#Bren Oxton Talmid
wearetreasurehunter · 7 years
The Auction Stump
In this line of work, one comes into large quantities of riches, artifacts, valuables, and other relics. The only downside to owning such a broad collection is being unable to use most of it. This then leads to an occasion that is typically beneficial to all involved. An auction. Whoever shows up and bids typically walking away with some relic or item that will either add an interesting depth to their collection or prove useful for them in some other part of the new owners life. Seeing everyday use or providing an certain expertise when used for its intent. So when that particular season came round once more, Bren decided it was time to part with some of his collection. Sending letter for the desired stock back to Izald in Bella Mar, it quickly appeared at the affixed magical way station he had someone set up for just such a purpose. With the inventory arrived all that was left was to put out the fliers.  Setting multiple around the Guild Hall and a few in town as well for whoever may be interested. The fliers reading along the lines of such in the perculiar flowing slant of his penmanship.
“Auction of Artifacts and Oddities. To be held at that one little clearing with the really big stump by the Guild Hall, a week from today. The auction will start around mid-day and end when the stock is all sold or at sunset. Whichever is to arrive first. If you hold any questions please feel free to ask them. Anybody should be fine. Might look at you a tad weird but that’s your fault now isn’t it.
Sincerely, Bren Oxton Talmid, Iconic Treasure Hunter of the Adventurer’s Collective.”
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i-am-ironclawed · 8 years
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Real Name: Faraday
Titles and aliases: The Ironclawed, Warlock of the Djinn, Crimelord of Ishtair, Suitor of Death. Also known as; the devil thief, a friend, and Carter Redbook.
Age: 36
Race: Tiefling
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual with preference for men.
Alignment: True neutral
Classes: Rogue and Warlock.
Professions: Pick-pocket, Con-artist, Thief, Arsonist, Murderer, Crime-lord, Treasure Hunter, 
Personality: Faraday is known to be very charismatic and charming, often using his wit to his advantage. Highly manipulative he tends to try and control the situation using magic as needed to do so. Possessing a short temper he will often react violently when pushed too far though he has taken measures to control this better to his advantage. Tries his best not to let anyone see what his true emotions and intentions are.
Backstory: Faraday grew up on the streets of Ishtair, a small port city. Surviving as a petty thief and pick pocket he managed to keep himself alive. One day he managed to steal from the local crimelord but was inevitably caught, The crimelord surprised by his skill took him in and raised him. Over the years his skills grew under the guidance of fellow criminals. Upon the crimelord’s retirement Faraday took over and secured his position before putting a trusted* ally in charge. After doing this he set sail around the world conning countless people and expanding his crime ring to cover most of the southern Rena**, constantly on the move so as to avoid capture. On one of his treasure hunting jobs he scoured a winding network of tombs looking for an ancient artifact that was supposed to hold immense power. At the center of it all, deep within the earth he found a gilded urn, one decorated with obsidian and gold. Upon the opening of it he released a genie trapped inside, one he freed from it’s entrapment in exchange for magic and an enchanted ring the genie possessed. After an hours debate they settled on a pact, turning Faraday into the Warlock of the Djinn. Later in his travels abroad, constantly making lucrative deals he encountered a treasure hunter by the name of Bren Oxton Talmid. The pair became fast friends and eventually lovers as they sailed about the world raiding tombs and making their fortune off the dead’s. Upon hearing of a hefty bounty on his partners head, Faraday was quick to turn him in before sailing off into the night once more. When he returned to Ishtair, Faraday discovered the ring he got in the deal from the genie was missing. Something Bren had stolen before he had been imprisoned. Now Faraday has come to the circle seeking to expand his business and regain his prized artifact.
*Read Mind-controlled
**Western Ocean in world he originates in
Combat style: Faraday prefers to either be unseen entirely and get in close enough to use his Ironclaws to devastating effect or he’ll use his magic from a distance, putting on a vivid show as he uses fire and other effects to kill his foe.
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wearetreasurehunter · 7 years
Adventure awaits! Somewhere..
With Bren having returned from his. Excursion abroad he had to admit, it was good to be back. The smells and sounds of the guildhall quickly reimmersing him into that almost blissful state he took on when here. A stress relief all in it’s own just to be surrounded by these massive halls and to be among people just as skilled as you are, albeit in a different field.  Unfortunately there can be too much of a good thing. In this case, restlessness took over the dashing scoundrel sending him on an urge for adventure. Unfortunately it appeared that his usual accomplices were all tied up in their own lives. “Damn all o’ ya. Busy with yer lives ‘n’ romances. Too busy t’ get injured o’ arrested. O’ even the teeniest bit drunk wit’ yer good mate Bren eh? Bunch o’ pricks.” Thusly that led him into town to find some adventuring companions. His first stop? He actually didn’t quite know. So he wandered the town being nosy as one does on a pleasant day with nothing better t’ do. Unfortunately when one is too nosy they end up getting caught.
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wearetreasurehunter · 7 years
Challenge for you all
So the other day i discovered a site called Hero Forge which is awesome cause it allows you to make custom tabletop figurines with a large amount of variety for you to choose from. You can do fantasy, scifi, western, modern, and East-Asian as different styles for what you’re making. ANYWAYS i challenge anyone that is interested to make their muse(s) on there and post them either on a separate post or in a reblog here on this one.
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Here, have a Bren
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wearetreasurehunter · 7 years
Story arcs
Going to be putting a story arc for Bren into motion before the 24th. I have three ones i could do so id like your opinions on it.
Isle of Beasts, a story arc i meant to do far earlier this year. Would be featuring other iconics as they go on a treasure hunt. Would be a set of rps done here or on Discord.
A "Pleasent" Reunion, Bren and @i-am-ironclawed meet once again. A few heartfelt moments would occur. Would be a series of short stories with a few rps included.
Terin Amiren, would be delving heavily into the lore of Bren's world as discoveries are made. Would be a combination of short stories and rps depending on interest.
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wearetreasurehunter · 7 years
Friends, I have an Idea
So on my dash i saw this post here and I was thinking that sounds totally awesome and something I should do. And I was going to till the realization I don’t have to many OCs. That’s where you all come in. Basically, what would your Muse’s attacks and skills be if they were an Overwatch character? please, if able, put the attack lists under a “Read more” line so this post does not become excessively long.
Bren Oxton Talmid Left-Click Attack: A basic melee attack with his sword that ignores armor and shields.  Right-Click Attack: A melee attack with his dagger that momentarily disables effects of buffs and healing. E Skill: Launches in direction he was facing with a use of his grappling hook. Shift Skill: His goggles when activated allow him to see foes and allies locations for a few seconds after they leave his line of sight. Ult ability: Using his sword, Bren shoots a high-damage laser in direction he is facing though he is unable to move during this time.
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wearetreasurehunter · 7 years
Bren Oxton Talmid: Rewritten
Name: Bren Oxton Talmid, Age: 32 Race: Human Alignment: Unaligned, Neutral and Chaotic leanings Gender: Male Sexuality: Pansexual
Physical Description: Standing at 6’4 and weighing in at 193 pounds, he can be quite an imposing figure at first sight. With unkempt brown hair that is accompanied by a full beard, small beads braided in throughout it. A number of small scars cover his calloused hands with more joining that score over his body. Eyes look to be a grey-green color like that of a stormy sea. Overall his figure is very athletic with lean muscle. Personality: Bren is very friendly and loud, often being called eccentric by those that know him. Incredibly social he will strike up a conversation with most anyone that he’s just met. Often seeking new thrills out of boredom. When working on a task he works tirelessly to complete often at expense of himself. Bren is intensely loyal to those he is close with and will not turn from his own moral code. Gear and attire: Bren usually is dressed in loose clothing that would be fitting for tropical climates and the open ocean, either opting to go barefoot or with cuffed boots. When it comes to combat he is typically in light leather armor though he will use artifacts he finds as required. Gear wise Bren is never without his sword, and typically uses a dagger artifact he found in pair with it. A set of magic goggles along with a length of rope and are also common with him.
Backstory: Bren was born in a populated merchant port city in the tropics of Bella Mar isles. As a boy he would often be found running around on the docks, bothering his mother and various other people selling their wares or exploring the nearby forest. His father often told him of old ruins and tombs scattered across the isles to entertain him. On each of his expeditions he would look for these fabled cities thirsting for some new adventure. One day he actually discovered these ancient ruins. The stone buildings once proud and tall now crumbling, only the temple at its core remained intact. Rushing home he told of this to his family who quickly dismissed it as a child’s tale. And so he explored the ruins daily, becoming an expert climber from scrambling all over the city, looking for anything of interest besides this lingering wonder. It wasn’t till his mid teens that he actually entered the temple. Inside he found it illuminated by beams of light bursting through massive holes in its walls and ceiling. He began spending more of his time here, becoming more at peace and praying to his gods, As time passed he began to explore the temple more, discovering intricate bas reliefs and some dice like artifacts, the stone untarnished by time with no dust touching it. When he was seventeen years old he figured out puzzle that was found in two of the rooms of the ground floor. Upon going to leave the temple he discovered another room branching off the grand center. Inside it was barren except for a pedestal in the center of the room, atop it sat a sword. The blade looked untouched by time and dust it looks as if it was forged days ago, not centuries. The grey-teal of it reflecting an unknown light source, a turquoise circular guard held an amethyst that seemingly held lightning inside it. This quickly became his prized item.
Not long after this discovery he met a girl in the docks named Izald, two years his younger. The two became fast friends, going about the marketplace and docks together. If they weren’t there then he’d be showing her about the ruined city ecstatic to be able to share this with someone. After just two years he was given an opportunity to go on the adventure of a lifetime. To be a treasure hunter. Eagerly he set out without notice, only taking what he needed and wishing his parents and friends well off before setting sail. Over 7 years he went about the world acquiring a large collection of artifacts and earning himself a strong reputation. After sailing with a group called the “Company”, he headed back to recruit Izald to join the group, which she readily accepted. Till the age of thirty he sailed with them before a dispute caused him and Izald to set off on their own, using the ruined city as a base of operations and a storehouse for all the items they had come across. Ever curious, upon hearing tales of a band of heros to the east he set off to join them, leaving izald behind to maintain their business and property.
Aritfacts: Selan: The sword from the ruined city on Bella Mar, The blade looked to be brand new with a grey-teal stone blade that remains eversharp, a turquoise circular guard held an amethyst that seemingly held lightning inside it. The blade glows a bright turquoise and will hum like a jet engine in accordance to how combat ready the wielder is. It cuts through metal as with ease. Firat: A shattered black dagger with a red crystal filling the cracks and gaps. Wounds from this dagger do not heal naturally. Seeing goggles: These goggles allow Bren to see normally in all light and reveal illusions. Migraines become common after extended and/or frequent use. Patron’s Ring: A small gold ring with 5 red pearls embedded evenly along the top of it. Stolen from an ex, it was said to give the wearer some use of magic.
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wearetreasurehunter · 8 years
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I’m debating between these two as a faceclaim for Bren. Jason Momoa on the left, Hasnain Lehri on the right.
So who should i use?
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wearetreasurehunter · 8 years
Talmid & Co.
For this wave Bren will be supplying items requested by allies that he has in his possesion. Retrieval of an item is also an option if it is a legendary artifact or known to be in control of enemy. Izald will once again be returning hopefully, this time im still unsure where she'll be or what she'll be doing. But just know she is a heavy fighter with guns and explosives, useful. Faraday from @i-am-ironclawed will not be in any rps unless by request, this is not his affair so he'll be staying out of it for the most part. East the kenku, an iconic for @we-are-kenku may also be available but that however is doubtful. A few short stories may be released as well with a few characters being introduced, though none of these will be available for RP until further notice.
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wearetreasurehunter · 8 years
Open starter
Bren was sitting alone in a small clearing in the woods around the collective, far enough away that those wandering about the guild hall wouldn’t disrupt him often but still close enough that the roof of it could be seen from the hill he was atop. Kneeling before a large rock he sat with his eyes closed, palms resting on his thighs as incense burned in front of him. The holder for it was a small copper statue of a robed woman, arms raised and holding the incense out before her as if offering it up.
Bren turns quickly upon hearing someone approach, trying to hide the statue and incense from view. “C-can i help ya mate?” a nervous edge clear in his voice as he looks as if he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t be.
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wearetreasurehunter · 8 years
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Bren is actually surprisingly religious though he keeps this fact a secret. The culture he comes from and pantheon he worships treat death in an interesting perspective. When one dies they are mourned a day for every year that they lived, after this is done on the final day of mourning those that knew them come together and celebrate their life remembering them. This celebration is seen as helping them move onto the next life, so in those days of mourning the soul of the person is left to wander and say their goodbyes take anything they may need with them.
Bren believes that after death he will either go to a paradise like place where the deities of his pantheon reside or be sent to one of the levels of hell. This is only if he gets the proper send off in his culture however, if he does not then he will be left to wander the world until all memory of him fades away and his name is spoken the last time.
The only thing that scares Bren of this is the fact that he will most likely die unknown, with no one able to contact his family or to mourn him in any manner. So the part that scares him most is the possible fate of being left forgotten and unseen. Something that may drag on for decades or possibly centuries due to meeting @weareskald
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wearetreasurehunter · 8 years
Alright so I’ve got a question
I have like 4-5 characters in my head. Actually 6. Yeah 6, anyways one of them has been featured on this blog prior but never officially announced (Izald Garradet, was featured in the second wave and in an rp with @weareskald . Two others have been mentioned but nothing officially done with them, one of them may eventually be a part of the @we-are-nemeses circle. 
Should i make posts officially announcing these characters?
Should Izald Garradet become a second iconic for this blog?
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wearetreasurehunter · 8 years
Now answering any and all questions.
If you ever have had any questions for me I will be answering any ones you send for the next 10 hours. Anything goes. If you’d like some suggestions or ideas on what to ask about I have provided some categories at the end of this post. Anyways ask anything you’d like. 
>My plans for Bren: pertaining to RPs, story arcs, his eventual death, etc.
>The characters I have designed. Currently three have been introduced: Bren Oxton Talmid, Izald Garradet, Faraday from @i-am-ironclawed
>The world I have designed that my characters hail from.
>Me, the mun. Anything you may want to know about me.
>Games i have designed for fun.
>Anything pertaining to D&D or other Tabletop games (i have little knowledge here but i’ll do my best to answer them.)
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wearetreasurehunter · 8 years
Have a question for me?
I will now be answering any questions you send in (about any characters I have in development, myself, the collective, treasure hunting, anything really) to the best of my ability. I’ll be keeping this open till whatever time i go to bed tonight so around 10:00 PM Pacific Time. Anything goes, no limits or anything. Certain topics I may refrain from answering publicly and will let you know if that is the case with your question so you can send it again so i may answer it privately for you.
Current character list is the following:
Bren Oxton Talmid, Izald Garradet, Eric Baker, Farraday, Rowan Arthur, Harriet, Clarke Owens, Nadia, Kyric.
So yeah, please please please do this i’m so bored ask away. 
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