jordankennedy · 8 months
I hope Magnus protocols shows off buried avatars and what they can do a bit more
I think about 152 often (Hezekiah my beloved)
i love the buried soooo much one of my all time favorite entities and i would have done ANYTHINGGGG to have some recurring avatars there are so many random one-off buried people that we never see anything else from and the lost potential makes me mad as fuck
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redstringredeye · 13 days
MAG 97: We All Ignore the Pit
Bucoda, Washington, USA
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We drove through Bucoda, WA on our road trip so you don’t have to. (We ignored the pit)
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citrusbusiness · 9 months
I was just scrolling through the TMA episodes and came across e97: We all Ignore the Pit. Looking back on it now, what in the Night Vale was Bucoda, Washington?
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carfuckerlynch · 6 months
do u guys think anyone in bucoda ever fucked the pit
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 173 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the French tamarisk in my garden. (Speaking of cutting, I’m going to put only one bullet point instead of three before the cut because the first two are so damn long...)
JON: "Look, I would just really like to get through here as quickly as possible." MARTIN: "How come? This one seems like the quietest place we’ve been in a while – it’s just rows and rows of quiet houses. I mean, I know some people don’t like that sort of thing, but – (slight laugh) – I’m actually finding it kind of relax–" JON: (cutting him off) "Martin. Please." [ALL OF A SUDDEN, IT’S APPARENT HE’S BREATHING HEAVILY.] Hm, thinking a bit more about the background why Jon sounds so panicked here. Like really, reaaaally in distress. I somehow can't imagine it's just about Martin not finding out where they are and what this is. So is this domain doing something to him? In what way, the fear usually feels right to him. Is it the knowledge that the fear of children feels good to him and he doesn't want that? Being reminded once in a while that it is the suffering of others that feeds him? One could argue that he kind of got used to that by now and he gets a bit of a wake-up call here.
JON: "The Eye prefers the more complex neuroses and disquiets of a fully developed mind. So the children are allowed to age – and they are placed into domains where their fears can… mature." Remembering there was something about no pets/children will be harmed in TMA, I think? (Sorry, Gertrude's cat I guess.) Is there more to this "Eye prefers more complex fears" or is it simply done for the audience to get info that they are growing out of their childhood, so no child is harmed? (This has been done before, making a comment that no child came to harm. MAG 97, there were no children in Bucoda, so they couldn't die in the pit. MAG 125, none of the victims of that Slaughter Leitner had children). What begs the question, is the suffering of some people more okay than that of others? Ah, it's fine though, they didn't have children? (regarding MAG 125 e.g.) Or where's the limit to childhood? 13? 14? 15? 16? 17? 18 you're legally not a minor anymore though I very much didn't feel all that different than 16. (What did feel different was that everything suddenly wanted money from me just because I hit that magic mark although I was still in school - damn you, Capitalism!!) This was venturing a bit into the territory of MAG 155 though and not so much what this is about here, I just enjoy moral debates as one might have noticed from my MAG 155 relisten post ^^’’ So returning a bit to the topic, actually I didn't really have the impression that the victims here are not children. The screams sound like children. The statement seems like childish fears. Parents are mentioned... (so the kids on Night Street are joining Gertrude's cat here, I guess xD)
MARTIN: "Anyone who’s chosen to spend their apocalypse tormenting children – God, you need to end them. Now." The one who torments children: Is a child Martin: Surprised Pikachu face
MARTIN: "This is that kid Basira went after last year, right? The one the darkness cult took. So, So that’s not even a kid, that’s whatever was inside Maxwell Rayner; it’s just wearing his body!" [JON INHALES.] JON: (calling) "Callum!" Callum: Whatever was inside Rayner died with him and besides, I was an asshole before this. Martin: Surprised Pikachu face Guess what, kids can be assholes.
MARTIN: "I want you to use your power. I want you to help them; I want you to make things better!" Jon's power. The one he gets from a Dread Power. Dread! Which is at its best passive. Yeah, he got Martin out of this Lonely state he was in in MAG 159, but there is no snapping out of it in this new world anymore. There are no nuances. It's either causing fear, or feeling fear. Martin really is not up to date on how all this works. It makes sense, he is a few steps behind. Steps Jon already made when the world was still normal. (But yeah, I love the trope of trying to use evil powers for good and it does, naturally, backfire horribly because these powers are designed to cause suffering.)
"Is it because he is brave enough to fight the monsters? No. Jack is scared all the time. The world is so big and the night is so long, and the monsters are waiting under the bed and in the closet and down the hallway and in the street and round the corner and behind him." Oh, love the pace picking up here. It's getting this chasing rhythm.
"Her mother is downstairs, but she is part of the sofa now. She won’t stop staring at the television and laughing. Laughing and laughing." Haha, yeah, gotta love the TV zombies xD Do we have a word for them? That generation was quick to call the younger generation with smartphones “smombie”, while they themselves melt plenty into the sofa hypnotized by the TV in front of them. And then they just put a tablet (or a smartphone), the thing they condemn so much, in front of their children for them to watch YouTube so they don't have to play with their children... Sorry, this turned a bit into a rant about hypocrisy. Furthermore this is a domain of the Dark, but there is actually another fear in there. The parents not helping. Bit of Lonely? Or what would you say? This is also something that already dips a bit into the “matured fear”. When you’re a kid, you (usually) have grown-ups to stick up for you. When you’re the grown-up you gotta stick up for yourself and that can be very scary.
JON: "Is that enough for you? Do you need to hear more? See Luka. See Luka sleep –" MARTIN: (cutting in) "No, no, no; that’s enough!" [A JANGLING AS HE – REACHES OVER?] MARTIN (CONT’D): "That’s enough." [PAUSE.] [A FEW STEPS.] [THEN, CLOTHING SOUNDS AS JON SPEAKS:] JON: "Thank you for not hitting me this time." [A PAUSE THAT STRETCHES ON FOR THE SPAN OF THREE HEAVY BREATHS.] It's so interesting that this call out is phrased in a positive way. Highlighting, that now Martin has done it right rather then telling him what he did wrong before. But there is definitely hurt in Jon’s voice and Martin not reacting feels like he's taking time to consider what his actions really did to Jon and then stays silent out of shame. Also what did he do this time? Just pat Jon's arms? Shake him?
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Round Two Part Three - Match 17
Nikola!!!! Nikola my beloved!!! We All Ignore the Pit is, for ranking purposes, an honorary avatar statement giver episode. Also that pit was kinda fucked up. Nikola’s first on-screen appearance is against Recluse, which received 154 votes in Round One.
MAG - 097 - We All Ignore the Pit | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Jackson Ellis, regarding the geographical oddities in the town of Bucoda, Washington.
MAG - 059 - Recluse | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Ronald Sinclair regarding his years spent in a teenage half way house on Hill Top Road, Oxford.
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c-m-thomas · 2 years
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Bucoda, WA 2022
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
MAG 97 - mowing the lawn
The first rule of the pit is: you do not talk about the pit.
This is, again, a Buried statement starting with financial problems. Love this connection.
"You never realise how many possessions you have until you find them weighing you down, or how little value most of them have to anyone but you. I sold what I could, but I got less than fifty dollars, and had barely got rid of anything." - Fun fact, a friend of mine was listening to this statement while cleaning up his flat to prepare for a move XD He sent me this line with a crying emoji and something about "just sold the fridge for xx€"
"So when I got chatting to Tar" - Something went very wrong here considering that the sentence is supposed to be "So when I got chatting to Tommy in a bar"
"The forest pressed in on all sides, like it did everywhere in the Pacific Northwest, I suppose, but it was an effect I was struggling to get used to." - I can relate to that. I wouldn't want to live in a house in the middle of the woods. I would want a small clearing to have a breather. That is also the reason I don't like big cities. Rows and rows of houses with no gaps in between and far too tall buildings. Probably why I like LA so much though. I heard it's also called horizontal city, because it's so flat architecture-wise.
"Thinking back now, though, I’m not sure I ever saw any children, though maybe I’m reading too much into it." - Hmm….
"It wasn’t like it was something that could easily be missed, sitting there at the intersection of River Street and 6th, gaping up at the bright blue sky." - Okay I just looked at google earth and there is no pit or sinkhole. I'm deeply disappointed xD
"I tried to talk about it, see if anyone else had any idea about what the pit was or why it was there, but when I asked around Joe’s – the only diner in town – everyone reacted just like Tommy." - So, there actually is a "tavern" (they call it) called Joe's Place in rl Bucoda!
"when an older man walked over to me. I’d seen him around a bit, though I couldn’t have told you who he was or what he did. He was big, though, with a face that looked chiselled out of limestone. I stopped eating, and waited. The old man stared at me for what must have been a good twenty seconds, and then he spoke. 'Nothing for you down there,' he said. 'You just go and enjoy your sky.'" - Do we know who that was? An actually avatar of the Buried or just someone from town already affected by the pit?
"An elderly woman, face pinched and thoughtful, stood at the edge looking down. I didn’t recognise her, or the car she stood next to. She definitely wasn’t from Bucoda. Sat in the car next to her, I could see a young man who had clearly been crying. I couldn’t get over how blue his eyes were." - That in the car was Jan Kilbride, right? He was alive there. And, judging by him crying, probably aware of what's going to happen to him to some extent…
JON "Why has Elias sent me this statement?" - To follow Gertrude!
Ah yes, Nikola! I heard that this scene went kinda "viral"? Something about clowncore on TikTok.
God, Jon is just recovering from his last 3 marks and now this mannequin is threatening to kill him and use his body parts…
JON "But… But wh- URK!" [THE ARCHIVIST IS STRUCK DUMB] ORSINOV "Question time is over, little Archivist. Find the skin for us." - Can he have a break for once?… Also, lol, Jon smol. (I know it could also meant to be just belittling, but I like smol!Jon).
Yep, it is Jan Kilbride crying in the car beside Gertrude. Poor guy.
Also, give Jon a break. Let him not be traumatized for a while.
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
i want to go to wikipedia world so so badly (looked up bucoda washington because i’m in tma world to fall asleep and now i want to look up the meaning and etymology of buckley and also census statistics of different towns and sinkhole histories and earthquake histories and—) but it’s 2 am :(
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imjustexistingtbh · 2 years
the first time i listened to mag 97 sure was an experience huh. ive driven through bucoda. hearing that tiny town in a british podcast was WEIRD
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jordankennedy · 7 months
yay it’s time for the Pit episode
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xoverit · 3 years
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Bucoda, Washington. (February 2021)
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danielleegnew · 5 years
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What a FUN DAY checking out the haunted town of Bucoda, WA while playing a little pool and hanging with family! #bucodays #bucoda #washingtonstate #bigfoot #ghosts #happythanksgiving #poolhall #pooltable #haunted (at Bucoda, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5e3eHXJ8HS/?igshid=1tmkenimd3m9
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galaxseacreature · 3 years
lmao i can't believe there's a magnus archives statement set in bucoda. couldn't take it seriously i'm sorry it's just that i stopped at a park to eat lunch there just a few months ago. i think i drove through the intersection in question even. like the town is there it seems normal enough, not a pit in sight
also i cannot stop thinking about how jon chose the absolute worst way to pronounce chehalis
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loveamongthesailors · 4 years
seattle is a mythologized enough city that you can say absolutley whatever about it and im like ok fine but listening to british writers guess at what olympia is like is funny on a whole different scale
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itonje · 4 years
god cursed me by making me unironically enthusiastic about jan kilbride’s character -_-
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