#Sandstorm and Longtail are now the kits of Runningred
bonefall · 2 years
rosetail being aromantic is SO funny she's so invested in everyones' relationships and lives but has no interest in them herself she's literally just living for the drama
i hc her as a matchmaker as opposed to just shipping people, loudly, to them. like.. she's the one who gets people like redtail and runningwind together because she's sat there like "Redtail is loyal and patient but Runningwind is impulsive and passionate... they'd make a great match.
also its so dumb that ROSETAIL (known for having a RED TAIL) isnt related to REDTAIL (known for having a RED TAIL)
Aromantic Rosetail is REAL
I imagine her as the sort of aromantic person who loves the idea of romance, and love being this magic force that she's just waiting to strike her one day... and it never comes. She wants to understand it so badly that she's just blind-guessing who's in love with whom, until it evolves into actually deconstructing the actual idea of romance itself.
I think she'd have a period in her life where she meets it with some despair, realizing that isn't not that she can't have it, but she doesn't want it.
A deep sense of wrongness when she does, at last, have the opportunity. She turns it down.
She eventually has her kittens, happily invoking the Queen's Rights so she doesn't have to bother with the complications of a mate. The sire was out of the Clan, too, just so she would EXTRA not have to worry about it.
Thistleclaw is maaaaaaadddd, but at that point Rosetail is a lot happier with her lifelong friends Thrushpelt and Bluefur, the deputy, than her crummy brother.
Rosetail's kits... albert einstein Redtail and Spottedleaf. She DEFINITELY matchmade Red and Runner.
"Redtail when are you giving me grandkits"
"MOM!! We're only DATING."
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I have spent a total of 3 hours attempting to create a clear enough (and clean enough) bloodline tree for ThunderClan. It’s been. A fucking time.
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mistblaze · 5 months
Queen´s Right rules, folks! I can do whatever the fuck I want with Rosetail´s kits, it´s glorious. We´ll get to Thistle-asshole when I untangle the Bluekin-line.
White text is what I put in initially, blue text is when I went back to put in something I needed for their decendants to work.
In here as a fomality and to give her kids the Ginger genes. She´s a diluted tortie with a really funky pattern. The pattern in tories is developmental, so I´m taking creative liberties. Other than canon, her ears are also cream, as well as some cream spots up both front legs that look like rose petals. The rest is allll blue mackarel tabby with white underbelly. Why white underbelly? Because Redtail.
B/ O/ d/d A/a MC/ L/l W/S
We´ll start with Spotty because she´s a genetical dead end. Because Rosetail claimed Queen´s Rights, we don´t know what Spotty´s and Red´s dad looked like, so we can dump whatever we want in their genes. Now, Spottedleaf. Dark tortioseshell with white in canon. I also envision her as solid under all the brindling and a shorthair. I´m not settled on her final design yet, I might go with @bonefall´s idea to give her a skull mask and a blighted leaf cape or I do something else, but anyways.
B/ O/ D/d a/a L/L W/S
So I don´t know wtf Redtail´s canon design is. He´s always been mostly white in my head. Also, in case it wasn´t obvious, he´s trans, because male torties don´t happen without a mutation. So Redtail is a white longhair with black and red ears and a mostly red tail with black rings. And yes, he´s a tabby under all that but it only really shows on his tail because the rest is white.
B/bl O/o D/d A/a Mc/mc l/l S/S
Bonefall infected me with the Runningred brainworm so now you shall suffer with me. He´s described as a light brown tabby, so I´m making him a cinnamon for reasons we´ll get to later. He has no white and I say he´s mackarel. I have no reasons not to stick with that, so.
bl/bl o/o D/d A/ Mc/ L/ W/W
Runningred´s oldest kit, a single kit. Unfortunately, Redtail´s ginger doesn´t make it past himself. Longtail is described as a pale brown tabby with black stripes, which makes me wonder if he´s a black tabby with a high contrast or someone didn´t understand how tabbies work. I´m going with the first option. Also, he has to have some white, but I´m not solid on where it is yet.
B/bl o/o D/D A/ Mc/Mc L/l W/S
Sandstorm´s design trips people up because we´re trying to make her cream, but @littlehungrywarriorcats brought up a fantastic idea. Behold:
bl/bl o/o d/d A/A Mc/mc L/l W/S
Fawn looks a lot like cream, and it avoids me having to make her a diluted tortie. I would´ve gone with that, but she´s said to have stripes rather than being mottled, so here we are. Why does she have a classic tabby mc in there? That´s for her future kids to deal with. Little spoiler, their dad will not be Fireheart. She also has some white, a locket on her chest and white toes.
The future Generation
I want to have at least one kit in the new generation look like Redtail in miniature, and one kit is gonna be a classic tabby. Both Sandstorm and Longtail will have kits, but because their other parents aren´t mapped yet, I can´t do them yet. Anyways, that´s it for today.
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