#Buck and Jabez
thatliminal-wanderer · 6 months
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Pilby (Regretevator) ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Anise, Anna, Aponi, Arcturus, Art, Atlas, Attacus, Azalea, Bella, Benoni, Bindi, Binky, Bluet, Bray, Brayan, Brona, Bronagh, Brone, Brone, Buck, Buggy, Colias, Constantine, Daisy, Dolores, Eilir, Elytra, Eurema, Hawk, Indra, Jabez, Jaron, Kat, Laurel, Loela, Lolah, Lolita, Lolla, Luna, Malachite, Milbert, Mourning, Nekane, Papilio, Papilio, Parides, Pepper, Pier, Pierre, Queen, Spangle, Sphinx, Swallow, Tersa, Trista, Tristana, Tristine, Udea, Vanessa, Weidemeyer
bug/bugs, butterfly/butterflies, cater/pillar/caterpillars, drip/drop/drips, fool/fools, honk/honks, insect/insects, jest/jests, luna/lunas, mon/monarch/monarchs, moth/moths, pier/pierrot/pierrots, pop/pops, sob/sobs, swallow/swallows, tear/tears, weep/weeps, woe/woeful/woefuls, ⛲️/⛲️s, 🃏/🃏s, 🌀/🌀s, 🌧️/🌧️s, 🍂/🍂s, 🎟️/🎟️s, 🎠/🎠s, 🎪/🎪s, 🎭/🎭s, 🐛/🐛s, 💔/💔s, 💦/💦s, 💧/💧s, 🔈/🔈s, 🚿/🚿s, 🤹/🤹s, 🥀/🥀s, 🥉/🥉s, 🦋/🦋s, 🩹/🩹s
A Bug With A Face Full Of Makeup, That Clown With Stage Fright, The Bug Of Green and Blue, The Buggy Clown, The Clown Who’s Makes Is Smeared By Tears, The Clown With An Ever Present Frown, The Failed Clown, The Nervous Bug, The Sorrowful [Bug/Clown], [prn] Who Is Scared To Preform
Buglaside, Butterflyaesic, Caterpillargender, Clowncoden, Clowngender, Clownplushgender, Costumeclowngender, Epuisetristic, Feargender/Bugfearic, Gendercryic, Gendermoth, Gendersob, Koniraver, Lepidoverueic, Mariphosial, Mothaesic, Phosclownose
Other mogai
Alderacles, Aldermoth/Mothstelic/Mothvior/Mothvesi, Alderpetalou, Assigned Butterfly at Birth/ABAB, Assigned Pastel Clown at Birth/APCaB, Bugdernic/Antennadernic, Bugperspesque, Clownperspesque, Clownstelic, Clownvior, Moth Omninoun, Regretevatorhearthic
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jj-baruch · 3 years
Buck’s Broken Heart
Buck sat across a low, small table from Kirsti. The only light in the room was a dimmed lamp in the corner. His jaw was slack and barely restrained tears were in his eyes as he faced the woman he loved and had to let go.
“I said we needed to talk,” he began. “We’ve needed to talk for a long time.” He had trouble looking her in the eyes. “But we’re through.” He lifted his face to level his eyes with hers. Where his held sorrow, hers held wrath. “You lied to me about not wanting surgery. You could’ve said you weren’t ready or you wanted to take care of it yourself when I offered to pay, but you lied. You fly into a jealous rage whenever I so much as say hello to another girl. You…you’re violent. I mean, rough sex is one thing but you hurt me and wouldn’t stop.”
First one tear, then another streamed down his round cheeks.
“And I just can’t anymore.”
Kirsti saw him look up, over her head, as she heard a gentle click of a door shutting behind her. Contempt was in her voice. “So that’s how it’s gonna be? Like so many other corpses, just thrown away? Gonna have your little buddy take care of what you can’t? At least be a man and do it yourself.”
Buck closed his eyes and dropped his head toward his chest, gently shaking it side to side in a no. “That’s what you’d do. That’s not me. You still don’t understand. And that’s part of why we’re through.” He looked up to the form in darkness. “Be gentle.”
Kirsti felt a rough hand spread its fingers across her head and fell into a deep slumber.
A few minutes later, JJ pulled back his hand and grunted. “Just to be clear, we’re not telling any future partners about the manhu.” He shuddered. “I feel dirty now, messing around in someone’s mind just to make sure they forget.”
“Is it gone? All of it?” Buck couldn’t look his friend in the eye, either, knowing what he’d asked of the man.
“No. No way to do that without major damage.” Jabez had his limits and he wouldn’t cross them even for Buck. “They’re locked away deep.” He shuddered again. “Now let’s get her back to her dorm room and back so I can shower.” Buck could only discern a vague outline of his friend’s form in the dimly lit room but the anger was obvious as the lamplight reflected in his eyes. “After we finish up, don’t talk to me for a while.”
*          *          *
Passing a week in silence when you shared a house with your best friend was awkward at first and then trying and then torture. Separate meals, separate workouts, separate everything. It was obvious JJ approved of what Buck had done, but not how he did it or his part in the mess. He was thus surprised when, on a Sunday morning, a mug of khaffiyy and a small stack of silver dollar pancakes found their way to his place at the kitchen table. That was when he knew he and his friend would get through it. It wouldn’t be quick or easy, but they’d still be friends when this was all over. Jabez wasn’t exactly smiling from across the table, but it was a start.
To read more stories like this one, visit me at http://patreon.com/JJBaruch and you can also support my work by donating to my hospital bill fund at https://gofund.me/6cdf5dd4. I also have all other major platforms.
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blackroseraven · 4 years
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So we didn’t really get there “early,” but only assistant lady was there and she managed to feed like. Four horses before her lesson showed up, so I took over from there. Which was nice, honestly, because I like feeding the horses.
I also had to like. Stand there with the bucket of food for Jabez because he immediately buried his face in his disgusting porridge stuff that he gets the moment I opened his window, and then refused to move, so I couldn’t even dump it in his food bowl.
We took horses out and basically got most of them done by ourselves before Other Teacherlady showed up quite late. Birthday breakfast, so. You know. Happy birthday. We did chores.
I love it there but I honestly do think they take for granted sometimes that we’re just. Going to be there.
So I brought Quattro up and did some bridleless work with him. It went really well. Right up until he bucked me off again and I landed on my butt. I got back on afterwards, however, and we just took things nice and slow and easy until the kids started coming up for Pony Club.
Finally figured out what’s been going on, though. Put all the pieces together and felt around his hoof after exercise and found a hot spot, so he has an abscess, poor boy. I feel like a real jerk for working him so hard when it’s probably hurt quite a bit.
And yet he did it all for me.
I mean, not without complaint, absolutely not.
But he did it in spite of how much it probably stung. That’s more than most people will do for you, ever.
I made sure to bring Q in so they could hang out together while I carefully did Quattro’s hooves. Shaved all the excess frog I could find off, koppertoxed them, checked for any other problems, double-checked the hot spot. He’s definitely fine to do some light work, but I’m guessing when he hits the wrong spot it just hurts like hell. It’s gotta be pushing down near the tip of his “toe,” that’s probably why he always tosses me when he canters on that lead and he hits a sore spot.
I did Q’s hooves too, and then put them out and got Jaeger to check on him. His heel chunk is coming really loose at this point. Makes me a bit anxious: it probably sucks right now to walk on, but if it comes off he’ll lose a lot of his footing and I imagine it’ll hurt a lot more. The wetness of the weather isn’t helping, softening the hoof and increasing all the wear-and-tear.
But we’ll see tomorrow. Just have to take things one step at a time for now, and do what we can.
And trust your goddamn instincts and your damn horse, dumbass.
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jj-baruch · 3 years
A Group of Theremins Is Called a Mistake
Buck pulled his ’86 Impala into the driveway and noticed the garage door was open. So was the hatch leading down to the cellar. As he turned off the car, Kirsti asked from the passenger seat, “Um, why does your house look and sound like a B-movie?”
“I have a feeling we’re about to find out what was in all those boxes JJ ordered.” Buck led the way down to the cellar and stopped at the bottom of the stairs as he saw a large wooden table he didn’t know they owned covered with a strange pattern of devices.
JJ looked up, goggles on his face, as the sound stopped and smiled. “Success! It works!”
Dubious, Buck replied, “Uh…congrats. What’s with the rave?”
Undaunted, JJ pulled off his goggles and ran a hand through his thinning ginger hair. “I needed something that’d work for a project but not attract too much attention so I got these theremins…theremini….hmmm.” He looked thoughtful for a moment, scratching his beard. “You’re the English major. What’s a group of theremins called?”
“A mistake.”
“Right, so,” JJ continued, not realizing his friend was being sarcastic, “I made this mistake pattern and the positioning cancels everything out until it detects a disturbance in local dark matter.”
Buck and Kirsti both blinked twice, not entirely sure what to say to that. “And, um,…” Buck tried to maintain his composure, “what about the light?”
“No idea! And I’m pretty sure it should be blue but it’s green!” JJ’s smile was triumphant. “Isn’t that exciting?”
Kirsti, ever the pragmatist, cut the weirdness short. “So, I’m thinking movie night.” She tugged at Buck’s sleeve. “Jay, we’re gonna go upstairs. Meet us in a few minutes, ‘k? I’ll make popcorn.”
“Sure! Sounds great.” Jabez replied as he took off his gloves and set them on a work bench. “Be careful, though. Sparky’s been in a bad mood all evening.”
Whatever she had to put up with from the boys’ colicky pet shoggoth was bound to be less weird than the mistake in the basement.
For this and more, see my work at https://patreon.com/jjbaruch
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blackroseraven · 4 years
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So today we mucked, but more importantly, today I had to stop Marky from having sex with basically everyone.
Okay. So. Putting horses out, working around the people getting ready for a show. Go outside, and look over to one side, and oh look there’s Marky getting mounted by some unknown horse.
I hurry back in and ask who is next to Marky and Other Teacherlady tells me Jabez, asks why, and I say “oh he’s broken through the fence and mounted her. I should go move her.”
“Oh great. Yes. Please. Do that.”
Brief detour: yes, these horses are all geldings, we currently don’t have any stallions at the barn. But horses that were stallions for a long period of time, or who got to stud in the old-fashioned way, are frequently much more responsive to mares in heat. And I mean. Mounting obviously feels pleasurable for them, even if they can’t actually ejaculate.
There’s a word I don’t love to write. Ejaculate.
So I go out, Jabez is done, gets huffy when I get Marky, but Jabez is pony-sized so much of his threat is lost because he’s a tiny horse, and not an actual pony. Drag Marky out. Put her in Pasture 2, figuring she’ll be fine with her dumb friends, since they moved her in with Buff and Shark.
Later, find out that Buff is now attempting to mount her, so I grumble and run out to grab her again. In an ironic turn Shark seems to be having a weird “don’t have sex with my sister bro!” tantrum, and at least every time Buff comes up to try and get on her Shark charges at him and chases him off, and keeps trying to put himself between her and him.
Get Marky. Accidentally put my hand in what can charitably be described as “goo” on her back, likely from him first attempting to mount her. Go down. Buff charges wildly at us at the last moment but Shark has my back and chases him away.
God I’m glad I made friends with you, Shark, no matter what anyone else thinks of you. This makes up for all the times you tried to drag me over the fence.
Bring Marky to Jaeger and Hale’s empty paddock.
Meisty, twenty year old Meisty, immediately gets visibly excited in the pen next door. Very. Visibly. For a while it’s still okay, even if there’s the occasional squeal or hop. But by the time we’re done cleaning, Meisty has gotten so frustrated that he’s bucking at the fence and he’s chased his poor friend into one of the open stalls next to the paddock, and Sunny is just peering outside nervously, refusing to come out.
Also, Marky is a bitch, and thus she has found a hole in the wall and started tearing out the insulation.
So I swap Marky and Soa. Soa is imperious and does not care about other horses. Marky is now far enough away that she should be less tempting. There’s much mourning whinnying, but I’ve finally arranged the paddocks in such a way to stop Marky from attempting to get laid.
God. Horse hormones are terrible.
In riding news, well, I rode Quattro and Q. They were nice rides. They are not what I’m going to remember from today.
I saw too many horse penises today.
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jj-baruch · 3 years
A Man and His Sleep
Buck yawned and stretched as he pushed aside the tent flap and surveyed the valley before him. On the other side, the opposing camp was already abuzz in the pre-dawn light. Wondering what the hell had happened in the night, JJ wandered by, chunk of bread in one hand and a mug of hot tea in the other. He yawned but didn’t greet his old friend.
“What happened to you?” Buck inquired. His companion in arms wasn’t any sort of morning person if he could avoid it and was normally still in his bedroll at this hour.
“A thing needed doing.” JJ went into his tent next to Buck’s and refused to say more.
Uncertain what mess his fellow commander had made in the night, Buck went to the main tent to receive the overnight reports. He was aghast. If the scouts, spies, and newly taken prisoners were to be believed, half the opposing command structure was dead in the night at the hands of some unknown assassin.
Buck rushed to his friend’s tent and went inside without waiting for acknowledgement. He was met with a grumble that went into the Earth. “The fuck you think you were doing?”
“Way I see it, one of two things happen.” JJ finished the last of his tea and set the mug aside on the floor. “Either they surrender and I saved a lotta lives or they still attack and we win at a serious advantage and still save a lotta lives, just not as many.”
Buck was furious. “I’m the one who taught you that! Don’t treat me like an idiot. I meant what made you think it had to be you?”
Jabez, tired, slumped into his bedroll. “We got anyone else who could?” He cocked his head to one side, yawned again, and rolled toward the tent wall. “Yell at me later. Fighting’s about to start. Be generous when you accept their surrender.”
Buck didn’t know if the following snores were real but he left in a huff. His friend could turn the valley into a vast lava field if he really wanted to, and probably did, but had held off because Buck asked him not to. He’d convinced the magus this needed to be a victory their troops could point to as their own when they mustered out. The day that followed was hard but the troops won and saw it as their own.
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