tarihi bir yapı değil 70 yıllık bir ev Burak duvarının yanında Burak apartmanında bir evi ziyaret edincez 60-70 yaşlarında 2 abla evlenmemişler, evlenip şehir dışına çıkarsa geri dönemeyeckler 'Ben Kudüsle evliyim' dedi ablma 'beyazlarımı (gelinliği kastediyor) Kudüsde 2 metre toprak altında giyeceğim' diyor. Duvarlarında mermi izleri 2 tane 60-70 yaşındaki kadının evini taramışlar yıldırmak için ardından eli para dolu çantalı kafirler evi bize sat demişler. Ayrılırken teyzeden özür diledim helallik istedim teyze niye dedi anlayamadı. Teyze hakkını helal et benim dedelerim bin iki yüz yıl buraları yönetti biz 1917 yılında buradan çıktık o günden bu güne iki yakanız bir araya gelmiyor dedim, teyze dedi ki sizin atalarınız gitti ama bizim atalarımız da tutmadı bir suç varsa ikimizindir, şu Burak duvarına bak orada bayraklar dalgalandığın da bayraklarımız yeniden beraber dalgalanacak.
israil biz savaşmadık para ile aldık dünyanın en centilmen ordusuyuz diye bir yalan attı buna da dünya da bir Türkler inandı.
Karesi Trabzon dan önce Kudüs Selçuklu toprağıydı. Selçuklular da Kudüs'ün ilk Türk yöneticisi değil. 876 da türkülerin çoğu Müslüman değildi ama Müslüman Türkler ilk devletlerini Kudüste kurdular. Ahmet bey buharalıdır. 30 yıl o ve evlatları Kudüsü yönetitiler.
İran Pakistan Filistine silah yardımı yapıyorlar ama ben ırak Filistine Pakistan Filistine diye slogan atan bir filistinli görmedim. Türkiye Kudüsle ilgilense de ilgilenmese de yöneticilerimizde Kudüs bilinci olsada olmasada yani iktidarlar değişsede değişmesede filistinliler ne diyor Türk ordusu buraya , bu mesele bizim sorumluklarımızı arttırıyor.
Günlük hayatımıza Kudüsü taşıyabildik mi?
Kudüsü tanımanın bilmenin kitabını İngilizler yazmış. İngilizler de Kudüs ile alakalı 5 bin kitap yazılmış, bizim ülkemizde Kudüsle alakalı 5 bin kitap yok.
Bilgiye yatırım yapmamız lazım
Kudüsü sevebilmenin kitabını da Yahudiler yazmış Nasıl sevmişler milattan önce sürgün edilmişler 2700 yıldır adamlar da bir adet var her cumartesi Kudüsü yad ediyor, bit tebrikleşme esnasında bir sonraki Kudüs de diyor, barşovada br çocuk mezun olmuş anne bana tebrik ederken bir sonraki Kudüs de diyor bir daha okul bitirmicek olsun bir sonraki Kudüs de, moskovada bir yahudi ev almış bir sonraki Kudüs de Kudüsü yad ederek tebrikleşiyor
Bizim Yemen için türkülerimiz var Kudüs için türkülerimiz varmı Bağtad için atasözümüz var Kudüs için var mı? Yok
Biz Kudüsün kıymetini bilememişiz.
Kudüsü yönetmenin kitabını da elhamdülillah dedelerimiz yazdı.
Benim ecdadım 3 dini 33 mezhebi 333 milleti tek toprakta yaşattı bu gün ben Türkiye de 3 farklı milleti bir arada yönetemiyorsam Kudüs bana yar olurmu?
2 nehir arasında kurulan tüm teröristlerin aklı ibranicedir,desteğini oradan alır.
Yurdumun güvenliği için de, ülkemin ekonomik istikrarı için de Kudüs bana şart, esasta Ruzimahşerde Kudüs bana şart.
Allah dan istemek marifet değil sadece Allah dan istemek marifet.
Kudüsü feth eden ilk Müslüman hz Davud aleyhisselam. Bizler 3 bin yıllık Kudüslüyüz. hz Davud aleyhisselama bizden başka iman eden yok yahudi ve hsitiyanlar hz Davud aleyhisselamı peygamber saymaz Sultan Davud derlerdi.
İllertler devleti birleşmiş milletler
Bir yunan askeri bizim topraklarımızda bir esnafı tutuklasa haberler ne der 'işgalci yunan askeri türk esnafını esir aldı. Türkiye'de trt dahil bütün kanallar israil televizyonu ile aynı dili kullanıyor israil filistinlileri tutukladı diyorlar. Orası birleşmiş milletlere göre bile filistin toprakları bir karar verelim. Doğu Kudüs batı Kudüs diye bir yer yok. israil mahkemesi 5 Filistinliyi tutukladı diyor, yunan mahkemesi Türkiye de Türk milletini tutuklayabilirmi ama bizim haberler yapılan işkallere mahkeme kararı diyor. Bu dili kullanmaya utanmıyormuyuz!
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soncfseed · 2 years
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Okay, time to talk about the Peggies and what I think their religious, social and political beliefs would be like based on real examples from American history.
Some massive content warnings right up front -- I’m going to be discussing this in the context of real cults, namely the Bra/nch Da/vid/ians and the Pe/op/le’s Tem/ple. This is going to have triggering content in it. I’m kinda lazy so I’m not going to be citing things here but I can provide sources on request. A lot of this is easy to find if you do some cursory research into these groups.
Specific CWs for: suicide discussion, sexual abuse including sexual abuse of minors, murder including murder of children, religious abuse and discussions of religious apocalypse predictions.
Word count: ~2700
TLDR: I think the Peggies would be a fairly socially conservative Christian millennialist cult with ties to right wing secessionist movements & militia culture in the US. They may co-opt progressive language to make followers feel safe and specifically to attract vulnerable people who they can exploit. Joseph Seed likely abuses his followers not just physically, financially, and psychologically but sexually as well. Seeds bad. Eden’s Gate bad.
As much as the RPC may soften some elements of these characters or strive to give them deeper characterizations that aren’t solely good or evil, I think it’s pretty obvious that the Peggies are, well, bad. Or rather the cult leadership is bad, and their followers have been victimized and radicalized. I’m not making this to deny anyone else their headcanons or their way of engaging with the game, but I am trying to engage with the Peggies in the context of other US American cults and extreme religious movements.
A quick disclaimer before I start: it’s okay to be canon divergent, it’s okay to like villains, just be honest about where you’re diverting and why. Draw lines between fiction and reality. We as RPers should admit when we’re diverting from canon because it’s fun, or comforting, or just interesting, instead of getting defensive and trying to justify our headcanons all the time. It’s okay to have a headcanon, or to want to take your writing in a different direction, but some of the weird takes and apologism I’ve seen for the Seeds and Eden’s Gate is just kind of baffling to me.
I’m going to use comparisons to two particular groups who I think really influence Joseph Seed as a fictional cult leader: the Br/an/ch Davi/di/ans (which I’ll call BD, the group at the centre of the Wa/co Si/eg/e led by Da/vid Ko/resh), and the Peo/ple’s Tem/ple (which I’ll call the PT, the group at the centre of Jon/es/town, led by J/im Jo/nes). In terms of historical events in the US, I’m also going to be referencing Ru/by Ri/dge (RR) and the standoff that took place there and might talk a little bit about the Raj/nee/shpu/ram (RNP). There’s MANY other cults or groups I could use but I think that these groups are probably the most relevant to this analysis.
Whether or not these events happened in the Far Cry universe diegetically is hard to know. But this is a game made by people who do live in the real world where Wa/co, the PT, RNP and RR were major events in US American history. Joseph straight up looks like Kor/esh, especially with the glasses, but just in general. The slicked back hair and tinted shades is also somewhat reminiscent of Ji/m Jo/nes, so visually Joseph calls upon these two particular US American cult leaders (at least in my opinion). I think they are the most relevant and well known examples for US Christian extremists connected to tragic loss of life that captured public attention in the US and would be influential on the development of FC5. I do think that for American culture to be the way it is in the game, and for the government to wait so long to do anything about the Seeds, indicates that these events probably have happened in-universe in FC5. It seems to me like the small team of police sent to deal with Joseph Seed, and the hesitancy of Sherriff Whitehorse and the general slow response of law enforcement, is part of the national memory of Wa/co. It’s likely that they wanted to avoid a similar situation, especially since these kinds of cults and secessionist groups were bolstered after Wa/co and Ru/by Rid/ge. These events contributed to the radicalization of militias and militia culture in the US in the 90′s and the shadow of these tragedies still affects American culture and law enforcement.
As for their political beliefs, I don’t think the Peggies are progressive. From what we see in game they don’t deny membership based on things like race or gender, but that doesn’t mean they’re progressive. The PT cloaked themselves in progressive language, but their actions behind the scenes belied some troubling beliefs. Jones advocated for desegregation, medical care for racial minorities and the elderly (especially elderly black women who were particularly vulnerable on multiple fronts), and gay rights but none of that changed the fact that he was leading a cult and exploiting the very same people he claimed he wanted to help. When it came to gay rights, while Jones publicly supported gay people he privately sexually abused his male followers while claiming he was the only true heterosexual man on earth. The communities that Jones and the PT claimed to want to help get thrown under the bus to further Jones’s self aggrandizing ideas, and to support his justifications for abuse and exploitation. As far as race goes, Jones outright stole ideas from the Black Panther Party (BPP) and misconstrued them for his own purposes, namely the concept of revolutionary suicide. For the BPP, revolutionary suicide was a way to describe the lethality of fighting against oppression; revolutionaries may be shot down (and they did mean literally) but another revolutionary will pick up the cause, the cycle is repeated until finally progress is made and freedom is achieved. This is a very brief description, but it had nothing to do with how Jones would appropriate the phrase. Jones used the concept of revolutionary suicide to describe ending your own life at his behest to protect the PT. At Jo/nes/to/wn he relied on the labour of the population (which was 70% black) to keep the compound functional. After he had exploited the labour of his followers, he murdered them - approximately 900 people died. Some may have “willingly” drank cyanide laced Flavor-Aid, but if they didn’t do so willingly they were forced at gunpoint; children were taken from their parents and forcibly made to ingest poison. Even those who did so without physically being forced were still under the manipulation of Jones, so to what extent someone can decide to end their life in that manner, in that environment, is questionable. What happened at Jones/town was a mass murder of the very same vulnerable people Jones claimed he was saving. Jones was the one who built his public image, his following, and his “career” on a veneer of progressive and socially radical views but his behaviour harmed and killed the same people he claimed he wanted to liberate.
In FC5, it’s clear that Joseph manipulates vulnerable people all the time under the guise of helping them. Faith (Rachel Jessop) is a good example. She was a drug addict, she was young, she was vulnerable and he exploited that vulnerability for his own ends. Even if she’s a liar, even if she’s manipulative, I straight up do not buy that she was the one with the power in that relationship. Joseph Seed was; he was older, more charismatic, and had a team of supporters and flock of followers to bolster him. Faith had none of those things. Then there’s the fact that, based on the dialogue in FC5, there have been multiple people that filled the role of Faith before Rachel Jessop ever did. It seems they were likely also young women who got swept up by Joseph and disposed of when they were no longer convenient or easy to manipulate. 
Based on the way Rachel talks about Joseph, I also would not be surprised if Joseph Seed was sexually abusing her, and given that he’s a cult leader and this kind of abuse from cult leaders to their followers is common. This is purely head canon and it is not made clear in FC5 the full extent of Joseph’s abuse of Faith, though it is implied that he is at minimum abusive in some capacity towards her. Kor/esh had child brides and sexually abused teenage girls, Jon/es sexually abused his followers, and there was also sexual abuse in Raj/neesh/puram. Faith talks about how Joseph threatened her and “plied” her with drugs to manipulate and scare her into following his orders starting at the age of 17. She says “you know what he’ll do to me”, which isn’t explicitly indicative of sexual abuse but in this context seems pretty dire and could be interpreted that way. We also know that Faith seems to be somehow both an adoptive sister and associated with Joseph’s deceased wife since he talks about she always had faith. Given what follows in FC:ND, where Ethan’s mother seems to be a follower of Joseph who had a sexual relationship with him, the idea that Joseph is abusing his power and his followers’ faith in him to coerce them into sexual relationships seems quite likely. Even if Joseph were to assume these relationships are consensual, the power dynamic between him as a prophet and figure of worship heading a cult and the people who follow him is so unbalanced that true consent would be very difficult to achieve.
What Joseph did with Rachel Jessop is pretty typical for cult leaders; he preyed on her when she was vulnerable and isolated, and the uneven power dynamic between a cult leader and a follower sets up the conditions for ongoing abuse, whether that abuse is physical, emotional, financial, or sexual. This is the crux of how cults work and how they’re able to keep members hooked. People who are curious, searching for answers and community, or who are in vulnerable positions in society and seeking refuge become targets that the cult indoctrinates and then isolates from the world, cutting them off from potential support systems outside of the cult to keep them from being able to leave. Their curiousness, their search for truth and belonging, their vulnerability is exploited to benefit the people (or often singular person) at the top. I think that if the cult seems progressive much of it is because they know that people in marginalized groups or other unstable positions in society who might be drawn to a group that claims to be accepting in a world that is so incredibly hostile to them are vulnerable to exploitation. I think given the areas they’ve operated in, Faith’s background, and the time this all takes places in they likely target people affected by opioid and other drugs addictions and their families. 
The Peggies are also very clearly inspired by right wing secessionist groups, self declared sovereign citizens, and militia culture in the US. They flout the rule of the US government on every level: county, state, and federal. They hoard weapons, they take over a county they can overpower the population to set up their own capital of sorts, and do this all without interference. They have John’s legal expertise and Jacob’s military tactics, and in my opinion benefit from being led by white American Christian men, including a military veteran, and having milquetoast “progressive” views that cloak a more conservative outlook. While they clearly oppose the government and flout the laws of the US, they likely rely heavily on the 1st and 2nd Amendments as well as the history of armed militia groups in the country. It’s ironic, but the founding documents of a government they oppose is what protects them from that same government’s legal systems in many instances. In the case of Joseph Seed, it’s violent crimes that get him on the radar of law enforcement: kidnapping with the intent to harm. It’s not the way they take over Hope County, or their arms stockpiles that leads to the warrant for Joseph’s arrest. What Joseph gets his followers riled up with, the idea that the government is going to come take their “guns” and “freedom” (his words) is so commonly associated with right wing libertarians, the NRA, and Repub/licans attempting to stoke fear in order to gain support signals to me that Eden’s Gate has right wing beliefs. The way gender seems to influence the structure of the heralds also seems to indicate a more conservative, patriarchal approach to social hierarchy. The leadership of the cult is mostly male, headed by the Father, and the only woman among the top leadership is not even granted her own name but instead renamed by Joseph. Faith is replaceable, and usually a follower, not an equal. As I outlined before I also suspect/HC that the current Faith is being sexually abused by Joseph, and my perspective on this is influenced by how replaceable Faith is, and the general right wing vibes I get that tend to go hand in hand with misogyny and sexual violence in these kinds of cults. Additionally, the cult seems to have views that are at the very least eugenicist friendly; Jacob’s obsession with “culling the herd” feels eerily similar to the kinds of rhetoric used by eugenics proponents when discussing people they see as inferior and weak. Although this is likely due to limitations with budget, time, and imagination, there don’t seem to be any visibly physically disabled members of Eden’s Gate. Between Jacob’s herd culling, judge wolf breeding, and the way they use their followers as free labour it seems likely to me that they’re probably ableist to some extent as well, or at least some of the rhetoric they use tied to ableist ideas. 
As for their religious beliefs, I think it’s safe to say that they’re Christian, even if the text doesn’t explicitly reference Jesus Christ. Joseph quotes the Christian Bible, they use cross imagery, they have churches and sermons, their ideology heavily focuses on the seven sins of in a Christian framework, Joseph calls himself the Father as some may refer to God or as a priest might be called father even if they don’t explicitly invoke Jesus Christ. The cover art is a recreation of Da Vinci’s famous fresco of The Last Supper. As far as I’m aware, early in development they wanted to do some more explicit religious commentary but had to tread ground cautiously because they didn’t want to offend potential audiences of Christians, especially American Christians, who make up a large portion of their potential audience in the US and around the world. 
It seems to me that they’re Christian millennialists, similar to the Bran/ch David/ians. Christian millennialists (broadly) believe that there will be a second coming of Christ, a period of tribulation, and a period of 1000 years where there will be a golden age before the final judgment and eventually heaven on earth/the world to come/kingdom of god. Even more specifically, I’d guess they’re post-tribulation pre-millennialists. It’s hard to know exactly where they fall on the spectrum of millennialism, since they don’t discuss Christ at all. Where they place the second coming and final judgement isn’t really explored in canon, but the way they discuss their need to prepare for the oncoming apocalypse leads me to believe they see the apocalypse as the period of tribulation before the second coming of Christ which will usher in 1000 years of peace and eventually the final judgment and kingdom of god on earth. If they see Joseph Seed as the second coming of Christ, however, then they are likely some variation of dispensational pre-millennialists (section 2 of the chart from Wikipedia) seeing Joseph Seed as Christ reincarnated preparing his followers for a period of tribulation before they usher in a millennium of peace followed by the final judgment. Since Joseph never claims to be god or claims to be the messiah version 2, I lean more towards the first option.
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Christian millennialism is based on the Book of Revelation, which is what Joseph seems to see as central to his religious beliefs. This, combined with their similarities to the BD and Joseph’s similarities to Kor/esh makes me think they would fall into this general category of apocalyptic Christian theology specifically as opposed to just being a generic doomsday cult. The Book of Revelation is where Joseph’s imagery of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse comes from, as well as the 7 Seals. He quotes it throughout FC5. Joseph quotes Revelation 6:1-2 during the game’s introduction when the player comes to arrest him, Revelation 6:9 when you face him in the last mission, and Revelation 8:1-2 when you defeat him in the last boss battle. 
So yeah, I doubt that Eden’s Gate is as accepting as they might claim to be, they’re probably a right wing secessionist Christian millennialist cult rife with all kinds of abuse, shaped heavily by American history and culture. It’s part of why they’re so compelling; they feel real. They’re rooted in real world cults, real world politics, and are very distinctly American in the way they think and the values they purport to hold.
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slowtraincomingsoon · 2 months
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DE 2700 02 bei Archsum 02.07.2024
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estrelapagan · 3 years
This week I read this paper entitled "Hathor and Isis in Byblos in the Second and First Millenia BCE" and it was interesting understand more the cult dynamic of different goddesses in a important place for the Ancient Egypt commerce.
Byblos was a city localizated close to the current city of Beirut (Lebanon). Some of egyptologists suggested that Byblos was a Egyptian colony in the Old Kingdom (2700-2200 BC). In fact, Byblos served as a port to which Egyptians came for building wood for coffins, boats, and architecture.
Some registers shows that the port city has an ancient and unknown "Mistress of Byblos". The paper author brings the idea of the goddess Bat being this ancient goddess, because after a several years, the "Mistress of Byblos" was identified as Hathor (Hethert). And these two goddesses have in common the important symbolism of a cow.
In Byblos, Hethert was also conected with the navigation and boats and sometimes she was called "Hathor of Dendera who lives in Byblos".
The cult of Isis (Aset) increasing in all the Egypt mainly in the New Kingdom and occurred a strong syncretism between her and Hethert. Many of the characteristics and roles of Hethert we also can see in Aset such as the cow iconography. Aset was increasing in cult, power and influence in Egypt as a in Byblos. Even the ancient symbol of the shipping attributed early to Hethert, Aset gained posteriorly.
The thing is, Hethert played an important role for egyptians and alike in Byblos begining in the last half of the third millennium BCE. Aset which appears lately in Byblos, played this important role in the second quarter of the first millennium BCE. Sometimes the "Mistress of Byblos" was called Aset, Aset-Hethert or Hethert-Aset.
Esta semana li este artigo intitulado "Hathor e Ísis em Biblos no Segundo e Primeiro Milênio AC" e foi interessante entender mais a dinâmica do culto de diferentes deusas em um lugar importante para o comércio do Antigo Egito.
Byblos era uma cidade localizada perto da atual cidade Beirute (Líbano). Alguns egiptólogos sugeriram que Biblos era uma colônia egípcia no Reino Antigo (2700-2200 aC). Biblos servia como um porto ao qual os egípcios vinham para construir madeira para caixões, barcos e arquitetura em geral.
Alguns registros mostram que a cidade portuária possui uma antiga e desconhecida "Senhora de Biblos". A autora do artigo traz a ideia de Bat sendo essa deusa ancestral, pois anos depois, a "Senhora de Biblos" foi identificada como Hathor (Hethert). Essas duas deusas têm em comum o importante simbolismo da vaca.
Em Byblos, Hethert também estava conectada com a navegação e os barcos e às vezes era chamada de "Hathor de Dendera que mora em Byblos".
O culto a Ísis (Aset) aumentou em todo o Egito principalmente no Novo Império e ocorreu um forte sincretismo entre ela e Hethert. Muitas das características e funções de Hethert também podemos ver em Aset, como a iconografia da vaca. Aset estava crescendo em culto, poder e influência no Egito assim como em Biblos. Até mesmo o antigo símbolo da navegação atribuído a Hethert, Aset ganhou posteriormente.
O fato é que Hethert desempenhou um papel importante para os egípcios e semelhantes em Biblos, começando na última metade do terceiro milênio AC. Aset, que apareceu recentemente em Biblos, desempenhou esse importante papel no segundo quarto do primeiro milênio AC. Às vezes, a "Senhora de Biblos" era chamada de Aset, Aset-Hethert ou Hethert-Aset.
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bloededhoine · 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't part 3: history and magic!
hearing terms like "force", "chaos", or "magic" and don't really get what the mean in the witcher universe? wondering how pavetta did That at her betrothal and how ciri's sonic scream works? let's learn! this isn't going to be a very long part, but is really important for the next part on elves and for the upcoming prequel
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
series masterpost
the witcher universe is a multiverse made up of countless worlds, the continent is just on one of them
the witcher timeline is counted from before and after a mysterious event known as "the resurrection". BR (before resurrection) goes from the beginnings of time to 0, and AR (after resurrection) goes from 0 to present day
as far as we know, the only species native to the continent is gnomes, who had civilizations in the northern mountains of tir torchair and mahakam
then, at around 2700 BR, dwarves began arriving from other worlds
age of migration
either around the 2230s BR or the 1240s BR, elves arrived on white ships and began colonizing the continent
the two different dates are because we know elves arrived about 2000 years before humans, but humans arrived in two groups and we don't know which was 2000 years after elves
the conjunction of spheres
also known as "the conjunction", the conjunction of spheres occurred in the 230s BR when many different worlds collided, dumping a lot of new species, societies, and forces onto the continent
some of these species include vampires, werebbubbs, ghouls, graviers, vran, halflings, and the first humans
these humans were in two societies, the dauk and wozgor
however, both slowly became either extinct or intigrated into the nordling (people from the northern realms) cultures that arrived later
this was also when the powerful forces known as chaos (also known as force, power, or primordial chaos) and order appeared
first landing
in the 760s AR, the first nordlings arrived in ships that landed in the pontar delta and mouth of the yaruga
these people later made the civilizations that dominate the north
all those who arrived before the first landing make up the elder races, although the only specific races that really survived are elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes
elder races also generally had a better understanding of magic than nordlings, who didn't even begin to harness the force until jan bekker in the 770s
magic is the harnessing of chaos, and can be used by mages, witchers, druids, and dryads
however, all of those can only access a small percentage of magical power
sources are born with a natural magical ability and are the only ones who can truly use chaos, although this power is so strong that sources often go insane or become catatonic if they aren't taught control
since both ciri and pavetta are sources, there may be a genealogical component to who is a source but i'll talk more about that later
initially, mages would track down sources and literally kidnap them, although this mellowed into the rule that any mage who knew of a source was required to report them to the chapter of wizards (a very powerful inner group within the already powerful brotherhood of sorceresses)
so, when chaos appeared with the conjunction of spheres, so did the first mages to learn how to control it. the lovely tissaia de vries (right there) goes into quite a bit of detail about chaos and magic in twn.
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[ID: photo of middle aged white woman in a long sleeve victorian style turquoise dress. it has tapered bubble sleeves, a high neck, and buttons down the middle. she is wearing a gold medallion necklace and has dark brown hair parted down the middle and pulled back. she is holding some daisies in her left hand and has the right resting on a mahogany wood podium. she is looking at a rock is levitating over her right hand and her lips are pursed. end ID]
tl;dr: the conjunction of spheres occurred abt 1500 years before the series, bringing magic, elves, and monsters into the world, humans followed a few hundred years later.
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slowtraincomingsoon · 3 months
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DE2700 - 07 in Westerland 05.07.2024
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