#Bright Rapheephong
poomphuripan · 5 months
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Yuan Wan Thabkrajang aka CEO of YYDS Entertainment and executive producer of IFYLITA and My Stand-In: I produced Traffic jam.
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tipsyjaehyun · 11 months
I get that some people are confused by the ending of ep 12, so let me explain (novel spoilers ahead) -
The show heavily revolves around the theme of reincarnation and love that overcomes the test of time. So, we have 3 versions of Yai. One in 1920s, Khun Yai. One in 1700s (Seehasingkorn era), Commander Yai and then we have one in the present time, Yai Kanthorn.
The one we see in the post credit scene (and have been seeing glimpses of in ep 1 underwater as well as in ep 12) is Commander Yai, who was a celebrated warrior of the royal army.
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So, after Jom disappears from Khun Yai's timeline, he is transported back to 1700s where he meets Commander Yai. If (and please God, please) they come up with a season 2, it would follow their story. It was because of him and his pledge of everlasting love for Jom that Khun Yai felt that he had been waiting for Jom for a long time.
The one we see at the Palathip house is Yai Kanthorn. He is the son of the granddaughter of Khun Lek (Khun Yai's younger brother). He is the only version of Yai who has memories of his past lives.
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When Jom comes back to his timeline, he meets Yai Kanthorn, who had asked specifically for Jom to renovate their old house in Chiang Mai, hoping for Jom to remember their love. When Yai sees Jom waiting for him at the house, he asks, "Did you wait for long?"
To which Jom replies, "Not as long as you've been waiting for me".
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thatgothsamurai · 10 months
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I used to scent these flowers constantly💮💮
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loveisactivated · 11 months
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my jom 🥹
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mickeysarmyguy · 11 months
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Khun Yai’s looks reserved for Jom
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pharawee · 11 months
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—I FEEL YOU LINGER IN THE AIR 💮 Episode 12 (Finale)
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clairedaring · 6 months
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I Feel You Linger In The Air (2023) dir. Tee Bundit Sintanaparadee
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smittenskitten · 1 year
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You seem to be following the steps of the poet, Phraya Sisunthonwohan. Soon you'll have about 10 wives under your arm. Lovers? One is enough for me.
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billwidoll · 5 months
Stalker (part one)
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Rafe never believed in love at first sight, he was always the biggest hater of love. But when he saw you, strolling through the streets of New York,He just fell in love with you. He saw the way you walked, the way you smiled, he thought you were perfect. And the day Rafe saw you, he was at a very important business dinner.
Your face was stuck in his head for hours, and he had to find out where you lived, what your name was, where you worked. Rafe was a millionaire, so he used his money to get hackers to find you.
It was very difficult to find a person, whose name no one knows, so Rafe dropped this hacking plan, so he decided to do it himself. Rafe went to the same place and was there waiting for you exactly The same hours you spent when he saw you for the first time. And this time he saw you again, passing by. When Rafe saw you, he had a huge smile and was proud of what he had achieved.
Rafe waited for you to pass, but he followed you surreptitiously, and this chase stopped at a finished building in New York, it was probably the house where his muse lived. Rafe had the audacity to enter the building, and take the same elevator you were in.
When he entered the elevator he could smell your sweet and addictive scent, you had such good energy. Honestly, Rafe was crazy about you, capable of doing anything for you.
"New resident?" You ask with a gentle smile on your lips.
Rafe couldn't be fascinated by your voice, you were truly perfect. And he was still very kind and pleasant.
"I...I...I'm visiting a friend" Rafe says a little off guard, because he's talking to you.
You nod, Rafe was going to start a conversation, but the elevator arrived at your apartment floor, and you left, before Rafe could talk to you. Rafe left on impulse on the same floor as your apartment, he couldn't believe he was doing all this because of you. What was it about you that made him like that
Rafe followed you more surreptitiously, as it would be very obvious if you saw him there near your apartment, but you didn't notice and that made Rafe relieved. He watched you enter your apartment, and saw that your apartment number was 234. And that number was going to be his lucky number, because to Rafe, you were his angel, and everything that represented you.
Rafe knew where you lived, and that was a good thing. For him.
2 months later
2 memes passed and Rafe was completely involved in your life, he already knew EVERYTHING about you, if you doubt it, he knows more about your life than you do. Rafe quit his job, he didn't have to Working, he was already rich and stable, he stopped going out with friends and dating, Rafe's life only depended on you, even though you had no idea who he was.
Rafe followed you everywhere, and you didn't notice, and you rarely greeted each other "casually", for you it was normal, but for Rafe it was a dream come true. Rafe had already made several plans to infiltrate your life, and the next plan was to live in the same building you lived in. Rafe bribed the apartment's resident to leave and give the apartment to Rafe. And so he did, he was living next door to you now, Rafe was happy. And he couldn't wait, to break into your house at 00:00.
You were leaving to go to work and came across a man placing casual electronics inside your old neighbor's apartment.
"New resident?" You ask the same question you asked Rafe, but you didn't realize it was the same person.
"and...I am! My name is Drew Starkey" Rafe says, changing his name, to stop hiding it better.
You thought you had seen him, but you didn't remember. Rafe was bracing for this reaction. So he cut his hair and worked out more, getting stronger. And he was also trying to change The cold personality, he was trying to be more Nice. Because he was sure you didn't like bad boys, so he was pretending to be the good guy.
"You are very welcome, my name is Sn" you say with a huge smile on your face and raising your hand to greet him.
Rafe's heart almost jumped from skin to mouth, he was so looking forward to this.
"Thank you very much for the greetings, and your name is beautiful"
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Rafe says, praising you, that's all he wanted to say to you, he just wanted to praise you. Your cheeks turn red, and since Rafe studied you for 2 months, he knew you were shy.
"thank you Drew" you say with a shy smile and Rafe wishes that smile would stay on your face forever "I'd love to keep talking to you, but I have to go to work"
You say, ending the conversation and Rafe feels sad, but he hides it.
"well...I'll see you later?" Rafe says wanting to make sure you guys would talk later.
"yes! Yes! I would love to" you say enthusiastically and Rafe notices this and he was sure you were liking him.
"that's good...I'll see you later then, right?" He says asking for confirmation.
When you left for work, Rafe immediately went to try to break into your house. He used every method to unlock his door, and for the fifth time, he succeeded. And he smiled Huge when he achieved this.
He entered the apartment, and saw that it was well organized and clean, he saw several art paintings, and also several photos of himself pasted on the wall, without thinking twice, he picked up some and put them away In the pocket. He goes to his room, and smells a sweet perfume, he wanted to stay there for hours. He sits on his bed and runs his hand over your bed, he smells the sheets and it was sweet and Soft.
He goes to his drawer and looks through various things, until he finds the panties drawer, and their eyes light up. He takes several of her panties and puts them in his pocket. He smells your panties, and lies down on your bed.
Rafe stayed there the whole afternoon, he was discovering a lot more about you. Rafe looks at the clock and realizes that there are 2 minutes left until you get home from work, and he immediately puts everything in place. And I ran away from there.
Rafe goes to take a shower and make his favorite dinner, as he had told you to stop by his house earlier, and Rafe locks the door to the second bedroom of his apartment, as that was the place That were all states about you.
Rafe hears the doorbell and it was clearly you at the door, Rafe was smelling good and showered. He takes a deep breath and opens the door
"hello Sn!" He says it as if he were an angel. And you smile with that look in his eyes.
"hello Drew..." She says looking down, Rafe was very intimate with her. "I made this strawberry pie for you" you say with a smile showing the pie.
Rafe couldn't pay attention to the pie, he could only look at you, you looked beautiful. You were so delicate and it messed with Rafe's catheter.
"Can you come in please" Rafe says giving you space to enter, and you do, when you pass Rafe he smells your perfume.
"your apartment is so... organized" you say, looking around.
Rafe smiled knowing you were organized too.
"what do you expect from a 29 year old man?"
Rafe speaks referring to himself, and he wasn't 29 either, he was 30. But he was avoiding everything about his past life.
"You're 29 years old? Oh my God" you say with your mouth open and Rafe sees that the conversation is going well.
"Do I look that old to be under 30?" Rafe jokes, and you laugh.
"no, that's not what I meant, but the other way around, you understand? You look like you're 19 or 20" you say, being more Clara now and Rafe prepares another joke.
"Now you're calling me baby?" Rafe speaks again jokingly and you laugh again, both of you were loving the conversation.
"that's enough, you're impossible!" You say jokingly too and sitting on his couch, still laughing.
Rafe was also laughing, but he couldn't let the conversation die.
"and you? How many do you have?" Rafe asks, knowing exactly how old you are.
"I'm 21, surprising?" She says jokingly and Rafe laughs, shaking his head.
"No, you're too beautiful to be 84 years old"
Rafe says and you laugh at his jokes. Rafe wasn't like that, but he knew you liked people like that, so he was trying to be nicer.
"Shall we eat? I swear I did the best I could" Rafe says, creating another topic to continue the conversation.
"I promise I'll be honest" she says playfully. And Rafe was loving her every split second.
Rafe couldn't stop looking at your eyes, they were beautiful and bright, Rafe needed, needed you in his life. Sooner or later.
Rafe takes the food out of the oven, and he looks great. Rafe knew how to cook very well, when he was little, his father took him to cooking classes, ordered by Rafe's mother.
“Wow, it looks delicious”
you say looking at the frying pan that was in Rafe’s hand. You didn't expect to meet a man over 20, who knew how to cook, was kind, and had a home Organized. He was practically a Roman prince straight out of books.
"well, I hope it's pleasant, I don't want to embarrass myself around such a beautiful girl"
Rafe says praising you with a beautiful smile on His face, and your heart can't help but flutter.
"Let's eat?" Rafe says, placing the food on the table and pulling out the chair for you to sit.
He serves you the food, and you are impressed by the ring that was in Rafe's hands. The ring was large and luxurious, and it also appeared to be pure gold.
"Ah, I'm sorry, but that ring...it's so ostentatious" You ask, a little afraid, not knowing the financial situation of your new neighbor.
When Rafe hears that, his head immediately clicks, he hadn't realized that something so valuable was on his finger.
"Ah... that's... it's my family's ring, all parents give this ring to their son when he becomes an adult"
Rafe makes up this story that never happened, but the story made sense in his head.
,"oh... of course, sorry to ask, and it's so similar to those rings that the rich people in the city wear"
You explain, giving Rafe a nice smile, and Rafe was afraid that you would somehow find out that it didn't make sense for a man to have a gold ring, and live in a poor apartment in the city.
"What do you work with?" Rafe asks, trying to quickly get away from the subject of the ring, and he already knew where you worked.
"I work as a secretary, but in my spare time I make money as an artist"
you say, not very happy with the life you led, you didn't want that future, and Rafe knew that, because he knew you Better than anyone.
"I think artists are incredible, after I met Leonardo da Vinci, I simply fell in love with art"
Rafe talks while eating a piece of chicken, he understands a lot about history, references, science. Rafe was a great student. He was intelligent, and he was a 30-year-old millionaire, who had no children, he It was the guy.
"Do you know Leonardo da Vinci's paintings?" You say with your mouth open, your new neighbor was a box of surprises.
"Yes! My favorites are the last supper and Mona Lisa" Rafe says, captivating you more.
The two of you stayed talking for hours and hours. Rafe simply taught a lesson about the world. She loved the conversation. She unfortunately told you to go home, and Rafe didn't want you to go.
"I loved this dinner....it was just perfect Drew" you say, taking your coat and giving a slight smile.
That was music to Rafe's ears.
"your company was perfect" Rafe once again praised you, and you accepted it well this time, giving him a smile.
You went up to him to greet him before you left, and you went to give Rafe a kiss on the cheeks, but he turned away when you approached. And this ends up making you two kiss.
To be continued
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dragonsareawesome123 · 11 months
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"I'm very happy. It's as if I'm in a dream." "Happy enough to make you stay here with me forever?"
Nonkul Chanon and Bright Rapheephong as Jom and Khun Yai in I Feel You Linger in the Air (2023) dir. Tee Bundit Sintanaparadee Special Episode: Scent of Memory - Coming Soon
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crispywizardtale · 11 months
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ryansjane · 1 year
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 11 months
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Let's enjoy the time we have left together.
For @troubled-mind 🥰
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loveisactivated · 10 months
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Yai's hands on Jom's cheeks
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b-elle1928 · 2 months
Thai Actors I Believe Could Play Siblings
1. Bright Rapheephong and Sunny Wannarat
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2. Apo Nattawin and Ohm Thitiwat
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3. Aya Orapan, Keen Suvijak, and Nokia Chinnawat
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4. Fort Thitipong and Ohm Pawat
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This is just my opinion!!
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pharawee · 1 year
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—Before, I thought it was just me who was jealous.
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