#Breast Implants before after photos
lightofraye · 16 days
Debunking Nonsense Against Jared
There's apparently some crap about Jared that is just absolute nonsense. Full of lies and bullshit.
It'd be one thing if people just didn't like him. It happens. Not everyone is likeable. You're not expected to like him. But don't pull up lies to explain why you don't like him. Especially when they've been debunked again and again and again.
1. The "racist" tattoo. Y'all, this is nonsense. It's been debunked over and over and over. It's not a racist tattoo. For one, it's lacking the logo of "Come and take it", which would make it a racist tattoo. But a lone star above a cannon does not a racist tattoo make.
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Jared is a proud Texan. He also donates to many a charity and organization that help people, speaking out about them often. Not to mention, prior to pro-gun rights appropriating the symbol and logo, it stood for a proud history in Texas. Jared would've known.
So how about instead of focusing on a mere tattoo, come up with more proof that Jared is a racist? Hmm?
Besides, if you're mad at Jared's tattoo, are you then mad at Jensen's t-shirt, which did show the saying as well?
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2. Fighting with fans online. Oh come on. Misha's done it. (Misha's done worse, in fact.) Danneel's done it. Jared doing it does not a bad person make. And I don't think he's done it in a long time.
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And of course, people will go "Danneel was hitting back!" And? What's the difference? Jared was hitting back too. Danneel went a step farther most of the time, siccing her followers on them, threatening them with Clif, even ran crying to Clif because people were being "mean".
3. RE: Prequelgate. Give me a fucking break! Jared was right to be upset! He called and texted Jensen for hours before he gave up and responded to that tweet about The Winchesters announcement. Jensen also lied about not being allowed cellphones on The Boys set. When they weren't filming, they were allowed. (Of course they can't have their cellphones on their person during filming, unless it suited the scene!) Besides all that, Jared honestly didn't know about it! Kripke was even shocked when he learned Jared didn't know! Supernatural and its legacy is as much Jared's as it was Jensen's! The whole freakin' industry gave Jensen a massive side-eye for his unprofessional behavior. Kevin Smith, a man who has directed, written, and acted in the industry, thought it was uncool. Also, Jared wasn't drunk.
4. Supposed bully accusations. I'd need to see more of this to believe it, but outside of occasionally putting Misha in his bullshit place, I've never heard of Jared bullying anyone. Everyone he's worked with has sung his praises. The only one who hasn't is Misha and that's because Jared won't let Misha put him down. And in fact, has had to step in to stop Misha from torturing Jensen. So fuck off with your noise.
5. His fanbase. Is he now responsible for his fanbase? I never knew that. What about Misha's fanbase sending Jensen death threats for denouncing Destiel? Has Misha ever stopped that? What about AAs hoping for Jared to suicide after Walker was cancelled?
6. What about Genevieve? Oh come on! Do I like that Gen is featuring the kids a lot? Myself, no. But if Jared was truly bothered by it, I'm sure he would've spoken to Genevieve. And Gen isn't any different than many other mommy influencers. I'm not keen on exploiting the kids like that, but would you say the same about Danneel abruptly grabbing the kids at Wales Comic Con and dragging them out for a photo op? All because she had no one in line for her autographs and desperate for attention?
7. Jared's Hair. Apparently there are some claiming Jared had gotten hair plugs. My response to that is: So what? Misha's had plastic surgery (trust me, it's obvious--his eyes and clearly lip fillers). Danneel's had worse--her hair is fried, bad extensions, plastic surgery galore that has ruined her hair line because of facelifts, fillers, Botox, and breast implants (twice!). Jensen's likely had a bit of work too.
So. Fucking. What. About Jared's hair?
Come up with truthful reasons to hate Jared, hmm? Not bullshit.
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Did you see Alba's latest post??? She got breast implants and is promoting the plastic surgeon who did her surgery. I know a lot of players get fillers and botox but this is too much, and to promote it on Instagram is a bit irresponsible, no?
hi anon - normally i delete asks like this and i was debating whether to respond, but i've seen some other questionable asks recently, and i decided to take the time to address them together.
boundaries and privacy - players are public figures but their friends and family (for the most part) are not. even if they have open instagram or social media profiles, let's make sure that we are acting responsibly when we view their content. it's one thing to post from alexia, her sister, and her uncle's fan page. but another thing to post from close friends, distant relatives, and that sort of thing. and respect player wishes, like don't post photos of mateo paredes' face.
respect private profiles - i've seen situations where friends and family of a certain player may have open profiles and add fans but when a player gets more famous, they have decided to go private for privacy reasons. if that's the case, then don't post photos from that account if they added you before they went private. there have been private pictures of alexia that have leaked in that manner, and that's not cool and is disrespectful. heck, even alba putellas used to have a private profile and if she goes private again, then i won't post from her!
cosmetic/esthetic procedures - yes, lots of players get different types of procedures done, but they are adults, and alba putellas is free to do what she wants. it's not my business to give you medical advice, or comment on others' decisions.
societal beauty standards - at the same time, i do understand that there are lots of pressures to look a certain way in our society and instagram/social media plays a role in that, so if you do choose to go that route, i hope that it is done for the right reasons and not because you think less of yourself. you are beautiful! and just remember the rule of thumb: any type of decision to engage in cosmetic or esthetic procedures should be done in consultation with a licensed medical professional after understanding the health risks associated with that process.
sorry, not trying to lecture you, anon, but just wanted to pass along some gentle reminders!
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cryptid-pet · 10 months
Fem Ayato Headcanons ☆ミ??
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And you say women can’t act like men?
Four Measurements >>> Height 174 cm, Bust 57 cm,Waist 58, Cup AAA
🔥 Was pretty pissed when finding out Laito and Subaru had their bodies mature and developed QUICKER than her own
🔥Ayato always keeps her hair in a high ponytail, but puts it in a messy bun when playing basketball
🔥 She got her ass beat by Reiji when coming home with a nipple piercing
🔥BIG tomboy, likes wearing things like boxers to bed, even a sports bra
🔥 Always has a pack of cigarettes on her
🔥 Kou once did Ayato’s nails and she took the acrylics off after an hour (She felt like a dinosaur)
🔥 Gets called strawberry tits on the girls basketball team
🔥 Has an hourglass figure, though there’s a faint hip dip, not very noticeable when not thinking about it
🔥 Slightly flat butt, wasn’t part of getting her mother’s stunning features, but those full plump lips were
🔥 Ayato has gotten into six fights with Yuma by saying she got a breast implants (Has a thing with other women’s chest being more developed than hers)
🔥 Stalked Azusa because of her appealing frame, even for someone who’s underweight
🔥 Ayato has been compared to Heather Chandler due to her sassy, faint temperate moods// appearance (Can come off intimidating to younger classmen)
🔥 Loves taking photos of herself in the mirror and takes pride in his natrual looks, tries to also appeal sexy most of the time
🔥 Ayato took nudes before and got caught by Laito four times, never learned a lesson
🔥 Can’t walk in heels for SHIT unlike Reiji, Laito, Kou, Ruki, and Carla
🔥 Has a huge thing of either cargo pants or spaghetti strapped tops, either dark red, velvet, black, or grey
🔥 REFUSES to button his dress shirt under his school uniform because the times she DOES wear a bra, her cleavage for a small bust WILL show
🔥 Knows how to put makeup on (Really only mascara and lipgloss, finds eyeshadow and eyeliner to be too much
🔥Favorite song is I Hate my Mom by GRLwood
🔥 Back to the Tomboy thing >>> Likes skateboarding and is pretty good at it too
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
I've been posting about Gen lately in the context of her being into witchcraft for those of you who follow my page or have seen at least multiple of my posts. I want to share with you more of my observations and why I believe that the effects of her black magic are slowly but surely starting to fade. So in this post here that's an excerpt from her Bathroom Chronicles podcast Episode 11 with Peggy Rometo (self proclaimed Intuitive expert and co-host for the Bathroom Chronicles podcast). Peggy happens to be her mom's friend that was the psychic from Gen's childhood who told her about her future husband being a producer and whatnot in this same podcast. According to her website, "A spiritual teacher and intuitive expert, Peggy Rometo is one of today’s most innovative energy experts bringing forth powerful positive changes to the world. Deepak Chopra, Donna Karan, and Demi Moore are just a few of the notable names that praise her extraordinary intuitive abilities and healing gifts.  She is the spiritual teacher that can help you discover and enhance your intuitive gifts." Hmmmm, interesting friends we have going on here don't we Gen?
In this podcast she talks about how she got breast implants "when she was 40 years old "right around when I hit 40". Given her date of birth is January 8, 1981 and her birthday being so close to the new year, it's pretty safe to say she got her implants in 2021. Based on the timeline she gave for when she got the implants versus she got them out (I would guess around a year if not a little more after she got them despite having issues show up around 6-8 months after getting them from what she described in the podcast) and the posts mentioned below, it seems she was "feeling sexier" during this time period like she said after getting the implants. According to this People Magazine article sourcing the same podcast, it was "quite a while" before she got them out. She spoke to multiple doctors prior to having them removed. This tells me she probably had them in for over a year maybe close to 2 years before she called it quits "feeling really sexy" with the implants and getting them taken out. Don't get me started on her bullshit saying it was for her, my ass Gen it was to make yourself look "sexier" for your husband too.
I mentioned some of the cringeworthy posts that have come from her and Jared's direction, including the kissing her billboard July 2, 2023 (and was reposted on his page as a photo September 18, 2023), the supposedly post sex photo from May 2022 (hit the right arrow for it if the purple dress photo is in view), the cringe TOWWN shower ad Valentine's Day 2022, and of course the noteworthy photo with a bottle of pills and dildo on the bed from July 2021 Jared took down within mere minutes of posting and then reposting cropped. Below are posts straight from the sources for your viewing pleasure (can't you sense the sarcasm here, *cough cough*).
So, where does the black magic stuff I'm talking about kick in here? They also seem to fit in with the time period she likely had the implants. I didn't really analyze the size of her breasts from that time period in her posts versus before she had kids, when she had them in, and then after to determine the exact timeline. If someone else wants to chime in here, I'm all ears ha ha. However from the info that was given in her podcast and in the People Magazine article aforementioned in this post, this fits in with the time period these posts showed up on Jared and Gen's social media profiles versus when she had the implants. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard about her having had implants she ultimately removed not even a couple years after having them. I might sound like a cold-hearted bitch for saying that but coming from the standpoint of her doing black magic, I call this karma that's starting to come her way. I believe that everything happens for a reason and her boobs "deflating" after breastfeeding, getting implants, and then losing the implants not even 2 years later cues me into the fact divine intervention is coming into play and it is not in Gen's favor.
It is becoming more clear to me Jared is a boobs man, particularly how he managed to make his way to a couple "titty bars" or "breastaurants in December 2023 in 2 different cities 2 weekends in a row. Again below for your viewing pleasure. The Tilted Kilt post is dated December 16, 2023 and is located in Las Vegas, Nevada while the Coyote Ugly post is dated December 9, 2023 the weekend he was in Nashville for the Nashcon 2023. And don't tell me it's for the wings or extraordinary drinks, come on now we all know why a lot of guys really frequent these kinds of places...
I also talked about an Anon ask post I came across with the social media behaviors coming from Jared's direction and even that of his family's. It's interesting to me looking at the timeline in which Gen got her implants versus taken out and then taking into consideration when Jared started pulling back on his likes with her content dating back to November or December 2022. Do I think it's because Gen's boobs "shrunk" is why he pulled back? No, I believe that it is because of many factors within their marriage that says things aren't going well and I think she started to feel awful cranky after she got her implants removed. Can we also talk about some of the weird kisses and also misses? Like the Celebrity Feud one from 2023 (around the 4:54 time mark), JIB also from Summer 2023 (around the 11:33 time mark), and oh god the Charleston post too from February 9, 2024. REALLY?! Married for over 14 years and y'all have kisses and misses like this? Wow.....
It seems to me that there's a reason why he has pulled back so much from her social media and it is not because he was busy working. In fact he was NOT busy for a good chunk of time last year due to the strikes so the stans can't blame him working for this. And let's talk about how during one of her AG1 video posts she claimed Jared didn't go to Idaho with her and the kids "because my husband was working" that I shared in the Bathroom Chronicles post I made here. Right, when there's an actors AND writers strike going on simultaneously he is incredibly busy at work. Liar liar, pants on fire! When you lie about things like he's busy with work when he clearly was not at work for why he didn't go on a vacation with you, that screams to me something is amiss. Also, let's not forget that podcast with Dave Hollis she was on that totally confirmed she's just not that into Jared (certainly loves his money however).
On a divine level, all of these things mentioned here, things I discussed on this timeline post, and the passive aggressive behaviors in some of her posts towards him are things proving to me that her black magic is in fact starting to fade. I mentioned before speaking to that other psychic I was instructed to make a tarot reading post (which I never mentioned this to the guy by the way) I made back on July 19, 2023 private a few days before I even saw those comments on Jensen's birthday post, let alone any screenshots of such others showed me. Months ago I was instructed to cross out or "strikethrough" this part in my post that's now private:
I was informed based on the ace and 10 of cups cards in this particular reading along with the devil card, page of wands and the 4 of cups that there will at the very least be a time of separation in their marriage. In the next part below however, I sense something may happen to Gen (or a very close call) that will bring them back together and "start over". You don't know what you got until it's gone they say...
Hmmm, seems to me your time is coming up Gen. Your black magic pleasant events "time is coming up and the unpleasant events "rush" shall start kicking in just like it will soon for another witch you consult with regularly (ahem, Danneel)...
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americanbrffan · 2 years
Blind Gossip Blinds - 2016 & 2017
Hindsight is a wonderful thing and after finding and re-reading all the blinds related to our not-so-favorite duo, I decided to put them all in one place in case anyone else wants to read them.
There are so many (!) I've separated them by years. It's absolutely amazing to see how many of these blinds were correct. 👀 And how quickly the family caught on.
I'm adding a break to make sure the post isn't too long and I'll archive them in a bit.
November 14, 2016
She is an actress. He is a… well, he’s very rich.
They are in love. His family is not happy.
Contrary to popular rumor, it is not about her race. It is about her profession, her nationality, the nude photos, the breast implants, the thirst for publicity, etc. The family is all about dignity and gravitas, and she simply does not fit. They are quite careful not to direct him to break up with her, but they are also quite clear about their lack of enthusiasm for her. He fancies her, but without the support of the family, she may not last.
We’ll see.
Family In A Tizzy - BLIND GOSSIP
November 30, 2016
One American actress is sending an entire foreign family into a tizzy!
This very famous and very rich foreign man is talking about proposing marriage to his girlfriend.
No, he has not purchased a ring yet. Right now he is just floating the idea to his family. The only problem? They are uniformly pushing back on his choice of a bride!
He fancies her quite a bit. Unfortunately, there is not a single member of the family who is encouraging the match! His father is warning him that “a woman who is dramatic will be a problem.” [His brother] is telling him that he “is still young and has scads of time” to settle down.
Surprisingly, [his brother’s wife] has abstained from critiquing [the actress] directly. However, she has cautioned [her husband] that she thinks that [the actress] is “an opportunist” who “will do or say or be anything she has to” in order to make the marriage happen. She also thinks that he is “too smitten to be making good decisions right now.”
The biggest influence on everyone, though, will be [his grandmother]. She has seen how one bad apple can place the entire family and their legacy in turmoil. She is encouraging both [father] and [brother] to “discourage” his choice as “unsuitable.”
The relationship is not a long one, so it will be interesting to see if the man will give it some time before making such a life-altering (and history-altering?) decision.
Man: Prince Harry / Actress: Meghan Markle
Well, it looks like everyone in the British Royal Family is going to have to untizzy themselves, because Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged!
Prince Harry knew that Meghan Markle was the right person for him from the first date. He started talking to his family about the possibility of proposing to her approximately a year ago (when we first published this blind item).
He had to get the whole family on board first. That took a year, culminating with a meeting between Markle and The Queen in September (see Vacation Ingratiation).
Christmas Tea - BLIND GOSSIP
December 20, 2016
It seems like only yesterday that we were telling you that this rich boy’s family is not happy about his actress girlfriend. She simply lacks the dignity and gravitas that is essential to their very existence.
We also told you that they were not happy about the nude photos. Right after that, we received a few emails yelling at us and claiming that there were absolutely no nude photos of her anywhere.
You believe us now, right? And now maybe you’ll believe us when we tell you that there are MORE photos – and a video – out there.
This actress is certainly proud of her birthday suit. And she is easily identifiable in some of the photos and video.
Despite the clarity of many of the images, however, they are not exactly something she’d want to share with his family over Christmas tea. Finger sandwiches, anyone?
Everyone Loves Classy - BLIND GOSSIP
December 23, 2016
We’ve told you before that there are some family concerns about the suitability of this actress for marriage to this famous foreign-born man.
He loves her and he’s sticking with her… but they have decided that they need to work to make over her public image in order to win over his family.
Basically, they need you to stop seeing her as a Hollywood actress divorcee who takes off her clothes, and start seeing her as a classy, kind, selfless, family-oriented, charitable woman.
Everyone loves classy, right?
Accordingly, her public relations team will be leaking stories that will portray her as the wonderful daughter/wife/mother/friend who everyone loves and who loves everyone.
She will be the person who would take her new responsibilities (if they married) very seriously.
Look for a new story every couple of days. Yes, that often! This is a full-court press… or should we say full-frontal press?
Beware The Beehive - BLIND GOSSIP
January 23, 2017
For someone who isn’t even a member of the family, this cable TV actress is doing a remarkable job causing family conflict!
The latest is about the political nature of her social media posts and its impact on her boyfriend’s family.
She thinks that the more she prattles on about her views, the more erudite she sounds and the more they will like and respect her. It is having exactly the opposite effect. What she fails to comprehend is that one of the tenets of this family is that one does not stick one’s nose into the political beehive without causing the entire family to get stung.
From a separate source, we hear a similar tale about how her public relations efforts are falling flat.
The more she tries to bring public attention to herself – and the harder she tries to convince people that she is intelligent or enlightened – the more classless and desperate she seems to the family.
Her boyfriend is smitten with her, so we don’t know if he is even going to try to rein her in to make her more suitable for his family.
She Didn't Offer A Ride - BLIND GOSSIP
February 20, 2017
[Lainey Gossip] Here’s a scenario to consider: Let’s say you’re dating a guy and you’re super into each other, and you’ve been staying with him, and he’s really serious about you, the most serious he’s been about anyone.
He lives in the same complex with someone he’s very close to. And the person he’s close to has a partner too. You and she don’t know each other well. But since you’ve been staying there, you run into each other one day. And you tell her you’re going shopping and where. She says she’s going shopping too and leaves in the car. You head out on foot.
Turns out, she went shopping exactly where you went shopping. And she knew that’s where you were going. But she didn’t offer you a ride.
Is that weird?
Maybe it’s not that weird. But considering who they are, it IS super gossipy.
A Royal Pain For Producers - BLIND GOSSIP
May 18, 2017
This actress has been on a successful cable TV show for several seasons. She has appeared in every episode of the series since it began.
The story lines for the new season have already been laid out. Many of the episodes for the season are already written. They’ve already started filming.
There’s a problem. She wants off the show. Now! Will they let her go? Well, it’s a messy situation.
They want her on the show. It would be a royal pain to write her out. It could also hurt the show’s ratings to have her leave. Not only that…
[She] is under contract. They’ve already been trying to accommodate her. If she no-shows, they have cause to fire her. That would likely mean the end of her acting career.
Then again, maybe she doesn’t care if her acting career ends?
Why? Because she may be getting very close to a much bigger role than that of an actress in a cable TV series.
Actress: Meghan Markle / TV Show: Suits
She’s outta there!
Meghan Markle will finish out Season 7 of the TV series Suits, but will NOT return for Season 8!
As Blind Gossip told you in the original blind item six months ago, Meghan Markle wanted off the show ASAP. She had a contract, but was actively trying to negotiate an early exit.
However, with all the headlines Meghan Markle was making dating Prince Harry, the producers definitely wanted to keep her on the show for publicity reasons!
Somebody is going to have to give that girl princess lessons so she doesn’t embarrass herself on the world stage.**
Back to Suits.
The Suits shooting schedule is broken into two halves. Neither party wanted to turn this into a contentious legal battle. After much discussion, Markle finally agreed to finish out the second half of the season, thus fulfilling her existing contract. She will then depart the series with a royal wave. In a surprise move, the show’s star, Patrick J. Adams, may also be departing after this season!
Those royal wedding bells are ringing and a “much bigger role” awaits Meghan Markle!
We actually don’t know what her title would be if she does marry into the British Royal Family. Would she be a Princess like Diana? Or a Duchess like Fergie?***
** There was a picture of Anne Hathaway getting a makeover from The Princess Diaries but I didn’t keep it to save room.
*** This brings to mind the dinner where M met H’s friends and one friend commented about her becoming a Duchess and not a Princess, right before M left in a huff.
Vacation Ingratiation - BLIND GOSSIP
August 2, 2017
The members of this very famous and very wealthy family say that they work hard… but they sure seem to take a lot of vacations! In addition to their multiple homes, they frequently travel the world.
However, not everyone is welcome on these family vacations. One of the kids asked to bring along his girlfriend (who is also a celebrity) to one of the family homes so that she could hang out with his family and get to know them in a relaxed setting.
He was denied.
Family vacations are not a casual event where anyone can just show up and ingratiate themselves with the family and go home with a souvenir snap. His family has seen this before with him. They hope that he is simply in a loved up “kookoo” phase and they are waiting it out.
He is persistent, though.
He’s not giving up. He is very serious about her and plans to keep asking until they say yes!
Son: Prince Harry / His Girlfriend: Meghan Markle
Earlier this summer Prince Harry wanted to invite actress girlfriend Meghan Markle along for the family’s annual summer vacation in Balmoral.
This was a critical point in their relationship. Meghan Markle had not yet met the Queen, and Harry wanted to do it in a setting that was relaxed and informal. Or, in the case of the royal family, less formal.
Meeting The Queen was necessary in order for Harry to get approval to propose to Markle. He kept pushing until they agreed.
Exactly six weeks after we ran the original blind item, Meghan Markle finally met Queen Elizabeth! And, yes, it was at Balmoral during the annual summer vacation, just as we discussed!
Markle got The Queen’s stamp of approval.
That event set several other events in motion. As we told you in a separate blind item, Meghan Markle just quit her job on the TV show Suits (see A Royal Pain For Producers). She also recently vacated her apartment and moved her dogs to England.
So… let’s take a look at Meghan Markle’s To Do list.
Queen’s approval? Check.
Quit job? Check.
Move out of apartment? Check.
Move dogs to England? Check.
The couple can now proceed to announce their engagement.
Yes, the engagement announcement is imminent. And when we say imminent, we mean imminent! Imminent!
We weren’t kidding when we said that the announcement was imminent! Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged!
December 29, 2017
When this TV actress began dating this male celebrity, she told him tales of woe.
She knew that he had a military background and a fondness for rescuing children in need in poor countries, so she exaggerated tales of her childhood to make it seem like she wished someone had rescued her. She knew that it would make him feel protective of her.
Well, that certainly explains where he got the “impression” that he was the one finally providing her with the love and security of a real family.
It also gave her a backstory as to why she had the same goals as him to rescue those in need and how she wanted that to be her life’s work. He rescues children, she rescues animals, he rescues her, and together they rescue the world. It was all rather clever of her.
My Iconic Fiancee - BLIND GOSSIP
December 29, 2017
There is a rumor going around that this engaged actress was one of the top choices for an iconic role in a long-running film franchise.
I know the producers. I can assure you that she was never on any list for any role in the series. Her name never even came up!
It’s hard to say whether her people started the rumor to try to convince you that she is a much bigger star than she ever really was… or if it was just the tabloids looking for fresh material to publish about her.
Given that the film franchise has not been in the headlines for months, it is more likely that this is coming from her people.
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brettbeber · 4 hours
Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Results: Before and After Transformations in Toronto
Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is an increasingly popular procedure in Toronto, offering women the opportunity to restore a youthful, uplifted breast contour. Whether you're experiencing sagging due to aging, weight loss, or pregnancy, a breast lift in Toronto can transform your appearance and confidence. In this blog, we’ll explore the before and after transformations of patients who have undergone breast lift surgery in Toronto, highlighting the process, recovery, and expected outcomes.
Understanding the Breast Lift Procedure
A breast lift (mastopexy) involves removing excess skin and reshaping the breast tissue to achieve a higher, more aesthetically pleasing breast position. This procedure does not significantly change the size of the breasts but focuses on improving the contour and elevation of the breast tissue.
Dr. Brett Beber, a leading plastic surgeon in Toronto, is known for delivering natural results through his advanced surgical techniques. His approach to mastopexy includes elevating the nipple to a higher position, reducing the areolar diameter to be more proportional to the breast, and decreasing the overhanging tissue to create a more youthful breast profile.
What to Expect Before and After Your Breast Lift Surgery
You must consult your surgeon comprehensively before undergoing a breast lift in Toronto. During this consultation, Dr. Beber will review your health history, discuss your surgical goals, and explain the procedure, including recovery, risks, and expected outcomes.
Preoperative Preparations
You’ll attend a preoperative appointment several weeks before the scheduled date before your surgery. This appointment is crucial for finalizing your surgical plan, answering any remaining questions, and ensuring you’re fully prepared for the procedure. You’ll also receive your prescriptions and complete all necessary paperwork.
The Surgical Process
The breast lift procedure typically takes about 2.5 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Beber’s technique focuses on maximizing the contour and symmetry of the breasts while ensuring the final size aligns with your personal goals. It’s important to note that a breast lift alone will not add volume to the upper part of the breast. Combining the lift with implants or fat transfer can achieve the desired result for those wanting more fullness in the upper breast.
Before and After Breast Lift Transformations
One of the most compelling aspects of a breast lift mastopexy is the dramatic transformation it can achieve. Patients often report feeling more confident and satisfied with their appearance following the procedure. The before and after photos of breast lift patients in Toronto clearly showcase the significant improvements in breast position, shape, and overall aesthetic.
Fundamental Changes to Expect:
Higher, Perkier Breasts: The most noticeable change is the elevated breast position, which gives a more youthful and lifted appearance.
Enhanced Breast Contour: Reshaping the breast tissue results in a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing contour.
Reduced Sagging: Excess skin is removed, significantly reducing the breasts' sagging or drooping.
Improved Nipple Position: The nipples are repositioned to a more natural and youthful height, enhancing the overall look of the breasts.
Recovery and Postoperative Care
After your breast lift surgery, you can expect some mild bruising and moderate swelling, which is normal and will gradually subside. Postoperative breast tenderness or pain is also joint, but it can be managed with prescribed pain medications.
Dr. Beber emphasizes the importance of follow-up appointments to monitor progress and optimize healing. Attending all scheduled visits is essential to ensuring the best possible outcome. You’ll need to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting during the initial recovery period, but most patients can resume jogging or light exercise by six weeks post-surgery.
Mastopexy Costs and Pricing in Toronto
The mastopexy cost in Toronto can vary depending on several factors, including the surgeon’s experience, the procedure's complexity, and the patient's specific needs. While price is an important consideration, it’s crucial to prioritize quality and expertise when choosing a surgeon for your breast lift. Investing in a highly skilled surgeon like Dr. Beber can make a significant difference in the quality of your results.
Understanding the pricing structure is essential for those considering a breast lift in Toronto. Dr. Beber’s clinic offers transparent pricing and financing options to help make this transformative procedure accessible to more women.
Real Patient Experiences
Many women who have undergone a breast lift mastopexy in Toronto have shared their positive experiences and outcomes. These testimonials often highlight the boost in confidence and satisfaction with their new breast shape and position. Patients frequently describe the results as natural and aligned with their expectations.
Here are a few testimonials from Toronto patients:
Jane D.: "After my breast lift with Dr. Beber, I feel like a new person. The results are so natural, and I couldn’t be happier. The whole process was seamless, and the care I received was exceptional."
Sarah K.: "I was nervous about the surgery, but Dr. Beber and his team made me feel comfortable every step of the way. The transformation has been incredible, and I love my new look!"
Making the Decision: Is a Breast Lift Right for You?
Deciding to undergo a breast lift in Toronto is a personal and often life-changing decision. It’s essential to consider your aesthetic goals, the potential risks and benefits, and your surgeon's qualifications. A consultation with Dr. Beber will give you the information and guidance needed to make an informed decision.
If you’re interested in learning more about breast lift mastopexy and how it can transform your appearance, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brett Beber. His expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to achieving natural results make him one of Toronto's top choices for breast lift surgery.
A breast lift is highly effective for women looking to restore a youthful, elevated breast appearance. Toronto patients' before and after transformations demonstrate the procedure's ability to enhance physical appearance and self-confidence. If you’re considering a breast lift in Toronto, consult Dr. Brett Beber to discuss your goals and explore your options.
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neon-pink-leitner · 3 days
I guess I forgot to delete some old post in an OF group on Facebook. Was absolutely no big deal to rejoin and delete them.
My ex girlfriend was the one I made my OF with. We had our own accounts but it was gonna be somthing fun for us to do together since we were both tough spots money wise.
My ex girlfriend was thin, flat stomach with breast implants. I'm plus sized with a massive belly overhang and breast that show I've Been pregnant before. Not a bad thing but I greatly struggled with marketing myself compared to her.
We were suppose to help each other. I would take pics of her. Focusing a lot of lighting and making sure she looked good. The few times she helped me the photos were at bad angles, bad lighting.
The other times I would take pics of her, then her phone would die(her phone was better than mine)or she'd be tired. Valid. She'd promise we'd do my photos later.
Then she'd make plans that evening, most often with the person she'd cheated on us with(yeah, we didn't kick her out after she cheated. We desperately tried to work it out) and I was left alone that(husband works nights and I didn't at the time) night.
It ruined it for me. My husband was working too much to help me about ex girlfriend always had someone better and shinier to hang out with.
I deleted my account and didn't really look back. No one was interested in my content due to my body size/shape. My husband was busting his ass to keep a roof over our all heads and my ex girlfriend(she was my ex at the time) best friend was too busy with people she cared about more to help(I say this with a tone of hurt and sadness).
I still fully support sex work. It just sucked getting reminded of it all. I'd always wanted to do something like that because I have a extremely high sex drive and I love performing and it sucks that when I did try. Someone who was suppose to be my friend and help me like I did them, didn't and ruined the entire thing.
This was right before ex girlfriend moved to a different state. I'm not mad that she moved, go where you feel happy. I just wish she would have been a better friend before she moved. Or at least been honest with me. It's been a year an I'm just now starting to take full body photos again
And that's why I deleted my OF
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facetouchup1 · 5 days
Breast Augmentation Surgery| Breast Implant Simulator
Breast augmentation is surgery to increase breast size or correct asymmetry. Implants are surgically placed underneath the breast tissue or chest muscles. If you're thinking about getting breast augmentation surgery, FaceTouchUp’s Virtual Plastic Surgery Simulator can help you experiment and visualize different surgical outcomes.
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Uploading your own photos is quick and easy, both side profile and frontal body photos are supported. Try as many different outcomes as you like, while you enjoy the privacy of your own home. Once you're done, you can send or print your before and after photos to give to your plastic surgeon for review.
visit our site : https://www.facetouchup.com/tutorials/simulate-breast-augmentation.html
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drleonardae · 7 days
Beyond the Beauty: Choosing Your Breast Augmentation Surgeon in Dubai
Deciding to undergo breast augmentation is a big decision, one that involves careful consideration and research. It's not just about achieving a desired look; it's about finding a surgeon who understands your unique goals and ensures a safe and successful outcome. In Dubai, a bustling hub of medical tourism, finding the right breast augmentation Dubai surgeon is paramount. This guide aims to equip you with expert tips to navigate this journey with confidence.
Seek Board-Certified Expertise:
The first and most crucial step is to ensure your surgeon is board-certified in plastic surgery. This certification signifies years of specialized training and adherence to rigorous professional standards. In Dubai, you can verify a surgeon's credentials through the Ministry of Health and Prevention website or the Emirates Medical Association. A board-certified Breast  Augmentation Dubai surgeon prioritizes patient safety and understands the complexities of breast augmentation procedures.
Prioritize Experience and Specialization:
While board certification is essential, it's also wise to look for a surgeon with extensive experience in breast augmentation specifically. A surgeon specializing in this procedure has a deeper understanding of the nuances and potential challenges associated with it, leading to more precise and aesthetically pleasing results.
Beyond the Credentials: The Consultation is Key:
Your consultation with the surgeon is a vital opportunity to establish trust and assess their suitability. This is your chance to openly discuss your desires, concerns, and any medical history. A good Breast Augmentation Dubai surgeon will listen attentively, understand your individual needs, and recommend the most appropriate procedure and implant type for you.
Assessing the Facility and Technology:
The surgical facility where the procedure will take place plays a critical role in patient safety and overall experience. Choose a surgeon who operates in a fully accredited and modern facility equipped with state-of-the-art technology and experienced medical staff. A reputable Breast Augmentation Dubai clinic will ensure a safe and comfortable environment for your procedure.
Openly Discuss Risks and Expectations:
No surgical procedure is without risks, and breast augmentation Dubai is no exception. A responsible surgeon will openly discuss potential complications, possible recovery time, and realistic outcomes. Ensure you understand the potential risks and limitations before making your decision.
Review Patient Testimonials and Before-and-After Photos:
Before committing to a surgeon, take the time to explore their website and social media platforms. Look for patient testimonials, reviews, and before-and-after photos. This will provide valuable insights into the surgeon's skills, patient satisfaction, and aesthetic approach.
Prioritize Communication and Trust:
The most important factor in your decision is finding a surgeon with whom you feel comfortable and confident. A good breast augmentation Dubai surgeon will be approachable, transparent, and responsive to your questions. You should feel at ease discussing your concerns and trusting their expertise.
Choosing the right surgeon for your breast augmentation Dubai procedure is crucial for a safe, successful, and satisfying outcome. By following these expert tips, you can empower yourself to make an informed decision. Remember, your well-being is paramount. At Dr. Leonard Plastic Surgeon, we prioritize patient satisfaction, providing personalized care and exceptional results. Contact us today for a confidential consultation and embark on your journey towards achieving your desired aesthetic goals.
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✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,İtaliano🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
🇹🇷🇹🇷🦋Meme büyütme(breast augmentation) operasyonlarında en önemli kriter meme büyüklüğü ve istenilen şeklin verilmesidir.
✏️Meme büyüklüğünün ne şekilde olacağını kliniğimizdeki 3D (3 boyutlu) görüntüleme sistemi ile karar vermekteyiz.Bu sistem FDA onaylı olup %99 ameliyat sonucunu gösterir.
✏️Ayrıca 3D sistemi ile şekline(yuvarlak, damla vs) karar verilmelidir
✏️İmplant/protez meme kası(pektoral) altına veya üstüne yerleştirilebilir
✏️Biz klinik olarak kasaltı yerleştirmekteyiz,nedeni sarkmanın daha az olmasıdır.
✏️protez(implant) meme ucu, vertikal insizyonla veya meme altından yerleştirilir
✏️Meme askılama/toparlama( mastopeksy) ile meme implantı aynı anda yapılabilir,daha komplike bir operasyondur.
✏️Operasyon esnasında emniyet amaclı dren yerleştirilebilir
✏️Operasyon sonrası,bazı ilaçlar ile ameliyat sütyeni Plastik ve Estetik Cerrahınız tarafından size önerecektir
✏️ameliyat sonrası kontroller; 1.hafta, 1.-3.-6. aylar ve 1 yıl yapılır. Sonraki kontroller yılda bir kez önerilir
✏️Diğer bir konu implanttan bağımsız olarak 7-8 kadının 1’inde meme kanseri görüldüğünden her yıl meme USG ve/veya MR kontrolü yapılmalıdır.
✅ Önemli uyarı❗️
✏️Paylaşılan fotoğraflar/videolar hasta onayı alınıp, tanınmayacak şekilde kamuflaj edilmiş olup, yalnızca bilimsel bilgi paylaşımı için yerleştirilmiştir❗️
✏️Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası fotoğraf/video paylaşımı yapılarak maddi kazanç amaçlanmamıştır❗️
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr ✅www.besthaircenter.com.tr ✅www.burinoplasti.com ✅[email protected]
#nişantaşı #şişli #istanbul #Tukey
#memeprotez #breastimpant #mastopexy #breastlifting #memeaskılama #memedikleştirme #breastaugmentation #mastopeksiaugmentasyonu #memeaugmentasyonu #drazimetozdemir #nişantaşıestetikcerrahdrazimet #nişantaşıestetikdrazimet #şişliestetikdrazimet #şişliestetikcerrahidrazimet #istanbulestetikcerrahi #istanbulestetikcerrahidrazimet #türkiyedrazimet #turkeydrazimet #plastiksurgery #aestheticaestheticsurgery #aestheticsurgerydrazimet
✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,Italian🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
🇻🇬🇺🇸🦋The most important criteria in breast augmentation operations are breast size and desired shape.
✏️We decide what breast size will be with the 3D imaging system in our clinic. This system is FDA approved and shows 99% surgery results.
✏️Also, the shape (round, drop, etc.) should be decided with the 3D system.
✏️Implant/prosthesis can be placed under or above the breast muscle (pectoral)
✏️We clinically place it under the muscle, the reason is less sagging.
✏️prosthetic (implant) nipple is placed through a vertical incision or under the breast
✏️Breast lift/recovery (mastopexy) and breast implant can be done at the same time, it is a more complicated operation.
✏️A drain can be placed for safety purposes during the operation.
✏️After the operation, your Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon will recommend some medications and a surgical bra to you.
✏️ Post-operative checks; 1st week, 1st-3rd-6th. months and 1 year. Subsequent checks are recommended once a year
✏️ Another issue is that breast cancer is seen in 1 in 7-8 women, regardless of the implant, and breast USG and/or MRI checks should be performed every year.
✅ Important notice❗️
✏️The shared photos/videos have been camouflaged in an unrecognizable manner, with patient approval, and are placed solely for scientific information sharing❗️
✏️No financial gain is intended by sharing photos/videos before and after surgery❗️
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr ✅www.besthaircenter.com.tr ✅www.burinoplasti.com ✅[email protected]
#nişantaşı #şişli #istanbul #Tukey
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Thinking about replacing your breast implants? Whether you're looking for a change or need to address some issues, a breast implant exchange might be on your mind. Look for the best plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast surgeries. It’s helpful to check reviews, look at before-and-after photos of their previous work, and have a thorough consultation to make sure you’re comfortable with your choice.
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scoopflash · 1 month
Selena Gomez Breast Implants: Unraveling the Truth and Impact
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Selena Gomez, a global pop sensation and influential public figure, has captivated millions with her talent, charm, and authenticity. However, with fame comes scrutiny, and one particular rumor that has made the rounds is whether or not selena gomez breast implants. Speculations about celebrities undergoing cosmetic procedures are nothing new, but when it comes to someone as beloved as Selena, these whispers can quickly snowball into a widespread debate. But how did these rumors start, and what do they say about society's obsession with the physical appearances of celebrities? 
The Surge of Speculations
The rumors about Selena Gomez potentially getting breast implants didn’t spring out of nowhere. They began gaining traction after fans and media outlets noticed changes in her appearance in recent photos. Social media platforms, notorious for their role in fueling celebrity gossip, were ablaze with discussions and comparisons of her before-and-after images. The conversation wasn’t just confined to the average fan; even media outlets picked up the story, analyzing her pictures with surgical precision.
But why does the public care so much? In the world of celebrities, every small change is magnified, dissected, and discussed. Selena’s case is no different. Whether it's a new hairstyle, a slight weight change, or the possibility of cosmetic surgery, fans and critics alike are always on the lookout for something to talk about.
Selena's Silence: A Strategic Move?
In the face of all these speculations, Selena Gomez has remained notably silent. Some see this as a strategic move—by not addressing the rumors directly, she avoids adding fuel to the fire. It’s a common tactic among celebrities to ignore baseless claims in the hope that they’ll eventually die down. But is this silence indicative of something more?
Celebrities often have to walk a fine line between maintaining their privacy and managing their public image. Addressing rumors can sometimes do more harm than good, as it might validate them in the eyes of the public. For Selena, whose life has been under a microscope since her Disney days, staying silent could be her way of keeping control over her narrative.
The Impact on Body Image Conversations
Selena Gomez has long been an advocate for body positivity, openly discussing her struggles with lupus, mental health, and the resulting impact on her body. Given her influence, the speculation about her possibly getting breast implants has sparked broader conversations about body image and the pressures faced by women—especially those in the limelight.
Celebrities like Selena play a significant role in shaping beauty standards. When someone of her stature is believed to have altered their body surgically, it can send mixed messages to her young, impressionable fan base. On one hand, it can be seen as a personal choice—after all, everyone has the right to do what makes them feel confident. On the other, it could perpetuate the notion that natural beauty isn’t enough, feeding into the unrealistic standards often glorified by the media.
Analyzing the Evidence
So, what evidence do we have regarding Selena Gomez’s alleged breast implants? Most of the speculation is based on visual comparisons—side-by-side photos from different periods of her life. Some claim that the difference in her appearance is clear, pointing to specific outfits or angles that seemingly reveal a change in her bust size.
However, experts in the field of plastic surgery often caution against making assumptions based solely on photographs. Lighting, clothing, and even posture can drastically alter how someone looks in photos. Without a direct statement from Selena or her medical team, any claims about her undergoing surgery remain just that—speculation.
Public Perception and Fan Reactions
Public reactions to the rumors have been mixed. While some fans passionately defend Selena, arguing that she has always been beautiful and that the changes are natural, others are convinced that she has had work done. Social media platforms are often the battleground for these debates, with hashtags and trending topics bringing more attention to the issue.
But why do fans feel the need to weigh in on such personal matters? Part of it comes from the deep connection they feel with celebrities. For many, stars like Selena are more than just entertainers—they’re role models, and any perceived change in their appearance can feel like a betrayal or, conversely, a step closer to perfection.
The Broader Conversation on Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic enhancements have become increasingly normalized in Hollywood, with many celebrities openly discussing their procedures. However, breast implants and other forms of plastic surgery still carry a stigma, especially for female celebrities who often face harsher judgment than their male counterparts.
In Selena’s case, the rumors have reignited discussions about the pressures that women, particularly in the entertainment industry, face to maintain a certain image. The choice to undergo surgery is deeply personal, yet when a celebrity makes that decision, it’s often scrutinized and debated as if it were a public issue.
Selena Gomez’s Advocacy for Self-Love
Despite the ongoing speculation, Selena Gomez has consistently advocated for self-love and body positivity. In interviews and social media posts, she has emphasized the importance of embracing one’s natural beauty and not succumbing to societal pressures. Whether or not the rumors are true, Selena’s message remains clear: confidence comes from within, not from conforming to external standards.
Her openness about her health struggles and the resulting impact on her body has resonated with many, offering a refreshing perspective in an industry often criticized for promoting unrealistic ideals. By focusing on self-acceptance, Selena continues to inspire her fans to love themselves just as they are.
The rumors surrounding Selena Gomez’s alleged breast implants are a reflection of society’s ongoing fascination with celebrity culture and physical appearance. While it’s natural for fans to be curious, it’s essential to remember that celebrities are people too, with their own insecurities and personal choices. Whether or not Selena has had surgery is ultimately her business, and what truly matters is the message she continues to spread—one of self-love and acceptance.
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surgicalserenity · 1 month
Understanding the Breast Augmentation Process: A Comprehensive Guide
Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement or augmentation mammoplasty, is a popular cosmetic surgery designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. This procedure can help individuals achieve their desired breast volume and shape, improve body symmetry, and boost self-confidence. Understanding the breast augmentation process, from initial consultation to recovery, is crucial for anyone considering this surgery.
1. Initial Consultation
The breast augmentation process begins with an initial consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this appointment, the surgeon will discuss the patient’s aesthetic goals, medical history, and any concerns or questions they may have. This is a critical step where the surgeon evaluates the patient's anatomy and determines the most appropriate approach for achieving the desired outcome.
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During the consultation, patients should discuss the following:
Desired Size and Shape: Patients should express their goals regarding breast size and shape. Surgeons often use visual aids, such as before-and-after photos and 3D imaging, to help patients visualize potential results.
Implant Type: Surgeons offer a variety of implant options, including saline, silicone, and gummy bear implants. Each type has distinct characteristics, and the choice depends on the patient’s preferences and anatomical considerations.
Implant Placement: Implants can be placed either above or below the chest muscle. The choice between submuscular (under the muscle) and subglandular (over the muscle) placement depends on factors such as breast tissue thickness and desired results.
2. Preoperative Preparations
Once the decision is made to proceed with breast augmentation, several preoperative preparations are necessary:
Medical Evaluation: The patient may undergo a medical evaluation to ensure they are in good health and suitable for surgery. This could include blood tests, a physical examination, and possibly imaging studies like mammograms.
Preoperative Instructions: Patients will receive specific instructions regarding medications, dietary restrictions, and lifestyle changes to follow before the surgery. This might include avoiding certain medications that can increase bleeding risk, such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Choosing Implants: Patients will work with their surgeon to select the type, size, and shape of the implants. This choice is crucial for achieving the desired aesthetic outcome and ensuring the best fit for the patient’s body.
3. The Surgical Procedure
Breast augmentation is typically performed under general anesthesia, ensuring that the patient remains comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. The surgery usually lasts between one and two hours and involves the following steps:
Incision Placement: The surgeon makes incisions in inconspicuous locations, such as the inframammary fold (under the breast), periareolar (around the nipple), or transaxillary (in the armpit). The choice of incision location depends on factors such as implant type and patient preference.
Implant Insertion: Through the incision, the surgeon creates a pocket to accommodate the implant. The implant is then carefully placed into the pocket, and the incision is closed with sutures.
Final Adjustments: The surgeon will make final adjustments to ensure the implants are symmetrical and positioned correctly before closing the incisions.
4. Postoperative Care and Recovery
Recovery from breast augmentation involves several key stages:
Immediate Recovery: After surgery, patients will spend time in a recovery room where they are monitored as the anesthesia wears off. They may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication and compression garments.
Follow-Up Appointments: Patients will have follow-up appointments with their surgeon to monitor the healing process and address any concerns. The surgeon will check for signs of complications, ensure proper implant positioning, and provide guidance on post-surgical care.
Activity Restrictions: Patients are typically advised to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for several weeks. Gentle movements, such as walking, can help promote circulation and aid in the healing process.
Long-Term Care: Over the following months, patients will experience a gradual decrease in swelling and see the final results of their surgery. Routine mammograms and self-exams are essential for monitoring breast health and ensuring the implants remain in good condition.
5. Risks and Considerations
While breast augmentation is generally safe, it is important for patients to be aware of potential risks and complications:
Capsular Contracture: This occurs when the scar tissue around the implant hardens, potentially causing discomfort or altering the appearance of the breast.
Implant Rupture or Leakage: Implants can rupture or leak, requiring replacement or removal. Regular check-ups and imaging studies can help detect such issues early.
Infection and Bleeding: As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection or bleeding. Following postoperative care instructions and attending follow-up appointments helps minimize these risks.
Breast Augmentation darrensmithmd process involves careful planning, a thorough understanding of the surgical procedure, and diligent postoperative care. By choosing a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon and following all pre- and post-operative instructions, patients can achieve their desired results and enjoy the aesthetic and psychological benefits of enhanced breast volume and shape. With proper care and realistic expectations, breast augmentation can be a transformative experience, contributing to improved self-confidence and overall satisfaction with one’s appearance.
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sakthi99 · 2 months
The Essential Guide to Plastic Surgery: What You Need to KnowTop of Form
Plastic surgery has evolved into a diverse field that encompasses a wide range of procedures, from cosmetic enhancements to reconstructive surgeries. Whether you're considering plastic surgery for aesthetic reasons or to correct a medical issue, it's essential to be well-informed about the options, risks, and benefits. This guide provides an overview of everything you need to know about plastic surgery.
Types of Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is broadly categorized into two main types: cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery.
Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic surgery is performed to enhance or improve the appearance of a particular part of the body. Common procedures include:
Facelift: A facelift tightens the skin on the face and neck, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging.
Rhinoplasty: Also known as a nose job, rhinoplasty reshapes the nose for aesthetic or functional reasons.
Breast Augmentation: This procedure involves the use of implants to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts.
Liposuction: Liposuction removes excess fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, or arms.
Tummy Tuck: Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, and tightens the abdominal muscles.
Reconstructive Surgery Reconstructive surgery is performed to restore function and appearance following trauma, disease, or congenital defects. Common procedures include:
Breast Reconstruction: Often performed after a mastectomy, breast reconstruction restores the shape of the breast.
Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery: This procedure corrects a congenital deformity, improving the function and appearance of the lips and mouth.
Burn Reconstruction: For patients who have suffered severe burns, reconstructive surgery helps restore function and appearance to affected areas.
Scar Revision: Scar revision surgery improves the appearance of scars caused by injury or previous surgeries.
Choosing the Right Surgeon
Selecting a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is critical to achieving the desired results and minimizing risks. Here are some tips for choosing the right surgeon:
Board Certification: Ensure the surgeon is board-certified by a recognized plastic surgery board, such as the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Experience: Look for a surgeon with extensive experience in the specific procedure you're considering.
Before-and-After Photos: Reviewing before-and-after photos of previous patients can give you an idea of the surgeon’s skill and the results you can expect.
Patient Reviews: Reading patient reviews and testimonials can provide insight into the surgeon’s reputation and patient satisfaction.
Recovery and Aftercare
Recovery from plastic surgery varies depending on the procedure. Some general tips for a smooth recovery include:
Follow Post-Operative Instructions: Adhering to your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions is crucial for a successful recovery.
Manage Pain: Pain management is often a key part of recovery, and your surgeon may prescribe pain medication to help.
Monitor for Complications: Keep an eye on your surgical site for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge, and report any concerns to your surgeon immediately.
Be Patient: Full recovery can take time, and the final results of your surgery may not be visible for several months.
Plastic surgery offers a wide range of possibilities for those looking to enhance their appearance or address medical issues. By understanding the different types of procedures, choosing a qualified surgeon, and being aware of the risks and recovery process, you can make informed decisions about your plastic surgery journey. Always consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and determine the best approach for your needs.
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drhayduke · 2 months
Best Breast Augmentation Specialists in Palm Desert - Natural Results
Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that enhances the size and shape of the breasts, helping individuals achieve their desired appearance and boost their confidence. In Palm Desert, finding the best breast augmentation specialists is crucial for achieving natural and satisfying results. These experts combine skill, experience, and a personalized approach to ensure that each patient receives the highest quality care.
Expertise in Breast Augmentation Palm Desert
When seeking breast augmentation in Palm Desert, it's essential to choose specialists who are highly skilled and experienced in this field. The best breast augmentation specialists in Palm Desert are board-certified plastic surgeons with extensive training and a proven track record of successful procedures. They are dedicated to staying current with the latest advancements and techniques in cosmetic surgery to provide their patients with the best possible outcomes.
Personalized Consultations
One of the key aspects that set the best breast augmentation specialists in Palm Desert apart is their commitment to personalized care. During the initial consultation, the surgeon takes the time to understand the patient’s goals, concerns, and expectations. They conduct a thorough assessment of the patient's anatomy and discuss the various options available, including the type of implants (silicone or saline), the desired size, and the surgical approach (inframammary, periareolar, or transaxillary).
This personalized approach ensures that each patient receives a tailored treatment plan that aligns with their unique needs and aesthetic goals.
Natural-Looking Results
Achieving natural-looking results is a primary goal for the best breast augmentation specialists in Palm Desert. They use advanced techniques and high-quality implants to create a balanced and harmonious look that enhances the patient's natural body contours. By focusing on proportion and symmetry, these specialists ensure that the results are aesthetically pleasing and appear natural, avoiding the overly augmented look that some patients wish to avoid.
Comprehensive Care and Support
The best breast augmentation specialists in Palm Desert provide comprehensive care and support throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to post-operative follow-up appointments. They offer detailed pre-operative instructions and are available to answer any questions or concerns the patient may have. After the surgery, they provide thorough post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Leading breast augmentation specialists in Palm Desert perform surgeries in state-of-the-art facilities that meet the highest standards of safety and hygiene. These facilities are equipped with the latest technology and staffed by experienced medical professionals who prioritize patient safety and comfort. This ensures that each patient receives top-notch care in a comfortable and secure environment.
Patient Testimonials and Before-and-After Photos
A great way to gauge the expertise of breast augmentation specialists in Palm Desert is by reviewing patient testimonials and before-and-after photos. Satisfied patients often share their positive experiences and results, providing insight into the surgeon's skill and the quality of care they can expect. Before-and-after photos showcase the surgeon’s ability to achieve natural-looking results and help potential patients make informed decisions about their procedures.
Choosing the best breast augmentation specialists in Palm Desert is essential for achieving natural and satisfying results. With their expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to patient care, these specialists ensure that each patient receives the highest quality treatment tailored to their unique needs and aesthetic goals. If you are considering breast augmentation in Palm Desert, trust the top specialists to help you achieve the beautiful, natural-looking results you desire.
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facetouchup1 · 2 months
Breast Augmentation Surgery| Breast Implant Simulator
How to virtually simulate Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is surgery to increase breast size or correct asymmetry. Implants are surgically placed underneath the breast tissue or chest muscles. If you're thinking about getting breast augmentation surgery, FaceTouchUp’s Virtual Plastic Surgery Simulator can help you experiment and visualize different surgical outcomes.
Uploading your own photos is quick and easy, both side profile and frontal body photos are supported. Try as many different outcomes as you like, while you enjoy the privacy of your own home. Once you're done, you can send or print your before and after photos to give to your plastic surgeon for review.
In addition to breast augmentation simulation, FaceTouchUp can also be used for breast lift procedures as well! Learn more here.
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