#i still quote it constantly even tho its been years
chasing-it-down · 1 year
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actualbird · 2 years
just curious and also just sharing the silly little thing my brain has done and has assumed is normal but now im wondering if it's not as common as i thought: any other long-time tot players have the hardest time remembering the simple rock-paper-scissors strengths of Card attributes?
this thing?
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for those who also had/have a very difficult time remembering: you and i are cut from the same cloth, i Understand
for those who had no problem at all because "zak, it's three things??? how can you remember the exact cards where certain luke quotes happen but not remember these Three Things?" i dont know either, i wish i knew why my brain is terminally silly
been playing tot since july of 2021, ever since the global release, and up til like last month, i still could not remember this thing from memory, which made it mildly annoying cuz it only shows before debate and during debate but NOT when ur picking out decks and cuz i didnt wanna keep pressing Back to check the boss attribute (bc if i did, i would forget by the time i clicked the debate and went to deck choosing bit) i kept having to search up the miraheze wiki for tot cards just to remember and every time im like How Did I Not Remember This, It's Three Things
(for context, i also had immense trouble remembering simple science formulas also containing only Three Things like distance-speed-velocity and acceleration-velocity-time back in high school yet i had no trouble memorizing ALL the countries of europe in alphabetical order. i also regularly have trouble remembering which is left and which is right, which is even worse because thats only TWO THINGS, yet have no problem whatsoever remembering the binomial names of several birds)
i finally found a little way to remember them tho! im not good with arbitrary recognition cuz they dont have any particular meaning or rules (because listen, just thinking about "Logic beats Empathy, Empathy beats Intuition, and Intuition beats Logic" isnt naturally intuitive at All for me), so i finally did the smart thing and just....gave them meanings and rules in a way that pleases my brain:
behold, how ive remembered the tears of themis card attributes after 1+ year of being an idiot constantly checking the wiki to remember Three Things: The Clockwise Strawberry Blueberry Triangle
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strawberry points up because a strawberry cant stand on its pointy part. the green this is always in the bottom, because thats where the green naturally comes out. but the strawberry is at an angle, because it's got a blueberry friend to prop it up at the lower left corner. order of strengths is clockwise, because the point of the strawberry is Obviously the most powerful since it is highest up in the triangle and i can just work my way up through the rest from there. assign all the attributes back onto this fruit triangle corresponding to their color, and voila!
i dont know why i wrote up this post at 6am, but it seemed like a fun idea at the time. additionally, the fruits have succesfully solved my conundrum and now i can remember attributes like no fuckin problem, and have thusly said goodbye to the miraheze card tab ive had open for months that lived rent free on my laptop.
you can rest now, dear tab. youve served me well. but now i have a silly little triangle of fruits
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
hi hello this is user a_Saga_in_progress from ao3 and I uh. am new here. idk if this is how this is meant to be used but I wanted to say hi! do you have advice on how tumblr works for new users?
Hello its lovely to see you! And yeah if someone's ask box is open putting 'hi' is perfectly acceptable <3
Advice on tumblr... Err... Okay first off I've been here for over 10 years and /still/ don't really know how it works. But! I shall do my best.
If you're on browser, take the time to install xkit rewritten (or whichever form of xkit is most up to date). This has so many quality of life features like auto-tagging your reblogs and making tag bundles
I can't remember if tumblr by recommended is still a thing, but go into your settings and tell it to display dash in chronological anyway. I'd also recommend turning ON custom theme (biggest bonus - a version of your blog that links can be made to without tumblr demanding viewers log in on mobile - but also enables a month by month fast archive), OFF share following, and have an explore about other options. Things like turning your ask box on and off and also submissions are super helpful if you ever have problems with people sending you hate. I've been lucky enough not to, but its a social media platform, it can happen. Also you never have to have asks or submissions on ever if you don't want to. I'd also recommend snoozing tumblr live every month because otherwise you will be shown pictures of half naked women on your dash trying to get you to use it. God only knows why.
the site runs mostly on reblogs. This puts a copy of your post onto your blog, where people who follow you can then see it in turn! You can add comments to these - which again is always acceptable so long as you're being polite - which unlike twitter quote retweets will not 'steal' stats from the OP. You'll get notifications for likes and reblogs with that addition, the OP will still get those ones as well. Same goes for writing things in tags.
There's 3 ways to add comment on a post - reblog with comment, tags, and replies. Comment is just you add more stuff to the post, and anyone who reblogs it from you will share those too - an addition to the content. Replies are like quiet chatter - anyone can see them and reply if they click the button to view, but they're not in their face. There's often a lot of crap there, but welcome to any platform. Tags are, theoretically, for filing, but because people can see them they're often used to add bits of commentry - in the past they were only visible to your followers and visitors to your blog without extensions, though now they're visible to the OP, whomever you reblogged from, and anyone looking in the notes. However tags have no direct way to reply - sometimes people will reblog from the person whose tags they are responding to, or screenshot them and add them to the post, but there's no built in feature for it unlike replies. Whichever way you choose, comments are how community is built.
Tags! The first five tags are searchable, the rest aren't. Put most important stuff there. The system also breaks constantly.
Learn where the 'report for spam' buttons are for IMs and new followers. You will get some, sooner or later. Even my unlisted side blogs manage it.
You have a limit of 250 posts per day over your blog and any side blogs! I only started hitting this when I started liveblogging qsmp, tho, so don't worry /too/ much.
For sideblogs, the UI for deleting them is /really bad/. If you go to a sideblog, then its specific blog settings, then scroll down to the button which says 'delete [name of sideblog]', this button will delete your entire account, not just the sideblog. And getting it back isn't possible in most cases
Your block list is private, make use of it. Block specific tags for your triggers ("fandom neg" is a good start tbh), spam accounts, block anyone being an ass, block people because you see them a lot and you don't like their artstyle but people you follow do and you just want it off your blog - there is no morality involved in blocking, just do it to make your tumblr a happier place.
Unless someone says not to in their description, just scrolling through their entire blog and liking/reblogging things is fair game.
Likes do not share things to other people (and so artists will get sad if they get many likes and not many reblogs) but are super useful to mark when you've already seen something, or if you're (like me) sometimes on mobile and sometimes on computer and want to save them for the computer where tagging is a bit easier. I'd personally recommend turning them to private in settings, but each to their own.
The queue! Beloved queue. If you add things to your queue they will auto-post later. I use it for when I hit post count, and also to store up reblogged art for later.
Concerning side blogs - you can only follow, like and send asks from your main account, but you can post on, reblog to, recieve messages to, and reply from any (replying from side accounts is very new and very exciting). (So my case is obvious but if you see @factorialrabbits about in your notifications, that's my main, this is a side <3 )
Tagging/atting people! If you want someone's attention on a post, you use "@", then type their name. This doesn't always work, and should be used sparingly as it's basically like showing up to their front door and yelling for them lol. I mostly see it used for reblog games, and if someone's asked for say specific clips or timestamps for a VoD alerting them to a post which has them.
Search is fucky, but its a good way to find art. I tend not to search by tags, just keywords, then swap to most recent. Trying to find a specific post after its gone, though? good luck you'll need it.
Not a modern tumblr, but trivia - historically you used to be able to get an email address for your blog, and any email you sent to that address would be posted to it, and of all tumblr features I miss it the most.
Hopefully that helps? I need to go get some groceries but am happy to answer specific questions if you have them <3 I'm just never sure where to start lol
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general-marzipan · 11 months
hello i have le question. who is your favourite tf2 mercenarie
Hello Heough! My favorite for quite some time has been the Engineer! I love the emotion shown in his Meet the Team short despite his laidback nature. I love his newest cosmetics from the summer update - they really suit him well! Even with the development of my oc Darnell, I get to think about how Dell is written as a character and how he and Darnell would interact on the job (i think about these two constantly!). AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT LIL POOTIS SEASON 2 PREMIERE!! I think about that specific Engie all the time, how it took a completely different interpretation of Dell and still made it believable to the actual character (Dell is such a versatile character i love it).
Though I do think I’m going back to liking Scout again as my favorite merc. I’ve seen a lot of SFMs and other memes and shorts with him lately, and its so funny to see how people would interpret in modern day. The accent is also a plus! I love quoting him at random points of the day - the accent is just so fun to do! You even feel like a Scout when you’re doing it!
However, I’m slowly starting to realize the potential of Sniper being my favorite. Throughout the years, Ive fallen for each class at least once, but somehow never could see myself liking sniper as my favorite. Sure, he’s super cool and professional at his job, you cant deny that, but something was always missing. I’d see every go crazy for him, and i just wouldn’t understand why exactly. Id see sniperscout shippers thirsting over sniper and wonder ‘whats that all about’ (in a good way tho). After rewatching the Meet the Sniper short a bunch of times tho recently, I felt a sort of realization, and a little more of a connection to his character (not much, but enough for me to like him a little bit more than before). Something about his standoff nature always perturbed me before, but now Im slowly starting to unravel the mystery of his character. (Not to mention im also starting to see more SFMs with him in it). Maybe also one day finishing the comics will help me to better understand his character, but for now i just think he’s pretty cool.
Similar to sniper, I’m also starting to realize the potential of medic. Yeah, i kinda liked him before when i first started getting into tf2, but i think that was bc most content was made about him and being shown everywhere. Like you’d find fanart online and it’d be a chibi medic or a medic with slicked back hair or something (lol the 2 genders of fanart). Still, in a way, i never could understand the character more than what people thought of him at the time: “sexy doctor that is covered in blood but also kawaii when heavy is around”. Though, once again, im going through content again and love seeing the character development within all sources of media (i think emesis blue also made me like it bc of his struggle with the events going on around him :p). Still, babysteps when it comes to liking characters i suppose. (The recent SFMs ive seen with him tho are amazing).
But if we’re talking about Soldier, oh man oh man. HE IS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST AND MOST COMPLEX CHARACTERS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY. Every day i learn something new about him. I love his gruff voice, similar to scout, you’re just compelled to do it all the time cause its so fantastic and comical. I ALSO JUST READ THE SCREAM FORTRESS COMIC FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR HALLOWEEN AND HE’S HILARIOUS IN IT HELLO?!?! Love his dynamic with everyone in that one, he’s such a fricking man child i love it. For the past few days ive been thinking about his scenes in that. Absolutely love it. The SFMs and memes of him are super funny, AND THE RENDITION OF HIM IN EMESIS BLUE IS SO COOL, I DIDNT EXPECT ALL THAT TRAUMA TO HAPPEN TO HIM. Not to mention the workshop taunts i see of him are absolute gold, star spangled strategy will always live in my head rent free. CAN WE ALSO TALK ABOUT HIM IN EXPIRATION DATE PLEASE?! He is so funny in that one, every scene with him in it is hilarious, people are even pointing out new things i havent even noticed before years later. If i could, i would be Soldier tf2. I wanna be him so bad.
Uhhhh the other mercs are also really cool, but i havent made that much of a connection to them, though i will say when they have their moments, they truly shine through. Every day I learn something new about tf2, and it always throws me for a ride.
Lol sorry about the long post, can you tell I like these guys a lot?
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pockyxx · 4 years
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“ seijoh 3rd years as boyfriends ”
oikawa toru x reader, iwaizumi hajime x reader, matsukawa issei x reader and hanamaki takahiro x reader
genre: fluff
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would be the type of boyfriend to send you those lovey dovey good morning texts 
even if they were cheesy as hell you’d know they were sincere 
he’d always be there to reassure you when you felt insecure 
this includes when you’re insecure about all his fan girls constantly giving him attention 
tight hugs 
this boy may be scrawny but I know he’d squeeze the life outa you
you’d bully him along with iwa-chan 
he’d text you at ungodly hours with new alien conspiracy theories 
would take you to instagram-able places for dates 
definitely would initiate the cuddles 
would force you to wear his jersey on game days 
his love language is words of affirmation 100% and will always remind you how much he loves you
“Hurry up shittykawa, you were suppose to be warming up five minutes ago!” Iwaizumi scolded him in the hallway of the recreational center that the volleyball tournament was being held at.  Oikawa stuck his tongue out at his childhood best friend. 
“So mean iwa-chan, can’t you see I’m with n/n-chan.” He called you by the nickname only he called you. Your cheeks begin to heat up as Iwaizumi had caught you mid kiss. The ace rolled his eyes and went back to join the rest of the team. 
“Where were we? Oh right, my good luck kisses!” He snickered, waiting for you to get up on your tiptoes to plant a handful of kisses on his lips. 
“You heard him shittykawa, you’re game is starting soon!” You denied him, dragging him towards the court he was to be playing on. 
“Not you too!” He whined in an over dramatic fashion yet he couldn’t help but think how cute you looked dragging him, his hoodie draping over your figure perfectly. 
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tries to act tough and manly but is really a big ole baby 
wouldn’t be much for pda except for the occasional hand holding and waist grabbing 
in private tho... this man would cling onto you like no tomorrow
loves when you touch/ play with his hair--its softer than it looks 
forces you to watch his godzilla movies but in return you can make him watch whatever you want
his love language is definitely physical touch 
he loves idle touches, just feeling your skin against his 
walks you home and waits for you to step into your house before leaving 
great big bears hugs, no one can tell me other wise 
hits the ball extra hard when he knows you’re watching 
always wants to know about how your day’s been 
You cuddled up to your boyfriend’s side, as his eyes are glued to the screen; as if someone was going to kill him if he looked away. Yawning slightly you lay your head in his lap as you grab his hand to play with his fingers. 
You’d lost interest in the plot, finding Hajime’s reactions much more enjoyable. Watching his expressions change from excited to sad to anxious was enough to make you laugh. 
“What’s so funny babe?” He looked down at you, finally taking his eyes off the movie. You looked up at him as his larger hand was still in yours. 
“You’re really cute Hajime. Did you know that?” You giggled, making his face blush a deep shade of red before he snapped his head away from your gaze.
You sat up, forcing him to lock eyes with you, laughing again at the sight of such a macho man being so flustered just by words. 
“Don’t act like it’s a bad thing.” You leaned forward and kissed him softly on his lips, “you’re a softy deep down.”
Iwaizumi’s heart went into overload. He brought you into his arms, in a bone-crushing and laid back down on the couch to finish the movie.
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definition of dating your best friend 
enjoys listening to you talk about your day 
would send you really funny memes in the middle of class just to see you get red as you try to hold into your laughter 
your laughter is like music to his ears 
loves pda, as long as you’re okay with it 
would take you to mcdonalds anytime of the day, just say the words 
besides memes and reaction pics, his camera roll would be filled with stupid pictures of you 
surprisingly good at cuddling 
place things high out of your reach just so you can ask him to get it down for you 
silly pet names; like that are overly absurd
he would get involved with your interests/ hobbies or a sport you play  
Class was just so boring, especially with your teacher being a rude old fart. You sat near the front and as your sensei wrote something down on the chalkboard you looked behind to catch a glance at your boyfriend, Issei. 
He was looking at his phone as per usual, probably messaging his friend Makki in the class next to you. His dark eyebrows had been raised, his lips tugging into a half smile and you could tell he was up to something. 
On your desk, your phone buzzed and you could only attribute it to your boyfriend sending you a message. Of course you were right and went to check it out. 
matt-sunshine: *attachment one photo* this could be us but you playin 
You looked back at him hesitantly but Issei had gone back to paying attention to the lecture. Biting your lips, you opened the picture your boyfriend had sent and you then proceeded to pray that you’d be able to keep your mouth shut. 
The picture in question had been two feet mimicking holding hands, except it was toes. For some reason that picture with what Issei had captioned it had sent you over the top. You let a loud, ugly laugh slip past your lips.
As you excepted, your teacher had issued you three days of after school detention for that. You glarred at your boyfriend, upset with him getting you in trouble but it was soon forgiven after he offered to take you out to eat after your detention. 
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similar to mattsun: he’d be your best friend and lover 
when you’re feeling down he’ll do/ say funny thing to make you feel better 
you dye each other's hair 
lots of teasing on both ends 
this boy is always hyping you up no matter the occasion 
is mutual to pda, it all depends on how you feel about it 
loves to kiss all your ticklish spots just to see you giggle 
convos with him would be like you saying something funny, then makki following it up with something even more funny and so forth until you’re both about to pee your pants 
no matter what’s happening, he’s got a meme for it
religiously quotes the ‘ily bitchhh, and i ain’t ever gonna stop loving you, bitchhh’ vine when talking to you 
You sat in Takahiro’s room, waiting for him to come back up with snacks for your video game session, something you and him took very seriously. You leaned back in the bean bag, thinking about what the loser’s punishment would be and right as an idea popped into your head, your boyfriend walked in. 
He placed the candies, chips and sodas on the small coffee table and passed you the Wii remote. 
“So my precious booger,” cue the disgusting nickname he swore on his grandfather’s grave was suppose to be endearing, “what will the looser have to do this time?” Takahiro flopped down next to you. 
Pressing your lips together, cautiously bringing up what you had in mind.  “Loser has to dye their hair hmm... green!” he laughed and agreed to the idea. 
The two of your then wiped off the cutesy faces before starting the game: Mario Kart. You looked at him, a competitive glaze coating his eyes. You knew for sure you didn’t want to loose. 
After a grueling final race, the winners slides popped up and to your surpirse you were the winner. 
Makki threw his control in disbelief, “it’s rigged, I swear!” He huffed, crossing his arms but you only got up in his face, teasing him with your victory. 
“Now you’re going to be the booger-head, Hiro!” He rolled his eyes, gentally hitting your face with a pillow before standing up. 
“Where are you going?” You wondered, drinking some of the soda he’d offered you earlier. 
“That hair dye won’t buy itself.” 
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slyther-bi · 3 years
This is something I wrote on my old account @xxdxaxx I won't add a link to the original post cause I'm basically just reposting it after editing it a little bit. It's this wild thought I had in mind a long time ago.
Basically Andromeda adopts Severus in his first year. She sees this little nervous boy unsure about his place in the world and who just wants to go back to his best friend, who is a muggleborn. She automatically decides to keep him cause she can see that he isn't like the other Slytherins, and sure enough Severus gets attached to her and sees her like a mom because of how nice and caring she is.
Imagine Severus running to Andromeda anytime the mauraders bully him and cling to her for dear life. She'll whisper sweet nothings in his ear in order to calm him down and wipe away his tears. Once she graduates you best believe that Severus clung to her with tears streaming down his face as he begged her not to go, not to leave him alone in Hogwarts. Andromeda promising him that she'll write to him everyday no matter what and seeing him perk up.
Severus going to her after his fall out with Lily and begging Andromeda to forgive him for saying such an awful word, especially since she herself married a muggleborn. Andromeda quickly knowing how guilty he feels and pulls him into a hug, she knows what its like being in a house and having to act a certain way so as not to get hurt by the others. She knows how it feels to get bullied for being a blood traitor and knows what its like to be misjudged because of what house you're in. So that day is spent with Sev and Andromeda cuddling on the couch and Ted, casually draping a soft blanket over them both while smiling as he remembers doing this back in Hogwarts.
Tho before she graduated Andromeda had made plans to murder Malfoy after Severus mentions the slightest attraction towards him. Then constantly asking questions when he says he might like Rosier, she knows him well and to be honest its rather shocking to hear Sev say that but in retrospect she can sorta see why. Rosier was brave, smart, well mannered, and oddly protective when it came to those he cared about so really despite his craziness he may have been a good match.
Now what shocked her most was the way Sev ranted about Gilderoy Lockhart, despite his rants being full of hatred towards the man she knew he held some attraction towards him. Honestly it ain't hard to miss when Sev says and I quote "I hate his goddamn gorgeous hair!! Filthy bastard!" and she takes great pleasure in teasing him about it too. Hell she even has it recorded and threatens him with it. Ted would tease him to but at least he knew when to stop, because he knows Sev is good with magic and can end him (plus his wife has threatened him about teasing her child and by god will he disobey her)
Severus hates the teasing and would go and hang out with Ted seeing as he wouldn't do it as much as she would. It warmed Andromeda's heart seeing her two favorite boys spend time together and nothing made her happier. When it came to Severus's graduation Andromeda and Ted had attend and they both cried seeing as Sev was basically their kid no matter what. That day was a day Sev wouldn't forget seeing as he had to deal with Andromeda constant whines of how her baby boy was growing up! TED HOW DO WE KEEP HIM FROM GROWING UP THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!!
Ted had to comfort his wife while she clung to Severus the same way he did upon her graduation. Of course aside from how proud of him she was both her and Ted weren't pleased with the fact that he joined the death eaters (love struck fool is what Andromeda had concluded for why he joined). Ted had to keep her from going over to the Malfoy Manor and kill Lucius for corrupting her baby boy.
Luckily for them she didn't bother to try and kill Evan Rosier (solely cause she knows Sev would be upset at her if she did, he really liked him). Eventually Andromeda annouces that she is pregnant and Ted is beyond happy but Sev is unsure how to feel (he's a mama's boy, he jealous) Once she starts to show Sev would poke her stomach which both Andromeda and Ted found amusing. The day that she was to give birth was rather eventful, her and Sev had been folding laundry when her water broke which made him faint.
After getting to the hospital with an unconscious Severus and contacting her husband she had finally given birth to that of Nymphadora Tonks. Both her and Ted had been immensely happy although Ted had been crying the entire time that both Andromeda and Severus wanted to hex him. When they went home Andromeda had finally gotten Severus to hold Nymphadora and when she was placed in his arms he froze up in fear.
He didn't want to accidentally hurt her and cause Andromeda & Ted to hate him. Soon after that day Severus had begun to visit them less due to being a death eater and not wanting them to get hurt. Yet one day he came to visit and his face was covered in dried up tears, his eyes red and puffy. His heart breaking as he told Andromeda and Ted about the death of Evan Rosier, the boy who captured the sun in his hair and held the sky in eyes. It took Andromeda several days to get Severus to stop crying and a couple more to get him to eat.
As days passed with Severus still visiting less Andromeda had gone back to Hogwarts to see him and inform him about the death of Ted. When she saw Sev all she could do was pull him into a hug and cry her heart out, a few minutes later she had regained enough strength and soon told Severus which caused him to break down and cry alongside Andromeda who still had her arms wrapped around him. Time came and went with Severus no longer visiting, until one faithful night when he came barging into her home sobbing.
She knew exactly why her boy was so heart broken, she had just read the paper that stated the death of Lily Evans and James Potter. She held him until he fell asleep in her arms and took him home. After that Sev barely left Hogwarts only to visit the Malfoy's seeing as Lucius was a death eater himself Sev didn't have to worry much but when it came to Draco he tried his best to protect him. As life goes on Sev and Andromeda continue to write to eachother.
The both of them had saved every letter and would read them when they got lonely. Andromeda had promised Severus that she wouldn't tell Nymphadora about him due to fear that she might get hurt because everyone who seems to know about him ended up dead. Sad to say it wasn't long before Andromeda received news about the death of her daughter and her son-in-law Remus that had prompted Severus to go see her and stay a few nights to keep her safe. As the war continued and Andromeda sat safely in her home with her grandson in her arms she received a letter which shattered her world completely.
Why? because that letter stated that her boy, her precious shy little boy, that same boy who was scared of the world, that boy who'd come crying to her and seeking comfort after being bullied, that boy who would shyly ask her to read to him when they were alone, that same boy who managed to best every slytherin in his exams, that boy who she had claimed as hers upon seeing him, her brave boy Severus Snape was dead.
She didn't know what to do, she sat there reading the letter over and over in hopes that it wasn't true. Yet once she realized that her boy was dead she broke down and cried till her eyes had no more tears shed. She lost everyone she loved and cared for, well all except her grandson and she prayed to Merlin that no one would take him away from her.
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Lesbian!Batsis (HC)
Requested by @iiiiisworld​: Hello first of All i love your writing so much♡♡♡♡♡♡Second of All, i saw that is said that the request are open so i wanted to ask you if you could do a one-shot of batsis getting outed as a lesbian and how the batboys and bruce would react.(if you dont want to write it its okay ♡)(Sorry if their are any spelling Mistakes , english isnt my first language)
And an Anon (I think you accidentaly sent in two, but who knows): Hey i saw that your requests are open so i wanted to ask if you could to a oneshot were batsis got outed as a lesbian by another person and like it is all on like the internet. And the reaction of the batfam Sorry if my english isnt good but it isnt my first language And if you dont like the request just ignor it Btw i looooovvvveee your wrintig sooooo much ♡
A/N: Awww thank you so much!!!! I know you asked for a Oneshot, but this concept that build itself in my mind kinda aquired its own life and fits Headcanons more, I made them more ‘story-like’ though so I hope that’s cool. Also I know you probably wanted some Angst, but I was just in the mindset of FLUFFFFFFF. (also, your english is fine ♡)
Also, I love y’all lesbians very much, you’re all amazing, breathtaking, loving and great, as a bi-sister I stand by you!!!
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The only thing illuminating your bedroom was the dimly lit screen of your phone hovering only inches over your face, dangerously loose in your tired grip
What was depicted in front of you was stopping your heart in all the wrong places
The pictures and comments were all over instagram, twitter, tumblr and even facebook
Even on YouTube were first reaction videos about it, even though it had only been an hour at most since the first picture was uploaded 
There were only two original pictures if you substracted all the edits that had been uploaded and you recognized these shots immediatly
You had been out on a date with you girlfriend and the two of you had been in a small coffee shop enjoying some lunch
Because you hated all the attention that came from the media with being a Wayne you had explained early on in your relationship that you’d rather keep it in private 
So when you went out you were just ‘friends’
You made up for it in private tho 
But on that day things changed becaue your girlfriend had been really stressed with her exams lately and just needed some consolation
That was how the first picture came: The two of you sitting opposite of each other on a small table with you holding her hand ontop of it, rubbing small circles into her skin
That alone was no big thing, pictures like that were published a lot and just ended up in the big void that was the internet, but the noisy paparazzi who had followed the two of you ever since they had caught sight of you a few streets back wasn’t satisfied yet
So they followed you further when you left the shop about twenty minutes later
You had been so sure that there was no one around in the secluded area of the park you had been walking through and your girlfriend had that sad smile on her lips that she always had when things were on her mind and she couldn’t complete concentrate on her time with you
So you decided you’d distract her for a few seconds
And the second picture was born
The two of you kissing, luckily (just like in the first pic) her back was turned to the camera and her identity wasn’t traceable, one of your hands on her waist, the other on her cheeck
If it had just been that picture then sure, rumours would have started, people would’ve started asking, but you could’ve said it wasn’t you, your face wasn’t visible enough for them to claim otherwise, but with the other picture taken only minutes earlier in the same clothes with the same partner?
Now it was out in the world
It didn’t really feel that bad
Of course, like always, there were hateful people who commented nasty stuff and a few even dm-ed you about what a disgrace to gotham you supposidly were, but they were nothing compared to the crowd of hundres if not thousands who commented and dm-ed and uploaded how happy and excited they were for you
Edits of pics of you with the lesbian flags were quickly making their way through the web
And it felt good
Of course you knew that wouldn’t be all of it, part of being a “celebrity” was to adress things like that and even if you realitivly kept out of the public eye you surely wouldn’t get around at least one interview of a talk-show-visit
But you’d manage, you’d managed quote-on-quote “scandals” before
Like that one time you posted that you thought Batman was a giant whimp and should finally confirm he was a giant furry - of course that happened a few minutes after you and your dad had a small falling out
You had to go on four different Gotham-based Interviews that month and constantly meet up with the PR-manager
It was...interesting... to say the least
And this now was no real difference
And, as an added Bonus, you could finally take your girlfriend to Galas and kiss her in public (if she was okay with the attention obviously, you wouldn’t drag her into that without her permission)
But I digress
That night you fell asleep calm and happy
The next day on the other hand...
I don’t think the Wayne family is the kind of family that you’d feel like you have to keep things like that from (obviously everyone is different and has different limits, but I’ll have to somewhat assume that)
So I’ll just say that you already told them
Still, they’re incredibly worried with how you’ll react to being outed against your will
So let’s just say you spend most of the day telling your (very, very, very extended) family about how you feel and that it’s okay
Jason still might or might not had trashed that paparazzis apartement and camera as a small lession about privacy, but you won’t find out about that until much later
Straight-up, Kate will take you out and spoil you just a little bit alongside with Cass who joins the two of you (My fav gay squad - or at least bi, since I headcanon that Cass could totally be bi) 
They all obviously want to show you and (mainly) the public how much they support you
So guess who sponsors the next Gotham pride? Correctly guessed, it’s Wayne enterprise Inc.
Most of your siblings (at least the ones that the public has their eyes on - see: Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass - the other ones will do it privatly) will do the typical publicity thing of posting about their support and about how much they love you and about how amazing your girlfriend is
All that
Somehow, this reveal that was planned to be a big Drama-scandal that would bring fame and fourtune to the photographer turned into something entirely else
While Kate is the Momma-lesbian in the family she keeps a somewhat low profile concerning the media (she’s still a big figure obviously, but she’s not as out there as Bruce is for example), you somehow turn into a gay-represantaion-princess for Gotham
Kinda like Hayley Kiyoko is lesbian Jesus
A lot of people dm you in the following years and tell you that you (more or less voluntary) coming out and being such a strong figure in Gotham gave them the courage to come out to their family and friends too and it will never fail to warm your heart
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xxrat--punkxx · 4 years
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Ok here’s my 2020, tw//mentions of suicide and abuse
(Strong start lmao) 2020 sucked ass lemmi tell ya. This year was a fucking train wreck from the start, ur hay I got character development so who cares. Well let’s start with a review, bad things first.
Yall remember when everyone was scared shields of COVID?. Lol. But that’s stating the obvious. When we went into lockdown I was first like fuck yeah summer lol, but then the threat of ‘staying home for the rest of the year’ set in, bing in my first year of sixth form I really understand the stakes of exams next year. So having to stay home for the rest of the year freaked me the fuck out. I literally couldent cope, having to do all classes online was fucking hell, they were never zoom classes either, just ‘lmao do the work and hand it in’ which was near impossible for me. I was also in the constant ‘oh no I’m so stressed but I will do NOTHING about this lmao~’. As the days turned to weeks and inevitably MONTHS, my mental health said buckle up bitches. Days were spent sitting in my room on my phone doing NOTHING, meanwhile this perpetual notion of stress played in my head yet there I sat not having the will or motion to move.
Then my parents got involved. Now THATS when shit went from pretty crummy to awful, now I was living with them constantly I was able to see who they really were with no real filter. And oh god do I have issues, I didn’t even fucking know. Every day was an argument, my mom was the worst, the MANIPULATION, the constant ‘you're tearing this family apart’ or ‘so I’m the problem?’ Or the fucking indecent playing the victim. And I all only just realised, that they have been doing this ALL MY LIFE. Dad got involved but he was just physically violent, only twice tho. The worst part was my work, admittedly yes, I didn’t do everything I was given, but I tried, I really did with what little motivation I had. But with just one ‘oh your daughter hasn’t handed in this work’ I was a ‘lazy, good for nothing failure’ to quote ‘who will never go anywhere in life’ so I’d spend the rest of the day crying while they play the victim bury saupying I was abusing their love and just using them for money. But the next day be like ‘oh I’m so proud of you you're doing so well’ having that statement being completely unrelated to the previous events. This was constant. So that’s that story. I won’t talk much about Black Lives Matter because we all know about how that went. But it really affected me, I found myself crying over the victims multiple times. And the lack of support for the movement my peers or family showed made it fucking worse. Crying was a common occurrence for me now, mental health really taking a nosedive, being too scared to call myself ‘depressed’ or ‘mentally ill’ to any extent because I know I’m faking it and just want validation. That was also constant. Fun times huh.
BUT IT GETS WORSE 🥲, then I had to go back to school, awful to fucking abhorrent now. Year two of sixth form fun right? Sure, if u take away the ‘no free time period’ or the wanting to kill mystery for literally a whole 3 weeks. That was my lowest peak. Ever. I’ve never wanted to kill myself before then, don’t like that feeling. Shocker huh. That mixed with the constant anxiety of nothing is right anymore and also needing to succeed at school all made one healthy dose of ‘.exe has stopped working’ juice. Yet I played the fool, acting happy as if nothing had happened, or was happening at least, and venting by imagining scenes in my head with fictional characters lmao. Telling myself ’u can’t kill yourself because u don’t deserve too and ur just asking for attraction’. Then midterms happened blah blah blah, stress but I’m numb to it now that whole story.
But that’s not to say there wasn’t a silver lining.
Onto the good things finally, yes the year was probably one of the worst years I’ve been through in my life it did not go without its positives. For example early this year I got into borderlands properly, I finally explored the fandom and had a look at what it was like. Albeit a slow process considering I was still predominantly on Instagram at the time, and finding a community of a fandom on there is impossible. I started browsing Pinterest or the Internet for images that would link to my favourite characters, Who were to no ones surprise is the calypso twins. Pinterest led me to artworks and artworks led me to the infamous Lazulizard. Who I cherish all my being. Three weeks later after looking at her entire tumblr blog and stalking her of pretty much all her content (sorry for that by the way) I found border-spam. By this point I didn’t have tumblr and I had no intention of getting it seeing as an ongoing war I’ve had with myself since 2012, declaring I will be the bigger man and never get tumblr, which in hindsight was an awful mindset. Seeing as tumblr is probably one of my favourite places on Earth right now. But after also stalking border spams account, again sorry, and starving her of any content she’d ever posted. I was happy that this fandom although as niche as it is was actually getting content. At the time spam and lazu were absolute gods to me. Being the sole producer of a fandom I probably wasn’t even in properly, having both impeccable writing and impeccable art like good God. I would often think ‘wow wouldn’t it be incredible if I actually got to talk to them one day’, now look at me I’m doing commissions for both of them good God. And to be short joining tumblr felt like a fever dream and it’s probably the greatest thing I could’ve done this year, my parents are wrong, talking to strangers is amazing.
Something notable of mention this year as I actually got to figure out who I am as a person, I was able to find my own style and to find my interests, specifically in what I liked in terms of clothing. I thought I was LOL 2012 goth hipster but no apparently I’m manic Pixie dream girl. Going from pink is the ugliest colour in the world to having it be the only colour I will ever wear. I made some pretty big choices this year like cutting pretty much all of my hair off and dying it for the first time. Thanks strict parents for only letting me do that one now. But like I said I went to a character Ark and you know what I like it. I also played BioShock fallout and horizon zero dawn for the first time this year starting to really feel like a proper epic gamer, good lord kill me, and falling in love with all of them almost immediately. I also figured out on a plant mum and I’m into vulture culture although my parents have to disagree with that one. Asking to buy an Horse and fox skull somehow scared them a little bit can’t seem to figure out why lmao.
So a conclusion, Fuck you 2020 you made me miss two comic cons and I will never forgive you for that shit I am SO mad. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt you did make me meet some absolutely incredible people who I consider my friends, despite going against every single Internet safety law I was ever taught as a child. But you know what who gives a flying shit I love you guys. So that’s what I wanted to say. I want to say thank you to everyone on here and everyone is following me or even interacted me with on that matter. You mean the world to me and I really fucking mean it. Are you going to be nothing but amazing ever since I walked onto this fucking hell hole. And what I go through all of this bullshit again if it means I ended up here? You know what I think I just might. So again I thank you and I hope your year didn’t go as badly as mine, and fuck it bring on whatever the fucks next!
Honourable mention of this year was The time Elisa actually complimented me and I cried a little bit and had a panic attack but you know that’s for another day
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randomsevans · 4 years
Pain of being in love part 3
Original apart of @jtargaryen18 #30daysofchris2020
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Two weeks had dragged by as you felt like an empty shell going day by day . You hadn't spoken to anyone apart form Scott ,you haven't left the house unless it was for a good reason. You would constantly forget to eat so Scott became like your own personal chief.
And all this because the time had finally arrived where your love for chris was outshone by his own love for someone else .
Scott had told you that Lisa and Minka have been planning a engagement party much to chris dislike as he sees the announcement as an engagement party .
Chris had tried to call you but you always let it go to voice mail as it was probably an invitation to the party next Saturday. You really didnt want to go . The pain in your heart was begaing you not to as it cant take anymore hurt . But you knew as being the brothers best friend and a family friend you need to go . Because as much as it hurt you . You know that this will make Chris happy and you need to be happy for him even tho you are dying inside .
It was the day before the party so the Friday and some how Scott had managed to get you out of your bed and house only to be in his house on his couch . Currently eating too much mint chocolate chip ice cream along with this stuiped movie Scott forced you to watch
Love Rosie .
"How fuckin ironic "
You knew that Scott put picked this movie on purpose . Whether it was for the both of you to make fun or the movie like you usual do or let you watch it because it was so fuckin relatable. Either way you too had ended up watching the movie in silence with a few mumbles about food or if one was getting up or not and even a giggle or two when Rosie was struggling with a new born .
It had got to the part of the wedding and oh by god how you related to it . Rosie speech on how she loves him no matter where he is or who hes with .. your heart was yelling someone gets it . You were stuck in your own your head focusing on Rosie words until Scott spoke up.
"How ?" He ask
"What ? " you were confused and faced him as he faced you turning his body as the movie played in the back ground .
"How , when, why ?" He stared directly into your eyes with the soft blue shade he shares with his brother
"What ? " you asked again
"When did you begin to have feeling for my brother and why ... and how much because not to be mean but iv never seen you like this not ever so his engagement clear has affected you " he said softly
You hadn't yet actually spoken the words I love your brother to Scott or I'm in love with him to be more exact but Scott had guest it never asked about it until now .
You were silent for a moment thinking ... well more like your head was empty of thoughts you just liked the silence.
"Who said I have feeling.... "
"Y/n " Scott cut you off
You shift in your seat turning to face Scott legs cross over each other and hands in your lap looking down .
"I .. I had always had a crush on him you know ... who didnt " scott hummed in agreement
"But do you remember that day when I...was ment to have my first date but he never showed up "
Once again Scott hummed
"Well Chris picked me up... and he tried cheering me up .. and it worked "
You glanced up a Scott who looked softly at you as your eyes hot glassy . You looked back down to your hands as there stared nervously fiddling with the ends of the blanket that was wrapped around you.
"Well we were at a dinner ... and do you know in movies it like you have loved someone and you always new . Well it wasnt like that ... "
You took a deep breath.
"I hit me .. like a truck ... he was sitting at the other side of the table... and it hit me everything flooded I... love him but not just that . Because I love you ."
That caused Scott to scoffed as if ' I know you do who doesnt '
"It was more ... well more like a different type of love ... or more like . I was in love in love with him ."
You glance up at the ceiling letting the tears sink back into your eyes as you shake your head .
"I AM in love with him "
You looked at Scott who now had tears in his eyes ..and red showing he was trying to hold them back .
"And I think I always will . "
You were both silent for a seconde
"No matter where he is ... or who hes with a will always love him "
That caused you both to giggle as you made your way into Scotts open arms
"Quoting are we " he chuckled as your head landed on his chest as his arms wrapped around you .
"Well you know me "
You heard him sniff as you felt a tear drop into your hair .
"Oh .. god ... how have you kept it in for so long... that was like ... .... we were 14 or 15 fuck how ? Why ?" He said softly as tears clouded his voice .
"I didnt say anything or do anything because he will never and has never felt the same I'm... im like a sister to him ...in a weird way... and I'd never deserve him ....."
You left your head and looked at Scott .
"And at the same time I realised iam in love with him I also knew nothing would become of it because... " tears bow fell down your eyes .
"Because it was better to have both of you in my life then not to have neither of you ... and I wasnt willing to risk it ..... and I knew ... I knew this time would come .... but it dosnt stop .... it doesn't stop it hurting " you couldn't help but let it all out as you tucked your self back into Scott
He placed a kiss in your hair
"Your a silly one ain't ya ..... I will always be here you know that " he said softly
"You do know that right ?"
You just nodded as your tears drained his shirt .
You stood at Lisa front door with Scott by your side much like that dreaded day three weeks ago . You were in a blue floral dress in small pumps waiting patiently as you heard the party already up and ready with in .
"Its not late to turn back " Scott whisper in your ear just before the door swang open. To reveal Minka at the door with a giant smile and an even bigger diamond on her left hand . That had somehow made your heat beat pain through out your veins.
"It is now " you whisper back before putting a wide fake smile on
"Minka .... contagralations " you tired your best not to sound bitter you really did .
"Y/n right ? " she asked looking you up and down . You just nodded your head
She was about to speak again when Chris practically ripped the door hinges off as he opened the door wider . As his eyes landed on you there grew and his month hung open as he let out a deep sigh . Making your heat beat fast instead of the numb feeling it has had over the last three weeks .
"Y/n " was all he said a small whisper .
You and Chris eyes were locked missing the fallen smile of Minka as she looked between the two of you here eyebrows knitting . While Scott had a small smirked placed on his lips due to Minka reaction
"Chris I thought we agreed I'd do the door " Minka snapped at chris . Breaking his eye contact with you . To glance at Minka for a split seconde
"Um yeah sorry " he said quickly and looked back deep into your eyes , with the softest blue shade "I... I just heard her name ..." he sighed and he said it slowly and softly . He tilted his head almost like a child went there feelings are hurt . "I haven't..... I havnt see you ... heard form you ... I tried calling but ..I always ... "
"I was busy " you cut him off
Before chris could answer or even process what you said , Lisa pops her head at the other side of the door
"What are you all doing out here ! ... come on come in "she took at step back with a wide smile , as you stepped in .
She pulled you in to a tight high as she always does "isn't this amazing.... finally get to celebrate my boy with hes wife to be "
You closed your eyes as your rested your chin on her shoulder and sighed "it sure is "
You took a step back and put on the widest smile .
What you didnt know was as you were facing momma Evan's. Two blue eyed boys looked at you with soften eyes but both for different reasons .
"Come on let's join the others " lisa said to all of us.
"I couldn't agree more Mrs Evan's " minka replied
"How many times Lisa or even better mom " lisa laught her and Minka walked side by side to the garden
"Ma! " chris said .
"What she will be my daughter in law soon so she better get use it " both lisa and Minka laught and diserperared into the garden . Leaving you , Scott and Chris still in the hall way of the front door .
"How soon exactly ?" Scott asked the fill the uneasy silence .
"Um its gonna be a fall wedding " chris replied
"Oh " was all you said as you felt the pit in your stomach grow and your heart beating fast
"Like .... next year or two ?" Scott said slowly shrugging with his hands in his pockets .
"Uh no " Chris paused and took at quick glance at you and looked at the floor . "This year .... in 3 months " he sighed.
And as if it wasnt possible you felt your heart crack more .
Scott only let out a deep sigh and grab your arm " come on y/n let's get a drink " you nod you head and began to walk to the garden . But you turned your head over your should and with a deep sigh , you dry throat and stinging eyes .
"Contraglation Chris " you sighted, eys watery " I'm... happy for yo... you ... sh ...Minka is a lucky girl " you choked out as Scott pulled you futher away as he tried to save you from futher heart break or for you to continue lying .
"I'm...not " Chris mumbled silently as you were out of earshot .. and took a deep sigh and then finally followed your direction and headed for the back yard.
The never ending growing pit in your soul and tears in your heart was growing more painful as you chuged down your first of many drinks of the night. But what do you expect it's the pain of being in love
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Ps I didnt realise that the actress (lily colin)that play Rosie in the movie love Rosie actual dated chris
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youcancallmemeimei · 3 years
2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40 sorry for a lot of Qs!
Hahaha what a curious kitty cat but its okay, thats what this is all about right?
2. are you single or taken?
Single and its okay like this i guess haha
4. do you think its ok to separate the artist from the art?
Yes and no, and it depends what you mean by separate haha but i'll go with the deeper one if thats okay? yes its okay to separate the artist from the art because sometimes when for example, i paint something during a depressive episode i might not feel like that anymore, so that piece of art represented me at that time but not anymore, but at the same time that used to be me so i cant deny that, i think art is not something you can judge putting the artist aside, because art comes from what's in the heart, but our hearts change so even tho we might have done something at some point it the artist you are seeing now might not be the one who painted/drew/sculpted/wrote/etc a certain piece a while ago, they might be two completely different people... idk...
5. how many accounts do you have?
1 for the public haha
9. favorite brand of clothing?
Fast fashion: Zara
Luxury: Prada, Miu Miu and Burberry haha
10. name a dog
Nube if its she (and white), or Gustavo if it's a he.
15.what’s a question do you constantly get asked?
Are you single? How old are you? and i'm so tired ask me something else when you see me come on, ask me whats my favourite fast food restaurant, ask me why do i smell like strawberries, ask me who's my biggest inspiration, a quote that changed my life, not if i'm in a relationship or not, like (? are you planning on changing that? you have no chance, get outta here!
16. if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?
I wouldn't get anything tbh
17. google the top song from the year you were born
The number one is absolutely disgusting so im not going to name it but id say one that i really like from that year is "You're still the one" by Shania Twain
18. rant about your favorite musician
I might seem like the most boring person but i dont have a favourite musician but i've been listening to Daft Punk since i can remember, but on the other hand classical music and Glenn Miller have always been around too so yeah
22. if you could see any concert tonight what would you choose?
From current artists i'd really like to see any kpop groups because those concerts look absolutely hectic and all the good fun.
23. if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
procrastinating, and yeah we all do, but the problem is that i can do it and i still get my stuff done, i've convinced myself that i work better under pressure and my ideas flow better when i'm in a rush, so i tend to procrastinate a lot because as i said, I STILL GET EVERYTHING DONE and i hate it :(
25. what’s something you can’t stop buying?
Water bottles hahaha
32. how old do you get mistaken for?
I don't really know, but people usually ask for my id or don't let me go places because they say i look underage
33. what do you think about a lot
37. have you ever been called down to the principals office?
No, i'm a good girl, my bio says it, nothing but the best behaviour always hahaha
38. post a picture of the outfit you would choose if you could have any outfit you wanted
Anything Jisoo or Joy wear
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39. describe your aesthetic
I dont really know actually... do i have one? can you see a pattern? please let me know how you'd describe it haha
40. answer with one of your ‘school memes’ (inside jokes you have with your class/grade) with no explanation
Regina George
I hope you got to know me a little bit better haha sorry if theres some missing q's maybe i don't want to answer some or i just forgot haha
have a lovely week <3 <3 <3 <3
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twilightofthe · 4 years
So...about that Obitine Anidala rant. Also, you said something about how Sidious and Obi-Wan are foils. I would love it if you elaborate. (Also, I love your blog.)
Awwwww thank you anon!  I just be yelling on here!
*wheezes* okie doke!  Tho I stress that this won’t exactly be a rant because I adore Obitine and Anidala and rant kinda implies aggression towards them, this is more of just a long-ass ramble because while I love them, I don’t always love the way canon portrays them in the narrative, particularly in relationship to each other, because I often do not feel that what the show is trying to push us to think about them is accurate to how they actually act and come across.  Notably, the show attempts to draw comparisons to the two relationships that really don’t exist below surface level similarities.  Again, these are my own personal opinions, and in fact, I welcome discussion!  I truly do!  Please politely debate me on this if you disagree!
(god dammit it got long again, so long I’ll actually put ur Sidious and Obi Wan as foils part in a separate post)
I’ll get to why exactly the show compares the relationships very strangely in a moment, but first we gotta explore the reason why it does this in the first place, which is that the Clone Wars show has decided to make Obi Wan and Anakin narrative foils to one another.  Narrative foils, by the literary definition, are two characters that contrast one another.  They don’t have to be the protagonist and the antagonist, these characters can be on the same side, basically the thing is that they have “opposite” personalities where if one character is hot, the other is cold, if one character chooses to go right, the other will go left.  It’s usually used to show one character’s qualities as more favorable for the situation as opposed to anyone else’s.
TCW does this whenever they possibly can with Anakin and Obi Wan.  I get its reasoning behind it.  I do.  The reasoning is that while Anakin is supposed to be a main character, he makes questionable decisions quite often and for the kiddies watching, those decisions must be seen as Bad even if the hero does it, so they have Obi Wan, the unquestionable good guy, encounter the exact same scenarios Anakin makes his questionable decisions in, and then has Obi Wan make the Right(TM) decision to teach the kids a valuable lesson.  They turn Obi Wan into the voice of reason for the entire show, which turns basically almost everything Obi Wan and Anakin do into a constant competition in the narrative in a way the movies do not do (and I’ll get to the movies later).  I’m not saying it’s necessarily a bad thing, making them foils, but it’s definitely more of a show-only thing and it does it quite, quite often.
So yeah, TCW likes to compare Obi Wan and Anakin to the point that sometimes they try and use Obi Wan to diminish Anakin’s genuine trauma and struggles by going “well why didn’t you do it like THIS?” and I think that writing parallel plotlines for the purpose of shaming/criticism is kinda ://////, but that’s another rant for another day that again, if y’all wanna hear about, lmk
Anyway, the need to compare them absolutely made its way into their romantic relationships as well, as they acknowledge the similarities in the show, and Filoni and the crew explicitly compare the two relationships in interviews.
Basically my problem with how they try and draw said parallels can be boiled down to one quote by Filoni that a cursory Google search could not find but I know exists so y’all can take my word or not, that went along the lines of “Obi Wan and Satine are like Anakin and Padmé but better because they know how to stay unattached and let each other go.  They’re a success story.”  I disagreed with this quote so much it inspired me to write a whole-ass fic about it (Mutuals update: yes, it is coming soon, Darth Maul is just himself and therefore an utter pain in the ass to do a POV on and is fighting me like the bitchass he is)
My thesis that I will be arguing today is that while TCW tried to create Obitine as an Anidala parallel, they’re really not similar in the way the writers think they are.  Obitine is not a success story to Anidala, they’re a goddamn tragedy too; the real parallel to Anidala is that Obitine also ended in death and tears despite making all the “right” decisions instead of all the “wrong” ones, and that is what is sad about them.
Like, on the surface level?  Yeah, the crew-intended parallels are there.  A fancy politician and a Jedi get together after the Jedi is assigned as the politician’s bodyguard.  The first time they see each other in over a decade the guy’s first words are basically “damn girl you’re still hot”, there is Conflict(TM) and the choice to try and be together or stay yearningly apart because they are Forbidden(TM) to be together, and ultimately a Sith Lord fucks them both over because he’s obsessed with the Jedi and uses Politician Lady to his advantage, finds and exploits a vulnerability of hers, destroys her life’s work, and then lets her die to make Jedi Man sad.  The difference is all that one pair said “yeah we aren’t gonna break the rules to be together” and the other said “fuck it yeah we are, let’s do this”
But beneath all of that, they real similarities are different and not at all focused on by the narrative.  Obi Wan and Anakin are extremely different people, as are Padmé and Satine, so their relationship dynamics together will not be the same.  You want to try and compare Obi Wan and Anakin and then compare Satine and Padmé like the crew attempts to, and you can’t, they have the same job but not nearly the same life.  Namely, the funny coincidence is that Obi Wan and Padmé are much more similar in personality, while Anakin and Satine are also much more similar in personality, so the first time they meet again, it’s both Anakin and Satine as the one who’s been pining for over a decade and the one more actively pursuing the relationship, while Obi Wan and Padmé who are more like “uh, hi, wow, you’re hot and this is a Problem because I have a job to do pls don’t look at me like that but also I will Cause Problems On Purpose and flirt with you anyway because I can’t help it”.  I get the Corruption TCW ep with Sati and Pads was mostly intended just to help Satine pass the Bechdel test and also show how similar the two leading lady love interests are, but it was a genuinely creative episode that actually ended up showing how much Satine and Padmé compliment each other instead of mirroring each other, much like Obi Wan and Anakin do.
And, onto my next point, despite the character parallels being wrong, the parallels in the relationship are different too.  Like I said, the parallel isn’t that Obi Wan and Satine aren’t attached like Anakin and Padmé are.  The parallel is that Obitine is actively running from what that attachment means instead of embracing it like Anidala is.  The show would argue that since they try to avoid it, that they are able to live without one another, means they aren’t attached like the Jedi define it, but I argue that they definitely still are attached to a degree because they cannot give each other up.  They held torches for each other from a timerange of 15 YEARS.  Yes I know they spent an entire year together at a young and emotionally volatile point in their lives, but I stand that NO ONE is that hung up on their ex for that long unless there is some serious emotions involved.  Anakin was hung up on Padmé for ten years, and that was because Palpatine was constantly bolstering those affections and reminding him of Padmé.  Obes and Sati both-- or at least Satine, the show always makes Obi Wan’s feelings for Satine in return much more vague --held on to their feelings for five years longer without the influence of a Sith Lord.
And the thing is, they know it.  Obi Wan and Satine are both fully aware that they haven’t been able to shake each other off like they should and that that is a Problem, that’s why they’re both a mite venomous with each other beneath the flirting at first, they’re both extremely frustrated with themselves for not being able to get over this thing they have, and frustrated with the other for being there as an active temptation.
And yet, they still are attached to each other.  They try to avoid it, they definitely try, and that’s what makes them different from Anidala, but they are definitely still attached.  You can see it in Obi Wan’s actions in Voyage of Temptation when Merrik is threatening to blow the ship, the way he hesitates in attacking him because that would be “striking an unarmed man”.  Obi Wan Kenobi does not prefer violence, no, but he has never hesitated to cut a bitch before if it’s for the good of the many.  This is the man who stabbed someone with a fork and threatened to eat him just to maintain his cover as a dangerous criminal.  This is the guy who had no problem killing Zam Wessel for information to protect Padmé.  This is a pragmatist who prefers peaceful solutions, but he does not hesitate if he feels it is a justified offense.  But this time, when an entire shipful of people is at risk, Obi Wan hesitates.  Because he doesn’t want to upset Satine.  Because he’s probably thinking on how she told him that if he had killed the last terrorist they encountered, she wouldn’t speak to him, how she had criticized every time he used violence to escape Death Watch before.  He hesitates because he’s putting her happiness, just for a second, over the sake of duty.  Do I think that if Anakin hadn’t shown up to save their moral compasses, Obi Wan would have eventually taken out Merrik?  Absolutely; hell, I honestly think Satine might have done it.
But the matter was, Merrik could have pressed the kill switch any second of Obi Wan’s hesitation, and Obi Wan knew that, and was hesitating anyway.
I am calling this attachment solely because if the situation was reversed, if this was Anakin and Padmé in this situation, with Anakin not taking out a dangerous criminal because he doesn’t want to upset Padmé (lol ignoring the fact that Pads 1000% would have shot that bitch, and even if she didn’t, Anakin would because he is perfectly fine with hurting his loved ones’ feelings if he feels it’ll keep them safe), god, the narrative would have eaten Anakin alive.  
No, I won’t take criticism.  I know how the show handles the Anidala dynamic.  It would have shown Obi Wan popping up to take out the baddie as him doing the right thing and saving the day, and then Anakin would have been shamed for letting his feelings for his wife get in the way of protecting a shipful of people.  THAT would be the Vader foreshadowing, none of this “only a cold-blooded killer” shit, no way would they ever stick that label on Obi Wan.
So yeah, I’m going off of the fact that if that would have been classified as attachment for Anidala-- which, it would, then. it counts for Obitine.
And then Obi Wan and Satine continue to be hung up on each other for the rest of the eps they’re in, Satine saying in words multiple times how much she loves and cares about him and wishes things could be different, and Obi Wan performing it in actions, risking his own neck and political standing to help her even when she’s a fugitive, probably personally putting in to send his own grandpadawan to help her later.  Right up to the time when Satine decides that she is going to call Obi Wan when she is deposed.  Not the Senate.  Not any powerful politician friends.  Not even the Jedi Order or the Council as a whole.  She calls and addresses her distress call to Obi Wan alone.  And Obi Wan, as now revealed to us by TCW S7, defies Council orders and breaks a century old neutrality treaty to try and bust her, a convicted murderer in the eyes of the Republic and Mandalore, out.  He didn’t even know Maul had her.  Just knew she was in danger and came running to her aid.  He risks starting a potential war to come save her.  They acted so in love that Vizsla was able to guess from being around them for like five seconds, and was able to tell Maul exactly who he would need to bait Obi Wan.
That is where the attachment comes from.  It’s the fact that Obi Wan and Satine tried so, so hard to give each other up and do the right thing, but when it came down to it, they couldn’t lose the other one so they put them first when logically they shouldn’t.  And thus, Satine ended up dead.
Now I know most people will argue with me that actually Filoni means that since they didn’t stay together after the year on the run, THAT is what makes them able to give each other up, and also the fact that Obi Wan didn’t go dark side and murder everyone when Satine died.
But I still think that at least the murder front is a fairly low bar to cross, and anyway, that just because they could live without each other didn’t mean they weren’t still attached.  Anakin and Padmé were apart for 10 years and then even after that, they were apart almost constantly during the war.  Just because they could live apart or even past the other’s death didn’t mean they weren’t attached, as they both still had not let the other go mentally and also broke rules to try and ensure the other would not die, even if the rules said they should let it happen.
So yeah, that’s my big theory.  We can’t compare Obitine with Anidala by saying Obitine was a success story, we compare them by acknowledging that both struggled with attachments and letting the other go, but Obitine at least tried to the bitter end to do the right thing while Anidala didn’t really bother, and both ended up with dead women and broken men regardless, and that is the true sad parallel to me.
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Quirkless Erasure
Also on AO3!
In some worlds, Midoriya Izuku is the first quirkless hero. But not in this one, not by far.
Because his homeroom teacher is the hero he's always looked up to: UA's first quirkless Pro Hero.
Izuku isn't the only quirkless one, and Aizawa gets into the hero course via emotional devastation against his opponents.
anyway so: quirkless aizawa bc i need that
everyone thinks he has a quirk like emotional manipulation of something but no he's just fucking savage, he gets into the hero course bc he blasted the absolute shit out of mic
everything’s on youtube it’s one of the most viewed videos of all time
this aizawa's eyes are permanently gold bc i headcanon it's his quirk that makes his eyes black, not the colour they flash
"you yell because you have a constant fear no one is really listening to you. you play the class clown and don't try too hard so when you look back you think "i failed because i didn't try" not "i failed because i wasn't good enough""
"bro,,, bro what the fuck did i do to you"
aizawa isn’t even salty he’s quirkless tbh
"you're pushing this on me because it hurts, right? your loud, flashy but damaging quirk means the only thing people think you're useful for is heroics. did you want to do this, or is this the only way society will let you feel comfortable in the role it presses in on you"
"well being quirkless is rough but at least i cn be whatever i want to be"
mics just shell shocked mics not even using his quirk and everyone’s just uwu he’s erasing mics quirk
all aizawa does is walk is close and mutter "society thinks im worthless, which is rough. but you have to put your life on the line or you're nothing better than a villain to the people"
and just, lightly pushes him out of bounds
pls mics just in Love this guy tore him to fucking pieces but Damn
aizawa  helps him up off the floor
"so im probably not wrong but im a little sorry for saying it on live tv"
mic "youre amazing"
aizawa just goes bright red and starts sputtering
aizawa: the emotional devastation hero weakness: genuine compliments
consider 1A teacher aizawa just still made of emotional devastation, nezu made him promise not to use his powers of destruction on his children unless he was expelling them 
this is a quirkless izuku au too, mirio got ofa, allmight encouraged izuku to be a hero after the fight but had no quirk to give him and he manages to make his own way into the hero course
so izuku is a little analyst, gets mostly hero points but uses sharp rebar and poles to smash in the sensors of some robots, getting him a few non-rescue points either. Aizawa is watching like "oh interesting a non-combat quirk" and beside him allmight is vibrating with excitement
"he might actually do it!"
"who might do what"
allmight turns sheepishly to aizawa
"young midoriya on camera 6, he might just be the first quirkless student to pass the enterance exam to heroics straight up"
and aizawa can hardly watch anyone else for the rest of the exam, he adopts this kid on the fucking Spot
hes on the edge of his fucking seat, when nezu sends out the zero pointer. "this kid only needs 10 more points, just ten more" and izuku turns around to look at the 0 pointer and aizawa is like "fuck kid i hope you know what youre doing"
he manages to shove a piece of rebar into the treads, stoping it in its place. it tries to swat him like a bug but he just dives out of the way, picks up ochako and sprints and aizawa is like "holy shit holy shit these bastards better give this kid hero points for that"
like they are assigning final hero points and aizawa has to awkwardly put his hand up "i,,, should probably be excluded from giving midoriya hero points because i went from 0 to bias very very quickly"
allmight just nods sagely
"young midoriya be like that sometimes"
pls aizawa tries to act extra tough bc he can’t let anyone know he’s Adopted this child
for all izuku's brain hes useless w social stuff and thinks aizawa hates him but everyone else k n o w s
also izuku is the only person in 1A who knows ab aizawa's "quirk" and hes like, constantly vibrating w glee around the guy
aizawa walks in the first day, hears bakugo asking how this "quirkless bastard" got in, grabs bakugo w his scarf and yeets him into vlad’s room
"ok students, looks like we are a class of 19. any other comments before we start?"
and like everyone is so lost no one questions it
bakugo is screaming bloody murder until vlad "kindly" tells him ua has a strict no discrimination policy and aizawa would have been well within his rights to expel him
please nezu is like "uwu take one of 1B to make the classes even" and vlad is like "no ive already bonded tough cookies" vlad just adopts bakugo instantly
monoma and bakugou become bros, the baku-squad is 50% a thing, but its mostly 1B students but with pinning kiri. kendo and bakugo both keep monoma in line, monoma and kendo keep bakugo in line
during the sports festival shinsou is like "you must have a blessed quirk to get into the hero course"
and izuku just has this "really. this si what we're doing now" look on his face. hes just gesturing to shinso in exasperation, trying to make eye contact w aizawa hidden up in the commentary box
all you can hear from the box is aizawa quiet snickering as mic tries not to give the game away. he yeets shinso out of bonds and just hauls him back to his feet
"im quirkless you nonce"
"yeah, oh. what, gonna be embarrassed a quirkless kid kicked your ass?"
"nah i just feel bad for being a dick"
"ok you are the only valid person ive ever met, come meet my not-dad"
"wait what"
izuku fireman carries shinso into the announcers booth and just presents him to aizawa
you can just vaguely hear "no not kid" "but he'll be perfect" "kid this is live ask me after the festival" "but! hed be perfect! and you could train him to carry on your legacy of soul-crushing burns" "... hmmm"
"do i get a say in this?" "no" "nope"
there’s a counter “days since someone last cried: 0”
please its like "times cried durring all sports festivals" "average cry events" "number of times cried this festival"
aizawa being even more of a dad than canon, like hes a mess he sees on sad kid and he's like "wow that's my kid now"
he makes them soup when they get sick and leaves it outside their doors, refuses to admit its him doing it
soup cryptid
please mic is like 100% in love with him and had been for years but aizawa still has internal bias against the quirkless and thinks he's not good enough for mic so he cant make himself see the flirting for what it really is
“haha he’s just being friendlyL
“aizawa i literally want to marry u”
“awww ur so nice u mean as friends tho right?”
in this au ive decided that quirkless heroes are a thing, but pretty rare, in japan they are all underground bc villains go after them a l o t. there are some public ones in america but they tend to,,, die,,, pretty quickly
and bc there are some quirkless heroes everyone acts like discrimination isn't a thing anymore and quirkless people should shut up while quirkless people are still getting killed and committing suicide at like 500% the rate of people with quirks
also the suicide rate is,,,,, significantly higher in japan but no one ever talks abt it bc japan the “ideal place for people with quirks” so that surely means nothing could ever go wrong
izuku does the "its your power" speech in like 3 parts, before, during and after the sports festival bc he needs he bones w no quirk
stain asks izuku what his quirk is and izuku does the "wouldn't you like to know, weather boy"
",,, where are your parents"
"one abandoned me straight up and the other is giving it a red hot go right now, try me coward"
izuku but everytime he roasts a villain he does it in vine quotes
tl;dr in the au inko is like,, not ok w izuku being a hero and she's trying to do the "leave the school or you can't live here any more" ultimatum and it's not working for her
bc izuku said "ok bye then" and now lives out of his backpack. no one knows. he just like,, sleeps on the train
and iida is like "owo could i come over to your house" and izuku is like
"aaaaa its on fire. yep. made of arsenic and always in flames, why dont we go to the park"
everyone in 1a is like betting on what his house is like. they harass katsuki in 1b but he refuses to talk
hes like "hell no i got thrown into another class for talking ab that nerd eat my left tit"
they only fucking work it out when aizawa and allmight go to izukus house to talk ab dorms and there is literally no one there
aizawa asks izuku ab it like "kid you need to update your forms with your current address" and hes like "oh worm, she moved? wack."
“u,,,,didn’t know,,,,”
“nah lmao i sleep on the bench in a park near here”
“my boy,,,,,l
"what, ochako lives alone!"
"yeah, in a fucking house, kid"
aizawas just: this is literal child abuse i’m ur guardian now
allmight "hes my kid too dont be greedy"
"fuck off all might you already have mirio" "and you already have shinsou!" nighteye, from around the corner "ill take him!" aizawa and allmight "NO"                                  
mic adopts him nezu just sitting in the distance "well, its my school. i get the kid" one whole school full of adult heroes "NO ITS MY SON,,," izukus like crying "wait,,, you guys aren't sick of me? wild" while sobbing
afo out of nowhere: i’ll take the child :))) everyone collectively: N O
for self-indulgence, izuku is the youngest in the class for this au so they all call him their little brother
consider: quirkless aizawa is very similar to normal aizawa but he does practise self-care, he just tries to make it look like he doesnt because hes like that
if i dont take care of myself ill never be able to stand up to the heroes w quirks but also do i deserve normal good human things
tl:dr: he can cook well and is trying to teach izuku that 2-minute noodles and apples arent hero fuel
inko is like: "uwu i wont change what i cook for you so you'll just have to make do owo" in like, a pathetic attempt to get him to stop training so izuku runs off protein bars, electrolyte drinks and raw vegetables
just like, his bento at school. its only raw mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and 2 full carrots
the only time he gets like a kinda valid balanced meal for a hero in training is when he pops by bakugous place and mitsuki forces him to stay for lunch
izuku is like "oh hi bakugo i have ur book-" "HI ITS LUNCH GET IN PIPSQUEAK"
hes just thrown into a chair, bakugo isnt even confused. izuku is like ",,,, so vlad gave me your book bc your house is near mums." "fair enough. hope you like miso salmon"
izuku just looks stary eyed
"f i s h ??? warm food bakugo id kill for you"
"deku wtf"
"i had nothing but 3 scoops of protein powder and 2 tomatoes today"
"i had to eat the protein podwer with plain water kacchan. protein sludge followed by two raw tomatoes. i would commit real actual murder for you"
mitsuki always packs an extra bento after that
so like when it’s dorm time izuku gets rly stressed out bc he doesn’t know how to cook for himself??? bakugous in the 1b dorms and even if he wasn’t he definitely wouldn’t cook for him
1a goes on a fucking shopping trip, chaperoned, obviously
and they’re lining up and aizawa sees that izukus cart is only filled with like??? instant noodles and like two (2) fruits and he’s losing his mind bc yes okay he’s a child but he’s also a young hero and he’s going to get a heart attack by 20 if he doesn’t fix his diet
aizawa is like "izuku, you cant eat that" and izuku just goes "oh ok" puts the noodles back and comes back with a tub of protein powder and like 11 vegetables and a bag of kale
okay this is an improvement kinda, how do u cook it
izuku just has a totally blank face
"i was just gonna like,,, eat it"
"uh, yeah, is that not how u eat vegetables?”
"thats a potato. and some leeks. thats a fucking onion"
"it wont kill me though"
"thats,,, that not how you pick food kid."
“but vegetable??? good????”
"kid do you even fucking like any of this"
"wait, im supposed to like?? my food???"
yagi in the fucking health food isle hearing this is 50% laughing but 50% crying
aizawa: “izuku ur supposed to eat a well balanced and tasty meal”
izuku: *surprized pikachu face*
please even todoroki is like ",,, at least fuyumi could c o o k"
oh god imagine having a worse diet than shouto todoroki from 1a who eats nothing but cold soba and drinks juice
also please aizawa is like "kid i thought you just happened to be thin but now im seeing thats not the case"
bakugo in the distance "like inko ever fed him enough anyway lmao"
aizawa "WAIT WHAT"
whys bakugou shopping with 1a? its actually all 40 of the first years just descending on this poor little store. it’s this little mom and pop grocery store and a billion hungry hero hopefuls just burst through the door like 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒏𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒔
izuku is like "oh its too expensive" and aizawa is just holding a bag of rice, aizawa is like "its cheaper than the protein powder you have"
and izuku is like "yeah i mean its empty calories and im not paying that much for empty calories"
"thats what you taught us sensei!"
"i can put some back if you want?"
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cloudyclaudia · 3 years
April 23, 2021 Day 1 Continued
I guess I got a lot to say since I hopped back onto my computer to type some more. Its only been an hour maybe? ha thats ridiculous but it made me feel better instantly after letting all of that out and that was nothing compared to what goes through my mind daily. 
Lets see.. let me go back to my relationship which I guess seems to be a highlight of whats going wrong in my life. We will celebrate 3 years later on this year. Time has flown by but I cant really pin point some special moments we’ve really had. We were bestfriends for a very long time before we actually started dating. I was also in long term relationship for most of our friendship before we started dating ourselves. 
I can't help but think we aren't actually meant to be. You know that random phase people go through where they date their bestfriend because they think they would be a good couple? I think we are in that or at least were. It was so easy at first it felt like magic but don't all relationships feel like that in the beginning? I don't know, I just feel like we are complete polar opposites. We aren't really into the same things, which makes me question how we were bestfriends for so long. He was always there for me, no matter what and thats probably what we centered our friendship on. But we don't really do couple things, like dates. I mean we go out to eat ice-cream and call it a date from time to time but we never really had a date date. Like dress up and go to a restaurant date. 
I wanted our relationship to be different than my past relationship and although its not as toxic as my past relationship it still lacks a lot of what I imagine a relationship to be like. He's not very big on communication, I am. I need validation in order to feel loved, I need romance and he's not at all that. He doesn't really express himself much. I love cheesy notes and small gifts that make them think of me. He’s only done it once and it was the day he packed my lunch just because he wanted to which was so nice and all it read was “I love you, have a good day :)” and it meant so much too me more than he will ever know. I cherish those kinds of things. Romance.
My ex was all about romance even if it was something as small as writing a sticky note telling me I'm what brightens up his day. He constantly told me he loved me and how beautiful I was and maybe I took that for granted. I miss feeling like I am someones entire world. I miss feeling loved, truly loved.
He loves me in a different way like showing me affection and kissing me when he comes home from work, and taking care of my car troubles. Not that its not enough but I just feel like it isn't even tho maybe that is all he has to offer. Do I accept what he has to offer and not complain. We definitely have different love languages his is touch and mines is words of affirmation. I don't like touch much I probably can go without touch forever because I've never been a touchy person and which is weird because I wasn't like that in my past relationship. I don't know what flipped the switch. 
All that keeps repeating in my head is the quote “If he wanted to he would”.
Because He would, if he wanted to.
signing off, Claudia.
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Morgan Reads Dune: Part 1
So as I previously stated I’m attempting to read Dune again. I read the first two chapters years ago and bounced off it cuz I hated it so much. I still hate it, and will likely continue to hate it, so yes this is a hate-read.
If you like Dune: cool, I can see how you might even though I don’t. You might not want to read this live-blog tho cuz I will drag the hell out of Herbert and dear special Paulie boy.
This isn’t meant to be taken as serious critique. I’m sure there are plenty of people who have given measured and nuanced critique and analysis of the text who know a lot more than me and are way better writers. Dune clearly is a pillar of Old School Sci-fi, etc etc. The purpose of this live-blog is to help me drag my way through the book to finish it so I can say I did it. That’s it. Also, mild entertainment value for Radchdome.
Dune apparently has no chapters which annoys me further so I’ll be going by page numbers. Basically I’ll do a new live-blog post at every big Manual of Muad’Dib quote, assuming they keep happening consistently in the book. I have the mass marker paperback ISBN 0-442-17271-7 if that helps but probably not.
I would do readmores, but I’m gonna have to do most of this on mobile so I apologize for that.
If you want to blacklist this, I’ll tag all posts with #MorganReadsDune.
Anyway, here we go:
Pages 1 through 13:
“A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct. Except at Waffle House.”
Again I’m like 4 paragraphs in and all my brain is doing is smashing two pans together and screaming about how Paul should have been trans and it would have been a much more complex and satisfying narrative. But you know, Herbert.
Actually losing my mind at the names Paul and Jessica. This is not a unique or new thought, but god. This happened last time but it’s so jarring and I hate it. It’s worse juxtaposed to the Secondary World words like Arrakis and Atreides. Paul. Paul! He sounds like he could be on the Jersey Shore. Jersey Shore: Arrakis Vacation. Anyway I’m still on page 1.
“The awakened boy could see a bulky female shape.” 1. The gendered not-asleep human could see with his sight orbs a human person of exact gender that he knew” 2. Writin’s bad
“Gom Jabbar.” My brain: jabberwocky. Never ending gob stopper. Name of a shitty throw away side character in Star Wars.
Actually hold on I love that I read good sci-fi before any of the “old guard” cuz I just keep reading “reverend mother” and being like “Harrowhark’s corpse mom” so that’s who this woman whose eyes have been described with 3 separate terms is now.
“In all the upset during this time of change, the old woman was the strangest thing he has seen.” That’s just how Cishet men are.
Also: Kwisatz Haderach sounds like something Geralt of Rivia could slay with one hand behind his back just saying.
“There has been so many things to learn.” Head full, many thoughts. “Arrakis-Dune-Desert Planet.” Just keep repeating those vocab words Paulie it’s gonna be on the big Spicy Test later.
“Their mortal enemies, the Harkonnens.” Two households, both alike in dignity. In fair Arrakis where we lay our worms. Also the Harkonnens are my fav because if Paul hates them, I don’t.
“Under a CHOAM Company” Chode company, got it.
“The geriatric spice, melange.” OLD SPICE
“Arrakis-Dune-Desert Planet” stop fucking say that I do NOT need to be reminded.
“Arrakeen” CONLANG MASTER HERBERT OVER HERE. He’s said the work Arrakis 5 times on this page.
“Paul awoke to feel himself in the warmth of his bed—thinking... thinking.” What a window into this characters thoughts...he’s definitely having them. Thoughts.
“The faufreluches” And now we are German.
“Arrakis—Dune—Desert Planet” EARTH—SHIT HOLE—BLUE PLANET
Okay I’m not even going to quote this one but the part where he does meditation and Herbert just uses a shit load of ellipses. Extreme Boomer text message energy. “I’m picking up spice at the store... do you need anything... will be home soon... need to talk to you... bye... :))”
“The animal destroys and does not produce” No?? Animals constantly replenish the land when left to in their native environments?? For a book about ecology, this man knows nothing about food webs and sustainability.
“He studied the tallness of her” Herbert just say she is tall. God.
“... He saw the hint of tension in her shoulders as she chose clothing for him...” WHY IS HIS MOTHER DRESSING HIM. HE’S 15.
I am going to imagine Paul has a pair of shoes with little bells on them, and every time he goes somewhere, the words “here comes a special boy here comes a special boy!!” mixes with the sound of the jingling.
Herbert is obsessed with em dashes and ellipses.
“If only she’d borne us a girl as she was ordered to do!” Now-we-don’t-have-time-to-unpack-all-that.jpg BUT ALSO: Paul-should-be-trans Example-1.
“One gestalten flicker” whole book gonna be like this, huh
“Hair: the Duke’s black-black” Paul Atreides has Vanta Black Hair. Harkonnen House Is Banned From Purchasing Vanta Black Pigment
“...With the browline of the maternal grandfather who cannot be named...” Vold... Voldemort??
THE CUBE. “She turned and Paul saw that one side was open—black and oddly frightening. No light penetrated that open blackness.” VANTA BLACK just like Paulie boy’s special hair.
This animal talk shit... humans are animals. The Beliefs and the Philosophies My Dude... simply geriatric.
Paul with his hand in the Cube: “just like Minecraft”
“We seldom administer this to men-children.” Paul-is-trans example 2.
Fist My Box Or Die, Man-Child.
Ok we gonna replace the word fear with the word cum just to get me through this:
“I must not cum. Cumming is the mind-killer. Cumming is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my cum. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the cum has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
“No woman child ever withstood that much [pain].” A-CisHetMan-Wrote-This.jpg Paul’s special boy bells be a jinglin’!!!
My concentrated rage for this book is what powers the box. Also we get into the first titillating bits of ableism text: If you’re human, you can withstand pain and even override it. Get fucked!
“He senses Truth! Could he be the one? Could he truly be the one?” Jingle jingle jingle
Mommy is allowed back to baby boy’s side now that he has passed the Hate and Pain test. As you know women must always be tested for Hate and Pain.
“Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind.” Those kids on their damn phones! Ok Boomer.
“You did that on remarkably few clues.” Jingle jingle
“Separating human stock from animal stock—for breeding purposes.” Eugenics! In! Space!
“We look down so many avenues of the past... but only feminine avenues.” “It is said a man will come one day and find in the gift of the drug his inward eye. He will look where we cannot—into both feminine and masculine pasts.” Paul-is-trans example-3 but also, Herbert what the absolute fuck are you talking about.
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Mark of Athena Re-read
Hey guys! If you’ve been keeping up with my last couple of posts, you’ll know I’ve been re-reading the Heroes of Olympus (HoO) series by Rick Riordan, starting with the Son of Neptune. If you want to my thoughts on it (spoilers included) and my background with the series, click here. I made a little bit of rant post about my feelings about the HoO series overall so far and you can find that here! This post will be about the Mark of Athena (MoA) and as always, spoilers abound.
Soooo y’all...I think this book is worse than the Lost Hero. I feel so bad for saying that bc I hated tLH (Like I’d give that book 2 stars) but god, this was so bad. No wonder I forgot what happened when I originally read it. Before I get into it, I will say I’m usually not negative in my ‘reviews’-I’ll give credit where it’s due (I did that in tSoN with Hazel and Frank who weren’t really my fav characters to start with) but this book has very little redeemable aspects imo. So I’ll start with the thing I was most irritated about: Piper.
Piper...Piper...Piper. Gods, none of her chapters ever passed the Bechdel test. I DESPISE her and I hated every single one of her chapters. With characters like Frank, I admitted that sometimes his chapters were a bit boring but I never hated the guy’s narration. Piper, however, is an insecure hypocrite. Let me show you.
So at one point, Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel meet up with Aphrodite. The POV is Annabeth’s and while Aphrodite is talking to them, it seems like Piper is just embarrassed to have her around. 
“Mother!” Piper said. “You’re embarrassing me.” “Well, I don’t see why,” the goddess said. “Just because you don’t appreciate my fashion tips, Piper, doesn’t mean the others won’t. I could do a quick makeover for Annabeth and Hazel, perhaps silk ball gowns like mine—” “Mother!” 
And a few lines later she says again “ ‘Mother, Piper said, “is there a reason you’re here?’” (30). 
Okay so someone tell me why this girl says 10 pages later “But also, Piper was secretly hurt not to have her mother to herself. Aphrodite had barely looked at her. She hadn’t said a word about Jason. She hadn’t bothered explaining her conversation with Reyna at all. It was almost as if Aphrodite no longer found Piper interesting. Piper had gotten her guy. Now it was up to her to make things work, and Aphrodite had moved on to newer gossip as easily as she might toss out an old copy of a tabloid magazine” (40). LIKE GIRL MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Do you want your mom’s attention or not? But I’m highkey interested in what Aphrodite said to Reyna tho.
Let’s talk about Reyna for a second. First off, I feel so bad for her?? Percy turned her down-fine, he has a gf. Then I thought Jason had feelings for her but he says this in MoA, page 19: “It’s just…I never felt that way toward Reyna,” Jason said, “so I didn’t think about its making you uncomfortable. You’ve got nothing to worry about, Pipes”. Like damn can Reyna get any love?? I get that he doesn’t like her anymore since he met Piper but to have never liked her? That’s rough. And notice how this quote is from page 19, but again on p. 40, Piper is still so insecure in their relationship. I don’t she’s listened to a word he said at all. Then towards the end of the book, she says oh I love you but she literally didn’t know the man’s age prior to that. Like what?? Did they even kiss this book? I think like once lmao. Also speaking of the birthday thing, Piper says this while she waits for Jason to blow out his birthday candles.
“Well?” she urged. “Blow out the candles.”
Jason did. Piper wondered if he’d made a wish—hopefully that he and Piper would survive this quest and stay together forever. She decided not to ask him. She didn’t want to jinx that wish, and she definitely didn’t want to find out that he’d wished for something different. 
Me @ Jason: This your girl? Come get her. Because Imma hurt her feelings. What do you mean you want him to wish to stay together forever? He should wish for Gaea to you know die so everyone can be safe. If I ever met Piper in person, I’d fight her. ON SIGHT. 
In a related note, I’ve got nothing to say about Jason. He was fine. He passed out alot during this book, didn’t do much for how hyped his powers are supposed to be. I will say when he and Percy were possessed and they fought each other, Percy totally won that fight. He knocked Jason the hell out and was about to end his whole career until Piper got Blackjack to knock him out. But overall, I think Jason’s rather bland and him and Piper have NO chemistry. But I don’t think he deserves insecure Piper as a girlfriend. She’s a whole ass child of Aphrodite and she’s worried about her relationship...let me move on.
My main issue with the book lies in the structure and plot. The previous two books had 3 narrators and each set of trio had a specific prophecy assigned to them-i.e: Percy, Hazel and Frank had to free death, retrieve the eagle. The prophecies are a catalyst to get them to go on the quest. And then obviously, we have the overarching prophecy of the seven that will come to fruition in small chunks until the last book of the series. That’s fine. So the issue with MoA is that now Rick is handling seven characters + Coach Hedge (like why was he necessary??). He has 4 POVs which threw me the hell off bc we had 3 in the previous two books and honestly, I think we could’ve gone without one of them (Percy’s actually). As a writer, it’s hard to balance multiple characters in the same setting constantly. If they have a conversation, one or two of them will have less lines because other characters have already said them. Therefore to give everyone adequate ‘screen time’, Rick had to separate them by keeping groups of three or two on their own side quest. As a result, however, reading the book felt like I was being brake checked constantly. Ex-We follow Percy, Frank, and Hedge to an Aquarium then we follow Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper to meet Aphrodite, then they encounter the Romans, then Piper and Jason meet Hercules and get the horn and so on. Like they’re constantly shifting and doing stuff but not going as a group so it feels like I’m constantly trying to catch up. There’s too many pit stops for my liking. And I deadass have no idea what most of it had to with the MoA prophecy. 
This disjointed-ness is what makes me rate it lower than tLH. Because while I didn’t like Piper or Jason in that book, it was still cohesive. There was a plot and it was followed. Another reason I might feel this way toward MoA is because Rick has a formula and it’s starting to be predictable. Think about the original Greek myths-there’s one main demigod like Hercules, there’s a quest, there’s godly interference so it makes sense the the PJO/HoO characters have the same thing. But all this talking to gods (esp gods we’ve already met like Aphrodite) is taking up so much space and slowing the plot. It also didn’t help that the minor villians in this book are all unlikeable?? All they did was talk. Otis and Ephialtes. Porchy and Keto. Arachane. All they did was talk. Here’s how to defeat a PJO/HoO villain: con them to help you/let you go or fight them. That’s it. 
This book is where I started to really regret reading the series. Like I was just over it. The plot was somehow slow and all over the place at the same time. The last couple of chapters were good because I was like finally, something relevant to the prophecy is happening. 
Let me leave you guys with some positives about this book though:
1. Annabeth’s POV. What a gal. When she faces Arachane, Annabeth mentions that she doesn’t have an active power like the other Seven but she has her intelligence. And I’m like yes girl, you are brave and everything I want to be. I would read the PJO series from her POV over this series.
2. Percabeth. They kept promising to come back to each other and my heart melted. Percy was so worried about letting her go follow the Mark but he knew it’s what she had to do and he let her go. And ugh, them falling got me all over again. And like just their chemistry is off the charts. Piper and Jason could never. 
3.  Percy’s comments about Luke. Percy realizes that he’s around Luke’s age when Luke went all ‘Gods are bad, their children are pawns’ and like I get chills from reading that passage because you can tell Percy’s tired. He can’t have a life because of these quests, he’s constantly moments away from dying. He never really got a chance to be a teenager. And I get he wants to help people and keep the world from being taken over by bad guys but he’s also human. He’s seen demigods die...he’s traumatized. Like Percy, I really understand Luke better now (right idea, wrong execution) and l see how tired Percy is. 
4. The Leo/Hazel/Frank disaster of a love triangle. Like I’ve mentioned before, I want Hazel, a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD child, to be left the hell alone when it comes to romance. But because Uncle Rick insists on pairing up everyone, I have to oblige. So here I am. The amount of times I cackled at Frank and Leo’s digs at each other is astronomical. Like shots were fired, no one held back. I was like is this even MG/lower end of YA anymore with all this salt?? Over the years I’ve been spoiled about the series so I know that Leo somehow ends up with Calypso so I know nothing will come out of the love triangle (and it seems to be wrapping up bc Leo and Frank complimented each other’s abilities toward the end there) but passive aggressive-ness was peak. 
5. Every single conversation between Reyna and Annabeth. Like two powerhouses talking about wanting to save their camps and the world. I loved it. Hands down. I hope they can be friends when this is all over. 
6. And lastly, the reunion of Percabeth. The Judo flip. The fact that Percy talked about having a future with her. 
Thanks for reading if you made it down here and I’ll see you guys in a couple of days with my House of Hades update. This book and the one after it I’m reading for the first time ever so I’m going in semi blind (like I said, I know some spoilers). I’m currently on chapter 2 or 3 of that and ermm, it was a weak intro but I’ll keep going :) rooting for Percabeth to make it through. 
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horde-princess · 5 years
I honestly can see a very korrasami-esque ending for Catra and Adora. It’s totally obvious by now that Noelle meant for them to be romantic and that she would like to end with them on a romantic route. Unfortunately, I don’t know if DW will be onboard for something very “in your face”. So I can totally see them doing a korrasami ending but making it a bit more obvious that it’s romantic.
i know ive always said “they will definitely absolutely kiss no doubt in mind” but now that we’re at the end i think i should actually take the time to discuss this more… i’m what you might a call a realistic optimist because i choose to have faith but i’m not ignorant to the realities of the situation you know? so buckle up this is going to be a long and probably unpleasant ride lmao
to be real, going into the last season I’m trying to not let myself have too many expectations with catradora. I do 100% fully expect that their relationship will be shown to be explicitly romantic by the end, but unfortunately, yes, its possible that they may not kiss. i’m at peace with that and i hope this post helps you guys see my thinking and come to terms with it too
obviously i dont understand all the underlying mechanisms of producing a tv show. i do know that dreamworks has hardly been a progressive studio in terms of lgbt representation. there are a lot of factors that would go into a decision about whether to allow a lesbian kiss in one of their projects, not least the fact that She-Ra is a reboot. having said all that, i’m still optimistic and there IS evidence in favor of a kiss that i think is worth talking about! 
thinking about where to start with this discussion on Dreamworks vs. lgbt representation, Voltron came to mind. i’ve never seen the show but a quick google search brought me to this Geekdad article from an interviewer who did an investigation into Voltron’s lgbt rep failure and Dreamworks’ role in that. he argues that a lot of the blame belongs with the showrunners, because Dreamworks does at least provide resources and diversity consultants to help showrunners make respectful lgbt content, but the Voltron crew didn’t make use of them. the issue was not that Dreamworks actively blocked lgbt rep but rather that the studio did not work to ensure quality representation from the showrunners. which is a huge difference.
i dug a little deeper and found a transcript of an interview with the showrunners where they talk about the red tape they encountered, and what they say seems to implicate Voltron’s intellectual property holder as opposed to the Dreamworks studio itself. it sounds like Dreamworks’ hands were tied because the showrunners did not hold all the legal rights to the story.
of course we know IP is also an issue with She-Ra. however, correct me if i’m wrong, but I believe Mattel (the Masters of the Universe toy line) sold its property rights to NBCUniversal (Dreamworks’ parent company) a couple of years ago. this doesn’t mean all ties are cut with the original IP holder, but i think its safe to assume that She-Ra has some more wiggle room than Voltron did when it comes to the showrunners’ vision/creativity. especially because Mattel has been known to be pro-lgbt.
an interesting quote from Joaquim Dos Santos (voltron producer) was that after season 7, “She-Ra was in development within the studio and I think the studio was just sort of beginning to open its eyes to the possibilities of there being [lgbt] representation in their shows and there not being a huge public backlash for it.” 
Also, in a different interview they said “to Dreamworks’ credit, I think the tide started changing internally” regarding the studio’s outlook on lgbt rep around the time that seasons 7/8 were in production.
so in addition to potential IP issues, Dreamworks is obviously concerned about their reputation and losing money. however we can gather from these quotations that (due to recent cultural shifts in the U.S.) Dreamworks has felt comfortable making efforts in the last few years to distribute more/better lgbt rep.
you also have to consider that Dreamworks KNEW what they were getting into with hiring Noelle. it’s hard to know whether lgbt representation was the vision for the show from the beginning or whether Noelle brought it with her (tho it seems like the latter). but either way, the studio must have been actively seeking to improve their lgbt representation because i’m sure she made her vision clear from the very beginning.
There’s a great article where Noelle talks about the fight to include lgbt rep in She-Ra:
“When you’re aiming to tell a story like that, you have to get everyone who’s working on the show, whether on the crew, or at the executive level, to believe in that world as well. It’s all part of trying to create the type of world in real life that you’re creating in the show. While I hope it comes across in a natural way in the show, it’s something you have to constantly fight for. You can’t take it for granted. I never take it for granted. It’s a really important thing to fight for, and a lot of it is just, “Trust me, this is gonna work. Believe in me. I can pull this off.” I am really fortunate to work with executives who do believe in me and who have allowed me to do a lot with this show. I’m very fortunate for that.”
So that is awesome to hear!! It wasn’t a tug-of-war situation with Noelle having to make concessions for execs who didn’t believe in her vision. She says the studio was supportive. But I think only time will tell us what the definition of “a lot” is.
Okay so, whew, that was a lot of information. i’ll be amazed if anyone actually reads this far lmaoo 😂 anyway i wanna move away from logistical stuff and talk about some other things Noelle has said about her show.
geekdad did another great interview with Noelle (and a Dreamworks PR representative!! it’s a good read) where he asked “if you wanted to depict a same gender relationship with foreground characters, do you think we’re at that stage yet in children’s animation where you could? Or do you think we still have a ways to go?”
Noelle replies “I think that remains to be seen, and I think… that’s something that–you should watch the show. You should see the storylines that we pursue in the future.”
When asked about catradora’s romantic undertones, “just keep watching” is something Noelle has said repeatedly in many different interviews. She wouldn’t say that if there wasn’t going to be a payoff at the end. It’s obvious she’s not at liberty to discuss the ending of the show, you can tell she’s always extremely careful with her wording when she’s faced with questions like this. But she consistently expresses, as a lesbian herself, that she has created a show she expects her own community will be excited about. Whatever actually happens, Noelle doesn’t believe that She-Ra will let us down 😌
Shes also mentioned that she’s grateful for shows like Steven Universe and Adventure Time that were trailblazers before She-Ra, because every successive show has the opportunity to be a little bit more progressive than the shows that came before it. We all have to continually strive to push the envelope and demand more inclusivity. If it turns out that that’s all She-Ra is–a small step towards quality representation–then yes of course it will feel like a massive waste (just because this story Noelle created is so incredible), but we’ll have to remember that the show is still playing a very important role in the history of children’s media. Even without a kiss, She-Ra has made incredible strides in lgbt rep. what i would hate to see is people complaining (god forbid calling it “queer baiting”) if there isn’t a kiss. Noelle and the crew have worked on this show tirelessly and passionately and we can’t yell at them for something they had no control over. the only people we should hold accountable are Dreamworks/Mattel. so i agree with you there anon.
Personally, at this point, I’m just here for the ride because i trust Noelle Stevenson with my life and She-Ra is the best show i’ve EVER seen. and i’m gonna keep talking about catradora kissing because
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