#Brian Tapia
akitoscorpio · 7 months
Dead of winter Pt 8
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Strolling around the base gave Axl time to talk about a conversation he and Bog had shortly after they left. Axl had Misgivings about becoming a "Lord" of some far off pseudo medieval faction on this rock Bog swiftly tried to sell him on the advantages of such an alliance.
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"Were going to need allies, were going to need the resources they can offer us, The Dominion is not some single planet faction, they are a splinter of a larger empire. They could be either a resource to get off this damn planet, or they can help you find the answers to the mystery of these damn parasites."
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Axl was told if he could fulfill requirement left for him by the Dominion, he could be promoted to a full Acolyte, which would give him further power at his disposal, but Axl was not a fool, he knew this would also result in a larger target being pained on his back as well.
He needed more men, not just mechs, Soldiers.
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Not that anyone needed motivation to attack them.
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Strike force Rho, was made from the remanants of the former Federation forces that were stationed on world before the Federation had collapsed in on itself.
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The defense force was ready for them
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The reapers were sent up first to engage at close range and to slow the invasion force if not outright cut them down. (edit I submited early at this point)
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The results spoke for themselves...
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One of them died screaming as his arm was cut from his body.
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The two fell with non fatal wounds, but the male's injuries would have little hope of recovery.
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The last of them standing held their own as they held off two of the reapers
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The fight was a losing one though.
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A stray shot destroyed her brian killing her.
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"We don't have the tools to save that one" Axl said "Grab the girl so we can interrogate her."
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"Wait this guys alive as well!" Bog shouted
"Then take him as well!" Axl shouted back
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As the battle winded down, the unconscious Pyke had woken up and introduced themselves as Tapia, they were more than welcome to stay with the colony for as long as they had wanted.
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Axl started to interrogate the two prisoners, most asking about the fall of the Federation. after employing some unusual statements to catch them off guard.
"Your both decedents of a Federation military force, why were you abandoned on this world?" Axl asked
The woman answered "The federation didn't abandon our ancestors on this world, the Federation ceased to exist, they lost the war against the Dominion"
"The Dominion of the Sun? How long ago was this?" Axl asked
"It was just the Dominion back then, and it's been, close to 250 years or so now" Lips said. "Do you really not know of this?"
"I'm just a researcher, I was sent to do research on the viability of Mechanoids on combat" Axl said smugly
"Well it looks like it worked then" Katie said
"Tell me what you know about the flesh monsters or the Parasites" Axl asked.
"We don't know much of anything about parasites, we only know that the flesh beats more or less rule the warmer parts of the world." Lips declared
"Do you know where they came from?" Axl asked
"No" Lips stated
"we'll talk again soon, use the tap to eat when your hungry" Axl said before leaving the room.
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peelintongue · 2 years
Juan Antonio Arroyo
Nacido en Machuelo Abajo, Ponce — como Albizu y Lavoe — Juan Antonio Arroyo Hernández es un músico, escritor y artista visual con sede en Santurce. A demás de ser bajista y miembro fundador de bandas esenciales de la escena de Puerto Rico, es multi-instrumentalista e ingeniero de sonido. Dentro de los 20 años de carrera musical, ha logrado producir cientas de canciones. Su proyecto como solista, Woebe Guns (2014, antes Astrolabio [2005-13]) presenta la mayor exposición de su trabajo en el cual toma rienda completa del proceso. En 2007 se forma Fantasmes, con quien ha llegado a ser conocido como bajista, tecladista y también como creador de varias piezas visuales utilizando collage, pasteles, acrílico y varios medios inusuales que fueron materia de portadas, pósters y otro material promocional. En 2011 se une a Eduardo Alegría para formar otra banda; Alegría Rampante. Aquí se ha desempeñado como bajista y arreglista. El más reciente sencillo de la banda, ‘Como en La Radio,’ el cual conocemos a través de un fascinante vídeo musical dirigido por el puertorriqueño Oswaldo Colón, fue producido, grabado y mezclado por Arroyo. No es la única instancia en donde ha trabajado con Colón; en 2015 hace su debut ‘Before the Mirror,’ sencillo de otra banda la cual fundó en el 2012, Los Manglers. Ese mismo año ejecuta la escena de introducción para el vídeo promocional de Fantasmes, ‘They Will,’ dirigido por Chris Gregory. El 2012 también coincide con la fundación de Casa Fantasmes, un estudio de grabación en Santurce que comenzó como el hogar de dicha agrupación y ha logrado convertirse en el hogar de varias otras bandas de Puerto Rico.  Fantasmes fue invitada dos veces a presentarse en el Austin Psych Fest, un festival en la ciudad de Austin donde compartieron escena con bandas como The Zombies, The Jesus and Mary Chain, el productor de Bob Marley y creador del DUB, Lee Scratch Perry y con Brian Wilson de los Beach Boys. Alegría Rampante se presentó en el Teatro Tapia en el 2016 y en el Centro de Bellas Artes en el 2022 con invitados como Gisela Macha Colón, Yarimir Mima Cabán, José Fofé Abreu, Andrea Cruz y muchxs otrxs. También se ha presentado en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo con bandas como Alegría Rampante y La Exitosa. En el 2018, Juan Antonio fue también recipiente de la beca y residencia La Práctica de Beta-Local y desarrolló el Estudio Nómada, un estudio de grabación portátil que logra facilitar la documentación de sonido durante tiempos de inestabilidad del servicio eléctrico pos huracán María. Este proyecto también constituye un portal web con material audio de uso libre. Entre su obra como ingeniero de sonido se encuentran las piezas  "El Negocio de la Muerte" [audio] y "Celaje" [restauración de audio] de Sofía Gallisá Muriente, "El Segundo Viaje" de Irene de Andrés y "Talegas de la Memoria" de Daniel Lind Ramos. En el 2020 filma y edita el vídeo promocional para ‘I Believe that Time Wounds All Heels’ de Woebe Guns. En estos momentos se encuentra trabajando una nueva producción.
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priokskfm · 5 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset House Saladcast 921 | Valerio Vaudano House Saladcast 921 | Valerio Vaudano Steamy Pizza Box / Bang It! Italy Obsessive groove with a touch of melody: that's the best way to define Valerio Vaudano's music. Dj since the early 2000s, he started very young to appreciate house music in its colors and numerous shapes, especially the underground side of it... Soon his experiences lead him to a much more electronic soul and his dj sets become broad representations of deep rhythm, with sonorities that tend to touch both warm deep house vibes and cold experimental sonorities such as minimal and techno. He has played in many clubs in the Northern part of Italy and Europe As producer he has released tracks for great labels such as Lapsus Music (Supernova's label), Say What? Recordings (Ramon Tapia's label), Krakatoa and Capital Heaven. His tracks have been played by electronic music icons as John Digweed, Laurent Garnier, The Black Madonna, Brian Tappert, Delano Smith (in a magic Boiler Room!) and Mousse T. , to name a few. In 2016 he started his side project #Platform: less melodies, more beats! Focused on raw-techno, #Platform is an alias, a label and a music laboratory at the same time: a place where experimenting new ideas without any kind of stress. Follow Valerio Vaudano: https://ift.tt/97afjUw https://ift.tt/6ekEgdj https://ift.tt/LkZJWoG House www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/hgfkPL5
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allelitewrestling1 · 11 months
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Taped: December 17, 2020 Aired: December 29, 2020
Jacksonville, FL - Daily’s Place
Commentary: Excalibur, Taz, Ricky Starks, Peter Avalon
-Rey Fenix d. Vary Morales
-Penelope Ford d. Lindsay Snow
-John Silver & Alex Reynolds d. Shawn Dean & Tyson Maddux
-Anna Jay d. Jazmin Allure
-Brian Cage, Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs d. Ryzin, Nick Comoroto, James Tapia
-Griff Garrison d. Fuego Del Sol
-Santana & Ortiz d. Terrence & Terrell Hughes
-Sammy Guevara d. Aaron Solow
-Chaos Project d. Ariel Levy & El Cuervo de Puerto Rico
-Leva Bates d. Madi Wrenkowski
-Matt Sydal d. Danny Limelight
-Tay Conti d. Vertvixen
-Billy, Austin & Colten Gunn d. Baron Black, Mike Verna & Royal Money
-Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian d. The Hybrid2
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gfrbs3w · 9 years
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mensaje 001 Gerardo Figueroa Rodriguez GFR Pueblo Nuevo manifesto (male voice) (01:13)
mensaje 002 Felipe Zúñiga Dr.800xl (00:53)
mensaje 003 Eduardo Yáñez Gozne (00:48)
mensaje 004 Alejandro Albornoz (00:59)
mensaje 005 Ricardo Tapia Seiten Wall (01:40)
mensaje 006 Ayoze García (00:43)
mensaje 007 Giancarlo Cavassa (00:17)
mensaje 008 Martín Castro MRTN-CSTR (00:07)
mensaje 009 Pablo Reche (00:09)
mensaje 010 Marcela Paz Undurraga (00.10)
mensaje 011 Lluvia Ácida Mártires del Trabajo a capella (00:59)
mensaje 012 Jaime Baeza (00:21)
mensaje 013 Carlos Francino (00:24)
mensaje 014 Sofía Santelices (00:53)
mensaje 015 Ryan Bodiford (00:27)
mensaje 016 Jorge Baradit Discurso de Salvador Allende ante la ONU (1972) (01:15)
mensaje 017 Claudio Pérez Usted No! (01:06)
mensaje 018 Felipe Cussen (00:10)
mensaje 019 Olivia Soto y Bojan Cosic (02:00)
mensaje 020 Máximo Campos (00:11)
mensaje 021 Jorge Castro Fisternni (00:58)
mensaje 022 Miguel Cáceres (01:05)
mensaje 023 Juan Pablo Cacciuttolo (01:12)
mensaje 024 Renzo Filinich (00:14)
mensaje 025 Alvar Lázaro Élansson (00:48)
mensaje 026 Ariel Sima y Diego Sima Farmacia (01:00)
mensaje 027 Bastián Ferrero (01:19)
mensaje 028 Vanessa Valencia (00:31)
mensaje 029 Javier Moraga (01:41)
mensaje 030 Iñigo Díaz (00:32)
mensaje 031 Héctor Aguilar Polar (00:26)
mensaje 032 Frank Benkho Are you ready for the Lord? (01:20)
mensaje 033 Rainer Krause (00:59)
mensaje 034 Felipe Otondo (00:56)
mensaje 035 Franco Colombo Reflection (00:10)
mensaje 036 Rafael y Antonia Cheuquelaf (01:08)
mensaje 037 Boris Fres (01:14)
mensaje 038 Karenn González La Monine y familia Virgen del Pilar (01:14)
mensaje 039 Danilo Valenzuela Dúo Campesino Electro Obrero (01:19)
mensaje 040 Pelife Ce Ejercicio para mover objetos (02:19)
mensaje 041 Franco Carrasco Franco I (01:10)
mensaje 042 Ivo Vidal Abuelita Chilota edit (00:58)
mensaje 043 José Ignacio López El Lazo Invisible (00:10)
mensaje 044 Daniel Nieto Danieto (01:40)
mensaje 045 Bárbara González Barrera (00:26)
mensaje 046 Aurélien Rotureau izOReL (00:27)
mensaje 047 Daniel Bustos (01:03)
mensaje 048 Roberto López Pinoleo (00:13)
mensaje 049 Álvaro Gallegos (00:27)
mensaje 050 Gerardo Figueroa Rodriguez GFR Pueblo Nuevo manifesto (female voice) (01:13)
mensaje 051 Lluvia Ácida Mártires del Trabajo a capella 2 (01.09)
mensaje 052 Brian Mackern la tierra gira entre las ondas con un estremecimiento de espanto (00:42)
mensaje 053 Marcia Espinosa Instrucciones para dibujar (por Yoko Ono) (00:18)
mensaje 054 Matías Díaz Tecnologías íntimas (00:10)
mensaje 055 Sam Nacht (01:00)
mensaje 056 Sebastián Ortiz 5ebuts (00:09)
mensaje 057 Oscar Barrientos (00:25)
mensaje 058 Miguel Conejeros F600 (01:34)
mensaje 059 Eduardo y Octavio Yáñez (00:38)
mensaje 060 Almudena Villar Ofelia Nieto 29 (00:53)
mensaje 061 Pablo Flores Namm/Aysen (01:06)
mensaje 062 Bryan Holmes (01:02)
mensaje 063 Sophia López Pinoleo (00:06)
mensaje 064 Marcelo Acosta Los Sabios Duendes Proyecto Daily loops 29-10-14 (00:42)
mensaje 065 Fabián Rubilar (00:55)
mensaje 066 Ricardo Morales Aarongivafk sah-nacion (01:02)
mensaje 067 Manuel Saavedra Urrutia (00:44)
mensaje 068 Carolina Peters y Felix Pino-Kovalenko (00:14)
mensaje 069 Felipe Baradit Baradit (00:41)
mensaje 070 Mika Martini Desde mi balcón (00:26)
mensaje 071 Luis Marte (00:28)
mensaje 072 Alisú, Jack Plug y Tomita (01:31)
mensaje 073 Juan Antonio Nieto Pangea* (00:48)
mensaje 074 Cristóbal Korenblit Blit (00:18)
mensaje 075 Freddy Musri (00:17)
mensaje 076 Francisco Pinto (00:39)
mensaje 077 Cristian Soto (00.15)
mensaje 078 Catalina Espinosa Kat (00:35)
mensaje 079 Hans Carstens (01:00)
mensaje 080 Iñaki Muñoz La Bella Violencia (00:25)
mensaje 081 Eliza Rizo Desafinado (00:15)
mensaje 082 Alberto Kurapel (00:45)
mensaje 083 Marcelo Acosta Los Sabios Duendes Proyecto Daily loops 30-10-14 (01:12)
mensaje 084 Ignacia Cavedo (00:06)
mensaje 085 Christian Delon Homenaje a Cristóbal Cornejo** (01:41)
mensaje 086 Miroir Fumant (00:52)
mensaje 087 Amanda Silva y Máximo Campos (00:28)
mensaje 088 Brad Brace Sweatheart (00:07)
mensaje 089 Mario Santelices (00:22)
mensaje 090 Rafael Casanova Sensorama 19-81 (00:25)
mensaje 091 Pablo Cornejo y Lucía Lynch (00:45)
mensaje 092 Jorge Loayza (00:27)
mensaje 093 Fábio A. AjaxFree Quem disse? (01:10)
mensaje 094 Juan Cristóbal Saavedra Equipo Joan y Violeta cumplen... (00:26)
mensaje 095 Mario Venegas ATC (00:32)
mensaje 096 Doriana Mendes (01:43)
mensaje 097 Felix Pino-Kovalenko (00:41)
mensaje 098 Víctor Larraguibel Materia Prima (01:40)
mensaje 099 Jorge Baradit Ultimo discurso de Salvador Allende  (1973)  (00:59)
mensaje 100 Jose Jünemann June or July (01:07)
* 1961-2022 ** - 2015
Todos los mensajes compuestos, realizados y grabados por sus respectivos autores.
Idea original, recopilación, producción y diseño por Mika Martini.
Ilustraciones de portada por Catalina “Kat” Espinosa Santelices.
El mundo es incognoscible. El cerebro, pasajero ciego encerrado tras paredes de calcio impenetrables, posee apenas tres o cuatro sensores pobres para tantear en la oscuridad lo que parece ocurrir allá afuera. El espectro sonoro que registra es mínimo, el luminoso lo es menos aún, ni hablar del táctil. La llamada realidad es la suma paupérrima de estas métricas, despojos y escombros de lo real. Cada escucha es un eco lejano, cada imagen una sombra pobre, cada textura y cada destello un reflejo de un reflejo de un reflejo de algo lejano que grita en el fondo de un pozo. La realidad son fragmentos, siempre son fragmentos, tres pedazos de vidrio de un vitreaux del que jamás conoceremos su totalidad. Somos ciegos en la Antártida conectados con una radio de onda corta, esperando que a través de la estática espesa nos llegue alguna noticia en la forma de saludo áspero, quebrado, tenue, lívido y así, sentados en nuestra pieza oscura, armamos un rompecabezas mal dibujado, de bordes rugosos, donde creemos ver la ilusión de una realidad atroz. No es el mito de la caverna, no es el despertar de Mr. Anderson, es peor, realmente la verdad está allá afuera, no en otro mundo, no en otra dimensión, está realmente ahí, a un centímetro de nuestra masa encefálica, pero inalcanzable ¿Qué temperatura hay realmente allá afuera? ¿Cómo suena realmente un tambor? Seríamos capaces de ver y escuchar sin volvernos locos?
Mientras tanto, actuamos por acumulación, juntamos fragmentos desesperadamente, la demencia de algunos poetas que juntan páginas y las pegan con bilis es un espectáculo triste del fracaso, de la pantomima de monos que se creen capaces de alcanzar un rescoldo de infinito. Pero en ese ejercicio se hace arte, el cadáver del héroe que se quema es arte, el resultado de una expedición como la de Pueblo Nuevo deja un dibujo en el territorio que se convierte en arte. Es la desesperación del que da manotazos en la oscuridad y acumula escombros buscando atinar con algo. Es la belleza del organismo que patalea en el fango mientras desarrolla antenas, palpando la maravilla e intuyendo dónde está la luz para seguirla con rabia, obsesivamente, son los exploradores de la mente, de la mente del futuro.
Jorge Baradit
“Di algo… Pueblo Nuevo 10° Aniversario”
Hay ocasiones en la vida que exigen momentos de reflexión; momentos para mirar hacia atrás y hacia adelante, recordar lo que se ha logrado y lo que queda todavía para hacer. Estas ocasiones vienen en diversas formas, como aniversarios, o hitos de cumplimiento, o en la forma de reuniones de amigos y compañeros de labores.
“Di algo… Pueblo Nuevo 10° Aniversario” representa una auspiciosa confluencia de los tres.
Celebrando 10 años de existencia de Pueblo Nuevo, al mismo tiempo conmemoran el lanzamiento número 100 de este sello distinguido! Además, esta producción reúne las voces de 100 artistas, amigos, simpatizantes y personas de todo Chile, América Latina y el mundo, cuyos saludos, alabanzas, reflexiones y esperanzas para el futuro, se mezclan como un coro singular en cacofónica y colaborativa comunión.
De hecho, como un acto de expresión colectiva, “Di algo… Pueblo Nuevo 10° Aniversario” refleja perfectamente el espíritu, la excentricidad y el alcance expansivo de esta comunidad y de la plataforma musical que honra. Considerados conjuntamente, estos variados mensajes, enviados desde cerca y lejos, reflejan el humor y la sinceridad, la ingenuidad y la anormalidad, la inmediatez y la abstracción, que han caracterizado la oferta musical de Pueblo Nuevo a través de todos estos años.
Y así, tal como algunos han ido y venido, Pueblo Nuevo resiste y permanece. Sigue prosperando, como su lema sugiere, en tanto en el sentido de comunidad que engendra, y como el lugar de encuentros virtuales alrededor de los que orbita esta comunidad y de donde brota. Esta colección es un testimonio alegre de ese tremendo éxito.
Felicitaciones y saludos a todos los que han contribuido a esta recopilación y a este viaje, y ojalá que los próximos 10 años sean tan gratificante como estos últimos. ¡Adelante no más!
J. Ryan Bodiford
(CC) BY-NC-SA 3.0     mp3     flac    
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awardseasonblog · 2 years
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Annunciate le nominations ai #WorldSoundtrackAwards: MIGLIOR COLONNA SONORA -Germaine Franco - Encanto (candidato agli Oscar 2022) -Jonny Greenwood - The Power of the Dog (candidato agli Oscar 2022), Spencer -Daniel Hart - The Green Knight, The Last Letter from Your Lover -Alberto Iglesias - Parallel Mothers (candidato agli Oscar 2022) -Daniel Pemberton - The Rescue, Being the Ricardos, The Bad Guys, Brian and Charles -Hans Zimmer - No Time to Die, The Survivor e Dune (Oscar 2022) MIGLIOR CANZONE ORIGINALE -"Blome Swete Lilie Flour" di Daniel Hart (The Green Knight ) -"Hold My Hand" di Bloodpop e Lady gaga (Top Gun: Maverick)  -"Just Look Up" di Nicholas Britell, Ariana Grande, Scott Mescudi e Taura Latrice Stinson (Don't Look Up) -"No Time to Die" di Billie Eilish e Finneas O'Connell (No Time to Die) (Oscar 2022) -" Non parliamo di Bruno" di Lin-Manuel Miranda (Encanto) -"Strange game" di Daniel Pemberton e Mick Jagger (dalla serie Slow Horses) è il primo brano in assoluto di una serie TV ad essere nominato per la migliore canzone originale ai WS Awards. MIGLIOR COMPOSITORE TELEVISIVO -Nicholas Britell - Succession (Season 3) Natalie Holt & John Williams - Obi-Wan Kenobi -Jung Jae-il - Squid Game -Hesham Nazih - Moon Knight -Theodore Shapiro - Severance -Cristobal Tapia de Veer - The White Lotus I vincitori saranno annunciati il 22 ottobre al Film Fest Ghent in Belgio #WSAwards #FFGent #AwardsSeason https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg4OyeUsLd6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soyuria · 2 years
4 takeaways as Red Sox allow franchise-record 28 runs in loss to Jays
4 takeaways as Red Sox allow franchise-record 28 runs in loss to Jays
Red Sox The Blue Jays had a grand slam inside the park and many other highlights. Raimel Tapia returns home safely for a grand slam inside the park. Brian Fluharty/Getty Images It was the kind of play you might see in a Little League game, or maybe a recreational softball game, but would never expect to see in a Major League game. A piece so shocking and stunning, you wouldn’t believe a friend…
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qsd23 · 2 years
4 Quick Takes Where The Red Sox Allows A 28-Time Loss Excellence Record To The Jays
4 Quick Takes Where The Red Sox Allows A 28-Time Loss Excellence Record To The Jays
red socks The Blue Jays have a major championship inside the park and many highlights. Raimel Tapia slides home safely to a Grand Slam inside the park. Brian Fluharty / Getty Images It was the kind of gameplay you might see in a Little League, or perhaps a recurring softball game, but never expected to see in a major league game. A play so shocking and amazing that you wouldn’t believe a…
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The 22nd Annual Bryan Awards - First Year Categories
Nominations Announced on July 18, 2022
Winners in these categories (except for New Series) will be announced on Sunday September 11, 2022.
New Series of the Year: Abbott Elementary (ABC) Beyond Salem (Peacock) Ghosts (CBS) Life & Beth (Hulu) Only Murders In The Building (Hulu) Schmigadoon! (Apple+) Severance (Apple+) The Sex Lives of College Girls (HBO Max) Squid Game (Netflix) Yellowjackets (Showtime)
Lead Actress in a New Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Quinta Brunson as Janine Teagues (ABC) LIFE & BETH - Amy Schumer as Beth (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Selena Gomez as Mabel Mora (Hulu) SEVERANCE - Britt Lower as Helly Riggs (Apple+) YELLOWJACKETS - Melanie Lynskey as Shauna Sadecki (Showtime) Lead Actor in a New Series: ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Steve Martin as Charles-Haden Savage (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Martin Short as Oliver Putnam (Hulu) SEVERANCE - Adam Scott as Mark Scout (Apple+) SQUID GAME - Lee Jung-jae as Seong Gi-hun (Netflix) WINNING GAME - John C. Reilly as Jerry Buss (HBO) Supporting Actress in a New Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Janelle Jones as Ava Coleman (ABC) ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Sheryl Lee Ralph as Barbara Howard (ABC) THE GILDED AGE - Christine Baranski as Agnes van Rhijn (HBO) SEVERANCE - Patricia Arquette as Harmony Cobel (Apple+) WINNING TIME - Sally Field as Jessie Buss (HBO) YELLOWJACKETS - Christina Ricci as Misty Quigley (Showtime) Supporting Actor in a New Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Tyler James Williams as Gregory Eddie (ABC) JULIA - David Hyde Pierce as Paul Child (HBO Max) LIFE & BETH - Michael Cera as John (Hulu) SEVERANCE - John Turturro as Irving Bailiff (Apple+) SEVERANCE - Christopher Walken as Burt Goodman (Apple+) SQUID GAME - Park Hae-soo as Cho Sang-woo (Netflix) Guest Performer in a New Series: AND JUST LIKE THAT - Willie Garson as Stanford Blatch (HBO Max) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Tina Fey as Cinda Canning (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Nathan Lane as Teddy Dimas (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Jane Lynch as Sazz Pataki (Hulu) SQUID GAME - Lee You-mi as Ji-yeong (Netflix) 
Writing in a New Series: Abbott Elementary (ABC) Beyond Salem (Peacock) Only Murders in the Building (Hulu) Severance (Apple TV+) Yellowjackets (Showtime) Directing in a New Series: Beyond Salem (Peacock) Only Murders in the Building (Hulu) Severance (Apple+) Squid Game (Netflix)
Yellowjackets (Showtime) Performance By a Cast in a New Series: Abbott Elementary (ABC) Beyond Salem (Peacock) Only Murders in the Building (Hulu) Severance (Apple+) The Sex Lives of College Girls (HBO Max) Winning Time (HBO) Theme Song of the Year: 1883 (Paramount Plus) - Brian Tyler, Composer The Gilded Age (HBO) - Harry & Rupert Gregson-Williams, Composers Loki (Disney+) - Natalie Holt, Composer Only Murders in the Building (Hulu) - Siddhartha Khosla, Composer Severance (Apple+) - Theodore Shapiro, Composer The White Lotus (HBO) - Cristobal Tapia deVeer, Composer
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quaxorascal · 7 years
Jazmine @asexualshepard kinda threw an open tag out into the world for this meme and now I wanna do it with my Elemental kids so!! Here we go!! (Under the cut for the inevitable length like jeezy creezy)
Bold what applies to your muse!
Calida Varley-Tapia
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Brian Tapia-Parker
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Naomi Jasmer
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Lucian Aysel
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Kerryn Aysel
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Io Latona-Haussman
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Õe Latona-Haussman
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Alexandar Peterson
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Camille LaRue
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
Sydney Hamazaki
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm
I tag @rooster-teeths, @sleepyspoonie, @sleepysak, @oceanicmarina, and anybody else who might wanna do this!!
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241 songs bangers for any occasion
1.MASTODON - Blood and Thunder 03:48 2.RED FANG - Wires 05:43 3.DYING FETUS - Second Skin 04:42 4.OBITUARY - Sentence Day 02:49 5.DEATH - Pull The Plug 04:26 6.AMORPHIS - Black Winter Day 03:50 7.MYRKUR - Leaves of Yggdrasil 04:00 8.NOTHING - Say Less 04:15 9.TORCHE - Admission 04:00 10.BARONESS - March to the Sea 03:11 11.THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN - 43% Burnt 04:31 12.PIG DESTROYER - Trojan Whore 01:34 13.NASUM - Scoop 02:21 14.NILE - Cast Down The Heretic 05:45 15.SUFFOCATION - Catatonia 03:55 16.INCANTATION - Entrails of the Hag Queen 04:33 17.NEUROSIS - Through Silver In Blood 12:11 18.HIGH ON FIRE - Blessed Black Wings 07:43 19.YOB - Ablaze 10:13 20.WINDHAND - Diablerie 05:20 21.MONOLORD - THE LAST LEAF 05:14 22.BONGZILLA - Amerijuanican 06:46 23.GATECREEPER - From The Ashes 03:59 24.EXHUMED - Ravenous Cadavers 01:49 25.FULL OF HELL - Burning Myrrh 02:12 26.INTEGRITY - Hymn, For The Children of the Black Flame 02:16 27.GISM - Endless Blockades For The Pussyfooter 03:46 28.CONTROL DENIED - Expect The Unexpected 07:16 29.NECROPHAGIST - Only Ash Remains 04:11 30.OBSCURA - The Anticosmic Overload 04:16 31.REVOCATION - The Grip Tightens 04:10 32.GRUESOME - A Waste of Life 06:00 33.ZOMBI - Breakthrough & Conquer 03:46 34.GENGHIS TRON - Board Up The House 05:54 35.SURVIVE - A.H.B. 04:25 36.THE ALBUM LEAF - Ambo 04:53 37.CEREMONY - Turn Away The Bad Thing 04:02 38.BORIS WITH MERZBOW - Away From You 07:35 39.ROYAL THUNDER - Parsonz Curse 06:57 40.KING WOMAN - Hierophant 07:59 41.CLOAKROOM - Seedless Star 07:37 42.AUTHOR & PUNISHER - The Speaker Is Systematically Broken 04:14 43.DISFEAR - Deadweight 02:52 44.IRON REAGAN - A Dying World 02:24 45.TOXIC HOLOCAUST - Nuke The Cross 02:47 46.CANDY - Super-Stare 04:01 47.RINGWORM - Death Becomes My Voice 05:19 48.INTER ARMA - Citadel 06:40 49.PRIMITIVE MAN - Menacing 08:00 50.UNEARTHLY TRANCE - Famine 06:14 51.LYCUS - Solar Chamber 10:41 52.DEVOURMENT - Cognitive Sedation Butchery 04:53 53.SKINLESS - The Optimist 05:42 54.DEVIL MASTER - Black Flame Candle 02:46 55.OUTER HEAVEN - Bloodspire 04:15 56.GENOCIDE PACT - Conquered and Disposed 04:37 57.COFFINS - Hour of Execution 04:55 58.MAMMOTH GRINDER - Superior Firepower 02:38 59.LIVING GATE - Heaven Ablaze 03:35 60.REPULSION - Maggots In Your Coffin 01:45 61.AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED - Agorapocalypse Now 02:25 62.MISERY INDEX - Fed To The Wolves 03:47 63.MORTICIAN - Rabid 02:01 64.BRUTAL TRUTH - Sugardaddy 02:36 65.HUMAN REMAINS - Rote 03:31 66.-(16)- - Me and the Dog Die Together 03:05 67.ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY - Motor-Ready 04:21 68.ASG - Avalanche 04:17 69.CEPHALIC CARNAGE - Endless Cycle Of Violence 04:14 70.CHERUBS - Sooey Pig 04:44 71.COUGH - Haunter of the Dark 07:50 72.CRIPPLE BASTARDS - Non Coinvolto 02:04 73.DISEMBOWELMENT - Your Prophetic Throne Of Ivory 07:40 74.EX EYE - Opposition/Perihelion; The Coil 12:29 75.GADGET - Pillars Of Filth 01:20 76.GRAVES AT SEA - The Curse That Is 11:14 77.HAEMORRHAGE - WE ARE THE GORE 02:15 78.HORSEBACK - Mithras 05:04 79.ILSA - SHIBBOLETH 02:39 80.INDIAN - The Impetus Bleeds 06:40 81.INVERLOCH - Distance Collapsed (In Rubble) 08:39 82.IRON MONKEY - Crown of Electrodes 04:21 83.JOHN FRUM - Presage of Emptiness 04:47 84.LOCRIAN - Arc of Extinction 07:16 85.MARUTA - Hope Smasher 02:19 86.MIRACLE - Light Mind 04:49 87.THE OBSESSED - Sodden Jackal 04:23 88.PINKISH BLACK - Concept Unification 05:13 89.PUBLICIST UK - Slow Dancing To This Bitter Earth 03:36 90.RWAKE - Leviticus 07:17 91.SUMERLANDS - The Seventh Seal 03:46 92.TERMINAL BLISS - Clean Bill of Wealth 00:51 93.TRAPPIST - Victims Of A Bomber Raid 01:38 94.TRUE WIDOW - Four Teeth 06:16 95.WEEKEND NACHOS - Jock Powerviolence 01:23 96.WRONG - Culminate 02:33 97.USNEA - Lathe of Heaven 09:44 98.VICTIMS - The Horse And Sparrow Theory 03:41 99.ZEKE - Two Lane Blacktop 01:37 100.ZONAL - System Error -ft. Moor Mother 04:06 101.ARCADEA - Infinite End 03:28 102.BLACK SALVATION - In A Casket's Ride 07:03 103.BRAIN TENTACLES - Fruitcake 02:35 104.ABSCESS - Naked Freak Show 01:15 105.ABYSMAL DAWN - Inanimate 04:15 106.AGENDA OF SWINE - Gethsemane 01:08 107.ANAL CUNT - Radio Hit 01:11 108.ANATOMY OF HABIT - Radiate and Recede 20:11 109.ANTIGAMA - Pursuit 01:16 110.ATRIARCH - Entropy 05:53 111.BEDEMON - Child Of Darkness 04:12 112.BENUMB - Once And Never Again 01:00 113.BIRDS OF PREY - Hustling the Coroner To Overlook the Strychnine 03:27 114.BLACK ANVIL - May Her Wrath Be Just 04:25 115.BLACK TUSK - Bring Me Darkness 03:05 116.BLOOD DUSTER - Porn Store Stiffi 01:33 117.BLOODIEST - BROKEN TEETH 07:31 118.BRIAN POSEHN - Cuddling 03:55 119.BROUGHTON'S RULES - Reversers 03:50 120.BURIED INSIDE - IV 06:07 121.BURNT BY THE SUN - Soundtrack To The Worst Movie Ever 02:32 122.BURST - Where The Wave Broke 03:36 123.BUZZOVEN - Mainline 05:30 124.CALL OF THE VOID - Bottom Feeder 01:42 125.CAR BOMB - Gum Under The Table 03:27 126.CHRIS CONNELLY - Wait For Amateur 02:05 127.CIRCLE OF ANIMALS - No Faith 04:21 128.CHRISTIAN MISTRESS - Over & Over 02:41 129.COALESCE - Have Patience 03:11 130.COLDWORKER - The Interloper 02:38 131.COLISEUM - Defeater 02:01 132.COLUMNS - Mudfucker 01:18 133.CRETIN - Ghost of Teeth and Hair 03:54 134.CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER - Lowlife 02:32 135.CULTED - BROODING HEX 19:13 136.DAVIE ALLAN - Buzz Saw Effect 02:36 137.DAYLIGHT DIES - Four Corners 08:11 138.DEAD WORLD - The Machine 08:06 139.DEATH BREATH - Death Breath 02:55 140.DEKAPITATOR - The Storm Before the Calm 06:39 141.DISRUPT - Domestic Prison 02:00 142.DON CABALLERO - Railroad Cancellation 05:16 143.DUKATALON - ZX 06:23 144.DYSRHYTHMIA - Appeared at First 03:06 145.EAST WEST BLAST TEST - Magnetic Field 00:51 146.ECSTATIC VISION - Don't Kill The Vibe 05:00 147.EMBALMER - There Was Blood Everywhere 01:51 148.ENEMY SOIL - Sentencing 01:39 149.EXIT-13 - When I Get Low, I Get High 02:36 150.EXPULSION - Altar of Slaughter 01:43 151.FACEDOWNINSHIT - NPON 04:19 152.FATHER BEFOULED - Sacrilegious Defilement of Deranged Salvation 03:20 153.FLESH PARADE - Backstabber 01:14 154.FUCK THE FACTS - The Wrecking 04:39 155.GENERAL SURGERY - Slithering Maceration Of Ulcerous Facial Tissue 01:11 156.GENOCIDE SUPERSTARS - Hatestomp 03:08 157.GOD MACABRE - Lost 04:01 158.GOBLIN REBIRTH - Requiem for X 04:16 159.GRAVES OF VALOR - Suffocation of the Last King 03:45 160.HAIL! HORNET - Beast Of Bourbon 03:11 161.HARVEY MILK - The Anvil Will Fall 07:34 162.HALO - Buried In Light 04:37 163.HEMDALE - Delicious Gory Fun 01:11 164.HERO DESTROYED - That's An Axe 03:27 165.HOODED MENACE - Elysium Of Dripping Death 11:33 166.HOPE DRONE - Riverbeds Hewn in Marrow 10:39 167.HOWL - Horns Of Steel 03:26 168.HUMAN REMAINS - Weeding Out The Thorns 02:37 169.INEVITABLE END - The Severed Inception 04:04 170.JOEL GRIND - The Invisible Landscape 02:12 171.JUCIFER - Blackpowder 02:16 172.KARABOUDJAN - Den Svarta Ön 07:32 173.KILL THE CLIENT - Vicious Slaughter 01:06 174.KINGDOM OF SORROW - Enlightened To Extinction 03:47 175.KRIEG - CIRCLE OF GUILT 05:20 176.LENG TCH'E - The Fist of the Leng Tch'e 01:50 177.LIBERTEER - Build No System 01:34 178.LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER - Tapias De Cementerio 02:07 179.LORD DYING - POISONED ALTARS 03:47 180.LULL - Moment 1 01:08 181.MAGRUDERGRIND - Sacrificial Hire 01:32 182.MAN MUST DIE - Kill It Skin It Wear It 04:18 183.MANTAS - Evil Dead (Death By Metal Demo) 03:22 184.MERZBOW - Woodpecker No. 1 06:43 185.MINDROT - Anguish 07:11 186.MINSK - Within And Without 07:57 187.MORGION - The Serpentine Scrolls 10:33 188.MORTA SKULD - Sacrificial Rite 03:26 189.MOSE GIGANTICUS - The Left Path 04:13 190.MUMAKIL - Brothers in Slavery 01:20 191.MURDER CONSTRUCT - Compelled by Mediocrity 02:44 192.N2K2 - Mourning 03:54 193.NOISEAR - Inevitable Extinction 01:00 194.NUM SKULL - Ritually Abused 04:27 195.NUX VOMICA - Sanity Is For The Passive 12:40 196.OBLITERATION - Goat Skull Crown 04:40 197.OPPROBRIUM - Voices From The Grave 03:23 198.ORIGIN - Finite 03:08 199.PAN.THY.MONIUM - The Battle Of Geeheeb 11:55 200.PENTAGRAM - Forever My Queen 02:25 201.PHOBIA - Rehashed 01:05 202.POISON BLOOD - The Scourge and the Gestalt 03:40 203.PRIMATE - Draw Back A Stump 01:26 204.PUTRID PILE - The Satisfying Dead 02:50 205.PYRRHON - Balkanized 04:46 206.RABBITS - A Tale Of Tales 04:44 207.RAZOR - Hypertension 03:19 208.REGURGITATE - Putrid Serenity 01:44 209.ROTTEN SOUND - Superior 01:28 210.RUMPELSTILTSKIN GRINDER - Grab a Shovel (We've Got Bodies to Bury) 04:51 211.SATAN'S SATYRS - Succubus 03:40 212.SAYYADINA - Their Control 01:04 213.SCOTT HULL - Il funerale di Bonnie 03:47 214.SACRILEGE - Shadow From Mordor 04:50 215.SERPENTINE PATH - Essence Of Heresy 03:47 216.SOILENT GREEN - It Was Just An Accident 04:12 217.SPAWN OF POSSESSION - Apparition 08:24 218.STEVE MOORE - It's Complicated 02:41 219.SUBARACHNOID SPACE - A 09:16 220.TERMINAL SOUND SYSTEM - Silt 06:43 221.THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS - Morgagnic Anatomics 04:14 222.THE END - Throwing Stones 03:29 223.THE GREAT TYRANT - Closing In 07:42 224.THE HIGH CONFESSIONS - Chlorine And Crystal 09:35 225.TITAN - Wooded Altar Beyond The Wander 08:00 226.TOMBS - Merrimack 03:56 227.TRIAL OF THE BOW - Father of the Flower 04:07 228.TRIBES OF NEUROT - Primordial Uncarved Block 06:24 229.ULCERATE - ABROGATION 05:50 230.ULTRAMANTIS BLACK - Prescription Culture 01:04 231.UNKIND - Vihan Lapset 02:45 232.UPHILL BATTLE - Ripped Off Face 03:29 233.VVEREVVOLF GREHV - Audio Processor 04:45 234.VIDNA OBMANA - The Insane Brightness 05:33 235.VIRAL LOAD - Methlab Machete Massacre 03:07 236.VOIVOD - God Phones 05:07 237.WEAPON - Vanguard Of The Morning Star 04:19 238.WOLVSERPENT - Within the Light of Fire 16:24 239.BASTARD NOISE, SICKNESS - Death's Door 16:09 240.PSYWARFARE - Au Regal Des Voraces 20:02 241.THE SOUL REBELLION ORCHESTRA - DOLEMITE 03:01
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thecrownnet · 3 years
See the main list of BAFTA TV award winners below
Leading Actress Michaela Coel, I May Destroy You – WINNER Letitia Wright, Small Axe Billie Piper, I Hate Suzie Daisy Edgar-Jones, Normal People Hayley Squires, Adult Material Jodie Comer, Killing Eve
Leading Actor Paul Mescal, Normal People – WINNER John Boyega, Small Axe Josh O’Connor, The Crown Paapa Essiedu, I May Destroy You Shaun Parkes, Small Axe Waleed Zuaiter, Baghdad Central
Drama Series Save Me Too – WINNER Gangs Of London I Hate Suzie The Crown
Single Drama Sitting In Limbo – WINNER Anthony Bbw (On The Edge) The Windermere Children
Comedy Entertainment Programme The Big Narstie Show – WINNER Charlie Brooker’s Antiviral Wipe Rob & Romesh Vs The Ranganation Production
Live Event Springwatch 2020 – WINNER Life Drawing Live! The Royal British Legion Festival Of Remembrance The Third Day: Autumn
Virgin Media’s Must-See Moment (as voted for by the public): Britain’s Got Talent: Diversity perform a routine inspired by the events of 2020 – WINNER Bridgerton: Penelope is revealed as Lady Whistledown EastEnders: Gary kills Chantelle Gogglebox: Reactions to Boris Johnson’s press conference Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat: Mee-cro-wah-vay The Mandalorian: Luke Skywalker arrives
Mini-Series I May Destroy You – WINNER Adult Material Normal People Small Axe
Reality & Constructed Factual The School That Tried To End Racism – WINNER Masterchef: The Professionals Race Across The World The Write Offs
Female Performance In A Comedy Programme Aimee Lou Wood, Sex Education – WINNER Daisy Haggard, Breeders Daisy May Cooper, This Country Emma Mackey Sex Education Gbemisola Ikumelo, Famalam Mae Martin, Feel Good Male Performance In A Comedy Programme Charlie Cooper, This Country – WINNER Guz Khan, Man Like Mobeen Joseph Gilgun, Brassic Ncuti Gatwa, Sex Education Paul Ritter, Friday Night Dinner Reece Shearsmith, Inside No.9
Supporting Actor Malachi Kirby, Small Axe – WINNER Kunal Nayyar, Criminal: UK Michael Sheen, Quiz Micheal Ward, Small Axe Rupert Everett, Adult Material Tobias Menzies, The Crown
Supporting Actress Rakie Ayola, Anthony – WINNER Helena Bonham Carter, The Crown Leila Farzad, I Hate Suzie Siena Kelly, Adult Material Sophie Okonedo, Criminal: Uk Weruche Opia, I May Destroy You
Scripted Comedy Inside No. 9 – WINNER Ghosts Man Like Mobeen This Country
International Welcome To Chechnya: The Gay Purge (Storyville) – WINNER Little America Lovecraft Country Unorthodox
Single Documentary Locked In: Breaking The Silence (Storyville) – WINNER American Murder: The Family Next Door Anton Ferdinand: Football, Racism & Me Surviving Covid
BAFTA TV Craft Awards (ceremony held May 24)
Emerging Talent: Fiction Georgi Banks-Davies (Director), I Hate Suzie – WINNER Harry Tulley (Dubbing Mixer), Anthony Stephen S. Thompson (Writer), Sitting in Limbo William Stefan Smith (Director), On the Edge: BBW
Emerging Talent: Factual Marian Mohamed (Director) Defending Digga D – WINNER Ashley Francis-Roy (Shooting Producer/Director) Damilola: The Boy Next Door& The Real Eastenders Jessica Kelly (Director) The Schools that Chain Boys & Silicon Valley’s Online Slave Market Kandise Abiola (Producer) Terms & Conditions: A UK Drill Story
Costume Design Jacqueline Durran, Small Axe – WINNER Rosa Dias, Sex Education James Keast, Belgravia Amy Roberts, The Crown
Director: Factual Teresa Griffiths, Lee Miller – A Life on the Front Line – WINNER Xavier Alford, Locked in: Breaking the Silence (Storyville) James Bluemel, Once Upon a Time in Iraq Deeyah Khan, America’s War on Abortion (Exposure)
Director: Fiction Michaela Coel, Sam Miller, I May Destroy You – WINNER Lenny Abrahamson, Normal People Benjamin Caron, The Crown (episode 3) Steve McQueen, Small Axe
Editing: Fiction Editing Team, I May Destroy You – WINNER Chris Dickens, Steve McQueen, Small Axe Nathan Nugent, Normal People (episode 5) Pia Di Ciaula, Quiz
Make Up & Hair Design Jojo Williams, Small Axe – WINNER Bethany Swan, I May Destroy You Cate Hall, The Crown Louise Coles, Sarah Nuth, Lorraine Glynn, Erin Ayanian, The Great
Original Music Harry Escott, Roadkill – WINNER Cristobal Tapia De Veer, The Third Day (Episode 3) Scott Salinas, Baghdad Central Martin Phipps, The Crown
Photography & Lighting Shabier Kirchner, Small Axe – WINNER Ed Rutherford, Little Birds Rob Hardy, Devs Suzie Lavelle, Normal People
Production Design Helen Scott, Small Axe – WINNER Joel Collins, His Dark Materials Matt Gant, Megan Bosaw, Gangs Of London Samantha Harley, Alexandra Slade, Sex Education
Scripted Casting Gary Davy, Small Axe – WINNER Kate Rhodes James, Baghdad Central Lauren Evans, Sex Education Shaheen Baig, The Third Day
Sound: Fiction Jon Thomas, Gareth Bull, James Ridgway, Dillon Bennett, Eilam Hoffman, His Dark Materials (Episode 7) – WINNER Niall O’sullivan, Steve Fanagan, Niall Brady, Normal People Paul Cotterell, James Harrison, Ronald Bailey, Small Axe Sound Team, The Crown
Special, Visual & Graphic Effects Russell Dodgson, James Whitlam, Jean-Clement Soret, Robert Harrington, Dan May, Brian Fisher, His Dark Materials – WINNER Ben Turner, Reece Ewing, Chris Reynolds, Asa Shoul, Framestore, Untold Studios, The Crown Michael Illingworth, Oliver Milburn, Danny Hargreaves, Oliver Ogneux, Laura Usaite, Pedrom Dadgostar, War Of The Worlds Milk Visual Effects, Dneg Tv, Freefolk, Goodbye Kansas Studios, Greg Fisher, Dave Houghton, Cursed
Writer: Comedy Sophie Willan, Alma’s Not Normal – WINNER Charlie Brooker, Charlie Brooker’s Antiviral Wipe Daisy May Cooper, Charlie Cooper, This Country Writing Team, Ghosts
Writer: Drama Michaela Coel, I May Destroy You – WINNER Alastair Siddons, Steve Mcqueen, Small Axe Lucy Kirkwood, Adult Material Lucy Prebble, I Hate Suzie
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It’s time for the Bl-AFTAs, the BAFTAs if it were just for Black Mirror:
Best Supporting Actor:
·        Douglas Hodge – Black Museum
·        Jesse Plemons – USS Callister
·        Jimi Simpson – USS Callister
·        Michael Smiley – White Bear
·        Topher Grace – Smithereens
Best Supporting Actress:
·        Alexandra Roach – Black Museum
·        Lindsay Duncan – The National Anthem
·        Madeline Brewer – Men Against Fire
·        Michaela Cole – USS Callister
·        Pom Klementieff – Striking Vipers
Best Lead Actor:
·        Alex Lawther – Shut Up & Dance
·        Andrew Scott – Smithereens
·        Anthony Mackie – Striking Vipers
·        Daniel Kaluuya – Fifteen Million Merits
·        Wyatt Russell – Playtest
Best Lead Actress:
·        Andrea Riseborough – Crocodile
·        Bryce Dallas Howard – Nosedive
·        Cristin Milioti – USS Callister
·        Gugu Mbatha Raw – San Junipero
·        Mackenzie Davis – San Junipero
Best Director:
·        Brian Welsh – The Entire History Of You
·        Dan Trachtenberg – Playtest
·        David Slade – Metalhead
·        John Hillcoat – Crocodile
Best Visuals & Production Design:
·        Arkangel
·        Fifteen Milllion Merits
·        Nosedive
·        San Junipero
·        USS Callister
Best Original Score:
·        Alex Somers – Hang The DJ
·        Clint Mansell – San Junipero
·        Cristobal Tapia De Veer – Black Museum
·        Martin Phipps – Hated In The Nation
·       Max Richter - Nosedive
·        Vince Pope – Be Right Back
Best Teleplay:
·        Black Museum – Charlie Brooker
·        Hated In The Nation – Charlie Brooker
·        The National Anthem – Charlie Brooker
·        Nosedive – Rashida Jones & Mike Schur
·        USS Callister – William Bridges & Charlie Brooker
Best Scene:
·        Bing on the treadmill – Fifteen Million Merits
·        Final attack – Hated Into The Nation
·        Kenny’s arrest– Shut Up And Dance
·        Lacie in jail – Nosedive
·        The teddy bear - Metalhead
And the best needle drop:
·        Anyone Who Knows What Love Is – Fifteen Million Merits
·        Bugsy Malone – Crocodile
·        Exit Music (For A Film) – Shut Up And Dance
·        Head Like A Hole – Rachel, Jack & Ashley Too
·        Heaven Is A Place On Earth – San Junipero
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
Diaspro Profile
Name: Diaspro Fantine Hyndon Tapia
Age: 16
Gender: Female (she/her)
Birthday: May 3
Sexuality: Homosexual Polyamorous
Magic: Earth
Astrological Sign: Satyr 
Status: Noble
Occupation: Student
Affiliation: Tapia Family of Eraklyon, Alfea College for Fairies 
Planet of Origin: Eraklyon
Hobbies: Shopping, reading, fencing, drawing, browsing the internet
Family: Alexandra Colette Clementine Tapia (Mother), Royce Stern Talon Tapia (Father), Allegra Jillian Dorothea Tapia (Oldest sister), Benjamin Charles Francis Tapia (Older brother), Cecily Diana Elizabeth Tapia (Older sister), Edward Brian Ernest Tapia (Younger brother), Fiora Marcia Vanessa Tapia (Younger sister), Gene Henry Isaac Tapia (Youngest brother)
Position in Team: Coordinator
Pixie: Livy, Pixie of Messages 
Likes: Shiny objects, elaborate designs, architecture, siblings, warm weather
Dislikes: Getting hands dirty, cold weather, parents, responsibility, arguments
Appearance: Diaspro stands at 5’7”, though she’s often taller thanks to the heels she frequently wears. She has pale blonde hair that falls in tight curls down her back and reaches her hips. Her eyes are a warm mix of orange and brown. Her skin is lightly tanned. If she lived on Earth, she would have been born as half Latina and half white, and her skin tone shows such. Diaspro has what some might assume to be a perfect figure, but she has never found it to be good enough due to the nagging of her parents. Her hips are defined, but she doesn’t have much of a chest, which is her greatest insecurity regarding her body. After growing up with the expectation of perfection, Diaspro grew to hate her body’s flaws since she feared she wasn’t good enough. She often wears loose clothing to hide her true appearance when she’s given the option to do so. However, she is often unable to decide on what she wishes to wear without outside influence, meaning she frequently wears tight, lengthy dresses to show off her figure against her will. Diaspro’s favorite colors are all warm, ranging from red to orange, yellow, and pink. She wears cream as an accent color. 
Personality: Diaspro initially comes off as a self-centered young woman who cares little for others. However, such couldn’t be further from the truth, and she only puts up this mask as a way of hiding her true self. Diaspro was pushed to fit a given mold from a young age, making her into a talented actress and increasing her ability to hide her true feelings. Behind the facade, Diaspro is a sweet person who longs to see others reach their full potential. She is selfless when it comes to those she cares about and would do anything to see them happy. She tends to be a bit sarcastic at times, using it as both a defense mechanism and a way of breaking the ice around new people she doesn’t know as well. Diaspro struggles greatly with her self-image, always thinking about what others imagine her to be. She tends to push herself too far to be liked by everyone at times, which can exhaust her emotionally and physically. She can obsess sometimes over small mistakes due to her wish to be perfect, putting her in an unhealthy box of self-hatred in her pursuit of perfection. She wants to be the person her parents raised her to be, but she never seems to be good enough for them or her own expectations, making her self-esteem low. However, Diaspro hides all of this behind the mask of a quiet girl who can easily fit any situation to her needs. She’s resourceful and smart despite the facade she puts up. After years of hearing that she was only valuable for who she could be rather than she was, Diaspro grew lonely. She is desperate for companionship and can get rather clingy when it comes to people who treat her well. She grows defensive when it comes to those she cares about, meaning she can easily be manipulated by bad influences if they are nice enough to her. She has a manipulative side, something her parents taught to her, but she refuses to use it unless she believes the situation requires it. Overall, Diaspro is a kind young woman who longs to make friends despite her struggles with perfectionism and low self-esteem.
Background: Diaspro was born as the fourth child and third daughter of Alexandra and Royce Tapia, two nobles of Eraklyon. She had immense expectations on her head from the moment of her birth, as even if she wasn’t meant to inherit the family’s territory and power, all children of the Tapia line are expected to make a name for themselves. Soon after Diaspro was born, her parents decided what that name was going to be, and they set her up to marry the future king of Eraklyon, Sky. Diaspro hated this idea despite getting along well enough with Sky. While they were friends, he had little interest in her, and she had little interest in men as a whole. Even so, she acted as if she enjoyed it to make her parents happy, as she hated the idea of hurting them for her own ‘selfish’ desires. Alexandra and Royce shaped Diaspro into being a perfect noble alongside the rest of her siblings. They firmly told her who she was going to be, leaving little room for input from Diaspro herself. While her parents’ rule was oppressive, she still found joy in her siblings and the time she got alone. She began to sneak out to find out more about the greater world, realizing that she wanted to be a fairy along the way. Of course, Diaspro kept her training secret, only ever vocalizing her interest in the ‘noble sport’ of fencing when she got older. Diaspro grew closer with Sky and Brandon over time, as Sky had similar aspirations of a different life like Diaspro did and Brandon was simply kind to her. Sky and Diaspro encouraged one another every step of the way when their parents refused to do so, fostering a strong bond between them that only grew with time. However, despite their attempts to support each other, it wasn’t enough to keep Diaspro from suffering under her parents’ ideals. She was pushed to be perfect always, forced to engage in diets when she became ‘too heavy’. Diaspro grew to hate her body and all its imperfections over the years, though she longed to love herself despite her parents’ actions. When she hit fourteen years of age, Diaspro made a promise to herself to rebel against what her parents wanted for her. She did her best to love her body regardless of its flaws and accepted her sexuality. She became much more free internally, but she had to hide such behind her mask of indifference as her parents had instructed. Diaspro was much more free with Sky, and she was the one to give him the final push to enroll in Red Fountain despite his father’s concerns. He was unsure about leaving her behind, but she was happy to see him off. After Sky left, Diaspro made her own plans for a new future with her siblings, who all wanted to see unique paths. She wound up finding her new future when the Red Fountain festival happened, when she managed to convince her parents to let her enroll at Alfea in the year to come. 
Other: Diaspro enjoys designing her own clothes every once in a while, but she’s too flustered to share her ideas with anyone. She has a particular interest in architecture and antiques as well, and she has countless books on both subjects. Diaspro has bought countless antiques to restore them to their former glory, leaving her room cluttered with knicknacks. She’s a bit of a bookworm as well and reads a lot more than one might expect by just looking at her. Diaspro enjoys fencing and is perhaps the best out of the girls when it comes to swordplay.
Position in Team:
Diaspro has talent in a little bit of everything, particularly diplomacy and tactics. She is able to act as a secondary tactician when need be, coordinating everything perfectly when such is required. She’s also strong with talking out situations due to her parents’ affinity for politics passing onto her. She can subtly manipulate a situation to fit her whims when she finds it necessary, but she does her best to hide such. Diaspro acts as the middle ground between many fields and can fit any role needed.
Bloom: Diaspro and Bloom’s relationship didn’t exactly start well, as they were both incredibly upset with the truth about Sky. However, that changed over time, and they began to put aside their differences upon realizing they were much more similar than they initially realized. Diaspro often helps Bloom to get out her pent-up rage at the world while Bloom shows Diaspro how to stop hiding her true self. While both still have issues, they are helping each other through them slowly.
Stella: Contrary to popular belief, Diaspro and Stella have a rather positive relationship. At first, they weren’t sure of how to approach each other, but they did become close over time, finding common ground in fashion. They became close due to not only fashion but also self-confidence issues of the past. They eternally cheer each other on and are happy to help one another through dark times. Their personalities are similar and mesh incredibly well, making for a positive relationship.
Flora: Flora was the first one to reach out to Diaspro when the latter was looking for a place to belong. Diaspro welcomed Flora’s kindness and grew to care about her over time. Diaspro wasn’t sure of how to approach Flora in the beginning, but when she realized Flora only wanted to help her become a better person and make friends, Diaspro began to trust her. Flora helped Diaspro to realize and openly declare that she deserved better than what life was giving her, greatly boosting Diaspro’s confidence.
Musa: Musa and Diaspro can both be somewhat confrontational due to the horrible way the universe has treated them over the years, but they are both steadily improving thanks to the other. Musa showed Diaspro how to relax and do things for herself instead of others. Diaspro grew to be incredibly authentic with Musa, something none of the girls could have expected. Musa also found out that Diaspro loved classical music, allowing them to grow closer over that.
Tecna: Diaspro and Tecna didn’t talk much at first, though they did grow closer over time. Diaspro encouraged Tecna to open up about her feelings after she had been part of the group for a while. It took a lot of work to finally get Tecna to embrace the emotional after years of hiding her true self, but Diaspro managed to get it done. Even if they don’t interact much, when they do, it’s often a meaningful conversation about how they are both steadily improving themselves emotionally.
Aisha: Diaspro and Aisha have similar backgrounds due to suppressive parents and arranged marriages, allowing them to connect easily after they met. Diaspro was incredibly outspoken and angry about Aisha’s arranged marriage and did everything in her power to prevent it. After Aisha’s marriage was called off, Diaspro remained close with her, always pursuing the ability to show their true selves against the world. Diaspro also acts as a source of comfort for Aisha when the latter gets upset about Anne near the anniversary of her death.
Roxy: Diaspro struggled most with reaching out to Roxy when the latter began to think about joining the group. Diaspro was far from sure about how to approach Roxy, but after a while, she figured out how to talk to her. Roxy’s exploration of sexuality was something Diaspro could sympathize with after doing the same in her younger years. Diaspro became a voice of comfort for Roxy when she felt like she didn’t fit in, and Diaspro encouraged her not to make the same mistakes she did once upon a time.
Sky: Sky and Diaspro hold a very close relationship after growing up together. While neither is interested romantically in the other, they care a lot for each other and will stick together through thick and thin. Sky and Diaspro openly encourage one another’s romantic endeavors and tell the other to find happiness wherever it may be. While both were unsure of if putting the other in danger was alright, they became more trusting of each other after a while and relied on one another greatly in battle.
Brandon: Diaspro isn’t as close with Brandon as she is with Sky, but she still gets along with him. Brandon and Diaspro have similar snarky senses of humor. They can both get flirtatious casually with others they know, and they can have competitions over their somewhat flirty natures when they feel like it. They also team up to tell embarrassing stories about Sky from when they were kids, joking about how they enjoy to see the prim and proper prince get flustered.
Riven: To put it simply, Diaspro does not get along with Riven. She doesn’t like his spiteful way of behaving simply because it reminds her of the person her parents tried to groom her into. Diaspro tends to tell Riven to be better in a very snarky way, which can cause Riven to get confrontational. In most instances, Diaspro simply isn’t in the mood to deal with him and his attitude, and she leaves him alone since she knows talking to him isn’t worth getting upset over.
Timmy: Diaspro admires Timmy for how open he is about his authentic self regardless of what other people think of him. Even if he’s far from being popular, he still proudly shows who he is, something Diaspro wishes she had the guts to do when she was growing up. Timmy picks up on the subtle differences of Diaspro growing to accept herself more and tells her how proud he is of her in private, something that makes Diaspro much happier than one might originally expect. 
Helia: Diaspro and Helia don’t talk much due to the latter’s introverted nature. They don’t go out of their way to talk to each other, instead mostly interacting in a group setting. Diaspro does talk to him every once in a while about his art and poetry, finding such subjects to be incredibly intriguing. They don’t hate each other, but they don’t particularly get along well either, being more of acquaintances than close friends. Despite this, they respect each other greatly in silence.
Nabu: Diaspro wasn’t sure of how to feel about Nabu at first. However, she grew to care about him after a while when she heard that he had been forced into a loveless marriage as well. She doesn’t ask him much about it, but she does appreciate him for encouraging Aisha when they were growing up. They have a silent mutual respect due to their similar situations of the past, but they don’t voice their concerns about one another often since they don’t know each other well enough to do so confidently.
Alexandra: Diaspro does not think highly of her mother at all. Alexandra was insistent on grooming her daughter into a perfect future ruler, not seeing any value in what Diaspro believed at all. Diaspro hated this fact about her mother and never told Alexandra anything she valued highly. Alexandra’s heavily controlling nature affected Diaspro and all her siblings. Diaspro prefers to avoid her mother and has no wishes to reconnect with her, thinking she deserves better.
Royce: Royce wasn’t as active in Diaspro’s grooming as his wife was, but Diaspro hates him for how passive he was. Royce didn’t act against Alexandra to help his children, instead encouraging her behavior. Diaspro holds less of a grudge against him, but she still finds him to be deeply disgusting for thinking such manipulative tactics were alright. Royce claims Diaspro is incorrect in thinking he did anything to hurt her, not wanting to admit wrongdoing no matter what.
Allegra: Allegra took all of her siblings under her wing, but she had a lot of responsibility on her shoulders due to being the future head of the house. She told Diaspro to fake being perfect until she had the chance to get away, encouraging Diaspro to follow her dreams always. Diaspro found Allegra to be a great source of inspiration, looking up to her throughout her entire childhood. Allegra was proud beyond words when Diaspro began to attend Alfea, and the two exchange texts and calls often.
Benjamin: Benjamin was turned against his siblings from a young age due to Alexandra’s behavior. He followed her directions most, and he was often used as the example of an ideal child to compare Diaspro and her siblings to. While Diaspro doesn’t hate him for it, they still don’t talk much. Deep down, Benjamin hates being used as the example of perfection, but he struggles with saying so due to how he was raised. Diaspro understands why he is the way he is, but it still frustrates her that she is seen as inferior to him.
Cecily: Diaspro and Cecily are the two siblings closest in age, and they get along rather well. Cecily was treated as the misfit of the bunch due to her clumsy, trickster nature, and she often suffered as a result. Cecily still insisted that Diaspro make a strong life for herself. Cecily is only part of the family because her parents believe that disowning her would cause too much drama. Cecily and Diaspro both suffer from self-esteem issues, which they actively try to help each other through.
Edward: Edward was raised to be a second iteration of Benjamin, though he often failed in his endeavors. Diaspro and Edward can sympathize in feeling inferior to their older siblings, though they don’t talk about it much. Edward, much like Diaspro, feels as if he is a pathetic imitation of what he should be, causing him to be self-loathing to an unhealthy degree. Edward slipped into depression not long after Diaspro left, but he is still supported by his sister no matter what.
Fiora: Alexandra and Royce never took interest in Fiora, always thinking of her as being unable to go anywhere. Fiora was born without the ability to speak and communicated through sign language. Diaspro always made an effort to communicate with Fiora even when others didn’t, and Diaspro is incredibly protective of her. Fiora dreams of following in Diaspro’s footsteps and becoming a fairy, something Diaspro openly encourages her to try and do against their parents’ wishes.
Gene: Gene is the sibling Diaspro is most distant with. He was young when she left for Alfea, only being about five years old, but he was frequently compared to her and the other siblings. Even from a young age, he was thought of as lesser, and while he is too young to understand, he knows it doesn’t mean anything good. On visits home, Diaspro does all she can to encourage him and help him to feel better about life, even if it will be a long time before he fully comprehends her actions.
Livy: Livy’s clumsiness reminds Diaspro of Cecily, and due to Disapro’s positive relationship with her sister, she and Livy clicked quickly. Livy knows she is a bit of a mess but shows herself openly regardless and encourages Diaspro to do so as well. While it is a work in progress, Diaspro is growing to care less when she makes a mistake. Livy claims that if Diaspro doesn’t get mad when other people are imperfect, she shouldn’t get upset when she makes mistakes, something Diaspro attempts to live by.
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savages-weapons · 4 years
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MATERNAL - a mix for Olivia Godfrey ("The woman is perfected / Her dead / Body wears the smile of accomplishment / The illusion of a Greek necessity / Flow in the scrolls of her toga / Her bare / Feets seem to be saying: / We have come so far, it is over. / Each dead child, coiled, a white serpent.") [+playmoss]
i.cursed by beauty - tyler bates // ii.queens will play - black mountain // iii.national anthem - lana del rey // iv.meditative chaos - cristobal tapia de veer // v.black widow - susanne sundfor // vi.voodoo u - lords of acid // vii.death of the first born - hans zimmer // viii. samson & delilah - shirley manson // ix.queen of the bored - brian reitzell & shirley manson // x.rev 22-20 (dry martini mix) - puscifer // xi.biscuit - portishead // xii.walking zero - sneaker pimps // xiii.paradise circus - massive attack // xiv.my sweet prince - placebo // xv.acceptance - mary elizabeth mcglynn // xvi.alessa’s mother / no ordinary spider - jeff danna & akira yamaoka // xvii.history repeat itself - a.o.s
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onestowatch · 5 years
How Los Retros Turned ‘70s Jazz Into Your New DIY Indie Obsession [Q&A]
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Photo: Ross Harris
Los Retros is proof that the only thing you need to make a great record in the modern age is a living room, some instruments, and a fire under your ass. Mauri Tapia, the mastermind behind Los Retros, writes and records all of his music from his parents’ home in Oxnard, California (a city that has also served as an incubator for artists like Madlib and Anderson .Paak.) Despite the barebones setup, Tapia manages to create recordings that paint a vast expanse of sound and color.
For the last few years, Tapia has been touring with a recurring cast of individuals around Southern California, spreading the gospel of his music and recording yet more songs from Oxnard in between shows. With the release of Los Retros’ debut EP, Retrospect, on June 21 via Stones Throw Records, the public outside of the Golden State gets to experience Los Retros’ unique sound for the first time. 
It was Ones to Watch’s distinct pleasure to sit down with Mauri Tapia to talk DIY recording, sources of inspiration, and turning a ride to a show into a marriage.
OTW: When did you start writing music, and how did that evolve into Los Retros?
MT: Well, uh, I don’t actually write most of it down; I just kind of form it and do it, it’s all memorized. I didn’t have access to any recording software until I was about 15, and that’s when I started really recording audio for the first time. At first, I just tracked guitar, then eventually drums, and yeah it kind of developed from there.
OTW: Your music has a very distinct feel that blends American indie/pop with Latin elements. Who are some artists that influenced the development of your sound?
MT: My parents for a long time when I was a little kid would play a lot of Spanish rock bands, some of those were, like, Los Freddys, Los Terricolas, Los Ángeles Negros, and so on. I never really cared for the sound until I got older. You know, maturity. I think a lot of those songs were in my head, just thinking about them and remembering all those moments, and I was like, “Hey that sounds like something cool that I’d like to make.” So I took some of those songs as a sort of reference to what I started making. Some of the others, like two on the album are kind of influenced by this dude named Tonetta. The whole album is actually a twist on a lot of stuff I listen to – it is original, but definitely reflects what I was listening to at the time. I recorded the album two years ago, actually, and I just finally decided to release it.
OTW: You took the inspiration for your moniker from a Chilean band called Los Ángeles Negros that has been active since the 70s – can you dig into this connection a little deeper?
MT: Yeah. So our project actually used to be called what the album is called, Retrospect. That was the original name, but there was already a band with that name, and we didn’t want to get sued, you know? We thought, “Alright, let’s switch it up.” I wanted to keep Retro in there because that’s just something that, like, maintains with our whole reality. And I thought, I lot of those bands I grew up with have “Los” in their name, and in English the same for bands like The Strokes. Actually, somebody on my live channel mentioned the name Los Retros and I was like “You know what, that’s a pretty cool name,” so I just kept it and here we are.
OTW: With the DIY approach you take to recording your music, do you face any interesting challenges translating the pieces to a live show? How do you adapt your music for a live setting where you can’t play drums, guitar, and bass all at once?
MT: Well, like I mentioned I write – well, not write down but you know what I mean – come up with the tunes, you know, record them, mix them. When we perform I have several friends that play with me. My little brother plays with me now and my wife does too, actually. And my friend who’s been there since the beginning playing bass. I guess that’s what makes it Los Retros.
OTW: I want to congratulate you on your debut EP that just dropped last month, Retrospect. How did you choose the six songs that would be featured on the project? Did you take anything in particular into consideration when choosing the play order?
MT: Kinda. So me and Wolf, the founder of Stones Throw, we hang out every now and then and we would always change it up. We had a bunch of other songs that we thought about putting on the album but we just thought these ones were better. We never really talked much about the order, we sat down and picked it in maybe, I dunno, four or five minutes. We thought, well, let’s put “Last Day On Earth” at the end, because you know the “last day” implies the end. The first couple songs are all about my wife. But the truth is, I don’t think it really matters what order its in. We just kind of threw it together.
OTW: A lot of your songs involve complex chord structures, and I’m told that you play every instrument featured on each track. How did you go about learning all these instruments?
MT: I started playing guitar when I was eight. I eventually got my own guitar at 11, and really started getting better at it. My school had this after school program called Rock Band, and me and a friend would go there, and I just had access to so many more instruments there than I had at home. So I just played around with anything I could get my hands on. I picked up a bass and tried some bass lines, which is actually pretty similar to guitar. I eventually got on the drums around 8th grade. I didn’t get my own drum set ‘til about a year and a half ago, actually, but I’d always play whenever I was at school. Then three and a half years ago I got my first keyboard, some people on YouTube started sharing my music and all that. Around that time I started getting into a lot of old bands from the 70s, kinda started playing around with the chords they were using, and it all developed from there as I found my own sound.
OTW: What is your favorite story behind one of the tracks on Retrospect?
MT: Yeah, the song “Friends.” It’s about my wife. So long story short, I didn’t have a ride to show one day. I was kind of acquaintances with this girl, we had talked a little bit in the past, nothing too special. Then I invited her to one of my shows, and *laughs* I didn’t necessarily lie, but I said I didn’t really have a ride, since the car my drummer was taking was too packed with gear for me to fit. So she gave me a ride, and we ended up becoming friends for a pretty good while, you know, and there was definitely something there. So I wrote this song and figured I’d show it to her, and she’d have to do something about it, so… yeah, now we’re married.
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Photo: Ross Harris
OTW: You’ve developed a devoted following in your native Southern California and have played shows all around the region. As your career continues to develop, where are some areas that you want to tour? Do you have any bucket list venues?
MT: Hmm, I don’t know, I haven’t really though about it. I just wanna go play places where people will watch me. If I had my choice I guess I’d like to play in Japan, I’ve always been interested in Japanese 70s funk stuff. Honestly, New York sounds cool, too. I’ve only left California once when I was about two years old. I went to Mexico. But now the laws are a little different regarding specific people and my parents can’t go back, and for me I’d rather visit with my parents than go by myself. I don’t really have any bucket list venues. Maybe some cool back yards – I like intimate shows, haha.
OTW: Assume next year you could support any artist on an international arena tour – who would you want to support and why?
MT: Well, if he could even still play, I’d say this dude Alain Mion. He was a composer for this soul-jazz band called Cortex from the 70s. He’s probably almost 80 though. Roy Ayers too, but I know he was just hospitalized, so that would be tough. Really any of those old funk guys, because that’s the sort of music I wanna be making. It’s a long shot but maybe George Clinton, though I know he’s retiring pretty soon.
OTW: Clearly you have the chops to do great things on your own – but if you had the opportunity to collaborate with any active artist, writer, or producer on a project, who would it be and what sort of project would you undertake?
MT: Well actually, I’m collaborating with one of the best right now, Steve Arrington. I wish I could give you more details on that project right now, but I can’t.
OTW: Who are your Ones to Watch?
MT: Huh, I don’t know, I listen to a lot of old music, haha. He’s not new, but I think people should know about Alan Hawkshaw. Brian Bennett, too. Oh, and Bill Evans. There you go.
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