#But poor Dan Heng is so out of his depth to start with
Honkai Star Rail Period HCs (Sampo, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Luka)
Original Ask: Could you do more period hcs? Dang Heng/Yinyue, Jing Yuan, Sampo, and Luka please.
Herr you go @yunthebishoujo
CW: blood, mentions of castration (Sampo), mentions of period sex
Sampo x afab! reader, Dan Heng x afab!reader, Jing Yuan x afab!reader, Luka x afab!reader
NOTE: Requests are now open
Sampo Koski
Tall, blue, and handsome? After dealing with you on your period or during PMS, he might be tall, blue, and singing soprano for the rest of his life
Good gods, Sampo would be insufferable. Not that he isn't anyway
It's not that I think he would be actively mean, but he's annoying and hormones make girls grouchy
That and I wouldn't put it past him to use your period as an excuse to run a scam
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he's used the female populace's monthly affliction as a scam premise prior to dating you
He's just really likely too be just too annoying and end up with no dick as a result
On the other hand, he's a kinky bastard. He'd be up for period sex
Dan Heng
Dan Heng is #1 most clueless guy when it comes to periods
He's not a bad guy, but really, chicks don't advertise the call of mother nature, so he hasn't really dealt with Himeko and March on an intimate level
I'm not sure that's something he came across in his research and the Vidyadhara can't reproduce, so there's every chance female Vidyadhara don't have periods, so he may not even know periods exist
Needless to say, his first experience with your period is a bit of a surprise.
I feel like it would probably be something like waking up with blood on your sheets or having super bad cramps, or blood on the pants, ya know, shit that happens when you bleed for a week out of every month (total BS if you ask me)
Any way you cut it, Dan Heng is seriously concerned. To the point of potentially losing a little bit of his composure. He wouldn't panic but you're bleeding. is something wrong? Do you need to go to the doctor? Why didn't you tell someone?
"Yo, Dan Heng, calm down. This is normal. I do this every month."
Cue Dan Heng.exe has stopped working
To his credit, he stops, listens, and calms down. He's still unnerved, but he helps try to make you comfortable
But afterwards he goes to ask Welt and Himeko about it
In the future, he's pretty good about being aware of it and trying to be as good as possible about it, but I don't think he truly gets used to that much blood every single month
Jing Yuan
You know what? Jing Yuan is not that bad.
He has the advantage of age and being part of a species that reproduces
I'm not sure he's super familiar with the whole period thing, but it's at least on his radar to some extent
But when he starts dating you, he's like the most gentle person. He's the sort who really likes to take care of you and make sure you have what you need
He won't mother hen, but expect pads/tampons, heating pads, whatever your craving is, and plenty of cuddles and you don't even really have to ask
I mean, this guy is known for his ability to be prepared. 100% applies that to you
And if he's at all weirded out by the whole bleeds for a week straight and is fine (which, i do understand, in any other situation someone would have bed out already), he's not overt about it and doesn't let it affect how he treats you
Luka, Luka, Luka
Of the four, he's probably the most likely to be a typical guy about it
You're bleeding? And still functional? You do this every month? What sorcery is this?
At the same time, he has mad respect for you because he knows he couldn't do it
He also gives appropriate sympathy for cramps
At the same time, 100% best boyfriend. Ask and you shall receive
Totally down for period cuddles, stomach rubs and just general comfort
10/10 Luka is great
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mirrology · 2 months
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MUSE ❛ ❁. ━━ ( n.) a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.
❛ ⟡. trailblazer, dan heng, march 7th & gender neutral reader. ━━ wc: 1.1k
❛ ⟡ ━━ strictly platonic. teen reader, the reader is an artist who prefers to sketch in a sketchbook or doodle on post-it notes. Typical Astral Express shenanigans. Reader comes from a poor planet, found family astral express!! March and reader have a lot in common when it comes to capturing memories. Reader likes giving the express drawings.
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To you, painting, sketching, doodling, and the like is a way to capture a moment. Just like taking a photograph, yet it takes more time, and it requires more skill. You know that it's faster with a camera. You've seen March snapping photos of the other express members in an instant.
But you take pride in your work. You won't let a camera blow out the flame of inspiration that is burning within you. That flame was the only thing you had left when you were on the streets, dressed in rags that could barely be considered clothes. As you gazed at the shining stars in the night sky from the window of the astral express, those memories resurfaced from the depth of your mind and dripped ink on the pages of your sketchbook The ink, over time, eventually became a silhouette of a child, buildings, and a city.
The piece of art was never shown to your astral express family. It was tucked away in a drawer in your room, never to see seen by eyes other than yours.
There are pieces that you shoe your family, and all of them are gifts to preserve the memories of them and you. For one day, we will all be gone.
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❛ ☆ ━━ Trailblazer
You knew their obsession with trash and trash cans, and their birthday was coming up, so you devised a plan. As an artist, art isn't just painting or drawing. It is also sculpting. The plan was… to make them a sculpture! Of what? Of them sparring with the lordly trash can, of course! So you got to work, it was many hours of grueling work, and your hands were starting to cramp up from digging them into the clay of the sculpture.
You sighed and leaned back into your seat. You stared at the finished sculpture that was sat on the table in front of you. It wasn't big, oh no, you weren't that talented, and it would be suspicious if any of the Astral Express members were to see the big statue of the trailblazer in your room.
This model can fit in your cupped hands. The details of their outfit were difficult to add, but you managed, and just in time for the big day! You turned to the cabinet that was on the side of your bed, ah! It was time! You quickly got up from your desk, grabbed the gift box that sat on your bed, and stuffed the sculpture inside. You tied the ribbon on top into a bow. You were ready! Let's hope they like it!
(And they definitely did. They thanked you almost a thousand times and declared you as their favorite)
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❛ ☆ ━━ Dan Heng
You put the cap on your pen as you finished the little doodle of Dan Heng that was on a post-it note. It depicted a chibi version of Dan Heng, sitting in the archives, while reading a book. You quietly chuckled to yourself. You got up from your desk in your room and walked down the hall to the door of the archives. You switched from walking to tiptoeing once you got close, not wanting to alarm the vidyadhara that was inside the room. Just as you were about to stick the note on the door, it slid open, revealing the man in your doodle and also leaving your hand in the air, covering Dan Heng's face from your perspective.
You quickly put your hand down and beamed at the man in front of you. He only stared back with his typical poker face, although his eyes held a certain sparkle that was only reserved for you. “Dan Heng! hold your hand out.” You briefly greet him, then gesturing for him to hold his hand out for you. Dan Heng brought his hand up, and you placed the doodle of him in the middle of his palm. “That's for you! Ihopeyoulikeit,okaybyeeeeee” you blurted out and sprinted down the hallway, the embarrassment of being caught in the middle of putting a sitcky note on his door, finally caught up to you.
A dumbfounded Dan Heng stared at your running form as he awkwardly stood in the doorway. He stared down at the little art piece in the palm of his hand. Dan Heng’s lips twitched up into an amused smile. He walked back inside the archives and placed the doodle in the pile of different drawings and paintings that you had given him. Another thing to treasure.
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❛ ☆ ━━ March 7th
“Ready?” March asked, her hands behind her back while a big grin was plastered on her face. “Ready.” You confirmed with a nod. Your hands were also behind your back. This was yours and March's monthly gift exchange, her's usually being photos of the express members and you. Yours being sketches of her or the both of you together, but today was different. For once, you decided to paint for her, it has been a while since you've had the motivation to paint but if it was for March you would paint a thousand paintings if it meant to preserve the memories of her and of course… to see her smile.
Little did you know Ms. March also had an extra special gift for you. March started counting down “Okay, 1… 2… 3!” At the count of three, the both of you held out your gifts. Your eyes lit up at the sight of the album that was held in the pink haired girl's hand and hers at the painting in yours. “Here.” You spoke gently and held out the covered canvas to her. She set down the album on the table beside her. March slowly took the canvas from you. She felt nervous, it wasn't every day that you painted. This must be really special.
The pink haired girl pulled down the cloth that was covering the painting. A small gasp left her mouth as she stared at the painting. It depicted you and her, with big smiles on your faces, hugging, while sitting in a field of pink carnations. A flower crown sat on your head, matching hers. March's lower lip wobbled as tears welled up in her eyes. They weren't of sadness, no. They were of joy.
March sniffled and brought you into a tight hug, startling you who was gazing at the album filled to the brim with moments of the Astral Expresses trailblazing adventures. “Thank you!” March's voice wobbled as she held you tightly. The warmth the she radiated, despite her having ice powers, was comforting and… oddly familiar.
You smiled warmly and wrapped your arms around her, hugging her back just as tightly.
“You're welcome”
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