#Brain Injury Law in Seattle
theyelaw · 5 months
Brain Injury Law in Seattle and Motorcycle Accidents in Federal Way
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Life-changing incidents occur throughout the Pacific Northwest, despite its beautiful scenery and lively cities. Working through Brain Injury Law Seattle and Motorcycle Accident Recovery in Seattle and Federal Way, situated between Puget Sound and urban expansion, is sobering. In this blog article, we discuss brain injury legal options and Federal Way motorcycle accident issues.
Understanding Brain Injury Law in Seattle 
Defining Brain Injuries: Brain injuries, whether from trauma or medical misconduct, have significant and enduring effects. Justice and compensation seekers must understand Brain Injury Law's intricacies. This kind of attorney can handle the complex legal issues involved in such circumstances.
Brain injuries may range from minor concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Seattle brain injury lawyers can discern between different injuries and adjust their legal strategy to each case.
The successful litigation of brain damage cases involves a coordinated approach between legal professionals and medical specialists. Brain injury lawyers collaborate with neurologists, neuropsychologists, and other experts to develop a case that proves the damage's magnitude, its effect on the sufferer, and the responsible party's carelessness or responsibility.
Seeking Compensation for Damages: Brain injury victims encounter several problems, such as medical bills, rehabilitation costs, economic loss, and mental suffering. Brain Injury Lawyers in Seattle fight for compensation to help victims recover financially and rehabilitate.
Following Motorcycle Accidents in Federal Way
Motorcycle accidents have unique issues compared to conventional vehicle incidents. Riding without protection typically causes more serious injuries. Federal Way motorcycle accident lawyers understand the subtleties of these situations, including legal prejudices against motorcyclists.
Establishing responsibility is crucial in these circumstances. Federal Way lawyers investigate irresponsible drivers, road conditions, and motorcycle components. A thorough investigation determines culpability and builds a strong case for the injured biker.
Negotiating with insurance companies may be challenging, particularly for wounded parties in rehabilitation. Federal Way motorcycle accident lawyers provide compelling arguments to insurance. They make sure accident victims get adequate recompense for medical bills, property damage, and other losses.
Federal Way Motorcycle Accident Attorneys regularly stress the significance of rider safety. They fight motorcycling stereotypes and defend clients. This involves resolving legal inequalities and emphasizing road safety.
Motorcycle Accidents and Brain Injury Law
Motorcycle accidents that cause brain damage have a double impact on victims. Brain Injury and Motorcycle Accident Lawyers handle physical and cognitive disabilities. They understand the complexities of these matters and modify their legal strategy accordingly.
Federal Way Motorcycle Accident victims with brain damage need legal assistance for immediate and long-term effects. Lawyers from both areas work together to develop a case that includes present damages, continuing medical treatment, rehabilitation, and the victim's quality of life.
Recovery from a brain injury from a motorbike accident may be emotionally and financially challenging. Dual-specialist attorneys focus clients' financial and emotional healing. Advocating for mental health care, therapy, and resources to help victims and their family cope psychologically.
Brain injuries and motorcycle accidents are complicated legal issues that need expertise. In Seattle, where Brain Injury Law is critical, and in Federal Way, where motorcycle accidents present special obstacles, devoted lawyers are essential. After these traumas, you need legal counsel and empathetic advocates who understand your situation.
As these communities struggle from pain to success, Brain Injury Law and Motorcycle Accidents lawyers provide help. They combine their expertise to guarantee victims obtain justice and recompense. Through teamwork, competence, and steadfast advocacy, these lawyers help their clients heal and give hope for a better future.
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nickmajorlaw · 5 months
Located in Seattle, Nick Major Law specializes in personal injury cases. Nick Major is a seasoned attorney committed to aiding individuals harmed by others' negligence. Let us evaluate your case for free. We represent people who have been injured in motor vehicle incidents (including cars, trucks, taxis, Uber, Lyft, buses, bicycles, motorcycles, etc.), pedestrian accidents, brain injuries, slips, trips, falls, dog bites, burns, and wrongful deaths. If you've suffered a severe injury through no fault of your own, let's discuss your situation. Reach out anytime, 24/7 for a free consultation.
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Address: 450 Alaskan Way S Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 410-5688
Website: https://nickmajorlaw.com
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bavariyalaw · 5 months
Navigating Workplace Accidents Finding the Right Workplace Accident Lawyer Near Me
Workplace accidents can happen unexpectedly, leaving employees injured, overwhelmed, and unsure of their rights. In such situations, seeking the guidance of a skilled workplace accident lawyer is crucial to ensure fair compensation and justice. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, the first step is to locate a reputable workplace accident lawyer near you who can provide the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of workplace injury claims.
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Understanding Workplace Accidents:
Workplace accidents can encompass a wide range of incidents, including slip and falls, machinery malfunctions, exposure to hazardous materials, or even construction site mishaps. These accidents can result in severe injuries, from fractures and sprains to more catastrophic outcomes like spinal cord injuries or traumatic brain injuries. Regardless of the nature of the accident, it's essential to consult with a specialized workplace accident lawyer to assess the validity of your case and determine the appropriate legal course of action.
Why Hire a Workplace Accident Lawyer?
Expertise in Workers' Compensation Laws: Workplace accident lawyers specialize in the intricate web of workers' compensation laws that vary from state to state. They can guide you through the process of filing a claim, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs.
Investigation and Evidence Gathering: A skilled workplace accident lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding your accident. This may involve gathering witness statements, obtaining surveillance footage, and consulting with experts to establish liability. This diligent approach strengthens your case and increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome.
Negotiation Skills: Many workplace injury cases are resolved through negotiations with insurance companies. A seasoned workplace accident lawyer will possess strong negotiation skills to secure a fair settlement on your behalf. If negotiations fail, they can also represent you in court, ensuring that your rights are protected.
Access to Medical Experts: Workplace injuries often require expert medical opinions to assess the extent of damages and future implications. A workplace accident lawyer will have access to a network of medical professionals who can provide credible assessments and testimony to support your case.
Finding a Workplace Accident Lawyer Near Me:
Local Bar Associations: Contact your local bar association for a list of reputable workplace accident lawyers in your area. Bar associations often maintain directories of lawyers based on their specialization and experience.
Online Legal Directories: Utilize online legal directories that allow you to search for lawyers based on their practice areas and geographical location. Websites like Avvo, Martindale-Hubbell, and FindLaw can be valuable resources in your search.
Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who may have had positive experiences with workplace accident lawyers. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into a lawyer's reputation and success rate.
Workplace accidents can have lasting consequences, both physically and financially. Hiring a skilled workplace accident lawyer near you is essential to navigating the legal complexities associated with workplace injury claims. By doing thorough research, leveraging online resources, and seeking recommendations, you can find a legal professional who will advocate for your rights and help you secure the compensation you deserve. Remember, in times of distress, the right legal representation can make all the difference in your journey toward recovery and justice.
For more info:-
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treatnow · 1 year
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This is the first of a weekly compendium of events, research, news, and insights about Brain Wounds: Concussion, TBI, PTSD. The focus is on Brain Wound healing and reduction of suicidal ideation; the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a safe and effective treatment for brain wounds; and the clinical and evidence-based proof of a new era in our understanding of how to improve brain health and Quality of Life after a brain wound. ********************* Virginia becomes 10th state to pass legislation calling for the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen to treat and heal TBI/PTSD. SENATE BILL NO. 1082 A BILL to allow the Department of Veterans Services to contract with any hyperbaric clinic or any hospital in the Commonwealth that furnishes a comprehensive treatment program to any veteran who has been certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or any branch of the United States Armed Forces as having post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: That the Department of Veterans Services may contract with any hyperbaric clinic providing medical-grade 100 percent oxygen in U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved chambers in the Commonwealth or any hospital that furnishes a comprehensive treatment program that may include medication, psychotherapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, from an accredited program, to any veteran in the Commonwealth who has been certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or any branch of the United States Armed Forces as having post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury. Unanimously passed in VA House and Senate and signed into law, March 2023. Soccer: CTE cases in soccer players raise fresh questions about safety of heading the ball New diagnoses come as officials gather in Chicago for a Head Injury Summit (May 2023). The Concussion Legacy Foundation announced Tuesday that English pro and Oregon State head coach Jimmy Conway, Scottish and Seattle NASL midfielder Jimmy Gabriel, and NCAA champion Franny Pantuosco also were found to have the degenerative brain disease that has been linked to concussions in athletes, combat veterans and others who have sustained repeated head trauma. They are the first diagnoses among those who played in the NASL, a precursor to MLS as the top U.S. pro soccer league that attracted attention with high-profile signings — including Pele — before folding in 1985. Early Brain Amyloid Accumulation at PET in Military Instructors Exposed to Subconcussive Blast Injuries Early brain amyloid β deposition was found in the brains of otherwise healthy adult men exposed to repeated subconcussive blast injury using amyloid PET. Military instructors who were routinely exposed to repeated blast events were evaluated at two different points: baseline (before blast exposure from breacher or grenade) and approximately 5 months after baseline (after blast exposure). Age-matched healthy control participants not exposed to blasts and without a history of brain injury were evaluated at similar two points. Neurocognitive evaluation was performed with standard neuropsychologic testing in both groups. In the blast-exposed participants, four brain regions showed significantly increased amyloid deposition after blast exposure. . . No amyloid deposition was observed in the control participants. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Acute Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review This review summarizes 40 years of clinical and pre-clinical research on the treatment of acute TBI with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2) in the context of an impending National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke–funded, multi-center, randomized, adaptive Phase II clinical trial —the Hyperbaric Oxygen Brain Injury Treatment (HOBIT) trial.... These studies provided evidence that HBO2 significantly improves physiologic measures without causing cerebral or pulmonary toxicity and can potentially improve clinical outcome. These results were consistent across the other four reviewed clinical studies, thus providing preliminary clinical data supporting the HOBIT trial. This comprehensive review demonstrates that HBO2 has the potential to be the first significant treatment in the acute phase of severe TBI. Fighting and Penalty Minutes Associated With Long-term Mortality Among National Hockey League Players, 1967 to 2022 National Hockey League (NHL) "enforcers" with 50 or more career fights or 3 or more penalty minutes per game died 10 years earlier and more often of drug overdose and suicide when compared with age-matched NHL player controls.  This matched cohort study of 6039 NHL players from 1967 to 2022 confirmed that NHL enforcers died at similar rates but approximately 10 years earlier when compared with NHL controls. Furthermore, the causes of death in the 21 enforcers included neurodegenerative disorders, drug overdose, suicide, and motor vehicle crashes, whereas only 1 of the 24 age-matched controls died of any of these causes (motor vehicle crash).   The information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made. Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW. Read the full article
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caffeelawfirm · 3 years
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When a loved one dies unexpectedly, you may be left wondering how you will move forward, or if someone else is responsible for your loved one’s death. Contact an experienced Seattle Wrongful Death Lawyer at Caffee Accident & Injury Lawyers. Call today at (206) 312-0954.
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Time of Death
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Dr. Derek Shepherd x Reader
Words: 1966
Summary: Receiving the news after coming out of a long surgery, Derek rushes to comfort his fiancé whose sister committed suicide.
Notes: I hope to write some fluffier McDreamy imagines and more for Grey’s Anatomy, but when I got this idea, I had to go with it. This is a very very dark story, so it will not be for everyone, but I really had an interesting time writing it. As always, I’d love to know your thoughts and if you guys are excited for more Grey’s Anatomy imagines. 
Warnings: Suicide, grief, guilt (This starts out fast so I’m putting the break at the beginning so if you don’t want to read, you don’t have to.)
You couldn’t hear them say it but you still heard it in your head. Time of death… You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at the clock. Time had stopped. Everything had stopped. As you looked down from the gallery, nobody in the O.R. seemed to be moving an inch. Until Dr. Bailey looked up at you. As soon as your eyes connected, everything started again but it started too fast. Your heart was beating too fast, your legs were moving too fast, the tears were coming too fast. 
Your sister was dead. She threw herself in front of oncoming traffic. Her body was so broken that even Bailey couldn’t put it back together. Your baby sister killed herself. 
Nurses and doctors alike watched you sprint by.  Fellow residents, interns, attendants, all of them watched you run like maniac through the halls of the surgical wing. Of course, you were careful not to be in anyone’s way, but you had to disappear. 
“What’s with Mrs. McDreamy?” Cristina asked George and Meridith quietly. 
“Her sister just died on the table.” Izzy sighed, having been with you in the gallery. She looked at the floor. “Jumped in front of a car.” The other interns’ eyes widened. 
“She killed herself?” Meredith whispered, her gaze following your running form down the hall. “Has anybody told…”
“He’s been in surgery for hours.” Cristina shook her head. “I doubt he even knows she was admitted.” 
“Should someone page him? Should someone go get Y/N?” George wondered but nobody moved. They all just looked at each other. Cristina crossed her arms. 
“I’ll go. Somebody has to go tell Dr. Shepherd that his future sister in law turned herself into roadkill.” 
“No.” Meredith blurted. Cristina’s bluntness was the last thing anyone needed right now. “I’ll tell him.” Meredith and Derek were at least friends. He needed to hear this from a friend. 
Derek smiled as the water ran over his hands. After several long hours, the surgery was a success. The 18-year-old girl was going to be okay. Thanks to him. Another life saved. His smile grew when Meredith stepped into the room. 
“Dr. Grey, you missed a pretty amazing surgery.” He beamed. Something about her face was off. 
“I’m sure you did very well Dr. Shepherd.” She wasn’t looking at him. 
“Meredith what is it?” He dried his hands quickly and followed her out into the hall. Her expression made that cocky smile of his fall. “Meredith?”
“A Cierra Y/L/N was admitted about when you started your surgery.”
“Y/N’s sister?”
“Yes.” She took a deep breath. “It seems that she ran in front of a semi truck. Dr. Bailey did everything she could but… she’s dead, Derek.” 
“Cierra… killed herself?” Derek ran a hand down his face. “Does anyone know why? Are they sure that’s what happened? Does Y/N know?”
“We all saw her run down the hallway, so I’d say she knows.” 
“Do you know where she went?” He exclaimed, raising his voice. He didn’t have time for the doe-eyed confusion. He needed to know where you were. Meredith just shook her head. He calmed down enough so he wouldn’t yell. “Thank you for getting me.”
He took off, scanning the hall for any sign of his fiance. As he hurried past doctors and patients, he thought of Cierra. He’d never even met her. Sure, you had mentioned that you had a younger sister, but you didn’t say much other than that. But suicide? It was how you lost your mom when you were in medical school. This was going to hit hard and he needed to make sure there would be pieces of you left. 
“Dr. Shepherd!” A voice called out behind him. He reluctantly stopped his pursuit to turn to Dr. Bailey. She gave him a sad, grim look. “We did everything we could, but the extent of her injuries… I’m sorry there wasn’t more I could do.” 
“Have you seen Y/N?” 
“Since she couldn’t operate with us, she stayed and watched from the gallery.” She sighed. She paused for a second before putting a hand on his shoulder. “I think I know where she might have gone.” 
Bailey had found you there once before. You’d lost a patient and needed a quiet place to be alone. If there was ever a time you needed a quiet place to go, it’d be now. She brought Derek to a closet on the fourth floor. It was mostly filled with extra linens and paper and such so it wasn’t used often. Bailey knocked on the door, but received no response. Slowly, she opened the door. 
“Dr. Shepherd?” She called out into the dark storage room. With still no response, she let Derek pass her. 
“Y/N? Honey, I know you’re in here.” His eyes adjusted and he could see a form standing behind one of the shelves in the corner. He exchanged a look with Bailey. She nodded in understanding. 
“I’ll go tell the chief. You’ll probably want to be heading home.” As she turned to leave, Derek put a hand on her shoulder. 
“Thank you, Miranda.” 
The chief resident quietly closed the door behind her and Derek walked further into the closet. The closet may have been small, but you felt far away. Hearing the sound of him approaching, you turned your head. 
“Cierra is… she’s- they said that she-” Every time you tried to finish the sentence, your mouth stopped. Like your body was trying to deny what your mind clearly knew. Derek tentatively put his hands on your shoulders. When did he get in front of you? 
“I know.” 
He pulled you to his chest and you tried not to push away. You wanted to. You wanted to run again. But his arms wouldn’t let you. He kept you from drifting away. 
Chief Webber had all of your surgeries for the next few days rescheduled or taken over by Dr. Bailey. Derek rescheduled the ones that he could, but some of his surgeries were on a time crunch. After he drove you home, he was paged back to the hospital for an emergency. He told you what it was, but you couldn’t remember. 
You didn’t even remember the drive home. You remembered the bloody surgical tools and the machines and the clock, but it didn’t have any numbers on it. You remembered running in the halls and Derek finding you in the closet. Now you were home. Now you were alone. Alone with the knowledge that you killed your little sister. 
Your brain started a single train of thought. You moved slowly, every motion draining more and more energy out of you, but you still made your way to your closet and found your suitcase. You couldn’t put this much pain, this much baggage on someone with a heart like his. To you, this was mercy. 
When Derek finally returned home, not a single light in the house was on. His shoulders were weighed down as he tossed his keys on the counter. The surgery was a success, but he didn’t feel that usual rush of adrenaline that came from saving a life. He just wanted to get back to you. 
He was about to call out for you when he saw something catch the light. Sitting on the kitchen table was your engagement ring. 
“Y/N!” He called out, tucking the band into his pocket and ascending the stairs two at a time. He burst into the bedroom and found your suitcase sitting on the bed, clothes hurriedly piled inside. “Y/N!” 
Light pooled into the room from underneath the bathroom door and was sure he could hear something inside. Derek knocked lightly before slowly cracking the door open. 
“Y/N?” His voice was quieter now but still held the same amount of urgency. You just whimpered in response. He opened the door fully, finding you sitting on the bathroom floor having thrown up any meals you had that day. 
“It’s my fault, Derek.” You cried, your voice so low he could barely hear you. “Cierra killed herself because of me. I can’t force you to live with that too.” You pulled your knees up to your chest. 
“Honey…” Derek sat beside you, putting on a hand on your cheek to make you look at him. “Cierra was sick. She’d been sick for a really long time.”
“She was sick because I left her.” You spat, jerking away. “I abandoned her when I moved here for my residency. I knew what she was going through, stuck living with my dad, and I went off to medical school anyway.”
“Deciding to make a life for yourself and to help save lives was not abandoning her.” He took your hand in his and this time, you didn’t pull away. “Y/N, you called Cierra every chance that you got. As far as you knew, she was getting help in San Diego. She told you she was getting better. You couldn’t have known how bad it had gotten.” 
“Then why did she come here, Derek?” You felt that sick feeling in your stomach turning and twisting again. “Why drive up to Seattle and jump into oncoming traffic close enough to be taken to Seattle Grace unless she blamed me?” 
Derek was quiet for a moment. Your body was still shaking from both sobs and from getting sick and you looked desperate for answers that he couldn’t give. 
“Maybe she wanted to see you one last time. This was her way of doing that.” 
It may not have been the answer you wanted to hear, but it was enough to get you to calm down. Derek shifted so that you were sitting in front of him, his hands rubbing soothing circles on your arms from behind. He gently kissed the top of your head and pulled your ring out of his pocket. 
“As for this…” He held the band out in front of you. You just stared at it, laying your head back against his shoulder. 
“I was leaving.” You were half packed before your body ached so much it made you sick. 
“I noticed that.” Derek blew out a long breath. “You said you ‘couldn’t force me to live with that’. Is that how you think? That leaving will spare me of your faults?” 
“I didn’t think that you…” You sighed, trying to collect your reasoning into words. You spun around so you were facing him, holding his hands in your lap. “Derek, you love saving lives. You walk into life ready to save someone else’s. I couldn’t make you look at me everyday knowing that I was responsible for Cierra’s death.” 
Derek lifted your hands up to his chest and laid them flat over his heart. 
“This day- this tragedy- does not define who you are. You are still the beautiful, talented, brilliant surgeon that I fell in love with. The one I asked to marry me. You will still be that woman tomorrow and the next day and the one after that. And if you ever need reminding I will ask you to marry me every single day until we walk down that aisle together because I’m not backing out. Better or worse.” His gaze searched yours for a reaction. “Okay?” 
All you could do was nod and lean back into his embrace. You stayed there on the bathroom floor, his legs on either side of you and your head tilted back against his chest. While Derek’s words didn’t erase everything from that day, they helped to take even just a little of the weight off of your heart. It was enough, at least for now and so you slipped your ring back onto your finger and fell asleep in his arms.
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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jazy3 · 3 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 17X10
I loved this episode! It was so so good! I loved seeing Mark and Lexie on the beach encouraging Meredith to return. I knew Lexie was going to be back based on last week’s promo, but I literally screamed out loud twice when Mark appeared on screen! I was shocked! I like what Mark and Lexie said to Meredith about the sand not being real and that the beach was in Meredith’s head and was her happy place and that it wasn’t real. She was in control even if she didn’t feel like it. Seeing her lost loved ones comforts her in her time of need. When living people she loves come to talk to her she sees them because it’s comforting.
I have a theory about who we see and why. Since this episode establishes that the beach is in Meredith’s head and she can go back if she wants to I think DeLuca appearing on the beach and them getting closer and her watching him reunite with his mother was her brain’s interpretation of people coming into her room and telling her that DeLuca had been injured and needed surgery and that he was stable and then telling her that he wasn't and had died from his injuries.
She needed closure on a tumultuous relationship so her COVID wrecked brain gave it to her in the form of a peaceful COVID fever dream during a difficult team. She sees and hears Hayes because she’s falling for him the same way that he’s falling for her and because he’s talking about her kids who she loves. She wants to go back but she’s doesn’t know how. She sees Richard and Bailey and hears their concerns and how worried they are about her because Richard is like a father to her and Bailey is a maternal figure in her life.
She wants to go back and as George says to her if she doesn’t it will break Richard. She sees Derek because he’s the love of her life and he represents death and passing over which is a real possibility and option. His presence comforts her in a way that no one else’s can. She sees George because what he did and how he died changed her life and they never got to have that closure in life. She never got to tell him that, but in her fever dream she does. She gets that closure and gets to re-examine why she did what she did. Why she goes all out for everyone like he did.
Seeing Mark and Lexie gives her closure too. Lexie provides that joy and that sunny optimism Meredith used to hate but eventually grew to love and missed so much when she died. Mark provides laughter and gives her the matter of fact tough love that she needs to hear in her time of need. Everyone plays a part and brings us joy and closure in the process. I loved Mark’s lines about how sometimes he yells in everyone’s ears to try and get them to listen and see reason. How sometimes people listen to him and think it’s their own idea and sometimes they don’t. How Callie and Arizona’s divorce made him shout.
It made me think of all the times when Lexie and Mark and other characters probably shouted at the living characters for their stupidity. Meredith deciding to waste her time dating DeLuca? Lexie and Derek definitely yelled in her ears for that. Every stupid fight, divorce, break up, date, and bad decision the characters have made since Derek, Mark, Lexie, and George died? They’ve definitely screamed their ears off at them. We now know that George tries to shake the grief out of his mother and Mark and Lexie make a habit of yelling in the ears of their loved ones making horrible decisions. I love it!
There’s something so hilarious and reassuring about the dead who have left us yelling and shaking us from beyond the grave and us taking that as a sign or our own idea and moving forward and making better decisions. I loved seeing Meredith talk about Bailey’s birthday party with Lexie and how what he really wanted for his birthday was for all of them to laugh. That establishes that Bailey’s birthday is in March or April. Which again makes that gelato DeLuca comment from Episode 8 literally impossible because he couldn’t have brought Bailey gelato for his actual or half birthday when he and Meredith only dated for a few months and he only met her kids officially a few weeks before they broke up.
Hayes’ storyline with his sister-in-law Irene was everything! We learned more about her, got to see what her relationship with Hayes is like, and learned more about how his boys are handling everything. He got his own storyline and development. I love it! His tour of the hospital on the way to the OR was hilarious! “And that is a supply closet!” LOL! I loved how supportive Irene was of him moving on. She really wanted to meet Meredith this great General Surgeon he keeps talking about all the time to his boys to the point that she knows all about her and knows that Hayes is definitely smitten. I loved her line when Hayes told her she couldn’t meet Meredith because she was on a ventilator and she looked at him and said, “Again?”
The fact that she knows he likes her because of the way he smiles every time he talks about her to the point that the boys have picked up on it and told her? My heart! Irene really came through for us in this episode! Bless her! Hayes was so distraught this episode. I like that they really showed his process and how upset he was that Meredith was still on a vent and that Irene was sick. His pain when he talked to Jo about how he couldn’t bear to tell his boys that they had lost another person that they love whose been taking care of them was heart wrenching.
Irene is a total badass. The information we’ve gotten about her shows what a fiercely loyal and supportive person she is. Cormac and Abigail meet at the Surgical Innovation Conference in LA when Abigail is a starving artist and Cormac is early on in his medical career. His conversations with Meredith show that he’s unfamiliar with American medical terms and colloquialisms and he talks about growing up in Ireland and how every day is Pro Bono Surgery Day there. We know that after his wife died he took his boys and moved to Zurich, Switzerland where he worked for two years before moving to the U.S.A. to take the job in Seattle.
We also know that Irene was Abigail’s POA when she was sick and that prior to the pandemic she was back living in LA. All of which implies that sometime after Abigail and Cormac met she decided to move to Ireland to be with him and they got married and she gave birth to Liam and Austin while Hayes was a practising surgeon in Ireland. But that when Abigail got sick Irene gave up her life in LA to move to Ireland for several years to be her sister’s POA and support her nephews and brother-in-law.
Abigail ultimately died and following that Cormac took Liam and Austin and moved to Zurich at which point Irene moved back to LA where she was living during Season 16 when they went to visit her during the Conference Episode. When the COVID-19 Pandemic hit the U.S. Irene then insisted on moving to Seattle to care for Liam and Austin while Cormac worked at Grey Sloan. Cormac and Irene drive each other crazy and agree on nothing and her own sister called her crazy before she died and yet she picked up and moved her whole life across the Atlantic and then to a different state for them. That’s love. That’s badass. You keep doing you Irene!
The scenes with Jo and Catherine in the OR cracked me up! "Child, who throws away a kidney? Lord." Haha! I loved Jo’s reaction when Catherine brought up switching careers. At first, I was confused as to why Jo lied, but then my friend Amy who I watch with pointed out that maybe Jo doesn’t want her boss to know she’s considering switching specialties just yet. I’d honestly like to see Jo switch from General to Urology. As Catherine says there are few women in the field and there are a lot of general surgeons on this show.
Jo switching from one surgical specialty to another to find joy and challenge herself makes sense to me. Her switching from general surgery to OBGYN does not. I thought she was going to adopt that baby Luna but then she told Jackson and Link that she doesn’t want to have children now or maybe ever and their scene this episode was pretty short. I thought when she was considering switching to OBGYN that either Carina or Hayes would train her.
But they’ve moved Carina over to Station 19 so completely that her brother died on Grey’s Anatomy and we only saw her briefly at the end of Episode 8 when she attended her brother’s memorial. Prior to this episode I would have described Jo and Hayes as friends, but they were pretty adversarial this episode and at this point they seem to be two people that like each other well enough and who respect each other’s surgical skills and that’s it. So, based on this week’s episode Hayes definitely isn’t going to step up and train Jo in his specialty. They’re not close enough and he’s got enough on the go.
I loved the scene where Jo and Jackson were in bed together and Jo started talking about how scary his Mom was and he was like why are you talking about my Mom when we’re naked together? It reminded me of how April thought his Mom was the coolest and walked on water and would talk about it when they were together. Made me laugh! I love seeing Maggie innovate and find a way to help those poor patients and double the hospital’s ventilator capacity!
Seeing Richard dance it out at the news and then again when him and Owen successfully took Meredith off the vent and she began breathing on her own was glorious! Such joy! Winston’s proposal and Maggie’s acceptance of it surprised me! I like them together and want them to get their happy ending, but this feels a bit sudden likely brought on by all the stress they are experiencing.
I mean Amelia and Link have a child together and are also co-parenting Leo and Allison with Teddy and Owen and are raising a boatload of children during the pandemic and they’re not married or engaged.  It was nice that Teddy and Owen finally stopped fighting after half a season of nonsense! That was nice. I loved how Amelia stepped up and supported Teddy and told her what she needed to hear. Yeah therapy sucks sometimes. It can be uncomfortable. So are mammograms.
We still get them! You have to put in the work to get better otherwise it doesn’t happen. I like that they are showing us the process of Teddy getting better while making sure that the kids are looked after. Teddy is doing a bit better, but she’s still not well enough to be looking after Leo and Allison by herself without supervision and since Amelia is at home anyways she might as well help.
Plus, it’s probably good for Leo and Allison to play with Zola, Bailey, and Ellis. They’ve only seen Owen and his Mom for two months. I liked the moment where Teddy said that Ellis looked like Amelia and that they really are sisters. She’s Meredith’s daughter, but she’s clearly picked up some of Amelia’s mannerisms because Amelia’s helping to raise her. Which does happen. Also, she’s Derek’s daughter too and since Amelia and Derek are siblings and share a resemblance it makes sense that she might also share traits with Ellis. I like that we are learning more about Bailey and Ellis this season.
Seeing the joy on everyone’s faces, including Zola’s, when Owen came in and told everyone that they took Meredith off the vent and that she was breathing on her was palpable. Such a great moment! I loved the moment where Tom was holding a rosary praying for Meredith and Owen finally stopped being a jerk for five seconds to comfort him and tell him about his own experience with survivor’s guilt after coming back from Iraq after his entire platoon was killed.
I’d like to see them explore Tom’s relationship with faith more. Something else I loved? The texts from Cristina! Loved it! Owen was like I can read her charts myself and Cristina was like I don’t care take a picture! I love that we’ve seen Cristina through text messages the last two seasons. I really miss her. Also is anyone updating Alex? I feel like they are, but I would love to see them mention or show it on screen. Same with Callie and Arizona. I felt like Hayes was the obvious choice for keeping Cristina up to date but seeing as he has a lot going on this episode my guess is that she texted him and he didn’t respond because he was too busy worrying about Irene so she texted Owen and asked for an update.
Did anyone else feel like it was hypocritical for Owen to be so mad at Teddy for still being in love with Allison and not telling him about their relationship when he’s apparently been texting Cristina about Meredith’s condition and talking to Amelia regularly this whole time? He clearly still has feelings for both of them and they are still very much alive and in communication with him and he’s mad that Teddy didn’t tell him about a dead lover? Jerk.
I loved seeing Levi step up and step into his own as a doctor. He’s no longer the bumbling fool of seasons past. He’s got his crap together and he’s going to do what needs to be done to keep his patient alive and healthy. His song about hump day cracked me up! Link was so happy to be operating this episode LOL! His comment about the poop diaper explosion was something else. Seeing Richard’s anger and frustration and seeing him explain how he was feeling to Link felt raw and really expressed how we’re all feeling like now. The fact that being low on ventilators is a real problem that hospitals have been facing ever since the pandemic started is enraging! I hate that this is real.
I hate that real hospitals with real patients have to make these kinds of calls. Health care providers are real superheroes. I could never make a decision like that. How do you decide who lives and who dies? How do you decide who needs a ventilator most and live with the consequences for you and the patient? I couldn’t do it. I love that Meredith appears to be waking up in next week’s promo. My bet is that she’s going to reunite with Derek one last time and then wake up. I’m interested to see Richard fill her in on what’s being going on and to see Amelia and Link talk about the possibility of getting married at some point. Also, can we take a moment to appreciate shirtless Link? Hot!
Until next time!
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keyders · 3 years
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full name: montana kıvanç keyder (pronounced kuh-vanch kai-dir). nicknames: tan. gender and pronouns: cis man, he / him. age: thirty. date of birth: may 17, 1990. hometown: pleasance, ohio. nationality: american. religion: muslim. sexual and romantic orientation: bisexual biromantic. occupation: author & stand up comedian. living arrangements: lives with his family and a boarder (PLS GIVE ME THE BOARDER) languages spoken: english, conversational turkish. strange history: the death ranch.
trigger warnings: assault, death, injury, pregnancy.
this is the clown montana, but u can just call him tan. he grew up in pleasance but moved to seattle around 10-ish years ago to study law ( but also bc he had a falling out with his ex-bestie @kincadedonnelly​ which just made the decision to study out of state so much easier ) and only just returned last december!
tan is the middle child of three. he has an older brother and a younger sister. their family used to own a mom and pop store that has since then been bought out by alby and turned into the pleasance general store under new management in 2000. his father had since turned to various enterprises to try and support the family which included carpentry and being a delivery truck driver. his mother, on the other hand, took to music tutoring on the weekends apart from being a high school teacher. needless to say, things had been pretty tough financially on the family since alby took their business away from them.
growing up, tan was p much....mediocre. which was never a dirty word for him, but it was to his parents. it was actually their dream for him to become a lawyer, which he wasn’t exactly opposed to, mostly because he didn’t really have anything else in mind.
he had enough in the way of friends, played sports, did ok in school. wasn’t super smart but also wasn’t at the bottom. he just coasted by and it was fine. he was fine. at least he was funny.
when he was 21, he was accepted into law school thru a scholarship at the university of washington. it was the first time he’d ever really gone out of state, let alone lived away from home on his own.
but seattle treated him well. it was there that he was able to explore more of who he was and what he wanted to be—and really wanted to be—which was, to no one’s surprise, not to become a lawyer, but a writer. a storyteller. but knowing that he couldn’t come home without a law degree, he sought to finish his four-year stay and make his parents proud all the while harboring words in his journal as a hobby.
he was out drinking with his friends when he got into a drunken fight with another patron for some dumb reason he couldn’t even remember anymore even if he tried. it really started early into the night but then hours later when the group was set to go home, they had run into the patron and his friends outside. tan couldn’t keep his blasted mouth shut and the long and short of it is that he’d ended up in the hospital with a dislocated jaw, a broken nose, and a lesion in his brain after he took a crowbar to the head. he was on his last semester of law school.
which, of course, put a damper on his parents’ plans of finally having a lawyer in the family. and it took a while, but throughout the frustration of relearning how to put a shirt on or the staring spells he would have in the living room or the fact that he started having atonic seizures that required a service dog in his aid, he decided to see the silver lining coming about a year into his recovery.
meds were expensive and therapy didn’t come cheap, so when he submitted a column narrating his experience from small-town mediocrity from a turkish-albanian background to big city law school dropout now with a disability card to a local publication, he’d only expected the cash it came with in exchange for his submission; he didn���t expect an email from a guy who, as it turned out, was a pretty big tv producer saying that he’d read his column and wanted to meet up to chat about an ‘opportunity’.
said opportunity turned out to be a job offer. or, well, a trial offer— he was currently producing the second season of a show on comedy central and wanted to invite him on as a writer’s assistant. with no employment opportunities on his immediate horizon ( with the alternative being to book a plane ticket back to ohio ), he knew he couldn’t say no.
the job was not glamorous and the salary was dismal, but it helped him remember how to become a person again, this time in an environment he actually enjoyed. no more case readings, no more depressing internship hunts with law firms who didn’t want him.
as he became more and more immersed into the culture of the show ( and other programs in the network ), he was eventually given his own episodes to write, all the while making his debut on stage as a stand up comic ( which was a difficult feat to even try and muster the courage to face an audience, let alone an audience in bars ). shortly after he’d made a relatively dignified name for himself, he started working on publishing his first book, which he liked to describe as ‘part-memoir, part-fiction, 100% mediocre’ entitled ‘Stop and Smell the...’ which chronicled his experience as a small-town midwestern boy who gre up in an immigrant household and was then living in a big city with a condition that could very well be attributed to his big mouth.
and he was, by no means, famous. maybe not even quasi-famous. but his new life had allowed him to support his family back home especially when his father had come down with a mysterious illness that prohibited him from continuing work. on top of that, his younger sister had gotten pregnant and was then forced to marry a businessman in cincinnati just so she could raise the child.
his father finally succumbed to his illness last december and it was only then that tan finally came home to deal with the funeral arrangements. he took a sabbatical from work, with every intention of his trip back to pleasance being temporary, but it’s months and he still hasn’t found it in him to leave pleasance again.
he has been living with his family again and has no plans of getting a place on his own since this is just ‘temporary’.
yes, he also brought his service dog, dakota ( and yes, he’s montana and she’s dakota and they’re just quirky like that 🤪 ) with him to pleasance and he takes her everywhere. since the move, dakota has enjoyed the bigger spaces that pleasance has to offer and you can find the pair most often at the park or playing catch on death ranch where the thrill of getting caught has never gotten old since he was seven.
he’s bisexual and he came out in 2013. he’s always sort of known that he’s not just attracted to girls since he was younger ( as evidenced by the will-they-won’t-they relationship he had with his ex-best friend kincade fuckin rippp ) but he’s never really been open about that part of himself until then.
a serial dater and a serial flirt. also soooo so so needy.
he’s a taurus sun with an aries moon so he’s equal parts ‘date me uwu’ and ‘fite me uwu’
like his fc bariş, tan sports a half-sleeve tattoo on his left arm: (body image tw) click here for reference !! also a smiley on his right thigh, his siblings’ initials on his right ankle, and a small ‘K’ on his left hip.
his comedy is very hasan minhaj meets bob newhart: all the ~~~~woke millennial goodness of hasan wrapped with bob newhart’s brand of deadpan delivery sprinkled with a little bit of john mulaney’s observational humor.
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fuckyeahalexjo · 5 years
Hey, I've been stuck with this idea since a watched the last episode, could you please write a fic where Alexandra is in a car accident on Seattle and the family ends up at the hospital where Vicki begs Jo to save her sister and the family learns about Jo's existence?
A crowd had gathered outside in the ambulance bay with available staff gowning for the incoming trauma. Jo rolled her shoulders as she listened to Teddy explain the situation after a passenger van with UW students had collided with a transfer truck. She could sense Alex’s worried expression before she even glanced his way, “What?”
He shrugged casually, “Nothin’. Was just about to ask how your day was going.”
“Seriously? How does it look like it’s going?”
Alex cringed slightly, but still sported a small smirk, “Good point.” He then turned more fully towards her, “But really, how are you feeling? Kind of a rush for your first day back on rotation.”
“Sure as hell beats staying exclusively in the lab one more day.” She looked at him lovingly, “I promise I’m fine. I’m glad I eased back into working, but now I’m ready to get back into the meat of things….so to speak.”
“Well Karev, looks like you’ll get your wish,” Bailey directed towards her as the paramedic wheeled a gurney in her direction. “Possible abdominal and head injuries with multiple lacerations. Trauma 3.”
“I can give a hand….,” Alex started only to be cut off by Bailey.
“Did I say Karevs with an S, Trauma 3. No I said one Karev. We need you on the next one coming in.”
Jo shook her head at her husband as she walked in while trying to suppress her laughter, “I’ll be fine.”
In the trauma room, she quickly checked for abdominal injuries by ultrasound as Amelia assessed the patient’s head injury. After she was left alone with the patient, Jo made quick work of suturing the various cuts on the patient’s legs and head. She was just finishing the last calf wound when the door banged open, “Alexandra?”
Jo looked up in horror upon recognizing the voice and slowly stood from the stool she had been perched on, “Wha-“
“What’s wrong with her? Is she going to be okay?”
Jo took a breath to calm herself, wanting desperately to keep her wits about her, “She will be. She was alert at the scene, but was given medicine to help calm her which has made her sleep. She needs a CT to rule out a brain bleed but the neurosurgeon believes it may just be a bad concussion.” Jo could feel her mother’s eyes on her and could sense that her mouth was agape, but she ignored that to finish her assessment, “She does have an abdominal wound that will need surgery, but it’s not an immediate emergency, just something that will need to be done today. She had multiple lacerations, but those are stitched up. She appears to have a broken wrist, which will be x-rayed when she goes to CT.” Jo bit her bottom lip as she mustered the courage to look up, “Do you have any questions for me?”
Her mother continued to look at her in amazement, her mouth opening and closing repeatedly, “I…”
“Don’t worry, another surgeon will take over. I didn’t….none of the students had ID from what I was told and I never would have imagined….”
“No, I know.” Vicky pulled a stool up to the bedside and took her daughter’s hand, “It was a tour for the incoming freshman. They uh…had a parent’s orientation at the same time so I held onto her purse since they were going to be walking around campus for a while so she only had her cell phone. Josh, my…., well he was already bored yesterday so my husband, Daniel, he took him out of the city to hike somewhere.” She held her cell phone up, “Apparently somewhere out of service.”
“We can keep trying for you if you’d like.”
“You know, I’ve worried. Ever since she decided she wanted to go to school on the west coast, I have worried about what all could go wrong.” She looked up with tears in her eyes, “I don’t have to explain to you why, you’re one of the very few people on the planet who would understand why but I couldn’t tell her. And I couldn’t stop her, I mean, she’s just like me. I traveled halfway across the country to go to college myself so in her mind, I should understand.” Vicky shook her head ruefully, “I ran through every horrible scenario in my head, but never did I anticipate wrecking at orientation to be one of them. Please, you have to make sure she’s okay. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if…please make sure she’s okay.”
Jo tried to speak, but found herself unable to. Her phone broke the silence and she looked up with a small smile, “CT is ready for her. I’ll….I’ll show you where you can wait.”
Jo made sure Vicky was settled before rushing to CT, learning the good news that the head injury would just need to be monitored to make sure it did not bleed further. Jo escorted Alexandra to x-ray, feeling responsible for her biological sister in ways she was not expecting. Now that she understood the connection, Jo found herself almost in a trance staring at her younger sibling, suddenly focusing on how much they seemed to have in common, from the shape of their eyebrows to their stubby thumbs. While in the abdominal CT, Alex rushed up behind her, grabbing her by the hips, “Hey. I heard you had an abdominal wound I need to take.”
Jo nodded quickly, “Yep.”
Alex looked at the scans with his eyebrows slowly arching in question, “Jo, what’s up? You’d be able to do this in your sleep and it’s not a pediatric case.”
“I know.” When he continued to look at her, unable to drop the subject, she took a deep breath and let it out with her eyes closed, “She’s my sister, so I can’t be her surgeon.”
Alex looked at her in bewilderment, “Your what? How?” When she looked at him incredulously, he rolled his eyes, “Why is she here? For you?”
“No, she apparently wants to attend UW in the fall. According to her mother anyway.” She cut her eyes down at him, “What?”
“You’re not okay.”
“Which is why I’m handing this off.” She then muttered more to herself than anything, “Should’ve stayed in the stupid lab.”
Alex stood and rubbed her shoulders, “Let me hand this off to Webber.” When she started to protest, he shrugged, “I can’t operate on my sister-in-law anyway.”
Jo was about to respond when she noticed movement from the gurney, “She’s awake.” Jo rushed in and rubbed her hand over her sister’s, “Alexandra? Hey, I’m Dr. Karev, you were in a car accident and need surgery, but you’re going to be okay.”
The younger girl’s voice broke as she tried to hold in her fear, “My mom?”
Jo gave a sad smile, “She’s here, in the waiting room. Probably anxious for an update by now.”
“She’s probably going insane.”
Jo looked up to see Link and Webber walk in, who both explained the procedure she would be having. When they were done, Jo looked back at Alexandra, “Do you have any questions?” When the younger girl shook her head no, Jo smiled softly, “Okay, I’m going to go get your mom and see if your brother and dad have arrived yet, okay?”
Jo rushed out of the room with Alex hot on her trail, “You handled that well.”
Jo looked at him in surprise, “Really, cause I feel like I could hurl.”
“Why don’t I go update the…your….her instead,” he suggested, fumbling all over himself with how to address Vicky.
Jo shook her head, “No, I need to follow through with this,” she explained as they paused in the waiting area. Jo rubbed his arm, hoping he would get the message to give her a little space as she moved towards Vicky, “Ms. Rudin?”
Her mother looked up in surprise at the greeting, “Yes?”
“Alexandra is now awake. She’s asking for you, so I can take you to her if you would like.”
Vicky grabbed her chest and let out a sigh of relief, “Oh thank God. You scared me with that voice and formality.”
Jo looked around, trying desperately to keep a professional demeanor, “I’m sorry. I guess I don’t really know what to call you. Nothing seems to feel right so I’m sorry if I…”
“No, no that’s my fault. Put that on me.” She stared at Jo with sincerity, “I’m ready whenever you are.”
Jo’s voice softened to a near whisper, “Okay.” She looked over to see Alex silently standing guard, waiting to jump in if needed and knew she should take the opportunity to introduce him, “While you’re both in the same room, I’d like you to meet my husband.” Vicky glanced up in surprise, her eyes wide at the sudden revelation as they walked over, “This is Alex.” Jo then looked at him with a smile, “Alex, this is my birth mother, Vicky Rudin.”
Vicky immediately stuck out her hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Alex grinned, “You too, you just don’t know how much.” He then looked at Jo with worry, “I’m getting paged back to the ER….are you okay?”
Jo nodded and rubbed his forearm, “Yeah. I’m good. I’ll probably be back down soon.”
With that, Alex nodded at them both and quickly left, looking back over his shoulder occasionally. Vicky was the first to speak, “He seems lovely. Looks like you’ve done well for yourself.”
Jo nodded in agreement as she hit the elevator button to take them upstairs, “He is, I lucked out.”
“Seems to me that he did too. I know I don’t know you really at all, but in those two seconds I didn’t know it was you and you didn’t know it was me, you seemed entirely competent. And then, I don’t know if you know or not, but in the waiting room there are multiple accolades about you and the work you do here.” There was a brief pause with neither really knowing what to say, with Vicky starting to speak again but slower and more deliberate, “I told my husband about you after our meeting.” Jo looked at her with eyes wide in surprise as she continued, “It wasn’t easy. At all. But he knew something was up and I couldn’t hide it from him anymore. I started counseling again…I just kind of got lost in my own mind for a bit. Daniel and I are going together as well, just trying…” She glanced away and quickly swiped at her cheek, “I say that to say that I haven’t told Josh or Alexandra yet, but I want you to know I plan to.”
Jo shook her head, “You don’t have to. Not for me anyway.”
Vicky nodded quickly as they exited the elevator and met up with the surgical team for her to visit Alexandra and ask questions of Link and Webber. As they moved Alexandra towards the operating rooms, Jo escorted Vicky to the surgical waiting area, “Do you know them? Are they good?”
Jo smiled with a slight nod, “She’s in really good hands.” Jo studied Vicky for a moment, having difficulty leaving her, “Is there anything you need?”
Vicky shook her head quickly, “I know I don’t have the right to ask, and I know you’re incredibly busy, but could you visit a bit?” Jo stared at her in confusion for a moment as Vicky rambled on, “I’m sorry, that’s out of line. Of course you don’t want to, not after last time. I just…”
“No, no that’s not it,” Jo interrupted as she sat in the seat beside her mother, “I just had the impression you never wanted to see me again, so I….I guess I’m just surprised is all.”
Vicky nodded, “I get why you would think that. I just…I’m sorry, so sorry, for the way I acted last time. I just…I wasn’t ready. I should have been. I know that. Thirty-two years I had to prepare but I guess….I don’t know. All I know is I’m sorry. And I’ve replayed that day in the diner so many times and wish I could have a do over.”
Jo smiled and closed her eyes briefly, “Me too. Every day. I just….I had thirty-two years worth of anger and hostility and hope stored up and ready to go and I…I didn’t handle that well. And I didn’t handle it well after I got back. I…checked myself into inpatient psych for a while. I…I did everything backwards. I’m in therapy now and I’m processing through everything, but I should have gone before. I probably would have been better prepared for other scenarios that I may have been confronted with other than you being a hateful bitch.”
Vicky tilted her head, her voice questioning, “Thank you?” Both women laughed softly together as Vicky stretched her back, “You know…all those years…I thought of you every single day.” Jo looked up in surprise as Vicky continued without looking at her, “Every day. Where you were. What you were up to. What color your hair and eyes were. What kind of home you were in. What your favorite subject in school was. The…when Alexandra and Josh hit school everything they did caused me to think about what experience you would have had. What field trips did you go on? Did you play sports? What did you wear for picture day? A million questions. But since you came to Pittsburgh it’s changed.” She looked up to catch Jo’s eyes, “Now its ‘I wonder if Jo’s seen that commercial.’ ‘I wonder if she’s watching this same movie at this same time.’ I changed shampoo not too long ago and as I walked down the grocery aisle, I found myself smelling every bottle to see if I could find yours, just to smell it again. It’s like you’ve somehow become more tangible. Which doesn’t make sense, I know, but it does. Maybe because so many questions got erased by meeting you and now I’ve just replaced them with a whole other gamut of things I don’t know. That’s my new therapist’s guess anyway.” Vicky looked up to meet Jo’s eyes that were brimming with tears, “What I’m trying to say is that I would like to get some of those questions answered if you’d be willing to let me have the privilege of getting to know you.”
Jo sat back in surprise, unsure of how to respond, when suddenly two figures appeared and rushed towards them, “Mom!”
Jo stood quickly and took the opportunity to wipe her eyes as Vicky hugged her son and husband. She suddenly felt very awkward and out of place, so she began to ease herself away when Vicky caught her leaving and summoned her quickly, “Dr. Karev!” At Vicky’s motion for her to return, Jo stepped forward insecurely as Vicky turned to her husband and son, “This is Dr. Karev, she was one of the doctors that worked on Alexandra.” She then turned to her husband giving him a pointed look, “Dr. Josephine Karev.”
Jo nodded politely, “I’ll just go check…”
But she was cut off by Daniel Rudin putting the pieces together. He quickly took her hand and shook it excitedly, “It is really nice to meet you Dr. Karev.”
She smiled shyly, “Jo, please. I’m glad you all are here.”
He let go of her hand and pulled out his wallet, giving Josh a couple of bills and asking him to get a soda for them. When he was out of earshot, Vicky turned back to Jo as her husband put his arm around her shoulders in support, “Before we go home…whenever that may be now. I’d really love to have dinner, maybe the two of us and you with your husband?” Jo was surprised to see Daniel nodding so excitedly, “I probably won’t be able to tell the kids about….everything before then, but I would really love to see you again.”
“That would be nice.” Jo glanced down the hallway to see Josh returning and as a habit reached out to touch her forearm in comfort, ecstatic when Vicky did not jerk away as she had in Pittsburgh, “I’ll go get an update on Alexandra.”
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theyelaw · 6 months
Brain Injury Law of Seattle and Federal Way
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Brain injury survivors need specialist legal assistance. In Seattle and Federal Way, injury law businesses, particularly brain injury firms, offer hope and direction to victims seeking justice and recompense.
Brain injury lawyers in Seattle, famed for its creativity and cultural variety, advocate for victims and their families. Concussions and severe traumatic brain injuries may change lives, and these lawyers know how. They balance legal competence with sympathetic care for individuals and their loved ones.
Brain Injury Law Seattle requires medical and legal expertise. Seattle brain injury lawyers have extensive knowledge and a network of medical professionals to examine the effects of these injuries. They carefully assess victims' short- and long-term impacts, from cognitive deficits to emotional suffering, to seek fair recompense.
Brain injury lawyers are also in Federal Way, near Seattle. These lawyers have experience managing brain damage lawsuits from vehicle accidents, industrial accidents, and medical negligence. They understand that each brain injury case is unique and requires a customized legal strategy to succeed.
In Seattle, where creativity and technology thrive, brain injury lawyers use cutting-edge resources to win cases. To assess brain damage, they work with doctors, neurologists, and rehabilitation professionals. These firms use a comprehensive strategy to achieve equitable compensation for victims' complete life impacts because of the injury.
Brain injury lawyers in Federal Way understand the challenges of recovering from such trauma. They support and explain brain injury sufferers and their families through the legal procedure while methodically building cases that show the significant and often hidden effects. These lawyers consider both short-term and long-term implications on their clients.
Seattle Injury Law Federal Way or specialized Brain Injury Law in Seattle is crucial for brain injury victims. These firms are known for their competence, experience, and compassion for brain injury victims. They prioritize compensation and victim healing and rehabilitation resources.
Brain injury lawyers' passion goes beyond financial compensation. They connect customers with doctors, rehab, and support groups to improve their quality of life. These firms prioritize clients' well-being by providing comprehensive help to comfort and empower them during a difficult recovery.
Seattle Injury Law in Federal Way and Brain Injury Law in Seattle are pillars of support and advocacy for brain injury patients in these vibrant Washington cities. Their skill and knowledge of brain injury cases ensure sympathetic assistance and strong representation for victims. These legal professionals support, empathise, and relentlessly pursue justice for traumatic brain injury survivors and their families.
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boohofflaw · 4 years
Boohoff Law, P.A.
2200 6th Ave Suite 768 Seattle WA 98121 USA (206) 451-1111 https://www.boohofflaw.com/seattle/ [email protected]
Boohoff Law, P.A. is a Seattle skilled law firm that is dedicated to assisting those who have suffered injuries due to the negligence of others. Let us evaluate your case for free. Don’t delay as time is of the essence. The sooner we can investigate the evidence and speak with possible witnesses, the sooner we can take action on your behalf. We represent people injured in a variety of situations: motor vehicle (e.g., car, truck, taxi, Uber, Lyft, bus, bicycle, motorcycle, etc.) or pedestrian accidents, brain injury, slip-and-fall, trip-and-fall, dog bite, and burn injury, as well as wrongful death and workers' compensation. If you experienced serious injury due to no fault of your own, let’s talk. Call us 24/7 at (206) 451-1111.
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seattle-hq · 5 years
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December 1st, 1992 (26) Gender / pronouns: Female & She/Her Hometown: Los Angeles, CA Occupation: Legal secretary Face-claim: Vanessa Hudgens
tw: death, drugs, car accident, amputation
Growing up, people would say Fallon Bates had the perfect life. And until she turned four it was. She couldn’t remember much, but the one event in her life that stuck was September 17th, 1996. She was in her daycare classroom, fidgeting about beside her teacher, waiting for her mom to come and pick her up. She was never late. It wasn’t until her aunt came rushing in, looking equally annoyed and frantic. It was only then that she found out. Her parents had died in a plane crash, leaving her and her older sister orphaned and living with their aunt. Fallon didn’t speak for almost a year, trying to wrap herself around the idea that she no longer had parents. She no longer had a father to throw her up in the air and know she’d be caught when she came down. She no longer had a mother who would spend hours brushing and braiding her hair every night before bed. She was essentially an orphan, living in a big, open house with her brother and no parental supervision.
Fallon was never the best student in school. Instead, she focused on her friends, boys, and cheerleading. Watching her older sister’s promiscuous ways kind of influenced her relationship standards, never keeping one boy around for more than a month, tops. She breezed through school on her good looks and effortless charm, winning over teachers and classmates alike, being voted both homecoming and prom queen in her senior year of school. Despite her less than stellar grades, she was accepted to Wesleyan University in New York City, and three days after her graduation, she packed everything into the trunk of her Acura TL and took off. However, college was more difficult than Letti had expected, and dropped our just six weeks into her first semester. She took a couple different waitressing jobs, barely able to afford the rent on her studio apartment until she was approached by a casting agent who saw modeling potential in the brunette. Before she knew it, her face was plastered on the sides of City buses and subway billboards, advertising perfumes and clothing lines. Fallon loved her life, she was living it up in the city of her dreams, making more money than she knew what to do with, and was finally becoming a well-known name.
And then she met Brody. Brody was a photographer for a high profile photoshoot Fallon and a few other girls were working for, and the young man had taken an interest in the girl from the get-go. The attraction was inevitable, and before the end of the week, the two were in bed beside one another. However, Brody was toxic to Fallon. He introduced her to a life that she knew she shouldn’t get into, but the man had gotten into her head. He told her that all the major models drank and indulged in the occasional pill or powder, that it kept them energized and thin. And soon enough, Fallon was hooked. She found herself spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on blow, waking up in run-down apartments in terrible areas of the city, her hair and make-up a mess, powder dusting her nose and cheeks, and a tourniquet still tied around her upper arm, bruising surrounding her inner elbow where a needle had pierced her skin.  Fallon’s life was spiraling out of control. She was broke from the drugs she couldn’t stop buying, and Brody had ditched her once he’d gotten her hooked on a half-dozen drugs and pills. Her life was spiraling out of control.
Everything changed for Fallon the day after her twenty-third birthday. She woke up vomiting, and the young adult didn’t think much of it, chalking it up to a massive hangover of booze and alcohol from her party the night before. It wasn’t until one of her roommates asked if she had a tampon that Fallon even stopped to think about what the date was. The brunette had spent so many nights partying until she couldn’t remember her own name that she didn’t realize her period was two weeks late. Four home tests and a mental breakdown later, Fallon realized she was pregnant. The first person she went to was her sister. She knew that her sister would be mad, but she was all Fallon had, and she needed to confide in somebody. Sure, she was mad, and Fallon wasn’t around as much as wished she was, but Fallon slept better knowing that her older sister knew. She knew who the father was, but refused to bring Brody and his toxic tendencies back into her life. This tiny fetus in her stomach was exactly what Fallon needed to turn her life around, cutting out drugs and alcohol completely.
Birdie Lydia Bates was born on December 11th, 2016, seven weeks early, and spent twenty-three days in the NICU before Fallon could take her home. She took to motherhood almost immediately, her life of partying and getting high all the time out the window. She moved into a small apartment in Seattle, picking up a job at the local bar to offset the price of child care for her child. She lived a seemingly boring daily life - get up, drive to work, drive home, sleep - but she loved it.
Until April 2nd, 2019.
Fallon was driving her and Birdie to daycare one spring morning. Everything seemed relatively normal, until a car came whipping around a corner, blowing through a red light and slamming into the driver’s side of Fallon’s car. Thankfully, Birdie’s injuries were minor, a few cuts and scrapes really, though the same couldn’t be said for Fallon. Since her side of the car took the initial impact, Letti sustained major injuries to her left side, including brain swelling and crushed leg bones, resulting in a below the knee amputation. She spent twelve days in a medically induced coma after the operation to remove her leg to allow her brain and body to heal. It took several weeks of counselling after being woken up to get Fallon to understand that losing one leg was a better alternative than losing her life. It was safe to say that the former model wasn’t happy with being down a limb. She had a complete mental breakdown, resulting in a two-month stint in the psych ward of the hospital. However, during those seven weeks, Fallon was fitted for a prosthetic, and started physical therapy to learn how to walk and pick her life back up.
During her recovery and physical therapy, Fallon had to remain hospitalized. Knowing she couldn’t care for her own child from a hospital bed, she trusted Birdie in her sister’s custody during her recovery, since her she was the only family she had left. However, hearing about her antics, forgetting to take her to or pick her up from daycare, bringing her to bars, etc, caused the younger sibling to lash out at her sister the day she was released. It put a strain on their relationship for a while, but Fallon realized soon after that if it hadn’t been for him, her daughter would have most likely ended up in foster care. They still fight quite frequently about how her sister treats and spoils her daughter, but at the end of the day, Fallon owes everything to her.
Fallon tried to jump right back into her daily life after being released from the hospital, returning to work and parenting her daughter. It felt almost as if the past six months hadn’t happened. And some days, Fallon likes to pretend that it didn’t happen. But then she notices her leg and remembers that she can’t ever forget her past. Her dreams of becoming a model again were dead, and working at a restaurant with a prosthetic leg wasn’t working out as well as she had thought it would. So, the young woman decided that her life needed a change. She registered for schooling, majoring in paralegal studies. Fallon currently interns at A&E Law Firm, hoping to one day work her way up into a career more stable to support both her and her daughter.
+ sensitive, brace, resilient  – hard-headed, short-tempered, closed-off
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spn-on-ice-blog · 5 years
Starter Guide to Personal Injury Law
What You Need to Do About Personal Injury Law
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In the event that you suffer injury in a collision with an intersection because another driver or pedestrian was negligent, you might not only require medical help but additional outside support too. Thus, when you sustain injuries as a consequence of someone else's negligence, never wait to consult a personal injury attorney.  In case you suffer an injury because of a defect in machinery, or due to unsafe working conditions we can help you obtain compensation.
If a law firm has existed the community for a long time, there's very good reason.  Our injury law firm has offered scholarships for children who would not have the ability to afford tuition.  Oregon personal injury law firms would supply you with an attorney who has all of the experience and skill to handle your kind of a circumstance.
Injuries can stop you from working, either temporarily or permanently, and you might need ongoing medical therapy.  The injury may also block you from having the ability to come back to your old job or maybe to work any other job, for that issue.  A critical brain injury can call for expensive medical care.  As a consequence, it can be hard to diagnose brain injuries.  Ultimately when you have suffered a personal injury you always need to get in touch with a personal injury attorney.  Lots of people who cause personal injuries often offer settlement from the court.  Personal injuries and auto accident injuries can all differ from one another.
Our attorneys understand how to maximize reparation for clients.  They are tough litigators who know how to find the right evidence.  The lawyer should have experience in managing insurance businesses.  Only a skilled attorney can determine whether you get a personal injury case.  In a nutshell, a personal injury lawyer will analyze whether legal responsibility can be established and gauge the odds of success.  He can help you seek maximum compensation for all damages and expenses associated with your accident. Your Seattle personal injury attorneys understand what you are handling now, and they know what you'll need to address later on.
The Start of Personal Injury Law
Lawyers in alternative regions of the law outside of private injury typically require the direct payment of a part of their fees before they'll represent somebody.  Law Offices of Parente & Norem, P.C personal Injury Lawyers handles a wide number of workers accidents.  Once licensed, an attorney may take on all types of case whether they have much expertise within it.  It is very important to speak to a personal injury attorney about your legal choices, preferably before you speak to your insurance carrier.
Most of all, the attorney will stand by you through the whole procedure to guarantee you receive superior treatment and acceptable payment.  Similarly, he should be dedicated and with the best interests to ensure you receive rightful compensation.  Most lawyers prefer to stick to a single area of the law to obtain the wisdom and experience needed to supply the finest quality legal representation to their customers.
Are you seeking a Personal Injury Lawyer or would you like to get in touch with a fellow professional, visit our members section. Plus a personal injury attorney may need to take his customer's case to trial if a settlement can't be reached. So as to practice law in America, he must pass a written bar examination and, in some cases, a written ethics examination.  You should search for help whenever possible from a skilled personal injury attorney who will take your TBI, your requirements and your future seriously.
Law Offices of Parente & Norem, P.C.
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Illinois 60601
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geneticyborg · 5 years
DESIGNATION: X5-599 PREFERRED NAME: Zack D.O.B | D.O.D: August 28th | N/A SEX | PRONOUNS: Cis Male | He, His, Him ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Virgo. Precise, exact and critical, Zack understands that the devil is in the details and he pays attention to them. He is hardworking, efficient and methodical and can usually work or reason his way out of any challenge. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good. He follows his conscience with little regard for what others expect of him, making his own way but has a good heart. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations and struggles to keep his belief in the face of trauma and terrible experiences. He hates when people try to intimidate others and follows his own moral compass. MYERS BRIGGS TEST: ISTJ, the Logistician. Enjoys taking responsibility for his actions and takes pride in the work that he does when working towards a goal. Defined by his integrity, practicality, logic and tireless dedication to duty makes him a vital core to any family or organization that upholds traditions, rules and standards.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Analytical, practical, observant, honest and direct. Dutiful, committed, responsible, level headed and reliable. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, blunt, insensitive, rigid and judgmental. Self-loathing, guilty, self-depricating, jealous and aggressive. SURFACE TEMPERMENT: Zack will often present himself as “the boy next door”, using his generic white male appearance to portray an act of being polite, well-mannered and friendly as a means of lulling those around him into a sense of safety and familiarity that allows him to pass as memorable but nonthreatening. TRUE TEMPERMENT: However, those whom are given the benefit to see beneath the surface act will soon realize that Zack is far angrier and violent that first impressions would imply. Zack can become incredibly aggressive to those that he perceives as a threat to his safety or the safety of those that he cares about and responds accordingly. He’s merciless, cold and efficient when it comes to achieving his goals and can compartmentalize his emotions and uses this tactic to keep everyone at arms length save for a handful of his proclaimed brothers and sisters.
EYES | HAIR: Blue | Blond HEIGHT | WEIGHT: 5'11 | 98 kgs TATTOOS: Black, patented barcode on the base of the back of his neck. Often laser removed but inevitably resurfaces after a handful of days. PIERCINGS: None BODY MODIFICATIONS: As a genetically engineered X series, Zack’s DNA has been spliced with various forms of animal DNA that enhances and heightens his physical capabilities. After shooting himself in the head in order to donate his heart to X5-452, Zack is harvested by Manticore for several other organs, kept alive to undergo heavy cybernetic modifactions in which the damaged tissue and missing organs were replaced with synthetic tissue.
Zack has returned to the city of Seattle after six months working on a Ranch with no memory of his past or his real identity. His memories however have been clawing back to the surface, triggered by numbers, posters and phrases that has driven him to seek out the woman that he knows only as Max. Abandoning the Ranch and returning to the city, Zack is slowly but surely piecing together his past while working as a Construction Worker in sector 9.
X5-599 was created by a covert genetics and military agency that went by the codename Manticore. Hand crafted, designed and spliced with numerous animal DNA and DNA found of extraordinary men and women, 599 was genetically engineered to be the perfect human weapon. Placed within a surrogate mother to be carried to term, 599 was born into servitude and trained from infancy to be an obedient soldier of Manticore alongside fifty others of his kind. As an X5, 599 was trained to be a Commanding Officer, attuned to make his own independent decisions and tactical strategies without the need for human oversight and co-led with X5-492 and X5-452 of a twenty man unit all ranging from the ages of six and ten years old.
Among their unit, 599 and the others chose names for themselves, 599 being given the name Zack by his siblings, and slowly pieced together their own identities whilst living under the oppressive training regime of Colonel Donald Lydecker. They were regoriously trained in physical skills, hand-to-hand combat, weapons training and assembly and military strategy and tactics as well as Intelligence training and conditioning.
Zack was closest with 492 and 452, Ben and Max, as they led their unit in different fractions of their objectives, assignments and missions but it was with Max that Zack felt the most for. Unlike the others in his unit, his feelings for Max were romantic – though he didn’t understand this until he was older. When Max’s life was threatened, Zack responded, attacking their trainer and spearheading an escape attempt in order to get Max and the others out of the facility before any more of them could be killed or hurt again.
Zack led the escape, separating his siblings and urging them to scatter and go underground once they escaped the perimeter fence. Zack was captured temporarily by Manticore security helping his siblings and Max escape the base but eventually escaped from transit before he could be returned to the facility and fled from Manticore’s Wyoming facility. Zack would spend the next ten years searching for, finding and protecting the twelve others of his unit that managed to escape that night. When finally reunited with Max, he was twenty years old.
Zack sacrificed every chance he had at making a life for himself in order to keep his siblings and Max safe and protected from Manticore whom were still searching for them in the hopes of returning them to Manticore for experimentation and reindoctrination.
Zack would give up his own freedom to save Max from Manticore’s clutches and would be tortured for four months by Colonel Donald Lydecker in the effort to find out the locations of the rest of the escaped members of his unit and would be rescued from the island during an escape attempt by Max.
During an assault on Manticore, Max would be shot through the heart. Her death and Manticore’s inability to repair the damaged tissue caused Zack to take his own life so that the Manticore scientists could use his own heart as a transplant to resuscitate Max before her brain was without blood and oxygen for too long. He saved Max’s life but Manticore refused to let him die.
Manticore kept Zack alive to be used as an organ doner, harvesting his lungs and other internal organs for other injured X5’s in Manticore’s service. He was eventually transferred to another facility where he was subjected to further violations by having his missing organs and body parts replaced by cybernetic implants and synthetic tissue. The damage that he sustained to his brain caused him to develop amnesia, unable to piece together his own memory on his own he had no sense of identity or of his past and was sold on the Black Market by an IT tech when Manticore was eventually destroyed.
Zack found himself the property of a gang of Body-Moders known as Steelheads who used him as extra muscle and an obedient tool until Zack once again reunited with Max. At first he was unable to remember her until she presented her barcode and Zack was able to make the connections with his own memory. He left the Steelheads and returned with Max in order to try and get his memory back. He succeeded. Recalling everything and feeling responsible for every perceived failure and mistaking his relationship with Max as romantic he eventually triggered his Manticore programming.
While in Manticore’s custody, PSY-OPs planted the belief that Eyes Only, or Logan Cale and Max’s soulmate, as a traitor. Zack attempted to kill Logan, believing that he was avenging himself and Max for the perceived terrors that they underwent while in Manticore which forced Max to electrocute Zack until he lost consciousness and wiped his memory once more.
Max made the choice to give Zack a new identity as Adam Thompson, making him believe that he had been working on a ranch when during a resource pick up had a car accident which resulted in his injuries and his memory loss. As Adam, Zack returned to work on the Ranch out of Seattle but slowly began to regain his memory.
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tinyshe · 3 years
Antifa’s True Goals and Tactics Exposed: Andy Ngo
 By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp
February 2, 2021 Updated: February 2, 2021
Antifa is both an ideology and a movement that uses intimidation and violence to oppose capitalism and anybody who disagrees with its far-left, anarchist political agenda, says journalist Andy Ngo, an expert on the anarcho-communist group.
In September 2020, FBI Director Christopher Wray described Antifa as more of an ideological movement than an organization.
“Antifa is a real thing. It’s not a group or an organization. It’s a movement, or an ideology may be one way of thinking of it,” Wray said, acknowledging that Antifa does have “small groups,” or “nodes.”
But Ngo told The Epoch Times in an interview with the “Crossroads” program that Antifa is “more than an idea. It’s also a movement.” It has networks of organizations, and some of them are organized into formal groups, he said.
One of its groups is Rose City Antifa, “the oldest Antifa organization in the U.S.,” which is based in Portland, Oregon, the epicenter of the movement’s violent activity, Ngo said.
Ngo has also uncovered a lot of evidence showing that Antifa is a formal organization, which he presented in his upcoming book “Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy”
Antifa is extremely well-organized into secret cells and meeting locations, he said. Its training curriculum mirrors a lot of what is included in the radicalization process that jihadists put Muslims through, he said. It launches some events that look like social gatherings, such as soccer leagues, to recruit people and disseminate its extremist literature and later carry out riots, Ngo said.
Antifa has many chapters in different cities such as the Torch Network or Atlanta Antifa that “are formal groups,” he said.
Rose City Antifa states on its website that it works to oppose racial prejudice, bigotry, fascism, and fascist organizing.
Ngo said that Antifa doesn’t use the academic definition of fascism that refers to the national socialism of the Nazis or Italian Fascist Party. Antifa remade the definition of fascism for its own use by “describing it essentially as anything that is in opposition to the far-left political agenda,” Ngo said, adding that Antifa has always considered liberal democracy and capitalism as fascism.
For example, Antifa called both the Trump administration and the United States itself fascist, Ngo said.
The original Antifa was established during the interwar years in Germany as a “paramount tree of the German Communist Party,” Ngo said. In East Germany, Antifa’s ideology was institutionalized into the formal ideology of the German communist state; he noted that the Berlin Wall was officially called “the anti-fascist defense barrier.”
How Antifa Works
Antifa works together with socialist and communist groups such as the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) because they have a common enemy in the United States, its institutions, civil society, and free markets.
The DSA, America’s largest socialist organization, is in reality a communist organization, according to Trevor Loudon, an author and filmmaker who has been researching radical Marxist and terrorist groups and their covert influence on mainstream politics for more than 30 years.
Antifa and communist organizations have ultimately different agendas, but currently have enough in common to work together, Ngo said. It’s that same type of coalition that was built throughout 2020 between Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM)–a movement founded by militant communists, he said.
The communist goal to establish a totalitarian state is in contradiction to the anarchist aspect of Antifa’s agenda, but for now it has partnered “in calling for the end of American criminal justice system, demonizing free markets, demonizing property ownership,” Ngo said.
The ultimate agenda of Antifa is to abolish nation states all around the world and to create anarchist, communist communes, Ngo said.
“They believe that they can actually organize society without a government,” he said.
One principle shared by Antifa and communists is that nobody should own private property.
Although “it sounds like a big wild fantasy that [Antifa] will never achieve,” Ngo said, Antifa was actually able to claim territory in the United States in 2020 by establishing the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle.
Ngo, who spent some time there, said “it was a lawless area.” Homicides, arsons, shootings, and sexual assaults occurred in the zone. Warlords competed with each other, a hard border was created, and armed volunteers guarded it.
“They thought that they didn’t need capitalism to function,” Ngo said, but the zone was only able to sustain itself only because of donations from the United States as restaurants and people provided food and supplies.
Antifa uses the tactic of terrorizing its targets through a sustained onslaught of intimidation, which includes publicly releasing one’s personal information such as private addresses, place of employment, employer contact information, and phone numbers, a practice known as doxing, Ngo said.
The goal is to fill a person with dread that they can be attacked from anywhere, he said.
Ngo himself was physically attacked by Antifa in June 2019. Antifa members beat and robbed him, and hurled cups of cement mixed into milkshakes at him. As a result of this assault, Ngo suffered a brain injury and was hospitalized.
Ngo said that he’s had to undergo various therapies and treatments to address his injuries, but to this day he has not received any justice.
Antifa recently demanded that the largest independent bookstore in Portland remove Ngo’s new book from its shelves and online catalog, he said. The store agreed to pull the book from its shelves but resisted removing it from its catalog.
Ngo expressed sympathy for the store, a family-owned business, because he knows that Antifa is good at following through on its threats. It has a record of setting businesses on fire or initiating looting.
Despite these incidents and other threats, Ngo continues to expose Antifa because he wants to provide this information to a wider audience.
He said he hopes the information he provides helps “those in law enforcement to actually begin to seriously work on systematically dismantling these [Antifa] networks, and more importantly, also to challenge the ideology that they are polluting the minds of people with.”
Jack Phillips contributed to this report.
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acabloe · 6 years
Soon Goodbye, Now Love: Chapter 2
chapter one
A/N wow I got way bigger a response than I thought I was going to and its pretty small ngl but I’m really glad you guys are liking this small baby I am creating. Thank u !! Also I’m kind of a newbie to the bechloe fandom n im rly curious if there’s a sort of home-base for all bechloe fics? sort of like how the phandom has @phanfic ? tyy thats all hope u enjoy :))
tw’s: abuse, swearing, depression, mentions of death, anxiety, trauma (motor accident, near death)
Chapter Two: Soon A Painting
Very slowly Beca began to gain more and more consciousness, beginning with a sharp tingling in her feet, fingers, and face. She became aware of the thick and muddy grass beneath her stomach that stuck uncomfortably and dampened her clothes. Her ribs ached from where she guessed she’d fallen on them. She took a breath in and coughed as she accidentally inhaled dirt. Attempting to push herself onto her knees, she brought her palms to her side and pressed upwards firmly, elbows and wrists smarting under her weight. Her head throbbed as she parted her eyelids but she forced herself to leave them open to adjust to the light and observe her surroundings. As she scanned the empty field, she struggled to remember why she was there. Unsure of how much time had passed while she had been unconscious, she reached reached into her pocket for her phone. When it wasn’t there her movements became more frantic, running her palms over the wet terf and blinking rapidly to attempt to clear her fuzzed vision in the dark. Then suddenly she realized that she didn’t even own a phone, and everything came back to her. Memories flooded her brain like rain after weeks of humid days and packed overcast skies.
She had died Beca had died and she had gone to heaven…sort of. In place of Chloe. Beca had pleaded with...someone, she didn’t know who, and had taken Chloe’s place. She’d woken in front of a giant grey building and ascended the stairs, and she had walked down the alpine-ceilinged hall lined with black and white marble-tiled flooring and flanking dark wooden desks. She remembered chuckling softly to herself thinking of how it had looked like the magical bank from Harry Potter, only without the goblins or flying papers. Pelen, her later Guardian-trainer, had been at the end of the hall, sat at the tallest desk, and he’d explained everything about her trade for Chloe’s life and about the payment for her actions by becoming a guardian angel for an infinitude and the necessity for the erasure of Chloe’s memories of their friendship and lives together. Then had come the months and months of guardian training, the pining and the anguish for endless, horrible nights on end. Oh, those nights, when she had been unable to sleep, distracting herself from the grief by plotting any conceivable way she could see Chloe for one last time. Whoever had agreed to let her trade places had clearly not anticipated Beca’s determination to reunite herself with Chloe by any means considerably possible.              When came the end of training and everyone’s human assignment, she had been stationed in Siberia to guard a local scientologist...Geoffrey? Jack? (She felt awful for not remembering his name.) But Beca obdurately broke into the human-assignment database (with ease; the process had oddly reminded her of using Garage Band, only with thin hovering bronze bars and colored beads, still sound waves though,) and changed, by hand, her human assignment to guard Chloe. While everyone had been in place to be dropped to earth, she had escaped unseen to the edge of the city to the closest region she could find in Chloe’s vicinity. And now she was here. In this field. This freezing, wet, scary-ass field.
She wasn’t even sure if she was in the right state. She didn’t recognize anything about her location and surroundings and her plans had only gone this far. She had simply assumed that somehow Chloe would find her shortly after Beca’s fall, welcome her into her home to nurture her back to health, and everything would return to the state it had been before all of this mess. Cursing herself for not planning ahead more, her anxiety began to spike and she forced herself to count as she breathed. Why had she thought that simply jumping out of heaven would be the best idea? She had no belongings, no clothes, nowhere to sleep, and worst of all, no money. 
She shakily stood and decided that the best thing to do right now would be to walk off the pins and needles in her legs and to scout out the area. She had also read somewhere that exercise stimulated the brain. Small steps Beca, small steps, She chanted to herself while she stretched her fingers and cracked her neck and back. As she checked her body for more serious injuries or broken bones, she realized that the clothes she was wearing were her own from the night she died and she groaned in annoyance at her past-self. Why didn’t you at least go out with style, moron? You planned your retirement to the most ridiculous detail but you couldn’t even die in a flow-y white dress or something? She was still damp from the grass and she was only wearing socks, no shoes. Her outfit from training had been simple white overalls and a grey, soft knit sort-of sweater. Everyone wore a variation of the same outfit, plus one pair of shoes of their choice (Beca had picked red sweade pumas because she had seen Blake Lively wearing a pair once) now she was beginning to miss those shoes. The only reason, she thought, that would have made simply following the rules a better choice of actions. As she trudged gradually around the perimeter of the field, she searched for any signs of life. She heard far-off cars and airplanes overhead and the path she had been walking was well-trodden and relatively flat. She spotted the glimmer of some distant lights, and decided that once she had relaxed her muscles and figured out some mode of transportation to get there, she would make her way in that direction. And then she thought better of it and realized that sleeping in one of the bushes would probably be safest. And easiest. With the least walking. And effort. 
As she trudged her way around the perimeter of the field, she searched for signs of life. She heard far-off cars and airplanes overhead and the path she had been walking was well-trodden and relatively flat. She spotted the glimmer of some distant lights, and decided that once she had relaxed her muscles and figured out some mode of transportation to get there, she would make her way in that direction. And then she thought better of it and realized that sleeping in one of the bushes would probably be safest. And easiest. With the least walking. And effort.
Beca and Chloe’s relationship had probably been the at the forefront of both of their existences before Chloe’s accident. They had often teased that Beca’s sophomore (Chloe’s senior) year of high school was the year they both properly became people. That statement was, for a plethora of reasons, relatively metaphorically true; It was the year when Beca’s mother passed away, and Beca’s father had left her because the grief had been to much to handle. Her mental health had spiraled, and she became closed off and for the most part unresponsive. Chloe had relocated all the way across the country from her home in Seattle, and had never really shared solid friendship with anyone. She also suffered abuse from her parents for being openly bisexual. As Beca and Chloe grew closer, their relationship became the most fundamental part of their lives. Wherever Chloe went, Beca followed. After a lot of convincing on Chloe’s part, together they joined an all girls a capella group at their university, where they became properly close with other people for the first time in their lives besides each other. Chloe had stayed two extra years in college, telling everyone the reason was that she could not bare to leave the group, but really the majority of her motivation came from the wish to see Beca through her junior and senior year, and then graduate with her. Beca had often come to family gatherings and holidays with Chloe, and vice versa with to visit Beca’s removed family, often in other parts of the world. Friends joked that they were so close anyone would guess they were married, and they would laugh it off or play along, jesting to boast engagement rings, or play fake surprise proposals.
But the matter of it was that Beca secretly abhorred these fake shows of romance and marriage. Because ever since her first year of college, she’d been madly in love with Chloe.
There was no need for her to ask or talk about the subject. Beca had known since the beginning of her feelings for her that Chloe would never feel the same way, and so absolved to ride it out until she simply did not feel anything other than close platonic intimacy for her. In spite of all her efforts, five years later she felt exactly the same, if not stronger than before, and it was miserable.
When Chloe was found eight miles from their home, unconscious on an embankment by the highway after her car had been hit by a drunk driver, Beca went into extreme shock. Chloe was rushed to the hospital but by the time they had arrived at the ER, it was too late. She had been hanging on by an already worn thread, and Beca had prayed for the first time in her life that night. She pleaded with all the higher powers she could think of to take Chloe’s place, and curiously enough, her requests were immediately taken into effect. Apparently, Beca Mitchel was an exception to the laws of prayer in most religions.
Eventually Beca neared the halfway mark of her third lap. Her anxiety had dwindled little, though her legs were mostly returned to a more natural and pin-free state. The deep and rather eerie quiet of the place was what she’d been strongly accustomed to since she’d woken up, so when someone behind her shouted loudly in her direction, she nearly sprinted into the bushes to her right. When she glanced behind her and saw the form of a woman waving and walking idly, she was set at a tiny bit more ease and waved back apprehensively. Shit, Becs what’re you gonna do now, you look like a maniac. Dude, you're not even wearing shoes. Just play it cool, act hostile and moody, the regular. It’s probably too dark to even see my clothes anyway right? She made a brief attempt to brush off some of the dirt and grass still on her clothes and ran her fingers through her hair a few times.
Rapid footsteps approached from behind her and suddenly the girl had caught up to walk alongside her. Beca sighed quietly in annoyance and scanned her mind for an explanation as to why she was out this late and wearing the bare minimum and no shoes in a 30°(F) field.
Beca turned to look at the girls face and had to promptly hold herself back from  shouting or even remotely outwardly responding. Even in the gloomy darkness, the shiny doe-eyed look of the girl next to her was painfully unmistakable. Beca had not planned or expected herself to react so violently as she did when she saw this face again.
“Hi.” She controlled her voice to the best of her ability, but the lack of recognition in Chloe's next statements and the sudden realization of her stupidity in mistakenly romanticizing and simplifying the entire situation around only her own desires was so painful that Beca doubted she could hold back tears. The sight of Chloe after months, years, of grieving was just too much. She did try, but they simply came, silently streaming down her cheeks, one after the other.
“It’s so chilly for this time of year, I don’t usually even come here while on walks. The mist is so spooky!”
Beca realized it was her turn to speak. She saw Chloe turn to look at her from her peripheral view and realized it was to late to do anything about her tears so she struggled to keep her voice even as she replied.
“yeah. Super spooky.”
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