#Bronda is YOUR mom now!!!
twilightprince101 · 3 years
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Well she's more of a mom than anything but still
Meet Bronda Brittleshoot! As said, she is the mother figure to Brandy Brittleshoot and in her late 50's/60's! She stayed behind while her son went to Snaktooth island on the expedition, and after he's come back fully snakified no less she does everything in her power to help her son and the rest of his friends from the expedition team! She's one of the few people who fully knows about everything that went on at Snaktooth without actually being there, and she's there if anyone needs to talk about what happened with a fresh face.
She accepts the whole Snaktooth situation very quickly because (there's obviously proof in Brandy coming home snakified but also) she pretty much has her head buried as deep in stories as Brandy! While Brandy himself his an author of many types, Bronda is a professional editor and where her son got inspiration to create stories. She isn't the best at creating stuff on her own, but she loves to read other people's stuff and help them improve! In both personality and profession she's always offering a helping hand to others!
She greatly appreciates the company as well for anyone needing to hide. Much like her child, Bronda is also a bit of a social recluse, not having many relationships outside of her tight bond with Brandy. She's been a single mother for 20+ years, and although she has accepted her husband's death she finds it hard to pursue new relationships in her slightly older age. Even still, she has just as strong empathy as her son, and anybody who needs a place to talk or rest is welcome in her home.
Think of her like the Moominmama of the Bugsnax fandom! You're welcome anytime and she's always willing to lend a helping paw! And if you just want to talk or need a hug, she's always happy to provide.
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Warmer lighting and color code for myself and others
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Pick a word that starts with the third letter of your first name: apologetic
The past 72 hours have you been under the influence? definitely not. It’s been over a month since I’ve had a drop of alcohol and tbh thats quite alright with me.
What were you doing at ten last night? I was either reading or flipping thru the shared album kile made of photos of me. Oddly enough, I have gone thru that album before but never really sat down and just swiped from picture to picture. I did so last night but couldn’t even make it through the whole album which really ... I guess it messed with me a little. I kept looking at photos of myself and thinking “who is that girl?” like I didn’t recognize myself because I looked so.. blissfully unaware of the tragedies to come. I just don’t feel like I’m the same person -- granted, I’m not. But then I was reading some screenshots he had made of between conversations and I saw him talk about what he saw his future to look like and I just .. that was hard. He hadn’t talked about seeing a future with me since I found out the news that I had actually began wondering if I had made that up in my mind but there it was in plain text. that was... something. and then I saw a photo of myself I rather liked and thought “wow, I look so happy here!” and noticed that in the screenshot, it shows a little pop up of kile’s (ex?)girlfriend and that she was calling him at the time of his screenshot. I mean I might as well have felt a million daggers to my heart at that point and I cleared the app and tried to dull the pain.
What was the last thing you drank? half a water bottle about 3 minutes ago
Who was the last person you hugged? I imagine it was mom the night I came back about a month ago. I haven’t been touched at all by anyone since then :/
Did you have a dream last night? I usually do have dreams. Last nights had something to do with kile being out of reach, but I dont remember much past that.
How many piercings do you have? so technically speaking I have 4 piercings in my ears but the only ones that remained and exist right now, are one in each ear.
If you could have something right now, what would it be? money to pay off my loan.
Have you ever had a panic attack? only after finding out the news about Kile. that was my first one. I think I had 2 more that week before/after graduation. none since then. 
Have your parents ever smoked pot? uhhhhhh mom said no, but I haven’t got a clue about my dad. perhaps?
Last time you cried really really hard? my most recent absolute hardest cry would have been graduation week.
What’s your favorite color? blues of all sorts.
Do you think your last ex deserves to die? no, no. I don’t ever wish something like that.
Will your next kiss be a mistake? this question is so dumb.. I certainly hope it isnt?
Who texted you last? uhhhh sawyer or sam
Who was the last person you talked to in person? Mom
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? absolutely.
Have you lost friends in the past 3 years? yes. I’ve lost my best friend.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? I sure hope so. I plan to go to some cemeteries
Do you listen to music every day? usually yes.
Are you listening to it right now? there is music playing in the movie I am watching Are you talking to anyone while doing this? nah. I haven’t responded to anyone. Just no real interest to do so.
Do you own more than one cell phone? one for now. Once I have income I will be losing my beautiful phone. Thought I would do so earlier than this but I have to still manage to come up with some money for moms birthday in a few weeks.
Whose phone number did you get last? I’m going to guess bronda’s? i probably should save it properly in my phone but i haven’t.
Have you ever been asked out? yes
Your current relationship status? Single.
Ever had a near death experience? yes.
What is something you do a lot? lol right now a whole lot of nothing. 
What do you usually order from Starbucks? I don’t. if i had to, a refresher.
Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? once in a while absolutely.
What are you eating or drinking at the moment? more water. I get so thirsty at night.
Do you speak any other language? not fluently, no
What is your favorite smell? rain.
When was the last time you gave/received a hug? coming up on four weeks ago
Ever been kissed in the rain? i have and I highly recommend it.
What should you be doing? I just realized that I think I’ve taken this survey before. woops. oh well.... anyway, I should probably be sleeping. However, I just finished my book I’ve been reading and it had a pretty dark ending and I just need something to distract me from that ha
Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? umm I’m not entirely sure. I’m fine. I don’t like to make it a point of getting angry regularly.
Do you act differently around the person you like? usually no. I mean obviously in the infatuation stage I think everyone is like a little hesitant to let their guard down entirely, but beyond that no. I don’t have the energy to put on a different facade and I certainly don’t want someone to be with me because of their attraction to who they THINK I am, instead of who I genuinely am.
What is your natural hair color? dirty blonde
Whose mind, besides your own, would you like to control? that just doesn’t appeal to me. I like free will.
What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed? lf I have stood up out of bed like you say, then I’ve put on my slippers and I make my bed. Then I usually clean up whatever (if I’ve put a book on the floor before bed or my laptop) and then I’ll go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, come back to my room brush my hair, and have some water.
What are you thankful you are not doing right now? i mean, many things I guess. 
What is your favorite kind of candy? peanut butter anything
What is your favorite thing about the beach? The way it is so unknown and it makes you feel so, so small.
What was the happiest age of your life? 19 was bliss. I was in love, I was loved, and I was feeling good. Likewise, last year had so many good times with Kile... that was just a lot of spoiling and growing close. 
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twilightprince101 · 3 years
Lying, see-no-evil, milky way, present!
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Brandy: Isn't too good, usually when they're lying about something small/minor they have a habit of smiling/laughing a bit giving them away. Skatey: Decently good, though uses half-truths and other stuff more than straight up lies. If she had a tell, probably something like her increasing her grip on her bat. Bronda: Somewhat similar to Brandy, but has learned to contain it a bit more.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Brandy: This dude overworks himself when it comes to creative stuff, so they tend to lock themselves away while working both so he doesn't get bothered and so that he doesn't worry people. Skatey: When she gets really mad Skatey can sometimes go full demon mode, snarling and getting violent in some circumstances. Leaned into it during her time in the city, but now that she's around friends she tries to keep it more tame to not scare them away. Bronda: She's the kind of person who encourages everyone else to go out and have fun, but she severely bottles up her own loneliness. She doesn't want other people to worry about her.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Brandy: More or less just wanted a grumpsona! I wanted something that kinda represented myself so I knew they would be a writer, then while coming up with his name I based it off my own somewhat and "scribble." Also, I kinda wanted someone that disliked/hated Wiggle Skatey: I don't remember the exact thought process, but I remember saying "hey what if Gramble had a punk rock friend that's like the complete opposite of him?" And then Skatey was born. Bronda: Fandoms need more mom OCs.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
Brandy: Usually tries to get them merchandise or something else of a show/band/movie/whatever that they like. If you're really close with him he'll sometimes write you a mini-story! The perfect gift for him would probably be plushies, dude has a collection. Skatey: Isn't usually the best since most of her experience comes from a limited budget. She'd probably make people something by hand (very poorly) or just take them somewhere to hang out solo. She'd like any gift because she hasn't gotten much, but the perfect gift? Maybe some jacket patches, gloves or other accessories. Bronda: She can and will get anything you make a passing mention of wanting, even if it isn't a holiday, watch out. Perfect gift for her would probably be something homemade or just a night out shopping with dinner.
Thanks for the questions Emei!!
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