#But it will never be as good as what freelatta has
chasing-it-down · 1 year
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goatbi · 3 years
In eldritch Joshua and once human Gordon, what does G(dad)man think about all that? Or just any of the oter charaters? I hope its not too bad a question or just a bother since it was some time aho that you wrote that and things!
It was a shock for the others of the Science Team, since wow. Gordon has killed an eldritch being before, has a son that's something not human, and is now very much not human himself. Bubby and Coomer both thought that Gordon would be the human baseline in their group, so that they would know what was normal for humans and what wasn't (Bubby is tube baby, and Coomer has spent so much time as a hive mind he's forgotten what it's like to be normal)
Tommy and G-Man both had this... sense that he wasn't human. They're both eldritch as well, so they can tell, and there were definitely remnants at the very least on Gordon, from Joshua, and for awhile, Tommy (since he was the one closest to Gordon between the two of them) figured that either A) He had a parent that was like that and he didn't know, B) Joshua was like that and he didn't know, or C) Gordon himself was like that, and he either didn't know, or was hiding it for some reason.
G-Man however, went deeper into digging after running into Gordon for the first time. The thing with only watching and never doing is that it gets very very boring very quickly. G-Man usually is pretty good at staying on task, but will take any chance given to do something slightly related. This counts, since it's about Gordon.
G dug a bit into Gordon's past, bounced over to take a look at Joshua, and started piecing it together pretty easily. G still wanted Gordon to say himself what was up, to reveal it, but G also wanted to know just in case, so G knew what G had to do in the cases of extreme injury, or near death.
It was a bit of a shock though. G-Man and Tommy had been on Earth for awhile, and usually, again, there's that innate sense that someone else like them is there, but this time, neither of them had gotten anything. That was the confusing bit. So, after the reveal, G-Man asked Gordon if he would be okay with showing him wear he did it, and Gordon was like 'fuck it, maybe you can help me understand this bullshit too'
So really, it turned into a lot of questions from G-Man, trying to understand the confusion of what exactly Gordon had fallen in love with (Since other beings like themselves can understand each other, what they are, and how they work) because that's what got G-Man the most.
The Science Team care more about making sure all the underlying trauma from having to kill the person you were in love with the most is being properly handled ! Especially if Freelatta/Frenrey/Frenreylatta happens at any point in this AU (i don't think I ever decided on that) because those are Also Eldritchs and we all know what happened last time.
They also just really love Joshua, like so much. So Much
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