#Not sure this completely makes sense 😴
landerspaul · 2 months
Listen I don't want to come across as creepy but I went down a rabbit hole and ended up going from blog to blog to blog to blog and I found your post on how to reduce stress (it's on your Reesh blog) and I was wondering if I could request a Paulchen edition? 🙈
Don't worry, Anon! You're not creepy at all! ❤️ In fact, I'm glad you enjoyed my post enough to want a version with Paul! (∩U▿U∩) I really hope you will like this one as well!
So let's see. What do we need to do according to google to reduce stress?
Get enough sleep! 😴 💤 Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood, and health!
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Stretch! 🙌🏻 Standing up for a quick stretch can relieve muscle tension and help you relax during a stressful workday.
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Cuddle With a Pet! 🐶 It leads to the release of the "happiness" hormone in both animals and us. It can also boost self-esteem! 🐕 🦘
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Create a Zen Zone! 🌊 Make (or find) a space that’s completely free of stress where you can go to relax. 🌞 Set up a comfortable chair or light some incense and disappear there for a few minutes until the tension dissipates.
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Exercise! 🤸🏻‍♂️ It increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts more pep in your step every day.
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Laugh! 🤡 🗯️ Laughter can stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress. 😁
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Eat healthy! 🍽️ 🥗 It provides the extra energy needed to cope with stressful events.
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Okay okay maybe I wouldn't eat confetti and a piece of ceiling -- that only works with Paul. He's built different. However, if you follow all the points, I'm sure you'll be able to reduce stress! (。•̀ᴗ-)و✧
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tapgurl1 · 10 months
So, I just finished Season 2 of Good Omens (bear in mind I've only gotten like 2.5 hours of sleep so bear with me:
1: Neil Gaiman is a lying liar-face who lies. "Quiet, gentle, and romantic," he says. Sure, sure. Too bad he neglected to mention WHICH COUPLE HE WAS REFERRING TOO!!!!😭😭😭😭😭
2: I was really hoping the "Every Day" in the last episode would be like the Wangxian, "Everyday." It's not. It's really not.
3: Metatron: his sudden reappearance and newfound appreciation for Aziraphale is suspicious as hell ( no pun intended)
4: I love Muriel. She's adorable.🥰
5: Ultimate Himbo Gabriel/"Jim".
6: This whole season was an excuse to bring Aziraphale (and us) to tears. Congratulations on that 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
7: The only thing preventing me from having a complete emotional breakdown is to think of this in the same way as a Star Wars trilogy; the second part being the most emotionally heartbreaking part. I am definitely hoping for a part 3, but I'm worried about how major world events keep hampering their progress. Last time, it was COVID. This time, it's the Writer's and Actor's strikes.
I think that's about it. Probably doesn't make a lick of sense, but feel free to chime in with your thoughts. Meanwhile, I'm going to try to get some 💤💤💤💤😴😴😴😴😴
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100dayproductivity · 7 months
Ahh! All the 🤬ing things. I'm starting to get overwhelmed again by all the things. I find that I'm using this blog as a way to get my thoughts organized and less overwhelming. What about you? Does blogging help you? Do you have another place you write stuff down to organize your thoughts?
Right. So further to yesterday's exciting job-related events, I did meet with the contact about a job a mutual friend recommended me for. But I won't be taking it. Basically it pays too little for too many hours too far away to make it worth my while. Given my current hourly rate and schedule, it doesn't make sense for me to take the job. So that's that. On the bright side, my resume is all up-to-date and looks pretty fantastic if I do say so myself. And now I know for sure the opportunity was not a good fit for me and not kicking myself with "what-if"s.
Day before yesterday's to-do list, with updates:
Figure out what healthy and nutritious food I will consume today ✓
So I did manage to make myself a healthy and nutritious meal two days ago, as well as yesterday, but guess what? I need to make myself a healthy and nutritious meal again today. 😮‍💨 For my kid too, actually. So I'll need to get some fresh produce today.
Wash bed cover my cat puked on 😿🤦🏻‍♀️ ✓
I did wash it AND I even put it in the dryer but omg I again forgot all about it. Have not checked if it dried completely. Hopefully it hasn't been sitting damp in the dryer for the past two days 😮‍💨
Do up invoices! ✓
I did this! Even sent them! Now I just need to remember to remind people to remember to pay me 😮‍💨
Deal with dishes. ✓
Did it. Need to do it again today. Rinse. Repeat.
Deposit cheque.
Roll out knots in leg muscle. ✓
Did it. A lot. But still have massive tight knots all up my leg so need to continue doing this.
Pick up paint primer.
So actually, someone has some leftover primer they can give me for free. I sourced it from our local Buy Nothing group. Do you have one of those where you live? It's a Facebook group for neighbours to exchange unwanted items for free. If there isn't one where you live, I highly recommend you consider starting one. It is a fabulous way to give items a second life and keep things out of the landfill. Be part of the solution!
Do Sun Salutation x10
Did not do this. Not even once.
Take inhaler
I remembered to do this! But I've still got stuff in my lungs so should keep this on the list for a while.
Ok, let's update this Bad Boy.
Take bed cover out of dryer.
Deposit cheque. ✓
Pick up paint primer. ✓
Pick up produce, bread, milk, butter, sandwich stuff. ✓
Roll out knots in leg muscle.
Do Sun Salutation x10
Take inhaler
Let's do this! 💪
Back from errands, I'm so tired and sleepy now. My plantar fasciitis is flaring up too. I've iced it, now applying heat. I feel like just napping 😴 But I've set the timer for 20 minutes, then I need to:
Clean up disaster in kitchen: empty dishwasher, load dishwasher, clear off table.
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johnnys-breastmilk · 6 months
Wally anon: Oh no.💔 Then let's just ignore that one. Yupppp. You fr have. to gag him sometimes just because he's THAT loud. But, mhm mhm @ the lower grunts as a dom. It's cause he has more control than in his subby state where he's almost completely lost to the feeling. Oh, he absolutely would. It'd remind him of the feeling of sucking your dick, so his own muffled sounds would make him even harder (he always instantly. gets the most raging boner when sucking you off). And, how could I forget allllll the different types of edible lube (which would all run out by the time both of you were done 🥴).
(My mind went to the same thing dhdjd). It would BY FAR be the most ridiculous attempt at a roleplay & would quickly devolve in both of you laughing at how silly it all was.
It's just that a revenge motive has to REALLY hit right for me to be like, "Okay, points were made" & it just did not feel like it aligned with all the holiday/carving/dinner table iconography. Just a big disconnect there. I wonder what Ryan's motive would be if he's involved since he already has Jessica. Definitely something worth thinking about. (lollllll @ out, very apt) Gotcha @ Zed, though. I can see it based on the extremely limited knowledge I have of those movies. Will keep your recommendation in mind & hope it won't be too. bad if I do end up watching. 👍(kdhdjdk I wondered. if I should specify but that's Ryan Phillippe's character in Cruel Intentions, very much the rich playboy type & a deeply. horny movie)
Exactlyyyy. It all lines up (just like his dick going into your...😳).
As you should be! 🙌 The pool scene was fr one of the greatest gifts the show gave us cause he just looks SO good there (but lol, I know, the sunglasses don't make the most sense, but I'll go with it cause he's hot enough to ignore something like that 🫠). Nah, I get what you mean by saying that. It gives you an advantage to find him if he isn't immediately popping up beside you. 👍
Yesss. I was so. happy cause I was rooting for her as soon as she was announced for Thanks cause I know a lot of people were clowning her for HAT, but like you said, she r e a l l y could not help how that movie turned out. And now she's proved them all wrong! 🥳 hddjjd exactlyyyy. Like, there is zero. point where we, as an audience, understand what Jessica saw in him or why they're teaming up for most of the movie cause the chemistry was just...not. there. And his whole "Oh, I'm such a broody bad boy who's gonna get mad cause my ex I ghosted for a year is dating someone new" routine got old soooo fast. 😴 Yupyupyup & one of THE funniest moments in the entire movie is when he just like...passive aggressively flops Bobby's jacket off of Jessica when she rushes up to him. It's such a subtle thing, but killed me soooo much in the theater. 😭
Oh, yeah, you had a FULL plate, so no wonder.💔 I guess you could say all your hard work paid off. 🫡 Will send a few more by later. Want to make sure I think up enough variety for these various scenarios (& give Ryan a little more attention since we've mainly been focusing on Wally lollll).
Ugh, soooo good just thinking of it. 😮‍💨 And you know the only reason he even works out is so that he can show off for you. Very much a seduction tactic. 🤫 (And there's sometimes where he loves to just...leave the shorts on & pull his dick out from the leg to fuck you without even removing anything cause he's SO hard & horny & can't even waste a second on getting naked, he has to fuck you NOW).
It’s all good LMAO and fitting since… is it controversial to say he’d love like sour gummy worms?? maybe i’m just biased. Yeah his big mouth is good at being vocal and sucking dick (no offense Milo, your mouth is gorgeous sksjs) That’s why it’s perfect to have him sucking you while you finger/tease his hole, because it adds to the feeling you get and he gets to be as loud as he wants. There is no wrong noises his mouth can make when they’re vibrating against your shaft fr. (To the edible lube, I totally agree🫡 that bottle would be gone after one session from using it all over each other)
Exactly!! And it wouldn’t kill the mood, just lighten it from the serious sexiness lmaooo
Yeah I don’t think of pregnancy and marriage with Thanksgiving tbh… (unless ryan’s stuffing me with his dick and baby gravy for thanksgiving🫣) Ryan’s motive could just be that he wants to keep Jessica to himself (but it wouldn’t work, i just love men in masks and the one Wally edit I saw that did a “what if he was ghostface…” didn’t hit the same as Ryan being the killer in this movie.) Cool cool with Zed, I’d write for him just like Wally (and I was gonna do a halloween crossover for double milo🤭 because they could both be on fatal football teams that face off every october 31st, ending with us being the real winner of all of that😩) And yessss that’s totally Josh, but way less complex because he was in like 3 episodes skhskaja
He’s probably a lineman on the football team because he knows to line up that dick just fine…😮‍💨
Milo makes anything work on him, even sunglasses indoors. And yeah maybe I need to write about that too… I got lots to write about 😛 The smell is like a geolocation LMAO
LMAOOO i didn’t see that but since it’s on digital I’ll keep an eye out for it when I rewatch the movie🤭 Yeah I got tired of Bobby fast because he was just another red herring and love interest that didn’t excite me. Ryan had the benefit of already dating Jessica by the time the movie had started, so I was already more invested in their relationship over anything else. Plus, I loveeee how he was into her when she was with someone else and just got what he wanted after Bobby left. King deserves it all frrrr
Don’t worry!! Any Milo character is perfect🖤 and Wally’s fitting for most asks because that’s who we started with, but I won’t object to giving Ryan some love too!! And it did, passed all my classes and got back into the writing swing with my month-long break😮‍💨
He definitely interrupts workouts by workout out only in those shorts. Back to the teasing you in class thing from a few asks ago, this could be another way he does it. Where he’s sitting in a chair (it not breaking, thankfully) and he’s sliding the leg of his shorts up to look like they’re just bunched up from sitting down, but he’s really just letting the growing heat that’s pressing against his thighs pulse and snake out like a tease. And pulling his dick out from the bottom of his shorts is sooo🫣😮‍💨 lazy fucking ftw
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rookieloveskashi · 10 months
tagged by @sharingangirl (forever ago, sorry!!)
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
a cute fan art of baby team 7
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
chocolate, all day
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
close close friends call me alycat.
🎵 Last song you listened to?
darling, i want to destroy you - afi
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
noooooooo absolutely yes.
😏 Are you on discord?
yes but i'm 30 so i have no idea what i'm doing.
💛 Do you have any piercings?
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
hmmmmm, i guess how they respond to hearing that they upset someone else. i've known too many people to immediately be defensive and completely disregard that even though they may not have meant any harm, they still caused it.
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
omg um something basic like a sugar cookie probably.
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
cat (sorry kakashi)
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
probably "oh shit."
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
american $2 bills exist because they were (maybe still are?) used in betting on horse racing. the bets were/are in increments of 2 so it just made sense.
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
neither? let me sleep 😴
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
sure am!
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
introverted, tidy, hopelessly romantic
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
iced caramel macchiato
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
um..... i don't think there's any i can't stand.
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
my old-ass ipod
☕ Coffee or tea?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
the saber-toothed tiger
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
active for about 5 months but i shamefully lurked for a few months before that.
🌴 Desert island item?
one of those water-purifying things? i think extreme campers have a device that makes water drinkable. (don't hold out much hope for me on the island, btw)
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
i have no clue 🫣 probably just comfortable tbh.
🔮 What’s your dream job?
something low-risk; i couldn't handle being a doctor or anything. and i would say romance writer but i wouldn't want to turn something i love as a hobby into something i have to do to survive.
💙 Relationship status?
married last october. only about two months to my anniversary! 💍👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
black tank top, black leggings, black ankle boots, lightweight denim button-up. (i swear it's cuter than it sounds)
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
very, very many
🤎 What color is your hair?
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
💄 Do you wear makeup?
yes but only eyeshadow/eyeliner/mascara. someone pls teach me skincare and foundation like a real adult.
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
my wife just told me i'm a great partner and i kind of melted so....
💞 @ your favorite blog.
favorite? oh honey that depends on my mood.
anyone is welcome to play!
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sothischickshe · 2 years
🔥 the quantity and/or quality of Marvel movies
Ha welllllll this maybe depends if we're talking mcu specifically or marvel generally -- I think I've seen all of the mcu films bar the latest spiderman one (& indeed quite a lot of the mcu TV shows), and I've seen I think all the x men films except the newest one I didn't even realise came out (and poss all the TV shows?), and some other non mcu marvel films like blade, various spidermans, deadpools, and probs some other stuff.
Overall, I'm not that impressed with the mcu films, there have been a few I've really enjoyed and would be willing to rewatch, but I think they're generally overly samey (no more origin tales pls!! Have we not done enough?! Hitting the same beats?!) and too few of the films have paid off the depth of the verse or crossed over with the TV shows (which I think have generally been better).
Given the way that many of them largely feel like adverts for future mcu films, where I've landed on is: I'm definitely not willing to pay money to see them. And that means I have to be willing to not care about spoilers for them in order to not buy into this NEED TO VIEW IMMEDIATELY thing 🤷🏼‍♀️
Quantitywise hmm I don't necessarily think there's too many -- actually ~3 mcu films a year isn't THAT much to watch (although the commitment to such a release schedule does im sure contribute to the ground out quality), espec if you're not committing to watching them at pace. I think keeping up with the huge amount of TV shows is a much more daunting task which I've mostly given up on, cos again the crossover potential of that isn't much utilised beyond surface allusions and while some of the shows (agents of shield, cloak and dagger, agent Carter, runaways) have been genuinely great, the general quality of the shows has been pretty middling.
I hope we'll see more non mcu marvel adaptations; I kinda think ~comic superheroes are the modern versions of fairy tales... We can tell them over and over again in different iterations, so different viewpoints on that can be really compelling! (I really liked the Marc webb/Andrew Garfield spiderman verse, and I've found this new mcu version yawnable personally.)
But overall I think the serialised nature of comics adapts far better (duh) to TV shows and/or miniseries (particularly animated ones tbh!) than films. I also think it's disingenuous to pretend that ALL the mcu marvel films are trash, or that most of the rubbisher ones are entirely without redeeming qualities, or that non mcu marvel films are paragons of virtue, AND I do think generally the mcu films/shows do a decent job of being accessible adaptations which don't rely on a deep knowledge of the source material while including lil nods to it, which actually can be a hard balance
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It
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illfoandillfie · 2 years
How about “Actually I just miss you” (from the 5 word prompts) with pedro?
oooo cute okay! kinda did something i dont normally do with this one and flipped back and forth between reader and pedro so hopefully it works skfjksjfksdjs also she a fluffy one
Pedro’s eyes were tired and he had to squint at his too bright screen as he typed, the fluffy comfort of his hotel suite bed beckoned to him. But he couldn’t sleep until he was sure you knew he was safely back on the ground. Of course you’d be asleep now anyway and wouldn’t see his messages until the morning but now that he’d had the idea to message you he couldn’t let it go. If he’d had his way he would have made a stop back home for a night or two just to see you. He’d tried to fit it into the itinerary but between two different production studios requiring his presence, the timing hadn’t worked it. It never did. **
You had to rub your eyes a few times before you could properly read the messages displayed on your phone. They’d come in while you were asleep and you were not yet ready to get out of the comfort of you bed so lay there, body twisted awkwardly, groggily attempting to read them while the phone remained plugged into the charger. As your brain slowly woke up you realised they were from Pedro (and that your phone was completely charged and could be unplugged.) The first had come in around one in the morning.
Pedro: Heading to the airport. SXSW was incredible, wish I was heading to you but still needed in Canada.  Talk soon! 🛫
The second had been sent a few hours later
Pedro: So tired 😴 Flight landed fine, on my way to hotel. I know you’re alseep right now (like I want to be 😆) but I hope tomorrow’s a good one for you. ✌
You chuckled as you read them and sent off a quick reply telling him to sleep in or at least drink an extra coffee, and wishing him luck with the filming. It was sweet that he’d thought to tell you he arrived safely but you’d long given up hope that his considerate actions were a symbol of affection deeper than friendship. He was a considerate and sweet guy. So you pushed the disappointment about not seeing him aside and set about your day.
The next day, sometime around mid-morning, you heard your phone ringing and dug it out from under the work that had piled up on your desk. Your employer had decided to keep everyone working from home which was nice, though without Pedro around you were fast losing touch with the outside world. He’d always known when you needed to escape the confines of your place for even just a fifteen minute walk. So when you looked at the number flashing on your screen you thought maybe he’d sensed your growing frustration. “Hi Y/N,” he said as you answered, a smile clear in his voice, “Have I caught you at a bad time?” “Nope. Perfect timing. I was about to make a fresh coffee. I cannot look at my computer for another minute.” His chuckle crackled down the line as he pictured you leaning against your kitchen bench to talk as the coffee machine spluttered away. “How’s filming?” “Uh yeah, fine.” he said, pulled from his reverie, “They’re setting up the next scene now. I just wanted to ask you something quickly.” “Oh, yeah, what is it?” “Umm, well, d-, I was wondering if yo-” he paused for a second and then said all in a rush, “I think I left my headphones at your place, I just wondered if you’d seen them.” “Oh. That’s what you called me to ask? Pedro, you haven’t been here in like a month.” “I know, I meant to ask earlier but um...” he tapped his phone against his forehead, annoyed at himself, and let out a sigh before continuing, “Y’know, don’t worry about it. They were just my backup set, I can buy new ones. Anyway, they’re calling me I’ve got to go, bye!” You barely got your farewell said before Pedro hung up in your ear, leaving you more than a little bewildered.
The next day brought an equally baffling call from Pedro. You were on your lunch break when the phone rang and you barely looked up from your book to answer it, surprised when you once more heard his unmistakable voice. “Pedro?” “Yeah, hi,” “Long time no...chat.” You cringed at how awkward you sounded. “I know,” Pedro said with a airy laugh, “Quick question.” “I haven’t seen your headphones, if that’s what you were wondering.” “No, no, I wanted to ask...what was the name of that show you recommended?” the phone dug uncomfortably into the space between his thumb and forefinger as his grip tightened and he fought the urge to throw it across the room, “I’ve got some downtime and needed something new to watch.” You had to think for a minute, completely thrown by the question, before you could remember what you’d recommended to him before. “You know, you could have just texted me that.” “Yeah, I probably should have. Sorry for interrupting.” “No, it’s fine. Just a bit weird.” “Mmm, well, I should let you get back to work. Have a good day.” Once more Pedro seemed in a rush to hang up on you and you felt more confused than ever.
Three days in a row you received an unexpected call from Pedro and by the third you were a little annoyed. The man seemed so eager to stop talking you wondered why he’d bothered to call in the first place. And each time you picked up he asked you an inane question of absolutely no importance as if he were trying to waste your time or get your hopes up. So, when you got that third call you were already halfway to being pissed off as you picked up. “Pedro, really? What is it this time? Did you leave some useless object at my place? A travel mug maybe? Or is it that you need another tv show to watch and forgot how to text?” Pedro swallowed thickly as you ranted and blurted out the first excuse that came to mind, “I have a package being delivered and I forgot to reroute it so I was hoping you could pick it up for me.” “Oh.” You felt suddenly embarrassed about everything you’d said, “Yeah of course I can do that.” Pedro kicked himself for yet another terrible lie, he was getting no better at it despite how frequently he was doing it. Of course this was the worst one yet since there was no package en route. He held his breath for a count of three and slowly released it. “Actually...” The pause seemed to last much longer than it should and, already feeling guilty for getting snappy, you worried that Pedro was about to decide he hated it. “Actually, truth is there’s no parcel. I just miss you.” “Y-you miss me?” You were more confused than ever. “Yeah. A lot. I was going to ask you out when I got back home. On a date.” You felt your cheeks heat up and your heart began to pound at double speed, “I’d like that. I’ve missed you too.” For a moment Pedro couldn’t speak, his smile taking up too many muscles, “Okay then. That, uhh, that’s good. So when I get back.” “Maybe I could fly up to you one weekend instead.” “You could do that?” “As long as you promise to stop hanging up one me so fast.” Pedro laughed, he deserved your teasing, “Deal.”
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mando-abs · 3 years
Fear and Loathing in Bounty Hunting (A Mandalorian Mini-Series) - Chapter 3
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Previous: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 | General Masterlist | Taglist
Summary: Din feels bad after making you go through a rough bounty hunt. He decides he’s going to make it up to you by gifting you a beach vacation. However, Din has got to deal with his own emotions before he can keep tabs on yours. No uses of Y/N
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader
Word Count: 6.8k
Rating: Mature (I’ve decided to make a smutty chapter 4, but it won’t be make for a while. So, that’s there for chapter 4)
Warnings: Din talks a lot, he is very angsty, comfort mostly tho, cursing, sexual themes mentioned, injuries mention briefly
A/N: Look who finally finished at like 3AM on the 4th of July! This is loosely inspired by @novemberrain221 Mashup Monday. I’m so sorry for being kinda dead on here for a while. Got caught up in a lot of things. Life and anxious things. But I will be on active from now on…after I get some sleep 😴
Din had fucked up.
With the mission? No. Neither of you were disappointed with the large payday coming your way. Despite sustaining a life threatening injury and being left with a damaged ship, the mission went pretty well. At least, that’s how it was on his end. All he had to do was wake up, follow and catch the bounty, and scrape himself back to the ship. Child’s work.
But that’s exactly what the problem was: you had taken the emotional and physical blow on this mission, something you aren’t as accustomed to as he is. Din sat there useless, wounded throughout most of it. If he had just been more careful...Who was he kidding? If it weren’t for his screw up, you wouldn’t have heeded caution and parked right next to the bounty’s hideout. You really pulled out all of the stops this time. He was proud. Every wrong he made, you turned it to a right.
And how did he repay you? By leaving you alone when you needed him most. The bounty could have easily waited. He knew all too well before he left that you needed comfort, that you needed someone to confide in, to ground yourself. But you’re so resilient, something he admires intensely about you. He thought you could handle a few more minutes of completing the mission before the days of rest promised right after. Now he knows that was just the greed clouding his better sense of judgement. Maker, he never felt more stupid.
Din fucked up, and he was going to fix it.
The day after the night of turmoil, Din ran things around the Crest. He knew how exhausted you were going to feel the next day with all of your energy expelled from your cries. He had gotten plenty of rest after the asteroid belt and when you finally fell asleep his arms last night. That morning, Din got up before the sunrise (a common habit of his, likes the quiet and tranquility an early morning brings) to check up on Grogu.
The kid happened to be waking up from his long slumber as well when Din opened his pram. “Jate vaa’tur, ad’ika.” He picked the kid up and cradled him in his arms. “Sleep well?” Grogu cooed and reached for Din’s injured side, much to Din’s attention. “Yeah, you healed me up good. Well, you and mom. But you did most of that, didn't you?” The kid giggled. Mando quietly shushed his giggles, “K’uur, don’t want to wake her up now. I have a feeling it’ll just be me and you today, kid.”
Together (and by together, that means mostly Din in this situation) they got most of the day’s itinerary completed, which included getting the team of hired mechanics off their asses and start repairing the outside of the ship. Din even managed to have them lay off the double rate charge they tried pulling off on you last time. A few menacing glares and a couple of warning blasts might have helped make their decision, but they were more than willing. Besides, the blaster shot wound to the handsy mechanic’s shoulder should heal just fine.
In the following days between repairing the ship and traveling to eventually reap the reward of you and Din’s bounty capture, things were fairly uneventful. Din made sure of that. As you slowly began to blossom once more, Din would give you space during wake hours and console you in his bunk when it was time to sleep. He took care of meals (which isn’t that hard considering it’s mostly rationed, bars, pre-made, and powdered). He took care of Grogu (admittedly a bit harder than mealtime…especially during mealtime). He never gave you a chance to lift a finger for your fair share of duties.
After the third day of his responsibilities hijacking, you discussed his overbearingly helpful behavior.
“Din, honey, I really appreciate you stepping in for me,” you semi-shout up the cockpit ladder to be picked up over the panel reweldings. “Honestly! You’ve been a wonderful support. But, it’s been a while, and I’ve calmed down quite a bit. It’s really not a big deal for you to keep going like this.”
Din stopped welding and poked his head down the ladder to face you upside down. “Sorry? You’re gonna have to speak louder, helmet feedback is low.”
You draw out your words to cut through his sarcasm. “It’s allllllriiiight. Let. Me. Helllllllp.”
“Yeah, feedback is shot. Sorry. Try asking again later.” Din whips his head back up the ladder and continues welding. You irritatedly trudge back to your quarters.
No matter what Din did, to him, no task or comfort or just plain silence was enough to fully compensate for leaving you alone like that. He couldn’t fix the fixated guilt set on his mind.
But when the two of you finally turned in the bounty and received your fat reward, you blurted out to Din the saving grace he had been searching for.
“With all these credits, we could have our own private island!”
You, of course, were exaggerating. It wasn’t that big a payday. But your wishful thinking was in the right place for Din to finally come up with an idea and make it up to you.
A beach vacation.
Even with the addition of two to his clan, there never truly was a big enough break for all three of you to take a real vacation. Every moment of rest spared was either in between hunts or during them. Camping, hiking, a night in a hotel room, proper dinner, it was all connected to missions. None of you ever regretted those treasured moments, but all of you could agree that you wished they lasted a little longer.
Din could always tell by the way you took extra long baths in hotel rooms and begged him for a dip in nearby lakes that you missed the beaches of your home planet. When the two of you had your late night talks, you would sometimes bring up memories of past loved ones taking trips to the shores, warm sand, colorful sunsets, and all. You would describe each sensation in full detail to help Din imagine what it would feel like from your perspective, from a helmetless - armorless perspective.
Din never had any pleasant experiences with beaches, especially since the sand gets everywhere in his armor. But by the way you explained and admired it, how bad could it possibly be?
It was the perfect apology gift, and now Din could give you those memories back and then some.
For the next few days, Din relented his hold on the daily chores and gave a few responsibilities back to you. He set his plan in motion by frequently changing coordinates of the planets along the path to your vacation destination after you visit each one. He wanted to keep the final location a secret from you. Well, he wanted to keep every aspect about the trip a secret from you. He spent almost all of his down time on the holopad planning. When you attempted peaks over his shoulder, Din would hide his schemes from your line of view. Sometimes, he would have to wave the holopad out of your reach. You knew Din was hiding something, and you were determined to find out.
You stretched yourself to try to snag it from him. “Come on! Tell me what’s gotten into you with the holopad!”
Din sighed. “I was looking up new positions for our relational anniversary. Happy?”
Your face contorted into confusion. “Din, you and I both know well enough we don’t know when we fell for each other. Besides, it’s too early for one of those.”
“What’s wrong with celebrating early?”
You deadpanned at Din. “Since when were Mandalorians trigger happy with celebrations?”
“We don’t have to do it.”
You became flustered. “No! I mean, sure. No, I mean…” You point your finger at his helmet. “This isn’t over.”
Din thought it would be easier to hide things from you considering his abilities as a bounty hunter, but he quickly found out it’s really difficult doing things on the sly when you’re constantly around him, constantly aware that he was keeping secrets from you. All in good fun, of course, but the challenge still stood (literally and figuratively) over his shoulders.
Din had the hardest times at marketplaces the three of you stopped at along the way. He pulled out all of his tricks there. Sometimes, he would disguise what he actually wanted to buy for the trip with a normal essential on top. He would point to entertainment nearby to keep you distracted while he quickly made his purchases and shoved them into his satchel. He frequently bribed Grogu a few cookies in exchange to keep you distracted. The little sucker was good at that, sometimes taking things a bit too far like trying to befriend a vendor’s Loth cat.
Din did everything in his power to keep the element of surprise for the vacation. He knew his quest on proving himself capable of stifling off the dangers of his profession might have been somewhat in vain, but he ultimately decided that he didn’t care. If his plan made you the slightest bit happier or calmer, the temporary “deceit” was all worth it to him. For the first time in his life, it was killing him to be forced to say such few words to you.
As Din punches the coordinate numbers on the navicomputer, he instantly gives a sigh of relief. The secret is finally out. You rush over to the console to see where Din is taking you next (a ritual you have adopted in the past few days of odd behavior from your usually stoic Mandalorian).
“Iloh. Hmmm…Iloh. Where have I heard that planet’s name?”
“Well, the only thing I remember about Iloh are the advertisements on the holo-ads on Coruscant.” Din leans back in the pilot’s chair with the cheesiest grin behind his helmet. That smile even surprises himself, but he’s too focused on waiting for your response to cringe over himself.
You gasp. “THE BEACH RESORT PLANET!?” You grab him by the shoulders between his pauldrons and begin to shake him. “Din, tell me you’re joking! Cause I swear if you’re joking, Din Djarin, I will…”
Din chuckled. “Easy! Easy.” He brings the palms of his hands to yours on his shoulder to still you motions. “It’s not a joke. We’re spending a few days on Iloh. No business, no quick visits. Just you, me, the kid, and endless waves.”
You ring your arms around his neck and fully situate yourself on his lap, facing him to give him repeated kisses all over his helmet overdramatically. You pause for a moment. “Wait. Is this why you’ve been acting so strange these past few days?”
Din nods. “Yes.”
“Oh you big beautiful man you. I forgive you.” You give a big kiss on his helmet. “Even though it was very out of place.” Another kiss. “And you kinda had me concerned there for a second.”…And another. “I forgive you.”
You finally nestle your head in his neck and speak with a lowered, sincere voice. “Thank you, Din.” When you start playing with the little strands of hair poking out from underneath his helmet, Din starts melting into you. Even in its subtlety, the gesture always intoxicates his thoughts, accumulating small doses of craving to be stored in his brain for later uses. After a few twirls of his hair, you speak again close to his sound sensors. “I know vacations are not typically your thing, not something usually within your comfort zone. But Din, I, I can’t even begin to appreciate it more than I can express right now.”
Din runs his fingers over the top of your head and down to the base of your neck. “You don’t have to. I know.” He holds you and your head closer to him. “But don’t worry about me. This is all for you. And I guess the kid too, if he wants to come.”
You give a deep chortle and Din feels it vibrating throughout his whole body, warming whatever cold beskar-clad skin remains. “Oh Din. He’s going to love it!” The two of you sit there to your own devices, enjoying the comforting silence.
You give a large inhale suddenly, startling Din out of his moment of tranquility. “We’ve got so much to do! There’s so much to pack and -“ As you begin to get up from straddling him in the pilot’s seat, Din wraps his arms around you to prevent your escape.
“Already taken care of.”
You start a smile up your face, but it quickly lowers out of suspicion. “And you’re sure about this?”
“I mean, ‘cept for the daily stuff we use. But, yes. You didn’t spy on me as hard as you thought.”
“Oh? Is that so? Well,” you slightly tug both of your hands on his chest plate as you tease him. You shift your hips lower into his lap, and Din’s visor begins to fog up from his end. “I hope you've been researching more anniversary ideas, Mandalorian. Cause if you keep gifting me like this, you’re gonna need it.”
When the Razor Crest finally drops out of hyperspace, Din notices out of the corner of his eyes you struggling to hold onto Grogu as tries to worm his way out of your arms to get a better glimpse of the planet Iloh. Despite your protest to the kid about staying in his seat, you were just as curious, leaning your body and craning your neck as far as it would go. Din shakes his head at the two of you but hides a grin underneath his helmet.
Once he gives the clearance codes to enter the atmosphere and parks the ship at the designated hangar, you whip off your seatbelt and stumble off with the kid in your arms to go down the cockpit ladder. Grogu gives off shrill giggles as you jump down. Din is impressed.
“Hold it!”
He hears your footsteps stop in the hull below and two small sighs. Din moves down the ladder “cautiously” and slowly strides over to you (for dramatic purposes, of course). You smile up at him, somewhat annoyed but mostly playful.
“Remember, you’re responsible for bringing a hovercart to the ship, and -”
You interrupt and mock his instructions. “Be careful when lifting the heavier stuff. Look out for weirdos. Keep wizard baby in check. Blah blah blah. I get it! Now would you pleeeeease open the hatch?!”
Din hovers his finger over his vambrace’s button panel for a moment but presses the button before you get too irritated. Once the hatch begins to lower, sunshine pierces into the ship and the cold ship is immediately met with the warmth of its rays.
You squint at the sudden change of light but sigh in relief once the tropical air hits your tunic. Grogu makes loud babbles as he smiles up and points at the palm trees hanging over the hangar. You chat with the kid as you walk and look out into the open, Din long forgotten. It doesn’t bother him in the slightest. You’ve always been one to roam in exciting, Din safety-approved places. He knows you’ll find him, especially now he’s a walking tanning reflector.
The hangar itself is close to a large towering hotel that sits on the edge of the beach. The beach itself is the longest stretch of beach by the naked (or in Din’s case, modulated) eye. A few smaller islands make themselves known further away from the shore, but majority of the locals and tourists alike seem to flock to this expansive coast.
Din takes a moment himself to admire it, wishing for a split second that he could feel the breeze and salty air as you’ve previously described to him. But he quickly snaps out of his daydream, and goes to complete his end of the arrival chores - checking in.
Reflectively speaking, he probably should have switched the tasks, but he’s the one who created this trip, so they’ll probably be asking for him. Or, at least, they’ll be asking for his cover name.
The green haired overly-perky/talkative receptionist herself does a double take when reading off the name. “Mr. Bib Fortuna?”
“Yes ma’am.”
She raises an eyebrow modestly.
“Tatooine residents used to honor the Hutt clan by naming their first born after members of the clan. The…names still remain.”
“I see…” The receptionist gives a forced smile out of respect. After a few agonizing minutes of small talk and check-in procedures, she gives Din the room key and number.
When he scurries away from the counter, he turns to find you standing by the lobby fountain with the hovercart already filled with your luggage. You twiddle your fingers his way. Grogu sits on the edge of the fountain making tiny splashes with his hand.
“Hey, Mr. Fortuna.”
Din lets out a nervous chuckle and swipes a hand over his neck. “You heard that?”
“No, it says the name on the key.”
“Oh. You’re done early. I expected a 5 minute head start by the weight of those two crates.”
You put a foot on the fountain behind you and flex your arms at Din. “Well, you might have expected that, but these ammunitions are not to be underestimated.”
Din frowns in unamusement but shifts his helmet to the side to communicate the expression to you.
“Alright.” You lay your arms down back to your side. “The kid gave some extra ‘umph’ when lifting the boxes.” Grougu giggles at his reflection in the water. Din, on the other hand, shifts his weight on one foot, sticks his hands to the hip that is jutting out of his side. You broke one of the few instructions Din asked of you to watch out for, no public use of supernatural powers.
“Don’t get your panties twisted up your ass, Mando. Nobody was around, and I had a hold on the crates the whole time. Besides,” you look into his visor, acting all suave, “these muscles are no illusion.”
Din sighs. If what you were telling him is true (which, he didn’t have much if any doubts against it), it wouldn’t have looked too suspicious. Din looks on both sides just to make sure no one is listening, regardless. “Well, let’s go to our room before people around here start thinking we’re desert mob bosses, yeah?”
“Good one, Bib. Come on lil waterspout.” You crouch down to pick up Grogu as the kid protests being removed from his reflection. “I promise you’ll see him when we go to the beach later.”
Once the three of you climb up on the lift and guide yourselves and your luggage to your room, you, in particular, instantly begin to relax. You set wiggling Grogu to go roam around the room and fully launch yourself onto the main mattress. Din brings the luggage inside the room and closes the door behind him. You speak as if you were in a state of euphoria. “A bed. It’s perfect, Din.”
“Not just a bed.” Din comes and slouches on the mattress, facing you. He holds up two fingers in the air. “Two. There’s another room attached to this one. Just for Grogu.” Grogu stops running around for a few seconds at the mention of his name but quickly resumes his reign of terror on the floor below.
You look into Din’s visor confused. “We can’t just leave a baby in a bed by himself. What if he falls?”
“For starters, he’s technically 50 years old. I think he can take care of himself more than he’s letting on. But, due to his -” In the middle of Din’s talk with you, Grogu slowly climbs up to the top of the bed, making little tiny grunts along the way. He crawls and plops down in between the two of you. Din continues, “-limitations, we can just move the bed and lay the mattress on the floor. I specifically said we’re not having room-cleanings anyways. Don’t want strangers near our stuff.” Din knows he is being a bit too protective of the two of you and what little belongings you all have, but he can’t help it. It’s the curse of his occupation, he guesses.
You let out a chuckle. “ Well, Maker bless the poor soul that finds these rooms when we leave. They’re gonna want to incinerate these sheets once we’re through with them.”
Din takes a long breath at the notion, briefly daydreaming of what entails in the act of defiling these sheets. If it were up to him, he would have already had you stripped naked on top of these sheets and gotten them wet with your juices as a welcoming gift. Alas, the little womp rat literally blocks the space between the two of you.
“Do you think we could get him to take a nap?” Din asks you softly, trying hard not to alert Grogu playing with his feet. He places a hand on one of your knees and skates his thumb across it.
You huff. “With about the success rate of controlling a black hole.” You rub Grogu’s forehead affectionately. “This little bug’s got some energy to burn, don’t you?” Grogu quickly crawls over to you and you pick him up in your arms, pushing him up and down while babbling like an idiot to please the kid. In enthusiastic baby talk, you respond back to Din, “Why don’t we take a trip down to the shore?”
Din goes blank. He knows you’re eager to go, and he knows that he could only prevent the inevitable so far. He just wishes it was tomorrow’s problem and that you would opt for a relaxing night in. But you’re right. By the way Grogu is acting right now, there’s no way the two of you will be able to wear him out quicker than going to the beach. Din is just going to have to stifle the slug wound and tolerate his disdain for beaches sooner than later. For you…
“Alright,” Din says reluctantly, “but you’re getting him in his swim gear.”
“Ok, but you’re packing our picnic.”
“But I can’t eat in public.”
“I know. And that’s why you packed extra meal shakes and straws. We got a deal or what?”
Both of you get up from the bed in unison and march to the luggage. Din grabs you and Grogu’s bags. “Your swimsuits should be in there, somewhere. I’ll worry about the rest of the luggage. You tame the beast.” Din gives a brisk pinch to Grogu’s cheek. The kid blurts out in amusement.
With the two of you doing your respective beach picnic preparations in separate rooms, Din tries to psych himself up for the shores.
You’ve been on Tatooine dozens of times, Din. A little sand doesn’t hurt anyone. You’ve got a functional ‘fresher for once. Use it. The water is clear, clean, and fine. You don’t have to dunk your head under the water. You won’t have your full armor this time to weigh you down.
You won’t have your full armor.
Din stares at the full-body swimsuit facing back at him. It’s not that he can’t swim. He can, and very well. But he’s only ever swam out of necessity. To survive. Every memory he’s ever had of swimming is frantic and breathless. He’s never come close to drowning, per se. He’s got a great pair of lungs. Rather, it’s the thought of drowning that sucks the air right out of him. The beskar never helps, always restricting, always heavy. But this time Din’s only wearing his beskar helmet. That should help, right?
Din looks at his get up (or lack thereof) in the mirror of the bathroom when he finishes putting it on. He tries putting his hands to rest on his belt, but it just glides down the rest of the suit. The helmet is the same as always. But otherwise, he is bare. Vulnerable.
When Din walks out of the bathroom and into Grogu’s side of the suite, he finds the baby sitting in his swimsuit/life vest combo on top of a mattress…on the floor. Din pans over to the other side of the room to see you bent over, trying to push the bed frame into the corner of the room. When Din picked out the yellow two-piece bathing suit, he knew in advance (no, counted on) the eyeful he would get when he’d see your figure hugging the fabric. What little fabric…
He stands there for longer than he anticipated, appreciating the much needed distraction from his own racing thoughts. The only thing that grabs his attention other than your ass hanging out of the sides of the bottom piece is his hanging erection beginning to stretch his middle. His desperate shifts in his skin-tight suit is what alerts you of his presence.
You look behind your shoulder at him, unchanging your position (which Din believes you’re doing on purpose, just to watch him squirm). “Hey there, handsome. Wow!” You turn fully to face him and stare him up and down. “You’re naked!”
Din thanks his lucky star for his first line of defense to shield away his embarrassing blushing flushing his face. He quietly shuffles over to you as you splay your arms out to him. You embrace him, but he continues to act stiff as a board, stupidly trying to hide his growing love from the simple act of you bending over. Geez, you’re more put together than this, Djarin. Say something.
“I uh got the inspiration from yours. Very breezy.”
You give a hearty laugh as you rub the sides of his arms. “Fair point, but you picked the outfits.”
“Oh. Yeah. I did.”
“Din, if you want me to wear a tunic over this, all you have to do is a-“
“Maker, you will not,” Din blurts out.
You look at him wide-eyed with a wicked grin.
“What I mean is I’m all for your suit, mesh’la. It’s,” Din clears his throat, “great the way it is.”
You pull him in closer to kiss the side of his helmet. You press your face against him as you hug him. “Okay. But what about you, Din? Do you need to put something else on? Are you going to be comfortable in this suit? The hands seem a bit more on your scandalous side.” You lock your hands with Din’s.
Din sighs. “What’s tropical fun without showing off some skin?”
You bring your interlocked hands up closer to your faces. You stare deep into the visor, directly into his eyes. He has yet to figure out how you can do that. “Din, you will tell me if you feel uncomfortable, won’t you?”
Din hesitates. “Of course, ner karta.”
You bring the backside of his hand to your mouth to give a gentle kiss, as you often do in your downtime when Din is heavily armored. As per usual, the soft touch sends vibrations of adoration through Din. This time, however, the affection adds an extra sting to poison his thoughts.
You show a warm smile at him. “Good.”
Here you are, being nothing but compassionate and understanding. Your eyes have begged time and time again to let Din give in and give you the burdens he carries in his consciousness. But every time, he can’t seem to fully let go. In his mind, if he allows you to take the weight from his shoulders, it only adds to the stress you endure from being the companion of a bounty hunter. Either way, Din is always the one getting hurt.
It isn't until you move back to pushing the bed frame to the corner of the room when Din snaps out of his crushed daze and helps you.
It takes a while to get the crew down to the beach, Grogu being the most troublesome. Grogu thinks everything is a game and runs around, refusing to put on his feet coverings and allow you to put sunscreen on his face. You keep second guessing and remembering things you mean to do/bring with you before you leave. In the lobby, Din is stopped by the chatty receptionist again when returning the room key for them to hold onto. Her questions seem more probing and personal for Din’s liking, asking about “Mrs. Fortuna” and “Fortuna Jr.” Not to mention, it seems the whole lobby is staring at the odd sight of a helmeted Mandalorian in a swimsuit carrying his green, amphibian looking child. Of course, the stares don’t get any better once the three of you step out onto the beach. Din’s hyper-reflective helmet makes sure of that.
He almost shivers at the sea breeze piercing it’s way through his breathable suit. It’s as exactly as you described it to him on those late nights. Despite the enveloping heat the sun provides, Din is constantly being cooled by the refreshing and sometimes tepid air being pushed by the waves. As blissful as the feeling the wind leaves on his body, it quickly becomes overwhelming for Din. The unfamiliar nerves being fired back to his brain causes his own waves of overstimulation to drown out the regulation of his better perceptions.
Right then, Din starts second guessing his decision on joining you in this excursion. He almost tells you so. That is, until he sees you positively radiant in the sun. You look immensely cheerful, ecstatic even, now you’re back in your element. The epitome of beauty in Din’s eyes. Din thinks to himself. How could I ever deny you your happiness? How could I be that selfish to take something as precious as this away from you?
You turn to face him as you start setting up everyone’s spot on the sand. “What was that?”
Din reaches down beside you to grab the umbrella. “I was going to ask if you want me to anchor this?”
“Oh. Sure! That’ll help us nicely.”
As the two of you get everything situated, Grogu dances in place while babbling at the ocean. He points to it in urgency and looks longingly up at you. You put one hand on your hip as you raise your eyebrows at him. You sigh. “If you insist, Grogu. But...,” you trail off as you rummage through the picnic bag. You pull out a pair of sandwiches and tease the kid. “You’re gonna miss mealtime.” Grogu immediately forgets the ocean and comes barreling into your lap. He makes grabby hands at the sandwiches. “That’s what I thought.” You unwrap a sandwich and hand it to the little booger. He munches and hums in delight as he chews.
You reach into the bag and hand two shakes and a straw to Din. “Here you are sir. One protein shake for your entree, and a berry smoothie for dessert. Enjoy.”
“You’re too kind,” Din mocks as he takes a seat on the towel adjacent to you and Grgou.
You give an apologetic look his way as you unwrap your sandwich. “I know, Din. I’m sorry. I hope you made extra.” You change your voice to a whisper at him and wink. “Maybe we can sneak a couple when we get back.” Grogu coos in annoyance, obviously wanting seconds any chance he gets. You frown down at Grogu. “Nooo, we’re counting on you to get some rest once we get back. Sleep and then come talk to me.”
Din takes a few sips of his shake. “It’s fine. I’ll find something to snack on later.”
Through the pieces of sandwich in your cheeks you respond back to him. “Urf it makes oo feel bettur. Ur sondiches r goo.”
Din chuckles. “You’re worse than the kid.”
You laugh back at him. “Offended” by his statement, you toss a berry, and it bounces off his helmet.
In the moments you all spend in content silence chewing and slurping down your meals, Din loosens up little by little. He still remains with his guard up out of habit, but the edge goes away. It’s not so bad for Din once he’s gotten the hang of his environment, the shade making a huge difference by diverting the sun’s rays away from his helmet. But every time a strong breeze rolls in or a tourist stares at him for a little too long for comfort, Din suddenly becomes conscious of his lack of armor, lack of protection.
Grogu occupies your attention as he gets his food all over himself and tries to escape from your clutches to go play with a group of children playing in the sand. “Hold still,” you say as you wipe down his face. “Open.” Grogu opens his mouth to prove that he’s swallowed every last bit of his meal. “Alright. Go on.” The kid shrieks in delight and shuffless toward the other kids and the sandfort they’re making.
Din makes a motion to go follow after Grogu but you hold him back. Din turns to look at you as you calmly speak to him. “He’ll be fine. Let him burn out some of that energy of his, the little womp rat. Besides, who knows when he’ll get another opportunity like this again…”
You’re right. Always being on the ship, hopping from planet to planet, trying to make a lively hood for yourselves, the kid never gets to play with other children. As he observes the child smiling with his new found friends, Din realizes how little Grogu is allowed to be a kid. How much the life Din has given to Grogu prevents him from having fun.
You hug Din from behind him after putting away the remainders of your picnic and rest your head on his shoulder. It startles him for a moment. He ultimately rests into your embrace, but his eyes never leave Grogu. You try to line up your field of vision with Din’s to see what he’s staring at. When you do, you loosen your embrace but firmly grip one of his hands. “Come on.”
You get up and tug on Din’s arm. Din confusingly looks up at you. “What?”
“We’re going up to the edge.”
Din looks past you at the waves and then snaps back to you. “No. I’m not getting in the water.”
“Don’t worry, you big Loth cat. I’m not going to submerge you. You’re just going to get your feet wet.”
Din sits there.
“I mean it!”
Din sighs and gets up. You wave at Grogu to show him where the two of you will be heading in case he needs you. You lead Din near to the end of the tide and sit down. You pat the sand, and Din sits down next to you. A few seconds go by in silence. It’s just the sound of waves, wind, and people on the beach.
“What are we -”
“Shhh. Wait for it.”
Din waits. He watches the tide inch closer and closer. He starts to get a little uncomfortable. “Mesh’la, I don’t th-”
“Just wait for it. I promise.”
As the water almost approaches his feet, he contracts his body to prepare for the unpleasant feeling. Only… it doesn’t arrive. Unlike the wind, the water is much more controlled. It’s not abrasive. It comes like a nurse to calm his hot feet and wash away the prickly sand particles wedged in between his toes. The water leaves as quietly as it came. Din eases up and allows the next wave to wash over his feet again.
“Those wheels are turning in that bucket of yours,” you tell him invitingly. “Spill it. What’s gotten to you?”
“Are you - happy?”
You sigh in disbelief and let out a puff of a laugh. “Of course I am, Mando! I’m here at the beach with my two boys! Eating sandwiches. Soaking up some sun.” You grab a fist full of sand and launch it at Din’s chest. You giggle. “Playing in the sand.”
Din desperately tries wiping the sand away from himself. “Oh, you’re definitely gonna pay for that one later.”
“But what I’m getting at Mando, I’m happier than a mudhorn after it rains, especially with you and Grogu by my side. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
“Not even a quiet life where you could settle down on a beach like this? With someone...I don’t know. Less…” Din hovers his hand over his body and moves it up and down, not knowing how to express his thoughts to you.
“Di - Mando. Is this what’s been bothering you?” You scoot to the front of Din and cup your hands along the indents of his helmet. Din looks to see if anyone else is watching but you direct his attention back to you. “Mando, if I wanted a boring life, I would have stayed where you found me.”
“But that is exactly what wears you down. All I ever do, my whole life, is destruction and intensity. Wondering when we’ll get our next chance to rest, who’s hurt, do we have enough money to eat...If you and the kid left me today, this could be your livelihood. You could go on vacation permanently.”
“First of all, no we couldn’t. Hunters would be coming after me and the kid this time instead of you and the kid. Second,” you lower your voice to make sure no one can hear you. “Din, I have devoted myself to you and Grogu in respectfully different ways. Whatever I endure because of you two, or bounty hunting, or some kind of third madness, I will gladly take over and over again. Because I chose you.” You bring your forehead against the top of his helmet. “You may be an intimidating Mandalorian, but you have never held me in a life against my will.”
Din breaks out of your hold. “I left you on that ship when you needed me most, when you were crying out for help, for love. I went out and put my needs, the needs of a bounty hunter, before yours. How is that not intimidating?”
“Because when you came back, you dropped everything to comfort me. Despite the tiredness, despite the wound, despite the mission, you. came. for. me. You didn’t leave for the biggest prize in the Guild. You left because you thought of us and wanted to give us, not what we needed, but what we wanted. You orchestrated all of this. To make up for what you thought you did wrong?”
Din is silent.
You hold his hand and whisper to him. “That is love, Din. That is caring. Maybe even a bit too much, but it’s there.” You place both your and Din’s hands on his chest. Din’s breathing becomes a tad labored as tries to hold back the tears forming in his eyes from your ultimately true statements. He brings his other hand on top of yours as you continue. “I stay. We stay, because you are brave enough to love us back despite what you were forced to believe in yourself.”
Din sits there for a moment, taking in everything you said to him. He plays at your fingers and squeezes your palm as you look into his visor. The warmth you radiated earlier never left and is now transferring deep into his chest, much more than the sun ever wished it could.
“Din,” you try to say as he decides to act on his emotions by embracing you. You, in turn, sit there, arms stretching out like you don’t know what to do with them yet. But, you eventually come back around and hold him back.
“Thank you,” Din manages to croak to you.
“Please, thank you.”
Before drawing too much attention to the two of you, Din pulls back, and you are beaming at him. Unknowingly to you (maybe, you seem to have him down pat), Din is smiling right back at you.
It isn’t until after a few beats that when your smile doesn’t diminish that Din thinks something is up. “What?” he asks.
You whisper. “You’re in water.”
Din is confused for a moment until he looks down beneath him. The tide has grown ever so slightly while he has been sitting there that it now rests at hip level. He’s in the water, and he didn’t even know it.
Once his head glances back to you, he uses the swift movement to divert your attention from the water he splashes in your face. Din chuckles at your grinning, shocked expression.
“Alright, twinkle head, I was being nice to you, but now I mean business.”
You splash back at him, and the scene turns into an all out water war. As each blast of water hits between the two of you over time, both of your worries seem to wash away with the tide the water came.
A/N: Goodnight. I will be making regular posts and fancy new taglists/masterlists in the afternoon. I will also be catching up on my huge TBR fanfic list. So..stay tuned I guess
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undefineableai · 4 years
The LEGO movie shows no sign of racism and it’s a kids movie but adults have learned to categorize each other in groups for some reason. Art doesn’t mean what it represents sometimes, like Billie Eilish’s music is completely false.. it’s just there to mock or point at reality. What is dumb is that the movie is translated to multiple languages but people would still be able to guess emett is American bc of Starbucks.. nobody spoke in the movie about their debts or the costs being used to give live meaning to the construction workers.. or made god not Morgan freedom.. like out of some magic box the idea that Morgan freeman is god is only bc of Pangea and them thinking yeah makes sense if monkeys were before man.. but how do they know monkeys were black... then it’s what they think.. because of geography.. what’s the reason for Africans being black... it’s the unpurification of water.. or lack of it.. I think that it’s strange that if one software update contained a translator switch on control center then suddenly the world would be able to discriminate each other not in just their language but in all languages that dialect or where people are from would be... pointless. Like a curtain being lifted, racism would be gone within one year and employers would finally be able to hire by skill and not practice bigotry or selection of elimination of races. There’s also individualism that is kinda difficult to talk about because when you think of aliens you don’t think of black or white.. so individualism shouldn’t be about that either. I doubt any of this matters though Morgan freeman as a white man doesn’t make sense.. and Eminem as a black man doesn’t either.. and Eminem’s mom sued him for money after he got rich and micheal Jackson turned himself white just to further his point that the racism by Europeans is still something America had held but now America colonized everything on earth. America won by driving itself crazy and the Europeans just sat there thinking their tea party would never end. This is the revolution that was coming and the revolution that changed the landscape because Jony Ive and Deiter Rams knew design speaks in volumes but didn’t understand it also destroyed others for it. And that’s a bit of where people don’t like to be.. to pretend they aren’t consumers even though they go to stores.. but then also want to be treated with the respect of the queen... but totally forgot the royal queen drinks blood. so I guess my point is there is an in between... that is the American way and what I’ve learned from years of being a badass in video games is that you don’t have to be American to be American.. you just have to know how to play left for dead and pretend there’s a math problem before being able to reload your gun and pretend the solutions aren’t killing your european neighbors when you shoot the zombies even though they already kill themselves.. we can thank the Europeans, Freemasons and Robert Morris instead of letting John Locke do his shit for our failures in life, but under the eye of the Illuminati and knowing the Illuminati was also created in France and have secret tunnels with skulls in them called the catacombs but are kinda boring and really unnecessary the same way the stone henge really was just a sacrificial moon clock that believed they had to worship time cycles and continue practicing their crafts... if technology existed in all time periods I’m pretty sure racism, religion, individualism, or job discrimination would not and cults would have no meaning as would if somebody created multi addressable bitcoin block chain wallet apps then we would live on a morality currency, doctors who saved lives would have to be paid in the total net worth of the persons/ their yearly salary and paid by the taxes exactly taken away from his paycheck instead of just an insurance price off a list decided by some clown in DC... some things don’t make sense still and neither does this. 😴
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