taffyeevee · 3 years
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Fusion Design Giveaway!
A. Houndour/Zorua
B. Litleo/Litwick
C. Houndour/Espurr
-You have to be following me
-No giveaway blogs
-Reblog or reply with your favorite fire-type Pokémon. That is your entry. Everyone gets one entry. (If you reblog to a sideblog-which is fine!-please include your main somewhere on the post or page.)
-Say if you want Fusion A, B, or C in your entry. (Otherwise, I’ll randomly assign you one.)
I’ll randomize everyone’s entries next Saturday (August 14, 2021).
Afterwards I’ll send the winners the reference and a watermark-free version of the above picture of the one they won. Then it’s your design, and you can do whatever you like with it! I’ll probably also delete this post.
Thank you for following and I hope you’re having a great day/evening/night!! I had a lot of fun making these lil guys :]
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taffyeevee · 3 years
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attack / revenge for @taffyeevee
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taffyeevee · 3 years
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Taffy: ..I see!!!
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[ @badly-drawn-squirtle ]
(@taffyeevee) Taffy looks around. “Hey, are you using a move? I’ve never seen one like that before!! Who are you fighting?”
“I think so! I saw it in a game a human was playing! The guy doing it looked like a doctor, but I think I can still do it!”
He spun faster. Some of the wind around him became somewhat visible as he continued spinning.
“Hey, I think it's working!”
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taffyeevee · 3 years
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Mimikyu design for Selki / @taffyeevee
Suggested by Ruby/ @pokemon-textadventure
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taffyeevee · 3 years
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Happy Mother’s Day!
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taffyeevee · 3 years
J@ houndoom "DUDE CHILL! Do you mind telling us who you are? And why YOU ALMOST BURNT HER?!?!" J stands in front of taffy defending her.
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Houndoom: That bag-! It’s my trainer’s!! I tracked it all the way here, and there’s barely anything even in this forest, and she had it- who else could have taken it??
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Taffy: It wasn’t me!! And somebody else just took it anyway! I don’t even have it anymore!!
Houndoom (nervously side-eyeing J): ...Really?
Taffy: YES!!! Listen, I know the forest pretty well, and that Pokémon was already injured. I’ll go get it back for you!
Houndoom: And I should believe you why?
Taffy: I don’t have the bag!! You’d have to track down the other thief anyway, and they’re already hurt, and I don’t want you to scare them more or burn down the forest or anything. Please??
Houndoom: ..Fine. But if you don’t bring it back- (glances at J and stops talking)
[Taffy rushes off.]
[ @bubamon ]
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taffyeevee · 3 years
Summary of miniplot before hiatus: Taffy found a mysterious injured stranger, who fled into the forest. When she picked up the pouch they had dropped, intending to return it, she was attacked by a Houndoom for it.
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taffyeevee · 4 years
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To: @taffyeevee
From: @psychicduo
(( hello @taffyeevee, I got you for the secret delibird! here is taffy stretching ))
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taffyeevee · 4 years
Also, this blog is absolutely not abandoned! I do intend to finish the story arc I started :D I’m working on other stuff first but
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taffyeevee · 4 years
100 Follower Design Giveaway
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The theme is fusions of fox pokemon and some of my favorite pokemon! Also I feel I should note that the whole fox theme is purely coincidental with the event going on, I’ve been thinking making some fox fusions would be fun for a while. Also sorry for the post length, I’d put a read more but they break on mobile ^^
Anyway, the rules of entering are simple!
- You must be following this blog. New followers are welcome, but please don’t follow just to unfollow after the giveaway ends.
- Reblog the post to enter. If you reblog to something other than your main, you can just let me know in the tags! Also only one entry per person.
- If you’d like to reblog but not enter, please put boost or something similar in the tags to let me know!
- Pokeask/Daily/Etc blogs only please! Though if you don’t have one atm and plan on making one in the future, that’s fine too!
- Let me know in the tags which designs you’d like to enter for. You can either say what they are a fusion of or just their designated number. You can enter for up to 3, but will only win one. Also please put them in order of preference if you have any.
- If you win, feel free to slightly adjust/edit the designs if you want! Please don’t completely and utterly change them though.
Anyway, if you can’t tell the designs are:
1. Fennekin/Swirlix
2. Nickit/Suicune
3. Alolan Vulpix/Stunky
4. Zorua/Chatot
5. Eevee/Woobat
6. Vulpix/Espurr
Anyway, thanks again everyone for following, I appreciate all of you! The giveaway will end December 15th, though it may be extended if there is a lack of entries.
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taffyeevee · 4 years
Here’s the reason why there haven’t been any updates on this blog recently
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You guys remember that 500 follower group photo? Well, it’s finally done!!
Everyone all muses in this photo are listed under the cut from and listed from left to right.
Keep reading
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taffyeevee · 4 years
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taffyeevee · 4 years
And now for the final part of "if taffy was in super smash"
This part contains her stage,taunts,and victory pictures.
For her stage she would hope on the Arena and shake off herself.
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For her first taunt she would lay down and take a quick nap.
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Her second taunt would have taffy chase her tail until she gets dizzy. (Idk I thought it was cute)
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And for her final taunt she would smile at the screen and wag her tail.
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And now For her victory pictures.
For her first one she would scratch behind her ear,then smile cutesy at the camara.
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For Her second victory picture she would be nibbling at a large rainbow lolly.
And for her final victory picture,and this one would embrace her stretchy abilities, she would bounce around with a large smile on her face.
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And That's all folks! Hope you like this and I also hope you guys have a good day!
(I also hope others would like me to do more super smash art)
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taffyeevee · 4 years
Part 2 of if taffy was in super smash
Skin addition !
First as always is the classic skin
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Taffy second skin is her reverse shiny form.
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Next we have taffys taffeon skin,then reverse taffeon.
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Now for the accessories!
Her 5th skin would be like her classic,only with a different fur tone and a cute little heart shape bow on her ear.
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Her 6th skin she would have a light colored fur and she would have a cute little coller. (Is is one of my favorites)
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For number 7 it would be her taffeon,only in a darker shade and an adorable purple bow.
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An now for the grand finale,her 8th skin would be her reverse shiny skin in a darker tone and some dank specs.
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This is it for round 2. See you in the next post!
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taffyeevee · 4 years
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No I did not forget,I got real busy so please accept my apologies
Here it is! Part 1 of "if taffy was in super smash" first and foremost taffy would be a balloon weight almost the same weight as Squirtle. She would have 2 jumps and she can crouch walk.
Since taffy is a young eevee she will be rather fast,as fast as pikachu. Also taffy is really stretchy so most of her attacks will have far range
Basic attacks
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Taffy's first attack would have her deliver a far reaching left bomb then a tail spin with wider range and finish with a double paw pound That moves here forward slightly.
Her dash attack would be just like the Eevee item. She would lunge forward and launch foes.
Her down tilt will have her swing her head near the ground for a strong head swing.
Her up tilt will have taffy quickly raise her head. This attack will be the most powerful if there is a foe right above her, but it will do damage if enemies are next to her as well.
Her side tilt would have her swing her tail left and right.
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Her side smash would have taffy wind up her tail. Her tail will get bigger as she charges this attack. Realising will have her preform a powerful uppercut.
Her up smash would charge just like her side smash. Realising would have her helicopter spin her tail above her dealing multi hitting damage. It also lifts her up slightly.
Her down smash would have taffy embiggen her paws and slam them down. If a foe gets caught in between both her paws they'll receive a massive amount of damage.
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For Taffy's neutral air she'll perform flip dealing damage all around her.
Her side air would be a double back paw kick.
Her back air would be a simple tail whip.
Her down air would have taffy flail her paws.
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Taffy might be small,but she is very flexible and will use it to here advantage.
For her grab,she would literally wrap around her foe and headbutt them.
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For her front throw,she would snap back into her original form,slingshoting the foe forward.
Her up throw would have taffy toss the foe up slightly before she rams them upward farther by stretching her head up.
Her back throw would have taffy spin her foe like a top behind her. This throw will be the best throw for her and the worst for her foes because,if another foe gets caught right behind taffy when she releases the foe,they will get caught and spin helplessly until they hit a wall.
Her down throw will be the most damaging. She will morph her body really long and slam the photo into the ground three times before she finally let's go.
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Special attacks
For taffys side b she would use the move bite. She can charge it to increase damage.
Her side b will be a modified headrush. Instead of propelling herself forward taffy will super stretch her neck staight forward ramming foes.
Her up b will work just like Ganondorfs, only launching her self much higher and if a foe gets caught,she propelle herself even higher and launch the foe downward.
Her down b would have taffy preform a small leap,if an unlucky foe gets caught under her,she will drill them into the ground,burying them.
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For her final smash,she would preform "cuteness overload" ( to be honest I do not know if this is an actual move Pokemon can learn but just roll with it)
It will work much like peaches and Daisy's Final Smash putting all foes to sleep or a cuteness coma, but over time she AND her allies will heal slowly.
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And that does it for Taffy's attacks. I have the skins drawn, but I need to put them in a another post, so this is It for "if taffy was in super smash"
Taffy belongs to @taffyeevee
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taffyeevee · 4 years
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Stretching for her power, I guess..? Or do you want existing character abilities?
OK so I'm kinda bored and want to do something cool, so here's what I'm gonna do.
I gonna do a super smash event where I come up with super smash move set ideas!!
And her are the rules...
1. you don't have to be following me to join.
2. Reblog this with your character you want in super smash bros.
3. I want to do your OCS but I'll do other characters. (Example,I prefer your made up characters like Michele from @micheleandlissasblog but I will take other characters like Amy rose from sonic the hedgehog.
4. Reblog with a picture of you OC and there power.
5. I'll make little pictures of them performing there abilities.
If you guys have other suggestions than I'm open!
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taffyeevee · 4 years
Does taffy brush her fur?
Not very often! Mostly she only does upkeep if she’s bored or fidgety, or something hurts.
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