#But the last time it's shown up was in Squilf
bonefall · 2 years
rosetail being aromantic is SO funny she's so invested in everyones' relationships and lives but has no interest in them herself she's literally just living for the drama
i hc her as a matchmaker as opposed to just shipping people, loudly, to them. like.. she's the one who gets people like redtail and runningwind together because she's sat there like "Redtail is loyal and patient but Runningwind is impulsive and passionate... they'd make a great match.
also its so dumb that ROSETAIL (known for having a RED TAIL) isnt related to REDTAIL (known for having a RED TAIL)
Aromantic Rosetail is REAL
I imagine her as the sort of aromantic person who loves the idea of romance, and love being this magic force that she's just waiting to strike her one day... and it never comes. She wants to understand it so badly that she's just blind-guessing who's in love with whom, until it evolves into actually deconstructing the actual idea of romance itself.
I think she'd have a period in her life where she meets it with some despair, realizing that isn't not that she can't have it, but she doesn't want it.
A deep sense of wrongness when she does, at last, have the opportunity. She turns it down.
She eventually has her kittens, happily invoking the Queen's Rights so she doesn't have to bother with the complications of a mate. The sire was out of the Clan, too, just so she would EXTRA not have to worry about it.
Thistleclaw is maaaaaaadddd, but at that point Rosetail is a lot happier with her lifelong friends Thrushpelt and Bluefur, the deputy, than her crummy brother.
Rosetail's kits... albert einstein Redtail and Spottedleaf. She DEFINITELY matchmade Red and Runner.
"Redtail when are you giving me grandkits"
"MOM!! We're only DATING."
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mud-castle · 3 years
I originally found you from your Alt Squilf and Alt Firestar video you made a few weeks ago and allright, I gotta say that Pag1 I'm thrilled! I also adore the name Paprika. However, I have some questions. How is alt Hawkfrost like? Does he even exist? I thought that instead of trapping firestar in the foxtrap because Tigerstar clones shall rule the forest, he instead wants to help out his half brother so that he doesn't need to live constantly in the fear of Firestar's shadow. Actually, what ha-
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Hawkfrost exists, he's just born earlier so he actually did know Tigerstar when he was alive.
Hawk is disinterested in Bramble when he sees how soft he is. He still trains with Tigerstar in the Dark Forest. Tiger mostly paid attention to Tawnypelt, so Hawk likes his attention. He never becomes Leopardstar's deputy since Stonefur was alive and Mistyfoot was never captured. He's not all that interested in becoming leader until he notices how much his dad wants him to.
He aids in the assassination of Leopardstar and becomes Mistystar's deputy (they didn't make a deal that if he helped her he'd be deputy, she just likes the amount of loyalty he shows). Misty is wary that he's not satisfied with his position and will try something, but it's not something she can prove. So, she leaves it for a while. He sets a trap that Misty escapes (probably sans one life) and she's had enough. She still can't prove that he set it up, but if he wants to play dirty, she can play dirty. After all, accidents happen.
Tawnypaw leaves right after her first day as an apprentice (aka the day after she's shown the territory) she doesn't feel safe and is not going to risk it. She tries to convince Bramblepaw to come with her, but he's too idealistic and insists Thunderclan will see him for his true self eventually.
She joins Tigerstar and for a while feels welcome. She's basically Tiger's right hand cat in training. But Fire starts slowly turning the conjoined clans against him behind his back and Tawnypelt tries to warn Tiger, but he's unwilling to listen and she doesn't have concrete evidence.
After Tigerstar's death she books it out of there before anything can happen to her. That's the last seen of her.
I added the neighborhood dogs to Paprika's story as a hint that they would be part of the Hope Colony since that heavily implies that they speak cat and/or vice versa.
I don't think the owners would be too concerned about their dogs barking at cats as long as they don't kill them (cause then they'd have to deal with the possibility of having someone's dead pet).
I like to think that the fences have gates with simple latches that a cat could jump on and maneuver, or a taller dog could maybe figure out. The dogs tend to be out and about either at night when their owners sleep or during the hours their owners work depending on each's situation.
And, during the time the colony was smaller, cats without homes started to hide with their kits in the dogs' yards (maybe on the bushes or hedges or under the decks or something) as the clan cats won't risk a fight with a sizable dog. This practice is still there, but more for high-risk cats who have caught the clans' eye.
Also, the Hope Colony dogs are not the same as the pack that gets loose in the forest.
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