#Broken free of the golden cage I walk this twisted path alone (IC)
bikmui-a · 4 years
[Ibaraki Douji has disrespected the king | @tenken-jinshin]
“What a ridiculous offer, spirit! I do not believe in Shuten Doji because he is the Demon King, I trust him because he is my friend. Which, from the tone of your ‘offer’, you don’t seem very interested in.”
Ao Bimei tilted their head as they listened with growing curiosity. It was not that they doubted his words - although they had not known him long, they imagined he was the kind of straightforward person they adored, if only to tease. Ah, it was such a shame; those with more complicated hearts always were their favourite to play with after all. 
“I am interested in being friends,”  they said mildly. “The sort to share a bed and more, of course.” 
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bikmui-a · 4 years
[Continued from here | @shadow-assault]
Not often was he the one to be on the receiving end of sharp steel. Whoever managed to do so definitely were not the average target he’d assassinate. Though, he had an idea as to who the culprit could be. The assassin let out a small sigh, grabbing hold onto the wrist that was holding the dagger to his neck. “I would lower it if I were you.”
“And why would I do that?” Ao Bimei asked, although their tone remained teasing. “You look terribly pretty like that, you know.” 
Indeed, they pressed the knife closer still to his throat - enough to break skin, but barely so. “Hm, I might be persuaded to let you go, however. What say you? Have you anything to offer me?”
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bikmui-a · 4 years
[Continued from here | @highordinal]
Kayn narrowed his gaze, a look of annoyance on his face.
“You’ll never compare to Jiawen no matter how hard you try-” He said in a high-pitched mocking tone, “Do I look like I care? And do I look like some personal butler to you?”
He sauntered up to the swordsman and slung an arm around his shoulders, using his other hand to ruffle up his hair. “All you do is whine and demand things! What are you? A baby? Awww does the wittle baby want attention?”
Immediately, their expression soured. This mortal truly was such a pain! Not only did he demand al of Jiawen’s attention (which they wanted for themselves), he had the gall to be so disrespectful towards them. Ugh, truly the worst mortals had to offer. 
“If it is attention you offer, then you should do so properly.” If Kayn truly was one to feign shamelessness to bother them, then he was stupider than they expected. Ao Bimei grinned coquettishly, a hand resting upon Kayn’s shoulder and slipping closer to the hem of his clothes. Indeed, a thumb slipped across his skin. 
A threat. A promise.  
They looked up at him. “Really, you humans are hopeless. At least kiss me before touching me so.”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[Noodle just wants the world to burn | @immclating​]
An eyebrow is raised at the request, Jun Wu shifting to sit forward in his throne at the man’s request. As if he’d do something simply because a person bothered to ask – did Ao Bimei take him for a dog?
He scoffs , then returns the smile with one of his own. It is tempting to grant him this request regardless, to descend upon the mortal world clad in shadow and flame and once more bring about ruin…
… but he does not want to grant things so simply, either.
Lips purse together as he mulls it over. As much as he was ashamed to admit it to himself the refined martial emperor ate up the flattery as much as he dished it out in return. The very idea that anything about him might be seen as genuinely beautiful made his stomach twist in slight discomfort. How dare he be so… so… easy to flatter?
In the end, Ao Bimei is probably faking it like all the others.
“You keep insisting upon seeing me in action.” A drawn out, over-dramatic sigh as he rises to his feet. “What is your obsession with ruin? Do you not believe me capable, Ao Bimei~?”
His last words end on a teasing note. Fine, if his new ‘friend’ so greatly wishes to see Bai Wuxiang in action so be it. It was about time the ‘slain’ calamity returned from death anyway.
“Come along then, you shall have what you desire.”
Talon tilted his head, amused by his words. Did his new friend not trust him? It was a wise decision indeed, yet Talon was nothing short of wholehearted in his desire to watch Bai Wuxiang descend upon the mortal realm and wreak havoc upon those lesser creatures which resided there - meaningless ants which deserved nothing more than the taste of steel and the river of blood that soon would flow. 
“It is not a matter of whether or not I believe you are capable.” Talon laughed softly as he rose from the chair he had reclined upon, cheek resting upon his palm. “You have already proven yourself to be....a notable individual indeed.”
He raised his arm and glanced pointedly at the band which rested upon his wrist. 
“Rather, it is a wish born of nothing more than... desire.” A soft, beguiling smile played upon painted lips as his gaze turned towards his companion. “There is a beauty in destruction that cannot be compared. I yearn to see that destruction, by your hand and yours alone. Paint the earth with those worthless humans’ blood... Let me hear their screams. There is no sweeter music.”
There was a skip to his step as he followed Bai Wuxiang, humming gleefully as he imagined it. Oh, how beautiful his white-clad companion would look, stained with blood, death hanging heavily in the air. Oh, how he yearned to reach out, pull away that mask, and show him how truly Talon loved to see him like that... Show him how truly Talon had appreciated the destruction... 
“Would you not agree?”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[Closed starter | @immclating]
They sat upon the CEO’s desk, floor-length skirts spilling crimson across the table and floor. Within one hand was a long black - no sugar, as they imagined befitted such an uptight, dominant figure - and in the other, a takeaway cup of fragrant tea. 
The building was quiet still, but that did not matter. There was only one person they would so patiently wait for, and they were almost certain he soon would arrive... 
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bikmui-a · 4 years
[Ask a thot what is hot | @sozotohakai | accepting]
“Do you wish to remain an eternity? There are too many things to recount. Your face, your hands, the way you look in the heat of battle...” They smiled deviously and pulled in closer, fingers brushing barely-there against his cheek. “And how you look in bed, too.”
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bikmui-a · 4 years
🌶 uwu
[Ask a thot what is hot | @shadow-assault | accepting]
“Well, the most obvious is your face. Your skill with the blade, of course. And, well...” Their eyes wandered. “Who am I to say no to a body such as yours?”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[Closed starter | @alloycoded​]
A human! This one dressed well indeed, although the drab white seemed plain in contrast to the pale blues and shimmering brocades that adorned Ao Bimei’s body. Ah, but what could one expect from these mortal creatures - if they were not terribly slow, then they lacked common sense, or style, or something else equally important. 
Truly, it was a mystery that the gods chose to watch over these odd creatures, with lives so short and meaningless they were little more than dirt underfoot. 
“Halt! Halt and kneel before me, human!”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[Closed starter | @musetothemusic]
They were sipping on an iced mocha after practice, humming gleefully as they licked sweetened cream off their spoon when they saw her. Akali. The little brat who had dared talk back at him and dared to even imagine that she could ever defeat them. 
They were more beautiful, more talented, and just better in every single way, really. She was stuck in her little kiddy dream, unwilling to face reality. 
“I didn’t know they let losers practice in here,” they said, words sharp and malicious. “Although, I guess it’s our duty as your betters to show you how it’s really done.”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[Closed starter | @kinkcu​]
Ahhhh! They truly could not stand this mortal realm upon which they now found themselves helplessly wandering. Of course, they held a tight grip upon their pride - even now, fine brocades dulled with wear and their feet pained by days of walking. Indeed, they were a prideful creature, unwilling to sway in any way. Perhaps that was why they had fallen so low, they occasionally mused for the briefest of moments, before concluding that it was, ultimately, Irelia’s fault that they had fallen upon this realm. 
After all, it could hardly be considered a surprise that they one day would realise that the gods were all two-faced, double-crossing bastards whose interests had less to do with the welfare of others - or, indeed, of the mortals they so claimed so love - but rather with the number of worshippers, shrines, and the wealth which they could amass instead with their machinations. Yet it was for this realisation (and the decision that rather than prostrating themselves any longer, and allowing themselves to be enchained by gods and mortals alike) that they had since been cast from the heavens which always had been their home. 
Well. Home was a relative term, really. They always had fought with the gods, for there always were those who thought they deserved no pity, nor the land and title which they had been born to. 
They were but a child, then... 
Ao Bimei kicked a rock out of frustration as they came upon yet another human village. Yet another sleepy, destitute fishing village which piqued their interest about as much as a bug they had stepped upon might. Yet another collection of humans who would all too willingly beg for their assistance in their petty matters (they remembered with a burning rage the times they had been asked to water the crops of the humans they visited, or to heal an ailing child. Did these mortals not know they were far too majestic to deal with such matters!) yet turn their backs upon them now, and shun them as a madman. 
“I am the Dragon King of the Southern Seas. All ye before me shall kneel and present forth your offerings.”
The mortals stared at them, then burst out laughing. Laughing! They laughed at one such as they! Anger coloured their cheeks as they stormed off, hiding from the rotten fruits and painful stones which had been hurled in their direction. This! This was why they despised the humans so. They were such presumptious creatures, thinking that they could demand anything that they wished and holding themselves in such high regard, yet having so little respect for those who were their better!
Ao Bimei stomped their foot upon the ground with a huff. 
They would destroy this village, take back the dragon spirit Irelia had stolen from them and sealed within her blade, and kill every last god for all the insults they had suffered. 
Yet for now, as the sun began to set, they decided to take refuge in a tree a short way away from the village, curled up in silks which were not quite warm enough against the cold which settled in at night, and dreaming of a vengeance which would be both beautiful and terrible. 
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bikmui-a · 4 years
The Joxter takes a bite from his apple and then fumbles and drops it... right into somebody’s lap. How did he not notice the person sitting at the foot of the tree before? He twists himself around on the branch so that he is lying on his stomach and dangles his arm down towards them. “Hey, sorry about that,” he says. “You mind handing it back up?” They probably can’t. It’s probably much too high for them to reach. Man, he really doesn’t want to go down there. He was so comfortable!
[The one (1) person allowed not to find them hot | @musetothemusic]
The moment the fruit dropped onto their lap, Ao Bimei looked up with a glare in their eyes and a sneer upon their lips. Although they hardly cared to pay attention to the creatures they now found themselves amongst (not that they could sense them as effortlessly as they once could; a troubling fact in and of itself and only compounded by how unworthy they found all manner of mortal life), this was a development they could describe only as rude. 
Truly, what manner of creature dared think they could be above them, be it in a metaphorical or literal sense! They were a king, a dragon, and although their spirit now had been stolen away, they liked to imagine they had lost none of that regalness. After all, were it not brocade silks they wore across their form, golden threads spun into warring dragons across blue which shimmered as the sea they rose from? 
They hissed softly, rising and allowing the apple to fall to the ground with a soft sound. 
“How dare you disrespect me so,” Ao Bimei’s voice was soft, belied by anger and the devastating need to murder. Their blade hissed gently as they pulled it from its sheath, brilliant in how it reflected the evening light. “Name yourself, lowly creature, so I might know what manner of irreverent cur festers upon this realm.”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[Closed starter | @immclating]
They looked up at the buildings which surrounded them, feeling dizzy simply by staring at their soaring tops. Everything was so fast! So loud! They despised it so! 
Yet as they ran frantically about, trying to discern where they were, let alone how they would find their way back to a realm which made far more sense, the mortals about only gave them a suspicious side glance and side-stepped away from them. A human in an odd metal contraption screeched to a halt with an ear-piercing sound, and they ran back to the safety behind a metal pole with no discernable purpose. 
“Where! Where am I!” Ao Bimei clung desperately to the nearest human. “I- I demand to know now!”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[Continued from here | @immclating]
“Is hate a thing meant to keep you going?”
He asks in response to the man’s statement. The masked calamity had often found himself pondering over this; betrayal was ice cold but his passion to destroy those who had wronged him was as hot as the lava that had consumed his homeland. Hate was certainly a reason to thrive, to grow, to outstep all.
Behind the frigid half crying, half smiling mask he smiles fondly.
“If it is only keeping you warm it is not strong enough. What good is a hatred that only serves to keep your body thawed? It should consume you so that your fire reaches out and incinerates all it touches and leaves nothing but ash.
If all you are is ‘warm’ you know nothing of what it is to hate.”
Talon paused for a moment as he looked upon the stranger, a soft hiss leaving him the longer he stared. He was quick to anger - indeed, it had been his temper and blind hate which sent him to this pitiful place, and yet he did not care to temper his anger. No.. It was all that drove him on, now, despite the indignity of walking amongst mortal kind. 
“Do not dare assume you know anything of my hatred.” His voice was cold as he closed the distance between them, his blade in his hand. A reminder or a threat that he was not one to be trifled with. “How dare you look down upon me, a dragon and a king. How dare you.”
He brought his sword up, so that its end was mere inches from the stranger. 
“I will be merciful just this once, for I have no quarrel with you, but keep in mind.. I will not forgive any further slight against me.”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[IJ Kayn] "You're my best friend. But I hate you. And I love you. I hove you, which is a word I made up right now which is hate and love combined."
“How terribly misguided you are,” Ao Bimei said with a playful smile. “There is absolutely no reason to hate me. You should focus on that love you feel for me instead; it is the more natural of the two feelings.”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[Gremlin noodle advice | @immclating]
“Hiding one’s face is a shame. Especially when one has such a pretty face.”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[Continued from here | @shuoshuzhe​]
           he bristles, head lifting from what he was looking at to look around. maybe it was just his paranoia oddly acting up…he ALWAYS feels like someone’s watching him, it’s why he sits with his back to walls and facing the entire room, so he could see EVERYONE, everything.            who’s staring ?? who’s looking at him so intently that he’s reacting to it ?? a sweep of the room, his eyes catches the gaze of another and he stiffens. yin yu doesn’t feel a need to bolt, but unease seems to flood him…this person…who were they ?? he can’t leave without passing by the stranger…he doesn’t recognize them, did someone send them ??            it wasn’t that yin yu couldn’t DEFEND himself if he needed to, but he wanted to avoid fighting if he could. does he dare to approach and boldly ask why they kept staring at him ?? no, no…can’t be him, maybe they were just staring absentmindedly in his direction, looking at the wall, not at him. he tried to calm his nerves.            yin yu sinks further into his seat, trying to avoid the person’s eyes again.
Talon tilts his head the longer that he stares, the immortal’s obvious discomfort endlessly entertaining. Good. He is stronger than any other here, in the heavens, upon the realm of the mortals, and in the underworld, too. He is stronger than them all. Let them know that and squirm, knowing he was an unmovable force. 
When finally, he sinks into his seat and avoids his gaze, Talon laughs, a playful sound as if he had been playing a game, and not staring down another. When he stops, it is whilst wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. 
“How pathetic!”
He burst in laughter once more. 
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