#Bride Cancun
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Searching for Professional Grade Photography Packages in Cancun?
This is an excellent way for getting a thought of what style of photography the photographer appreciates working in and will offer you an indication of the sorts of chances they normally take.
Assuming you're Searching for Professional grade photography, numerous photographers offer wedding photography packages in Cancun. Ensure you ask and check the vital features of the photography package.
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Wedding day Dream Natura Spa Resort A and S
Wedding day Dream Natura Spa Resort A and S
Wedding day Dream Natura Spa Resort A and S Awesome wedding day with A and S at Dream Natura Spa resort Cancun We enjoyed a day with A and S from the getting ready to the night party Photo by Alessandro Banchelli and Ernesto www.photostudioab.com Email:[email protected]
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jazminrhode1 · 1 year
okay so this could be the weirdst requeust ever but i went to a wedding on the weekend and it got me thinking like what if you wrote a father of the bride speech from Jimmy to his daughter? like a need a really good cry so, go as hard as you can ahhahaahaa ! I love your writing so so much (i see people say that all the time) but thought this could be different than just a story. you don't have ot though, up to you xox
Father of the Bride Speech Sturniolo Triplets x Sister One Shot
Summary: The speech I think Jimmy would give if he had a daughter. Nothing to do with the triplets!
Word Count: 800 words
Author's Note: Such a cool request - thank you! I don't know if this is what you were looking for but, it was certainly fun (and sad) to write x
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Jimmy had spent the whole wedding dinner outside practicing his speech. As he stood in front of a room full of friends old and new, he felt overwhelmed by the love that they all shared for his daughter.
He gripped onto the podium to stop his hands from shaking and took a deep breath.
"When MaryLou and I found out that we were having a girl, I panicked. I panicked because I grew up in a house with just boys and I didn’t know how to raise a little girl. Hell, I barely knew how to talk to girls before I met my wife.
When I pictured my future as a father, I saw Justin, Nick, Matt, and Chris. I pictured boys. Maybe not triplets but, I pictured boys. I pictured taking my boys golfing. Taking my boys fishing. Watching the game on Sundays. That’s all I knew. I didn’t know anything about what it meant to raise a girl.
Now, if you know anything about my boys, you know that they don’t love golfing. You know it’s a task to get them out fishing. They were never home on Sundays to watch the game with me. But, my girl was."
Jimmy pulled the handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed away the tears that were rolling down his cheeks before he continued, even as his voice shook.
"I spent 9 months panicking about bringing a little girl into the world but, from the second the nurses handed me my baby wrapped in her little pink blanket, I spent the next 27 years dreading the day that I had to give her away.
Because let me tell you what it means to be a girl dad. Being a girl dad means you fall in love all over again. Being a girl dad means you get to slay dragons to save the princess. Being a girl dad means you get to squeeze into pretty dresses and get your makeup done. It means you have a ballerina, a soccer player, a debater, a painter, a pianist, a boxer, a black belt, a cheerleader, a skateboarder, a dirt bike rider, a basketball captain, a golfer, a fishing buddy, a best friend and so much more.
But, being a girl Dad also means that one day you put her down and you don’t pick her up again. You start dropping her off around the corner from the school gate. She gets her license and you spend countless nights hoping that she gets home safe. She dates some loser in freshman year that breaks her heart and there isn’t enough you can do about it.
Being a girl dad means that your heart resides outside of your body. It means that one day you’ll drop her off at college in another state and cry the whole plane ride home. It means that one day some boy she met at a dive bar in Cancun will come knocking on your door and ask you for her hand in marriage. One day, you have the most important decision to make. Is this boy good enough for my daughter?
I realized when Jack was sitting at my kitchen counter that it wasn’t my decision to make. She will always be my baby but, she isn’t my property. And no matter how much I wish she was still that same little girl who couldn’t cross the road without holding my hand, I know that I have raised a strong-willed, independent, loving, kind, intelligent, beautiful, won’t-take-shit-from-anybody kinda girl."
Jimmy turned to face the bride and groom with tears in his eyes and spoke directly to his son-in-law.
"So, to you, Jack. Man to man. I am so glad that it’s you. I’m so glad that she chose you. I know that you love my daughter, I see it every single time you look at her. There is nothing I can say, no gift I can give to thank you for making my daughter as happy as you do. All I hope for you, Jack, is that when the time comes for you to become a father, you too are blessed with a daughter just like mine and then you’ll understand just how lucky you are."
His voice broke as he stepped away from the mic to compose himself before he continued.
"And to my baby… By some cosmic stroke of luck in this lifetime, I got the greatest gift of all in being your Dad. I am so proud to be your father, you have been such a gift to me, you bring so much joy into my life and I love you so much more than you could ever imagine. So, thank you, sweetheart, for being everything that I never knew I always needed in my life."
Jimmy raised a glass to the newlyweds as he finished his speech.
"And to you both, I wish you a lifetime of happiness. I cannot wait to bear witness to the life that you build together and know that Mom and I will be here to love, cherish, and support you on the wonderful journey that lies ahead."
As the crowd erupted in applause, Jimmy crossed the room to the newlyweds. He pulled Jack into a hug and said, "Take care of our girl, son."
He then pulled his daughter into a hug, placing a kiss on her head, unable to find the words he wanted to say. She pulled away, looked up at him, and said, "You will always be my hero, Dad, and there is nothing I am more thankful for than for being your daughter."
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evita-shelby · 8 months
Plus One
Inspired by @justrainandcoffee Wandering Jew series.
Aka an excuse to write rolfie and teva in the same universe
Gif by @crackshipandcrap
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“Who won’t text you back?” Eva asked noticing the rather forlorn way he looks at the message.
She knows he’d been seeing someone, and yet while he knows about her disastrous sex life, Eva doesn’t know jack shit about his beyond Grace the Barmaid, Lizzie and several other women Eva may or may not have also fucked.
“None of your business, Smith.” Tommy glared and she pouted.
It had been a bad idea to ask her out again, the drinks had been fine and she thought him a gentleman when he didn’t take her up on her suggestion of staying over at her place.
“I told you about my ex marrying my cousin and my ex who fucked all my friends, c’mon, Tommy tell me who’s the broad who’s place I need to trash.” The brunette reminds him.
They were friends now.
Eva was enjoying being single after her ex decided Franco was who she loved and Tommy had been in a relationship with someone whom he had hardly ever mentioned.
“Not a she, and no, you’re not committing a felony for me, Evie, but thanks anyway.” He said with annoyance and shoved his phone into his pocket.
“Ah so we’re more similar than I thought. So your guy broke up with you, then?” the witchy young woman guessed correctly going by the stony look he gets as he orders another drink.
“Yes, and before you ask. It was me not him.” The dark haired man loathed speaking about things like these and yet he willingly shared this with her, progress. “Won’t forgive me and I know you’d agree with him.”
“You got me there. If it makes you feel better, I’ve been there before. At least your ex is still alive to hate you.” Eva regrets her words the moment she said them.
She never told anyone about Leopoldo, nor how him learning about her and Antonia seeing each other behind his back led to the car accident that killed him.
She’d been displayed as his grieving girlfriend. Given flowers, comforted along with his family and crushed by the guilt of knowing she hadn’t truly loved him.
“Lucky me.” He grumbled bitterly and raised his whiskey in a toast. “Here’s to our shit luck, Evie.”
It is spring 2020 when Tommy and Eva elope to Cancun and welcome the pandemic as the newly elected representative of the Birmingham Hall Green.
Their exes remain unnamed and neither Shelby aware of how little the world is.
Its 2023 when two identical invitations arrived addressed to the both of them.
“I didn’t know you knew Alfie as well.” Eva mentions as he played with little Gabriel on the rug.
The look on his face says it all.
Alfie was the guy who dumped him for being a cheating asshole.
Same Alfie who was Aunt Florence’s baby brother.
There had been no malicious intent.
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This is what Rose tells herself when Alfie learns she hadn’t removed Tommy Shelby from the guest list.
She had met him in passing once, when she found more than just a nice holiday at the Wandering Jew.
Then she came to know Tommy had been the heartless bastard who’d broken Alfie’s heart. Having disliked him from the start, knowing how awful he was had made her hate him.
Now she was seeing him in the profile picture of Alfie’s ‘niece’ Eva Smith-Riley who had sent her congratulations through Instagram.
Rose had met through zoom calls and FaceTime and once in person when Eva came to give them her good news.
‘Is it okay if I bring my plus one?’
It was then Rose had seen who the man she was married to was.
Then the bride to be did what everyone has done since the invention of social media has done.
She looked at every single photo of him in Eva’s profile, Facebook page, twitter and some tabloids that sprung up under her name.
They’d met at Birmingham U, they dated for approximately five months, married on the first of March in a lovely beach in Mexico and had a baby named Gabriel.
“Are you jealous of Evie, sweetheart?” Alfie Asks seeing the picture of Eva hanging out with some celebrity at a charity thing.
“No. It’s not that. Why didn’t you tell me Tommy’s her husband?” she shows him the next picture, Tommy Shelby smiling through the pain holding his one-year-old son next to Eva.
After the way he fucked things up with Alfie, Tommy resolved himself to be a better man.
“Because I didn’t know about it until she married the fucker and then I didn’t want to ruin things for her. He’s changed, or so it seems.” the burly man admitted knowing the hell that was going to be unleashed.
“For a man in love he looks like he’s in agony.” Rose points out thinking the worst of Thomas Shelby.
“That’s just his face, love, he can’t help it.”
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And he had, not once has he strayed and while that took much work on his account, it had rewarded him with a woman he loves and a family he hadn’t thought he could have.
He should’ve told her about his past with Alfie, but he was afraid, not sure of what, but he was afraid.
Eva wouldn’t have judged him about it, not after she told him about Leopoldo, but Alfie was her friend.
And yet here they lay beside each other as the baby slept curled up between them.
“You should’ve told me, Tom.” She’s not angry, there is a hint of disappointment about her, but nothing has changed as he feared he would. “We don’t have to go, if you don’t want to.”
“He’s your friend, sort of relative too. I don’t want you to miss it on account of me.” He could invent an excuse to stay, claim Gabe is too little for a sitter.
“Alfie is your friend too, we’ll hire a sitter for Gabe and you will come with me. I already told Alfie I’d be bringing you anyways.” She points out reaching to caress his face, a contrast to his words.
December rolls around, and Tommy finds himself fixing the black satin bowtie that matches Eva’s black evening gown exactly.
“Are you ready?” she asks softly, knowing how big of a step this is for him.
“Yeah, ready as I’ll ever be, Mrs. Shelby.”
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jules-has-notes · 5 months
2017 VoicePlay summer roundup — home and away and back again
As the weather grew warmer, VoicePlay's workload heated up for a bit before a combination of planned vacation time and an act of nature gave them a much needed break.
Lights, camera, action
The boys kicked off the summer by bringing Rachel Potter back to town for not just one, but two new videos. One was a feel-good Disney medley, and the other was some deliciously angsty pop.
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While Rachel flew home, and the other guys dispersed to do their own things, Layne met up with Tony and a slew of their theme park pals for PattyCake's next project.
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Home time
For most of July, they seem to have hunkered down to finish some projects that were in progress, get started on new ones, and spend some quality time with friends and family. Layne even shared his recording studio (and a few doggie snuggles) with their old buddy Jeremy James from Vox Audio for a project.
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Entertainers have to work on odd schedules sometimes.
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Rocky Mountain high
When August rolled around, the guys gathered up J.None and headed out west. They spent a week in Park City, Utah, and took a little side trip over to Salt Lake City to see their new friend John Pinto in The Book of Mormon tour.
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Splish splash
The boys had about a week at home before heading north for the Great Waters Music Festival in New Hampshire, where they were met with even more water than just Lake Winnipesaukee.
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During the week spanning the end of August and the beginning of September, the PattyCake gang finally started filming their long awaited "Grande Mermaid" video, both at an outdoor location and in their studio.
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Then Layne and Cyndi headed off to Cancun for their friends' seaside wedding. Many other folks from the Orlando performance community were in attendance and in the wedding party, including the bride, Michelle Knight, who PattyCake fans will recognize as their fabulous Evil Queen.
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Rock you like a hurricane
Once they got back home, they joined the rest of the gang in preparing for an oncoming storm as Hurricane Irma loomed closer to making landfall.
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By the time Irma reached the Orlando area, it had subsided to tropical storm status, but it still caused widespread flooding and power outages, downed trees, and damaged homes, as well as spawning several tornadoes.
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The VoicePlay guys and their loved ones were relatively lucky. Their biggest obstacle was Layne and Tony temporarily losing access to the beach location where PattyCake Productions had been filming "The Grande Mermaid".
Back to work
Once things had settled a bit, the boys snagged J.None once more and gathered to record their next "Aca Top 10" video, a countdown of Disney hero songs.
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Toward the end of the month, VoicePlay headed north to SUNY Geneseo for a concert as part of the school's Homecoming weekend. They didn't share any photos of themselves while they were there, but they did make time to partake of some local cuisine.
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When they got home again, Layne and Tony gathered a group of friends (including Michelle, fresh from her honeymoon) to portray a gaggle of live-action Disney baddies for PattyCake's second annual Halloween video.
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
Prompt 11 for León and Simón?
Cousins are shit-talking their family members during a family event
Wohoooo! Someone who is a fan of my Simon x Leon cousin hcs!
"Hey, Simon!" Simon turned around when he heard his name called. His cousin Leon Vargas was standing next to where they were sitting, "These seats taken?"
It was beautiful midday at Cancun beach, a perfect day for a wedding. Well, that was the reason they were there. Simon's brother Julio was getting married, a day that Simon thought he would never get to see, but here they still were.
"No, all yours," Simon gestured to the seats next to him, "Where is Violetta."
"Wardrobe malfunction," Leon shook his head, "She'll be here soon. It gotta say, I am surprised to see you. I thought you'd be a groomsman."
"I was asked, don't worry. We haven't fallen out or anything," Simon chuckled, "But, I can't saddle Ambar with Ivory the whole day." Simon bounced his knee where the one-year-old Ivory was happily sitting on.
"So this is Ivory," Leon held his hand out to her, "Hello miss. Might I say, you look lovely in pink."
"Takes after her mother," Simon smiled toward Ambar who was sitting on his right and fanning herself with a fan. A month before the wedding they had found out that Ambar was in fact four weeks along on her second pregnancy. She had had couple cases of severe morning sickness. Simon had told her that she didn't need to come to the wedding but she had insisted. They had a room in the same hotel as the reception was being held so she could up and rest of necessary and Simon would be taking care of Ivory.
"Another summer, another Alvarez wedding," Leon sighed, "It feels like yesterday when you got married."
"Trust me, sometimes it does. Sometimes It feels like I had had my girls all my life."
"Simon is convinced that this one will also be a girl," Ambar said gesturing to her stomach.
"By the way, congratulations.! Leon exclaimed. The news had been shared with Simon's close family two weeks before the wedding so accidental reveals would not happen, even if Ambar was not yet showing.
"I'm here, I am not late am I?" Violetta Castillo suddenly ran up to them and sat next to Leon.
"Just in time."
"Good. I had to go with the backup shoes." Violetta shook her head and them nodded her head toward Simon and Ambar. "Oh hi Simon, Ambar. And this must be Ivory.
"We are gonna need make sure she doesn't steal the show," Simon laughed, "Otherwise the bride will hate us." Ivory way to small to have been part of the wedding party. Valeria was going to be the flower girl and her little brother Garen was the ring bearer. Julio's bride, Lina, didn't have any children in her family.
"Just don't let Aunt Mariella close to her." Leon remarked.
"Don't worry, I won't."
"She is the worst."
"I know. We didn't invite her to our wedding. I though I'd never need to see her again."
"Who are you talking about?" Violetta questioned.
"She is a cousin of our mother's," Leon explained, "A full nightmare."
"She's Julio's godmother." Simon continued, "She basically believes that is you are not a lawyer or a doctor, you are basically unemployed. This is especially the case with the entertainment industry. We better not let it slip what we're all doing."
"She hates pop musicians," Leon rolled his eyes.
"If I need to talk to her today, I will just keep repeating that Ambar's a lawyer and that my friend is a high-ranking engineer at the Castillo corporations and their daughter is our god-daughter. Maybe that should make her forget to ask what is my job." Simon explained.
"Good idea," Leon laughed, "I have Castillo's daughter here, so Vilu can serve as the distraction."
"Leon! I don't know anything about engineering, that won't work." Violetta gave Leon the murder glare. "You know I shudder to think of the day the whole company is mine, you know, once Dad dies."
You are welcome! Girl Dad Simon and Leonetta and Simbar interactions in one story.
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resortbrides · 2 months
What Are the Best Spots for the Destination Wedding
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Resort Brides highlights the best spots for destination weddings, featuring romantic and picturesque locations such as Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, and Negril in Jamaica, as well as Cancun, Riviera Maya, Punta Cana, Puerto Vallarta, and Cabo San Lucas in Mexico. Each location offers unique backdrops, luxury resorts, and comprehensive wedding planning services to create a dream wedding experience.
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drahtphotography · 6 months
Look at this! Eric has some words to share! Draht Photography
New Post has been published on https://www.drahtphotography.com/shayla-and-taylors-destination-wedding-at-the-dreams-riviera-cancun-resort/
Shayla and Taylor's destination wedding at the Dreams Riviera Cancun Resort
Shayla and Taylor’s destination wedding at the Dreams Riviera Cancun Resort
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The Mexico Wedding at Dreams Jade Resort April 1, 2024 Shayla and Taylor's destination wedding at the Dreams Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa was nothing short of magical. Nestled along the pristine coastline of Cancun, the resort provided the perfect backdrop for their special day.
The festivities kicked off with a heartwarming first look between Shayla and her father. As they shared a tender moment, emotions ran high, capturing the raw beauty of their bond. A photo of her father tearing up next to her became an unforgettable keepsake of their cherished connection.
For the ceremony, they chose a stunning platform overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean. With the gentle sea breeze and the sound of waves as their soundtrack, Shayla and Taylor exchanged vows, surrounded by their loved ones.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sky, the newlyweds stole away for some breathtaking sunset photos by the ocean. Against the backdrop of the azure waters and golden hues of the sky, their love shone brilliantly.
But the magic didn't stop there. Shayla and Taylor wowed their guests with an incredible choreographed first dance they had been practicing for months. Their synchronized moves and undeniable chemistry left everyone in awe, setting the stage for a night to remember.
The speeches were a highlight of the evening, blending humor and heartfelt sentiment in equal measure. Like a comedy stand-up routine, they had guests alternating between laughter and tears, celebrating the joyous union of two souls.
As the night drew to a close, Shayla and Taylor stole a moment alone by the ocean, under a canopy of stars. In that serene moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the love of their friends and family, they knew that their wedding day had been everything they had dreamed of and more.
Here are a few of my favourite photos of the day. If you'd like to pre-register to see the gallery when it's done, pop byhttps://galleries.drahtphotography.com/-ShaylaandTaylor/register Venue: Jade Resort Cancun Mexico When planning your event at Jade Resort Cancun, it is important to consider the flow of the ceremony for your guests. One recommendation is to have a chat with your officiant about when to call everyone to stand up before the bride arrives. This will ensure that all guests have a clear view of the bride's entrance. Another recommendation is to opt for the group shot option for photos and to ask the staff to not deliver champagne until after family photos are taken. This will prevent guests from constantly putting down and picking up their drinks, maintaining a smooth and enjoyable event experience. Additionally, consider having your ceremony in the late evening to take advantage of the stunning sunset light at the resort. Vendors Photographer ERIC DRAHT
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Luxury Wedding Videography Services in Cancun
Put your camera phone down and our professional luxury wedding videography services in Cancun, can help. Capture the perfect wedding venue with beautiful shots of the waves and ocean.
Have the perfect beach wedding videography & photography, and capture the love of your life and all the little moments that belong to you with us.
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floreriazazil · 1 year
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Personal flowers
Bridal bouquets, brides maids bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, crowns, centerpieces, ceremony decor, beach weddings...
Floral service for events & weddings in Cancun and Mayan Riviera.
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prodweek · 1 year
Production Weekly - Issue 1353 - Thursday, June 8, 2023 / 140 Listings - 33 Pages
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speedyshuttle · 1 year
Wedding Transfers by Speedy Shuttle Cancun
Transportation is one of the most important factors to consider when planning a wedding. Whether you're hosting a destination wedding or simply need to get your guests from one location to another, you'll want to ensure that everyone arrives safely and on time. That's where Speedy Shuttle Cancun comes in. With its reliable shuttle services and professional drivers, Speedy Shuttle Cancun is the perfect choice for wedding transfers.
Wedding Transfers by Speedy Shuttle Cancun
Speedy Shuttle Cancun offers a range of shuttle services for weddings, including transportation for the bride and groom, wedding party, and guests. Their shuttle services are designed to ensure that everyone arrives at the wedding venue on time and in style. Their shuttle services are perfect for wedding events in the North Playa Del Carmen and Mahahual areas.
Their wedding transfer services are designed to make your special day hassle-free and memorable. The company offers various shuttle options to meet your specific needs. If you're looking for a comfortable and convenient way to get your guests to the wedding venue, their shared shuttle services are perfect. With shared shuttle services, you can enjoy a comfortable and air-conditioned ride while sharing the cost with other guests.
On the other hand, if you're looking for a more exclusive experience, their private transportation service is ideal. With private transportation, you'll have a dedicated driver and a luxurious vehicle all to yourself. You can customize the service to meet your specific needs, including transportation to and from the airport, hotel, and wedding venue.
Speedy Shuttle services in Mahahual
Mahahual is a beautiful destination in the state of Quintana Roo, known for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and a wide range of activities. If you're planning a trip to Mahahual, Speedy Shuttle Cancun can help make your journey hassle-free and comfortable.
Their shuttle services operate between the airport and Mahahual, offering a convenient and reliable way to get to your destination. The company has a fleet of air-conditioned vehicles and professional drivers who know the area well, ensuring that you arrive safely and on time.
Wedding planning can be stressful, but transportation shouldn't be. With Speedy Shuttle Cancun's reliable shuttle services, you can ensure that your wedding guests arrive at the venue
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showbride · 2 years
Dream Vacation Getaway
Mark your calendars now at the next showbride.com bridal expo! At least one person representing the engaged couple, will win the 8 day, 7 night for two destination Mexico getaway to Cancun, Cabo San Lucas or Puerto Vallarta, courtesy of myreservationrequest.com. Register now at showbride.com! #showbride #engagedcouple #bride #groom #bridalshow
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aloramarieboutique · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: I'm All Yours Navy Blue Ruffled Maxi Dress Navy Blue.
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