#But basically that 🅰️gents of sh1eld/w1nter s0ldier moment was so so so great
sothischickshe · 2 years
🔥 the quantity and/or quality of Marvel movies
Ha welllllll this maybe depends if we're talking mcu specifically or marvel generally -- I think I've seen all of the mcu films bar the latest spiderman one (& indeed quite a lot of the mcu TV shows), and I've seen I think all the x men films except the newest one I didn't even realise came out (and poss all the TV shows?), and some other non mcu marvel films like blade, various spidermans, deadpools, and probs some other stuff.
Overall, I'm not that impressed with the mcu films, there have been a few I've really enjoyed and would be willing to rewatch, but I think they're generally overly samey (no more origin tales pls!! Have we not done enough?! Hitting the same beats?!) and too few of the films have paid off the depth of the verse or crossed over with the TV shows (which I think have generally been better).
Given the way that many of them largely feel like adverts for future mcu films, where I've landed on is: I'm definitely not willing to pay money to see them. And that means I have to be willing to not care about spoilers for them in order to not buy into this NEED TO VIEW IMMEDIATELY thing 🤷🏼‍♀️
Quantitywise hmm I don't necessarily think there's too many -- actually ~3 mcu films a year isn't THAT much to watch (although the commitment to such a release schedule does im sure contribute to the ground out quality), espec if you're not committing to watching them at pace. I think keeping up with the huge amount of TV shows is a much more daunting task which I've mostly given up on, cos again the crossover potential of that isn't much utilised beyond surface allusions and while some of the shows (agents of shield, cloak and dagger, agent Carter, runaways) have been genuinely great, the general quality of the shows has been pretty middling.
I hope we'll see more non mcu marvel adaptations; I kinda think ~comic superheroes are the modern versions of fairy tales... We can tell them over and over again in different iterations, so different viewpoints on that can be really compelling! (I really liked the Marc webb/Andrew Garfield spiderman verse, and I've found this new mcu version yawnable personally.)
But overall I think the serialised nature of comics adapts far better (duh) to TV shows and/or miniseries (particularly animated ones tbh!) than films. I also think it's disingenuous to pretend that ALL the mcu marvel films are trash, or that most of the rubbisher ones are entirely without redeeming qualities, or that non mcu marvel films are paragons of virtue, AND I do think generally the mcu films/shows do a decent job of being accessible adaptations which don't rely on a deep knowledge of the source material while including lil nods to it, which actually can be a hard balance
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