#Britt Britbound
brittabroad · 3 years
Today is March 22nd, 2022 I have just seen an old friend on my TV ^_^
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Secret Santa at your service again! All those sound like fantastic reads! I love both those two BATB books, fantastic choices X3 Some more questions if I may~ Do you enjoy illustrated books? Also! You said you were interested certain time periods, is it because of the fashion, music, or...what from them catches your eye? When you lived in England what kinds of things did you enjoy doing? o3o ((I'm getting closer to knowing what to get you ;3 ))
YES to the illustrated books! :D
Mostly it’s the fashion and general aesthetic of the time periods that I like the most!
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[this costume is just after the Elizabethan period with James the First’s era]
England was fantastic I did A LOT but I guess I can summarize it to a couple of things generalized:
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I still do this in my hometown actually
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Honestly this was one of my favourite things to do; visit these gorgeous places with such history. Hampton Court and Tower of London were easy favourites though I also visited so many others (some not pictured so as not to overwhelm lol)
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I visited his hometown and grave, I went to numerous productions based on his works… so much so little time XD ahaha
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It’s just so gorgeous, ok? haha
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I visited the studios, I went to Platform 9 ¾, I even worked at the Hogwarts dinners at the studios! I had a grand old time!
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I went to 2 Sherlocked conventions, visited a few locations from the show… touched the actual door for 221B… Also went to The Sherlock Holmes Museum and Restaurant…yeah. Great times :D
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This was another favourite thing to do! I don’t even know how many plays and musicals I went to… haha but I LOVE live theatre! I still go in my hometown
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I went to movies and hung out in the malls and visited Harrod’s Dept Store. I visited beautiful parks and attended local events. I would sometimes just walk down London streets and appreciate their beauty. I also went to concerts (Mumford and Sons, McBusted/McFly, Amber Run and more)...
I used to work as an Educational Assistant for a year and also as a hospitality assistant where I was fortunate enough to serve catered events to every type of person from the average London citizens all the way to celebrities and royalty (I served The Queen’s cousin dessert once ehehe I was shocked) 
I’m just going to conclude here because I realized I’ve spent pretty much 2 hours retrieving example pictures for every point in my post XD hahaha oops!
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brittabroad · 2 years
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I wrote this on FB for The Globe's birthday
I had a picture to accompany of me looking up into the big O for the first time, a gaze of happiness and wonder.
My 1st "visit" to the theater was actually through Susan Cooper's book titled King of Shadows and the way that that novel inspired me to want to study Shakespeare (A Midsummer Night's Dream specifically) and visit The Globe Theater one day was unexpected but very welcome.
Cut to well over a decade later I've moved to London from Canada for a 2 year visa and I see The Globe outside for the first time with complete elation. Then some time later I see they're playing AMND there and I knew it was fate: I had to go. I had to see the play I'd read about being played within the O in the book. I had to experience the theatre for the first time watching this production.
Through some crazy long day filled with twists and turns of fate I got a ticket for a midnight performance.
I entered inside, and it was a moment like a storybook where I felt my dreams had come true and a cinemaric moment where time slowed and sped up all at the same time. Here I was in a place I'd only ever imagined in my mind, where I'd had numerous times experienced a very special emotional adventure with the characters of the novel I loved so much. And where I was about to see "the play that started it all" —the Dream that began my dreams of learning more about Shakespeare, more about Elizabethan England and to one day see another piece of London which I already had such a fascination with.
That Rice production that night was great and I will always remember standing as a groundling touching my hand to the stage and knowing I wasn't dreaming anymore. 💜
Happy Birthday, O!
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Saw this fella when I worked a couple days at the Disney offices in London, England ☆
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brittabroad · 5 years
I know this is years too late but
I’m gonna make a list of all the celebs I can think of that I saw/met in England and then in separate posts tell the stories/memories of each incident ^_^
I’m gonna tag it so I can come back to this list and update as things reoccur to me :) Pls excuse the crude spelling I’m at first just typing furiously and sometimes just giving myself reminders
Benedict Cumberbatch X3?
The Queen and her family at Buckingham Palace
Prince William X2
David Tennant X2
Craig David
Orlando Bloom
Ellie Goulding
Mumford & Sons
Stephen Fry
Oliver (Weasley Twin)
Matthew Lewis
Lady Kitty Spencer
Michael Fassbender
Alicia Vikander
Matthew McFadden
Michael Sheen
Mel C
Ralph Fiennes
Vanessa Redgrave
Jim Broadbent
Dominic Cooper
Gemma Areton
Celinde Shonenmaker
Ramin Karimloo X2
Hadley Fraser
John Owen-Jones X2
Poto Managers, Simon and
Samantha Barks
Sir Ian McKellen
Sir Patrick Stewart
Lily James
Richard Madden
Derek Jacobi
that lady from Jekyll
The Queen’s Cousin Michael?
Boris Johnson
Richard E. Grant
Louise Brealey
Una Stubbs
Timothy Carlton
Wanda Venham
Mark Gatiss X2?
Steven Moffat X2
Andrew Scott
Danny Hargreaves
Arwel Jones?  X2 *events
Claire Pritchard X2 *events
that ballet guy I like lol  X2? *events
Carrie Hope Fletcher  X4 *events
Giovanna Fletcher
The Ravenmaster at Tower of London
Peter the Beefeater  X2
Laura Wright (Skye Boat Song)
Robert Sheehan
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I'm checked into my airbnb and so far not quite impressed 100 percent but you get what you pay for they say and this accommodation was quite cheap in comparison to others of the area and in a sense I can see why. It's nothing special, communication with the host has been crap and I'm sooo glad it's only 1 night here. I'd rather spend less money a night and have a warmer reception and environment sleeping with strangers in the room at the hostel than this at this point. At least the hostel was warm (heat wise)... (Not like the reviews for this place didn't warn me so I'm no surprise there but)...
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brittabroad · 8 years
Moving out of London
Well can we talk emotional? Like not even in the way of “OMG I’M GONNA MISS ALL THIS” more like: “I’M A PACK RAT I DON’T LIKE THIS FEELING OF TRYING TO PACK AND DISCARD STUFF DURING CHRISTMAS ‘HOLIDAYS’! And, am I getting my deposit back coz it’s now technically a 2 weeks notice instead of 1 month... I’m stressed”!
We’ll just skip over the breakdown New Year’s Eve night I had over trying to pack the last little bit of things and worrying that I’ve still not given away enough and discarded enough and shipped back enough! Because I went off to see the fireworks to just get outta there and it did me a world of good!!!
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I watched them and I thought: “These are fantastic. Wow really pretty! What luck I have to be here bringing in another year! I need to stop stressing coz tomorrow I’ll be off for a fun time...” and so on... It was great!
So then I Skyped my family from Tower Hill station which was great and I felt a bit better after that too!
JANUARY 1, 2017
Day of packing went well actually on the 1st! Got all done I wanted except for: needing to send 2 more packages last min and having the post office closed and washing the floors of the room.
But my roomie across the hall saw me packing and we spoke and he offered to help me which pulled a lot of stress away! And washing of the floors wasn’t a huge priority coz they’re pretty clean to begin with...
I worried that Molly and Zahid were ignoring me or something coz they didn’t come out of their rooms once as I was going up and down stairs clearly with heavy bags thudding meaning I’m getting ready to go I would think. But then Molly did come out and we chat briefly and I did my dishes and cried a little and she encouraged me. And Zahid came a short time later as I was eating (Molly had leftovers to share and Pepsi) and we chat a bit too and he seemed in good spirits towards me so I felt less dejected and I explained fully that I really wished that things weren’t the way they were and that I would have stayed the full time if I could have but it might affect my future reentry and he completely understood saying that Theresa May (prime minister) is an idiot and making immigration decisions that are making it harder to enter the UK and so forth so ya
Then he went to shower saying for me to wait and he’ll say goodbye etc so Molly and I had tea I chose some of my Earl Grey and she put whipped cream on top. I think I have a new fav drink XD hehe We spoke briefly about finding somebody to marry and she clearly has different ideas about that than to me. She says you should know somebody fully after a month and really get to know them and then you can marry if they’re perfect for you... She grew up though in a society that sort of arranges marriages and encourages marriages so her views are different...
Then Zahid helped me to Plaistow station (THANK GOD BECAUSE FRICK IT WAS RAINING). And as I go get on the train my bungee cord falls onto the tracks. FFFFF. I get off and Zahid grabs his umbrella to try and scoop it up. I drop that too coz of shaking hands and slippery-ness with the wetness of it all. So I go fetch a worker who brings one of those trash picker upper thingies and he’s like pissed at me and says “why were you standing so close to the edge you need to always be behind the yellow line” and I’m like “I WAS GETTING ON THE TRAIN IT FELL BETWEEN THE GAP ACCIDENTALLY” and geeze. But we got our things back, I got on the train and sorta relaxed a bit coz I knew I was on my way!
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Got off at Victoria and that does not have a lift... WHY THE HECK NOT?! IT’S A LEGIT TRAIN STATION PEOPLE TRAVEL WITH BAGS ALL THE TIME YO is it coz I was at the District line part? Who knows. But there were wonderful people (men) who helped me with the stairs so bless them!
I figured out I could push the bags together in a T shape with the I being my smaller bag and the - being the bigger bag that has the better wheels then I just hold the handle of the big one and other hand on the back of the small and push away! Works well on smooth surfaces, less so on rough but it’s my small bag that has dud wheels so they get caught up sometimes when you first try to get going :/
I want to refund my Oyster. Well the terminal that does that is CLOSED. (-_-) sheesh.
So off to the coach station I decide to go. I see a bus number 11. “Do you go to the coach station?” *nod* “Brilliant”.
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Got off and pushed my way into the station with time to spare! Well let’s go refund the oyster at the ticket oyster thing (all the way on the other side to where I need to be) but the floors are smooth so no problem. Get there see a sign you can only do it at the underground stations or information centres. FFF that’s fine I have 5 pounds deposit and 1.50 left so if need be I can leave it if I cannot refund online via my account...
So push my way towards international departures. A guy sees me struggle with the bags (readjusting to cross a road terrain change over a bump) so he helps me with one over to the terminal. Bless him.
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I see a sign that says CHECK IN so I do that and a short time later we are allowed to board! I am not allowed to take the carry on suitcase (with fragile stuff inside) with me on it has to go under the coach. And man asks if I paid for extra baggage and I BS’d my way through an answer and he let me on without paying for that.
I find a seat and suddenly the radio is playing ‘All I Ask of You’ from PotO I’m astonished! They go on to interview Cameron Mackintosh too and play a ‘Hamilton’ song before the coach starts up and we have no radio.
Oh I did have enough time to get off the coach before departure to fill my water bottle (told the shopkeeper I needed to take medication so he’d give me free tap water)...
And we went on our way! I ate the food Molly gave me but I had no fork so I used the plastic bag over my fingers lol to eat and pick out the hot peppers; tedious...
Saw Big Ben and parliament one last time from the south of the river and that was absolutely lovely looking in the night!
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Then I read for about an hour and a half maybe more of @theawkwarddeadgirl and I’s RP (yes we have that much and more because we are AWESOME) haha... Then I was feeling carsick and we got to Dover so I looked around coz we were boarding a ferry to Calais, France anyway!
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white cliffs of Dover!
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Had to get off the coach when on the ferry so I sat by a window and wrote to my penpal.
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the four musketeers: Paddington, Paddy, Keetchka and me
Also gandered at the bruises I’ve inflicted during packing and moving...
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By the time we were on the coach again it was real late almost 1 am I think I recall reading...
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I tried to sleep a bit but probably only got an hour maybe hour and a half total. We did stop in “Holland” for 15 mins where I heard some sort of shouting going on and later a coach passenger gets back on and says “that mutherfucker” or something and I’m like WHOA WHAT’S GONE DOWN?!
Saw him and another passenger get off at the next stop a short time later and that dude threw his hands up at the guy and left then black dude shook his head and went opposite direction.
The coach driver announced the name of the station not the city we were in when we got to Amsterdam so I stayed on as did a few others. He then had to get back on and tell us “Amsterdam” lol but now I’m looking at the clock like “I have to wait an hour and a half in this cold?” well the metro station was literally just gates to get in and then who knows what behind it so I waited in there cold and needing to pee!
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At last I went to board coach 2 but driver is grumpy and literally pushes me towards the doors of the Eurolines building when I tell him I didn’t do the check in there but I have a ticket. He’s pissed because there’s 5 mins til departure. I had NO clue I needed to check in again if I had that ticket from the check in back in London. So chill.
Then lady inside has no chill either saying “Where were you?!” because check in should be up to 15 mins before departure and “all the other passengers for your coach were here waiting”. I tried to explain that I didn’t know I needed to come NOT TO MENTION their building wasn’t open when I arrived by my other coach so suck it ok?
I get down the steps again to try and board the coach and the guy is mad again because I need to load luggage on the other side. HAVE. SOME. CHILL. I AM NOT A MIND READER I DO NOT KNOW. And I’m in a foreign country with no sleep really under my belt and it’s 7 am I’ve been out in the cold since 5:20 so CALM IT.
I get on the coach and the guy I sit beside seems a bit reserved like pulling away from me almost so I feel like I’ve disturbed him on his phone there... I go to the toilet as the coach rolls on. Not fun but NECESSARY yo lol
Then I pull out my laptop coz we have wifi on this one! So I email my Mom with my itinerary and my flatmate telling him thank you and here’s what’s in the packages for him to put for the customs form. And I’m typing to a tumblr follower who messaged me when guy beside me asks me if I’m going to Denmark... I’m alarmed coz I was telling the follower that I’m excited for going to The Netherlands and so long as it doesn’t have disappointing food like Denmark I’ll be good! and then he spoke up so I’m like: HE’S READING WHAT I’M WRITING. But no turns out he’s headed for Copenhagen and wanted to know whether he could get off some place else coz he’s going to a funeral or something and it’d be more convenient not to be getting off at Copenhagen...
Anyway he chats me up. I learn he’s Egyptian and that he used to be in the military for 14 years and he got out of it because he said he’d go crazy if he kept it up with the stress and what he’d seen. So now he is a safety consultant kinda freelance for companies and schools and so forth so he travels to new assignments every year or so. He does similar work to his military career but obviously not in life and death situations now. He’s got a mother and a sister and a cat and he seems to have a great sense of humour and is quite friendly! He gave me his card so that I can contact him and get the contact info for a Canadian woman who runs overseas schools especially in Egypt.
And as the sun comes up and we’re chatting I’m enjoying the view of the rolling fields, hills and sheep sprinkled about them.
We arrive to Groningen earlier than I expected even though we left late... And I bid him goodbye because now it’s time to start Phase 2!
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brittabroad · 4 years
London, I miss thee.
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Okay I got to make this quick because I really need to sleep and be up for work tomorrow but I wanted to make this post. I wanted to make it earlier today so I could type out a full thing but that's okay I think I can cover what I want to in less words anyway hahaha... Anyway so today was the 3-year anniversary of this picture which means it's the 3-year anniversary of walking into All Hallows Church for the first time and meeting Sean. Which means that yesterday was the 3-year anniversary of meeting Rachel in person. ♡ both of these people mean a whole lot to me and no matter what happens in our lives whether we remain close or life pulls us apart for a while I know that my memories of London will not be complete without mention of both of these people. Not only did Ra encourage me to apply for England once and for all (with some tough love), she also then came over with me. I've been so blessed to have her friendship and support and furthermore blessed to have spent some incredible times with her in not just London but further off in England as well. Our love for Sherlock Holmes and Basil of Baker Street brought us together and I feel so incredibly awestruck that we got to meet up for the first time in that very city which seems a character in and of itself within the narrative of those two characters' lives. And then a day later we both meet the totally awesome and wonderful Sean who went on to be such a support for me perhaps more than he will ever realize. I am blessed to have made such an instant friendship with him and am awestruck that Ra and I found someone who is just as quirky and awesome as we are and has similar almost identical sense of humor. We may not talk as often as maybe we should but I am so grateful to have a friend in him. Lastly, looking at this picture and recalling the memories of coming to London has made me renew my thought process towards the feeling that going to London was the best thing I could have ever done for myself in so, so many ways. Before I went over London always felt like it was calling me back and when I finally met it for the first time through these eyes, my heart felt content with the reassurance that I was home. I'm happy to say that I have two homes now two homes that have made me into the person I am today and two homes that I will always love and miss when I'm away from either of them. ♡ So happy anniversary to London and to unexplainable friendship. Sometimes things that can't be explained by the mind can only be felt with the heart and perhaps explained by Fate and divine intervention and that is what this time of year will always celebrate for me. ♡♡♡♡♡ 🇬🇧 💖💜💝
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I just want to curl up
tired of the mess that is my life, my finances and my room at the moment...
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Life of a Pack Rat
should have budgeted a sh!t ton for shipping stuff home... :/
I hate being a pack rat
but I might end up having to just getting rid of even more clothes (VERY hard for me to do btw) that or just wear 10 layers to afford me room in my suitcases lol *le sigh*
I also shouldn't have purchased such cool stationery because now I don't want to part with it and its weight and size is taking up room in the cases...
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Guess Christmas Day is over...
oh lord it's 2 am. What am I doing? Writing a falling in love scene between a young man and a young nutcracker prince while simultaneously being distracted by The Nutcracker ballet on Youtube in my other window...
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I'm so pissed off at whoever decided to process my visa application and make it start on the 1st of January because now they f***** me over
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It's now past 1 a.m. I am tired but I can't sleep because my mind keeps going and besides all that I am chilly I have on thick pyjamas, thick socks and even mittens but it's no use when the air on my face is cold and my hands won't warm up enough for me to be comfortable https://68.media.tumblr.com/fda96d4fe16175a9350a7f554a8d537d/tumblr_inline_oib7m4wRZs1qcqdj8_500.gif Terribly sorry that all my update posts during my nights recently seem to be on the negative side The night just isn't a good time for me as of late pun intended
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