#the coworkers to friends to lovers is just. Its just so special to me
chasing-it-down · 1 year
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wooahaes · 2 months
svt - whatever you say, beautiful
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pairing: non-idol!svt x gn!reader
prompt: i'm not arguing with a man who has big brown eyes. whatever you say, beautiful.
warnings: established relationship aus. food and alcohol mentions. jeonghan and reader lovingly calling each other 'ugly' like an old married couple. 96z roommates au (jun). soonyoung's terrible mayo-ketchup concoction (jun). reader gets called beautiful back (jun, soonyoung). friends -> lovers (jun, soonyoung, jihoon). bickering as a love language (minghao, seungkwan). sexual implications from a third party (chan telling seungkwan to let him know if he needs to put headphones on or leave).
daisy's notes: i wrote that vernon drabble and gave myself brainrot. also on jeonghan's: ik there's cultures that do this lol but for those unaware: pls don't take it as a serious thing haha its meant to be akin to calling someone silly or goofy. i just think it gives old married couple energy to be like 'you're a nuisance but you're my nuisance and i adore you wholeheartedly.' like seungkwan tells them: just tie the knot if they want to, because they already act like they've been married for seventy years.
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choi seungcheol
seungcheol was sprawled out in your bed, blanket securely tucked around him while he scrolled through his phone. sleepovers, at this stage in your relationship, weren't exactly uncommon... but the giddiness still hadn't worn off. the two of you didn't intend on moving in together for at least another year, both of you enjoying living on your own for right now after so, so much time of living with other people. still... that would never stop you from enjoying the sight of your beloved in your bed, ready for sleep, and winding down by checking his social media for the second or third time today.
until you saw him stop. he furrowed his brow, that handsome face completely perplexed. and you fought back a grin, because you knew exactly what was confusing him.
today the two of you decided to publicly reveal your relationship to more than just immediate family and very very close friends. seungcheol had been thrilled over it: he'd always been wanting to show you off since you started dating. but when you asked for a little time, he didn't fight: he just met you where you were. and now that everyone knows...
"what is this?"
he turned his phone to face you, giving you full view of the caption you lovingly wrote out. it sat underneath a collection of pictures, some taken by you, others by him, and one taken by one of his close friends in preparation of this special day... and, of course, it was a silly little joke.
i'm not arguing with my man and his big brown eyes. whatever you say, beautiful. ❤️
you snickered, crawling into bed next to him. "what's wrong with it?"
"nothing!" but he was pouting, and you knew what was coming next. "did you see my post?" he was already moving to pull it up, as though you hadn't read and re-read it a million times while he was in the shower.
so you decided to torment him. just a little bit. "you don't like it...?" you frowned, putting on your best 'kicked puppy' look.
"i do like it!" he was quick to try and assuage your worries. he turned over so that he could face you. "but... when we decided to tell everyone, i thought you wouldn't post a meme as the caption."
"so you hate it." you crossed your arms, pouting as hard as you could muster.
"i don't hate it! i didn't say--i didn't mean that, i just--" he looked up, watching you for longer than a few seconds. then he snorted, hand resting over his heart for a minute. "you're going to be the death of me."
with a snort, you crawled closer to him, all but dragging him up so that you could kiss him. "you know you're the normal one here."
he giggled, capturing your lips in another quick peck. "maybe i am," he said. "... i do like it, though. just warn me next time."
yoon jeonghan
joshua (hannie's coworker): [IMAGE.JPEG]
joshua (hannie's coworker): can you come get him he's bickering with seungkwan rn
joshua (hannie's coworker): (it's mostly seungkwan bickering but jeonghan is actually fighting back a little)
joshua (hannie's coworker): (it's literally over who's paying for chan's birthday dinner. cheol literally picked up the check half an hour ago right after they started.)
you: omw. also idk how seungkwan does it. i'm not arguing with a man with big brown eyes. whatever you say, beautiful.
the moment you pulled up outside the restaurant, you should have known exactly why jeonghan was grinning at you. he waved from the sidewalk, turning back to his friends to talk just a bit longer. he didn't move, which... on most days, you wouldn't care. but it was late, and you had work in the morning, and (according to joshua) they just spent the past few hours just chatting after their meal. five minutes melted into ten, and then into twenty...
and so you rolled down your window, yelling out a 'happy birthday!' to chan that finally got jeonghan's attention. another grin, and that was enough to tell you that he'd been waiting for that. he wouldn't do it for everyone, but chan? you knew their friendship was different. he hugged the guy one last time, and then made his way over to the car, climbing into the passenger seat. with a final wave to his friends, you pulled back onto the road, and started the journey home.
"so... you really think my eyes are beautiful?"
ah. that was the other reason the fucker wouldn't stop grinning at you. of course it couldn't just be one thing with jeonghan.
"you think i'm beautiful?" he watched you with this knowing smile, as though the two of you hadn't been dating for years now. as though you hadn't drunkenly confessed it before. "i'm starting to think you actually like me."
"you're just now realizing that?" you flicked on your blinker, coasting into the turn lane. "do you think i'd be living with you if i didn't?"
"you never call me beautiful to my face anymore, you know," he said, reaching for your bottle of water. without a care, he uncapped it, taking a long sip from it. "you just call me 'ugly' whenever you call me something."
that was far from true, to be fair: he was your love, your baby, your honey... and he was 'ugly' when you were particularly affectionate. "i have to keep you humble, ugly. you already know how beautiful you are."
his eyes twinkled a little as he looked at you, that fond smile telling you all you needed to know. "i know, ugly." he'd never been afraid to throw the word back at you, and you hoped that the tiny thrill it brought you never died.
no wonder seungkwan once said the two of you should go ahead and tie the knot. "you already act like it," he'd said, side-eyeing the two of you before taking a long sip of whatever coffee-flavor-of-the-day he'd picked out.
he reached over, prodding your cheek. when you glanced over, just enough to let him know you were listening, he just leaned against the center console with this handsome smile he reserved for you. "i love you."
and maybe he was a little drunk. just a little. but you let him have this one. "i love you, too, handsome."
joshua hong
"am i not worth the effort?" joshua couldn't even fight his playful grin now, his phone in his hand. "you couldn't even come up with an original post for our anniversary?"
with a roll of your eyes, you glanced back over his own post for a moment, pausing your search for movie snacks. he'd written out this long, sappy love letter to you about how he wanted to spend the rest of his life alongside you. it was sweet, and a little silly when he recounted the embarrassing story of how the two of you realized your feelings for one another (all it took was one spilled milkshake, courtesy of jeonghan), but overall a very public display of his adoration toward you. the picture-perfect, romance novel act of love from your boyfriend.
in other words: he was hamming it up so that people would gush over how he was the most adoring boyfriend, and how lucky you two were to have one another based on everything he said. in reality, he was literally eating your snacks right now. and later that night, he'd put his cold feet on you and then laugh over it.
"uh-huh." you continued searching through the cabinets after pocketing your phone. "should i have told everyone about how you somehow always manage to eat the last poptart in the box, even though you straight up told me that you keep count just so you can tease me over it?" you tossed an empty box into the bin, making a mental note to add them to the list. "or the time you literally ate all of my fries when we were on that road trip?"
"you're never gonna let me live that one down, are you?"
"didn't mention how god awful your workout clothes stink, either." you grimaced at the memory alone. "seriously, dude, how fucking hard do you go?"
"i forgot to wash them twice!" he turned around on the couch. "all because i said i thought it was cute when you mumble in your sleep and keep me up all night--"
"listen. i'm just doing damage control for you, hong," you pulled down a bag of chips, carefully rolled and clipped to keep them fresh. making your way back over, you continued, "really, you should be hiring me. i called you beautiful and mentioned those big brown bambi eyes." you threw yourself down next to him, bag crinkling as you unrolled it. you held up the first chip, an offering to him that he leaned over to take. "i think i deserve payment for it all."
but he grinned at you, settling back in. "i'll think about it. i'll get the big box of poptarts next time," he poked your side, just hard enough to get you to move off of his blanket, and then drew you right back in once he could throw it over you. "and i'll let you pick the first movie."
with a roll of your eyes, you reached for the controller. "what a gentleman."
wen junhui
your life was truly, sincerely, over. this was it. this was the big one. the big fuck-up that would kill you from embarrassment alone. if you were a sim in the sims 4, little sim jihoon would be sobbing over your body right now as the grim reaper came to take you away.
instead, he was just stiffling his laughter, patting the top of your head as you bury your face in a pillow. "it's not that bad."
"it's terrible! i was only posting that picture because we looked good!" you jerked up, staring at him. "and--and jun liked it! did he not read the caption?!"
"oh, he read it," soonyoung was doing something unholy in the kitchen, from the sounds of the ketchup bottle being opened alongside the smell of mayo. not another thing to ruin your day. "he's on his way home, by the way."
yep, this was how you died. surrounded by two of your roommates and being confronted by the guy you've had feelings for for... fuck, how long had you known him? since college? he'd been there for you after a particularly nasty breakup not long after the two of you met, and that was when your stupid heart fell for him. you'd always pushed back against it: it wasn't the right time. he was dating someone at one point. he wouldn't like you back. but the more the two of you started spending time alone, the deeper you fell.
"have you thought about just telling him how you feel?" jihoon asked, stealing your pillow and hugging it against his chest. "i know it's scary, but i don't think it'd go badly."
soonyoung looked over, condiments smeared on the outsides of his mouth as he chewed. he swallowed, wiping his face with a paper towel as he spoke, "even if he didn't like you, he'd let you down easily."
"soonyoung!" jihoon turned to face him. you rarely saw jihoon mad, but this had to be the closest.
soonyoung realized what he said. and immediately took off, shutting himself back into his room as jihoon raced to encounter him first. while he tried to jostle the door open, the yelling faded into background noise.
jun... what?
the apartment door opened after a while, wonwoo standing there with jun right behind him. without hesitating, you hopped up off of the couch, immediately excusing yourself as you went to hide in your own room. jun called after you, and you just shut the door behind you, face in your hands. this could not be happening. this wasn't happening. if soonyoung was telling the truth, and, because jihoon yelled at him, he definitely was... what now?
jun knocked on your door. everything outside of your room was silent now. if jihoon was chewing out soonyoung, you'd probably hear some of it. yet... quiet. peaceful quiet that you weren't exactly used to with this bunch.
"can we talk?" he spoke up after a moment. "i don't exactly get the caption, but... do you really think i have beautiful eyes?"
oh. he had no idea it was some meme you'd seen online that always reminded you of him. yet the gentle way he'd asked made your heart flutter all the same. you said nothing, just sitting with your back against the door.
"it's okay if you do." you could hear the sound of him moving, and slowly, it sounded as though he was sitting, too. "i... i think you have pretty eyes, too." was it possible to hear his uneasy smile in the way his voice shook just a little, his nerves so, so evident? "the others left, by the way. so we could talk. wonwoo was confused, but jihoon dragged both him and soonyoung out for a walk."
that answered one question, at least. again, you just said nothing, curling up as tight as you could. your heart hammered in your ears, and you shut your eyes. was this really happening?
"i've liked you for a long time," he said, voice just as gentle as it was before. like he, too, was scared of what this all meant. the two of you were crossing a line you never thought you'd even tread near, let alone vault over. "it's okay if you don't feel the exact same way. but... you're sweet. and i--"
you bit the bullet. you got up, opening your door to see jun turning to face you. he'd been sitting there, back against the door, talking to the air while you'd been too scared to face him. he stood up as quickly as he could, watching you carefully.
he was the one who spoke first. "hi."
"hi." you said it back, heart racing. "i think you're beautiful."
and oh-so-shyly he smiled back at you. "i... think you're beautiful, too."
maybe this would be the start of something good.
kwon soonyoung
with your eyes screwed shut, you knew that seungcheol was going to give you so, so much shit about this when you told him. knowing your luck, it was going to go horribly, and you'd probably die right here and it'd be your ghost haunting seungcheol... but that was something you could deal with.
yet the moment 'tiger kwon' popped up on your phone, you knew you couldn't avoid this forever. you'd pester soonyoung later for changing his name in your phone again. for now, you just answered the request for a video call, and you were met with those pretty eyes staring at you in the low light.
"hi." he giggled. "i don't think that text was meant for me."
astute observation, considering the first three messages before you gushed about his eyes and called him beautiful were "FUCK" and "CHEOL I CAN'T DO THIS" and then a picture of the two of you from when you grabbed dinner together earlier. you expressed your romantic frustrations in the only way you knew how: a screenshot you'd seen of someone's tweet. the same thing you'd said to seungcheol many, many times before.
"so what does that even mean?" he's grinning, and you knew that it's half-genuine. he was smart enough to get the gist of it (to put it simply: you were, as you'd been told, down bad) but you weren't sure how often soonyoung saw memes like this. he was watching your face, those cute eyes shining with the light from his phone screen, and he rolled onto his stomach. "when did you get worse at technology than me?"
was this what confessing to soonyoung would bring? a lifetime of having a cute man tease you oh-so-lovingly?
"are you alive?"
you managed to squeak out a deeply embarrassed, "yep."
he just giggled, head resting on his hand. "do you text seungcheol like that a lot?" he waited. and when you didn't answer, too embarrassed to speak, he continued on, "i think he and jihoon trade war stories, then. jihoon..." his cheeks were dusted red. "jihoon hears a lot about you."
holy fuck. your stomach was doing flips. "soonyoung?"
"this is embarrassing, isn't it?" he chuckled, eyes focusing on his screen again. "jihoon said it's some sort of joke. vernon showed it to him once. but... i think you're beautiful, too."
truly, this man would be the death of you if he kept smiling at you like that. like you were his world already, eyes shiny and cheeks red.
"i..." your mouth felt dry. "can we... maybe... a date?" something about seeing his face right now made your mind go blank.
he chuckled. "i'm free this weekend," he said, still smiling. "we'll talk tomorrow morning. okay?"
"okay." you licked your lips, just trying to come down from this high. "goodnight."
the moment he ended the call, you were texting seungcheol: LET'S FUCKING GO GOT A DATE W SOONYOUNG!!!
and in return, he sent you three words: about fucking time.
jeon wonwoo
people always warned you about marrying the love of your life. the honeymoon period was something strong, that tinted your days with sugary kisses and honeyed skies until it all dissolved when reality washed back over the two of you. yet you had been married to wonwoo for two years now, and that sweetness never seemed to melt from your lives. the honeymoon period was over, yes, but the work you put into your relationship kept things lively. arguments came and went, and you always found yourself enamored with the man who guarded your heart in the same way you guarded his.
that was why anniversaries were special. not because they were another milestone, another celebration of a year the two of you made together... but an excuse to gush about wonwoo. you kept it to two days in particular: your wedding anniversary, and his birthday, both dates set months apart. wonwoo was different than you, however: he didn't want to broadcast his feelings for the world to see. he reserved all the sweet things for words he physically wrote down for you to read, or as things he said to you outright when he was sappy enough.
and you? well... he knew your true feelings would never be one-hundred-percent out there. those were reserved for him. but if you wanted to gush about how much you loved him, then who was he to stop you?
he'd been scrolling through his instagram feed that night while brushing his teeth, only to snort when he finished reading your post. the duality of your relationship was beautiful: he'd posted a short, sweet caption for you underneath a lovely quote from a book the two of you loved. and you had gushed... and finished it off with a meme that you sent to him the moment you saw it. i'm not arguing with a man who has big brown eyes. whatever you say, beautiful. the same words you teased him with when you were in a particularly playful mood.
so when he returned to you, he just crawled into bed, pressing kisses against your face. his affectionate moods would always take you by surprise, and he was glad for that. it spiced up the relationship just a little that he was still able to surprise you after all this time.
"you're so cute," he curled up with you, pulling you into his arms. "happy anniversary. i love you."
you snorted a little. "i see you've noticed."
"should i have read it sooner?"
you waved him off, "no, no... i'm glad you didn't see it until now. check the comments when you get the chance. a bunch of your friends loved it."
he was sure that they did. they all seemed to adore the duality of the two of you more than he did. the quiet, studious wonwoo and his silly love who made him laugh more than anyone else. but he knew as well as you did: no one would love your dynamic more than the two of you did.
he was your home, just as you had become his.
lee jihoon
all jihoon wanted to do was ask if you wanted to go to dinner. he'd suggested a place, you'd suggested another, and he mentioned not wanting that kind of cuisine... only for the words to appear on his phone within the next few minutes: i'm not arguing with a man who has big brown eyes. whatever you say, beautiful.
... beautiful?
"soonyoung!" he yelled out for one of his housemates. if he wasn't here, then seungcheol would come in. yet he heard the sound of footsteps quickly approaching, soonyoung sliding against the wooden floor a little as he looked in. "read this."
so he did. he read it once, and then again before looking up. "... they're flirting with you, i think."
"that's weird, right?" jihoon looked up. "they don't like me back."
"how do you know that?" soonyoung grinned, leaning against the empty doorframe. "you don't know that. they're hitting on you. shoot your shot."
"i'm not going to--"
his phone started to ring. he looked down, wide-eyed, as he realized you started to call him. before he could debate denying the call and pretending the text never came, soonyoung bolted forward, answering it before immediately leaving his room. the little shit--
"oh my god," you said, "i'm so, so fucking sorry--mingyu's here and i was trying to look up other places to eat on my laptop, and he had the bright idea to text you that shit. i left my phone alone for one minute, and this is what happened--"
"why would he text me that?" jihoon could feel his heart begin to hammer in his chest. why would mingyu tease him like that? mingyu knew that you were off limits when it came to this kind of thing. unless...
"i--well, i--" you stammered, all sentences melting in your mouth before you finally let out a long sigh. in the background, he could hear mingyu begin to laugh. "shut up!" and then the sound of a door slamming behind you. "fucking--" you let out a sigh. "sorry. made the mistake of putting you on speaker."
"that's okay." jihoon leaned against the back of the chair. "but my question...?"
with another sigh, he could hear you settle into something. a chair, a couch--he wasn't sure. "this isn't how i wanted this to go... but... i like you. and i guess mingyu's had enough of hearing about it. it's okay if you don't feel the same, but... that's all."
quiet. neither of you moved to speak, to pitch another restaurant to go to. jihoon opened a new tab on his browser, already typing in a new search for the best places to take a first date.
no point in not taking the leap now. you'd already taken the first step: he could do the next one. "can... can tonight be our first date, then? instead of us getting dinner as friends."
"jihoon..." your voice was soft. "i'd love that."
note to self: thank mingyu.
xu minghao
"what does this mean?" minghao looked up from his phone, where you could clearly see the post you'd made earlier. it was a combination of candids and the actual pretty pictures you'd taken of him, all captioned with a joke. he began typing something out, "we bickered about toast this morning."
"oh my god, hao--"
then your phone buzzed. you looked down, and there it was: minghao calling you out on your own damn post. when you looked up from your phone, he just had that stupid smug grin on his face. he crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair as he waited for you to defend yourself.
"it's a joke. it's a meme. maybe you should learn them, old man."
he rolled his eyes. "it's a lie and i'm not standing for it. everyone knows that we argue about everything."
even before the two of you started dating, you'd bicker about the smallest things. none of it was ever serious--the two of you had only fought a handful of times in the entirety of knowing one another--but you remembered the annoyed look you would get sometimes. just go make out already had been what his friends would say. eventually, it turned into mingyu telling minghao to go ahead and give you the marriage papers already. the two of you were in it for life, weren't you?
which, ultimately, turned into you and minghao bickering about that, too. the two of you hadn't even been dating at the time, but you would both be lying if you said that conversation hadn't made the two of you figure out your feelings. you'd retorted that minghao wouldn't get along with your parents like that, leading to him actively calling them to prove that, yes, in fact, he would.
(you would simply never live down both of them going "he isn't your boyfriend? we were waiting for you to be ready to tell us," and the subsequent call where your mother chewed you out for hanging up on her right after.)
"we don't argue about everything."
minghao gave you a pointed look. "strawberry jam."
you pinched the bridge of your nose. "not this shit again. i thought we agreed that butter is--"
... fuck, he was proving his point.
"fine," you said. "we bicker a lot. doesn't mean i can't lie via meme."
he just smiled, happy to have won whatever little argument this almost turned into. "everyone knows this is our love language," he said, head resting in his hand. "but fine. you can lie through your memes."
and thus he put the two of you on equal grounds once again: a truce, in a sense. just like most of your little debates ended in.
kim mingyu
"you know you could just call me pretty if you wanted to."
your face burned at the way mingyu was giggling now. all you did was text him a meme (yes, from the other end of the couch) and wait for his response. he'd read it under his breath before bursting into giggles, so, so enamored with the way that you were. he always had been: mingyu, unlike you, wasn't shy when it came to his affection. he complimented you constantly on anything and everything, whether it be your appearance or the way you rambled to him or the way you clammed up "all cutely embarrassed" (his words, not yours) when you realized just how much you said. you told him once that you weren't the most open about your feelings or the loudest.
and he'd merely kissed your forehead and said that was okay. he was loud enough for the both of you. if loving him quietly meant that you loved him, then that was all that mattered to him.
you whined his name at him, trying to hide your face. you knew that you always would get this doe-eyed, dreamy look on your face whenever he teased you like this. you caught a glimpse of it in a mirror once when you were at a store buying furniture, and swore to yourself you'd never let him catch you like this so obviously ever again.
of course, that was moot because mingyu saw that sappy look on your face and treasured it every time... but for your own sake, you couldn't let him notice.
yet he laughed anyway, crawling over to pull your hands away from your face. "i mean it!" he squished your cheeks, "just call me pretty next time. that's what you wanted to say, right?"
you pushed his hands away from your face, just so that you could speak clearly. "i think you have pretty eyes."
his smile dropped, eyes going wide. and he slowly pulled away, face turning redder by the second as he turned from you. "you can't just say it like that! i wasn't prepared!"
you felt a little bold this time. "whatever you say, beautiful--"
the groan that mingyu let out, fully flustered by you now, only made you feel more confident in teasing him. no wonder his friends loved to pick on him... he was so cute about it.
lee seokmin
the minute you finished saying it, seokmin had burst into giggles. all because you wanted to jokingly flirt with your beloved and see his reaction. he had looked up from his phone, where he'd been idly googling to find dinner options, and then you could see those gears turning before he started laughing.
"really?" he reached over, drawing you into his arms. "so you won't argue with me tonight?" seokmin squished your cheeks to pucker your lips, planting an loud kiss against them. "all because you think i'm beautiful?"
you just fought back a laugh, reaching up to toy with the hair at the base of his neck. "whatever you want, beautiful."
another giggle burst past his lips, and he dropped one hand down, sliding it up your thigh. "do you mean it? or are you just flirting with me?" he gently squeezed your thigh, just a little. "you don't have to flirt with me like that. i'm already yours."
ever the romantic. you drew him in for another quick kiss, soflty laughing against his lips. "gotta keep you here somehow," you teased. "it's hard to compete with you when you're mister perfect."
his nose brushed against your own. "i think you keep up just fine." he paused, drumming his fingers against the outside of your thigh idly. "can i confess something?"
you watched him curiously. "huh?"
"your best friend..." his hand slid up to your hip before he loosely draped his arms around your waist. "when we got together, they messaged me to tell me you talk about my eyes a lot."
oh no. "you know you have pretty eyes--"
"like a baby seal." he giggled. "and something about having puppy dog eyes, too."
ohhh no. of course they'd rat you out. "but am i wrong?"
he just nuzzled his nose against your own for a minute, planting a tiny kiss against the tip of it. "i just like you. you're so silly, it's cute."
with a smile, you just settled against him. "i mean it, though. pick wherever you want, beautiful." his giggles only made you happier. "i'll pay."
boo seungkwan
"chan and i bicker less than we do."
seungkwan wasn't phased by your flirty word or the way you were trying to call him beautiful (my boo-tiful boo, if your silly phone contact was anything to go by). he just looked up from his phone with a flat expression, which... probably meant he saw that post somewhere for himself. the lack of originality probably also got you here.
"okay, fine, that's true," you said, rolling your eyes. "you're still beautiful, though."
"i know that," he said. "but we argue a lot over silly stuff. vernon said he thinks it's a love language."
another roll of your eyes. "seungkwan, we don't argue that much."
"don't we? remember that time the neighbors got concerned because we got a little too heated about the way one of our dramas ended?" he crossed his arms. "i still think the ending was good, but you got angry over the way it tried to incorporate greek myth and--"
"it was incorporating greek tragedy and didn't give it the sad ending!" you threw your hands up in the air. "don't promote it as being based on the myth if you aren't going to have a tragic ending!"
"it didn't have to! it was a retelling! things don't have to adhere strictly to--"
chan's door opened, and he walked out of his room. he looked at the two of you before groaning. "this fight again?"
"we're not arguing!" the two of you said together, turning to face him.
chan just rolled his eyes, making his way over to the kitchen. "sure..." then he took one look at the two of you, shaking his head. "i'm going to see if yeonjun wants to go out. don't do anything until i'm gone or have headphones on."
"we don't--"
"you do. just keep arguing or whatever," he pulled out his phone, walking back to his room.
his door shut. and the two of you just looked at each other. seungkwan rolled his eyes, flopping back down on his end of the couch.
"i hate him," he said offhandedly, no venom behind it. you knew just as well as seungkwan did that if chan was in trouble, seungkwan would be one of the first to run there. "who does he think he is? he always acts as if he knows our relationship better than we do."
you slid over closer to him, and he lifted an arm so that you could cuddle in. "he's a jerk," you said, again, no real malice behind it at all. "you should come live with me."
he rolled his eyes. "you always say that." he turned his face, kissing your temple. "like we don't have plans already."
once his lease was up. but you just looked up at him, smiling a little. "whatever you say, beautiful."
that shy smile told you all you needed to know. keep calling me sweet things, then.
chwe vernon
"uh-huh." he didn't even look up from his phone, scrolling through his youtube history. "did i send you this video?"
you frowned. "you're not even going to say anything?"
"you've used that on me before." he continued to scroll. he looked up for just a moment. "also, i'm thinkin'... maybe we could go get tacos for lunch? haven't been to that place in a while." vernon turned his attention back to his phone. "i'm down for whatever, though."
with a groan, you slumped into the couch, already googling for cheesy pick-up lines. the back-up plan, always, for when you need to tease your boyfriend. "hey, nonny? do you have a map--"
"because you're lost in my eyes," he said without missing a beat. "actually, i'm really craving tacos now. i think we could get an order to-go if you don't feel like going out."
he hated you. this had to explain everything. "do you believe in love at first sight--"
"i might," he moved over so that he was closer to you, pulling your legs into his lap. "so, were you being legit about the not arguing thing? because i might take my chance and order anyway."
with a roll of your eyes, you gave up. you weren't going to win this time around. "get your tacos, beautiful," you reached up, turning his face toward you. "i'll pay."
he snorted, bursting into giggles as he leaned over to kiss you. "you're such a dork."
you just smiled into his kiss. "but you love it."
lee chan
you loved confusing chan so, so much. all he did was ask what you wanted for dinner, and you hit him back with "whatever you want, beautiful. i'm not gonna argue with a man who has big brown eyes." thus began the confused looks as he looked at you, then his phone, unsure of how to respond to that.
"... what?"
"i said we can get whatever you want," you shrugged. "i'm not picky--"
"that's not what you said." he frowned just a little, clearly aware that you were teasing him in some way... but not quite connecting the dots quite yet. "you never call me beautiful," was what he settled on a moment later.
which was true. you often opted to call him handsome, usually with a soft laugh and a smile that showed just how endeared to him you really were. on occasion, you'd call something about him pretty--the way he styled his hair, or the makeup he wore once when mingyu roped him into being a model for him--but beautiful? as much as you thought he was (chan deserved all the complimentary words, in your humble, unbiased opinion), you'd never voiced that opinion to him directly. the closest was the time you told one of your friends that he had beautiful eyes.
he narrowed his eyes at you. "is this a joke?" for a split second, he glanced down at the phone in your hands. "... are you recording?"
"i can't call my man 'beautiful'?" you put on a fake pout, just to tease him further. "you really think i'm cruel enough to make fun of you like that?"
chan, however, knew you. he knew that you were easily swayed into pulling pranks on him. that time he introduced you to jeonghan was enough proof of that--and every subsequent trip with his friends always seemed to result in them picking out his weak spot and turning you against him, just for a simple joke. if it bothered him, he would have said something... but it did leave him fully aware that you were the kind of person to lovingly tease him.
lovingly, he told himself. he knew it was. but sometimes he wondered if you were put on this planet just to mess with him in a way he'd secretly love. if you were going to be the death of him, then at least he'd die loving you.
"okay." he made his way over, pulling up a restaurant. he showed you his screen, and immediately you focused on the fact that this place was far from cheap. "i want to go here."
"channie, we--"
"you just said you weren't going to argue," he smiled at you, leaning against you. "hm?"
with a sigh, you shook your head. "whatever you want, beautiful," you reached up. "i'll just eat ramen for the next few weeks--"
he snorted, leaning over to kiss your cheek. "just book it for our anniversary, then." he paused for a moment, just watching you with a tiny smile. "... do you really think i have beautiful eyes?"
how could you say anything other than 'yes' when he was staring at you with them?
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @synthetickitsune @staranghae @porridgesblog
@actuallynarii @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunnyunny
746 notes · View notes
minkiverse · 4 months
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Poly!Ateez Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Kim Hongjoong - Jeong Yunho - Kang Yeosang - Choi San - Song Mingi - Jung Wooyoung - Choi Jongho
HWA TIME!! A man who is so earth shatteringly gorgeous of course gets written incredibly by atiny 😩 like this man is just art!! As always, I hope you enjoy and support these authors!!
Dividers by @iluvpooks
DISCLAIMER none of these works are mine and majority are MATURE 18+, please read all warnings before reading!!!
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✨ - My Favs
🔥 - Smut (MINORS DNI)
⛈️ - Angst
💗 - Fluff
🍑 - Humor
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New Horizons - @fivestar-outlaw 🔥⛈️💗 Idol AU
this is just the cutest series!! like meeting him through animal crossing is the most adorable meet cute i want to cry 😭😭 we all deserve a lil bit of delusion as a treat asfgdssfgdf
The Way to His Heart - @edenesth ⛈️💗Joseon Period ✧ Arranged Marriage AU
im a big BIG fan of historical au's and i just loved reading hwa falling for the mc and then doing everything he can to destroy the people that hurt her 😩😩 that kind of devotion is just soooooooo attractive😍😍 it kinda reminds me of the anime My Happy Marriage (which i did not finish OTL) but if you enjoyed that i think you will love this~~
Wallflower pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4 - @tenelkadjowrites 🔥⛈️💗 Office AU
seonghwa is mc's nerdy coworker but boy can he fuck 😩😩😩 the smut in this is 🤌🤌 but honestly this fic is so much more than that and how the mc changes and grows as a person because of hwa's influence is so enjoyable to read i just love them 🥹🥹
Sans - @songmingisthighs ⛈️💗🍑 SMAU ✧ Childhood Friends AU
this author really knows how to break my heart 😭😭😭 definitely be aware of trigger warnings for some chapters!!! but this fic was also so wholesome?? like i just love the mc and how they grow from the events of the story 🥹🥹 SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO SAN AND WOO!!!!
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sycophant - @ncteez ✨🔥 Business AU
there will always be boss x employee fics BUT this take on it 🤌🤌🤌 hwa is just so attractively straight forward and him teaching the mc on how to dom him is truly just so fucking hot i could scream 😩😩
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
The Thing About Pretty Boys - @wonusite ✨🔥 Friends to Lovers AU
never say seonghwa can't fuck.... or maybe do bcs this man goes fucking feral 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i had like a full body physical reaction to how hwa is written in this fic 😩😩 like this is so filthy in the hottest way possible
Dune - @hongism 🔥 Outlaw AU ✧ Biker AU
Untitled - @orgverse 🔥 Sci-fi AU
Warning Signs EP. 1: The Showman - @mphountitled 🔥Rebellion AU
Everyday at the Bus Stop - @tenelkadjowrites 🔥💗
persistent desire - @bro-atz 🔥 College AU
Untitled - @k-hotchoisan 🔥
Red Dress - @wooyoungiewritings ✨🔥⛈️💗 Enemies to Lovers AU
i love a holiday/winter themed fic ok sue me 🫵🫵 its just COZY and this hwa drives me up the wall 😩😩 he's such a charming lil shit and the banter is soooooo good 🫠🫠 i looooooooove this couple!!!!!!!
Scattered bunny!seonghwa thoughts - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
Morning sex with Seonghwa - @k-hotchoisan 🔥
Untitled - @sxcret-garden 🔥
realistic sex with seonghwa - @byuntrash101 🔥
VIP Access - @hwashotcheeto 🔥 Idol AU
multiple??? - @lomlhwa 🔥 Hybrid AU
I Can See You - @daemour 🔥⛈️💗 Single Father!Hwa
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid AU
heavy and sticky - @k-hotchoisan 🔥
Untitled - @cheollipop 🔥
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥
belong to me - @ateezscupid 🔥⛈️ Idol AU
Untiled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Dragon!Teez ✧ Sugar Mommy AU
Untitled - @bombuni 💗
Honest (But Happy) Accident - @ad0rechuu 💗College AU
amazing grace - @yoongiseesawmp3 🔥⛈️💗 Church Boy!Hwa
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Bad Boy!Hwa
paradigm - @yoongiseesawmp3 ✨🔥 Bartender AU
switch!hwa nuff said 🤤🤤🤤 no but how this author does banter is just so good like idk even know how explain it because it feels so natural and charming and the smut is so fucking good like im in love with hwa and the mc ?????
The Heart's Filthy Lesson - @tenelkadjowrites 🔥⛈️ Toxic BFF!Hwa
Untitled - @hee0soo 🔥
Damnation of a Saint - @byuntrash101 🔥 7 Deadly Sins AU
My Little Empress - @holybibly 🔥 Historical AU ✧ Arranged Marriage AU
the lamb and the wolf - @seonghwaddict 🔥💗 Hades!Hwa
Make Me Water - @bangtanintotheroom 🔥 Friends to Lovers AU
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Cyberpunk AU
mirror mirror on the wall, who's the filthiest of them all - @almightyddeonghwa 🔥 Idol AU
boyfriend texts - @beenbaanbuun 🍑
452 notes · View notes
hannieehaee · 8 months
Svt as tropes
seventeen as tropes
content: crushes, fluff, some of these are idol!aus (as in the member is an idol, not reader), etc.
wc: 884
a/n: these are just tropes that come to mind when i think of each member. i tried to keep it varied and original <3
seungcheol -
enemies to lovers - he seems like he can be maybe a lil bit cocky at times (with reason, i mean have you seen him ..), so i think itd be possible to start off the wrong foot with him. he's also pretty stubborn, so pair with him another stubborn individual and you have a dragged out love story that begins with rivals and ends with a very fiery relationship.
jeonghan -
coworkers to lovers - jeonghan seems like an extremely charming and interesting guy who doesnt even have to try. im 100% sure people who work around him fall for him every single day. i think he'd be very entertained by the idea of crushing on a staff member/coworker. it would make him look forward to work and make him always seek you out while on the job.
joshua -
childhood friends to lovers - he seems the type that would keep a special someone in his heart for a very long time, even if it was just as friends. leaving his home country so young, the distance would make him realize his feelings and end up with that one special person from back home.
jun -
arranged marriage - okay not exactly arranged marriage but more so him being with someone his parents introduce him to! he seems to be a huge family oriented guy, so i see him ending up with someone his parents may have thought would be perfect for him. it'd start off as him giving it a chance to please his parents but ending up actually falling for this person.
soonyoung -
sunshine vs. grump - this concept isnt necessarily 100% black and white to me. but still i think maybe he would fall for someone who has a very contrasting personality his very positive and over the top demeanor. he'd enjoy the back and forth in which he'd act ridiculously to get his s/o to react while they pretended to be annoyed by him.
wonwoo -
long distance - idk if this is a trope ?? but i think wonwoo's love absolutely transcends any and every obstacle imaginable. i think he would be the definition of distance makes the heart grow fonder. he would cherish every single moment he got to be with you, constantly yearning for you any second he was away from you.
jihoon -
opposites attract - as someone who seems to keep to himself a lot and is a bit of a homebody, i think he would easily fall for someone who got him out of his comfort zone and got him to discover parts of himself he didnt know about before. would adore an s/o who was louder in nature and livelier, feeling some sort of nurturing sense in him come out whenever he was around them.
seokmin -
friends to lovers - its a classic for a reason! i cant understand how people dont constantly fall for seokmin but im 100% sure that if he had a crush on a friend of his, he would easily be able to charm them enough for them to reciprocate the crush. there would be a period of time of that cute back and forth in which he tried to 'court' them, ending up together in the end.
mingyu -
chance encounter - watching nana tour ive loved seeing how insanely outgoing and likable by strangers he is so i think that he would be the type to incidentally meet a person and subsequently fall for them. however, mingyu is a hopeless romantic so he wouldnt allow for this to be his one and only meeting. he would go to hell and back to reconnect.
minghao -
language barrier - ok ik this isnt actually a trope but i really do see minghao taking interest in a person who doesnt speak his language. i think that if a foreigner (in this case someone who does not speak korean or chinese) caught his attention, he would not be deterred by the language barrier and still seek them out. he would maybe even be more intrigued by the concept of communicating despite the barrier.
seungkwan -
found family - seungkwan is one of the sweetest and most likable people alive. im sure there's tons of people out there who consider him part of their found family. i think he'd be the type to become super close with that special someone (to the point of considering them as precious as his own family) only to eventually fall for them (and have them fall right back bc i mean its boo so how would you not fall for him!).
vernon -
class difference - i really see him falling for someone who's not in the industry. just someone who is an average person with an average life. this would obviously come with its complications, but i think he would enjoy the contrast between your lives and would live a regular life through your own.
chan -
mutual pining - contrary to popular opinion, i believe chan has insane rizz. however! i think he would be the type to have negative rizz when he has a crush on someone. he's still impossible to not fall for though, so this would lead to him and his future s/o to pine for each other for years, not realizing that their friendship could be more if one of then would just step up and confess.
566 notes · View notes
glossdebut · 13 days
Take a Bite Ch. 3
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✧ PAIRING: yoongi x fem!reader
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✧ SUMMARY: Your fledgling career as a music journalist is finally going in some kind of direction that must be on the path to success. Your coworkers like you enough to invite you out on Fridays, your boss is starting to think you’re competent enough to let you score a few bylines, and you're finally getting the hang of InDesign. All of your hard work, late nights, and complete lack of a social life are starting to pay off... Even if it all came at the expense of the longest relationship of your life. Fine. You've accepted the fact that romance isn't for you, under any circumstances. You won't risk your career for anybody. Not even Min Yoongi.
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✧ TAGS: slow burn, eventual smut, eventual romance, producer yoongi, music journalist reader, neighbors to friends to lovers? you'll see, reader is bad at feelings, reader is post-break up
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✧ WARNINGS: yoongi being RICH. also... remember that eventual smut? well it's kind of here! if you wanna skip, stop reading at [Maybe you should fix that.] and then continue at [After another moment, you roll over onto your stomach...]
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✧ STATUS: ongoing
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✧ AUTHOR'S NOTE: hi i normally post on wednesdays but we're about to get a HURRICANE where i'm at so i'm posting early lmfao. rating goes up in this chapter whoops! not sure when chapter 4 will be posted but i'll keep you guys updated. thank you all so much for the engagement i've been receiving on this fic!!! it's my first one ever and i never expected to get so many readers so quickly <3 you guys are keeping me writing so please feel free to send me feedback if you like this chapter. i'd love to read it if i have power over the next few days LOL
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Chapter 3: I Wanna Fold Clothes For You
So, you and Yoongi are friends.
Of course, seeing him three times within twenty four hours was a fluke, and over the next six days you don’t see him once, not even in passing in your shared hallway. You’re not privy to his work hours, but you know based on what little he’s told you that working as a producer demands more than the normal nine to five, as does your job.
Still, there’s something about coming home every night and knowing that you have a friend right down the hall, if you need one. You haven’t had that in a long time, and you feel so much lighter now that you do have it. 
There is, of course, an upside to not being able to see Yoongi often. Given that you’ve only just met him, you don’t have his appearance committed to memory quite yet, and mercifully, you’re beginning to forget why you were so viscerally attracted to him in the first place. 
You reason that it must’ve been the alcohol. You were getting drunk when you met him, stupidly drunk when you discovered that you’re neighbors, hungover when you shared a tangerine, and drinking from a bottomless glass of wine (courtesy of Seokjin) when you drooled over his hands for a solid ten minutes. You have yet to interact with Yoongi clear-headed and lucid. Not to mention you’re just a little bit… pent up, recently. Drunk and horny Y/N had the wheel. That has to be it. Nobody is that hot. You’re sure of that. Men ain’t special!
So you go through your week business as usual, but with a slight spring in your step, and it’s lovely. You even venture way further away from the office for your lunch hour on Friday than you normally would to go to a restaurant you’ve been dying to try. You’re usually so tied to the office that the furthest you tend to go is the convenience store down the street for the instant stuff.
And then, since the universe demands correction (or overcorrection where you’re concerned), all of the floaty goodness comes to a screeching halt when you get in your car to head back to the office. Your car which, in the past hour you’ve been blissfully stuffing your face with tteokbokki, has decided it has done its job and is ready to retire.
It just straight up won’t start.
Sitting in the parking lot of the restaurant, you go into crisis management mode.
You’re thankfully not completely clueless where cars are concerned. It comes with the territory of owning a beater. You keep up with your oil changes, you don’t leave the lights on when you get home late. You replaced your battery semi-recently, so that shouldn’t be it. Unfortunately, you don’t have much time to troubleshoot. You need to get back to work. Okay… Damage control, then.
The most obvious solution is to call one of your coworkers to come and rescue you, but your coworkers are just as notorious for being tethered within a one mile radius of the office as you are, so that would more than likely end up being a waste of time. You could find the nearest bus stop, but who knows how long public transportation could take right now? Too unpredictable. You could call your boss and tell him that you’re not going to be back to the office anytime soon (or at all today) and get your car towed and repaired. But then you would suddenly have a reputation of being unreliable, because god forbid you have a human moment. That’s straight up not an option. You’ve been doing so good this week.
You’re sure there are other options. But isn’t this what friends are for?
He answers on the fifth ring, but he answers.
“Yoongi.” You feel your shoulders slump in relief. You try your best not to sound as panicked as you feel. “Are you busy?”
“Um. I’m at the studio,” he says, confusion in his voice. “But I have a minute. Is everything okay?” Confusion and concern? That’s nice.
“Everything’s fine!” you blurt out. “Okay, maybe not. My car won’t start! I don’t know why, but it won’t, and I need to get back to work, but you’re at work, too! I don’t even know where you work, but I doubt it’s anywhere near where I am, and even if it is, I don’t want to tear you away from anything important—”
“—I know you said you had a minute, but I really don’t want to fuck up your flow. That’s a term, right? You’re a producer, you… flow. Anyway, I just don’t really know anyone here and I didn’t know who to call, and if I don’t get back to work soon my boss is going to kill me—”
“Y/N,” he says, more firmly. Your mouth snaps shut. “Where are you?”
“In my car,” you say dumbly, frazzled.
Yoongi sighs. “Send me your location.”
“For what?”
“I’m gonna send a car to come get you and drive you to your office,” he says, and he sounds just the slightest bit exasperated about needing to explain that to you.
Send a car? What the fuck? You have so many questions, such as: how fucking loaded is the guy who lives two doors down from you in your very shitty apartment building? What label does he even work for? How famous of a producer is he to be able to send a car to you? But your immediate instinct to turn down his help wins out over asking any of them.
“What? Yoongi, no, that’s too much,” you complain. “Don’t do that. I just freaked out a little bit, I can–”
“Y/N,” he interrupts. If you’re not mistaken, it sounds a bit like he’s trying not to laugh at you. Fucker. “Location.”
So you send him your location. What other option do you have?
“You’re not far,” Yoongi says once he receives your text. A few moments pass, and then: “Car will be there in ten.”
“Thank you,” you say. You feel nauseous, like maybe you’re going to cry, but there’s also a good amount of relief there, too. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“No need,” he says. “I’d come get you myself, but I really can’t get away right now.”
“Still, there’s a comically large bottle of an alcohol of your choosing in your future. Seriously, thank you.”
His responding laugh is enough to settle your stomach just a little. “Seriously, you don’t need to pay me back…” A pause. “But for the record, I like whiskey.”
You wrinkle your nose even though he can’t see it. “Gross.”
“Don’t be a hater.”
“As long as you don’t make me drink it with you, I’ll keep my comments to myself,” you say, finding yourself smiling.
“Oh, you think I share?” Yoongi teases back. He sighs again. “I really have to go.”
“Go, go,” you say. “Thanks for saving me. Even if it’s by proxy.”
“You can always call me if you need shit like this,” he says. You can tell that he means it. “I’m glad you called me. Means I’m doing something right.”
“You are,” you say, your voice soft. Your cheeks feel warm. Probably because you’re sitting in a dead car. “Thanks.”
Yoongi hums in response. “Text me when you get back to the office safe, okay?”
“I will. Bye, Yoongi.”
And that’s that.
★ ★ ★
True to your word, you text Yoongi when the stupidly luxurious car he ordered for you drops you off at your office, only ten minutes later than you’re due back from your lunch break. You’re able to slip in without anyone noticing that you’re late at all, which is great. Crisis partially averted.
He sends back a thumbs up emoji, and then decides to drop the bomb that he intends to pay for your car to be towed.
[1:21] You: YOONGI NO
[1:21] You: you can’t do that!!!!
[1:24] Yoongi: 100% I can and will as soon as I get ten minutes to make a phone call to sort it out.
The audacity of this man.
[1:25] You: seriously i cannot ask you to do that
[1:25] You: i was just going to take the bus back to the restaurant after work and deal with it from there. i’m actively researching towing companies and repair places on company time as we speak
[1:30] Yoongi: You’re not asking me. You’ve got enough to worry about. Let me take care of it. I know the places.
[1:31] You: still, i can’t let you spend money like that on me. i don’t even wanna think about what that car cost you
[1:31] Yoongi: If it helps you sleep at night you can pay me back on your own time. You definitely don’t have to though.
[1:32] Yoongi: That reminds me. You can use that car until yours is taken care of if you need to. I’ll send you the driver’s contact. Don’t take the bus.
You feel like you’re going insane.
[1:33] You: do you have a grammy or something? what do you DO to be able to afford shit like this? why do you live in our building? are you a drug dealer?
[1:37] Yoongi: :]
Of course, he gives you no clues about what exactly he does, but after a bit more back-and-forth, you finally give in and let Yoongi handle everything under the condition that you’re going to pay him back. He doesn’t seem all that worried about it, which infuriates you just a little.
You go through the rest of your day like normal, if not a tad twitchy. Come quitting time, you take advantage of having a driver at your disposal and have him stop a liquor store on your way home.
As you take the elevator up to your floor, comically large whiskey bottle (as promised) in tow, you text Yoongi and ask if he’s home yet. At his responding ‘No, why?’ you cackle to yourself and pocket your phone. The elevator doors slide open. You were hoping that would be the case. 
You clocked out at a semi-normal time tonight, a gift to yourself to cope with the stress of the day, and so you take great pleasure in setting the bottle down on Yoongi’s very tasteful cat doormat, flipping it off right back on your way into your own apartment.
You silently pray to whatever god may be listening that the whiskey isn’t swiped by someone before Yoongi gets home. Your cat, Pepper, is blinking at you lazily on the kitchen counter, and you give her a triumphant little scratch on the head before padding to your bedroom to deal with your laundry.
Your move, Min Yoongi.
★ ★ ★
“Do I need to be jealous?”
You take advantage of getting off work early to call your best friend Rina for the first time in what feels like forever. She’s in Paris this month, debuting a play that she’s been working on tirelessly about aliens and drug addiction. You’ve read the script six times over. It’s both campy and gut wrenching all at once, and you’ve cried every time. You picture her with her very chic haircut, sipping from a flute of champagne. The thought of her being jealous of any part of your life is laughable. 
“What do you have to be jealous of, exactly?” you snort, holding your phone between your ear and shoulder as you toss your laundry basket upside down on your bed unceremoniously. Your clothes are covered in a perma-layer of Pepper hair, and you think it’s lucky that Pepper is a black cat and most of your clothes are black. Very enviable.
“Of Yoongi, dipshit,” she coos through the phone. “You’re replacing me.”
“Sure,” you say, like she’s making total sense. You’re lying on top of your laundry now instead of folding it. You put her on speakerphone and rest your phone on your chest. “I’m throwing away ten years of being your best friend for a guy that I met a week ago. I’m glad you figured it out, honestly, because I was dreading telling you. I was going to wait until your matinée, but you don’t seem too broken up about it.”
“Of course. You have to do what’s right for you, I’ve always told you that,” she deadpans back, and you groan. You don’t want to hear it. “No, I just mean… It’s good. That you’re meeting people.”
“We’re neighbors,” you say, flopping over onto your front to rub at your temples. Rina is resting on a pile of your underwear now. “We talk about work. My work, not his, because he thinks it’s funny to act like he’s too cool to tell me about his job. He’s helping me with my car. We’re… neighborly.”
“And you want to fuck him,” she says. Maybe calling Rina was a bad idea. Debriefing over text would have sufficed.
“I don’t want to fuck him,” you say, indignant. “We’re friends. He’s nice. I can have a guy friend.”
“Of course you can,” Rina says, like you’re dumb for even thinking she would imply otherwise. “And you can be friends with him all you want. But you also want to fuck him.”
You groan in protest but she speaks over it.
“Baby, you can pretend, but I know how you talk about people you want to have sex with, even if you don’t say it outright,” she continues. “He may just be feeding you and helping you and talking to you about the weather, but I know you, and I know the whole time he’s talking you’re just agonizing over how he might fuck you if you let him.”
“That’s not fair,” you mumble, letting your face drop into your laundry. It smells good. Small comforts.
“Are you going to let him?”
“No,” you whine, muffled by the cotton. “I don’t need that. There are always strings. I hate strings.”
“You said he’s a super straightforward, honest guy, right?” Rina asks.
“Brutally so,” you grumble.
“So. Maybe he’d be cool with a lack of strings. You won’t know unless you ask, baby.”
You want to tell her that’s easy for her to say, but you don’t want to fight with her when you know you won’t hear from her like this again for a while. 
Rina has never compromised for anything. She decided in both of your sophomore year of college, after flirting with both performance and directing, that she wanted to be a playwright, and that was that. 
She wrote and wrote and wrote, and after you graduated together, her career blossomed almost instantly because she worked goddamn hard for it. She got opportunities to travel and work with theatre companies around the world, and she took them without giving it a second thought because she knew it was what she wanted. And she’s had a consistent, loyal boyfriend nearly the whole time. He doesn’t always travel with her, but he supports her in everything she does. They’re excruciatingly healthy about it. 
When your long-term college boyfriend dumped you unceremoniously two months into your first reporter gig because he felt he came second to your career, Rina was there for you. But you resented her a little bit. There was no way she could understand any of it. 
Still, as much as you hate to admit it, she has a point. You could just ask Yoongi if he wants to fool around without it being a thing, and you know he’d give you a straight answer. You’re even pretty confident he wouldn’t make it weird if his answer was no. That’s not the problem. It never is.
“The problem isn’t whether or not I think he’d be cool with it,” you mumble. “The problem is if he is cool with it, and then the strings come anyway. The friendship is nice. I’m attracted to him, yeah, fine. But I can ignore it if it means I get to be his friend.”
Theres a long pause on the line, and then Rina sighs.
“Your life would be a lot easier if you could do one night stands,” she says.
Don’t you know it. 
“I’ve gotta go, okay? Text me. Keep me updated on life.” You read between the lines. On Yoongi, she means. “I love you.”
“Mmmhh,” you mumble back, still burying your face into your laundry. 
When the line disconnects, you feel considerably more twitchy and irritable than you did before talking to Rina.
So, you’re attracted to Yoongi. Or you were, when you were drunk and he was all… hot and considerate. That doesn’t mean you have to act on it! You’re not going to act on it. You’re just pent up, that’s all. It’s been a long time since you’ve had an orgasm, self-inflicted or otherwise, and you can’t think straight.
Maybe you should fix that.
It’s clear you’re giving up on laundry for the night, so you shove the mountain of clothes back into the basket on the floor, sighing as you lay back on your bed.
You feel only slightly ridiculous as you shimmy your sleep shorts down your thighs, your hands sliding up your shirt to cup your breasts, squeezing slightly. Warming yourself up.
You quickly decide to get to the point, though. You’re struggling to immerse yourself in the fantasy that usually does the trick, too wound up and embarrassed (as if it’s not you in here by yourself, as usual) at groping yourself.
Despite the embarrassment, it becomes abundantly clear that you didn’t really need to warm yourself up anyway. Your fingers slide through your folds with ease, drenched like you’ve been that way all fucking day, unbeknownst to you, and a surprised moan falls from your lips. Fuck.
Closing your eyes, you circle two fingers around your clit experimentally, making your hips jerk up under you, sensitive. You do it again, a little firmer, starting a slow rhythm that makes you squirm against your mattress, your bottom lip rolling between your teeth.
It feels good. It usually does—you’ve always been able to make quick work of an orgasm to rid yourself of any lingering jitters before bed. But it feels really good right now, your pussy extra sensitive tonight, and you can’t figure out why. There’s nothing new about what you’re doing.
Rina’s words worm their way into your brain uninvited—the whole time he’s talking you’re just agonizing over how he might fuck you if you let him—and you’re too turned on to stop that train of thought, flashes of capable hands and pink tongue (tonguetechnologytonguetechnologytonguetechnology) filling your mind, and you’re moaning softly despite yourself as you rub your clit a little faster.
You continue to make soft noises of pleasure, your tongue darting out to wet your lips, dry from panting as the barrage of Yoongi-related thoughts keep coming, bringing you closer and closer to your release. 
Dark, dark eyes looking down at you. A delicate chain dangling above your face. You whimper, your fingers sliding down from your clit to sink into your pussy, curling up to rub at your inner walls. A thick cock sliding into you, filling you so deliciously.
You pump your fingers fast and desperate as you get closer and closer to that sweet edge. You wonder what Yoongi would sound like if he was the one fucking into you right now. Would he moan in your ear in that gravelly voice of his? He’s a man of few words. Would he be like that in bed, too? Would he call you sweet names? Not so sweet? Which ones?
Your walls flutter around your fingers, your hips stuttering up off the mattress as your orgasm crashes over you and you gasp out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.
You stare up at the ceiling for a minute panting. The high of your release buzzes pleasantly through your body before it starts ebbing away, but the thoughts of Yoongi pervade. Well, fuck.
After another moment, you roll over onto your stomach to grab a towel from your laundry basket and wipe off your fingers, tossing it on the floor. You grab your phone, only to be greeted by a notification from the subject of your masturbation fantasy himself. He sent it about ten minutes ago.
When you tap it open, you’re greeted with a photo (!!!) of Yoongi holding your gift next to his head, the hand wrapped around the neck of the whiskey bottle almost dwarfed by its sheer size. A testament to the ridiculousness of it, because you’re well aware of how long Yoongi’s fingers are. There’s a lazy smirk on his face, and a mole that you’re just now noticing on his right cheek.
[8:23] Yoongi: Cute. 
Yep. Yep. Cool.
You swipe out, tapping on Rina’s contact.
[8:35] You: okay. i want to fuck him. 
[8:35] Rina: 🥂🥳🎉
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✧ shoot me a reply or an ask if you enjoyed this chapter! feedback is always appreciated <3 join my taglist if you want to be tagged in future chapters!
@dollfaceksj @jajabro
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Naruto Fic Recs!! (AO3)
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Fandom Masterlist
Hey guys these are my favorite Naruto fics!! Hope u enjoy them too <3!!
No Paring
becoming the memory✨💖 by iinsomniatic(Time travel fix it, Jiraiya raises naruto) Out of options and about to die, Jiraiya writes a seal he’s sure isn’t going to work anyway. Then he wakes up, and damn it all, it’s October 10th. [ONGOING] From me to you: Unsent letters ✨✨by Lady_Ye(oneshot, suicide note)This made me cry so hard!! [COMPLETED]
Naruto Uzumaki x Sakura Haruno
Artistic purpose ✨by StormyInk (one shot, fluff) sai gets his new inspiration of drawing from his friends with which he also sets something off!! [COMPLETED] Just like me by bendingwing (oneshot, fluff)The beginnings of narusaku [COMPLETED] The Children of Omelas byFangirlJo (oneshot, Utopia, Dystopia, inspired by the one who walks away from omelas)She was 8 when she noticed the blonde boy in ragged clothing with bruises, sores and cuts all over him. She doesn't think the adults ever noticed him despite his bizarre looks, but she did.[COMPLETED] Date Night by TwinEnigma(oneshot Wingman sasuke, funny)In which Sasuke tries to do something nice for Naruto and Sakura's first anniversary. Hilarity ensues. [COMPLETED] Of pink and orange by FairyLetters (oneshot, reader is a spectator, fluff and angst)You watch as Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki come to an understanding that Sasuke Uchiha has left again.[COMPLETED] What now? by Kameodash(oneshot, after war)Naruto and Sakura try to cope with the trauma of the war together.[COMPLETED] Leaving You by THE_MAN42(oneshot, Love confession ,Sad ending)Naruto dies in her arms.[COMPLETED] Shinachiku and the Multiverse of...Wait There's a Multiverse?! by DuchessofChaos (time travel,falling in love) shinachiku travels to a world where his parents don't exist[ONGOING] Open Hearts by gabriella0807(post war,fluff)After the war there is a lot of work left to be done and many problems to be solved in the Shinobi world, while our heroes need to heal and move forward with their lives. [COMPLETED] Baby its you ✨by Behla(fake dating, friends to lovers, crush's wedding, single bed) Haruno Sakura finds herself in desperate need of a date for the wedding of a man she's been pining after for over eight years, in order to convince him and his bride that she's getting over him.[ONGOING]
Nara shikamaru x Ino Yamanaka
Red Ribbon by amuk(one shot,humour, friendship)They made a promise and Ino spent three years searching for Shikamaru to keep that promise. Time changes everyone, though, and Shikamaru looks cozy with his coworker, Temari. Some promises can't be kept. [COMPLETED]
In the forest 💖💖💖✨by SenkaHitomi(LadyTegan) - (post war, mission gone wrong, slow burn) shikamaru returns in catatonic state from a mission and ino must go into the labyrinth of his mind to bring shikamru back! [COMPLETED]
Its her again... ✨✨by atmymercy (Highschool au, pinning) Ino gets jealous of the girl who sits beside shika on his train and this leads to a whirlwind confrontation of her feelings..[COMPLETED]
Uchiha sasuke x sakura Haruno
Before the storm ✨by crissy_writes_garbage(Time travel to past, pregnant sakura)Sakura is pregnant and lost, a combination that leads to more trouble than necessary. Specially when you're lost in the past. [COMPLETED]
Gaara x Sakura Haruno
words that tie, ties that bind by Binxxx(soulmates, angst,SHUKAKU THE THERAPIST)During the chaos of the Chunin Exams, Sakura discovers who her soulmate is. [ONGOING] The four heavenly treasures by IRinna(arranged marriage, politics, friends-to-lovers)Princess Sakura of the Land of Fire is offered in a political alliance to the Land of Wind to help survive the incoming war. There she meets Gaara, leader of Wind and one of the champions of the Four Heavenly Treasures. [COMPLETED]
Uchiha Madara x Sakura Haruno
The Black bull by Vesperchan (oneshot, beauty and the beast elements)Based on the classic Scottish fairytale The Black Bull of Norroway.[COMPLETED]
Itachi Uchia(xf!reader)
Ikigai ✨by MissWriter97(arranged marriage, senju reader, alternate au) Uchiha Itachi gets married to the women he does not love to prevent the massacre! This is a lovely fic...[ONGOING]
Senju Tobirama(xf!reader)
A Step in Time by MizzGinger (senju tobirama x Princess! reader ,arrange marriage, time travel, second chances) This is and alternate au story with a lot of war time drama going on!! It has a brilliant set up!![ONGOING]
The Home I crave✨✨ by cafeinthemoon93( arranged marriage, angst, slowburn, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers )I really loved this fics, the detailing and pacing were chef's kiss!![HIATUS]
Some other pairing stories
Iruka x reader
Growing along the line✨✨💖 by FreakyPseudWriter(fake dating, strangers-to-friends-to-lovers, fluff)After a really bad day at your workplace you meet Umino Iruka, who quickly makes you open up to him. But you certainly didn't expect him to suddenly claim you two were romantically involved! [COMPLETED]
Sasori x Sakura Haruno
Bait and Hitch✨✨ by Aelynthi (fake dating, coworkers, crush's wedding)When Haruno Sakura finds out Sasuke is engaged, she does the only thing she knows to do in order to save her pride��she lies.[ONGOING]
128 notes · View notes
wongyuseokie · 1 year
One Trick Peony | c.s.c
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Summary:  Choi Seungcheol could only do one type of floral arrangement, and the rest he’d pawn off to you, granted he got a ton of orders, but he would always take the orders for arrangements that he could never do. This time he went too far. He took an ‘only peonies’ arrangement–a painfully delicate flower–and took an order for a wedding, and with your luck, you’re the only two florists available that weekend. 
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ♕ smut | ☁︎ mild angst |  ♥ completed works  Word Count: 4885 words Pairings: Florist!Choi Seungcheol x  Florist! Female Reader  Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff, angst, smut, frenemies to lovers, idk if thats the right word they just have a ton of digs at each other but no actual hate. 
Content Warnings: Arguing, but it’s all very childish. Cheol being a slight smartass, but Y/N also being a bit mouthy. Idiots to lover makes more sense, both are dense af. Kissing, mentions of food. Inaccurate depictions of being a florist, idk. Loud and noisy kids destroying things. Moment of self doubt. 
Smut Warnings: Unprotected sex (don’t do this irl), oral (f receiving), sorta dom! Cheol, rough sex (but its more vanilla), big dick! Cheol, multiple orgasms, squirting, riding, overstimulation, creampie, cum licking, hickies, kissing, phew I think that’s it. Cheol is an after care king. 
Authors Note: This has been written for svthub's secret garden collab. Thank you all for letting me be part of this wonderful collab. Please check out the rest of the works written by my talented friends 💕 Banner Credits: @classicscreations
Cross Posted to AO3
© wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved.
You knew hate was a strong word, but that was all you could feel for your coworker, Choi Seungcheol. When Seungcheol first joined the flower shop, you didn’t mind him. You realised he was only capable of making one floral arrangement. 
At first, you found it cute. You’d help him, teach him, but after a while, you realised he didn’t even pay attention, and that’s when your pettiness began, and Seungcheol matched it by being extra petty. 
“Choi Seungcheol!” You exclaimed, knowing he hated being called by his full name. 
“How many times do we have to go over this, Y/N? I don’t like being called by my first name?” Seungcheol complained, and you rolled your eyes at his whining. Seungcheol whined a lot. You’d never admit it, but it was adorable. A grown man who was tall and buff whined like a toddler. Only Seungcheol could be that cute, but he didn’t have to know. 
“Why is there an order in the system for a wedding?” You questioned. “You know that we are short-staffed right now.”
“Look. I do, but it’s only a wedding with 80 people, and this lady and her husband waited for their wedding for five years because life kept getting in the way. You wouldn’t deny a couple of that joy, would you?” Seungcheol asked hopefully, grinning widely at you. 
“Besides, I told them that the best florist in Seoul was the only choice for their special day,” Seungcheol boasted, and you scoffed. 
“Of course I am, but you? You won’t even bother helping. It’ll just be me doing all the work,” you complained. 
“I’m an excellent supervisor,” Seungcheol added. 
“No, you’re just a pain in my ass,” you mumbled. 
“Oh? You know I could help take the pain away,” Seungcheol teased, and you glared at him.
“I will break a flower vase over your pretty head if you even try,” you threatened. 
“You think my head is pretty?” Seungcheol asked, and you glared at him again before storming into the back room. 
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“So, how do you want to get to the venue?” Seungcheol asked you later that evening as you were cleaning up your station. The shop was bustling, and all the arrangements came to you because Seungcheol was incompetent and too busy wooing more customers to buy more flowers without concern for your workload. 
“What venue?” You asked, gritting your teeth. 
“Ouch? What’s gotten you so huffy?” Seungcheol asked. 
“You’re no help, and now you’re here trying to be chatty,” you spat. 
“I got you so many orders, though!” Seungcheol protested. 
“I didn’t need them. You know I’m busy,” you fired back, and Seungcheol frowned. 
“Hey!” A voice interrupted, and you turned to see your manager staring at you and Seungcheol disapprovingly. 
“Look, I don’t know if this is a situation of lovers who are too blind to confess, so they just verbally abuse one another? Or if you two hate each other, cut it out, at least for the weekend. This wedding would be huge for this business, and after that, we can discuss a plan or something that involves less interaction with you both, but for two days. I need you to behave. Can you do that?” Your manager asked, and you looked at Seungcheol, who avoided your gaze. 
“Yes, I can. I don’t know about her,” Seungcheol said, throwing you a cunning smile. 
“Seungcheol,” your manager warned, making him pout. 
“You see what I have to put up with?” You complained, and your manager glared at you. 
“Two days, just two days, make it work,” your manager pleaded, looking at you and Seungcheol, and you both sighed before nodding and agreeing. 
For the sake of your job, you both would make it work. 
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Choi Seungcheol [7:58 am]: Morning, darling, I’m downstairs. On time, the flowers shall be delivered to the venue. I got you coffee, so please make your way down if you don’t want to get stuck in traffic. 
You [7:59 am]: Yeah, I’ll be down. 
Choi Seungcheol [8:00 am]: So cold, should have gotten you something warm to drink instead…
Choi Seungcheol [8:01 am]: See you soon, kitten, xoxo. 
You let out a groan, kitten? How dare he call you that, and not just because that word had you feeling a certain way, but kitten? Who did he think he was? 
You grumbled to yourself, grabbed your duffle bag, and made your way out of your apartment, triple checking to ensure you locked the door four times before heading downstairs to find Seungcheol. 
“Morning, sweetheart,” Seungcheol greeted, and you shot him a look. 
“Why the nicknames?” You asked.
“I’m trying to be friendly.” 
“Well, it’s weird, so stop,” you mumbled. 
“Fine, Y/N,” Seungcheol answered with a pout. 
“Shall we? It’s a bit of a drive, and I really don’t want to get stuck in traffic,” you offered.
“Yeah, let’s go.” 
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“Oh, before I forget, here I put your coffee and some breakfast muffins for snacking,” Seungcheol offered as he pointed to the console. 
“This is really kind of you, thank you.” 
“See, I can be considerate,” Seungcheol bragged. 
“Yeah, one coffee and breakfast muffin won’t change how much of a pain you are at work,” you teased, making Seungcheol pout. 
“But you’re off to a good start Choi Seungcheol,” you added, making Seungcheol groan.
“I told you I don’t like my full name being used,” Seungcheol whined. 
“Okay, why, though?” 
“It feels distant, detached and cold. I feel like I’m being told off,” Seungcheol mumbled. 
“To be fair, whenever I use your full name, I am usually telling you off,” you joked, making Seungcheol frown more. 
“You can just yell at me. That’s better than full naming me,” Seungcheol offered with a grin. 
“You got a degradation kink or something?” You asked. 
“No, but I’ll tell you my kinks if you tell me yours,” Seungcheol teased with a grin. 
“Shut up.” 
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You weren’t sure when you dozed off, but the next thing you knew was Seungcheol was gently shaking you awake. 
“Hey, Y/N, we’re here,” Seungcheol said softly as you stirred awake. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry I fell asleep,” you apologised, knowing you broke a universal law. Do not fall asleep at the passenger seat. 
“It’s okay, traffic was light and honestly it was kind of peaceful,” Seungcheol teased and you glared at him. Maybe you didn’t feel that bad. 
“Come on let’s check in,” Seungcheol said as you slowly made your way out of the car, grabbed your things and headed towards the hotel. 
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“I can’t believe our manager gave us a room to share,” you grumbled, as you entered the hotel suite. 
“Correction she gave us a suite to share with separate bedrooms, it’s really not that bad,” Seungcheol offered and you pouted. 
“Fine, but don’t snore loudly and disturb me,” you mumbled. 
“I do not snore!” Seungcheol protested. 
“You fell asleep in the shop once and you snored so loudly that you woke yourself up,” you teased making Seungcheol sulk. 
“Such a meanie,” Seungcheol pouted. 
“You’re adorable when you sulk,” you said with a fond smile making Seungcheol grin at you. 
“I’m always adorable,” Seungcheol corrected, and you frowned at him, but you did agree, but you’d never tell him. 
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“Rise and Shine. I got you breakfast. We need to be the in the ballroom to start the decorations in an hour!” Seungcheol yelled the following day as you entered the living room. 
“I’m up,” you whined as you towelled your wet hair. 
“Aww, kitten, it’s sunny out. Put a smile on your face otherwise, you’ll ruin the delicate flowers if you’re just angry,” Seungcheol babbled, and you glared at him. 
“Hey, how do you know I like this?” You asked as you looked at the plate Seungcheol set up for you. 
“Simple, I pay attention,” Seungcheol said with a smile and you felt your heart swell. You never expected him to know so much about you, but it was the same way you knew how he liked his coffee, what his favourite colour was, and his favourite author. You didn’t have to know any of it, but you paid attention too. 
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“You keep staring at me, quit it,” you muttered as you delicately arranged the peonies into a beautiful centrepiece. 
That afternoon you and Seungcheol were busy arranging the ballroom with flowers and making intricate decorations for the reception. 
“I can’t help it,” Seungcheol mumbled. 
“Well, you look so beautiful doing what you love,” Seungcheol said, making you glare at him. 
“Shut up.” 
“I can, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that I meant what I said,” Seungcheol remarked with a grin. 
“You see me working all the time. How come you never compliment me then?” You challenged. 
“Because it’s usually in a full shop with other people around, and I don’t know. I only want you to hear the compliments, not everyone else,” Seungcheol offered, making you smile shyly at him. 
“Well, thank you, and for what it’s worth, you weren’t too insufferable during this trip,” you offered with a grin. 
“I call you beautiful, and you call me mildly tolerable. What does a guy have to do to win your heart?” Seungcheol said dramatically, making you grin. 
Little did he know that he didn’t have to do too much. 
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“Cheol?” You called out from your bedroom, hoping Seungcheol could hear you. You detested cocktail gowns for their design, you could never reach the zipper and always ended up asking for help, and this dress had fancy straps that you couldn’t fasten. 
“You hollered?” Seungcheol asked as he entered your bedroom. 
“Seungcheol, can you please help me tie this? I promise I’m not trying to be a smartass. I’ve been at this for ten minutes, and I keep screwing up,” You asked as you held the thin strips of your halter with one hand on the back of your neck.
Seungcheol stared at you for a second and nodded, and you turned around so that your back was facing him, and Seungcheol took a deep breath when he saw that your gown was backless, placing an arm around your waist and pulling you closer.
You melted in his arms; his toned body felt like heaven against you. 
“How tight?” Seungcheol asked, his words making your core throb. 
“I’ll tell you when to stop,” you responded. You could do the same to him if he wanted to tease you. You bit your lip in an attempt to stop grinning when you heard him curse under his breath as he pulled on the straps. 
“Right there?” he asked, and you nodded.
“Use your words,” Seungcheol whispered, his hot breath against your neck. 
“Yes, right there,” you breathed out, and Seungcheol complied, tying the knot, and you felt his hands trail down your neck to your bare back, and you had to bite harder on your lip to not whimper at his touch. 
“All done,” Seungcheol mumbled, and you turned around, his face mere inches away from yours. 
“You look breathtaking,” Seungcheol complimented, making you smile. 
“So do you. I wouldn’t be surprised if all the bridesmaids flock to you,” you teased, and Seungcheol shook his head. 
“They can flock, but there’s only one girl worth my time,” Seungcheol responded, making you gulp. 
“Shall we? We can’t be late,” Seungcheol offered with a grin. 
“Yeah, let’s go,” you mumbled. You’d just have to curb your desire for him for now, but once the reception started, you would rile Seungcheol the way he had riled you up. 
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Your plans were shot to hell the minute you walked into the ballroom, several of your floral arrangements had been destroyed, and you weren’t sure who did it, but you heard the giggles and screams of children in the ballroom and knew you found your culprits. 
Now, you weren’t one to yell at children, but when knocked into you, making you knock into another floral arrangement and destroy it, too, you couldn’t help but comment. 
“Kids, can you not play here? There are delicate arrangements,” you said as kindly as you could, and apparently, that was all it took for them to start crying. 
“Excuse me? How dare you make my children cry?” You heard someone accuse you and turned around to see an angry woman approaching you. 
“I didn’t mean to, but they were running around and destroying the floral arrangements,” you mumbled. 
“Uptight much? They’re children,” the lady sassed, and you were about to retort when Seungcheol interrupted. You weren’t sure when he showed up, but you were glad he did. 
“Ma’am, I apologise that your kids are upset, but really we’re doing our best to ensure the bride and groom are happy. You won’t get blamed for poor floral arrangements, but we will, so please be considerate of that,” Seungcheol responded calmly, and the lady shrank in size and offered a scowl before walking, well stomping out of the hall. 
“Jeez, there’s always someone like her everywhere. Come, I’ll fix the arrangements near the front of the hall, and you fix the pieces at the back of the hall?” Seungcheol offered, and you nodded meekly before heading off in that direction. 
“Hey, you did a beautiful job,” you complimented as you approached Seungcheol a few minutes later; he was just putting the final touches on a centrepiece. 
“Well. I have to. Your hard work shouldn’t go to waste,” Seungcheol said. 
“You have a delicate touch,” you mumbled. 
“I’ve been told I’m good with my hands,” Seungcheol said with a smirk, making you grin and roll your eyes at him. 
“I’m glad to see you smile,” Seungcheol said. 
“Don’t let what the mother said get to you, okay? She’s just mad that her kids embarrassed her,  take pride in your work. I know I do,” Seungcheol said as he leaned closer to place a kiss on your cheek. 
“I have to go help the groom find his boutonniere. I’ll see you later?” Seungcheol offered, and you smiled fondly at him. You watched him leave, and once he did, you placed your fingers over the spot he just kissed, and you swore you felt it tingle.
Seungcheol really didn’t have to do much to win your heart. He had it. The kiss just sealed the deal. 
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“Alright, you’ve been pouting since that little kid knocked over that vase. I’m sure that kid feels awful. Will you now just forget it for a bit and enjoy the evening? Why don’t you dance with me?” Seungcheol offered later that evening when he saw you sulking by the bar during the reception. 
“I’m not upset about that. It’s just that when his mother called me uptight, I got annoyed,” you admitted, and Seungcheol nodded knowingly as he took a seat next to you at the bar. 
“Do you think I’m uptight?” You asked, honestly, you didn’t care for Seungcheol’s opinion, but the alcohol made you extra sensitive, and for some reason, you found yourself seeking comfort in your work enemy. 
“Nah. I think you take pride in your work, so when a kid tramples over it, you’re allowed to be upset,” Seungcheol consoled. 
“When you say it like that, I sound unreasonable, getting mad at a kid at all,” you trailed off. 
“Nah. That kid was getting really annoying. He stomped on my foot a couple of times,” Seungcheol joked, smiling when he saw you return him a brief smile. 
“What I’m trying to say is that it’s okay. It’s okay to be upset, you take pride in your work, and if anyone messes with it, well, it’s fair to be upset,” Seungcheol explained, reiterating his earlier points. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled. 
“Come on. You shouldn’t be sulking at a wedding. Come dance with me,” Seungcheol offered as he hopped off the barstool and stood in front of you, holding out his hand. 
“You? Choi Seungcheol, you’re telling me not to sulk? You’re the king of sulking!” You teased, and Seungcheol grinned. 
“Yes, but I look cute doing it,” Seungcheol boasted, making you frown and swat his hand away. 
“Go away, Cheol,” you grumbled. 
“I didn’t say you don’t look cute when you sulk, it’s painfully adorable, but I like it when you smile more,” Seungcheol clarified. 
“Very, now, dance with me. You look beautiful, and I recall you telling a customer in the past that you love weddings, so why not enjoy this one?” Seungcheol asked. 
“You remember the shit I say?” You were surprised that Seungcheol even recalled that conversation. 
“Of course, now come, dance with me,” Seungcheol pushing his outstretched arm towards you, you smiled as you took his hand, and he guided you towards the dance floor. 
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Seungcheol asked as he started to dance with you, his arms were around your waist as your hands wrapped around his neck. 
“Maybe, once.” 
“I should say it more, I cannot take my eyes of you,” Seungcheol complimented making you shyly hide your face in his chest. 
“Why the sudden flattery?” You ask. 
“It’s not sudden, I always try to do the same at work, but you’re usually busy biting, actually you are rightfully biting my head off at work,” Seungcheol corrected making you smile. 
“Then why be so annoying?” You asked making him laugh. 
“How else do I get your attention?” Seungcheol asked, and you smiled at him. 
“Okay, I have to know, you sure you don’t like being scolded, like there’s not a hidden sub inside you?” You teased. 
“Kitten, this is the second time you’ve asked about my kinks, you sure you don’t want to just find out?” Seungcheol asked, and you leaned up slightly to softly place your lips against his. 
“Show me,” you whispered as you pulled away from his lips, and Seungcheol couldn’t get the two of you out of the ballroom quick enough. 
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The elevator trip and the walk back to the room was very quiet but not awkward, Seungcheol held your hand the entire way, and you were glad because his grip made you feel grounded when you were starting to float on cloud nine. 
Once you were inside the room, Seungcheol had you Seungcheol pressed his lips to yours, and you kissed him back. His lips were even softer than you could have dreamt of. They felt full and plush as they moved against yours.
You melted into the kiss when you felt Seungcheol’s hands move along your body, his fingers pressing into your waist and back, making you moan into the kiss. 
“Is that all you got?” you teased, as you mumbled against his lips, and Seungcheol smirked into the kiss as his hands moved up your exposed back, his fingers tracing your bare skin and sliding his hands down to your clothed waist, his hands moving up your stomach resting just below your covered breast. 
“More?” Seungcheol asked, moving his lips away from yours to place them on your neck as he started to place soft kisses there, making you whimper at his touch. 
“Can I take this off?” Seungcheol asked, and you nodded furiously, making him smile; he placed another kiss on your lips and quickly stripped you off your clothes, leaving you only in your panties, leaving your breasts exposed to him. 
“Fuck,” Seungcheol groaned out, and you smiled shyly at him as he pulled you into his embrace and carried you over to sit you down on the couch. Seungcheol’s lips found your neck as he sucked love bites into your neck, and his hands gently moved down to your hips. Large hands moved to grab your ass, pulling you tight against him; a string of moans and swear words left your mouth as you felt his hard length rub against your clothed pussy. 
“Cheol,” you whined out. 
“I need you,” you breathed out, and that’s all Seungcheol needed as he carried you into his bedroom, laid you on the bed, and quickly rid himself of his clothes. 
Once naked, Seungcheol crawled between your thighs and groaned when he saw the wet patch on your panties. 
“Fuck, let me have a taste, kitten,” Seungcheol said, and you only whimpered, spreading your legs further to accommodate him; Seungcheol moved quickly, pulling your panties off and throwing them across the room. 
Once greeted by your bare, glistening pussy Seungcheol knew needed to taste you, and he placed his plump lips on your clit, and started to suck, your hands twisted in his soft hair. You felt him sliding two fingers into your cunt, making you moan at the stretch, it felt so good, and Seungcheol stuck his tongue out, flicking your clit, making your back arch. 
Seungcheol smirked against your cunt, as he decided to pick up the pace, moving his fingers more quickly inside you, his mouth never leaving your clit. You kept whimpering and moaning, which only made Seungcheol increase his speed. Your legs shook as you came for him, falling apart on his tongue and finger. Seungcheol groaned as he tasted your cum, smirking, pleased with the results, but he was far from done. 
Seungcheol moved his mouth away from your clit to catch his breath, only to latch his lips back to your clit, making you whine in pleasure and pain. Seungcheol wrapped his lips around your clit while his tongue traced and circled the swollen nub. Seungcheol wrapped both his arms around your waist and held you down. 
Seungcheol moved his mouth to your pussy, shoved his tongue inside you while his fingers found your clit and started rubbing. Your grip on his hair got tighter, and he groaned at the sensation. Seungcheol’s groans vibrated against your cunt, and you held his hair for some semblance as you fell apart on his tongue. 
When he had finally cleaned you up with his tongue, you were shivering and on the precipice of another orgasm. You whimpered, trying to move away from his mouth, you were incredibly sensitive, but Seungcheol wanted to keep going. He wanted you to have a night you’d never forget, so he did and lapped up your release. 
“So sweet,” Seungcheol praised as he sat back and admired your pulsating pussy, wet, sticky, and all for him. 
“Cheol,” you moaned out. 
“Yes, kitten?” 
“Fuck me, please,” you begged, to make him smile as he adjusted your position so you were on your hands and knees. 
Seungcheol held your hips and slowly pushed himself inside you, and you felt a slight burn at the stretch. It had been so long for you since you had sex, and he was big and thick. 
Once Seungcheol realised how you weren’t hissing in pain anymore, and instead, you were moaning and muttering about how good he felt, Seungcheol started to move. He knew he wouldn’t last, not with you clenching around him so tightly. However, Seungcheol thrust into you, his movements hard and deep, eliciting whimpers and moans from you with each movement of his hips. 
Seungcheol needed to cum, but not before you, as he set off a steady pace as he fucked you and slowly reached his fingers down to your clit and rubbed at it furiously; the room was filled with your screams and his guttural moans. 
“Fuck, baby, I’m going to cum if you keep squeezing me like that,” Seungcheol groaned, gently biting your ear lobe at the same time. 
“Inside, me, please, cum inside me,” you begged as he fucked. 
 “Fuck fuck”, he groaned; a few thrusts later, he suddenly stilled and pulled out of and flipped you over so that you were laying on your back, and Seungcheol took a deep breath as he grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist. 
Seungcheol’s hard cock rested against your aching cunt; simply seeing his length made you delirious. His length was perfect, it could go deep inside you, and the thickness made you feel as good as when he fucked you. Seungcheol made you so full you had never felt, and you were sure he had ruined you for other men. 
You bucked your hips against him, rubbing your wet folds against his cock, and he hissed at that. Seungcheol pushed himself into you, and you moaned at the stretch. Seungcheol’s hands moved to unwrap your legs, moving them to position them around his neck. 
The new position allowed him to go deeper, and he pushed deep into your cunt, and he thrust his pace was perfect. Slow enough to make you feel every inch of his cock, and fast enough to make you moan. 
“Baby”, you whimpered. 
“I want to ride you,” you choked out, and Seungcheol had to take a deep breath not to cum right then and there.
You whimpered as he pulled out and adjusted his position so he could lay on the bed and adjusted your position so Seungcheol could lay under you. He felt so good inside you. You lifted your legs and started moving your hips, riding him. You felt his grip tighten on your thighs as he helped you ride him. 
“Fuck,” you cursed as you slowly sank onto his length. 
You wanted to see Seungcheol fall apart underneath you, you trailed your hands to his fingers, and your nails grazed his nipples, making him buck into you. You moaned as his hips pushed his cock deeper inside you. You kept riding him until you felt him still and released inside you. You moaned, feeling his warmth fill up your cunt.
“Fuck,” you gasped as he pushed two fingers into you. Seungcheol stood up slightly as he shoved his middle and ring finger into your cunt and hooked them there.
“Scream for me,” Seungcheol said as he vigorously pumped his fingers in and out of your cunt. He used his other hand to press down your pubic bone, holding you still as you thrashed about.
“Do you hear how wet you are?” Seungcheol asked as he kept fingering you. You whimpered in response, fisting the bed sheets between your hands and screaming as you came hard.
“Fuck. I can’t,” you choked out when you noticed he hadn’t stopped his movements.
 “Yes, you can. I know you can,” Seungcheol encouraged as he repeated his actions, making you squirt all over his hands.
You whimpered in his grip, pushing his forearm, and Seungcheol smiled as he pulled his fingers out of you.
“Fuck,” you breathed out. 
“Good?” Seungcheol asked. 
“Mhm, very,” you mumbled into his chest, making him smile. 
“Noo!” You whined when you felt him move, and Seungcheol swore his heart melted at that moment. 
“I need to clean you up,” Seungcheol said. 
“No, stay,” you whined making him laugh. 
“Please?” You asked and Seungcheol didn’t have the heart to deny you. 
“Fine, but not in this bed, it’s a little wet,” Seungcheol teased making you bury your head into his chest more. 
“Just hold onto me, and I’ll move you,” Seungcheol said as he carried you off the bed and into your bedroom, where he laid you down onto the bed, and used it as and excuse to quickly slip away and bring back a wet towel and gently clean you up. 
“Come here,” you whined holding your hands out for him. 
“Adorable,” Seungcheol cooed as he climbed into the bed, holding you in his arms as you both fell asleep. 
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The following morning you woke up with a dull ache between your thighs, and an empty bed. Before you could worry, you spotted a note on the bed. 
I’m outside, waiting for room service, I thought we could do with breakfast, also I took a shower and left a towel out for you too. 
-xx Cheol. 
You smiled as you read the note, and took his suggestion, and hopped, well hobbled into the shower. 
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You saw Seungcheol sitting on the couch and staring out the window when you entered the living room, you felt more awake after your shower. 
“Morning,” you greeted as you sat down next to him, and Seungcheol immediately turned around to face you, leaning forward to place a kiss on your lips. 
“Morning,” he mumbled against your lips.
“How are you?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I would apologise, but I don’t think you mind, do you?” Seungcheol teased. 
“Okay, but as a dutiful boyfriend, I’ll make it up to you!” Seungcheol declared. 
You didn’t mind Seungcheol being your boyfriend, hell, you loved the idea, but it surprised you, and you were about to respond but a knock on the door stopped you. 
It was room service and for a few minutes you couldn’t say much. 
Once the servers left the room and Seungcheol ws setting up the plates you decided to speak. 
“Cheol. I like kitten.”
“I feel like as my boyfriend you should know what I like,” you said making him grin. 
“I like kitten, darling and sometimes baby,” you added. 
“What else do you like?” Seungcheol asked. 
“Oh? What a coincidence because I also like you.” 
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nikoruistyping · 2 years
Better Hold Your Breathe || Spencer Reid
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Spencer Reid x Fem!reader​
Summary: You had hoped to have a nice normal morning but its nothing but normal at the BAU and next thing you know you end up locked in the Evidence Room with none other than Spencer Reid, your coworker and crush. As time passes Spencer starts to have a panic attack and there was only one thing you could think of to help stop it...
TW: Fluff, Coworkers to Lovers Relationship, Kissing, Playful Banter, Jealous Spencer, Derek calling you Babygirl as a joke, Depictions of a Panic Attack due to Claustrophobia
Word Count: 2.5K?
A/N: This fic is my annual bday present for my best friend so happy bday my queen and I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I did making it for you. I hope your MGG thirst is quenched with this one even though its not really a smutty piece since I ended up changing my plot/idea last minute because I wasnt happy with my writing at all and I’m rusty so I’m sorry if its not as good as my other pieces. THIS IS ALSO MY FIRST CRIMINAL MINDS/SPENCER FIC SO SORRY IF HE SOUNDS A BIT OUT OF CHARACTER I TRIED YALL. BEFORE ANY ONE COMMENTS AND COMES FOR ME YES THIS WAS INSPIRED BY THE STILES & LYDIA KISS FROM TEEN WOLF 3x11 SO SHUT UP I KNOW!
Coffee holder in hand you used your hip to push the glass double doors to the BAU open. You had purposely gone to the coffee shop early that morning so that you could order not only yourself a cup but to also get one for Spencer, who also happened to be the one guy in the BAU that you had the biggest crush on ever since the first day you joined. By some miracle you had remembered his order by heart and it was stupid that you were remembering such little things about him but that's what you do when you really like someone that much right? You tried to convince yourself that watching him make his coffee step by step every morning in the kitchen wasn't creepy at all but next thing you knew you were taking notes about what milk he used and how many sugars he would put inside his cup.
You shook your head at the silly thought and happily you walked over to your desk with the biggest smile on your face ready to take on the rest of the day. Penelope took notice from across the room as she walked in at the same time as you and she lightly nudged your shoulder.
"Well someone looks extra chipper this morning." She commented pushing up her pink colored glasses.
"Aren't I always happy every time I walk into work?" You question raising your eyebrow at her.
"Usually you are but I'm guessing that it has to do with the fact that you bought two coffees...I'm pretty sure that's not all for you." She says with a sly smirk on her lips since she is clearly the best hacker in the BAU there is, but your crush on Spencer was blatantly obvious that she didn't need to hack into brain to know that information.
"Bold of you to assume that Penelope." You say trying to look away but you weren't always the best at hiding your feelings.
"Oh come on, you know I'm right and I'm pretty sure that coffee is for a special someone that we all know you have the biggest crush on." She says with a small roll of her eyes at how it was pointless for you to deny it at this point.
"Fine! Fine...I did get him a coffee but it's just a coffee and that's it, nothing more I promise." You say as you lie to not only yourself but to Penelope who wasn't believing a word that you were saying at all but she just gave you a look of disbelief as she saw Derek across the room and waved hello to him.
"Whatever you say Y/N. Just promise me that eventually you will make a move or else I'll do it for you." She said with a nudge to your shoulder again which just made you chuckle at her declaration.
"I pinky promise, you happy now Penelope?" You say a bit reluctantly.
"Much better. I'll see you in ten minutes in the meeting room, Hotch gave us a new case so I have to prepare." She says as she parts ways with you and heads to her office as you make your way to your desk which of course happened to be right across from Spencer's and it was extremely hard to focus all day looking at his pretty face twenty four seven.
You were surprised to see another coffee cup on your desk with a little sticky note attached to the lid and it instantly made you smile. The closer you got you set down the holder and looked across to Spencer’s desk but he was nowhere in sight. You carefully took the sticky note off the lid and started to read it to yourself.
Hope I got the order right and enjoy.
- Spencer Reid aka Your Favorite Desk Neighbor
His little note made you smile from ear to ear and you could help but pick up the cup and take a small sip. To your surprise he really did get your order right, you hadn't expected him to be so observant but then again he would have a job if that was the case right?
As you look up you see Spencer walking in your direction and when your eyes met his you tried your best to keep your composure and waved to him, his footsteps getting closer until he seemed to park himself right in front of your desk.
"Morning Spence. I-Um...thanks for the coffee that's really thoughtful of you." You admit taking another sip as you glanced over his beautiful facial features.
"Morning Y/N," His reply a controlled stutter, barely keeping it together while you inched closer to where he was leaning against the desk.
He accepted the pipping hot cup you bought him with a whispered thank you. You were excited to see his reaction and you had your fingers crossed that you remembered every detail of his order.
"Did I get it right?" You asked with an eager attitude and smile on your face while you tried to hide behind your coffee cup.
"Surprisingly enough you-" His words were interrupted by Derek coming up from behind and shaking his shoulders playfully.
"Good Morning you two," He said greeting us as he looked at all the coffee cups on your desk and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Looks like you two decided to throw a coffee party and not invite anyone. I'm taking this as compensation." He says with a laugh and grabbing the cup of coffee you had bought for yourself.
"I-I'll allow that but you owe me next time Derek." You say taking a sip and gritting your teeth a bit in anger but not letting it get the best of you.
"Fine I'll get you one next time babygirl," He said with a smirk and a little playful wink which made you flustered for a quick moment since it was out of character for him to ever call you that, that was always his thing with Penelope. You glanced at Spencer and his gaze seemed frustrated and angry, his knuckles almost turning white as he gripped the coffee cup harder. You couldn't quite read what was on his mind since he never was the best at showing or expressing his emotions. It was clear he was upset maybe jealous even.
"Oh come on now, I'm just playing no need to get all flustered. I'll see you both in the meeting room in ten." He said patting Spencer on the shoulder seeing as he made no comments at all about the interaction.
Before you could try and bounce back from the awkwardness Derek had instilled into your conversation with Spencer this morning felt like it couldn't get any worse until you got a call on your desk phone and you picked up.
"Hey Y/N, I need you to go into the evidence room and bring me a few boxes of evidence. Looks like its so old and outdated that its not in the computer system yet," Penelope explained over the phone.
"Penelope really?! Is it that urgent that it needs to be right now?" You question in a bit of an annoyed tone in your voice being as nothing seemed to be going as planned this morning.
"Yes Y/N it is! Pretty pretty please I won't ask you for any other favors for the whole day I promise," She pleaded and well you couldn't say no to your best friend in the whole department.
"Fine I'll go. Just text me the record box numbers and I'll go get them." You said letting out a breath as you nervously played with phone cord.
"Make sure to bring Spencer or Derek with you. The boxes are pretty heavy and good luck!" She hung up quickly before you could even say another word in protest but you accepted that this was basically defeat at this point.
You put the phone down hanging up and you give Spencer a look that makes him immediately curious. After with whatever just happened with Derek there was no way you were bringing him as a helping hand. You hated to admit it but the evidence room was extremely dark and scary looking to go into by yourself so it put you at ease that maybe Spencer would tag along.
"So...Spencer I need your help to go get some boxes from the evidence room. Are you in?" You ask taking one last sip of the delicious coffee and putting it down.
"Yeah, yeah of course I'll help." He quickly responds without hesitation as he followed your lead around the office and towards the direction of the room.
After what seemed like an eternity of silence between the two of you, he finally broke it the moment you reached your destination.
"I didn't know you and Derek had a 'thing' going on. I just always assumed him and Penelope were more into each other because of that ridiculous petname he calls her which honestly I think is a violation against having a healthy and safe work place environment-" He was fumbling his words as he rambled on about how he just couldn't imagine you and Derek being together.
"If it makes you feel any better Derek and I aren't a 'thing'. We never were. I don't know why he called me babygirl...it felt wrong but I know he was just probably joking with me to get on my nerves or something." You admit as you turn the rusty old doorknob after fussing with the keylock and open the door slowly.
"Wait...really so you aren't into him?" He questions while following your lead into the very lowly lit room that was filled with hundreds of boxes on dusty shelves.
"Make sure to hold the door open or else it will-" You spoke a bit too late because before you knew it you heard the door close and lock behind the both of you.
"-lock us in." You finish your sentence and Spencer looks behind him seeing as the door had really locked you two in there for who knows how long now.
"You should have warned me beforehand."
"How was I suppose to warn you beforehand if you had me distracted with something else?!"
"Jesus now we are stuck in here and Y/N you know how much I hate small dark enclosed spaces! This is literally my worst nightmare right now!" He exclaimed as his breathing seemed to get faster and he put his hand to his chest that was heaving up and down quickly. Spencer was having a panic attack and you weren't sure what to do.
"Hold on Spence, let me just call Penelope I'm sure she can help us." You say quickly fumbling with your phone, trying to put on the flashlight and finding her contact to call her as soon as possible.
"PENELOPE!" You scream into the phone in a panic.
"AH! Y/N why are you screaming into my headpiece right now?!"
"Spencer and I are stuck in the evidence room and he is having a panic attack right now so what do I do?! Can you get us out of here please!" You begged.
"Oh god…ok so this wasn't how this was suppose to go!" She replies back quickly.
"Penelope what are you talking about?! Did you plan this?"
"Well I wasn't planning on the door locking but I wanted to give you the right moment to make your move on Spencer but not like this!"
"Penelope I'm going to seriously unfriend you after this."
"I'm sorry! I'm gonna try and fix this right now just give me a few minutes, I will call you back right away."
"Is everything ok?" Spencer asks in-between quick and heavy breaths now that he has resorted to sitting on the floor while he tries to control his breathing but sadly all the dust and darkness isn't really helping at all and he seemed to be clutching his chest.
"We will get out of here soon, don't worry about that right now, just focus on me Spence." You say sitting in front of him and trying to do something but you didn't know what to do that could help in this situation.
His breathing only got quicker the more he seemed to panic and at that point you got an idea but maybe it was worth the risk of whatever would come afterwards but you decided to just do it anyways.
"Hey! Spencer look at me...just look at me..." Your voice trailed off as you seemed to lean in closer to him, your hands cupping his face, being pricked by his stubble as you made eye contact with him despite the lighting situation.
Without even having to think twice you quickly closed the gap between the both of you and your lips met his. At first he was completely stunned you could tell by his reaction since his teeth seemed to clash with yours but as you both eased into it a wave of relief hit his body and he was completely relaxed. You didn't let go of him only bringing him as close as humanly possible while your lips moved gently against his. Before the both of you almost ran out of breathe you slowly pulled away, his forehead leaning against yours as you were surprised with yourself that you even did something like that to begin with.
Spencer's eyes seemed to be darting everywhere looking at you but then looking all over your entire face, still in shock that you flat out kissed him.
"How...How did you do that?" He whispered out into the small space between you both.
"I-Uh...I read once that holding your breathe can stop a panic attack," You paused for a small moment almost getting lost in his brown eyes as you tried to focus on trying to shamelessly explain yourself.
"So when I kissed you...you held your breathe."
"I-I did?" He asked almost in disbelief that he even had the chance to kiss you.
"Yeah...you did."
"Thanks...you know that's really smart..." His voice trailed off almost echoing but you could help but blush and feeling absolutely flustered by the whole situation.
"Well I just-I read it somewhere and I felt a bit helpless not being able to help you so I thought this must be the only way." You twiddled your thumbs in your lap looking down as you bit your lip, it still tasting of coffee except it seemed more bitter tasting.
"Must be the only way, hmm," He hummed a bit in disbelief at your explanation but he reached his hand out to hold yours and gently squeezed.
"Do you believe now that I definitely don't have a 'thing' with Derek?" You question squeezing his hand right back as you couldn't help but smile at him despite not being able to see him too well in the darkness.
"I don't know I might need you to verify one more time just to make sure." He says with a chuckle coming off his lips.
"Wow you're much cheekier than I thought Spence." You say giggling a bit to yourself.
"You know when we finally get out of here do you maybe want to go to dinner with me sometime? I mean only if you want to-" He was still nervous and somehow stuttered out his sentence but you just pulled him in for a hug and kissed his cheek in the process.
"Yes, I would love that Spence." You say with a smile on your face as you squeeze him tightly in your arms.
Eventually Penelope came to the rescue with a giant crowbar in hand as she pried the door open, breaking the lock in the process. You had never seen Spencer happier to go into the meeting room and go straight to work in his entire life. Now that you both were finally out of the evidence room the next hurdle to jump over was to finally go on your first date with him knowing that it was confirmed that you two both had feelings for each other and it was a plus that he was a really good kisser too.
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beom-pyu · 1 year
my wips! ★⋆⁺˚⋆。 °₊*️
see what's coming soon:
(more under the cut!)
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I CAN'T SWIM, IDIOT (choi beomgyu x fem!reader) POSTED.
your best friend just so happens to enter you both into a married-couple-greece-resort-stay-all-expenses-paid giveaway hosted by some random insurance company he found on twitter. but those things are always scams—there's no way you'd end up having to pretend to be beomgyu's wife for one week in a foreign country. and there's absolutely no way you'd end up seeing your childhood best friend in a different light after your stay. nope—not a chance.
RESET (kang taehyun x fem!reader)
coworkers to lovers, rivals to lovers, fluff, comedy, smut
working as a game developer has been your dream for years. you fought long and hard to work your way up to the top, and you've finally secured a stable, well-paying position at one of the lead gaming companies in the country. things are going well—until your head hires a new programmer to work alongside you for a new campaign. while you are excited to see fresh faces in the office, a problem quickly arises—you can't seem to get along with your counterpart. his know-it-all attitude rubs you the wrong way from the very beginning, and each day, you find it harder and harder to get anything done when he's over your shoulder, critiquing your every move. you don't know how much longer you can put up with his nagging until you downright lose your mind... and maybe your job as well.
(current word count: 3.24k)
“um, hello! nice to meet you. i’m y/n y/l/n, lead character designer,” you introduce yourself with a small bow, looking up to see taehyun smiling at you with those pretty wide eyes.
“i specialize in character design as well. i guess we’ll be working side by side this year,” taehyun shoots you with a blinding grin. your heart stutters a bit at his unwavering eye contact, nodding with a small smile.
“i guess so. you sure you can keep up, though?” you playfully flirt towards him, a low and quiet ‘ooooo’ coming from soobin and yeonjun on either side of you. taehyun remains unfazed at your comment, shrugging slightly at your words with raised brows.
“i’d like to believe so. i’m looking forward to seeing what you got, y/l/n.”
you smile a bit, your gaze unbreaking with his cat eyes.
“likewise, kang.”
END CREDITS (choi yeonjun x fem!reader)
underground boxer au, exes to lovers, heavy angst, fluff, smut
yeonjun feels as if he's stuck in a loop. every day is the same, boring, painful drag—work, fight club, dinner for ma, and repeat. he's completely numb to everyone and everything around him. why shouldn't he be? the only person he's staying alive for is his mother—if he were to die today, earth would continue to spin without a second thought. that is, until you pop back up into his life—and now everything he knows is flipped onto its head. you left him because of the way he is... so why are you staying this time?
(current word count: 4.6k)
“i think i’m just gonna head home. ma is probably waiting for me.” yeonjun forces a small, strained smile towards beomgyu, watching as the younger’s shoulders droop in disappointment.
“you are so lame,” beomgyu huffs, pushing yeonjun’s shoulder lightly. “dude, just come celebrate with us tonight. i swear i won’t ever ask you again.”
yeonjun shakes his head, shrugging on his gray zip-up before turning back around to walk out of the locker room, beomgyu still hot on his heels. “don’t feel like it, beomgyu. just drop it.”
beomgyu chases after yeonjun as he walks back into the crowded arena, shoving his way through all of the sweaty bodies as another fight starts up.
“you’re the most boring person i’ve ever met,” beomgyu shouts.
“and you’re the most annoying person i’ve ever met,” yeonjun shouts back, not even bothering to turn around and face the younger.
to be added:
rockstar!yeonjun x lead singer!reader - exes to lovers
farm boy!taehyun x city girl!reader - strangers to lovers
soon-to-be-married!soobin x wedding planner!reader - exes to lovers
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svthub · 2 years
svthub presents: snowventeen
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Welcome to Snowventeen! Have a cup of hot cocoa and browse our collection of holiday stories...
This collab will contain a combination of SFW and NSFW works. See each individual fic for tags and warnings.
Join the Snowventeen taglist!
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➤ Seungcheol: Baby it's Cold Outside by @idyllic-ghost
tags: NSFW - smut, romance, high school sweethearts to strangers to lovers, ceo!scoups x bookstore owner!reader
synopsis: Wintertime is the perfect time for love to blossom. In the cold air, you find yourself needing to be warmed up in the arms of someone new. This holiday season was something special, something magical. It all started with meeting an old friend in your very own bookstore. Somehow it ended with him in your bed. What once seemed buried started making its way up again; the ice surrounding your heart seemed to be thawing. Can old love be renewed?
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➤ Jeonghan: Holidate by @onlymingyus
tags: NSFW - smut, angst
synopsis: It's only for a week, he's doing you a favor, and he's your fake boyfriend. Why do you have to keep reminding yourself of that?
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➤ Joshua: Cast me in a Better Light by @seungkwansphd
tags: SFW, fluff, musical actor!joshua x pit orchestra member!reader
synopsis: Joshua is a great singer and actor, you can admit that, but would it kill him to have some rhythm? The Christmas musical really will fail if you can't figure out how to read his cues, but he's wondering if you'll ever realize that he's sending you a different kind of signal, too.
tags: NSFW - smut, angst
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➤ Junhui: Sounds of the Season by @junkissed part 2: "match of the season" (NSFW)
tags: SFW, fluff, college student radio host!junhui x college student!reader
synopsis: when your university’s radio show hosts a matchmaking event to raise money, you figure, what have you got to lose? the question you should be asking is, what have you got to gain?
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➤ Soonyoung: Day Of by @wonwussy
tags: NSFW - smut, crack, fluff
synopsis: December isn’t just for your typical gift giving holidays. There’s so much more to celebrate. You just have to get creative.
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➤ Wonwoo: A Winter Interlude by @wondernus
tags: SFW, fluff, romance, coworker!wonwoo
synopsis: maybe this is meant to be an interlude - an unforeseen passing moment in each other's timelines. but with the stroke of a conductor's baton, the symphony lands on the fermata, hovering above the note. do we allow this interlude to become something longer than a short period in our lives, or do we end it after all of it is over?
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➤ Jihoon: When We Didn't by @bitchlessdino
tags: NSFW - smut, fluff
synopsis: Remember when we almost? But we didn’t. And now what, you’re gonna sit alone, underneath your barely standing Christmas tree and not expect me to sit next to you? Maybe we should’ve.
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➤ Seokmin: Love to Keep me Warm by @strawberryya
tags: SFW, fluff, comfort
synopsis: The holiday season is approaching, and you and your boyfriend decide to spend Christmas together for the first time since you began seeing each other. Trees must be chosen, sweets must be made, and gifts must be wrapped and placed just in time for the day. And nothing makes it better than doing it together with Seokmin.
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➤ Mingyu: Hallmark Moment by @onlymingyus part 2: "Love on 42nd Street" (NSFW, fluff, angst)
tags: SFW, fluff, angst, crack, single dad!mingyu x single mom!reader
synopsis: The kids have been watching too many Christmas movies, and are now determined to have their very own magical moment with their parents.
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➤ Minghao: Glacial Pace by @wonusite
tags: NSFW - smut, fluff, fake dating, friends to lovers
synopsis: you've been in love with xu minghao from the moment he put a bandage on your cut at the age of six. when he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get his prying family off his back, you quickly realize that keeping your feelings hidden from him will be next to impossible. especially since your meddling friends are determined to have you admit your feelings before the holiday season is over.
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➤ Seungkwan: Everyone Knows by @onlymingyus
tags: SFW, fluff, fake dating, angst
synopsis: You know everything about Seungkwan so it shouldn't be so hard to pick out a Christmas present for your best friend. Everyone else knows it's hard to pick out the perfect gift for someone you are in love with.
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➤ Vernon: Cold Hands, Warm Hearts by @duhnova
tags: SFW, fluff, humor, mildly suggestive, single dad!vernon x single mom!reader
synopsis: This holiday season, your daughter decided the best present she could give to you was a new boyfriend, which is why she and her best friend Yujin have taken it upon themselves to play matchmaker. Their candidate? Yujin's father.
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➤ Chan: Hoodie Szn (But Make it Jolly) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
tags: NSFW - smut, fluff, mild comedy
synopsis: Getting snowed in with your boyfriend isn't as bad as you think: you can put up some early decorations, steal your boyfriend's hoodie - did we mention getting fucked in that hoodie?
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 11 Group 51
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Hayakawa Family: Denji, Aki Hayakawa, Power
Sea Salt Family: Isa, Lea/Axel, Roxas, Xion
Hayakawa Family:
They are so special to me AUGH I love them so much. Denji and Power are the chaos siblings and Aki is the older brother who has to deal with their shenanigans. They canonically live together and Denji just straight up said that he views Power as his younger sister. They are so Family it's painful. Denji's dad committed suicide and no one knows his mom, Aki's whole family died tragically, and Power is a fiend which means she wouldn't have any relatives anyway. Then they got put in a devil hunting division together and Denji (who lived in a shed) and Power (who had no home) were assigned to live in Aki's apartment, and from then on it's history. I don't expect them to win, as much as I hope they do, but I'm glad I found this tournament that I could submit them in!
whats better than coworkers being forced to live together until they love each other? sometimes a family is a 16 year old boy that was kidnapped by the government for having a chainsaw head, the most egotistical possessed corpse in existence, and an overworked 20 year old with depression and homemaking skills. they have one last name between them and thats all they really need.
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Sea Salt Family:
isa and axel are childhood friends-to-enemies-to-lovers. the reason they drifted apart is because axel practically adopted roxas and xion when they were in a cult and isa didnt like that. because theyre not supposed to have emotions (its a long story) and isa felt like axel was abandoning him and their other friend who was being used for human experimentation. eventually xion found out that she was draining roxas's life force and they couldnt both exist. so roxas kills her and then EVERYONE FORGETS HER. then roxas goes back to sora (again, long story but he basically doesnt exist anymore except for when his feelings make sora sad) and now axel's alone. hes sad :( and then he dies and comes back as a normal person with Emotions (tm) but isa didnt. and now isa's working with the bad guys except not actually because he's working on getting roxas and xion back for his bf. at the end of the game they have a very Emotional scene where isa dies in axel's arms and admits his jealousy and in the softest voice says "see you, lea" and then he fades but in the end cutscene he's actually fine now! (long story) and hes eating ice cream with his boyfriend's adoptive kids
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emerald-truth · 3 months
tarot reading for scavenger hunt item 8
One day, before the big snooze, Frank did tarot readings for some of her girlfriend's mysterious coworkers with her special lovers' deck. Here is what she found:
Three of Lydia's coworkers visited me that day to ask about their work crushes. Without giving away anything about what they do of course. Just like Lydia, honestly! For all of them though, I used my lovers' deck to do a reading with one card for their perspective on the relationship, one for the crush's perspective, and one for their relationship and future overall.
My first visitor was a shy, sweet American named Felix. The poor boy told me he was in love with his best friend. I've seen plenty like him before, pining for someone who only ever notices them in the wrong way. At least as far as they can tell. But we're here to see what the cards can tell, so let's consult them.
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The nine of cups shows us Felix's feelings about the relationship. Cups are an emotional suit and the nine is a strong expression of that emotion. But even just from speaking with him I could tell Felix has strong feelings for this person. He shouldn't worry about whether the friend will turn him away if he confesses because his love for them is already obvious, even if they don't realize its nature. This is also the only non reversed card in the spread, showing that although Felix's feelings are certain, his friend's and their future are weaker at the moment and will depend on what actions he takes.
The eight of staves reversed represents a sudden change that is being delayed or held back. This suggests that Felix's friend is waiting for him to make the first move, after which he will make a decisive choice.
The two of coins represents balance, especially in work or practical matters. Knowing that this is a work friend especially makes me think this represents how well Felix and his friend balance each other out and work well together. Because it's reversed however, there's an aspect of that relationship they have yet to unlock, perhaps a romantic one.
My overall advice to Felix is that his friendship is strong and his friend knows they're very loved, so this is just the right time to try to take that friendship further. If he takes the right actions, there could be a big change in his relationship which makes it more complete.
My next customer was a man named Alec. I do hope he found some peace in his life, he seemed very wound up. But the cards do predict some possible romantic success in his future.
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The five of cups is a card that represents great turmoil, but the fact that it is reversed means Alec is beginning to move past those troubles. In this card, someone looks only at the negatives in life and never sees the possibilities. Being reversed in this position suggests that by considering a new relationship, Alec is starting to find the paths to happiness in his life and recover from a time of despair.
The prince of coins is someone who works hard and has a materially successful future ahead of them. In this reading, we can assume this diligent person will put that same effort into a relationship with Alec and their mutual wealth. They are also someone who enjoys the physical pleasures of this world, another positive in a romantic partner.
In the lovers' deck, Arthur and Guinevere represent the archetype of power. Like King Arthur and his queen of myth, this also comes with the wisdom to wield that power together, building on each other's strengths. I can only say that if Alec lands his crush the world had better watch out!
My advice to Alec is that this seems like a great relationship to pursue which will bring him great happiness and out of a dark time, but first he should make sure he's ready to move on from his past regrets in order to be a fulfilling partner.
My last guest only introduced himself as Q. He seemed doubtful of the tarot, but willing to ask for its advice in a trying relationship. Love and hate are not always so different from each other, and like many before him, he spoke of someone he had at first hated but frustratingly come to love. Despite his lack of faith, the cards gave him this sound answer.
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Arrows in this deck represent the importance of communication in relationships and (like the traditional swords) knowledge. Both being reversed here suggests there is some knowledge lacking on both sides of this relationship. The ten of arrows or swords can also represent a decisive ending. Combining these two, when Q improves his communication with his crush, an end will come to this difficult phase of the relationship.
The queen of arrows is the feminine culmination of this suit, suggesting that Q's crush has the potential to be an open and eloquent communicator. However, its reversed position and Q's comments about this person's aggravating communication style (or lack thereof) tell me something is preventing them from sharing the interpersonal expertise they possess.
Despite these roadblocks, the final card is the famous lovers Romeo and Juliet, representing tradition. This means their relationship may take on a traditional structure like marriage. However it may also be that societal tradition is the issue constraining their relationship at the moment. Most relationships flourish when people let go of societal expectations while also creating their own forms of structure.
My advice to Q is that he try to open up to his crush and encourage them to be open with him. I would also recommend they try to find the traditions that are important to them without worrying about what other people think, just like Romeo and Juliet. Although that story is a tragedy, with the right choices, this one won't be!
After all that, I discovered that despite the secrecy, Lydia's job does have the usual workplace drama! I'm sure all these men will find happiness with their crushes. (through the power of multishipping, all of Frank's positive predictions can come true!)
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levans44 · 1 year
Apartment #3 - Chapter 3
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pairing: steve rogers x undercover!reader
warnings: 18+ SMUT*, Neighbors to Friends to Lovers, lots of angst, heavy mutual pining, hurt/comfort, eventual smut/romance/fluff
summary: as an undercover agent at SHIELD, her newest assignment involves moving in across the hall from her target. she's strictly ordered to keep her distance—no personal contact besides the absolutely necessary. the only issue? her new target neighbor turns out to be Captain America.
Jessica Grace Parker December 4th, 1989 569 Leaman Place Apt. #3, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Registered Nurse NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
It’s the undercover alias she’s been assigned as a member of SHIELD’s Special Operations unit. The mission objective was rather simple—monitor the target and report updates as necessary.
She’s gone undercover more than a dozen times, so it’s not the details of the assignment or the temporary relocation she’s concerned about.
It’s just that her target was well… more unusual than most.
author's note: an idea that's been living in my head ever since steve asked sharon for that cup of coffee in their apartment hallway. as a SHIELD agent, the reader's real name has been [REDACTED] to preserve anonymity.
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“So. You all moved in?”
She lets out a drawn-out sigh, leaning back in her office chair. 
“Yep. And the new apartment’s somehow smaller than the one I have now.”
“Smaller than a studio in Manhattan?” Thomas crinkles his nose, gaze fixed on his screen as he types off the rest of his latest mission report—a 0-8-4 mission to investigate some unregistered Asgardian technology that was detected on the Portuguese coast.
“Yeah, the whole building looks like it’s been there for at least a century. Wouldn’t be surprised if the plumbing’s gone to shit.”
“Damn.” Thomas tsks, muttering absentmindedly as he gathers the files on his desk, closing up the folder.  “…well, if it’s good enough for Cap…” He sighs, before his head raises slowly with a newfound interest.  
“speaking of whom…” 
Folding his fingers over the desk, he wiggles in his seat in anticipation, like a lion ready to strike its prey.
“Did you see him? How was he? Everything you dreamed of and more?”
She rolls her eyes, snorting.
“First of all, I barely met him.” 
Thomas gasps, practically jumping up in his chair.
“So you did see him!”
She shoots him a wide-eyed glare, giving the office a hurried scan.
“Barely, Tom. I just said hi.”
She tries to brush off her coworker’s overt interest, pretending to shift her attention to her monitor as she hits ‘refresh’ on her inbox. 
Thomas, of course, doesn’t let up.
He groans, practically climbing on top of his spinning chair in excitement as he leans in closer. 
“C’mon, girl, spill! I know there’s more than that.”
She purses her lips, glaring at the unread mail piled up in her spam box before swirling around in her seat, sighing in defeat.
“Fine, he just… he helped me with a couple boxes, and he uhm… hesawmykeychain.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as she huffs out another breath.  
“That stupid keychain you got me, Thomas? He saw it.”
It takes what feels like a full hour for the realization to sink into Thomas’s face, and when it does, he’s a laughing mess over her desk, clutching onto his keyboard for support.
“H-holy shit, you’re kidding!” 
He gasps for air, banging on the table as she playfully shoves his hands away.
“Oh my god, girl, I’d say I’m sorry, but… I’m not.”
At the deadpanned expression on her face, he breaks into another bout of giggles. Just as she starts to seriously contemplate strangling her coworker, her phone buzzes on her desk:
Messages Grant Ward 1 Message ‘here.’
“Wait, so how did he rea… ugh, please don’t tell me that’s him again.” Thomas remarks with undisguised disgust, his mood making a remarkably quick 180.
“Yeah, we’re meeting for lunch today.” She mutters, slipping her phone and purse into her bag.
“What? What about our sushi date Friday?”
“Next week?” She stands up, shooting him an apologetic smile as she grabs her jacket from behind her chair.  
“Ugh, I hope he chokes on his food.” Thomas sings under his breath, swiveling back around in his chair as he rolls his eyes.
“Wait, so what are your thoughts on Grant again?” She smirks amusedly, hand on her hip, purse hanging from one arm.
“Oh, he’s just a sweetheart! So glad you guys are back together.” Thomas claps, blinking up at her with fake enthusiasm. 
She only rolls her eyes in response, no longer bothered about her friend’s open disapproval for her on-again off-again relationship with Grant. 
2 years she’s known Grant Ward, ever since they collaborated on a week-long asset extraction case in Marrakech. He was the confident, charming type from the get-go—a perfect foil to her more withdrawn attitude around new people—and for the first few months, it felt like a match made in heaven. Things started to get a little rocky around month 5, and though she understands the concerns her friends have voiced about the instability of their relationship, a part of her is determined to prove them wrong.
When she arrives at the first floor of their building, he’s waiting for her at the lobby cafe.
“Hey, sorry I’m late.” She huffs out a breath, sliding into the seat opposite of his.
“Hey, one sec” he mutters without glancing up, slumped backward in his seat. His gaze remains fixed on his phone, thumbs moving quickly across the screen as he types out a long message. 
She lets out a quiet breath, glancing around at the crowded space as agents and other SHIELD employees walked in for coffee and some quick grab-and-go options: turkey sandwiches, salads, fruit cups. 
“I didn’t know this place served lunch.” 
“Hmm?” Grant hums after a long pause, eyes flit rapidly across the screen, head nodding though she doubts he’s heard her. “… yeah, just—“ Another ding sounds from his device and his brows perk up, eyes quickly scanning whatever message is lighting up his phone. 
She frowns, sitting up in her chair as she leans forward.
“Is that about work? Everything ok?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine.” Grant licks his lips, sucking in a breath, and the divot between her brows deepens. 
“Listen, [REDACTED]….”
He slips his phone into his pocket, uncrossing his legs and leaning forward.
“…I need to talk to you about something.”
An invisible rope goes taut in the pit of her stomach.
“Okay.” She murmurs slowly, eyes flitting between the hard set line of his jaw and the serious lines under his eyes. 
“I’ve been thinking about us lately, and…”
The rope in her stomach stretches farther and farther, the pressure building up in her lungs.
“I think it’s best if we call this off.”
The rope snaps loose, and the blade of the guillotine swings down. 
She opens her mouth, but all the air’s been sucked out of her lungs and she’s left gaping like a fish out of water. 
“I… what?” She manages to choke out. 
From across the table, Grant heaves out a sigh, running a hand through his hair.
“Yeah, I mean, it’s just with this relocation gig you’ve got going, I never see you anymore, and I just…. I think we drifted apart, that’s all.”
Her entire body immediately goes rigid at the mention of her new assignment—it was something that Grant had been opposed from the very start:
‘Brooklyn? Really? What the hell does Fury want you to do in that shithole?’ 
He had complained.
She had tried to convince herself that he was being protective, simply worried because she wasn’t allowed to let him in on any of the assignment details. But deep down, she always knew it was the green-eyed monster—at the onset of recruitment, he was disappointed to learn he wasn’t included in the short list of agents whom Fury considered for the assignment. 
She should have known better. About him. About all of it.
“Sorry, are you… are you dumping me right now?”
“No, listen, baby, I think you’re great—“
And the condescension in his voice as he croons ‘baby’ is the last straw that blows the whole fuse.
“—okay, you know what? First off, I am not your fucking baby.”
“…and second, don’t pretend like you haven’t been texting someone else these past few weeks.”
From the small glimpses of ‘miss you <3’ and ‘when are you getting back?’ on his phone, to the way he’d regularly blame overtime for last-minute date cancellations—everything was so obvious in retrospect.
He scoffs at her accusatory glare, as if the idea was unimaginable.
“I haven’t been texting anyon—”
She lets out a sharp laugh, head tilting back as her nose pricks, tears clouding the corner of her vision. 
Why had she given him the benefit of the doubt? Deep down, she had known all along. 
“—you know what, Grant? That’s great.” She stands up abruptly, chair dragging loudly against the floor as she snatches up her belongings off the table. “…but if you’re gonna cheat on me, at least have the fucking balls to admit that you’re the reason we’re not together. Not me or my fucking job.”
The rest of her work day is fueled with nothing but rage—she nearly breaks her keyboard trying to draft a simple email, accidentally stomping over an office plant on her way to the fax machine. Matters are only made worse when she’s called in to deal with a tense hostage situation that drags on for hours on end. 
By the time she gets back to her place in Brooklyn, it’s 8:21pm.
It’s 8:21 pm on a Friday night and her feet are aching, back tense from an afternoon of slumping over the mission control monitor.
It’s 8:21 pm on a Friday night and she’s just managed to climb up the last few stairs to her floor when her phone’s suddenly blowing up with text notifications from Thomas, Kristen from statistics, and a few other close friends from work:
‘What in the actual fuck? Did you know about this??’
‘Hey, I thought you should see this.’
Attached is a link to an Instagram story, uploaded by an account she recognizes as one of Grant’s buddies from work.
“What the fuck?” She mutters to herself, brows furrowing as she clicks on the video, squinting at the dimly lit but unmistakeable scene inside of a nightclub—Grant with another woman on his lap, drunk off his ass and laughing as if he hasn’t got a care in the world. The brunette in his lap reaches around, landing a deep kiss on Grant’s lips as his hands slide down her waist. The timestamp reads 10 minutes ago, confirming her biggest fear—not even 8 hours after they had broken up, and he’s parading around with a girl he’s probably been sleeping with for god knows how long.
It’s the third time the video’s playing back on loop when she realizes that angry, hot tears are dripping from her eyes, slowly making its way down to her jaw. She leans against the nearest wall, just outside her door, fingertips turning white at how harshly she was gripping her phone.
How could he do this, after two years of endless work and dedication?
Her knees can barely hold up her weight, stomach bubbling over with betrayal. Her eyes dart desperately across the screen, following their movements over and over and over—she doesn’t even hear the echo of the footsteps coming up the stairs behind her.
“Hey, you alright?” Her eyes snap up from her phone, but she doesn’t have to turn around to know who it is.
Great. Just fucking peachy.
She hastily turns off her phone and swipes at her cheeks, batting at the wet corners of her eyes before facing Steve. It doesn’t take a genius to notice she’d been crying, and his eyes immediately flit across her damp cheeks, the blurred mascara staining her lower lash line.
She fidgets with the rumpled edges of her blouse, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Hey.” She mutters, glancing back down at her phone though the screen is blank.
“Hi.” He tries to give her a friendly smile, though the corners of his mouth are noticeably stiff, a small divot forming between his brows.
“Are you… locked out of your place?” He frowns worriedly, eyes darting between her and the door behind her as he steps forward, raising his arm to gesture toward her apartment door. The keys in his hand jingle with his movements, while the other hand is balancing a flat cardboard box, patterned with red and black checkerboards on top. As he shuffles forward, she gets a sudden whiff of… oh, jesus. 
Yeasty, cheesy, and the unmistakable aroma of fresh tomato sauce—all of which can only mean one thing. 
She licks her lips, eyes flickering to the box in his hand before she clears her throat. She glances back toward her door, shaking her head.
“Oh, no, I just…”
Nope, just crying in the hallway cause I got dumped on by a guy who’s been cheating on me for weeks. How’s your night, Cap?
“… no, I’m not locked out.” She ends up muttering, though her feet stay rooted to her spot on the carpet, barely a few feet away from her door.
“Oh.” Steve nods slowly, pursing his lips. 
“…right. Well, I’ll, I’ll see you around.”
Hesitantly, he continues forward, moving down the hallway. Now with her back turned to him, she only hears the soft jingle of his keys and his door creak open. And, yet, she doesn’t hear him step inside. 
“Hey, Jess?” 
Wincing, she turns around reluctantly, annoyance creeping up at Steve’s friendly gaze. He’s standing at his doorway, keys perched on top of the pizza box, his other hand resting on the doorframe. 
Raising his brows, he quirks his head to one side and poses a question that throws her off guard. 
“Have you had dinner yet?”
She blinks, and manages to shake her head.
He purses his lips, stepping forward, away from his dim apartment and back under the hallway lights. 
“Well, if you…” He huffs out a breath, eyes flitting downwards then back up.
“… if you haven’t eaten yet, would you want to share this with me? Don’t think I can finish it on my own.”
He smiles, brows raised invitingly. Her eyes dart between the pizza box and the unassuming expression on his face, and she sucks in a quiet breath.
“I…” She’s dumbfounded, the second time she’s at a loss for words that night, feeling the whiplash of being dumped a minute ago and now being offered pizza by Captain America.
“…are you inviting me inside your apartment?”
It takes a moment for the implication behind her question to sink in, and when it does, Steve’s face is as red as the squares on the box he’s holding.
He perks up, noticeably stiffening. The tips of his ears are the first to turn scarlet, and soon he’s blushing a deep crimson all the way from his cheeks down to his neck. 
He sighs, ducking his head, brows pinched together in distress.
“No, that’s… I’m sorry, that’s not what I me—”
And, despite everything that’s happened, she finds herself trying to bite back a smile.
“—hey, I’m kidding.”
His eyes snap up, eyes scanning her expression before he lets out a breath, letting out a sheepish smile. 
“I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean for that to come off as creepy.”
And after a while of trying to refrain from smiling, her mouth finally breaks open, and she lets out a quiet laugh.
“It didn’t. You’re okay.”
He seems a little reassured by her laugh, and remains standing in his doorway, door opened only a fraction of the way, and starts to bounce on the balls of his feet.
“Right, so…”
Despite the temporary escape she found in making Steve’s blush, she’s never seriously considered taking Steve’s suggestion. It would be insane, to break Fury’s direct order to maintain ‘no more contact than absolutely necessary’ in the first week she’d been assigned to the mission.
It was still a nice gesture, though. Nice to see that there’s more to Captain America than a friendly smile and a firm handshake. 
“Uhm, t-that’s a really nice offer, but… I’m not really hung—”
And what she had planned on saying was: I’m not really hungry, enjoy your pizza. 
What comes out, though, is a loud rumbling much further down south, just above her belly button.
She turns rigid, head snapping down to the traitor in her belly. And now, it’s her own face that’s as red as a slice of pepperoni. 
It’s only then she realizes that she hasn’t had anything to eat since breakfast, on account of what happened at lunch with Grant.
From the way Steve’s brows perk up in newfound interest, she’s sure he’s heard the noise, and braces herself for whatever embarrassment would follow getting caught in the world’s most pathetic lie by Captain America.
Instead, America’s hero wordlessly steps back out into the hallway, letting his door close behind him with a soft ‘click.’ Finding a spot in the hallway, opposite her door, he plops straight down, laying the pizza down in his lap and stretching his legs across the expanse of the hallway. 
She watches, wide-eyed and dumbfounded—it’s almost comical, how he has to cram his long legs into the narrow space between his side of the wall and hers. Bent at the knees, yet the soles of his feet still press against the other side. 
She glances down at his sneakers, perched up against the wall—a pair of old-fashioned trainers, navy blue and white, with soles tattered and grey from what seems like years of use.
Her eyes trail up a pair of worn 501 Levis, and a navy blue henley that displays an ungodly amount of muscle even under the dull lighting of the hallway. 
“You’re welcome to join me.” Steve grins nonchalantly as he pops open the top of the box, peering up at her under a set of friendly brows, almost as if challenging her to resist. 
A tentative whiff as the smell of pizza drifts right up under her nose, and she lets out a loud sigh, dropping her shoulders.
The next moment, she’s turning on her heels. She heads straight for her apartment door and walks through, the door slamming shut behind her.
Not even a minute later, she’s back outside, holding up two ice cold beers by the neck. Hair thrown up in a loosely tied knot above her head, the top two button of her blouse undone.
Steve’s worried head snaps up at the sound of her door, the lines between his brows dissipating in relief. He smirks, sinking back into his seat on the carpet.
She plops down against the wall facing him, handing him a bottle before taking a swig from her own.
With a curious gaze, he slowly takes the bottle from her fingers, eyes following her as she tips her head back for a large swig. From across the hall, Steve rotates the box in his lap, offering her the first slice. 
As her eyes flit over his order, she can’t help the smile that immediately tugs on her lips  
“Good choice.” She murmurs amusedly, reaching for a slice to find it still warm. 
“Yeah, figured it’s a classic.” He picks up a slice himself, the one next to the one she’s chosen, and sets the box down on the scraggly carpet. 
She nods in agreement, practically drooling at the slice of heaven in her hand.
“Clean. No bullshit.” 
A large cheese pizza, classic NY style.
Thin crust, decent char on the bottom though not too burnt. A generous layer of melty cheese and tangy red sauce. 
“… wish life was more like that. No bullshit.” She mutters nonchalantly, more to herself than anything. He chuckles in response, the sound echoing down the hallway as he lifts his slice in the air.
“I’ll cheers to that.”
She laughs alongside him, surprised by how much easier it feels to smile all of a sudden. 
One bite of the crispy, chewy, cheesy goodness, and all her troubles start to melt away. 
“Mmm.” She lets out a low moan, eyes fluttering shut as her head bumps against the wall with a soft ‘thunk.’ 
“…fuck, that’s good.”
“Glad you like it.” Steve responds amusedly, smirking at her from over the rim of his beer. He’s got one arm resting over his knee, leg propped up against his chest while the other remains on the floor. The muscles in his forearms flex as he raises his bottle up to his lips, tipping the drink back. 
Before her eyes can wander further, she clears her throat, glancing back down to the pizza in her hand. A second bite shoved hastily into her mouth before she can even swallow the first and good lord, did pizza always taste this good?
“Where’s this from?” She chews, lifting the top of the box off of the carpet to peer at the logo.
Before she can get the top more than an inch off the floor, however, Steve stops her with a quick hand, the width of his palm almost covering half of the box. Her eyes snap up to meet his smirk, brows raised and uncharacteristically mischievous. 
“I’m afraid that’s top secret.” He tsks, and she gasps in response, feigning shock with a hand over her chest.
“Wow. Gatekeeping your pizza place? After I offered you my beer? That’s cold, neighbor.”
As soon as the last word escapes her lips, she perks up with a start, biting her tongue at the realization that she’d just used a goddamn nickname to refer to Captain America.
Her gaze snaps up at Steve, fear brewing in her chest to find that he was… laughing.
A good, hearty chuckle, head tipped back and all. Leaning back against the wall, holding his pizza in one hand, clutching his stomach with the other.
From this close a distance, she can spot every detail—like the tiny scar that hides between the small wrinkles on his forehead when he raises his brows. Or the small crows feet tugging at the corners of his eyes. The ridiculously long eyelashes that flutter every time he blinks, casting shadows over the tops of his cheeks. The small ridge in the bridge of his nose that’s slightly off-center. His plump bottom lip, stretching around a set of pearly-whites as he smiles, proposing a question:
“So how long have you been living in the city?”
She freezes, eyes snapping up to meet his curious smile.
“You mentioned you moved here from Manhattan. How long have you been living there?”
And the sudden segue into this new inquiry intrigues her, more than anything. Because whatever the variation of the question—‘how long have you been coming here?’ or ‘how long have you known so-and-so?’ or, of course, the age-old ‘you come here often?’—they all usually come across as unwarranted and creepy, a half-assed attempt at a pick-up line at best. 
Yet, from Steve, it only reads as part of a friendly, neighborly conversation. Open and honest, no ulterior motives. No bullshit. 
It’s refreshing, to say the least. 
“Not… not too long. Moved here for work.”
She mutters quickly, taking another swig of her beer, and licks her lips as a raw memory edges into her mind at the thought of work, more bitter than the beer that hits her tongue. 
“…what about you?” She murmurs, watching a moment of conflict cross his face. 
He recovers quickly, smoothing over it with a smile:
“Moved around a couple times, but… Brooklyn’s always been home.”
The bitter bite in her mouth softens a little at the nostalgic note in Steve’s gaze, her eyes tracing the soft creases in his shirt as she recalls his backstory:
Born and raised in Brooklyn, with a WW1 veteran dad who passed early and a mom who worked as a nurse. Not enough money to pursue art school, got caught a handful times getting into alleyway fights. Then tried to enlist on five different occasions, got rejected the first four times. Aside from the basics, though, there was little official documentation on Steve Rogers’ earlier days in Brooklyn. 
Her thoughts are suddenly broken by her phone buzzing loudly in her pocket—just by the ringtone, she knows whose calling her.
She freezes, momentarily paralyzed as her phone continues to go off loudly. Steve’s eyes flit over to the source of the sound but remains quiet. After a few more rings, the phone goes silent, before starting up again with another call.
At that, she lets out an exasperated sigh, digging into her pocket before aggressively sliding the mute button on her phone. She tosses the phone on the carpet with a harsh ‘thud,’ hand reaching up to rub at her temple.
“Those are some persistent spam calls.”
Steve murmurs quietly.
She snorts, her rage temporarily dissolving into a dumfounded laugh that leaves her chest aching.
“That would be an insult to scammers everywhere.”
“You avoiding someone?” It’s obvious from his careful gaze that he doesn’t want to pry.
“You could say that.” She murmurs, eyes still lowered to the ground. Then, after a small pause:
“…it’s my boyfriend. Ex, actually.” She quickly corrects herself, scrunching her nose as the word leaves a sour note on her tongue.   
Out of the corner of her eye, Steve opens then closes his mouth, giving her a small nod in understanding.
“I’m sorry.” 
And, all of a sudden, she feels tears cloud her vision at the first words of consolation, his deep and warm timbre unlocking something fastened inside her.
Fuck, fuck.
“No, don’t be.” She chokes out a laugh as she blinks rapidly, feeling her nose prick with tears. Before she can stop herself, the next words are already tumbling out of her mouth:
“He broke up with me at lunch today. Turns out he’d been fucking this other girl for over a month.”
And it had to be the fatigue, the beer, or some combination of both that was loosening up her lips right now, because there was no way her lucid self could be consulting Captain America about her goddamnlove life.  
“…and he had the audacity to break up with me. Can you believe that?”
Steve stays silent for a while, and she doesn’t have the courage to look up. Then, out of the blue:
“He sounds like a real asshole.”
Her eyes snap up as she lets out an incredulous breath, smiling.
“You’re damn right.”
Two more slices of pizza and a couple beers later, the weight on her chest feels noticeably lighter. 
“Thanks for the pizza, my treat next time.”
An empty promise, she knows. 
There can’t be a next time.
Steve nods, smiling.
He takes a small pause, pursing his lips as he casts a quick glance down at the carpet near her feet.
“…shame you got rid of it.” He murmurs.
“Your keychain.”
He points at the the set of keys resting on the floor between them, which had fallen out of her pocket sometime during the night. Upon realizing that he was referring to the absence of the red, white, and blue shield—she had made sure to remove it after the embarrassing encounter earlier that week—her confusion quickly turns into red hot embarrassment.
So he had noticed.
“Uhm, yeah, it was uh…” She clears her throat, bending down to snatch it off the floor.
“…getting a little bulky.”
“Bulky, huh?” He quirks his head, raising his brows, and the tip of his nose catches the lighting in the hallway. 
“….so you’re not a fan?”
Eyebrows raised incredulously, she turns to him, eyes carefully surveying the unreadable expression on his face.
“I’m sorry?”
“Of Captain America? I noticed your keychain was his shield.”
She knew this man was good, but surely he couldn’t be that good? 
It had been less than a week since the start of her mission. If he had already caught onto her identity, she would surely be saying goodbye to her steady 7-year-career at SHIELD. Upon a second glance, however, she realizes that the teasing glint in his eyes is a little less strategic and a little more… demure.
Could Steve Rogers poking fun at her keychain because of some other reason?
Her cheeks grow pink at the thought, but she pushes the thought elsewhere. 
And because he thinks that she’s the clueless one in this conversation, she decides to play along, lips curling up in a coy smile.
“I don’t know… I always thought he was kinda overrated.” She pouts, fighting to suppress a smile.“
“…Captain America. Even the name sounds kinda douchey, don’t ya think?”
Contrary to her expectation, he lets out a loud laugh, head almost knocking against the drywall behind him. He glances down at her, hands on his hips, giving her a curious smile. 
In this light, she thinks, he almost looks like the Captain America from the WW2 recruitment posters in the 30s—the fresh-faced, doe-eyed version of him untouched by decades of war. 
“You know, I’ve always wondered who came up with that name.”
That night, as she waves goodbye to Steve and retreats into apartment #3, Fury’s voice bounces around in her head: ‘…primary directive is to maintain minimal contact with him. Nothing over what’s absolutely necessary.’ 
Yet, in the solitude of her bed, all she can think about is Steve—the soft peaks of his hair under the dim lighting of the hallway, the concerned divot between his brows when she had teased him. How he had leaned into their conversation so that he could hear her better, as if Captain American didn’t have better things to do than to listen to her tragic little love tales. That boyishly charming smile he had on his face when he offered her pizza, and again when he asked coyly about her keychain—so much of that innocent warmth she thought he’d lost.
Reminiscing the nostalgic light in Steve's eyes when he'd told her that Brookyln’s always been home, she begins to wonder just how deep the blue runs.
Apartment #3 Masterlist
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dreamswithghosts · 1 year
Ballroom Full of Echoes (Echo x f!Reader)
This is a 18+ fic, anyone who is under the age of 18 please do not read this!
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Summary: You and Echo go undercover at a big business formal party involving the Trade Federation. You are to try to learn about a lead that the Separatists might be making a new type of droid against the clones. Some things don’t turn out as planned.
Author's Notes: THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO WRITE! It started out simple and it just kept going. I had some other ideas for this but this was getting to the point where it was personally too long for a one-shot for me. Please enjoy. Feedback is obviously greatly appreciated! Also, people requested that I start up a ping list. If you want to join it for fics like this or my little head canon posts like my One Bed Trope Post please let me know!
Tags: 18+, NSFW, Friends to Lovers, Fingering, Kissing, Creampie, Nudity, Smut, Vaginal Sex, First Kiss, Formal Wear, Mutual Pinning, Dancing, Some Fluff, Some Alcohol, Love Bites
Word Count: 8.3k
AO3: Link
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“Is everyone ready?” You questioned as you looked around at the five men standing in front of you, “Once we go inside, there’s no turning back.” 
There was a small series of nods from the members of the Bad Batch, all of them looking fairly confident in the job that they were about to perform. You all were to sneak into a Trade Federation formal party here at a hotel in Coruscant. Being a spy for the Republic during the Clone Wars, this was a fairly typical mission for you, but this certain mission required a team. You loved being able to get Clone Force 99 to help you when they were available.
 Your target was a man by the name of Redarr Berenk, who was high up in the rankings under Nute Gunray's personal team of coworkers. You were to blend in with the party and seek out Redarr and gather as much information as you could about the rumors of a new model of battle droid being in the works. If the rumors are true, it will cause much deviation to all the clones battling out on the front lines. 
"We should be landing shortly," Tech announced once he sat himself back in the pilot's seat. 
"Good. Once we land, Echo and I will go in the front door to check in and the rest of you will wait for me at the back so we can sneak you in." You said calmly, your hand resting on the back of the pilot's seat, watching Tech pilot the Havoc Marauder to its designated landing platform. The ship landed with a groan and a hiss, it was a very minimal landing compared to other landings Tech had done with you aboard. Only you and Echo stepped off the ship. The rest of Clone Force 99 stayed hidden and silent on the ship. You walk through the front doors with Echo right behind you. You were dressed in what was considered business casual for someone who works with or for the senators of the grand Republic. Echo was in his usual kit, acting as a bodyguard for you who was specially commissioned by the senators of the Republic. 
“Checking in?” The twi'lek clerk asked behind the desk; She barely looked up from her terminal in front of her. 
“Yes. My rooms should be under the name Jay Lanni.” You said calmly falling easily into a professional facade like you have done on many missions before, “If it is not under that, try under Senator Riyo Chuchi. I am here representing her on this occasion, after all.”
The twi’lek glanced up from her terminal, her purple eyes looking at you and then glancing over your shoulder at Echo who stood behind you, “If it is just the two of you, why are you getting two rooms?”
You acted offended, “Well, ma’am, that is none of your business. I very much like my own privacy, if you are that persistent in your curiosity.” 
The cleric flinched a little, realizing her mistake, and quietly started to continue her job of checking you into your rooms. She was fairly quick in handing you your keys, shyly telling you to have a nice stay. You thanked her and walked away with Echo following you right behind you. You heard Echo activate his comlink in his headpiece when he saw that there was no one around to hear them, “We have the keys, be ready at the back door.”
“Very good.” You hear Tech’s voice as you activated your own, “I have currently disabled all cameras on our route to our rooms. Hopefully, we will not raise any suspicion.” 
“Good job. Hey Wrecker, remember that this is a stealth mission right now. So no sounds.” You respond calmly, making your way over to the back entrance, hearing a small whine from the big man over the comm channel. You looked around your surroundings of the luxury apartment and made sure the coast was clear before tapping the hotel key on the door panel to open the glass door. It swished open and the rest of the boys made their way into the building. With you on point and Hunter bringing up the rear, you guide the squad through the rich hallways to the elevator to take you all to the floor level where your rooms were. 
The elevator pinged to your floor and everyone piled out, making it quick to the doors assigned to you and the rest of the squad. You handed one of the keys to the first room to Hunter and you went to the other. You watched Hunter open the first room and the rest of Clone Force 99 pushed their way into the hotel room, you opened your own with ease and closed the door behind you. Luckily this room had easy access to the room next to you with the other boys. You opened the door that connected the two rooms and was greeted by Crosshair who just gave you a small smirk and moved away.
Both rooms were identical, minus the fact that they mirrored each other. Both of them had two large luxury beds, covered in very plush comforters and pillows. They both had huge bathrooms that had walk-in showers and deep bathtubs. The balconies that each room had were perfect for Crosshair’s part of the mission. He was to sit on another building and watch from afar with his sniper rifle, there to cause a distraction if things went a little haywire. Plus, he is your first eye in the sky with Tech who will be watching from the cameras. Wrecker and Hunter will be on standby, ready to charge in and get Echo and yourself out of the event if things went a little too crazy. Which you hope won't happen. 
"I'm going to scout," Crosshair announced, moving to the balcony door, and grabbing his rifle. 
"Wait," You called, stopping him in the doorway and handing him one of the room keys. He gave you a small nod and then climbed over the ledge to scout out a spot for him to set up and watch the event from afar. Tech started to set up his little hacker station on a desk in one of the rooms already working on getting into the camera system to monitor everything. 
"Hey, can we order food?" Wrecker piped in, already settling himself on one of the lush beds, his big body stretching out over it. You tell him sure and toss a tablet to him so he could order food for everyone. He smiles and instantly starts doing so. You go to your bag of stuff and head to the bathroom in the room that was not fully occupied by clones, “I’m going to start getting ready. Let me know when the tailored delivery is here.”
You hear an affirmative and leave the boys to their own devices. You know that more than likely, they will either be really good and everything will still be in one piece, or they will have everything scattered everywhere in a mess. Hopefully, the first option considering how nice the place is, but you know eventually they all will get bored. 
They seemed to be quiet for about an hour until you heard a soft knock on the bathroom door you left open. You glance up from the reflection of yourself over to Echo standing in the doorway holding two garment bags. You hopped down from the spot you were sitting on the counter where you were working on your makeup and walked over to him, taking one of the bags that was labeled for you. 
“Thank you.” You hummed, moving to hang up the bag, “Actually, while you’re here, can you help me with my holster?”
You reached over and grabbed your thigh holster that would eventually hold a blaster that could be easily concealed under your skirt. You were already wearing your legging shorts that would be under your dress. 
“Just need help with tightening it.” You explain lightly to the clone standing in front of you. He barely seemed hesitant, moving to hang up the bag that had his specialty-made tux for him for this event. He kneeled in front of you and took the holster from your hands. 
“You sure this isn’t a two-handed kind of job?” Echo teases, lightly reaching out to wrap the holster around your left thigh. You reached down, helping him place it where you wanted on your thigh. 
“Very funny.” You snorted, pulling on the straps, getting the holster tight enough so it won't move around on your thigh or fall with the added weight of the blaster. Once it was tight enough, Echo removed his touch from your thigh and stood up giving you a small smile. 
Out of all the clones you had ever worked with on your missions, Echo has always been the clone you have been the most comfortable around. There had been many late nights while traveling on the Havoc Marauder where you and Echo curled up in the gunner's mount, quietly conversing like teenagers about anything and everything. In the mornings, one of the other members of the batch would find you two leaning against each other asleep. If it wasn’t for the war and the constant looming fear that you may never see him again, you would probably consider him your best friend. 
Echo was always someone you could rely on. Someone who you could talk to about anything and everything and feel like he is doing the same thing in return. Someone who you could let your guard down around and see for just you and all your flaws. 
“Thank you.” You gave Echo a small smile in return, moving away from him to sit back up on the counter to finish putting on your makeup. Echo stood there for a second, watching you. He reached for his bag and moved to step out, “If there's anything else you need, let me know.”
“I need you to start getting dressed as well.” You teased him, which made him chuckle. He left the small fresher, probably headed to the one in the other room to get himself suited up. 
When you finished your makeup, you hopped off of the counter and moved to close the door. You pulled the dress that Senator Chuchi’s tailor had specially made for this assignment. It was a long, maroon dress where the sleeves were off the shoulders and the skirt had a slit in it for easy access to your blaster if needed. You removed your top already having been wearing the tight-fitted shorts that you would wear underneath the dress and pulled it on. Sighing to yourself, realizing that you would not be able to fully zip the zipper up your back, you left it for later. You grabbed the small, velvet box that held the jewelry that the tailor had picked out to match the dress. 
This entire outfit was way more formal than anything you would wear on an average day. If you never joined the army, you would have probably only dreamed of wearing something like this. You finished up everything you could do for yourself, grabbing your heels and making your way back into the main rooms of the hotel, searching out the first clone you could find, which happened to be Hunter. 
“Can I get some help?” You asked him nicely, turning your back to him and showing him the half-done zipper on your back. You felt his light touch on the fabric and the sound of the zipper sliding up your back. 
“This color suits you.” He complimented, removing his hands when he finished his task. You politely thanked him, moving to sit down at the foot of one of the beds to put the heels on your feet. Tech moved over from his little technology corner, handing you a small device. 
“Put this in your ear. No one should be able to notice it and I will be able to communicate with you through it.” Tech informed you. You smiled at him and thanked him, the device easily fitting in your ear. It was light and comfortable enough that you honestly might forget it's even there. Tech moved back to his computers and you heard some small beeping from the device for a moment and then Tech’s voice simply testing the audio functions. You let him know it was working and finished putting on your shoes. 
As you stood, Echo made his way out of the other fresser completely dressed in his tux. It was mostly black with the vest under the jacket that is maroon red to match your dress. His right sleeve was specially tailored for the scomp on his arm. Not entirely concealing it, but almost giving it its own special flare. He stopped looking at you in your dress, completely pausing his actions. 
“You… That color really suits you.” Echo said after a moment, almost as if he had to reboot things in his brain. You laughed lightly at his reaction. His words were very similar to Hunter’s complement earlier. 
“I could say the same thing for you.” You teased him, walking over to him to gently adjust the tie that was around his neck, “You clean yourself up nicely.” 
He did look very handsome while dressed formally. 
“You two have less than thirty minutes until the event starts,” Tech informed you, breaking your attention away from Echo for just a small moment. 
“Did I seriously take that long to get ready?” You gasped, looking back at the room. You now realized that Crosshair was already gone from the room with Wrecker lounging out on one of the beds. He looked like he was already asleep if you didn’t see a tracker on the holo pad showing the time left for food to arrive sitting right next to him on the pillow. You know that man will be up in a split second when he sees that the food has arrived.
Echo held out his arm to you, giving you one of his naturally handsome smiles, "We shouldn't keep Rendarr waiting." 
You smiled softly at him in return and took his arm. You opened the door to the room exit and stepped out. Behind you, you heard Hunter yell out something along the lines of “Don't party too hard,” which had you giggling. 
You and Echo made your way down to the formal event. The two of you blended in easily into the crowd of partygoers acting as one of the many couples in the event. It was always super easy to work with Echo on undercover ops. He obviously had past experience with him being an ARC Trooper. Some of the stories he told you about his past missions were unfathomable compared to most of your missions. Plus, the close friendship that you had made things so much easier. 
"I see Rendarr, northside of the bar. Looks to be ordering a drink." You heard Crosshair hiss over the coms. 
"Care for a drink?" You acted innocent as you pulled your mission partner with you toward the desired location of your target. You were quick to spot the man in the spot Crosshair had commed. You and Echo walk up to the bar and you waved the bartender down, ordering a glass of wine for each of you. 
Once you got your drink, you took a simple sip from it, getting your red lipstick on the glass. You watch your target, waiting for the perfect moment to grab his attention. When you spotted it, you discreetly tapped Echo twice, letting him know you were going to step away from him and he needed to watch you. 
"I don't think I have met you before." You pulled on your best persona to get this man's attention. It worked, he set down his empty glass on one of the trays of a server droid that passed by. 
"I'm Rendarr Berenk, the main assistant for Nute Gunray." He introduced himself, being fairly obvious that he was checking you out. You acted to not be phased by any of his actions, keeping your eyes focused on his, "May I ask who I have gotten the pleasure of speaking to?" 
"I am Jay Lanni, the representative for Senator Riyo Chuchi this evening." You responded pleasantly, giving him your best smile. 
"Oh really? I had not realized she was invited to events like this." He responded with genuine surprise. 
"Well, after what happened with the blockade on Pantora, the Trade Federation tends to invite her to events like this as an apology." You explained calmly, like this was common knowledge, "But Senator Chuchi is a very busy woman, so she sends me instead." 
The two of you break into light, formal conversation, making it seem that it is simple and easy for him to continue to converse with you. Eventually, he fell for your trap, asking you to dance. You gracefully accepted, taking his hand as he led you to the dance floor. 
Once there, you continued the conversation, trying to slowly work your way into getting the information you needed from the man. He seemed fairly resilient, only giving you vague answers. You started to get the feeling that this man might not have the information you needed. So you decided to call it, slipping your secret word into the conversation that would let Echo know to come and get you away. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him doing just that. Echo casually made his way over to the two of you. 
"May I take my dear friend for a dance?" Echo asked, holding his hand out for you to take. Rendarr made a look of surprise, probably not expecting you to have been here with someone. You politely thanked Rendarr for the dance and then took Echo's hand, letting him whisk you away further into the dance floor. 
"Well, that was a bust." You sighed, instinctively shifting closer as you danced now that you were with someone you considered to be comfortable with. You could smell his cologne now that he was closer to you, almost chest to chest. The two of you move in a simple dance, his hand holding yours and his scomp resting lightly on your hip. You had your free hand resting on his shoulder. Echo made a small hum of agreement in response to your words. You wouldn’t admit it out loud at this moment, but it's nice to have Echo out with you like this on this mission.
 “It might not fully be one.” You hear Tech chime in, in your earpiece, “There is a terminal in the basement, just under this event that might have some information that we need. I cannot get into it from here, but the computer has Rendarr’s name on it.” 
“It's worth a shot.” Echo hummed, his eyes already scanning around the party to find a way the two of you could slip out. You nodded your head in agreement, pointing at an exit you spotted. 
The two of you danced for about two more songs and then slipped away from the dancefloor. You kept your hand tight in Echo’s grip, letting him lead the two of you to the exit. The two of you managed to easily slip away without being noticed. You made your way to the elevator, hitting the button for the basement. 
“Where are we headed, Tech?” You called once you knew the coast was clear. 
“Once you reach the basement floor, you will head down the corridor. Take your first right and then the door should be the third one on your left.” He informed you. 
You and Echo step out into an empty corridor. The hallways were a lot duller than the rest of the hotel, making it obvious that this was mostly only to be seen by staff and maintenance crews. You shot a look over at Echo, sizing up how he was feeling about this. All you got was the normal determination that sits on his face when the group was on missions like this. 
“Let’s go.” You sigh and start down the hallway, your heels clicking softly on the tile flooring as the two of you walk. You reached the right turn and were about to turn down it, when Echo reached out, grabbed your arm, and pulled you back. The two of you hid in a small dip in the walls, bodies pressed to the cold surface.
Echo’s eyes were locked in with yours, his finger covering his mouth as a silent signal to stay quiet. Letting out a soft breath you realized you were holding, you listened closely. Down the hallway you were about to go down, there was the sound of two pairs of boots quietly patrolling toward the two of you. 
The two of you stayed silent, together in a close space listening for the guards to either turn away or go further down the hallway. They sounded like they were coming right this way. 
The look on Echo’s face was the same look he had given to you before. It was a look that told you he was going to be apologizing profusely to you after this. You raised an eyebrow at him, looking confused. 
Then, Echo leaned in. Right as when the guards turned the corner, Echo pressed his lips to yours. You were so shocked for one split second, you didn’t respond. But you quickly got the idea of what he was trying to do, so you pushed forwards kissing him back, and hard. Echo made a soft noise from the back of his throat, a similar sound of surprise when you first made yourself comfortable next to his body long ago in the gunner's mount of the Marauder.
He was quick to return the passion, taking your breath away, softly pressing his body up to yours as his hand and scomp held your hips. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him close to your body. You could taste the wine the both of you had been drinking on his lips as you sucked on his bottom lip. 
The two of you kissed for a while, long enough to make you forget why you had started to kiss in the first place. You have to admit it, he was honestly an amazing kisser. Eventually, Echo pulled away, the both of you breathing deeply. He must have been somehow listening for the guard’s steps while kissing you to the point you went dumb. You could hear the guards now on the opposite side of where you needed to go. 
You found yourself quietly giggling, “Please tell me you’ve had to do that before on a different mission.”
Echo blinked, looking just a little surprised that you did not seem upset. He then made a small smirk, you saw that your lipstick was now smeared all over his lips as well, “No, I haven’t.”
“Well, I certainly am surprised.” You were still giggling. You reached into his jacket and found the handkerchief that you knew was in there and pulled it out, “You’ve got something on your face.” 
Echo made a look of confusion at first, but he quickly figured it out as you tried to rub the bright red lipstick from his face to make it less noticeable. He started to softly laugh as well making it a little difficult. Once you were satisfied, you handed him the cloth back to him. 
“So, you’re not upset?” He asked, trying to get a verbal confirmation that you were not upset at him for doing something first without your permission. You easily slid yourself out from between him and the wall, turning the corner, and heading to where you needed to be to complete the mission.
“How can I be, with a performance like that?” You gave him a smile, looking over your shoulder at him. He seemed stuck in place for a moment, his pale brown eyes locked on you. He quickly pulled himself out of whatever he was thinking and followed you with a smile on his face.
The two of you got to the office with ease after the first encounter. You found the terminal that Tech had mentioned sitting next to a desk in a very elaborate office. Echo had to take off his top tuxedo jacket to scomp into the terminal. He made a small frown as you watched his eyes dart left and right like he was reading text. 
“This might take a bit. There is a lot of information.” He hummed as he closed his eyes focusing on the data. You make a small hum letting him know you heard him and moved to sit on the opposite desk. You stayed quiet, listening for anyone who might approach the room and watch Echo as he worked. 
He stayed completely still besides his scomp link moving as the computer in his brain worked to find the information he needed. He would look over at you now and then, the only time his eyes would stop moving and focus once again on his surroundings. He would give you a small smile and then close his eyes again after a moment. You would return the smile, always fascinated with how Echo’s mind and body worked when his mind was deep into data. It was something you could probably watch for hours. Not out of curiosity, but more as an appreciation that this man, this living being, had gone through so much, and instead of succumbing to what has happened to him, he rather embraced it. You always admired his strength. 
Suddenly, you sat up straighter, hearing the sounds of approaching footsteps, “Echo, how fast can you get out?”
Echo’s pale brown eyes opened, looking over at you with concern. He instantly knew that someone was coming. 
“Not fast enough.” He grunted. 
Now it was time for you to do something crazy. You moved off of the desk for a moment, moving your body between Echo and the desk. It was a tight fit, but you hiked up your skirt, pulling yourself back onto the desk right in front of him. 
“Trust me.” You whispered, and Echo gave you a look like he was about to say something, but you stopped him, pulling him close to your body for the second time this night. You wrapped your legs around his torso and used both of your hands to press his face into your chest. He froze for only a split second but quickly relaxed into your touch, his free hand laying on your now bare thigh. The tips of his fingers just barely touched the hem of the shorts you were wearing under the dress. You had situated the two of you the way you wanted right as the door opened hearing the sound of a man behind you make a noise of disgust. 
“Do you mind?” You made yourself sound exasperated, glancing over your shoulder at the guard who looked like he had seen a ghost. Echo surprised you for the second time tonight, moving on his own accord. He kept his eyes closed and buried his face into your neck. You felt his lips softly kissing the tender spots along your neck, making you gasp out. 
“This is a restricted area.” The guard seemed to find his voice after the initial shock of finding two individuals in an office looking like they were attempting to do something intimate. 
“Exactly, so leave us alone.” Your voice seemed to shake a little with how good Echo was starting to make you feel with his lips on his neck, now sucking on the delicate skin. This all made the scene look even more convincing to the guard. 
He stood there flustered for another moment. It was enough time that Echo was able to back out of the system and be able to safely unhook his scomp. You heard the soft click and then Echo raised to his full height, instead of leaning over with his arm connected to a computer. He grabbed your waist, pulling your body even closer to his. 
“I suggest you leave.” Echo’s voice was suddenly deep enough that you could feel his chest rumble against your own. It surprised you how much it affected you. The guard seemed to hesitate for a moment but then decided to back out. 
When you heard the soft swish of the door closing behind the guard, Echo suddenly surged up, pressing his lips against yours in a kiss for the second time this evening. You instantly melted into his touch, getting lost in the smooth feeling of his lips on yours and the warmth of his body against yours. You laced your fingers behind his head, pulling him down to meet the kiss making a soft happy hum. 
You two kissed until the both of you had to come up for air. Echo gazed down at you, his pale brown eyes now mostly black with how much his pupils dilated. His chest heaved as he took in a deep breath and leaned back in, his mouth attacking your neck again. His teeth grazed against the soft skin right under your ear, pulling a soft moan from your lips. 
“Echo.” You gasped softly, your arms holding around his shoulders tighter. He made a small hum in response, his pelvis rocking up against your own, making you wrap your legs around his slender hips. You could feel that you were not the only one being affected by the stunt the two of you had just pulled. You decided to let go of his shoulders, running your hands down his clothed chest, your fingers grazing over the fancy buttons of his maroon vest, as you reached his belt. Your fingers gripped the fine leather, pulling his hips closer to yours. You were rewarded by the most attractive groan you had ever heard in your entire existence. 
“He’s going to be back soon with reinforcements,” Echo grunted, his lips still on your neck. You wouldn’t be surprised if he had somehow already made a mark on your neck with the way he was treating you. 
“Do you have the data we need or do you need to scomp in again?” You felt like you weren’t even hearing your own voice when you responded to him. You sounded so breathless from Echo just kissing and holding you. 
“No, I think I have the information we need.” Echo reluctantly pulled away, gazing down at you once again. He looked unraveled, his shirt not as pristine as it was when the event first started. You could see some of it was already being pulled out from where it was previously tucked in. You hopped off of the desk, your dress skirt falling over your legs as you stood. You moved close into Echo’s space once again, not wanting to let go of the feeling of having him so close to you. 
“Let’s get out of here then.” You took Echo’s hand, pulling him out of the office. You checked to make sure the coast was clear and practically pulled him back to the elevator. The elevator doors closed behind you, and you punched in your floor number to take the two of you back to the hotel rooms. 
You and Echo were instantly drawn to each other once again like magnets to metal. You found yourself pressed up against the wall of the elevator as you were kissing Echo deeply once again. 
Should you be surprised that this was happening to the two of you? Probably. But then again, the two of you have been super close. Echo knew you better than any other living being in this world and you felt like it was safe to say that you knew him just as much. It wasn’t like you’d never seen Echo as someone who wasn’t attractive in any way. Much the opposite. There had been many lonely nights where he appeared in your mind as you tried to sleep or in your dreams. 
“Do you want this?” He asked you after the two of you broke away for air from a really deep kiss. You were already gripping onto his belt once again, with one of your legs wrapped around his hip. His scomp was holding it up. You could feel his arousal through the many layers of fabric against your inner thigh. 
You knew what he was asking, instantly. He was your best friend after all. You nodded smiling at him, “Yes. I do.” 
You leaned forward, giving his neck the same treatment he had done to you in the office earlier and you were rewarded once again with Echo’s wonderful sounds. He felt so good against you, it made you shiver wondering how it would feel when it became skin-on-skin. 
The elevator pinged softly, letting the two of you know that it had arrived at its destination. You had to reluctantly pull away once again to move this affair to the privacy of one of your hotel rooms. You will probably have to shoo the other boys out of it and lock the doors once you get there.
Echo took your hand this time, leading you down the hallway. The both of you had big smiles on your faces and excitement in your eyes. You reached the door you had first opened when you arrived at the hotel and used your key to open it up. You were surprised to find the one room vacant, the door that connected the two rooms closed, leaving space for you and your partner. You took it as a moment of luck and strolled right over to one of the beds, kicking off your heels along the way. 
Echo followed you close behind, pausing for a moment to get his shoes off as well. You stopped at the foot of the bed, turning around and grabbing Echo by his coat, pulling it off his shoulders. Quick to follow was that beautiful vest, you undoing each of the buttons and his tie. You threw them on the floor haphazardly, knowing you’ll pick everything up once the deed is done. Echo leaned down, kissing you as his hand slid behind your back, making quick and easy work with the zipper on the back of your dress. 
The dress only came down enough to reveal your breasts, the rest of the silk fabric bunching up at your hips. Echo gazed down at you with nothing but lust on his face. He leaned down, cupping one of your breasts with his hand and used his mouth to give the other attention. He pulled sweet moans from your lips as it caused you to pause your attempts at getting his white formal shirt unbuttoned. 
When Echo was satisfied with his work on your chest, he reached down, grabbed your hips, and tossed you onto the bed. You made a small gasp as your body hit the soft comforter on the bed. He smiled at you and crawled on top of you. It was one of those classic, crooked smiles he would give you that always gave your stomach butterflies in a normal situation. Now, it made you feel dizzy with arousal. 
“Since you two are safely back in the room, I am going to turn off the communication devices.” You jumped, suddenly hearing Tech’s voice in your ear from the device he had given to you, “When you are done, I would like to look at the information Echo managed to get.”
Then there was a soft beep, telling you the device had powered down. You flushed deeply in embarrassment. He must have heard everything. That must have also been the reason this room had already been closed off. Everyone else in the Bad Batch knew what was going on. You reached up and pulled the small device out of your ear, tossing it onto the table next to the bed. 
Echo above you was reaching up, hitting a button on the device on his head. Probably turning all of his communications off as well. You then hear him start to laugh softly, his hand soothingly running up and down your side. With Echo laughing, you were quick to be put at ease. 
“They’ve probably heard worse, haven’t they?” You asked with a soft giggle in your voice. Echo chucked deeply, pressing down to kiss you on the lips, “I’ll tell you those stories another day.”
You smiled softly into the kiss, this one being a little more gentle compared to the ones the two of you had been experiencing before. You took the moment to reach down and finish unbuttoning his top, pulling it out from where it was tucked into his pants and opening it up to reveal his chest to you. 
You should be surprised, but somehow you are not at the sight of metal embedded into Echo’s skin. He had told you a long time ago that he was technically a cyborg. “More machine than man,” Tech had once told you. You knew going into this that Echo was completely different than anyone you had ever met. You lightly ran your fingers over the small ports that lined his chest and stomach, more curious than disturbed. The feeling of your hands on Echo made him shiver some, his pale face flushing a beautiful blush. 
“Can you feel those?” You smiled softly at him, watching his reaction to your touch.
“Kind of? It’s hard to explain.” Echo murmured as he leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips, You hummed, kissing him in return, melting into his touch. Eventually, you pulled away and aimed for one of the ports above his collarbone. You kissed and sucked on the scarred skin around the metal embedded in his skin. Echo’s breath hitched and he made another delightful noise in response. 
He reached down and started to pull up your dress. His hand shaking from your ministrations and his stomach flexing in arousal. You gave him a satisfied hum in response, encouraging him. He got to the holster on your leg and pulled the blaster that had been sitting against your thigh all night. He lightly tossed it onto the table next to the earpiece. He removed the holster next, his body moving down yours, his lips reaching the tender skin between your thighs. He softly kissed and sucked on the skin, leaving small marks that you know will probably be there the next day. 
His skilled fingers hook under the waistband of your shorts, and pull them down as well as the underwear you were wearing underneath. You feel your characteristic shyness bubble up from your stomach as your thighs shook some, wanting to close your legs and hide from the wonderful man lying between them. Echo was going to have none of that, his right arm wrapping around your leg, the tip of his scomp laying on your hip. 
He gave you a dazzling smile, his free hand running through your folds enticing a moan from you. You could quickly tell this wasn’t the first time he had done this. That classic rumor that all ARC Troopers were skilled in bed was coming to light. Echo made a small hum, satisfied with the noises he pulled out of you as he slid his fingers into your entrance quickly finding the one spot that made you see stars and cry out. 
“Do you want to let the entire hotel know what I’m doing to you?” Echo teased softly, his breath on your skin making you shiver. You let out a heady groan, the idea enticing, but you slapped a hand over your mouth to try to keep yourself quiet. You couldn’t help it with how good Echo was being to you already. Echo made a breathy chuckle and leaned his head down, his lips kissing your clit and making your hips jerk. 
Echo looked like he was a tooka getting some cream after a long time. His eyes blown wide as he sucked and lapped at the tender nerves with a big grin on his lips. His fingers worked all kinds of noises from your lungs as you trembled in pleasure. 
“E-Echo!” You gasped out as you tried to rock your hips closer to his menstruation. He just chuckled against you, sending shivers of pleasure up your spine. The hand not covering your mouth, reaching for the top of his head, your nails accidentally scratching pink lines on the back of his head. 
“You look so good like this.” He rumbled, his eyes locked onto yours, “Probably even better dressed up in this dress.” 
He was referring to the dress that was still somehow wrapped around your lower stomach. The skirt of the dress was draped out under the two of you on the bed. You flushed, feeling a bit lost for words on the compliment. 
“You wanna cum like this?” Echo breathed heavily. He looked like he was enjoying this as much as you were, if not more, “Want to cum on my fingers and tongue? Then make you cum again on my cock?”
His words had you whining and rocking your hips up against his fingers which were still inside you. Your core was already clenching down on them some. He could probably stop his touches and continue talking like he is and you would probably cum just from that. 
"Please." You moaned, wiggling your hips a little bit, trying to encourage him to back up his words. You were rewarded with a sexy chuckle and his head dipped back down to your clit, rewarding you with his sucking. He picked up his pace and menstruation. You started to feel the telltale warmth start to bubble in your belly with your pending climax. 
“That’s it. Cum for me.” Echo rumbled against you. 
His words and his demand were the last ingredients to your climax. You let out a deep moan, your legs shaking hard as you jerked your hips. You toppled over your edge as you felt your inner walls squeezing around Echo’s fingers. Gasping deeply, you came hard against Echo’s face. Echo grumbled his approval, still working his tongue and fingers on you to extend your orgasm. 
Panting lightly, you slowly came down from the high of your orgasm. You started to get sensitive and gently pulled Echo away. He sat up with a big grin on his face. You laid flat out on the bed for a bit to catch your breath. 
"I'm guessing this was good." Echo was being cheeky. He crawled up your body and leaned in and kissed you softly on the lips. You made a small laugh, shivering a little at the feeling of his chest against yours. The ports embedded in his skin surprisingly felt really good. 
You reached down to Echo's belt, working his pants open. He made a small hum of approval as you worked on getting his pants and underwear off his hips, revealing his cock to you. He kicked his pants off to the side and you bit your lip at the sight of the man on top of you. You reached for his cock and started to gently stroke it at first, gaining a groan from Echo as a reward. 
The two of you kissed each other, you swallowing down his soft moans as you stroked him. It didn't take you too long for you to start squirming under him again and for him to gently pull your hand away from his member. 
Echo hooked your left leg up again with his scomp arm, this time lifting it up a bit more, your calf resting on his shoulder. He lined himself up against your entrance, his tip lightly running through your folds. 
"You ready?" He asked you lightly, checking to make sure you were good. You nodded, giving him a small smile and arching your hips up to encourage him, "Yes." 
He slowly started to push in, the both of you simultaneously moaning at the feeling. He stayed still for a moment once he was all the way in, probably for the both of you to adjust a bit. His pale brown eyes staring down at you, watching your reactions. 
"Echo, move." You groaned after a moment, trying to move your hips to get him to do what you asked. You reached up to grab him as well, but his one free hand grabbed yours, interlacing your fingers together. 
He then started to move. It was slow at first, savoring this moment. You found yourself helplessly getting vocal again as he managed to tilt his hips just enough to make you feel like you were seeing stars. Encouraging him to pick his pace, he started to get as vocal as you were getting. He made some of the most beautiful moans, making your cunt squeeze him tight. 
"I'm not going to last much longer." Echo groaned, "C’mon, cum for me, baby." 
Considering both of his hands were occupied, you reached down with the one spare hand you had left. You quickly reached your clit, rubbing it just right to tip you over the edge for the second time tonight.
"That's it." Echo gasped, being able to feel you tighten down around him. His hips quickly loosing its rhythm as he fucked you through your climax. 
"Echo!" You cried out as your whole body tensed around him. It felt amazing. Even more so when Echo buried himself deep into you and reached his climax as well. You instantly felt warm all over, your toes curling in pleasure. 
You clung to each other as you both slowly lowered yourself down from the high of your climax. He let go of your leg, letting it rest on the bed as he leaned down, just barely keeping himself up on shaking arms. You wrapped an arm around his shoulder, holding him close to your body as the both of you gave each other soft kisses on the cheek and on your shoulders. He was still holding your hand as well. 
You two basked in the afterglow for a while, starting up a soft conversation as you did. It was mostly about how it had been a long time since either of you had done anything like this. 
"C’mon. Let's get cleaned up." Echo eventually sighed, pulling himself out of the bed and pulled you up as well. 
"What if I want to stay stinky?" You teased him lightly, slowly getting out of the bed after him. Your legs were still a bit shaky as your dress fell to the floor around your feet. 
Echo gave you a smirk, "Then I guess you won't be getting any cuddles tonight." 
You made a noise that sounded like you were offended as you watched him walk into the fresher. You took the moment to watch Echo walk in front of you. The white dress shirt still hid most of his back implants, but you could still see the ridge of his spine from them.
Even from the damage that Echo had received from Skako Minor, all the metal and mechanics, he still looked beautiful to you. Seeing all the scarring and what his body had to endure, and the small improvement since you first met him, made your heart swell. He was truly a marvel to wonder.
You followed Echo into the fresher, quietly watching him as he removed the last remaining clothes he was wearing and started up the shower. He paused after a moment when he noticed you were staring at him. 
"What?" He had an eyebrow raised. 
"Just thinking about how beautiful you are." You admitted after a pause. 
Echo made a small snort, reaching out to you to entice you into the shower with him, "I think that's supposed to be my line." 
You made a small giggle, letting him pull you into the warm shower. He put you under the spray first, reaching for the soap and starting to gently lather your body up. You relaxed under the warm water and gentle embrace that Echo was giving you. If you could pause time right now, you probably would. Spend eternity in the warm and comfort with Echo, still basking in the afterglow of the intimate moment you two just had. 
When you deemed that Echo was done with you, you reached out giving him the same treatment. The hard muscles of his body quickly become soft and relaxed under your touch. He made a satisfied hum, resting his head on your shoulder, giving you sweet kisses on your neck. 
After a moment, you heard him speak your name. You paused your actions, sucking up a deep breath. 
"Echo. Please don't say what I think you're going to say." You felt your lungs tighten some as he lifted his head, soft eyes locking with your own. 
 "Why not?" He asked you, his face was serious. You knew what he wanted to say. You knew deep down you wanted to say you loved him too. 
"Because it's not something we can afford right now. Especially with this war." You watched Echo's face fall at your words. You reached out with both of your hands taking his face in them, running your thumbs lightly over his cheekbones, trying to silently soothe him before he got too upset. 
"What about after the war?" His eyes looked hopeful, still not wanting to let this go. You sighed softly, leaning in and giving him a soft kiss on the lips. 
"Okay. After the war. We can try then. If we both survive it." 
He made a small nod, wrapping his arms tightly around you in an embrace. 
"After the war." He promised.
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Tag List: @stripeverse @stardusthuntress @fantasyproductions
Divider by: @saradika
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kits-ships · 3 months
hiii kit!! can you tell us more about ione's relationships with all the hashiras? if she knows/met any of the upper moons, what are her thoughts on them?
YES! !!! there is so much ione lore in my head.
also theres gonna be two parts to this post bc im on mobile and made too many pics
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this one is self explanatory ^
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“google is it normal for my handsome coworker to be on my mind 24/7. its just bc i think hes cool, right??” ^
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i cant even explain it. everything he does gives her hypertension ^
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she doesnt know how to talk to tengen at all. they respect each other ofc, but they have very little in common ^
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wanted to apprentice a younger demon slayer sooo bad but when obanai showed up he WOULDNT LOOK AT HER!!! ione was DEVASTATED but did her best to leave him advice, tips, and any other necessary info through letters. also she cried when he first trained with her; even if it was just so he could be close to mitsuri ^
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yeah :) gyomei doesnt take on apprentices very often so her time with him made her feel special :’) ^
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they are best friends and lovers and also nezukos new moms. also they like to gossip …. ^
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yeah :[
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hey its stitches anon...idk if your requests are open, hell I'd gladly commission you at this point. But I was wondering if you could write a small fiction about the main 4 and their lover/partner (trans man he/they) that just recently got fired from their job because they are disabled? And who is now in pain and is super sad? That just happend ot me today (2 days till my birthday too) I have HEDS, pots, and mast cell to name a few. I can't write to save my life either. And I just want my bois comforting me while trying to find a new job. Sorry you can completely ignore this
Love all of your work and u would gladly commission you with what money I have for fics too ❤️ reminders to drink water everyone
Hey Stitches Anon <3, I'm really sorry to hear about your job, that's an absolutely awful thing for them to do. :( You've probably found another place to work by now, and while I don't know very much about legality, I'd keep an eye on labor laws regarding disability where you live. (Where I'm from, firing anyone for stuff directly related to their disability is extremely illegal.) However, while I can't give much advice on this since Idk legal stuff like this that well, I can write about the boys comforting you, so I whipped these up for ya. Good luck in your professional career, my friend! :) 💕❤️💖💗(P.S. And Happy New Year!!! 🎉✨🎊)
[Part 1] They Comfort Their Disabled!Transmasc!Partner During a Jobsearch ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Mentions of Violence, Brief mentions of disability-based discrimination, extreme fluff.) *A.N: I wasn't too sure about how much detail to go into with PoTS/hEDS/Mast Cell, so please lmk if I portrayed anything in this incorrectly and I'll rework it pronto. Thank you! &lt;3
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Rage and worry are the two words that best encapsulate what Hank feels once you tell him that you've gotten fired and why. Your disability didn’t prevent you from getting hired in the first place, so there’s no logical reason why it should cause your boss to fire you either. It doesn’t make any sense to him, and the fact that this whole situation is happening to you really pisses him off.
(You've seen Hank angry before, but it was never like this. He's almost shaking with rage, his hands spasming against you as he rasps out the harsh question of who was responsible for your tears and the sobs that left you. Yet you don't give their name, instead opting to press your face deeper into his collar. He goes still when you sniffle and whimper, his tense form relaxing as he presses even closer to you, pulling you tighter to him and enveloping you in his form. He'll drop the issue for now; those bastards who fired you can wait. Your well-being was always been one of his first priorities anyway.)
In typical Hank fashion, the first solution he suggests is outright murdering who fired you to get your previous job back, which makes no sense to you. (It's not like your company would be eager to hire someone whose boyfriend killed their ex-coworker). The proposition does get a small laugh out of you though, so he still considers it an achievement.
Instead of going out to commit a massacre in your name, he decides to divert all of his energy toward taking care of you and comforting you as best he can. This means he puts off all of his "official work" for as long as possible; he can tell how distraught losing this job made you, so he considers helping you to be his new mission. There’s no one that Hank ever has ever cared for more than you; you're the most special person in his life, so it’s only natural for him to put all of his focus on his role as your partner when you need the support.
Despite being wholly indifferent to the plights of Nevada's denizens, you are the only exception to his apathy, and he’ll be all over you trying to help you out during this time. He’s not the most domestic person, so he can’t take care of much on his own, but he’ll do his best to complete your normal household chores nonetheless; cleaning, taking out the trash, etc. He even cooks on rare occasions, if he thinks you shouldn't be doing it (usually because you're either too tired or in pain). You'll have to instruct him on what to do for some of these (especially cooking, he's not really experienced with that), but he'll complete every task dutifully. Hank is very good at following orders, after all.
(He straightens up when you take a bite of the food he made, his hands twitching as you give him a pleased, albeit tired smile. "It's very good," you say in response to the question you know he's aching to ask. Your eyes meet the red lenses of his goggles, and your grin widens. "Thanks, babe. You did well." He made your favorite, and although it doesn't taste exactly like how you make it, you think you prefer this version.)
Yet this is more of an afterthought compared to his main preoccupation: being by your side for as long as you'll have him, in the most literal fashion. He's almost attached to your hip the entire time, molded to your side and purring as he tugs you closer to him.
He prefers to show most of his affection through touch; hugging you softly, pressing what remains of his lips to your cheeks and forehead (and a few stray pecks on your mouth, of course), and keeping a stray hand on yours whenever you're busy looking through job listings on your tablet. He's soft and careful, always having a close eye on you for any signs of pain when he shifts closer to you, and silently noting every bruise or mark you might have in an effort to avoid irritating them. Whenever you make a noise of pain, or even if you show the smallest sign of strain, he immediately freezes, tilting his head at you in obvious worry and attempting to bring your attention to him so he can ask if you need anything.
Despite how often he gets injured, Hank doesn't know close to anything about the medical field, so he'll insist that you speak to Doc about any pain and discomfort you have due to your disabilities (who recommends you to Skinner, since he's also not a doctor either). That being said, Hank will do his best to help with alleviating anything you're going through at the same time, whether it be by fetching you your medications at a scheduled time, carrying you if you're in too much pain/too tired to walk around (or adversely, helping you exercise if you want to), or just cuddling with you if you'd prefer that. (He's constantly on the verge of being in your personal bubble anyway, so may as well.)
If anything, you'll have to tell him to stop hovering over you at times, since he's just that clingy. It's sweet that he's so concerned, but while you recognize that he's trying to show you his love the best way he can, it can be a bit smothering at times. (Like when you're trying to read out available positions and he sees fit to carefully drape himself over your back, purring like a large cat. It's nice, until he ends up obscuring the view of what you're doing.)
He'll cooperate of course, since he respects your boundaries as any partner should, but he will put in an effort to be more verbal after this to make up for it. His voice is very rough from disuse, and his wording can be a bit clunky when he compliments you, but the blunt praise you get from him still makes you blush. It's probably because you know for a fact that everything he says is what he honestly believes, which just makes it a hundred times more meaningful.
(Your face burned with each subsequent word about how proud of you he was, and the short declarations he gave of how much he admired you and your strength. Hearing such words from someone as powerful as him made them very impactful, although this also just made you more bashful to receive them. 
"Thank you…you didn't have to say anything like that, hun. It’s very sweet of you," you said before laughing a bit awkwardly. Perhaps it was in your nature to try to skirt around compliments, or at least those that were so direct and blunt, but that would never work with Hank. He never wasted his breath on lies or things he didn’t feel important to put out there, it just isn’t how he works. He states things like they’re facts because they are. He’s proud of you, you’re strong, you’re handsome, etc. He could go on. And he will.
He looked at you for a moment before shrugging. “...Doesn’t matter if I need to say it. It’s still true.” In Hank's view, if he has to strain his voice just to show you the level of affection you rightfully deserve, that’s more than alright. He speaks only when necessary, and bringing your mood up at a time like this makes it so. Besides, he’d much rather use his words to compliment you than for anything else, really.)
However, when it comes to actually helping you get another job, he isn’t can't do all that much. It’s not his fault; Hank hasn’t had a “normal” job in a very long time, so his ideas on how to find one are very out of date. Nevada’s not exactly in the same state it was when he was employed in a traditional setting, and the rubble that makes up most of the cities still around wouldn’t be very useful for real estate. (Which is the only thing he has concrete experience in. Besides homicide.)
The most he can do is keep an eye out for any “help wanted” signs and writing down the locations of the places he finds them. He’ll also ask Deimos, Sanford, and Doc to look into potential job openings. (Well, demand they do. Luckily some explanation by Doc about how Hank's boyfriend was fired was enough to remedy any protest. It's weirdly nice of the merc to be so concerned about someone else. Barring the surprise of him even having a boyfriend to begin with, since he'd never said a word about you to them before.)
2BDamned is also surprisingly okay with just letting his main agent take some time off to help his significant other while they look for a job. However, Doc realizes better than anyone that if he attempted to keep Hank from you in a time like this, he'd just leave anyway (and violently), so there's little point in even trying. He's the most clued in out of everyone about Hank's personal life and has enough sense to know about your importance to him. (Why else would Hank be asking about "date ideas" and engagement rings, of all things?)
He wonders sometimes if you realize just how much you've got the tall grunt wrapped around your finger. Though, judging by how Doc can hear you brighten up and playfully admonish Hank when he accidentally interrupts your calls with him (and the fact that he can hear the man purring loudly over the phone after you call him a pet name), you must have a pretty good idea by now.
- [2BDAMNED] -
2BDamned likely didn’t approve of you working at your previous job to begin with, as it was too far from the Status Quo’s base of operations for him to keep an eye on you at all times (and being with him did put a considerable target on your back, no matter how secret you tried to keep your relationship). However, he was wholly displeased when you tearfully revealed to him that you’d been fired for something you had absolutely no control over.
Both the sheer audacity and the stupidity of the company you worked for are incredibly surprising to him. He'll make a quick note to find out where your previous workplace is located; he won't do anything to ruin them, as much as he has the power to, but if some of his agents in the location accidentally do anything to hurt their business, he's not going to offer anything close to assistance. (Although the agents might get a soft reprimand - it's hard to be mad at them for this, even if he really should be.) It's petty, but also far more than he knows they have a right to.
However, in the meantime, he'll focus on comforting you while you find another job, seeing as interfering with your previous workplace is beneath his consideration. (Unless you ask him to, of course. He's always frowned upon people who couldn't separate their work from their personal lives, but he could handle the hypocrisy if using his resources for this made you happy. After seeing how they made you cry, he thinks it would be at least somewhat deserved.)
Doc's a busy man, but he'll always have time for you. Luckily for him, he's not exactly needed at any bases, and his work has him moving around quite a bit as is, so staying at your place to help you won't cause any issues. It’s not like anyone would notice his absence. Although, he'd be willing to forgo his current assignments regardless; you're more important, to put it simply.
He's well versed in your medical conditions already, due to hours of research and speaking with both you and Skinner, no doubt. Even before you were fired, he'd have been there to help you should you need it (even if a phone call away), and there's no reason why this would change after the fact. He's always been reliable, and just like back then, he'll be there to give you exactly what you need to keep yourself comfortable. This also includes himself, if you so ask.
You'll often find yourself with your head resting in his lap, feeling his eyes rake over you once in a while to look for any signs of pain and discomfort. (To anyone else, it would feel cold or clinical, but something about Doc's gaze always warms when it's placed on you.) His voice loses its harsh edge when he reads your listings, occasionally nudging you against contacting them for an interview if the company in question gives pay that's too low or lacks the benefits he knows you deserve.
("That last one sounds alright," you muttered, and he paused from reading his tablet to give you a look of slight disapproval. You raised a brow as if to ask what the problem was and he sighed.
"Honey, they don't have dental or offer basic health insurance - and the salary is half of what you should be making," he responded pointedly, to which you laughed. This was Nevada, it's not like that was common anyway, and most businesses couldn’t afford very good pay rates at that. Yet the fact that your boyfriend was so concerned about where you'd end up working was so funny to you for some reason. The leader of one of Nevada’s greatest forces fretting about your hourly wages. Perhaps it was because it was so weirdly domestic; you didn’t get a lot of time with him considering his work schedule, so to have him drop everything just to do something so normal was actually surprising to you. It seems you underestimated just how much you meant to him. Which you know he’d chide you for if he could read your mind. Of course he would do that, he loves you.)
(You didn’t notice how he stopped reading yet again, gazing at you warmly as you drifted off in thought. For a moment he wondered if it would be better to have you work for him, where he could keep an eye on you and give you the opportunities you’d already worked for. However, he knew he couldn’t stomach you being in danger because of it, and decided against doing so. Though he’s still going to vet who you’re looking to work for, that’s a given.)
Doc’s actually rather quick to begin assisting you with lining up interviews; he’s the type of person who tries to get rid of the emotional weight of problems by solving them as soon as he can, and so he tries to do the same here. However, he’s not tone-deaf; he’s not going to immediately push it on you if you’re in need of comfort after just being fired.
There are very few people that 2BDamned can say he genuinely cares about, and you're the most important of those individuals by far. This shows in how he softens his voice around you, the sweet pet names that are reserved only for you, and the tender way he kisses you whenever he removes his mask. His gestures only increase here, when he knows you need his comfort more than ever.
He's never been the most physical in how he shows his affection (it's something he's had to ease himself in to with your relationship), but that gets thrown out the window for the most part. While he won't be cuddling you whenever you're together, you can expect to be seated in his lap with one of his arms thrown around your waist to keep you close while you both go through your work (you looking for some and him reading reports). He treats it like a casual thing, and he's found that having you near him like this brings him more peace of mind.
(The slight smile he can see tug at the corners of your lips when you feel the warmth of his form against yours is the main benefit though. Although the weariness in your eyes from what happened still hasn't faded away, you're certainly feeling better than before. Your gaze flickers upward to meet his, and he feels a purr building up when you give him a look of unbridled affection.)
While Doc is aware that he can't remove your pain or completely prevent all of your disabilities' more disruptive symptoms from happening, his main goal is to make sure you aren't having to deal with them as often as possible. If there's anything he can do, from finding special types of medication that help you the most (which is likely in short supply due to how Nevada is) to setting up schedules so you avoid getting exhausted, he’ll get it done immediately and without question. It’s his goal to make it so you’ll never feel embarrassed or ashamed to ask for his help with anything (medical-related or otherwise), and you don’t.
Furthermore, Doc’s not a medical specialist per se, but he also took some “classes” from Skinner on how to treat the more major symptoms you might experience. Case in point, those unfortunate times you dislocated some of your joints, and he resets them for you, or when he eases you into a better position to recover if you happen to faint from your blood pressure dropping too quickly.
(He’s been arms deep in people’s intestines and gore before to put them back together, and done so with relative nonchalance, but seeing you in pain makes him almost queasy by comparison. The point that brings him back to focus is his central goal; minimizing your pain and discomfort, which means taking care of your state swiftly.)
2BDamned is someone who respects your independence. You're capable of taking care of yourself, as you usually do when he's not there. However, in a situation like this one, where you need him, he'll always be there. You're Doc's partner (soon fiance, perhaps), and he's yours; he'll always be there for you to lean on, just like you've been there to comfort him and bring him out of his shell.
It doesn't matter what you're going through, or how things on the outside are. If Nevada as you both knew it was going to end without him, he might just let it, as long as you'd be safe and well. If this means letting go of his usually-busy schedule to take care of the one he loves when they lose their job (and for their disabilities, which he'll still remain angry at no matter how much time passes), then it's something he'll go along with happily. In 2BDamned's eyes, you deserve far more than he can give you, so the only logical thing he can do is give you all that he is with the hopes that it's enough. This is just an incredibly small instance of him showing this immense love he has for you (one that's returned tenfold).
He hopes to make you as happy as you make him, and if the warm, affectionate looks you share, with soft smiles and hands intertwined, mean anything, then he does. And that is enough for him.
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