#Bulk Signer
signaturepdf · 2 years
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My Opinions on Every 5Ds Ship
Cuz I did this for VRAINS a while ago and today I thought “which other Yugioh shows do I have strong takes on the ships?” And so I settled on 5Ds because really, when do I not have a strong take on 5Ds? I’m excluding any ship with Leo and Luna by the way, they are too young to ship. If I miss any others, which is very possible, don’t hesitate to let me know. Finally, dub names. Because I enjoyed 5Ds primarily in dub so deal with it.
Alteregoshipping (Antinomy x Bruno)
I don’t understand shipping someone with themself, I think I made that clear in the VRAINS list. So again: “what? No.”
Androidshipping (Antinomy x Primo)
This is going to go for any other ships of this type but Primo is only one third of an interesting character and thus shipping him is odd to me. Plus the bulk of his appearances were in WRGP and the less I remember about that arc the better. This ship is another L.
AZshipping (Antinomy x Z-One)
Now this just sounds like Toolshipping but with extra steps. Well, I like Toolshipping, and I like robots, so I’d take this one if it were served to me. So it’s a yes.
Bigbirdshiping/Novashipping (Carly x Kalin)
I’ve encountered this ship before and I didn’t really get why it was a thing. I guess they were both Dark Signers and could share that survivors’ guilt/trauma. If Carly were to remember that is and I suppose it could be a decent “sunshine one lifts up the grumpy one” dynamic but… I already got that dynamic from Jack/Carly in the actual show. Why change perfection? *glares at post Dark Signers* Am I right? Okay ship I suppose, there’s potential, it just wouldn’t be my go to.
Bluebirdshipping (Crow x Bruno)
Gosh this ship name is so cute. I don’t remember any of their interactions but it’s a decent idea. Soft maybe on this one, I’d have to see it in action.
Blueroseshipping (Akiza x Bruno)
This wasn’t on the list but I’ve seen fanart of it and… yeah they didn’t interact much in canon (if at all in a substantial way) but I really enjoy the idea of this soft boy/tough girl dynamic. Maybe I’m projecting, but I like the idea of this ship. Not one I’d actively go for when I have options I prefer but it's a cute idea with cute fanart.
Boostershipping (Yusei x Rally)
Was I just weird for interpreting Rally as way younger than Yusei? Like a little brother figure? That’s how I always saw their relationship. So this ship is a no. They might actually be closer in age, anime ages are weird, but I can’t really get into this ship.
Brightshipping (Yusei x Akiza x Crow)
I’ll get to all these individual ships later but for now I’ll say, I like this as a vee because two of the pairs here are great and the other doesn’t appeal to me.
Careshipping (Jack x Mina)
I have several problems with this one. Mina worships the ground Jack walks on, which just isn’t a healthy way to feel about someone, and she’s… not his boss but it feels like she has too much power over him in the workplace, at least in the first two arcs and she seems older than him too so there’s just… too much of a power imbalance here, at least the way interpreted it. Plus I just… don’t really like Mina that much, sorry. So the ship is a no.
Chevaliershipping (Yusei x Sherry)
Meh. I don’t care. Not surprised this exists but I have no opinion on it whatsoever. It’s there.
Cupramenshipping (Lazar x Jack)
…these ship names are killing me. I can tell this is a crack ship and as a crack ship, it’s fantastic and hilarious. I want more of these idiots drooling over noodles together. This doesn’t work as a legit ship, Lazar is way too old for him, so logically, it’s a no. I just think it’s funny as shit.
Disdianshipping (Lester x Primo)
Th-they both make up- that’s Apori- I don’t- why-
Faithshipping (Yusei x Akiza)
I mean… I’ve talked about this one quite a bit already. It’s one of only two protag/lead girl ships I like (the other being Fruitshipping). I love the way Yusei supports her throughout the show. I love their little moments together, especially the scene where he comforts her after she finds out the truth about the Arcadia movement and all their moments in the godsend of an episode where Akiza learns to turbo duel. All the guys are really supportive of her but Yusei took it a step further. I love love love the rollerskates scene. He’s teasing but still supportive and sweet the whole time, and his unwavering belief in her abilities was just so damn sweet. it’s just a sweet ship. A bit vanilla I suppose but vanilla can be great with the right toppings and these two are topped with a lot of sweetness that I enjoy.
Firebirdshipping (Akiza x Crow)
And I also enjoy this! I thought their canon friendship in the show was really sweet. They always seem to lift each other up when they’re given chances to interact, I especially always loved the bit where Crow was initially jealous of Akiza when she took his spot on the team but after spending some time training with her, he realises he’s not really mad at her and switches to supporting her instead. Their moments in WRGP and Ark Cradle also contributed to this friendship standing out to me and after writing that one-shot about them reconnecting post series, I grew to enjoy the relationship as a romantic one. But don’t ask me to choose between it and Faith. I don’t wanna get involved in that ship war, they’re both about even for me.
Flowershipping (Akiza x Mina)
I couldn’t determine that this was a real ship but my opinion on it is pretty short and underwhelming: no because Akiza is one of my favourite characters of all time and deserves better than Mina. I don't dislike Mina but I don't care for her either.
Isolationshipping (Akiza x Misty)
“I don’t know your brother!” “You’re a liar and a murderer!” Are the only things I can remember these two saying to each other so I can’t really see it working out. Soft nah, not my thing.
Justiceshipping (Jack x Kaz)
I cannot remember who Kaz is, I’m not gonna lie. Even looking at pictures of him did nothing to jog my memory. Pre-WRGP and especially WRGP are such a blur for me so I have no opinion on this ship.
Kingcrabshipping (Jack x Yusei)
Normally I enjoy the protag/rival ships but… these characters are more like brothers so this ship is a no.
Kingshipping/Petshipping (Jack x Goodwin)
Ew ew ew ew ew ew no no no no no bad gross don’t like it. Kill it with fire.
Kizunashipping (Crow x Jack x Yusei)
Again, I see these three as adopted brothers of sorts, like Loki and Thor. Sure they’re not blood related but their relationship is more familial. Any one of these characters with Kalin would be a better option.
Leadershipping (Jack x Kalin x Yusei)
Yeah, there ya go. Stick a white-haired psycho twink in the middle of the two brothers and I can get behind it as a vee.
Yeah for some reason I didn’t interpret Kalin as a brother to them, maybe because he never really had the mother/son connection with Martha that the other three do and we learned he existed at kind of an odd time.
Markedshiping (Crow x Yusei)
Aaaand back to two brothers. I do not ship the brothers, they are all Martha’s kids.
Omenshipping (Carly x Misty)
Honestly, before Jack swooped Carly off her feet and I got incredibly invested in that ship, I did have my eyes on Carly/Misty and on rewatches of Dark Signers… yeah, I wish they’d gotten to interact more, especially post Dark Signers. They clicked pretty well and the way Misty comforted her when she found out she was a Dark Signer was one of the few non Jack vs Carly scenes in the sub that actually stuck with me (the dub version of the scene was just kind of okay by comparison). It’s a decent ship, I like it.
Psychicshipping (Sayer x Akiza)
Ew gross oh god no get away from Akiza you freaking creep she is a minor what the fuck-
Punchshipping (Bruno x Jack)
Like Crow/Bruno, I’ve never really thought of this one though I feel like these two wouldn’t get along as well. Jack seemed pretty jealous/aggressive toward Bruno, at least when he first became a part of the crew. Could be an okay 'enemies to lovers' ship I guess but eh. Not my thing.
Ravenknightshipping (Crow x Sherry)
Okay so this one wasn’t on the masterlist I got but it is a ship I know exists so I wanted to talk about it. I’ll admit this ship did feel a bit… obligatory at first glance, like it only exists because “Yusei and Jack have girlfriends, Crow needs one too! So let’s ship him with this single girl!” But after seeing the Crow and Akiza vs Sherry duel, I did actually enjoy their interactions and can get behind this ship.
Regentshipping (Jack x Kalin)
Kalin with any of the Enforcers is a win. All these ships got the history and the bond and the chemistry and some damn good angst to back them up. And Jack can literally sweep Kalin off his feet. So I may not actively ship this one but if I see content of it, it gets a like from me.
Retributionshipping/Scoopshipping (Jack x Carly)
So according to the masterlist I’m using, “Retributionshipping” specifically refers to Dark Signer Carly while “Scoopshipping” is normal Carly and while I can understand these being separate in Duel Links or something, Dark Signer Carly in my mind isn’t really her own character, she’s Carly who’s been taken over by a dark force. Still Carly deep down just doesn’t always behave like herself. So these are the same ship to me and I don't feel like splitting them up. It’s also my favourite ship in 5Ds. I love them but to summarise, Jack and Carly’s relationship was the only plotpoint I cared about from beginning to end when I first watched 5Ds in sub (the dub added a lot more life to the show for me and I prefer it overall). I found their first meeting endearing and seeing them interact always put a smile on my face. Their relationship really changed both characters for the better and the payoff was legendary. Dub or sub, I always get teary eyed when I watch Jack’s attempted sacrifice and Carly dying in his arms. As much as Post Dark Signers retconning their relationship upset me, I will always look back fondly on Jack and Carly’s relationship in Dark Signers.
Reverseshipping (Crow x Kalin)
Again, Kalin with any of the Enforcers is a win and these two can bond over both having gone through prison and getting those markers. Also, Crow was always my favourite of the trio of brothers so this one is above Jack/Kalin in my mind for that reason alone. And yet… it’s still not my favourite Kalin ship.
Roseknightshipping (Sherry x Akiza)
I like the one little moment they share after Sherry’s duel with Yusei and Sherry being Akiza’s inspiration to start turbo duelling is definitely a great foundation. I would’ve liked more moments between them to back it up (before Ark Cradle) but it’s a fun ship.
Also, I’ve looked ahead and Akiza/Crow/Sherry doesn’t seem to be a ship (or at least not one with an official name) which is a shame because I actually really like the idea of them as a throupple, especially if it starts as Akiza and Crow inducting a shy confused Sherry into their relationship. Hehe, wink wink nudge nudge.
Ruinshipping (Akiza x Jack)
Honestly, all of Team 5Ds have such amazing chemistry that I can see any of the (OF AGE) characters being shipped. Out of the (OF AGE) ships in the group, this is probably the least appealing to me as they seem a little too similar but their memorable interactions in canon, Jack saving her from the crumbling building in Dark Signers (despite barely knowing her at the time), and Jack beating up the guys who tried to sabotage her Turbo duel against Trudge, are enough to make me believe these two are friends and with the right writing, could be more.
Sadistshipping (Mina x Goodwin)
Bleh, no. He’s too old for her. Granted, I did say I interpreted Mina as too old for Jack so like… in her twenties but… come on, a twenty year old dating someone with gray hair is weird, it’s just blatantly weird.
Satisfactionshipping (Crow x Kalin x Jack x Yusei)
Love the ship name, but I don’t like shipping the brothers with each other. If it’s just the three of them dating Kalin in a weird vee, then I can get behind it but as a… four person throupple (apparently it can be called a quad or a foursome) doesn’t work for me.
Squabbleshipping (Jack x Crow)
Nope, don’t ship the brothers and these two in particular are extremely dysfunctional.
Toolshipping (Yusei x Bruno)
If you kept up with my sporadic and polarised 5Ds liveblogs, you know I enjoy this ship. They clicked fast and Bruno sacrificing himself for Yusei, while not Jack/Carly levels of sadness, was still very moving and tragic. Ark Cradle really was such a breath of fresh air. And I like this ship.
Treasonshipping (Kalin x Yusei)
This one’s my favourite Kalin ship, no question. I love their duels in Dark Signers, I love how Yusei never stopped believing in him, I love the homie embrace in front of the rainbow, and my god did I have fun with Crashtown largely due to their gay as hell interactions and Kalin’s characterization. Just a great ship overall.
Trickstarshipping (Crow x Brave)
Not gonna lie, when I saw that ship name I expected some crossover ship involving Blue Angel. How did this ship get its name? I must know. I’m guessing Brave was the one who used the Loki card so the Trickstar association makes sense but where did the star part come from? Tell me please!
Anyways, I hated WRGP with a passion so Team Ragnarok, while mildly interesting due to their associations with Norse Mythology, never stuck out to me so I don’t remember any of these two’s interactions. Assuming they duelled but honestly for most of this arc my eyes were rolled to the back of my head just waiting for it to end so I can’t get into this ship.
Troolshipping (Bruno x Kalin x Yusei)
Okay so I couldn’t confirm this as a real ship but honestly, even if this ship name isn’t official, I love it. And I love this as a throupple. After all, why have Kalin and Bruno fight for Yusei’s hand in marriage when he has two hands?
Violetfrareshipping (Dragan x Jack)
Same as Trickstar. I can’t bring myself to care about WRGP or Team Ragnarok.
And that's all the official ships I found that have at least one post here on Tumblr. I think. 5Ds had a lot more ships than VRAINS did so it's possible I missed some apart from the ones I intentionally ignored. And yet throughout my digging, I did not find a ship name for Trudge and Mina. I’m a little iffy on that ship myself but they really do have good chemistry and some fun interactions. I’m genuinely shocked there isn’t a ship name for them but okay, I guess. Hope y'all liked my pointlessly long post.
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smokymtnnotary · 2 months
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magpiejay1234 · 3 months
So, let's do the Dark Signers.
The most notable thing is main writer of Season 1, Atsuhiro Tomioka has gone back to Pokémon. So, Shin Yoshida formally steps in.
Another notable thing is this Season's length, it is 38 episodes, making this is the second longest half-length Season of any Yu-Gi-Oh! series, and explains why ARC-V, and VRAINS will return to standard long season with half season length production cycle writing structure. Longest is of course WRGP proper, which is Season 4 (Episodes 93-134, 42 episodes).
This is rather inane coming from ZEXAL to 5D's, where there were 6 Seasons, and two sub-series, and ARC-V, which had 6 production cycles with OP/ED.
In a later YGO show, or even back in GX, the Dark Signers would have been over by Episode 52 at most.
Given Katsumi Ono's situation as the "director-in-name-only" for later seasons, this makes one wonder what sort of executive meddling was going behind the scenes (almost certainly predominantly from Konami, with TVTokyo being the lesser evil), since it is pretty clear Yoshida wasn't in the actual driver's seat.
It is kind of hard to gauge what specific problem was the primary one, since 5D's era was when YGO's stakeholders, Shonen Jump, TVTokyo, Konami, and yes, Kazuki Takahashi went crazy with card game specific merchandising. 5D's had many video game tie-ins like GX, you had the Duel Terminals being the first time Synchros were showcased, etc. This is not comparable to odd merchandising from DM, and GX era (DM era had school items for Doma arc for example like Pokémon usually did), but since this time merchandising was more focused on the cards, the profits went directly to stakeholders, and not third parties.
For some reason, some of the merch probably didn't meet expectations, which is part of why the different direction for the series was made.
The other reason, as we discussed before, was the lack of vision. Tomioka didn't leave a guideline of what to do next, as Director Ono was still involved. Yoshida didn't really need a plan for Dark Signers, since most of the plot was planned out by Takahashi, and other minor directors. This would of course doom the latter half of 5D's, as writers scrambled first for new ideas, and then new writers.
Of course, Takahashi himself won't be involved for the latter half, since he will be involved in BBT instead, and Yoshida will immediately jump ship to ZEXAL.
It is kind of amazing in retrospect how the most well praised YGO show was considered an unwanted bastard child by the people who were involved. Explains the insanity of 5D's era main sets.
Now for the writers:
**Shin Yoshida is formally the main writer, but has only written 10 of the episodes. Most of the episodes he written involve Crow, as Yoshida dislikes writing female characters (he admitted this himself in the ZEXAL manga interviews), and prefers male-only trios (see Doma arc, good chunk of GX, ZEXAL, ARC-V manga, VRAINS especially S3). Thankfully Crow will get other writers after this, which suggests Yoshida's early infatuation with Crow was to use him as a wedge against the female characters he was forced to write.
**Yasuyuki Suzuki is unofficially the main writer, as he wrote the largest bulk of the episodes (13 of them), and the final Duel.
**Koji Ueda, technically present in S1 as the lyric writer of ED1, but not as an actual episode writter, has also done 10 episodes. Most notably, he done Jack vs. Carly, and will later do the Jack episodes in S3 (Kaz, Fake Jack etc.)
Given the Fake Jack episodes, I don't think he was particularly fond of Tomioka, but more importantly, he is not the reason why Jack-Carly got reset, because he wrote the relationship himself (under Takahashi's, and Ono's guidance of course). It is Shin Yoshida, and presumably the executives, particularly the Konami folk.
(Though as we discussed before, Yoshida also reset Asuka's relationship with Manjoume, and Rei-Martin stuff that was developing in GX S3 when he took over as the main writer in GX S4, so, this is not new. Though many 5D's fans never watched any previous YGO, especially in their Japanese versions, so sure. It might be new to you personally.)
Ueda will leave the franchise overall after Episode 109, the end of the Placido Duel, which I presume due to creative differences (though there could be other reasons like health).
**Masahiro Hikokubo, the Duel Constructor of all the series (ie. the guy who writes the Duels), and major writer in GX S3's Supreme King mini-arc, and writer of 5D's manga, is the writer of Episode 32. This is the only episode of 5D's animé he will write, ever.
**Tadashi Hayakawa from DM's Seasons 2-3 will also write Episodes 60-61, the final Misty Duel. He is just an in-between writer for 5D's, who will be involved in 5 episodes in total, with the last being Episode 85. His only other episodes will be the Tetsuzo (dub name Bashford) episode, and Aki's D-Wheel episode.
Writing wise, this arc will be a roughly even split between Suzuki, Ueda, and Yoshida, as such Yoshida's influence, while very present, will be diffused, and no writer will really dominate.
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hari-100 · 3 months
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Understanding Mobile Notary Service Fees in California
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In the diverse landscape of notarial services, mobile notary services play a crucial role in providing convenience and flexibility for individuals and businesses in California. Understanding the intricacies of mobile notary service fees is essential for both service providers and clients to navigate the cost implications effectively. This article delves into the various factors that influence mobile notary service fees in California, offering insights into the cost structure, comparison of fees, and practical tips for saving on expenses. With a focus on KMs Mobile Notary Service as a prominent example, this exploration aims to shed light on the importance of transparent pricing in the mobile notary industry.
Definition and Role of Mobile Notary Services
Mobile notary services in California provide the convenience of notarizing documents at a location chosen by the client, such as their home, office, or a public place. Notaries play a crucial role in certifying the authenticity of signatures on legal documents.
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In California, notaries must adhere to strict legal requirements when performing notarizations. They must verify the identity of signers, ensure they are signing voluntarily, and confirm the legality of the document being notarized.
Factors Influencing Mobile Notary Service Fees
Location and Travel Distance
The distance a mobile notary has to travel can significantly impact the fees charged. Notaries may charge additional fees for long distances to cover travel time and expenses.
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Understanding the Cost Structure of Mobile Notary Services
Base Fee vs. Additional Charges
Mobile notary services often have a base fee that covers the standard service, with additional charges for factors like travel distance, document complexity, and urgency.
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Common fee components in mobile notary services may include travel fees, surcharges for after-hours or weekend appointments, and fees for additional notarizations on the same visit. Understanding these components can help clients anticipate total costs accurately.
Comparing Mobile Notary Fees in California
Industry Standards and Average Pricing
When it comes to mobile notary service fees in California, prices can vary depending on the provider and location. On average, you can expect to pay between $25 to $75 for a single notarization. However, keep in mind that additional fees may apply for travel, after-hours services, and document prep.
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Scheduling in Advance
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Best Practices for Pricing Communication
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In conclusion, grasping the nuances of mobile notary service fees in California is key to making informed decisions and ensuring a smooth notarization process. By considering factors such as location, document complexity, and urgency, individuals can better understand and negotiate service costs. With transparency and communication at the forefront, KMs Mobile Notary Service exemplifies the value of clear pricing structures in fostering trust and satisfaction among clients. Whether seeking notarial services for personal or professional needs, a comprehensive understanding of mobile notary fees empowers individuals to navigate the intricacies of the notarization process effectively.
Original Sources: https://mobilenotaryca.blogspot.com/2024/06/understanding-mobile-notary-service.html
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According to Aragon Research, Hot Vendors in Digital Transaction Management, 2023 are Noteworthy, Visionary, and Innovative.
October 6, 2023 - Los Angeles, CA 
RPost, a leading provider of comprehensive enterprise Digital Transaction Management (DTM) solutions, has been named a Hot Vendor in Aragon Research's "Hot Vendors in Digital Transaction Management, 2023" report.
"This acknowledgement highlights RPost’s continued efforts to bring organizations the tools they need to embrace digital transformation, enhance customer experiences, and more,” adds Jim Lundy, CEO and Founder of Aragon Research. 
This report affirms RPost's continued commitment to delivering innovative, feature-rich, and more affordable tools that drive digital transformation for enterprises worldwide within its RSign eSignatures, RForms click-build eForms, RMail email security, RDocs document controls, and Registered Email proof of delivery and privacy compliance products.
“We’re seeing the digital transformation landscape continue to evolve rapidly – where organizations are not only considering what’s essential for today’s needs – external and team internal workflow automation, data capture, eSignatures, security, compliance, and legalities – but they’re also seeking providers who are continuously looking at the art of the possible and bringing new innovation into practice. This is RPost,” states RPost CEO Zafar Khan. “And, we’re pleased to think that the Aragon Research analysts identified these as part of RPost DNA. We’re honored to have been selected as Hot Vendor of the Year for DTM.”
This Aragon Research Hot Vendor report(1) authored by analysts Adam Pease and Jim Lundy builds on their June Aragon Research Globe™ for Digital Transaction Management 2023 report, which also included a discussion of RPost products. 
At RPost, we have built flexible DTM suites, tools, unique workflows, and have infused these with AI-centric security. For example:
Digital Transactions Differentiating Features. RPost simplifies and automates more with templates, dependencies, single and multi-signer click-build eForms, bulk send, SMS send, Print-to-Sent, GDPR/HIPAA privacy mode options, and more. Customers can tailor their user experience based on desires to create re-usable and pre-fillable templates for eSign or data capture, backfill content into workflows, store records online, send eSign requests by email or SMS, and select GDPR and other advanced privacy modes. 
eSign Eavesdropping Payment and Wire Fraud Alerts. Contracts sent for signoff, if eavesdropped on by cybercriminals, can heighten criminal interest in targeting. RPost’s AI-Infused cybersecurity detects eavesdropping on eSignature requests that often include payment details and returns real-time alerts to IT staff and senders to pre-empt cybercriminal lured mis-sends of payments and wire fraud.
Intelligent Workflows Speed Internal Approvals. RPost has no-code abilities to drag-and-drop creation of workflows as well as empowers users to record individual approvals as simply as a social-media click-like interaction within any document itself.
“At RPost, we believe our focus on data security and configurability makes RPost a unique, versatile choice for enterprises seeking flexible, fully-featured, secure, and risk-mitigated solutions for their digital transformation initiatives. We’re certainly looking to make company processes better, faster, and more streamlined; but we’re also putting privacy compliance and security front-and-center,” adds Khan. “We demonstrate our commitment to data ownership in its feature offerings, allowing users to “claw back” eSign requests, shared documents, or sensitive information from email communications even after they have been delivered to the recipient.”
With a strong focus on security, privacy, and sensitive enterprise information, RPost continues to empower organizations across industries to achieve their digital transformation goals.
For more information about RPost and its suite of DTM products, please visit RPost's official website.
About RPost
We’re the global leader in premium, feature-rich and more affordable eSignature and cybersecurity services, and we’ve been continuously innovating for our customers the world over since 2000. From within our three main platforms: RMail email security and compliance, RSign eSignatures and RDocs document security and intelligence, we’re everything our customers need when it comes to email, document and form security, compliance, and workplace acceleration — track, prove, eSign, encrypt, share, certify, control. We do what no other company does — all in one.
We thrive on ensuring that we are artisans and experts in everything we do: secure and certified email encryption for privacy and compliance; eSignatures and web forms to ease digitization of workflows; e-delivery tracking to prove important communications; managed file transfer to simplify secure sharing of large documents and sets of files; document-level digital rights management to empower control of document access even after transmission; and AI-infused apps to prevent data leaks by minimizing human e-security errors. This is why more than 25 million users have enjoyed our RMail, RSign and RDocs services for over two decades across 193 countries. Learn more at the RPost website.
Disclaimer: Aragon Research does not endorse vendors, or their products or services that are referenced in its research publications, and does not advise users to select those vendors that are rated the highest. Aragon Research publications consist of the opinions of Aragon Research and Advisory Services organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Aragon Research provides its research publications and the information contained in them "AS IS," without warranty of any kind. 
Footnote: (1) Aragon Research “Hot Vendors in Digital Transaction Management, 2023” by Jim Lundy and Adam Pease, 31 August 2023.
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phobos-vii · 1 year
The city runs on money, and its currency supports such a reality. There are seven distinct types of coinage minted and accepted by the city as legitimate. Counterfeiting, shaving of coins, and minting of other coinage is considered a crime against the city, punishable by the Watchers. As both the initial act and the circulation of criminal coinage is considered illegal, citizens are extremely judicious in examining the coins they use.
There are three bronze coins making up the bulk of all currency: the assarius, the half assarius (usually referred to as a ‘half’), and the quarter assarius (usually referred to as a ‘quarter’). All are made of the same bronze alloy with an increasing size. The quarter is marked with a wheat stalk on the front and an eye on the back. It is enough to buy access to the Grand Bath of the forum or a ticket to a seat in the commons section of the arena on most days. The half is marked with a bread loaf on the front and an eye on the back. It is enough to buy a good meal. The full assarrii is marked with a Watcher’s bird mask on the front and an eye on the back. It is a single day’s pay at a respectable job. Trade for value less than a quarter is done via bartering, often using small chunks of cheese or cups of alcohol or other less perishable foods. The vast majority of commerce is done with these coins and unofficial bartering.
The next level of coinage is the silver argenteus, which comes in the half and the full variety. There is no consistent exchange between argentei and assarii, and the value between the two is known to fluctuate. In general, an argenteus is worth somewhere between twenty and thirty assarri. Rent is almost always paid for in these silver coins, with a single argenteus being worth one month of rent. The half argenteus is marked with a shield on the front and an eye on the back. It is the price of admission to the common sections of the Kalends matches in the arena. The full argenteus is marked with a sword on the front and an eye on the back. The magical novelties of the Grand Forum often cost a full argenteus. A skilled profession will be paid in argentei. A scribe might be paid three argentei a month. An artificer at a golem workshop might be paid seven.
Following the argentei is the electrum. This coin is an alloy of gold and silver. Its value is pegged to that of a single vial of Elixir from the Dominus’s factories. It is an uncommon coin and only those in the industry will make use of it. Its exchange rate can vary greatly, as individual Patricians are known to try to buy up the supply of electrum when they anticipate the demand for new Elixir will rise. As there is a secondary market for Elixir vials which can be purchased without electrum, this isn’t a fully effective maneuver, but vast fortunes have been made and lost on electrum speculation. By popular convention, electrum is worth eight argentei, but this is only a rough estimation. On the front of the electrum is an eagle. On the back is a vial.
Finally, there is the aureus, a gold coin. The aureus is the currency of Senators and Patricians, and the absolute wealthiest of plebes. Trade in the coin itself is almost incidental. Patricians will often use signed promissory notes from their households marked in a value of aurei, rather than use the coin directly. These notes might be passed on between other Patricians without ever being exchanged. One common insult among the city nobility is to offer to buy a note at less than face value, implying that the signer is not good for the money. Convention would state that an aureus is worth ten argentei, but there is no consistent conversion happening between gold and silver coinage. Patricians have access to more than enough argentei from rent if they need to deal with plebs.
In a mirror of their plebeian lessers, when Patricians need to deal with lesser sums, they will barter rather than use smaller coinage. A single aureus might purchase a slaughtered cow or a fine bottle of wine. A Patriunius Golem is priced at eight hundred aurei. The appearance fee for a gladiator will be at least one hundred. On the front of the aureus is the Dominus. On the back is a corpse.
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meontechno · 1 year
An In-Depth Guide to Aadhaar eSign!
Over the last few years, India has been one of the fastest-growing countries, passing through the revolution of paperless work. Before the Aadhaar eSign concept, the manual signing process was tedious and expensive. The central government brought a paperless signature concept in 2015 for India's public, a convenient, reliable, and secure method of signing. In this blog, let's discuss the insights of this amazing electronic signature facility, which can be accomplished from a remote location without visiting the onsite place.
What is eSign Aadhaar?
eSign through Aadhaar is an electronic method of document signing that uses the power of Aadhaar. It has legal and evidentiary value and is equivalent to hand-written signatures. One of the main advantages of using paperless eSign Aadhaar is that it makes a more secure cryptographic key pair system to generate compliant and hassle-free digital signatures. eSign in Aadhaar is empowered by Section 3A of the Information Technology Act. ESign is widely used by thousands of government entities and business companies in India. 
Popular usages of eSign Aadhaar for various documents
Negotiable instruments
Power of Attorney
Documents that create trusts
Wills and other testamentary depositions
Customer onboarding
Bulk signatures for financial purposes
Working Process of eSign through Aadhaar
The signer gets a signing link on their mobile phone or an Application they are using. 
They need to read the instructions and give consent for further process. 
The signer will be redirected to an eSign service provider page like Meon Technologies, where they must fill in their Aadhaar number.
An instant OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number with an Aadhaar card.
The signer receives eSigned documents via email or SMS. 
Paperless Aadhaar eSign benefits for businesses Point of View
Hiring a professional eSign service provider like Meon Technologies can be a game-changing decision for businesses that solve lengthy and tedious document processes. Regarding digital signature, multiple parties can use it from a remote location within a few minutes. 
Aadhaar Esign provides is more convenient and safer than physical damage, and everything happens digitally. 
eSign through Aadhaar is a cost-effective digital method that cuts the cost of transportation to visit the branch to get the documents signed and the price of ink & paper. 
Bottom Line
ESign through Aadhaar is a new concept for businesses that gear up document workflow without breaking the bank. So, entrepreneurs can focus on their business improvement rather than worrying about their document signing procedure. Every industry can avail of this amazing paperless digital signature facility anytime. 
Original Resource : https://meontechno.blogspot.com/2023/09/a-comprehensive-guide-to-aadhaar-esign.html
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Utah Bankruptcy Attorney
Utah Bankruptcy Attorney
Bankruptcy is a complex procedure that requires you to make a host of critical decisions from before the time you file straight through to the time your debts are discharged and the bankruptcy procedure concludes. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can guide you through the dizzying maze of decisions, paperwork and procedure that marks a bankruptcy filing, whether it is a chapter 7 or chapter 13. At the outset, a bankruptcy attorney is there to counsel you on the bankruptcy process and whether it is right for you. They serve to help you take a critical look at your debts and assets and determine if bankruptcy is the path that will best help you or if a smarter approach is to attempt to improve your circumstances from a different angle. For instance, the bulk of your debts may be ones ineligible for bankruptcy protection, such as student loans, and an attorney can help you weigh whether you would truly benefit from bankruptcy.
If bankruptcy does appear to be the right solution for you, an attorney then can help you compare the chapter 7 and chapter 13 options. This is a critical decision and will involve you and your attorney examining the size and makeup of your debt, the assets you are willing to risk in a bankruptcy, and your ability to repay your debts or a portion of your debts, among many other considerations. Once you have selected your specific filing plan, an attorney can help you make key decisions beforehand. For instance, if you file for chapter 7, an attorney can provide you with your best options for keeping any assets that you do not want to lose to help pay off creditors. If you file for chapter 13, an attorney can work with you to figure out an ideal payment plan that you would be able to afford. Attorneys can also help you consider aspects of your bankruptcy such as the impact on your co-signers on any loans that will fall under your bankruptcy filing or whether to file jointly with a spouse or as an individual. In order to be a trustworthy guide for this aspect of your decision-making, an attorney needs to have a thorough understanding of federal bankruptcy laws.
During the filing process, your attorney will help you gather and prepare the necessary paperwork, which largely focuses on your income, assets, debts and expenses. Once the documents are filed and the bankruptcy is in motion, your attorney will be your key guide in ensuring that you file any additional documents and respond to necessary deadlines on time. Bankruptcy requires court hearings, including a meeting of your creditors, and your attorney will represent you at these procedures and ensure that your best interests are pursued. This is one reason that it is important to have an attorney with deep knowledge of local court procedures and the bankruptcy trustees in your region, because approaches can vary from locality to locality. These hearings could prove especially consequential if one of your creditors challenges the filing, making your attorney’s experience and understanding of your specific case crucial.
Throughout, a bankruptcy attorney should be readily available when you have questions or need a consultation as you navigate the process. A bankruptcy can be a challenging, confusing experience, but a good attorney can bring a measure of clarity and comfort and help ensure that it serves its chief purpose helping you regain your financial footing.
What Should I Expect From My Bankruptcy Lawyer
After filing for bankruptcy, all debtors must attend a mandatory hearing called the 341 meeting of creditors. But, depending on your case, you (or your attorney) might need to go to additional hearings. Some common types of hearings you can expect your attorney to represent you at: • Chapter 13 confirmation hearings • Chapter 7 reaffirmation hearings, and • any other motion or objection hearings filed by you, your creditors, or the trustee. In most cases, before you file your bankruptcy case, your attorney will be able to advise you about the hearings you can anticipate attending.
Expect Competence From Your Bankruptcy Lawyer
Not all bankruptcy cases are complicated, but they aren’t all easy, either. Either way, your bankruptcy lawyer should have the skill level necessary to handle your case. In general, the difficulty of your bankruptcy will depend on: • the facts of your case • whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy • whether the bankruptcy trustee will sell any of your property (an asset or “no asset” bankruptcy case) • if you own a small business, and • the involvement of bankruptcy litigation.
One way to find out if it’s a good fit is to ask whether the lawyer has represented clients in similar situations in the past.
Expect Sound Legal Advice From Your Bankruptcy Lawyer
In general, your retainer agreement (the contract you and your attorney sign) will outline the services your bankruptcy attorney will provide. Your attorney’s job is also to provide you with competent advice throughout the bankruptcy process. First, you can expect your attorney to tell you whether filing for bankruptcy would be in your best interest. If it is, you should also learn: • whether Chapter 7, Chapter 13, or another type will help you achieve your financial goals • what you can expect during the bankruptcy process, and • whether your case involves any particular difficulties or risks.
Most importantly, if you have any questions, you can expect your attorney to respond to your calls or emails promptly.
Expect Your Bankruptcy Lawyer to Prepare and File Your Paperwork
Filing for bankruptcy requires you to complete a lengthy packet of forms. Almost all bankruptcy attorneys have specialized software that prepares and files your required bankruptcy paperwork with the court. You’ll provide your attorney with all of your financial information, such as income, expense, asset, and debt information. Your lawyer will use it to prepare the official forms and then go over the completed paperwork with you to ensure accuracy. You might have to provide additional forms or documents with the court or the trustee, too. Your attorney will make sure to do so promptly because missing a bankruptcy deadline can cause: • delays in the process • dismissal of your case, or • other adverse consequences.
For these reasons, one of the responsibilities of your bankruptcy attorney is to know the local rules and filing procedures.
Bankruptcy Planning: • Consider alternatives to bankruptcy. Bankruptcy might not be the only way to achieve financial peace. If bankruptcy is not the best choice, your attorney will suggest an appropriate bankruptcy alternative. • Decide which type of bankruptcy to file. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 accomplish different goals and serve different purposes. For instance, Chapter 7 will wipe out a lot of debt in a short time, but it won’t help you save a house if you’re behind on your payments. Your attorney will carefully consider your wants and needs and will recommend a course to help you achieve those goals. Bankruptcy Preparation: • Apply the means test. The means test calculation indicates whether you qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or whether you can afford to make payments in a Chapter 13 case. An attorney will understand how to use any special circumstances you present. • Value your property. Do you know how to value your dining room set or your 5-year-old TV? Your attorney will make sure that you disclose and value your assets realistically. • Choose and apply exemptions. Every state has a separate exemption system used to keep property in bankruptcy. Your attorney will understand how to use the exemption rules to protect as much of your assets as possible. • Determine Discharge of Debts. Some debts don’t get wiped out (discharged) in bankruptcy. Others go away only if certain conditions get met. Your attorney will explain which debts will get eliminated and which will survive your case. During Your Bankruptcy: • Complete the schedules and other paperwork. You will file pages of financial data about your debts, income, expenses, assets, and recent financial transactions, all under penalty of perjury. Your attorney will know what you must disclose, how to value your assets, what constitutes income, which of your expenses is “reasonable and necessary,” which tax returns to supply, and a host of other issues. • Guide you through the bankruptcy case. Your attorney will explain and prepare you for what’s ahead, like the role of the bankruptcy trustee and the judge, the steps you must take to qualify for a discharge, and what actions your creditors can take. • Provide accurate and complete testimony. You must sign your bankruptcy paperwork under penalty of perjury, telling the court that as far as you know, the information is correct. At your meeting of creditors and anytime you’re in court, you’ll swear or affirm that you’re telling the truth. Your attorney will be with you to ensure that your testimony is correct and complete. • Handle creditors who violate the automatic stay. Some creditors just don’t know when to quit collecting. If a creditor violates the automatic stay (the injunctive order that prohibits collection activity after the filing of the case), your attorney can demand compliance or ask the court to hold the creditor in contempt. • Negotiate with your creditors. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your attorney can negotiate a reaffirmation agreement or redemption with a secured creditor that will allow you to keep your house or car. In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your attorney will negotiate with your creditors on payment terms, the value of collateral (property that secures payment of a debt), and interest rates to make your repayment plan affordable. • Modify a Chapter 13 repayment plan. If circumstances change during your Chapter 13 case, your attorney can help you ask the court to make a temporary or permanent adjustment to the terms of your Chapter 13 plan or request an early discharge due to hardship.
Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy
All in all, attorneys are good at making sure that your case gets through the process smoothly, thereby allowing you to take full advantage of your fresh start. Even so, sometimes things occur afterward that need attention (although this is rare). Your attorney can help resolve post-bankruptcy discharge violations if a creditor attempts to collect a debt that was wiped out by the bankruptcy. Also, many attorneys provide guidance on rebuilding credit. They’ll give you handy tips that will help you take advantage of the offers you’re bound to receive shortly after your case comes to a close.
Flat Fees Versus Hourly Fees
Many attorneys, especially bankruptcy attorneys, will charge a “flat rate” to represent you in a bankruptcy case. You’ll pay a fixed amount for the attorney to represent you, regardless of the amount of time the attorney spends on your case. Other attorneys will charge you an hourly rate, although it’s uncommon in consumer bankruptcy cases. The more likely scenario is for the attorney to charge a flat fee for the bulk of the matter. The lawyer will charge an hourly fee for any extra work required for services like defending against an objection to discharge. Your contract should spell out what the flat fee covers.
Average Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney Fees
Most Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys will base their fees on how complicated your case is and what other attorneys in the area would charge for a similar bankruptcy. If you have a lot of assets or debt, you might pay more than an unemployed person with no assets. In general, attorney fees for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy range from $1,000 to $3,500 depending on the complexity of the case. Larger firms with more advertising and overhead costs sometimes charge more than a solo practitioner, but not always. Some larger operations offer low fees and count on a higher volume of cases.
Also, you might find a solo practitioner will cost more but offer more personalized service. It will depend on the office. You can expect a newer attorney to charge less than a more experienced lawyer, and if your case is a simple Chapter 7, you might not need an attorney with years of experience. Keep in mind, however, that bankruptcy is a specialized area of law and that most attorneys who don’t regularly practice bankruptcy won’t accept a bankruptcy case. When shopping around for a bankruptcy lawyer, call at least a few attorneys in your area. Compare their fees and ask if bankruptcy is an area they specialize in, as well as the number of cases they file each month.
Paying a Chapter 7 Attorney
You’ll pay your Chapter 7 attorneys’ fees in full before the attorney files the case and with good reason. Chapter 7 wipes out most unsecured debt in a Chapter 7 case, including attorneys’ fees. So if you had a balance due when filing the matter, it would get discharged. Chapter 7 attorneys know this, of course, and require full payment.
Lawyers Must Disclose Attorneys’ Fees to the Court
Attorneys’ fees in bankruptcy cases are somewhat unusual in that they must be disclosed to and approved by the court. However, this doesn’t mean that the bankruptcy court fixes the amount that attorneys can charge in bankruptcy cases. Attorneys are free to charge what is reasonable given their experience and the complexity of your case subject to review by the court. Some courts have a “presumptive” maximum fee for certain types of bankruptcy cases, but the attorney can overcome the ceiling by demonstrating a good reason for charging more.
Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!
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honestreviewsposts · 1 year
VidProposals 2.0 Review - Full OTO Details + Bonus
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VidProposals 2.0 Review- Introduction
Any business's sales process is thought to be incomplete without business proposals. With higher-quality material that is interactive, dynamic, and creative, an interactive proposal can assist you in increasing conversions and generating leads.
Your business proposal needs to incorporate more engaging graphics representing your product or service, such as videos, photos, animation, etc., to attract more customers.
But there's also the issue that it takes too long to prepare these kinds of suggestions, and some of you would have to spend even more time repairing the damage if the incorrect information is distributed.
Meanwhile, it can be difficult to win over potential customers with a fresh proposal, especially considering the typical customer doesn't read company proposals for long.
So I would like to present you to this best savior called VidProposals 2.0 to help you overcome all of these challenges.
To help you start completing more business and increasing your revenues, this website offers packages with a tonne of beautiful themes. You won't need any technical knowledge, hosting, or even monthly costs to rapidly produce video proposals in just three easy steps.
VidProposals 2.0 Review - Overview
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Vendor:   Neil Napier
Product:  VidProposals 2.0
Launch Date:  18th April 2023
Launch Time:  1:00 EST
Front-End Price:  $37-$47
Recommendation: Highly Recommend
Official Website:  Click Here
Refund: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Niche: Agency – Freelancer
VidProposals 2.0 Review – What Is It?
A top-rated platform for handling business proposals and contracts, VidProposals 2.0 is made to give agencies, small enterprises, and marketers of all levels protection and peace of mind.
You can discover potential customers with ease, produce captivating video proposals, and incorporate legally binding contracts with VidProposals 2.0 to efficiently close deals in any industry or service sector.
Exciting Features of VidProposals 2.0
Email Sender
bulk proposal transmission
Using the built-in Email sender, users of VidProposals 2.0 can send proposals in bulk. Time is saved and it is simple to contact several potential customers at once thanks to this function.
Video recording and uploading
VidProposals 2.0 provides a Chrome extension that makes it simple to capture videos for proposals. Users have versatility when developing video content for their proposals because they may record their videos using either their camera, their screen, or both at once.
Notifications and Templates
notification of proposal viewings
Users receive notifications from the site when their proposals are seen by prospective customers. With the help of this tool, they may stay updated on the status of their proposals and follow up with clients as necessary.
Niche-specific templates
A variety of templates are available in VidProposals 2.0, and they are arranged by market. By using these templates, users can create proposals more quickly and with greater attention to detail and industry-specificity.
Security and Authentication
email address necessary following signing
After accepting a proposal, VidProposals 2.0 asks clients for their email address in order to increase security. This additional security measure assures that customers are real and guards users against potential fraud.
Double authentication option
For enhanced security, the platform provides a double authentication option. By adding an extra degree of security, this feature guarantees that only authorised users may access and sign proposals.
Signed Contract Management
Downloading signed agreements as PDFs
Users can save and share these significant papers with team members or other relevant parties by downloading signed contracts as PDFs.
Signature capture
When a proposal is signed, VidProposals 2.0 records the signer's name, time, date, IP address, and location. This data increases accountability and aids users in keeping track of crucial information pertaining to their executed contracts.
Built-in email sending platform
Users of VidProposals 2.0 can write and send cold emails to prospective customers using the platform that is integrated within the software. Expanding their clientele base and contacting new prospects is made simple by this capability.
Lead gen engine
The platform has a lead generation engine that aids users in expanding their customer base. For businesses and freelancers trying to increase their reach, this potent tool is crucial.
Customization and Editing
Including images, text, and video
VidProposals 2.0 allows users to simply add images, text, and videos to their ideas. Users of the platform can even record movies straight within the app, which makes it simple to produce unique and interesting content.
Capturing important information
When a proposal is signed, the platform automatically records crucial details including the signer's name, time, date, IP address, and location. Users can follow the development of their proposals using this data, which also adds an extra degree of security.
>>>Get Instant Access Now<<<
New Features in VidProposals 2.0
Lead Gen Tool
finding new customers
A new Lead Gen Tool is introduced in VidProposals 2.0 to assist users in finding additional clients. Businesses and freelancers wishing to increase their clientele should take advantage of this potent feature.
Quick delivery via the servers of VidProposal
By hosting all user suggestions on VidProposal servers, the platform ensures lightning-fast transmission and does away with the requirement that users host proposals on their own servers.
Notifications and PDFs
notifications right away when clients view contracts
Users are immediately informed when clients examine their contracts, allowing them to stay up to date on the status of their offers and take appropriate action.
Custom Thank You Pages
Users can design unique thank you pages with VidProposals 2.0 to mark the closing of new deals. These customised pages improve client connections and lend an air of professionalism.
Time and Date Stamps
When a proposal is signed, the platform automatically records time and date stamps, giving the client and vendor a precise record of when the transaction was reached.
Interactive Videos
Including CTAs in videos
Users can include call-to-action (CTA) buttons inside of their movies with VidProposals 2.0. This feature boosts conversion rates by enticing potential customers to act right away.
Brandable Proposals
individual colours and logos
Each proposal can have the user's custom colours and logos added, helping them to retain a polished, unified appearance that fits with their brand identity.
Camera, Screen, or Camera & Screen Recording
Google Chrome add-on for quick recording
The new VidProposals Recording videos for proposals is relatively easy thanks to a Chrome plugin. Users don't need to download any additional software to make content utilising their camera, screen, or both at once.
Protected Proposals
Indemnification for signed proposals
In VidProposals 2.0, signed proposals cannot be deleted. This security precaution guards against any unauthorised efforts to alter or remove signed proposals, maintaining the safety of your account and safeguarding your contracts.
VidProposals 2.0 Frontend and OTOs
Pricing is subject change. For the most current prices, visit this page.
VidProposals 2.0 (FE) – $37(Basic) – $47(Elite)
Create up to 30 Proposals/month
KVLeadz – 10,000
Cold Email Suite – 200/day
Storage for up to 100 videos
100 Professional Templates Included
Use templates or start from scratch
Add CTAs to proposals
Integrated E-Signature Technology
Collect client signatures on the proposal page
Notification Emails sent to both parties after signing
WYSIWYG text editor
Thank you pages available for follow up
Upload a video created anywhere
Chrome extension for recording your videos
Record your video from your camera
Record your video from your screen
Record your video from your camera AND your screen
Notification when proposal is viewed
Templates categorized by niche to speed up your creation
Require email address after signing for added security
Double authentication option
Sign with typed name or signature
Captures name, time, date, ip address and location
Download signed contracts as PDF
OTO1 – VidProposals 2.0 UNLIMITED ($67)
Unlimited Proposals
Unlimited Video Hosting
100 Additional Professional Templates Included (200 total!)
Password protect your proposals
Create Unlimited Video Channels
24/7 Support
OTO2 – VidProposals 2.0 DELUXE ($67)
KVLeadz – UNLIMITED usage of our new platform for lead gen.
Cold Email Suite – 2000/day (waiting for details from vendor)
UNLIMITED prospect video hosting
Password protect you proposals
OTO3 – VidProposals 2.0 Business ($59)
Reseller License
DFY Lead Magnets
Business Website DFY
Custom PayPal Checkout Integration
Allow Business Clients to Schedule Appointments
All Website Pages Created with content
Add Featured Samples of Business Services Offered
Add Business Clients Testimonial
Fast Action Bonus: DFY Consultancy Pack
Fast Action Bonus: PriceWars
Fast Action Bonus: LocalUpsell
Team member accounts (waiting to hear quantity from vendor)
OTO4 – VidProposals 2.0 Whitelabel Agency ($297)
Rebranding (personalization)
Change thumbnail of the video
Change logo on the proposal landing page
Change favicon
Change background image on the proposal landing page
Create custom sub-domain 
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Buy Class 2 Document Signer Certificate
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magpiejay1234 · 3 months
The Dark World to Supreme King mini arc lasts for 13 episodes.
The structure is roughly this:
**Episode 131: Return to status quo.
**Episode 132: Sky Scout, new OP3/ED3 animation.
**Episodes 133-136: Dark World episodes.
**Episode 137: Sho's interlude.
**Episodes 138-143: Supreme King episodes.
The overall structure of Duels are something like this:
**Judai vs. Sky Scout.
**Judai vs. Scarr.
**Judai vs. Zure.
**Judai vs. Brron.
**Jim vs. Kozaky.
**Jim vs. Supreme King Judai.
**Austin vs. Skull Knight.
**Austin vs. Supreme King Judai concurrently with Edo vs. Skilled Dark/White Magicians, Kaiser vs. Chaos Sorcerer.
This mini-arc has a lot of moving parts, and shifting cast changes, with bulk of the original cast being killed off for the first half, and bulk of the new cast being killed off for the second half.
This arc is also notable for two reasons:
**This arc is technically the brainchild of Kazuki Takahashi, using a pitch he had for a non-YGO manga idea for this arc, apparently because he didn't find Judai's character very convincing against more serious antagonists.
***Dark Signers arc will do a similar thing, using another pitch for a non-YGO manga idea he had, though Takahashi was more involved in the earlier set up of 5D's, though not all of his ideas made it through (like prototype of Crow being the final antagonist of Dark Signers arc, which, going by rumors, was still considered for the finalized version of Crow).
**This arc showcases two themes OCG wanted to showcase, Dark World monsters, and Evil HEROes, as such this arc has a higher budget than the upcoming Yubel mini-arc.
***As we discussed before, Dark World monsters were planned to be S3 antagonists way before, back in the end of S2, but Takahashi's idea for the Supreme King plot likely pushed them to minor antagonist status.
***Yubel's mini-arc will primarily utilise already existing monsters, and their variants, as such it won't be as relevant in terms of showcasing cards.
With this arc's end, only Edo, Kaiser, Sho, Ojama Yellow, Cronos, Echo, Amon, and Yubel-possessed Johan remain.
For the rest of this Season, Shin Yoshida will not become a credited writer, instead, the bulk of the episodes will be written by Junki Takegami (the actual main writer of this season), with Amon episodes being written by Yasuyuki Suzuki, and Yubel-possessed Johan vs. Judai being written by Koji Ueda.
Bulk of the Shin Yoshida episodes were instead in the Prof. Cobra mini-arc.
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payroll-management · 2 years
How Digital Signatures Improve Onboarding Efficiency
Digital signatures revolutionized many consumer-focused processes. Think about how it transformed banks, insurance providers, lawyers, and other document-heavy organizations. But despite its benefits for consumers, companies are slow to adopt it internally.
There are many ways to use digital signatures in your organization's daily operations, but it's most convenient during the onboarding process. Software for employee onboarding can distribute, save, and manage digital documents, changing the game for HR professionals.
Not convinced? Here are three reasons why digital signatures could make your onboarding process more efficient than ever.
Time Savings
Contrary to popular belief, onboarding a new employee isn't as simple as signing a handful of documents. It's more complex and often involves multiple stakeholders.
The biggest hurdle is getting documentation through those stakeholders. Everyone's busy, and it's often a waiting game to deliver, sign, and validate documents. It's hard enough with a single employee. But can you imagine the time it would take to get through that with a bulk recruitment event?
Digital signatures create a level of automation. You can deliver documents, get them signed, and keep everything organized without a single printout.
Better Security
Another perk of using digital signatures is the level of security you get. Paper documents are easy to forge, steal, or lose. Unless you're on top of physical file management, there are always risks.
But when you use software for employee onboarding, you can make those issues a thing of the past. The files are all digital, making them easier to transmit and keep safe. Signers also create their own protection barriers with PINs, passwords, and even biometric security measures.
Pure Convenience
Of course, we can't forget to bring up the convenience of it all! Most companies these days have a well-defined tech stack. Things might evolve and change, but technology is here to stay. Some holdouts still use paper documents, but that number is dwindling daily!
Digital signatures are far more convenient. You don't have to worry about the costs of printing documents out. Plus, there's no need for physical storage, regular upkeep, and confusing organization. With digital signatures, accessing and completing documents for your new hires is a breeze.
Read a similar article about employee training management software here at this page.
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How Much Do Services for Digital Signatures Cost?
Digital signature cost- Aspects
Global enterprise hubs stated the validity of on-line signatures as quickly as they realised their advantages. It is a green idea that has even boosted business operations concerning execution pace. It additionally saves money.
Eventually, some key elements govern the cost of bulk pdf signer software online. Five tremendous elements decide the cost of digital signing solutions. They are as follows:
• Clients and extent
• Identity authentication
• Security and legislature
• Flexibility
• Lifetime expenses
1. Clients and Volume: On the common majority of cloud-primarily based totally software program packages show off a pricing approach primarily based totally at the extent of customers and frequency of utilization. Digital signature offerings aren't one-of-a-kind on this respect. However, this should be knowledgeable in advance that each one the signers do now no longer want to have any license to avail this facility. You can all signal digitally using on-line bulk pdf signer software in India.
2. Identity authentication: Anyone new to putting in an organisation should comprehend that understanding his companions and customers at a extra elaborate degree is essential for easy enterprise operations, mainly whilst collaborations, contracts or agreements, etc., take location on-line. Here comes a existence-saving component of virtual signatures, known as identification authentication. This technical idea offers you with information which you have already recorded to your machine in the profile of the signer. These may be his ID details, touch details, date of birth, and lots extra. The virtual signature rate relies upon identification authentication as many authentication sorts put in force a separate formula. The frequency of utilization additionally determines the value. A few identification authentication options:
• KBA or knowledge-primarily based totally authentication: In this technique, the signer has to go into his DOB or any protection pin that he changed into intimidated with the aid of using. This is a strict technique that extracts information from credit score reports, metropolis corridor activities, etc.
• Mobile telecall smartphone authentication makes use of a one-time password issued with the aid of using the seller within the registered telecall smartphone range.
• Email authentication: The verification hyperlink is despatched to the meant recipient’s mail inbox. This is a easy technique because it proves the individual viewing the document has get admission to that registered account.
• Shared mystery questions: Here, the signer has to answer to a query connected to the document.
3. Security and legislature: There are many loose virtual signature offerings to be had within the market, however they do now no longer provide all of the brilliant protection elements that thoroughly shield essential files like government-covered social healthcare records, existence coverage directories, etc. Thus relying on the subsequent protection provisions, digital signing solution costs are set accordingly:
• Tamper proof
• Detailed Audit Trail
• Advanced compliance
4. Flexibility: Many secretaries pass for a ready-to-use provider, even as even organisation sellers opt for custom-tailor-made solutions. Depending on what the customer wants, bulk pdf signer software rate fluctuates. It is plenty much less in case you pass for a primary plan however to steady the conversation channels fully; you could keep in mind a full-board customised option.
5. Lifetime expenses: You should make sure that the bulk pdf signer software provider in India continues on upgrading his generation in the course of the provider’s existence cycle. Also, it's far vital to test the seller regulations minutely; you should verify they do now no longer maintain proof of your respectable document on their server. It can end up a massive legal responsibility if any felony expenses get up in opposition to you.
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shhean93 · 2 years
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