#But I haven't tasted cilantro so I'm using oranges
phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
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ladydragonkiller · 1 year
I love the temperate deciduous forest as well, courtesy of spending my whole life in it. I think it will always be my favorite, even if I move somewhere else.
I love swimming. I've always lived near a lake, and when I was little we used to go spend days out on the beach or out on my parents' friends' boat. Unfortunately the water isn't always safe for swimming anymore. I was on a swim team in middle school too! I'd like to go swimming sometime soon.
What's your favorite flavor?
Just a short message today, sorry. I'm not feeling my best (though I don't think you are either! Hope you feel better soon!) but I wanted to get something to you so you don't think I've disappeared!
With love,
M. Cowboy
Trees are just sooo <3333
I hope I get to experience other climates someday, if only for a short time, but my heart is with the forest.
I hope you get the chance to go swimming sometime soon!! I also love swimming, though haven't had the opportunity to go in a while. Having such easy access sounds lovely, and I'm sorry that it hasn't lasted to the present.
My favorite flavor? but there are so many. . .
In general, I think I tend to like flavors in combination. For savory things especially, only being able to taste one flavor is a quick way to get me to not like something. For example, pureed soups. I have to have some way to break up the taste or I'll go insane. However, stir-frys or salsas or salads where there's a sauce or dressing bringing everything together, but the components still shine through, are amazing.
That said, some of my favorite flavors are a cilantro/lime combo, caramelized onions (especially when used as a component), mustard, strawberries, roasted tomatoes, and sourdough toast with butter and honey.
For sweet items, I like many combinations of chocolate and fruit (strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and oranges especially), as well as those fruits (and others) on their own. Caramel is nice, particularly when salted and paired with chocolate, and peanut butter is good but can be overpowering. Butter is an underrated flavor component, and is what makes things like croissants/shortbreads/some cakes so delicious.
for your question: what made you decide to come on tumblr originally?
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