#But some are not “supporting you favs” they are just bullying everybody else
magicinverse · 11 months
Red team fans some of you need to stop being assholes (I'm not talking about everyone ofc, but if the shoe fits)
Like seriously I get that your team is in disadvantage but some of u are acting like the most annoying people ever, I don't mean when you complain about the team distribution that I get
What I don't get is directly insulting the other teams, look if you are supporting someone great!! I love it, but I've seen people I've never thought I would use swear words against others: cunts, bitches, pussies etc. The amount of people I have blocked that I never thought I needed to it's crazy, some people really flip! "respect everyone and don't insult" apparently that changes now
Going to others chats to send hate, the Sunday multiple times people came to send hate to Roier's, yesterday to Etoiles, bbh and today to Fit (those are the ones I have seen cause I was there, but I don't doubt there is more) "Oh how do you know it's the team red enjoyers" because it's always people complaining about the team red favs "you killed Carre" "You don't deserve to win others have a disvantage and you are killing them" "Fuck u, Go team balls" "Go team red" (while someone is commenting about supporting THEIR team on THEIR chat) come on are you guys 3 years old? Now I'm not saying the other teams fandom don't get toxic on others chat but for some reason is mainly coming from a especific place...
Some are also completely disregarding the effort other teams put! I'm not going to say Red team didn't deserve the win they got yesterday, what I'm saying is that some are acting like Etoiles put his team on the first spot effortless when that's not true at all!!! He was tired and receiving a lot of shit from chat while still putting an effort to make his team win ALONE
"yeah but Etoiles did alone and the red team still needed all their active members to win" THE BLUE ALSO HAD LIKE 5 MEMBERS ON AND THEY STILL DIDN'T WIN!!! By that logic every team who has Etoiles has an advantage and THAT'S TRUE!! But does that mean Etoiles doesn't deserve to play or have his work completly disregarded? No!!!!!
And the first day there where also a shit ton of comments like that!! The fact that other teams have less experience is not the fault of those who have experience and are putting effort in this too!!! Not mentioning how some were assholes to the the blue team when they won
"oh but this is about the eggs lives so it's really unfair" again let me remind everyone that those are fucking npc of a minecraft game and are not hate worth it, that being said I do get that point, but let me ask? What would have been fair? And puzzle and enigma event? No. A construction event? No. A build a machine event? No. All of them in one event? Yeah! That would have been great but I think that's not what most of you wanted is it?
Don't worry guys when this events ends we are going back to the lore/puzzle events while the survival focus players will have to watch from the sidelines helping your lore/rp focus favs and wait another 7 months to have something!! Good luck to you guys who like the mod create and that kind of stuff I guess we will have to see how long it takes for you!!
quackity... SURVIVAL... multi player... ANYWAYS!!! Have a great day those who are not being completely assholes and I hope your team has great day too!! Doesn't matter which color it is
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prodigal-explorer · 8 months
*materializes into existence*
Hey, my dear moot :D
Putting some positive things in ya ask box.
I want to hear more about Aubrey! I know she's one of your favs, so feel free to infodump and rant about her <3
I'm also curious to hear your thoughts about Hero and Kel! From what I remember, they're brothers, right? I love brother relationships in media, like Roman and Remus (SaSi). But yeah, wanna hear your thoughts.
Anyway, have fun with this :D
aww thank you so much!!!!
i would LOVE to talk about these three amazing characters! sunny and basil are the main characters (for good reason considering that the main tragedy of the game revolves around their journey), but these three side characters are just as engaging and interesting as them! and those three are aubrey, hero, and kel!!!
let's start with aubrey. ladies first, after all!
so this is going to be as close to a spoiler-free post as i can make it, though i'm sure you've seen my posts enough to have like a full beginning middle and end of the game LMAO
one thing i do have to mention though is SPOILERS FOR MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. i can't really write about these guys without mentioning it so if you don't know of any deaths in omori don't read yet!
anyway- AUBREY.
for me, the main thing about her that i love is her loyalty to herself and her values. some people are flighty. they do whatever everyone else seems to want, or they're unstable when it comes to their own opinions on things. there's nothing particularly wrong with those people, but i've always greatly admired people who always know who they are, and aubrey, like it or not, always knows exactly who she is.
that's why she gets so ANGRY when people don't know who she is, or choose to misconstrue who she is for their own benefit. the entire TOWN does this, painting her as some brutish, stupid, rebellious bully character just because she comes from a rough part of the neighborhood, she doesn't have a lot of money, and her parents aren't there for her. of course she's going to get mad at people who further perpetuate that image of her.
aubrey has nobody on her side in her teenage years. her parents are deadbeats who don't give her the time of day. her best friend, the only person in the world who truly loved her and treated her like a sister, was ripped from her when she was a little kid. and when that happened, all of her other friends faded away too. aubrey was left alone, just like she had been before she found those friends.
god, she is just such a tragic character because the thing about her is that as a young child, she gave and gave all she had to her friends. she tried so hard to be a good kid, a good friend, a good little sister figure. but none of it paid off in the end. she still ended up alone. she gave and gave, but the only things in the whole world she really wanted to take, true friendship and unconditional love, was completely out of reach because the sad truth of it was that everyone seemed to care more about each other than about aubrey. everyone else had parents or guardians they could turn to. everyone else had a support system when tragedy struck. aubrey's support system was erased by said tragedy.
people give aubrey a hard time, but she was a little girl. she was learning about the world just like everyone else. and when everybody you love either willingly leaves you to fend for yourself or is ripped away from you by cruel force, you start to harden and turn uglier, in a metaphorical sense.
also, another thing i love about aubrey is that she OWNS UP. she knows she's flawed. she can be impulsive, she can take arguments too far, her temper isn't under control all the time. but the important thing is that aubrey has the maturity and emotional intelligence to get up, SAY SORRY, promise that she won't do that bad stuff again, and then actually adhere to that promise. aubrey is so noble, and her being is filled to the brim with such integrity and dedication.
really, aubrey never wanted to stop giving. it sort of happened against her will. but the second she found the ability to start giving again, she did. i just love aubrey. she was an adorable, sweet little girl who grew into a smart, wonderful, incredible teenager. her journey is so special to me, especially as an afab person. aubrey often gets pushed aside due to being a girl (people try to deny it but it's the truth), when really, her journey is a perfect coming-of-age arc that fully encompasses the game's message: self-forgiveness.
aubrey knows how to forgive herself, and she doesn't expect forgiveness from anyone else. she does the best she can, and then continues on, always aiming higher, always trying to be better. sometimes, she makes mistakes. sometimes, she falls into holes and has to dig her way back up to where she started. but she never STOPS.
i just love aubrey so much.
okay! hero and kel!
so while i am obsessed with their brotherly dynamic, i regret to inform you that they are not really all that similar to roman and remus in my opinion? i see some similarities, but their relationship to me is extremely different, in a cool and interesting way!
hero is the older brother. he is around three years older than kel i believe, and he is responsible, charming, dorky, and the poor guy is a bit of a people-pleaser. he has a strong passion for cooking, and he loves taking care of his friends and his brother, making sure that everyone's safe and happy. he takes on the role of the sort of parental friend alongside his late girlfriend, mari, and he always acts with a royalty-like decorum.
until his girlfriend passes away, and he is left all alone.
hero blames himself. he hates himself for not being there for his girlfriend in her last moments. he thinks it's all his fault that she's dead to begin with. and he starts to become very, very depressed. he stops cooking and decides to give in to his parents pressuring him to go to college (for either medicine or law, i don't remember). he can't get out of bed. he can't move on. he's frozen in time.
eventually, hero heals with the help of his large support system. being an extremely likeable person, hero has a lot of people by his side as he struggles with mari's death. and when he's able to, he tries hard to be there like he was before. to be responsible, to be charming, to be the perfect oldest child, the perfect friend, the perfect son. everything has to be shining and perfect, and- oh, he's still in the trenches and he's pretending to cope when really, his grief is taking on the form of intense perfectionism? oh dang, okay, then.
but in all seriousness, hero's story is one that shows that healing is not always linear and that everything is not as it seems. he's also such a sweetheart, and i love how he tries so hard to support kel and his friends through everything.
speaking of kel! let's talk about him! now kel is not my favorite character, but he's far and away the most similar to me. he's sporty, he's got energy for days, he never thinks before he speaks, he does crazy shit, he's curious, he explores, he always tries to find the how, the why, and the solution. he's a problem solver and a go-getter.
the problem?
everything he's expected to do, every problem he's expected to solve, hero's done it already.
hero is clearly the child who gets more positive attention in the family, and kel can't deny that he deserves it. hero gets perfect grades, he's so kind and smart and gentle and perfect, how is kel supposed to keep up?
it's heavily implied that kel has some form of adhd. he struggles with sitting still and impulse control, he feels very strongly about fairness and justice. he struggles in school, but adores being active and playing sports like basketball. kel is the kind of person who tries so hard, even though things don't come easy.
and he is endlessly loyal. honestly, i think that's one of kel's biggest flaws. he's very loyal, to the point where he'll support somebody who's blatantly wrong just because they're his friend. while this is a bit of a dangerous trait to have, it is admirable in its own way because this makes kel a very trustworthy person. it's easy to tell where one stands with kel. he isn't the kind to be a very convincing faker.
he and hero seem very different, but they truly fit together like a glove. despite occasional tensions, they love each other more than life, and their weaknesses and strengths balance out so beautifully. kel tries to pull hero out of perfectionism, convincing him to relax and enjoy life instead of stressing over whether or not everything is perfect. hero reassures kel that he's enough, no matter what people say. hero makes sure that kel gets all the love and attention he deserves, since he knows the playing field isn't even, and he knows that it's not right.
i just love them.
i love all three of them so much.
thank you for asking!! this was so fun to make!
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fandomele · 5 years
Same anon here & holy shit I didn't know the SC fandom got that awful. As a rule I tend to stay in my lane and read fanfics about my fav ships so I don't go to Twitter often for content. Fans can be very hypocritical & I think it's b/c people feel the need to justify liking things so much now that they bend over backwards to seem in the right. The Joker is one of my all time fav villains but I'm not gonna pretend he isn't terrible just so people won't judge me for liking a fictional character
yeah, I mean... I have shipped things that weren’t exactly completely healthy for the characters or super progressive or whatever simply because I liked them (while being like “it’s fine if you don’t like it, but I interpret it this way and I can see how it could become healthy if this and that happened, and with therapy, and I like their general interactions so I can also imagine aus where the bad things didn’t happen”). It’s a matter of tastes. And sometimes I do interpret a character in a very nice way and other people hate the same character, that’s fine too, and we can argue whether that character is good or bad or what. Sometimes I will ship the white, straight couple even when given different options if I like their dynamic, I shipped Willow and Oz from Buffy more than I shipped Willow and Tara.  Both canon romances but because Willow and Tara were both sweet together, until it got darker, it was more boring to me than Oz, who was so funny. Simple as that. Legends of Tomorrow? Sara and Ava kinda disliked each other, then flirted and bantered and I was sold. It’s all about personality, I won’t automatically ship something based on gender. But I also won’t claim that I ship Sara and Ava because of wlw representation and shipping something else is homophobic, or that my ships are morally superior and all that. (Though I do feel happy even just when couples that involve minorities exist, because people need that, and give ‘points’ to show who have them. The two things can co-exist)It’s just way different from saying ‘I ship this because -representation- and it’s perfect and healthy and must happen, and if you don’t ship it you are racist/homophobic/misogynistic and evil, and this show is queerbaiting us because... one character cares for the other and the actresses sometimes glance at each other’s lips much like the rest of the population does while talking’. Not to mention how much some of those fans confuse characters with actors and straight up torment real people over their jobs until they get blocked, and then use it as proof that they are bad people. How you behave with other real people really determines if you are a decent person or not, it’s not which character you like that does it. Or even why. 
But then, most of these fans were in the Emma x Regina fandom in once upon a time. They are fans who, beside bullying everybody else while claiming to be the victim, did things such as accusing Jennifer Morrison of supporting rape culture because Jen was happy that fans of her canon ship, Emma x Hook, had made a tea dedicated to it. That level of detachment from reality and entitlement. And they kept getting angrier, getting more people into their group while feeding them their teachings and expecting them to be as angry, and inviting them to be, and attracting other people who felt that way and who made it even worse, and then they all moved to a new fandom, supergirl, where they picked a kinda similar couple, Kara and Lena, and from the beginning were as obsessed and demanding as they were by the end of once upon a time, and from there it kept escalating too, exactly because that’s how group dynamic works. They have reached incredibly unacceptable levels and some day, when supergirl is over, they’ll migrate to a new show where they will start attacking everyone and invading all tags to ‘conquer’ the fandom and fight all those ‘bad shippers’ who ship other ships and must be ‘taught’ that they are immoral for it, and escalate from there as well. It’s a cycle, it just happens that it always gets more extreme as time goes by and more people join in. And the poor normal fans of the same thing are either forced to adapt, to hide, or to stay very far away so they won’t be confused with them. 
And yes, some fans did brag, years ago, about how they were teaching karamel fans a lesson because we were mysoginistic, supporting rape culture, racist and homophobic and abuse apologists for shipping Kara and Mon El, and by posting anti-karamel in all tags and pro-supercorp as well, they were effectively ruining the chance for fans to 1 enjoy the show 2 enjoy their tumblr time 3 find other fans who liked the same things and 4, in the case of young impressionable fans, they made them wonder if they were doing something bad by shipping Kara and Mon El and be ashamed of themselves.So in the end Karamel fans became quieter, didn’t post in the karamel tag because you wouldn’t scroll down to find posts there if you had to scroll down hundreds of anti ones, you’d just get in a bad mood, and only talked to their close friends and mutual followers without tagging, while those supercorpers had ‘won’ the tags.
This is just an example too but I have no doubt that they’ll pull the same ‘technique’ in the next fandom, unless it’s big like the ouat one was in which case they’ll get shut down by several groups of people. But if it’s smaller like Supergirl’s? Yeah, they’ll purposefully ruin the tag system and claim to be doing that because of social justice related reasons and then that they are in fact victims and bullied themselves. And at the same time exaggerate their fave characters’ qualities to make them good and pure and a victim so that they can prove they have the moral high ground on that too. 
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aftgonice · 7 years
I'm not sure if this is weird but maybe story time I guess. There was this anon that bashed one of my fav authors.. Said that they wondered why author was so well liked when said author is self centered and doesn't really have good work. Several minutes later, messages came pouring in. Author's mutuals defended said author and well of course, said anon's an asshole and all that (to be continued) - 💙
I’m not close with fav author and I know that anon is asshole but when I saw the comments from author’s mutuals, all I could think is how much envy that anon felt after.. And maybe it’s because I’m not a mutual to the author, but I empathize with the anon more.. (to be continued) - 💙
I saw myself then and there, how shitty I was and how I lost respect from potential friends/peers and how much it sucked that said anon just being bashed by other’s when really that anon might be a lonely person who just wants someone to talk to.. (to be continued) - 💙
And it just made me want to reach out and say these things, support them, tell them on their bullshit without telling them off that they’re the worst human being ever (because really human’s are flawed and that said human probably just need a friend.. That.. Or they really are an asshole.. I wouldn’t know haha but it just.. It stung my feels so hard… - 💙
Sorry if this is becoming an angst fest hahaha it seemed like a weird thing for me I guess soooo yea I just shared.. Anyways have some 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 - 💙
Hey Blue Heart Anon!!! (I love that you sign your messages)
Okay, first of all, thank you so much for these messages! They’re really personal so I want to thank you for opening up and most of all trusting me with these.
Secondly, I need to make it clear that something similar happened in my circle of mutuals (and I think it’s likely that you’re referring to exactly the same episode I witnessed). I don’t know why I feel like I should point it out but I guess it’s a disclaimer I want to have here in case my mutuals think this episode touches them personally.
Okay. Now. 
You, dear Blue Heart Anon, have a great heart and a very sensitive soul and I appreciate it a lot. And let me tell you, while reading your messages I could see my own thought process and I could see myself writing the exact same things. Are you actually me?
You see, when people find a way (here the way is anonymity) to be needlessly mean like that anon was (from here on: Mean Anon), it means they’re envious and jealous. So when they say: “your work isn’t good enough”, what they say is: “I’ve never written anything in my life and I’m jealous that you’re writing something and are so successful”. 
It’s perfectly fine not to like someone’s work, and depending on what type of content they create there are ways to let them know. For example, it’s essential to the book industry that published books get honest reviews from readers. But books are something you pay for, and there’s a whole market behind them, and the reviews don’t go to the authors themselves (unless they do decide to read them, but reviews are supposed to be for other reviewers/readers and for the publishers).
When dealing with fanfiction or fanart, obviously everything is very different from what I described about the book industry. First of all, any criticism (unless the author/artist asked for it, usually in the form of constructive criticism) should be kept to yourself. That’s because content creators are giving you something for free, they’re often exposing themselves in a way they would never do with their friends and family, and you’re just a witness to what they chose to let you see. And unless they gifted their work to you specifically, you chose to click on their work and could have stopped consuming it at any point. So, unless the author asked for criticism, you simply leave, maybe even unfollow them, but that’s it. 
(Sometimes a fic/work is very offensive and it hurts a group of people, that has happened in two of my fandoms and that’s a whole other thing to deal with, but I wanna try to keep this as short and as in-topic as possible.)
TL;DR so far: generally speaking, if something is free and you are somehow able to talk to the content creator directly, do not criticize. 
Let me go back to the comparison with the book industry a little bit.
I feel like there is this barrier we see between ourselves and someone we know is a published author. Even if you can talk to them via twitter these days, we still see them as automatically better than us.
This barrier doesn’t exist on tumblr. We see authors or artists interact with other people we follow or even our mutuals. Maybe we’re mutuals with some of them. We actually talk to them and share many of the same interests as them. 
So when we see their success (a bit like we’d see a published author’s success), it’s much easier to both identify with them and also to ask ourselves, “Why not me?”
If my mutual or this person I follow is just a “common person” like me, maybe even someone I have talked to, what do they have that makes them more successful than I am?
We aren’t envious of something that we know is almost impossible for us to achieve. To change metaphor a bit, we don’t send hate messages to, let’s say, the greatest pianist of our generation, because it’s very unlikely that we could have ever competed for that spot ourselves (unless we’re a great pianist too). 
We are most envious of what we could see ourselves achieving, and yet don’t.
We don’t because we aren’t brave enough to try, to put ourselves out there, and that’s okay! Not everybody needs to be writing or drawing, but the thing is: we see that there’s only one tiny step between Doing The Thing and Not Doing The Thing, and content creators on tumblr are just one step further than other tumblr users (the ones who only reblog and send nice messages and that we all love because we wouldn’t have an audience without them). 
That’s where Mean Anon comes in. Envy is normal and natural, and a healthy amount of it is actually what drives you to do better and put yourself out there, as long as you recognize it for what it is and put it to good use.
But people like Mean Anon aren’t able to take that envy and turn it into something productive, so they twist it and turn it to something ugly like hate messages (all as anons, of course, because they would never show their faces while saying those things). 
And you, dear Blue Heart Anon, are absolutely right. Mean Anon is probably unhappy IRL for whatever reason (@ Mean Anon or whoever identifies and sees themself as a possible Mean Anon: I don’t know you and I don’t want to make any more assumptions about you, but I hope you’ll somehow see this message and maybe it’ll help you) and coming on this site where creating and being successful is so potentially easy that it seems like everybody could do it must be really hard (and no, that’s not sarcasm: it really is hard to see others succeed while we simply don’t, no matter if it’s IRL or here).
It’s okay and it’s good for us to acknowledge that there are real people with real feelings behind these Mean Messages, because sadly they won’t stop coming, so we might as well try to understand why they act the way they do. True, some people are just pure assholes and that’s it, but I think when we’re talking specifically about someone attacking someone else because of their success, there’s always envy at the root of the problem.
And envy is one of the worst feelings ever. I talked about how Mean Anons are probably people who were never able to take that step towards creating something, but we all experience envy even if we create content ourselves. The same people who got hate messages probably envy someone else they deem more successful than them.
I envy some of my mutuals every day because they are faster writers than I am, or they write stuff that attracts more people, or whatever reason, and on bad days I need to take a step back and be off tumblr for a bit, but at the end I turn that into a way to push forward or tell myself that it’s okay if this is the best I can do. 
Their success is not your failure. There is a role for everybody and you just have to find yours. 
I don’t think it’s my place to tell people how to react to this particular kind of Mean Anons (the envious ones). I can’t blame people at all for treating them like the assholes they are, especially in the heat of the moment. The thing is, Mean Anons are bullies that, regardless of their reasons and personal history, want to intimidate others because that’s much easier than showing them support, because they have no one to properly vent their anger and frustration to, so they vomit all over you and your shit and that might give them a tiny bit of satisfaction right away, but believe me, they’ll feel like shit afterwards. Even if they don’t feel like shit about what they said, they just keep feeling like shit because living life this way only makes you more bitter and sad and there’s no way out unless you start loving yourself and others.
So, this turned into one of my longest rants yet, but I’m really grateful for your messages, Blue Hearts Anon. Keep seeing good in people even when they’re in the wrong and when they’re flawed, as long as you acknowledge that what they do is shitty. Maybe one of these Mean Anons will meet you or come across your nice messages and will feel understood and won’t harass anyone anymore.
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Sigh* I’m not doing anything else today soooo...
Sour Sharon’s seem to be under the impression that we’re angry, but the truth is they are the bitter ones. Yeah, the kiss repulsed most people. It was disgusting and disturbing and took Steve out character. But guess what? Marvel is about to pretend it didn’t happen. Marvel is about to pretend that Sharon didn’t happen.
Why did you say this? What was your point here? Because even so, it doesn’t change it happened. Much like how they can pretend Betty Ross or the entirety of The Incredible Hulk didn’t happen (extremely underrated btw), but it’s still a thing that happened. Bruce/Nat (also universally hated) was a thing- and as much as people hated that and/or ignored it- it didn’t change the fact it happened. Trust me, Marvel won’t forget about it as much as people like to take about it whether they hated Staron or not.
She’s not going to be in Infinity Wars. She and that kiss were universally panned by audiences and critics alike. That’s a fact! Read any review. And producers had to come out and clarify that Staron wasn��t technically incest because audiences were so repulsed. Which after the release of CW was all they ever said about Sharon and Staron. Hardly a statement of belief in the character or “relationship!” New merchandise didn’t stem from Sharon’s appearance in the MCU.
More rambling as if it’s going to change how I’m supposed to change how I felt about the kiss. You’re right, universally hated I’m afraid I have to admit, but why do we have to reminded? I’ve seen the reviews- and I still don’t see much problems with it, the movie all together was a mess but no one’s talking about that- instead we’re all still pressed over this kiss as if the movie revolved around it. More important things happened in this movie that I wish more people would talk about, but we’re still arguing over a kiss.
Most Marvel women don’t get merchandise... Where’s your outrage over that? Marvel hates making female merchandise, given how Maya Hensen role as the IM3 villain was dropped because Marvel said she wouldn’t sale. #wheresmygamora? Remember that? People still want more Black Widow merch and a movie, Marvel’s second most popular female to Peggy, and even she gets shafted to side in the execs hands.? Marvel favored Peggy for a long time and I get the hype was real with her TV show and her cameos on AOS, Age of Ultron, Ant Man or wherever else. But if you all can’t see she’s being favored over other Marvel women who are shafted then that’s sad. You’re privileged, of course be proud.
The actress who played her has never been invited to a convention as a guest. If anything, playing Sharon hurt her career. She was out of work for year and had to return to TV as a supporting player, not a lead. And even in the comics now, Sharon is being written as an antagonist, maybe even a villain, for a beloved character. And if anyone should try and read her there now, that’s what they are going to see of her: Sharon bullying a young black girl.
I think saying CW hurt her career is a bit harsh, if she finally got some work then that’s good for her, granted it maybe isn’t what she hoped but from what I last read she’s still under contract with Marvel they could very much decide to use her again some time- especially when they go with the BuckyCap arc she could be a supporting player who knows. Emily was put in a bad position, if she had more screen time prior I think most people would’ve warmed up to her, Hollywood would possibly see her as a saleable actress and will sign her for projects left and right. It is not soley Emily’s fault she’s been thrown under the bus because of CW.
Yes, Marvel is making everybody assholes now if you haven’t been paying attention- if I recall they made Magneto HYDRA, of course Cap as well, if they’re going to touch Sharon with that mess then that’s unfortunate that an overall well-loved character would be written in such a way. Congratulations, you may have legitimate reasons to hate her now.
but guess what Sour Sharon’s – YOU LOSE. You can blame misogyny and sexism and ship wars all you like, but Sharon had her shot to move into the mainstream and people hated her. The character will never recover from being Peggy’s poor substitute, her incestuous niece. Sharon Carter is either completely forgettable or completely hated by mainstream media, and I’m glad. Be sour – sour Sharon’s because no one liked your fav.
I didn’t know we were competing...
It’s good to know you feel this way......
Anyway, If you weren’t so mad then why did you make this confession? And why is it in the tag? And why are you still pressed over how we feel? We’re here in this tag because we’re mostly a community that loves Sharon and it’s you guys who are coming here and telling us why you don’t like her or why we should hate her, you’re trying to make yourselves heard to a group of fans who are going to refute you? Which I don’t understand it honestly. If you guys really cared to prove how bad a human Sharon is we’d get more of these types of posts publicly, the hate blog would cross tag their posts in places other than Sharon related tags, and we probably wouldn’t be here, but again it’s just one...two people who we can, for the most part, tolerate like I’ve learned to tolerate MOST things that’s said from anti blogs but now and then I see the incoherent mess and I’m obliged to say something.
-Mod T
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