#But Also they act like npc’s/get a mental block when told about all this being from a fictional novel
clownsnake · 4 months
I’m on episode 71 of the orv webtoon. so he’s literally just been dissociating this whole time huh
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zukuthehero · 4 years
Everything is [not] Going According to Plan
First Chapter  || Next Chapter || AO3
“What do you mean Tomura, how could Izuku be at UA in the hero course? The general studies I could understand, he’s very smart, but the hero course? He doesn’t have a quirk, he’d have to transfer in using the sports festival to transfer in.” This doesn’t make sense; how could my son be there already? The exam is biased against those with mental quirks as is, much less someone missing one entirely.
“Well he was definitely there. And not only was he there, he also had a quirk.”
Tomura sounded grumpy, did he mention getting shot earlier? But more pressingly… Izuku had a quirk?
“Kurogiri, bring the doctor to Tomura to treat his injuries. Tomura, how did he look? What was his quirk like?”
“Yes Master” I heard the sound of his warp gate opening and the doctor stepping through.
“He looked fine, just like the pictures you showed me. His quirk seems to be some sort of super strength I’d guess. He tried to punch me, and it definitely had a lot of force, Nomu blocked it though. And All Might was horribly rude, kept interrupting Otouto, and bossing him around. Even when Otouto was all worried for him he acted like an ass! As if Otouto isn’t his biggest fan the absolute nerve of him why I ought ta-“ Tomura continued muttering complaints about All Might.
How interesting, so Izuku has a quirk, “How much control does he have over it?” I interrupted Tomura’s rant.
Tomura paused, before grunting in pain, “Ow, you dumb doctor be more careful. And I don’t think he has much control. He mentioned something about his arms breaking previously, and when he moved super-fast to stop us from attacking All Might, like the sweet little Otouto he is, he broke both his legs.”
I frowned, that wasn’t good.
“But he’s just as smart as you said, he figured stuff out pretty quick, only needed a little help for the things that he didn’t have all the facts for. And I think he knows about All Might’s weakness, he tried to talk All Might out of fighting us, started to say something about All Might being out of something.”
Tomura was almost rambling, I’m glad that he likes Izuku as much as he seems to, I was worried they wouldn’t get along should they meet.
“How interesting…” Of course though, Izuku is a genius. I’ve sent enough supplies for him to learn more advanced subjects, not to mention encouraged his analyzing skills. I may not be there in person but I’ve made sure he wants for nothing.
“Oh yeah, and one of the asshole kids there was calling him Deku, like the fucking nerve. How dare he call Otouto useless, Otouto is worth a thousand of him. He might have figured out a few things, but I almost killed him three times, and he didn’t land a hit on Nomu like Otouto did. Useless, Otouto? No I’ll show you who’s useless you stupid-“ And Tomura devolved into mutters again, no doubt scowling harshly.
“Thank you for informing me Tomura, I shall have to look into his quirk and make sure it’s alright for him. If it’s going to hurt him then I may take it and give him a better one. It is a shame he isn’t here so that I could look him over now.”
“I’m sorry Sensei. I tried to bring him back, but the pros arrived before I could get him. I’ll bring him back next time I promise.” I could hear the anger and conviction in Tomura’s voice, he will make sure my precious son is alright.
“I apologize as well, I attempted to warp him to a safe area, but he moved unexpectedly, and I sent him through the wrong warp gate. I should’ve just tried to send him directly to you Master.”
“Of course, it’s alright, both of you. You did your best, all that we can do is continue on. We will retrieve my son, and make sure he is safe.”
“Master I could study him to see how his quirk came in so la-“
“No. You will leave Izuku out of your experiments, as you agreed to. If I find you involved him then I will make you wish for death.” How dare the doctor even suggest such a thing. My son will not be involved in any of this. Not if I have any say in it.
“How are we going to get the information on his quirk Sensei? We can’t send your normal NPC’s otherwise they might try to look into him. And that would endanger Otouto.”
I frowned, he’s not wrong. I would have to be very careful retrieving the necessary information. I could try to ask Inko, but who knows how accurate her information will be. She doesn’t truly understand how quirks work.
“Master, we could wait for the Sports Festival. It’s coming up soon isn’t it?”
I tilted my head, “That’s correct, it is coming up soon. Since Izuku is in the hero course he’ll most certainly be participating, which means I can get the necessary information from there. He’ll use his quirk and allow me to analyze it. Very good Kurogiri.”
“Of course Master.”
“We will wait to decide what to do with Izuku until after the Sports Festival.”
I signed off of the connection before leaning back.
The heroes had their hands on my son now. All Might was apparently close to Izuku, and Izuku now had his idol right in front of him. How would this influence my son. How would this change him? Would they try to turn him against me?
My stomach twisted.
No. Izuku was my precious child, they could never turn him against me. I will not allow it if I have to burn the world to the ground to insure it. Anyone that tried to do anything to my son would suffer. Izuku was not meant for the cruelty of the world, and I would insure that he was protected from it. But the important thing to start with was killing All Might. I cannot allow him more of an influence on my son.
Perhaps I should send him another present, and perhaps add something to make him consider heroes and their failings. Nothing too blatant, but enough to help him understand the issues with hero society today.
Don’t worry Izuku, I’ll make sure you’re safe and sound soon enough.
###  Izuku POV  ###
I sighed leaning against he headboard of the infirmary bed. The USJ incident had been a wreck. No students had been badly injured that I knew about, at least no other students were in the infirmary with me. But the things that happened…
Like the villains. Two of the three big ones knew me. I couldn’t pretend they didn’t. The hand villain called me Otouto. Why? The mist guy seemed to recognize me, he faltered during his speech when he looked at me. And the hand villain also kept looking at me, especially during that speech he was giving All Might. It was like he was looking for my reaction. And he stopped the Nomu from hurting me and didn’t hurt Asui when I told him to let her go. Plus, he kept talking to me, and seemed to genuinely approve of me?
I don’t understand, where would they know me from? Why would they not hurt me? I don’t know them. I’ve never met any of them. And yet one of them was calling me Otouto. I don’t have any siblings, certainly not an older villain one. So why?
Was there something I was missing? If he was younger than me I might understand. Dad obviously doesn’t want to be around because I’m quirkless.
If he found someone else and had a new kid it might make sense. But no, he’s older than me. I’m so confused.
It’s not like I can ask him why, and he pretended like he didn’t say it afterwards. Did I imagine it? I couldn’t of. But maybe-
I blinked, turning.
“Oh, Asui.”
“Hello Midoriya, call me Tsu.”
“R-Right. Are you okay?”
She sat down on the chair next to my bed, looking very small suddenly.
“I’m okay, but… it was scary, that villain.”
“Yeah, he really was, it was really close too, he almost killed us.” I faltered, “A-ah, I mean, we’re okay now and it’s not an issue anymore cause no one diedandI’msorryifImadeitworseIwasjustsayingthatwe’reallokaysoit’sfineandthat’sgoodand-“
“He killed Mineta though.”
My breathe caught.
“Did no one tell you?” She looked worried now, “I’m sorry. I guess… It was when the Nomu grabbed you, he… he reached out and… he killed Mineta. He just turned him to dust in an instant. I- Ribbet- I thought you knew.”
I didn’t know, no one… no one told me. The villain he… he killed a classmate. He killed a classmate right in front of me and I didn’t see, didn’t even wonder where Mineta was. What kind of hero am I?
“I’m sorry Midoriya, I thought you’d been told.”
I didn’t even see it, but Asu- Tsu did.
“Tha- that must have been… must have been horrifying. I- I’m so sorry As-Tsu.”
“It’s not your fault Midoriya. I’m sorry to have told you like that. I don’t get why he only killed Mineta. I didn’t like him but… for him to just be killed like that…”
“All right you two. That’s enough talk of that,” Recovery Girl walked over, “You can discuss this with the therapist you’ll be seeing. It’s a horrible thing, but neither of you are equipped to help the other through the trauma. Have a gummy.”
We both took a gummy and sat there quietly for a minute. Recovery Girl headed into her office to the side, closing the door behind her.
I turned back to A-Tsu.
“Why did that villain call you Otouto?”
I grimaced, if only I knew.
“I don’t know A-Tsu. I’ve never met him before. I’m trying to figure it out myself but…”
She nodded seriously, “I didn’t tell anyone that he called you Otouto, I wanted to talk to you first. Plus you seemed confused when he did it so I wasn’t sure it would help at all.”
“Thanks, Tsu. I don’t know what to do about it, I thought maybe I misheard but obviously not.” I dropped my head back, “I wish I could tell you Tsu.”
“It’s okay, if you do figure it out let me know. But if it won’t help at all I guess we don’t need to say anything.”
“Yeah, once I know you’ll be the first person I tell.”
“Thank you Midoriya. I have another question though.”
I blinked, lifting my head again, “Yeah?”
“How come you didn’t break your arm when you punched the Nomu?”
“I-I don’t know. I don’t know what was different. I wish I did so I could do it again.”
“You should try and practice it, see if you can replicate it. We do have the rest of the week off.”
I perked up. She’s right! I have the rest of the week to figure it out, my legs have already been mostly fixed, one more treatment and I’ll be all better.
I reached for my notebook, in my bag beside the bed, flipping to a blank page.
“Did I subconsciously lower the power outage? Was it the fact that I hit the Nomu that did it? Maybe the Nomu had more than just the two quirks, it certainly seemed strong enough for more, possibly a strength quirk, and some sort of energizing quirk? A speed quirk too, it was too fast to be natural. Plus the shock absorption and the regeneration. Possibly something to focus the regeneration, it worked way faster than any regeneration quirk I’ve seen before. Did one of the Nomu’s quirks impact the fact that he wasn’t damage? But the shock absorption… Maybe the backlash was absorbed by the Nomu? Maybe its that fact that there wouldn’t have been backlash because the Nomu absorbed it?”
“You seem to have it all handled Midoriya, I’ll leave you to it.”
I blinked. Looking up as Tsu stood.
“Oh, thank you Tsu, I’ll let you know what I find out.”
She nodded, heading out.
I turned back to my notebook.
Right, for now I’ll work under the assumption that I was the one to stop the damage to my limbs. I need to learn how to lower the power output, maybe add something to my costume to support my arms more? I did need to finish submitting that hero uniform replacement sheet. I’m gonna have to work on that, I want to keep the basic design but adding stuff to support my quirk more would be a good idea.
Maybe I can look through my hero analysis notebooks, look over heroes with similar quirks. All Might is amazing, but he isn’t helping much with learning the quirk. He’s just naturally great with it so he didn’t need to learn like me. Maybe I should look up videos on fighting too, both for learning how to fight, and because maybe they have methods on how to lessen damage to my body.
I should devote a notebook to just my quirk. Oh, but if anyone saw it that would be dangerous, maybe put it in code? Okay so I need to study codes, I can’t make it easy otherwise the secrets of One for All will be there for anyone to see.
Plus, I need to come up with a better explanation for my quirk, people are asking questions and I can’t tell them the truth. It’s basically enhancing my strength, and speed, maybe my senses too? What are the limits of the quirk? Okay so maybe I can just call it a general enhancement quirk, maybe I can say it was just really subtle before? And maybe say it only got like this once I trained a bunch and maybe accidentally unlocked the actual power of my quirk?
Hmm, that might work better, it sounds better than Super Strength too. I should also probably look into the history of the quirk, see if I can find out about other previous holders, learn how they used it.
Maybe I could use it sorta like how Nomu used the shock absorption. Could I channel the power of the quirk to not just give my punches power but also to strengthen the muscles and bones, so they don’t tear and shatter?
Maybe for training I should practice just calling the power up, just holding it and releasing it without trying to hit anything. That might help my body adjust to the power, and without any backlash it shouldn’t break anything. Maybe then I can learn how to lessen the level of power the quirk is putting out.
I really need to study up on the quirk, and maybe find a fighting style that fits me. I love All Might, but I’m not him. I’ll have to study a variety of fighting styles. He’s much taller and stronger than me, I can’t match that so I should find a style that works for my size and strength level.
Okay, so plan.
First study up on code, I’ll do that when I get home today. I’ll create a code for my notebook, and maybe redo my old notebooks in code for practice.
Then I’ll write down what I know about One for All in my notebook so that I can go back to it later. Maybe during this I can channel One for All on and off, without using it for anything. That should help me.
Then I’ll study up on fighting styles. I’ll look for one that fits me, and then I can start practicing forms and stuff.
When I take breaks from that I’ll research into previous holders of the quirk and try to find out how they used it.
Alright! I know what I need to do now.
“Midoriya. Time for your next treatment.” Recovery Girl interrupted my thoughts, hopefully I wasn’t mumbling again. “You’ll probably need a nap after, but then you can go home.”
I beamed at her, “Thank you!”
I hurried to put my notebook away, I had a lot to do before I went home. Better recover fast.
###  All Might POV  ###
That Nomu had more than one quirk. That was a problem, it reminded me of… no he couldn’t be back. I killed him.
Maybe he made this creature before he died, and this League of Villains found it and used it.
That has to be it, there’s no way he could’ve survived. The underworld collapsed when he died, he wouldn’t have allowed that if he’d lived.
I winced as I shifted, my side hurts a lot, lungs. I was in for a lecture when Recovery Girl sees me. I’m certain this lowered the time I can stay in my strong form too. Damn it, I can’t fall yet. Young Midoriya isn’t ready to be the next Symbol of Peace. I need to give him breathing room to get strong enough to take anything on.
I chocked on the blood as I coughed violently at the call. I took a second, the tremors wracking my body, before breathing in slowly and turning to Naomasa.
“How are you feeling?” He sat down beside me, “Do you need to see Recovery Girl?”
I shook my head, “I’m fine for now, how’s the investigation going?”
He sighed, slumping, “It could be better. That Nomu definitely has multiple quirks. And we caught a lot of low-level villains. This will at least lower the amount of crime on the streets for a while.”
I nodded, “Well at least there’s that. What’s the problem then?”
“Well, first off the fact that the Nomu has multiple quirks. We’re calling in an analyst to figure out what all of the quirks are and their limits. We want to make sure we have the quirks correct.”
I frowned, “It’s not just regeneration and shock absorption?”
“No, based on the description it was moving way too fast, we think some sort of speed quirk, plus something for strength probably. But otherwise we don’t know. Best to have an expert on the scene.”
“Ah, I suppose that makes sense. Who are you calling?”
“Orochi of Dragon Analysts. He’s the best of the best, and this case is interesting enough that he might actually show up in person. Even if he doesn’t his analysts are always accurate.”
“Ah, I’ve heard of him, never met him though.”
“He likes his privacy. Which is fair, he probably has a highly advanced analyst quirk. Villains would want him to help them counter heroes and improve themselves.”
“Makes sen-“ I broke into a coughing fit, Naomasa offering me a handkerchief to help. “Makes sense.”
“Are you sure you’re all right Toshinori?” He had a hand on my back to steady me.
“Fine, you said first off, what else is the matter?”
I could see his frown, but he dropped it for now.
“The other issue is the two main villains. Their quirks aren’t in any registry, and both escaped. The warp villain in particular will be a problem. We don’t know the limits of his quirk, so he could be anywhere.”
“That is a problem. It probably means their parents are villains, or that they were taken young before their quirk could be registered.” I mulled over that, it was a problem.
“Or their parents didn’t feel the need to register it for any reason, they could even have been orphans and there are a lot of cases of the orphanages or foster families not registering the quirks of their charges.”
I blinked, I didn’t know that happened.
“Regardless, it’s a problem, we have no way to track them and their names are also missing from any registry which means they’re probably fake, or they changed their name at some point.”
I grimaced, “Things just keep getting better and better.”
He shrugged, “The biggest problem is they killed one of the kids, a Mineta Minoru, two of the officers are heading to tell his parents. But there’s not even a body to show for it, or even his ashes, they got scattered in the water. It’s a big blow.”
I looked down, it was my fault. I didn’t get to the children in time and because of that one of them died.
“It’s not your fault Toshinori. You did everything you could to save the kids, you can’t save everybody and I’m sorry this happened. The kid didn’t deserve it. And the two that saw it didn’t deserve that either.”
I shook my head, “I should’ve been faster, if I’d just gone when I was supposed to and not overworked myself this morning then the kids would still be alive, and two kids wouldn’t be traumatized from witnessing their classmate murdered in front of them!”
“Toshinori, I’m sorry. I know it’s hard. Child death’s are always the worst. But you can’t blame yourself. Do better, that’s all you can do, move forward and don’t let any other children die.”
I hunched further, poor Young Midoriya had to see that, and Asui-san. The poor children.
“I still need to question Midoriya Izuku, I haven’t gotten his statement yet.”
I jolted, “Ah, well…” The air felt stifling, “He’s at UA, broken legs…”
Naomasa sighed, “I’ll call his mom, probably grab his statement tomorrow, give him some time to rest.”
“Sounds like a plan,” I mumbled, staring at the ground.
I felt the hand on my shoulder briefly, “Take care Toshinori, I need to get back to work.”
I nodded, not moving.
His footsteps faded as he walked off, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Oh Young Midoriya, I’m so sorry things happened like this. You must be so upset and afraid. I’ll figure out some way to make it up to you.
You’re my successor, and I must insure your safety, at all costs.
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violetsystems · 5 years
If you haven’t really noticed already I’m a creature of habit and schedule.  Which is probably why I’m back here writing this morning.  Mostly because I feel like I have some constructive things to talk and open up about.  Emotions aside they can be too easily manipulated sometimes.  Everything I put out there gets manipulated in some way or another.  It’s whether or not you feel you are respected or not.  And lashing out at one thing can suffocate the atmosphere in other realms.  That’s a long difficult talk that I’ve had over and over again on here for years.  How I have to keep an open channel but it gets jammed frequently.  It’s been a lot more quiet lately.  There have been some changes in my life in the last couple of weeks on vacation.  More money for one but less at the same time.  I live inside of a monthly spreadsheet for personal finances so none of it really matters.  I have goals.  I spend a lot less but I budget everything out I need.  I think with the stability I’ve carved out for myself I worry less about the future in that regard.  I have a job.  It sucks sometimes.  This city can be a beast but it’s far less confrontational than New York.  My dad often says that the same problems you find in a job you will find anywhere.  He also kind of gave me the advice to stay the course and keep doing what I am doing.  I’m already prepared for the bullshit here.  I already know where I want to be.  Neither of my parents know specifically what my plans or dreams are.  They know I travel to New York now instead of overseas.  But the specifics are frustratingly hazy.  They never pry too deeply.  Which is why i love them both.  I took my mom out for lunch yesterday in Chinatown.  She took the train and I met her at the stop.  We ate roujiamo at the usual spot.  I told her if I ever travelled alone again internationally it would be to China.  She replied that I could also visit Hong Kong and say hello to my cousin.  I told her I’d rather stay away from the drama even though it’s still China all the same.  I would probably hit up Shanghai and Macau.  The only two places I’ve been in China alone for any period of time.  I spent a day in Macau once.  I ate Indian food at this restaurant alone just before hopping the ferry back to Hong Kong.  The owner sent the server over to invite me to join her and her son at the table.  It’s a moment of kindness that sticks with me to this day.  I was in a tank top covered with tattoos.  Knowing where you are valued for just being you and knowing where you fit in is a sanctuary in and of itself.  Lately I feel like I finally do have a reason to stay in Chicago.  Even if it’s just to paint the walls of my apartment which hasn’t been touched for over a decade.  Kind of like my personal life.  
For the record I’ve spent my time alone getting my shit together.  Chicago is cheaper in the long run.  You wouldn’t know it from the taxes.  I was in line at the dispensary and this guy behind me was remarking how shitty the experience was for him.  I couldn’t tell if he was an op or an undercover.  That’s why I always stay measured and positive in my responses to people i don’t know in public.  I said Chicago as a city made 3.2 million in sales the first day.  Colorado as a state in 2014 made 1 million in taxable revenue.  There aren’t very many places to purchase right now.  So if you believe in taxation with representation I think the future looks bright.  The medical dispensary does not sell flower right now to reserve for its medical patients.  I believe that’s fair.  I also believe it’s not a good idea to abuse the medical system when recreational is getting its feet on the ground.  I also know big Marijuana exists and lives in a mansion outside of the city.  Illinois has been fairly good about being mindful of the social justice aspect of the transition.  But things are still a bit messy and deceptively capitalist.  I bought a small jar of candies to try.  You could only buy one.  It doesn’t really change much in my situation.  It does give me options.  It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t act responsibly.  The ambiguity is still there.  It’s in running distance.  It’s in a weird industrial medical district about a mile from my house.  I run past the FBI building to get there.  I flicked the sign off yesterday without a second thought.  They should already know where I live by now.  I’ve been on the same schedule for years.  And frankly I’m through taking shit from anyone from here on forward.  I’m sure there’s no hard feelings.  Just hard candy.  Life in Chicago for me has been harder than normal.  I stop complaining and started living it.  I don’t go out and yet everyone knows who I am.  I should rephrase it that I don’t go out to clubs.  I don’t drink anymore.  New Year’s was pretty quiet.  Most of my friends spent them with their significant others.  I spent New Year’s day throwing out trash.  People keep saying my space feels larger than it did.  I bought another larger litter box for my cat.  She hops out of it now like a princess.  If someone were to show up at my door without notice it wouldn’t be a big deal.  If the love of my life simply teleported into my living room I’d be ready for them.  But really finding stability in a chaotic world is hard for anyone.  There’s people that find stability boring and they probably don’t read anything of what I write.  I walk outside of this apartment and it’s a little like Pulp Fiction on overload sometimes.  I’m a little less overwhelmed by all of it but it is exhausting.  Which is why I spend more time on my home and making it more livable.  It feels a lot more like New York these days.  Which I’ll be back to near my birthday.  I haven’t celebrated it really for years.  I got a call from an alderman wishing me well in New York last year during fashion week.  Truth be told I hardly ever leave our political ward.  Just like I don’t spend my time where it’s not appreciated.  
A ward is a local authority area, typically used for electoral purposes.  You can probably apply the same thinking to brand loyalty.  But being more mindful of how and where you spend your time and money can yield interesting results.  I do think people worry less about me these days.  The idea of being too risky can make a lot of people uneasy.  It can also attracts some real shit shows.  Just like our president tried to push brand America, there’s something to be said of brands New York and Chicago.  I might even stretch it to include Los Angeles and Oakland.  But the truth is Chicago has become far more diverse than I had ever expected it to become.  For all the talk of murder and guns, our homicide rate is down for the third year in a row.  I live in Pilsen which is a predominantly hispanic neighborhood.  Chinatown is right next to us.  So is the medical district.  I walk all over the place on foot.  I never really feels unsafe.  Sometimes I feel bothered.  On my block people mind their own business.  But you have to be approachable.  And you have to adapt.  Then there’s the trick of knowing when to walk away.  If it sounds maddening and frustrating it is.  But I don’t really show it.  People keep talking about finesse and how somehow I need more of it.  And then people keep stealing my style and ideas and pretending I don’t exist.  Everyone except a small pocket of resistance that likes to wear pink gear around me.  It’s like I operate in my own little area of authority.  I always call it an aura of accountability.  I’ve made some sacrifices in my life to be a good person and get passed over.  But these days I feel like people understand the logic of why.  That being said people are still intimidated by me.  I wonder sometimes if that’s my own fault.  I do have a lot of bullshit to navigate.  People never seem to leave me alone.  Often I imagine I’m just some character in a movie when I leave the house.  Not like the lead role.  I blend into the background.  I have my role and my lines.  I don’t veer too much away from the NPC dialog tree.  I stick to the main quest line and grind my reputation with hidden factions.  I also play a lot of World of Warcraft on the side.  I can’t say that life totally sucks although I really wish I could share it with someone.  I kind of already do.  Why would I still be writing if I didn’t?  I don’t know what any of it means.  I’m completely in the dark about everything.  Everything except my finances and mental peace.  Staying in between the lines and not crossing them is tricky.  Especially when people step on your toes every chance you get.  I spent a lot of time making a space for myself where the only toes getting stepped on are my own.  Mostly by my cat.  She adds a lot to the space.  I feel less angsty and a little less bored.  Today I felt inspired enough to write about it.  Probably won’t check in for a couple of weeks.  Just going to lock myself up in this ward and play it safe.  There’s enough politics here to keep me busy without worrying about the rest of the world’s sovereignty and secret wars.  <3 Tim
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