#But if Fe15 acknowledged humanity is partly to blame
randomnameless · 7 months
I might have missed it, but is there anything in that timeline book or the game that frames Duma destroying Thabes as bad? "He destroyed it because he feared humans in Thabes were growing too powerful" seems like a pretty neutral and vague statement to me, being just as easy to interpret positively as it could be negatively.
Iirc Naga was so pissed at him for doing this that she kicked him out (and lost some tooth in the process)
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Duma's resentment at having been exiled is the reason why he built the tower, and it's also the reason why he started to value strength.
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Naga seems to have a pretty hands off approach regarding humans (in Jugdral she gives weapons to humans but asks dragons to not interfere ? And Forseti doesn't listen ?) which has its merits, no midget can accuse her of controlling the world in the shadows if she doesn't participate in human affairs she only does so when other dragons are involved and when Humans cannot win, but also its defaults, dragons exist in the world, if they cannot interfere with humans, are they still living or bound to live in isolation (Tiki ?), only to pop up when humans fuck up too much ?
In Jugdral, without Forseti's intervention, Julia most likely would have died when Deedee warped her "somewhere" and the continent would have been a second Loptyr Empire.
And yet, Valentia and Fodlan taught us what happens to dragons who live and help periodically humans : they're used as scapegoats for everything.
Back to Duma, the supplementary materials are busy retconning Rudy to make him the chadest Emperor who ever Emporered and refuse to commit on Grima being the reason why Duma attacked Thabes... Even if they remind us he's called the Kingshield !
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